\ TA ¥ DS “ mn sealed eensctvoantiir salina se oo Bei i Ml i fg Ee —————— u ox . a in a Behind Sa a % . 5 a ar aa. 2 SOCTKLISY 51 00 Ln Through. IZ oom courtesy: of The © E. Commercial this column, until § further notice, will be edited by a § ® member of the Socialist Party to ¥ § present the news and views of So- 4 B cialism -1he Editor of The Com § mercial i8 not responsible for any views expressed in this column. § Communications for this column should be addressed direct to fis ¥ 8 Hditor. Questions regarding So- \ fl SLAVES OF THE STATE. =" _défriend of mine recently expressed | the’ oft-repeated objection to Bocisl- ism that it would resnlt in the people {losing their independence and becom- | ing slaves of the state. This is the idea expressed by. Herbert Spencer; many years ago ‘in: his’ fa- | mous essay on The Coming Slavery, written before the advent of the . trust. . It seems, however, that there are | about a million patriots in this coun- | try who are ready and anxious to | sell themselyes into slavery by serv- . ing the publie, and filling the 100,000 | jobs that thé mew administration will have vacant. i Judging by the scramble of ten Democratic: ipatriots to_every slavish job, ‘the Sociaiists can afford to smile 5 SURE $ -Up | ISM Gout § at this aneient- bogy of people fear- got Jones ¢ ing to become slaves Because they | others whe serve the publie and wot a’ private all case master. - Oeu. $m “Thanks be to] the noble Demosrabic martyrsjwho have ‘set such a fine ex-| ample of public devotion. ANOTHER FEDERAL CZAR EXPOSED. we The idea that because an otherwise ordinary human mortal is elevated to thesbench, therefore he becomes endowed with divine attributes, A still "has some [hold on a-majority.of 4 he people. Thisjidea carefully in- illed into young minds is getting \ some severe setbacks and is likely to be lost altogether pretty soon. b The latest Federal judge to lose his divine hale in Judge Daniel Thew Wright, who strove so strenuously to preserve his . dignity, that he en- deavored to place the officers of the American Federation of = Labor, RA [{18 ACEH TEER fl Messrs. Gompers, Mitchell and Mor- | rison in jail for exercising their right a of Ameri cising. H n citizenship and criti: al Nibs, when he is-| vine right of kings behind him. Now, the National Socialist of Washington, D. €., exposes the fact, that Justice Wright was an officer in litigation and is improperly par- ticipating in the financial activities of litigants in his court. Judge Wright will be impeached in doe course of time and another idol of the plutocracy will be found to have clay feet and will tumble off his pedestal. / The sooner we come to understand that a judge is a human beirg and not a deity, the sooner wij’ ‘judges themselves become servar 4 cf Jus- tice instead of its master, and the sooner] will lawyers in court cease to be treated as cringing vassals, and the sooner will alleged offenders be treated as citizens who have rights until proven guilty. MAD BULLS AT HARRISBURG. One"of the first bills that met the almost | unanimous approval of the Pennsylvania Legislature was an an- i-red-flag bill that denounces the d flag as a ‘‘symbol of anarchy’, and Jprohibits its display in public processions. x So scared have the patriots at Har- risburg become by the Socialist vote of 84,000 in, Pennsylvania last year, that they must have their antidote to the witcheraft, so they attempt to pow-wow. Socialism. away by mis- representing and prohibiting its em- blem. Like a mad bull when it sees red, the enraged Legislature attacks a piece of cloth; thereby expecting to damage the holder of it. Bismarck and Emperor William tried the same stunt- in Germany without avail, and only made them- selves the laughing stock ofthe world w for the red flag still remains the emblem of peace and fraternity, ty- pifying the common blood that | r PILLS ND BLADDER | office: — Wyoming, Colorado, § | flows in the veins of all mankind, {regardless of race, creed or color. ?| Unlike capitalism, Socialism does | riot depend for its existetice on a | cheap flag-worshipping sort of pa- $ | triotism, and so little have the so- cialists thought of this bill that they have not lost ome particle of their equanimity, and have noteven voiced a protest. There is still left to us the privi- lege of wearing red’ neckties, red sox, red shirts, red dresses, rib- bons, saghies and in the last dftch j | they cannot take from us our red ‘hair or red whiskers. FREE STATES. In the following States men and women have equal suffrage for every | J Utah, Idaho, Washington, California, Ore- |. gon, Kansas, Arizona and the ter- ritory of Alaska. Equal Suffrage Amendinents pass- ed Legislatures will be submitted to | voters in the following states in 1914:—Michigan, Montana, Nevada, North Dakots; . and South Dakota. THE RECALL OF JUDGES. We are informed that many of the “best”? people of Somerset county who formerly were very much op- ‘posed to the doctrine, now favor the Recall of Judges, or shall we say “‘The Recall’ of a Judge”! Pre- sumably they would like to recall their votes. HOKARA FOR ECZEMA. QUICK RELIEF OFTEN FOLLOWS FIRST TREATMENT. COSTS NOTHING IF IT FAILS, A strong statement, isn’t it? But we mean every word it it. Hokara is being used for treating the most complicated and chronic cases of eczema, salt rheum, piles, sores, ul- cers, etc., and it quickly banishes pimples, blackheads, or any other of minor skin troubles, leaving the skin in'its normal health and color. Do not confuse Hokars-with any | of the ordinary grease ointments, Bs it contains no ‘grease, mercury or fead, and is ‘entirely different from | anything else on the market. Although it has wonderful healing and curative pr- perties, the price is only 25 cents, for a Liberal jar — enough to give it a thorough trial in even the worst cases. Large sizes 50 cents and $1.00. Your money returned if Hokara fails to benefit. 3 . Sold on guarantee and recommend- ed by S. E. Thorley, The City Drug Store, local agents. a {- sd | a To Increase Auto License. a The Pennsylvania Motor Federation is conducting a vigorous campaign against a bill pending in the presens | Legislature to double the license fees | on- all automobiles. As there are approximately 60,000 | tives. | yoitime sped an injunction. ‘against them. Secigg that they held. him and his commands ih contempt, he proeeed- ed to return the’ compliment with ! the ancient prerogative. of the di- in a financial institution concerned |. motor vehicles in Pennsylvania the | efforts of the Federation are awaken- : | ing; a wide-spread response, and a [flood of ‘protest is en sinning tO pour | in upon the Sena This is as the iheco srally known niotoris The measure referred to was intro- duced in the House by Represe ntative James Wettach, of Pittsburg. cense act of 1909. fees for autombiles are as follows: Less than 20 horse-power, $5; between | {20 and 50 horse-power, $10; 50 horse- power and over, $15. The Wettach bill, if enacted into a law, it would double these rates, so that the the man with a little car un- der 20 horse- power would pay $10 for his yearly license; for a car between 20 and 50 horse-power the annual charge would be $20, and for 50 horse- power machine and over, $30, Last year the antomobilists of Penn- sylvania paid the State $597,723.19 for their license tags. Making allowance for the natural increase in machines the. licene fees this year will aggre- gate approximately $750,000. The en- acment of the Wettach bill therefore would add three quarters of a million dollars to the cost of owning automo- biles in this States during the year 1913. Automobile dealers and garage own- ers are opposing a bill introduced by Representative William J. McCraige, of Pittsborgh, making it a misdemean- or, punisnable by a fine of from $100 to $500 for any person or corporation to use anything except an absolutely fire- proof building for storage or keep- ing. of automobiles for hire or profit. The Wettach bill is in the Ways and Means Committtee of the house and McCraig bill in the Judiciary Local Committee. —_— For any itchiness -of the skin, for skin rashes, chap, pimples, etec., try Doan’s: Ointment. 50 cents at all Drug Stores. ad rrr ———————— i —— nemo. Imagi A. complainant Highgate (Eng.) police cc i 1 (he call of a milkman - wiween the scream of Isetto | voice of a don” It. is | an amendment to the autombile I= Under the present law the license | (By B. O. ’ réctor Depart The Moody Bible In- stitute of a "Lesson FOR Le v - JACOB AND EsAU. Sa for gi Isa. 80:18, gh Jacob is one of the great presented to. us ‘sis. His Db ‘ of the ‘birthright Ee Chapter 25, ‘and in chaptef =n we! have: ‘presented his ‘great-sim 4 It is absolutely notensary to read’ carefully ali of’ this chaptef before we Moses did’ not: record: Jacob's deceps tion” because he. ‘commended it, but rather as a warning to all who and ponder thereon. The spreads’ before us the sins of re people as well as: thei virtues; which ought: to be & comforting. thought, to | us ali, who are, sinners. “saved Dy | grace.” I The Decelt, vv. 22.20. Lying, do- plicity, profanit oh and compoundéd felony, are presented in’ the ‘prelirat- nary verses to that section selected: OF our study. Jacob's comsclence re belfed’ (v. 12), yet he gladly listened to the volce of his unwise mother who thought she knew best how to circumvent God's will; see ch. 35:28, 25, 28. This mother’s foolish ambi- tion and teaching had developed a self-seeking, deceitful son. By nature Jacob was unlovely and the’ greatest’ lesson we can learn from his life is that he, a ‘chedter,” should by the grace of God: be' transformed : ifite’ “Israel” a prince; he that hath power. with God. A Rough Man. “We first have present-d the tom- peramentai difference, between these. two brothers, then thé i sry of the ‘birthright, snd lastly the stoien bt ing. Esau was a rough man © chase, cunning, clever and skitiful an a hunter. Jacob widf a plain’ mén, tionalities. Hé' loved’ settled, qufbt home life, for he “dwelt in tents” Again. when we consider the episode. ‘of the birthright’ we: have set before us another illustration of the great contrast of these brothers. We do not value birthrights as do the Orien- tals, and further, we must remember this is the story of God's develop- ment of a chosen race. Esau, mas- tered by his appetite, governed by selfish instinets, gladly and flippantly || spurns—*‘despiced”—his right. He denied his responsibility to the fu- ture of that race of whom Abraham games saves © Gomer | Dies ifs. all: they: that wast, on tn ne book of Gens | cd’ properly present this 1es808. | | day morning. Preparatory service on | viz, one who inclined to: the convéh-| Var. 80 |! Second ‘National | Bank OF , MEYERSDALE, PA. * CHURCH CH SERVICES. Methodist Episcopal 2 church ser- | vice, Rev, G. A. Neeld pastor—Ser- vices at10:30' a. m. Sunday school 9 :30 a.m. E pworth League at’ 6:45 p. m. ig service at 7:30. Subject Sunday morning. ‘Politics and Re- ligion.’ Church of the Brethren—Proaching 10:30 a.m. and 7:30 Pp. m. Sunday School, 9:30 a. m. Christian Workers Meeting at 6:30 p. m. , Bible Class, Saturday evening, 7:30 p. m. Teacher Training classes meet; Monday evening 7 and 8 o’clock, respectively. Sunday School Workers’ Meeting, Friday evening, 30tk inst., at 7:30. Evangelical Lutheran church—Rev | J. A. Yount, pastor. Sunday school at 9:30 a. m. Morning service at 10:30. Luther League at 6:45 p. mi. Evening service at 7:30. Lenten ser- viee every Wednesday’ evening at 7:30} Ab: Grantsville the Holy Commu- nion will be observed on Easter Sun | Good gFriday evening, ‘Special Fas | ter service ‘by Sunday school and church on Easter Monday evening. St. Paul, Wilhelm Reformed charge, E. S. Hassler pastor. Regular servi- ces next Sunday at 10 a.m. Suon- day school at, 9 a.m. April 6th is Sun- | day school Rally Day. You are in- vited. Special program and com- mencement of school’s trip to Pales- tine. 2 Ev: tical church, Rev. L. B. Rit- tenhouse p r—Services will be held next Sunday as follows: Sun- day school at 2:00 p. m. Preaching by the pastor, at 7:30,p. m. : SS. Philip and James Catholic was the first, and virtually said that nothing was of value that did not. . serve this present lifetime. “on the other hand, estimated this birthright at its supreme value, as of the highest importance. From Bad Stock. ubject as Jacob was to the rule of i scheming, mother, yet wa ber that she, ' too, was the same high estimate ind tha lmporen Her mean accomplish her purposs did ved, but, in fact, delayed the desired end for Jacob had to fly! for his life. Let us look at Rebekah. She came from the same stock as | Laban, who was a fraud, a cheat, and | | a liar. those same methods and had to smart | for it, for she lost his companionship | through long years, and never saw | him again. Is it ever right to dr wrong? 'God’s word tells us no, se¢ Rom. 3:8. Rebekah was more con cerned with her partiality than with the purposes of God. (Ch. 25:28) Jacob’s conscience was aroused as we see from v. 12, though it was prob- ably not so much fear of the error of tie act, but rather fear of being caught. God would in his way and in his own time have given Jacob the prom- ised blessing without the aid of his deceit. As it was Jacob engendered his brother’s “hatred, was separated from his home and endured multiplied suffering. II. Esau’s Sorrow, vv. 30-34. Esau had sold his birthright and sought to regain it. ‘Now he is too late to se- cure the blessing that should accom- pany his birthright. The brothers hartered for the birthright. Ond brother secured the blessing and with it, banishment. The other brother lost. both birthright and blessing and gave vent to a bitter cry. (Heb. 12: 17.) Esau was himself to blame. What a wrecked home partiality and deceit brought forth. Rebakah’s anticipation (v. 45)! was never ful filled: and her conduct with that of Jacob: well deserves the censure and the punishment inflicted. Because the Bible records no word of censure some have asserted that God approved of Jacob’s course. Even a casual reading of his life, of its de- lays, its disappointments and its mis: fortunes, reveals God's vindication’ of the moral law and* that retribution follows wrong. As much 'as we sym- pathize with Hsau we are compelled to acknowledge that Jacob was the fitter man of the two. He was tena- | | i hol Jacob, Im. Vespers end, Benediction at 7:30 day School at 3:00 p. m. Preaching ‘at 11 Wa, mg? fand, | hours. She taught her son to follow. cious, 8" :liap‘, constant in his af- fections. devoted to the covenant of God and sensi''ve to spiritual influ. | ences. kau was impulsive and shal | lew, church, Rev. J. J. Brady, pastor.— Mass next Sunday 8:30 ‘and 10:30 a. p.m. : At the A. M B. Zion church Sun- Christian Endeavor at 7:45. p.m. | | 5 | - ‘Brethren Church: —H. L. Gough- | nour, pastor.— Services in the mera- ing at Summit. Mills, in. the. after- in the school | s | at usual’ alisbury and evening ale church. Sunday ‘Christian Endeavor All are invited. Vey ersda | | i ——— 30,000 VOICES! "AND MANY ARE THE VOICES OF MEY- EBSD ‘LE PEOPLE. Tei thousand voices What a grand chorus! And that’s the nuom- -~ RE START NOW ! Payments Must Be Made Every Week, or ‘May : Be Paid in Advance. Can you think of an easier way to provide’money, for Christmas presents ? Join yourself—Get ever: Show this to your friends Everybody is weleome to join. ; The Christmas Savings Club opened March 1st. Call and let us tell Fou all goat 9 our # plan, ore iri the family to-join. “and get them to join Join Our Christmas =—=8avings Club ———————— OE tl ; ARI claves la “hegre WH hi fon Your Bread Join the Large Army of Men and Women who are using the people of its goodness. Adk your Grocer, or. write ““Young man, when you buy a buggy, be sure it’s a Studebaker’ 22.4 Sound advice from the man who has been’ | driving one for twenty years. ? When you buy a Studebaker buggy you are buying all the skill, experience and science in buggy building that half a century can preduce. You are protect ing yourself against the mistakes of younger builders. You will always ba proud of the Studebaker i nameplate, for there isn’t a buggy on the road that is its equal for style, luxury and good looks. FP arm Warons Cloinégss Wagons MLL Wagons See our Dealer or write us, STUDEBAKER South Bend, Ind. NEW YOR? CHICACO DALLAS KANSAS CITY DENVER MO NNEAPOLIS SALT LAKE CITY SAN FRANCISCO PORTLAND, ORE. Prairie Queen DButterime ‘nce we started to advertise and tell 2 | TASTES LIKE BUTTER—COSTS LESS. Send for beoklet, sreryon: th thold road a" W. J. HARTZEL CO. Wholesale Distributors BUTTE , BGGS wad CHEE EA Br EL AR by am SR ee ee ee re a al ll Ne rm tra Nn Fr tet mm ber: of Americar men and women who are publicly praising Doan’s Kid- ney Pills for relief from backache, kidney and bladder ills. They say it to friends. They tell it in the home BIDDLE'S SELLS No. 1 Roofing Slate, papers. Meyersdale people are in this chorus. Here’s a Meyersdale URSINA, PA. Steel Roofing; case, ; Opposite Postoffice. Felt Nails, Mrs. John J. Bouser, 31 Broadway, Valley S, Meyérsdale, Pa., says: ‘‘Doan’s Kid- Ridging and ney. Pills are not a new remedy || The. flome of Nice, Cleanlll: = Spouting, me, for I have used them several times during the past two years and they have given me great re- Groceries. lief. I was troubled a great deal by kidney complaint and dull} nagging bickaches, ‘Sometimes I had pairs in my sides and loins and this cor- vinced me that my kidneys were disordered. Hearing Doan’s Kidney Pills ghighly recommended, I com- mencedziusing them -and it- was not Sugar Loaf Sweet Potatoes ‘and THEY ARE BOTH WINNERS. We have just added as they are extremely to our list low on anything you need in this line and can save you money if you order early so I can get it with the Spring Post Tavern Special: long before they. brought. relief I recommend Doan’s’ Kidney Pills as a remedy of great merit for. kidney disorders.” Garden Tools, Poultry Net- ting, Screen Doors and Screens for Windows. shipments. Meversdale, Pa. Feb. 13-tf R, F. D. No. 2 J. S. WENGERD Write for Prices For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents. Foster-Milburn Co., Biffalo, New York, sole agents’ for the United States. Remember the name—Doan’s—and take no other. ad Choice Seed Potatoes ‘Will have some in a few days. CASTORIA For Infants and Children, Fresh Fish and Oysters on Friday. be refanded. 232-34 SO. HIGHLAND AVE. PITTSEURGH, PAs. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the ZT C4 o Lr: Signature of Wednesdays and Saturdays. Chartered under the laws of P sunsyivania ice Cream FOLEY: KIDNEY PILLS FOR BACKACHE KIDNEYS AND BLADDER »