a LE TT 0 GO ES ea e Nature's Cry for LL D= = GOLDSTEIN, 8 Remember Ijvisit Meyersdale every #wo weeks and guarantee allimy work. ¥ will make all necessary corrections and change of lens any time within two Wears absolutely free. Special arrange- ments and prices for Kryptok and Tor- | Particular attention given | Eyes and sight examined | #s Lenses. $o children. free. Overcoming of Headache, Ner- wousness, Dizziness, pains in the tem- ples, top and back of neck, watery and inflamed eyes, ete., &train) my specialty. No drops or , &lrugs used at time of examination of woyes. (Glasses fitted from $2.00 up. Eieadache can be Prevented by glasses, Aching Eye Balls and Dull ~ Headaches Sill Value Your Eyesight... Consult Be coLLne DRUG STORE, HARTLEY BLOCK. heat Meyersdale, Thursday and Friday, April 17-18, From 8:30 A. M. to 5:00 P. M. (produced by eye | Help. Heed It as You Eyesight Specialist, - and glasses scientifically fitted will preven serious results sure to follow [negleet. Your eyes are too important to be intrusted to an incompetent Op- | tician. | that you will get a service unequa led. Bear in mind that I am at Collins’ Drug Store, Meyersdale, Pa., eyery two weeks. Every pair of glasses I adjust | I will gnarantee for two years and will make any necessary changes of lenses | free of charge within that time. The one price pays for the care of your eyes for two years. Our responsibility never ceases, which means much to | those who wear glasses. are yours at all times The Corset for the Season | HER T modes. . figure Fashion Form Corsets only high are used in these models ; comfortable. salesladies are in attendance tween this season's corset and the models of previous seasons If you will try to wear a former season's corset with a new dress you will in- stantly see the difference. I his general change is very noticea- ble in H+ NDERS N CORSETS. The new HENDExsON models are st led and constructed to bring out every detail of the important fashion changes that distinguish this season’s HENDERSON has been individually designed for your ish. natural effect which is now the cor rect fashion. ‘HENDERSON You will like HenpErson CORSETS [hey are exceptionally well constructed; they arc accurate fitting and They range in price from $1 to $5. At our well equipped Corset Department competent onstrate the advantages of the corsets we sell, E is a marked difference be- When you wear the night Corsr7—the model that grade, serviceable materials to help you select and dem- ome Bloc'™- HARTLEY, CLUTTCN GO, THE WOMENS STORE Meyersdale, Pa J MAKING A HIT! " UR lin style, fit and wear. wn e of shoes has been making a hit with our friends because they Tom & Jim Shoes are correct in pocketbook. and Oxfords in Black, will make a big hit with your feet and with your | Why not give them a-try out ? We have a complete line of Spring Shoes Tan and White in and see us before you make your purchase. My reputation is a guarantee | Our services |, | town or out Come I TOM & JIM, HIGH CLASS MERCHANDISE. z BC For SALUE—A Three year old Colt Apply, to GEORGE H. ALBRIGHT, sm ch 27-tf ad (Sippleville) Meyersdale —— o Photographs and Picture frames at ¥Oonrad’s Studio at balf price. Sat- #gfaction guaranteed in every sale of ¥eotos or Frames. E. E. Courad. ad A CARD OF THANKS. We wish through the columns of The Commercial fo return our heart- | felt thanks to friends and neighbors for their kindness and sympathy dur- ing our recent bereayement. JOHNSTOWN NEWS. April 1—Thursday of last week Charles Bird, of the firm of Bird Brothers, poultry financiers,’ who re- sidle on Highland Farm, a few. miles southeast of Meyersdale, paid a visit to this city, and your corres- pondent had the pleasure of a chat with him. The Bird Brothers are leaders in their line of business, rais- ing and dealing in two famous strains -| of fowles—Giant Bronze Turkeys and Partridge Plymouth Rock Poultry. Their record at poultry shows is al- most without parallel, frequently taking more first prizes than all other competitors combined. Two Ex-Sheriffs of Somerset coun- ty— W. CO. Begley and Edward Hoov- er, both of Somerset were yisitors to the ‘Flood Oity’’ last week. George Donges, of Meyersdale, the prominent meat merchantand cattle dealer, passed through Johnstown Friday last on his way to the East- ern cities on a business errand. Mr. and Mrs. F. U. Daugherty, of Listie, were in the city one day last week shopping and calling upon rela- tives and friends. The seyeral Johnstown manufactur- ing concerns are running full time and the city and its environs seem to be enjoying an era of prosperity. It is authoritatively ‘Cambria Steel Company, which em- ploys many thousands of men, have ‘car orders enough in advanee to keep ‘their plant running full time, day and night turns, until the middle of 1914, and notwithstanding this, orders r cars are still being booked. Among those from Somerset county ‘who were here during the last week attending the District Conference of Western Pennsylvania, Church of ithe Brethren, we noticed the follow- ‘ing: Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Horner, and S. D. Gnagey of Meyersdale! M 3. Peck and Eld. Silas Hoover, of Somerset, D. W. Long and Dr. R. TI. Pollard, Garrett, and Eld. P. J. Blough, Hooversville. The storm last week, which lasted only a few minutes, did considerable ‘damage on Main and Bedford streets ‘in the way of blowing down electric signs and smashing plate glass store fronts. Sunday morning we met W. T. ‘Williams, whose name for years in Meyersdale was synonomous with interests. After coming to Johnstown for a time Mr. Williams conducted the Park Place Livery, which was among the best in Johnstown, but he disposed of the business and now holds & lucrative position with the Loraine Steel company in Moxham. Mr. Williams resides on Somerset street, one of Johnstown’s most de- sirable residence stréets Frank Gardner and Roy Younkin are also getting along very nicely and *‘Brad’’ Graham is daylight chef for the Elk club, and is also a member of the Lennex club who have their headquarters in the Hannon Block on Franklin street. The Lennex club supports the famous Lennex basket ball team which played and defeated the Broadway A. C., past season. Gilbert Shumaker, a son of Mr. and Mrs. D. F. Shumaker, of Moxham, reports- the family all well. There are many other Meyers- dale people hereiwhom] we have not yet seen, but will remember them in fature letters to The Commercial. MuTT. A NEW THEATRE. The Gurley jewelry and sporting goods stores will be transformed into the Bijou Theatre by June 15th. For several years Mr. Gurley tried to rent those desirable rooms so that he could give all his time to the automobile business. Talking pictures will be the specialty of the Bijou Theatre. The large rooms have now been rent- ed and Mr. Gurley will now devote all his time to the garage. Board for two in a modern house in of tcwn. Good pay. Inquire at The Commercial. ad CARD OF THANKS. We wish to thank the friends and neighbors for the help rendered and | sympaty extended during our recent bereavement. MRs. J. A. TRESSLER, AND FAMILY. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S : CASTORIA We have a num- Eber of watches 8 which were left at our store for re- pairs and not call- § 2d for which we || = wish to dispose of. Come Early and Get a Bargain T. W. GURLEY, | Jeweler, RD AND FAMILY. stated that the |- during the | ‘wells four and five. COUNCIL ‘MEETING Council met in regular session on Tuesday evening. President Dis call- ed the meeting to order at £: Present—Dia, Darnley, oy - ‘Ban- man and Deal. Absent—Weakland and Bolden. The minutes of the preceding meet- ings, regular and adjourned were read and approved. Harvey Stahl was present and re- ferred to Act 7, Section 8. Council granted permission on payment of $10.00 license and in compliance with certain specified conditions. W. H. Deeter asked permission to lay a narrow guage track from the Meyersdale Planing Mill across the street to the lumber yard No. 2. Council wlll view the place of fthe contemplated track. Dr. Lichty and Clarence Moore of the Board of Health were present with reference to the old mill race. BILLS PRESENTED. W. H.Klingaman, Health Office...85.80 H. E. Bauman 3 gripe | to Som- The above bills were ordered paid. Cunningham Lumber Co., 15.30. Held over. The burgess report was read. A communication was read from Appel & Glessner asking for the im- provement of Clay street. Referred to the street committee. A commu- nication from Mr. Friend of the W.M. to improvements before the surrenacr of bond. Referred to the street com- mittee. The secretary is to commu- M. R. R. In reicrence to the sewerage sys- tem anc . isposal plant, B. J. Lynch is to fini wu the work conforming to the dena. us of the State officials. No rep rt fromgthe.Treasurer. =Financ : committee, is] to takeliup the matter with reference to Zajoity surveyor. report. Finance Committee. No report. Street Committee reported. Mr. Hamilton complained the water is running in his yard. ‘Refer- red to committee. With reference to the Old Mill Race council ic ok this action: levees to be repsi,ruri ‘n watermus pass through the race4and fhe race must be cleaned at least twice a y' ar, or abandon the old race . Compliance to this request must be made by May 1st. or legal step wil! "eo taken to have the race abandoned. The 1i..ance comr i’ ee was instruct- ed to have N. T. Boose and the City Thurs ay evening. Adjourned. TWO MORE GOOD WELLS IN OKLAHOMA Dr. H. C. McKinley, who is acting as representative of the Oklahoma City Oil Company, has received word that the company has brought in The first of these new wells was brought in on later. Well number four came in with a great roar that could be heard for several miles and at first looked to be a great gasser. It quickiy began to spray oil, bowever, and the opinion of the field mapager is that it will blow itself into a good oil well of from 50 to 60 barrels daily output. All of last Saturday it was spraying oil high aboye the derrick. The pay sand in the other well was reached last Friday evening and on Satur- day morning the oil stood in the hole fifteen hundrei feet and the well at that time had not been shot. This may turn out to be the company’s best producer as it looks good for 150 barrels or ore. The company now has five wells altogether and within the next two weeks drilling will be started on the sixth. The policy of the company is to set aside "earnings for dividends, thus all new developments must be made from the proceeds of the sale of stock. The stock is offered at one dollar a share. Before accepting the agency of the company Dr. McKin- ley made inquiry from reliable sources in. Oklahoma and found that the state- ments contained in the prospectus were true and that the management is,in “the hands of reputable and suc cessful business men of Oklahoma City. : If you wonld like to make an in- vestment which is not only safe but will with reasonable certainty, make | big profits for the shareholders it | would be well to get in touch with | Dr. H.C. McKinley, of Meyersdale, | without delay. W change | and terms on which stock may now in price be bought is expected to take place | at an early date. (Adv.) Lagi As long as the present stock of | goods last, we will make photographs {at one half the regular | portrait frames will also go at the all goods first class and up to | price. All same rate. We guarantee to be strictly date. E. E. Conrad. - ad MORE ice ionloi vor iii iiiisesen 122.67 | ‘N. Klingaman’s son’s team for Japuary.............. .......-kwensaz 10.00 D.R. Cramer, bread.................. 2.20 R. R. was read with furcher reference nicate the specific wishes t< the W. Water and Light Committee,” No | RESOLVED, THHT BED IS A GREAT IN= STITUTION THAT 1S AT- TENDED = BY EVERYONE NIGHTLY: OUR BEDS ARE N BUSTER HIS BED ARE WIDE AWAKE IN THE FURNITURE BUSINESS. BUSTER Brown, 2 YoU CAN NoT PUT ANYTHING INTO YOUR HOME THAT WILL PLEASE YOUR HUSBAND YoU KNoW THE MAN WHO EARNS THE BREAD MUST BE RESTED WHEN HE GOES TO HIS CHARM oF AROOM To HAVE IT DECORATED WITH A BEAUTIFUL BED. FOR ANYTHING IN UP-TO-DATE FURNITURE WE HAVE IT. WE HAVE A COMPLETE SToCK OF WALL PAPER, CARPETS, RUGS, LACE CURTAINS, LINOLEUM, SEWING MACHINES AND MUSICAL GooDs. FUNERAL DIRECTORS AND EM— BALMER S. IN THIS LINE WE ARE UP - To - DATE IN EVERYTHING. CALLS ANSWERED DAY oR NIGHT. REICH & SON, Faneral Directors and Embalmars. (30 Centr; Street, “Both iis a PN GooD To SLEEP IN, BUT WE © MORE THAN A GooD, COMFORTABLE BED. | EY WORK, AND YoU KNow How IT ADDS To THER Nr Solictor at an adjourned meeting next | March 25th, and the other three days || BUYING NEWS WORTH READING ! WE OFFER SOME = Special Bargains For Friday. and Saturday Of this week. Come in and look over our stock. + 8c Prunes, 4 pounds for........ . . 25¢. 125c Prunes, Spoundsfor..... . .. ... 25¢ . 1bc Prunes, 2pounds for: ............. 25¢ 3 full-pound packages Seeded Raisins.... 25¢ 2 full-pound packages Seedless Raisins... 25¢ 2 full-pound packages Fancy Currants. ... 25¢ » Premier Prepared Breakfast Flour, package 10c Medium size Brooms at 25¢ larger Brooms at"... -....0...... 35¢ Good Brooms .at........... ..0.... i 0 40c Ladies’ Favorite Brooms at.... ........ 50¢ Finest quality Brooms at. ......... ....... 55¢ Swansdown Graham Flour.......... ..... 23c¢’ Swangdown Cake Flour...... ..... 7... 23¢ Fair quality loose Coffeeat. ............. 22¢ Good quality loose Coffeeat.... ......... 25¢ Real good loose Coffee at ............... 28¢ Perfect Breakfast Coffee, very fine quality 30c¢ 40c Premier Coffee. ................... 38¢ Bridal Tomato Soup, finest quality ...... 8c , Full pound can Salmon............ 10¢ Better grade’ Salmon... ... .. 4... 12%c Alaska Pink Salmon... ......... i... 15¢ Argo Red Salmon................. . 20c ol Royal Chenook Salmon, finest packed.... 25¢ MOKENZIE & SITH NAUGLE BLOCK, MEYERSDALE, PA. as a iia et 03 eR TAIN] ne ed § re 3 a a a A (| eM 1)