The Meyersdale commercial. (Meyersdale, Pa.) 1878-19??, April 03, 1913, Image 6
@atest Telegraphic and Cable Intelligence Epitomized. @LD WORLD AND THE NEW APelitical Pot Is Bubbling Furlously— . | <News About Wars That Are Rag- ; ing and Rumors About Wars to Come. Washington Postmaster-General Burleson has an- : rallied the parcel-post regulation re- Fg thas his way. He says the stone Serbs captured 320 men and eight of- | WhiD-lashing of the Polisi <hildren =troughs will protect horses from flora and lost two officers and sixty | Pears a striking resemblance in its -aglagnders. eh men. ° | turn-about-is-fair-play idea to the Eng- | | Sim ois « ' lish customs. +aguiring double postage to be collected > when packages have ordinary postage ragtamps The revenue cutter service will pa- ~%rol the north Atlanti¢ ice fields this “year instead of the Navy Department. ‘ The Seneca and Miami were detailed -%p begin immediately. It was said that the Government iMHealth Service would insist that Dr. Friedmann reveal to it the secret of “dhis tuberculosis “cure” before official —manction would be given to his treat- te By the election of two Senators from Illinois, the Senate is full for the Hirst time in many months. The Dem- «@crats number 51, or a majority over «aall opposition of six. Personal According to Winston Churchill, his ‘home at Cornish, N. H. has been ~sghogsen by President Wilson as the ~ssummer Capitol in 1913. Mrs. Woodrow Wilson entertained “the newspaper women of Washington at tea. Ex-President Taft has sent word to “the Yale authorities that he does not “want any demonstration over his com- @mg to New Haven to begin his duties «ms Kent professor in the Yale law «school. ~ Miss Zora Reed, an ‘adlvocate of ~woman’s suffrage, was appointed mes- menger in the United States Health “Service in Seattle, Wash., at $50 per -maonth. “Sporting John L. Sullivan refereed a fight in San Francisco the other evening and galled upon the crowd to aid the flood - Sufferers. John started the ball roll- by dropping a $50 bill in the hat. “3 less than 15 minutes $3,000 had “heen collected. . Baldomero Acosta, the sixteen-year «ald Cuban who is getting a trial with Re Washington Senators, is being ralded as a second “Ty” Cobb. x President Wilson will open the . american League baseball season on dir 10, at Washington. “-Some baseball critics are predicting * that Larry Cheney will be the Ed. “Walsh of the Cubs. A year ago he 2ifitahiog in forty-two games, and had & record of twenty-six won and ten - Jos. -fFeneral «J. "K. Ssague, of Poughkeepsie, will =—guceeed William Loeb, Jr., as Collect- ~'@r of the Port of New York. Vice President Marshall, at Spring- = field, Mass. criticised Andrew Car- =~ megie in caustic language. Andrew Carnegie laid the corner- : stones of three libraries in Worcester, “Mass. Dr. Bristow of New York died from blood poisoning from a cut inflicted while performing an operation. Michael Topar, son of a wealthy Russian, was decapitated at the Lack- sawanna Steel mills at Buffalo, N. Y. Two negro delegates were barred from entering a hotel in Baltimore, where a Bull Moose committee was in zgession. An inspector of weights and meas- ares examined the scales of the post =office at Bayonne, N. J, found them =& ounces short and condemned them. Fire added to the horrors of flocd- ‘sstsicken Dayton. The number of dead “dn Ohio is estimated at 3,000 and in Indiana at 200. The property loss is Dbelleved to exceed $100,000,000. An official medical examiner report- «d that Rear-Admiral Eaton’s widow, accused of poisoning him, is sane. A bill creating a bureau of efficien- €y and economy was passed by the New York Senate. Mayor Gaynor of New York con- fessed in an open letter that he had mo evidence of grafting in connection with the issuance of news-stand li- censes against Alderman Henry H. Curran, and the latter withdrew his -£100,000 suit for libel Mrs. Jane Rich celebrated her one “hundredth birthday at Mount Vernon, N.Y. The John C. Jewett Building in Buffalo was destroyed by fire with a «Joss of $150,000. -ZAdmiral, pleaded not guilty of having | mmurdered her husband in Plymouth, | “Mass. Private R. V. Myers, of the Penn- ~ ~sylvania State constabulary was shot and killed in Sharon, Pa., by Frank J. White, of the same troop, after a @Gght for a pistol. White was intoxi- «cated. Iron watering troughs in New York =streets will be replaced by stone troughs if Commissioner Thompson | prison trent Ashing fn the Catskills.” Mrs. J. M. Eaton, widow of the Rear | 47 yeors 4043.8 483. Prospects ars for a good season in Henry J . Kiots died in New York after g ke bad sent several bombs to people, causing their “death. Harry ¥. Fox, of Tusealooss, Ala., confessed te murdering John Newton, snd stealing bis team and selling it. Baltimore society women are being ‘treated for what doctors call “the turkey trot instep.” * A bill reorganizing the New York State Labor Department, was passed by the Assembly. " Professor Henry B. Fine, of Prince- ton, will accept the ambassadorship to Germany it President Wilson insists upon his making the sacrifice. Superintendent Brumbagh, of the Philadelphia public schools has de- cided te adopt simple spelling in the elementary schools. Henry Brown, a negro, charged with killing his family and fatally wound- ing ‘a sheriff, was lynched -at West Point, Miss. Mrs. Jennie May Harrison Eaton was indicted for killing her husband, Rear Admiral Joseph G. Eaton, with poison. Life savers worked eleven hours be- fore the last man was saved from the barkentine Antioch, wrecked on the New Jersey Coast. The steamer Bohemian, which ar- rived at Boston, reported that a me- teor fell across its bow and exploded with a great noise.’ Two army aviators made a new dis- tance record of flying 300 miles be- tween two Texas camps in three hours and 20 minutes. Miss Florence W. Ward, a militant English suffragette, is barred from entering Boston because she served a jail term. William D. Haywood, leader of the Industrial Workers of the World, was locked up in Paterson, charge of unlawful assemblage. New York restaurant patrons were shooed into the street at 1 o'clock Sun- day morning, as advance work in Mayor Gaynor’s crusade. Service was suspended on the Penn- sylvania Railroad for two minutes whila ‘the body of former President McRea was lowered into the grave at Ardmore, Pa. Robert Brown, cashier of the Barnes (Kansas) State Bank, was shot and killed by a bandit, who was shot to death as he was trying to escape with $600 in gold. The Panama Government closed a contract with American contractors for additonal surveys for railroads from interior points to the Pacific Coast. Patrolman Joseph P. Hoch, who is said to have predicted the shooting of Mayor Gaynor, was dismissed from the New York force by Commissioner Waldo. The first shad of the season were vaught in the Delaware River off Gloucester, N. J. Fish are running well and forecasts are for a big shad Season. The New York Grand Jury has be- gun investigation of the stories of the attempted bribery in connection with efforts to free Harry K. Thaw, now confined in the Matteawan insane asylum. Express company statistics show that they have lost from 22 to 25 per cent. in business since the operation of the parcel post. At the same rate this would mean a loss of $5,000,000 in one year. There was little improvement in the flood conditions in Ohio and Indiana and the number of dead remains un- certain. More than $100,000 was given to the relief funds in New York, and the Red Cross in Washington received $60.000. Secretary of War Garrison went to Ohio. Flood conditions in New York and Pennsylvania are worse. ' Foreign A French gun just invenfed will {l- luminate the object to be hit. “The whaler Scotia has been sent out from England to report all icebergs in the path of transatlantic steamers. Five persons were killed and two. others seriously injured in a collision between an automobile and a street car in the centre of Berlin. Enrique Zepeda, Governor of the Federal District of Mexic, set out at the head of mounted police to mas- sacre political prisoners, shot Major Hermar lez, ex-Commandant of Ru- rales, aad burned his body in the jail yard, but was arrested before going further and sentenced to death. The funeral of Field Marshal Wolse- ley will be held in St. Paul’s Cathe- dral, London. He will be laid near the Duke of Wellington’s tomb. The reports from London that the Turkish Tchataldja defences had been broken by the Bulgars were denied in an official rable from Constantinople. After the funeral of King George, the new King Constantine will go to Saloniki, where he will remain until peace has been declared. Prince Henry XIV of Reuss, Ger- many, died aged 81 years. He had ruled as king of the principality for N. J, on the | The Round Table Association has heen establishéd by a few of the B. & O. railroad ‘firemen and engineers of Hyndman, for the purpose of en- lightenment and social betterment, and headquarters have been estab- lished in the building formerly occupied by Dr. Pond on Main street. The place has been sumptuocusly furnished; the furniture gonsisting of two benches, ene table, eight sets of poker chips and an automatic re- frigerator of large dimensions. There .are rumors of base ‘ball, foot ball, chess tournaments, etc. De- are anxiously awaited. Anon. velopments PUBLIC ORCHARD DEM- ONSTRATION. The public demonstrations of the Division of Zoology, Department of Agriculture, by State Zoologist H. A. Surface, of Harrisbuig, will continue during the week beginning Monday, March 31st. These meetings are for the purpose of instructing the public in a practi- cal manner in regard to the methods of producing fancy fruit and getting rid of pests in the best way. The pub- lic meetings will begin at 1 P. M., on the respective dates announced, and the demonstrator will be present rain or shine. The dates for Somerset county are as follows; Tuesday, Apr. 1st, J. Freidens. Friday, Apr. 4th, D. W. Will Glade. Rhoads - Che Laster Clyines ; 1 wonder if they kaow it, those little ones whose never strays; Whose childhood ceased the moment that they “had strength ‘to bear © ° The burdens which were waiting, whose little faces care grt Hoe framed with seyel Gagers, Whose eyee havo Whose hopes fave withered ‘only! wonder if they know | The bells are ringing loudly, the splendid : ems tise, And hatred is forgotten and Tthlens frenzy The ot of His glory wr gladly hear at They es wail vi Je “heirs of f woe, Who sit in darkened hovels—I wonder ‘if ‘they know? Aetna ee sion Hi. a. tl sil. in set, . That we may still remember, that no one may The brave words that He uted we sclmaly We lar agin the leon snd der the lari His mee to the children is reverently But are the little toilers by emotion stirred ? gad Hi promiss is repented where beads gre gravely = Men cease a while to covet, and women, fair Reed uly and humbly and for His Their pri ER vaicn. their envy away; We sing that he is risen, the lo 4 Ww, But, poo wan little toilers, I wonder if they now ? Ring out, O chimes of Easter, that all mankind may hear, That pride may be forgotten and love may That they who proudly covet and they who May hear the saving message and, hearing, pause Tha ey pos litle toilers, condemned to early And sid of their childhood, at last may gladly know! S. E. KISER HAVE SPECIAL EASTER DISH Gammon of Bacon and a Tansy Pud- ding Are Features of the Season in English Country. In Devonshire, England, the special Easter dish is a gammon of bacon and a tansy pudding, the latter being so well established a custom that it is celebrated in an old ballad: At stool-ball, Lucia, let us play For sugar, cakes and wine; Or for a tansy let us pay, The loss be thine or mine. If thou, my dear, a winner be At trundling of the ball, The wages thou shalt have, and me, And my misfortunes all. In Staffordshire the men lift the women of the various villages on Eas- Reginald McKenna, British Home | Secretary, introduced a bill in the | House of Commons to circumvent | “hunger strikes” by militant | suffragettes. Admiral Gozzo, of the Italian army, | was sentenced to serve three months | in prison for boxing the ears of Ad- miral Cattalica, Minister of Marine, who put him on the retired list. After a five hour fight a detachment | of Turks wag defeated by Servians south of El Bassan in Albania. The ter Monday, and the women have to take a try at lifting the men on Eas- ter Tuesday. In Cheshire there is a lifting chair. In Chester’ Easter Mon- | day is celebrated by ball playing be- tween the clergy and laity. In Dur- ham the men take off the women’s shoes on Monday and have the unique courtesy returned in kind on Tues- day. Nearly all these customs of Eas- ter have been too closely associated with the place of their occurrence to suffer transplantation, althoogh the ’ COURT NEWS Orphans’ Court Proceedings, - Real Estate, Marriage - Licences, Etc. REAL ESTATF. Wm. Hanna to B. F. Hanna, Addison twp.......c. ceuunns Sli. $ J. H. Bender to W. 8. Maust, BIE Lick tWP......ccooviiiinninaiennes 25 Minnie Miller to Simon L. Maust, Elk Lick twp............... 1,025 J.YW. Sarver, to Barry W. Sar- yer, Allegheny twp - ............. 900 Paul Kosik to Frank iowry, Windber............ ........... 00. 676 {| D. F. Wolfe to Amos J. Moon, ITT, ceerursiainrrausssssrosunauasss 2 800 Ella D. Suhrie to Evan T.Jones, Meoyersdale........... .coserer oereee . 1 800 J. A. Risinger, W. 8, Mat- thews, Jenner twp ...........c.... . 3 000 W. 8. Matthews to Harvey H. Ling, Jenner twp...........c.ceeet x ‘Wojieoch Kolerzka to Michael Lazorike, Quemahoning twp... 400 W. H. H. Baker, to Albert Brid- egum, Rockwood.............c.... « 1150 Harry A. Countryman to Earle Lint, Somerset................c...e 3 500 Clara E. Gindlesperger to El- mira E. Bradley, Paint Bor- OUR Lois i fier aes ha atie ds 125 A. B. Falknor to Charles Ream, Brothersvalley twp.:... .......... 525 Simon P. Naugle to James De- biase, Windber ...................... 350 Peter Snyder’s heirs to Sasan Snyder, Rockwood,................ 2 400 John K. K:ssler, to George H. Cook, Northampton twp........ 1 000 Alexinler Markle to Robert H. Hoftu. »n, Somerseét................. 285 Robert V'. Hoffman to Bessie E. Durst. somerset.....i.......viv ine 300 John H. Uhlto Sarah A. Og ine, Somerset WP...lni we. vrneeensns 2 000 Jennie Hunsingertio G. K Allen, Hooverrville...................00.0. 875 Hanna Leasure to Jennie Hun- singe), Hooversville.............. 500 John W. Stanton to Hanna Leas- ure, Hooyersville........... ..... .. 560 Elizabeth Ashbrook to Austin Blanset, Quemahoning twp... 1 00V Somerset Hotel Co., to Henry Frazer, Somerset......... ....,.... 225 Henry Frazier to Norman T. * Boose, Somerset.......... 300 Charles G. Holt to Annie E. 8tark, Confluence.................. £1 Jacob 8. Barkman to Franklin ci J. Barkman, Milford twp...... 12 000 Annie 8. Baker to Albert W. Miller, Lincoln twp................ C. W. Weigle to Carrie D. Hoffman, Hooversville............ Carrie D. Hoffman to 8. P. Geisel, Quemahoning twp...... C. H. Schmucker to C. W. Cole- Jacob 8. Barkman to Franklin J. Barkman, Milford twp......... 12 000 Amy Menges to' Charles Bruba- ker, Shade twp........ MARRIAGE LICENSE. H. W. Thomas........ Quemahoning twp Rosa. Band.....................0...... Portage Thomas M. Marteeny...... Milford twp Elizabeth Casebeer ........ Lincoln twp ‘Benjamin F. Baldwin............ Frizdens Minnie V. Pritts. ............... Somerset Julius Torek ...................00 Windber Majoros:.....o..... an Lenni .Windber Jahn Infeliga.................. Hooversville Concetta Dibacca........... Hooversville Tony Pinkos......................... Katacyna Hozaska Prokop Bucrznics.................... Boswell Katacyna Salak Boswell Peter Bonar........ ... ... Windber Mary Sass... ...................... Windber LETTERS OF ADMINISTRATION, Letters of administration have re- cently been issued to Guiseppe Mar- inelli, in the estate of Antonio Mann, late of Windber. Bond $100. Foley Kidney Pills: What They Will Do for Yes They wil +. your backacks strengthen r kidneys, eos rect urinar oularities, bul up the we... vu* tissues, am eliminate the excess uric ack that causes rheurnatism. Pre vent Bright's Disease and Dis bates, and restore health ar etrength. Refuse subsatituta ¥. B. THOMAS. man, Somerset twp................ 225 John 8. Cummins’ executor ‘o J. 8. Ferner, Milford twp....... 5 000 Edward 8. Kimmel to Samuel B. : Riehl, Brothersvalley twp... 650 NOT NARC OTIC, £4 ——— Bier ou ntmirmIR | GROISTERED Nee73T iit Or SALE AT The Kind You Have’ Sr £)™" IT'S A CURE! THAT'S SURE} Jones’ Break-Up For over 20 years has Cured RHEUMATISM Sciatica, Lumbago and Gout if you have Rheumatism [; Break-Up. it will cure you as it has taken it. Guaranteed to Always Bought For Over ™R pr somPany,. NEW YORK SITY. any form others whe to cure all caseta Oct. -3m COLLINS DRUG S ‘ORE, Meyersdale, Pa. Ba ND NP i= supervision—it must be right. J I Standard”, quality guaranteed. May we estimate ? LL —————— mseertn re—— — eI = LE [ii Li Li Li ’ Li J] JIL Li ja [HI EB ! CHICHESTER SPILLS mo A sealed with Ribbon, TAx=® NO ofmER. Buy o of iF Jour € ] 3 and ask Py. BEAND PILLS, od twenty five ed as Best, Safest, Always Reliable, SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS | 5 TIME WORTH TRIED C.P.DeCourse NOTRERY PUBLIC. EVERYWHERE Office On Meyers Street CONFLUENCE, PR. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. A HOLBERT, . AT TORN BE Y-aT-L4 w, SOMERSET, PEN “a Uffice in ook % Beerits’ Blok. up stal HARVEY M BERKLEY o ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, SOMERSET, Sr OMmce with F. J. Kooser. Esa. { ee purchiser of plumbing equipment is rightly interested i in its sanitary efficiency and proper installation. . Our work is done by competent workmen and all work given careful Added to this is the excellerice of the fixtures we use and recommend, the BAER & CO. LADIES| “TN y & A nD gels for CHICHES TERY an 30LD metallic boxes, Blu BE TESTED |: VIRGIL RB. R. SAYLO TTORNEY-AT-LAW SOMERSET P 0Ct.29-08. G. G. Ge Tior OFTHE PEACE, CONFLUENCE, PA. Deeds, Mortages, Agreements and all Legs Papers promptly executed v. -6ma7m BUHL & GATESMAN, Distillers of Pure Rye, Wheat, Mal and Gin, Distilling up-to-date, MEYERSDALE, PA. reer eee = El ITTY I in i i i I a i LLL | | pil | a ——————— LA Emm am mm - rer Standard” ""Occident™ Bath i >ary : White ii | a ‘Full, clear—never flickers as J FAMILY FAVORITE } The Best Lamp Qil At Your Dealers. For the sake of the fam’'y’s eyes. FREE—320 page book—ail about oil, WAVERLY OL WORKS CO. pie Pa, Thirty Years: The Commercial Press Handles It FOLEY KIDNEY PILLS ~ or BACKASHE KIDNEYS AND SLADDER sell the i ing the jobs © ¢ will ha J ode some f to be Ic The his divi Wright preserv deavor: Americ Messrs. rison in of Am cising sued aj Seeing. comma ed to rt the an vine rig Now, Washin that Ju ina fi in litig ticipati of litig Judge in due idol of t to have his ped The s¢ that a nota d themsel tice ins sooner} be treat the soor treated until pi MA: One”"o almost | Pennsyl i-red-fle 4&5; flag and [prc processi So sca risburg of 84,000 that the to the w POW-WOY represen blem. Like a the enr pieee of damage Bisman tried th without selves th > for the emblem pifying