The Meyersdale commercial. (Meyersdale, Pa.) 1878-19??, April 03, 1913, Image 4

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Meyersdale Commereial.
[Registered at the Postoffice at Meyersdale, Pa, as second class mail matter.] |’
A. M. SCHAFFNER, Editor and Proprietor.
®ablished €very Tbharsday in the Year at’ £1.50 Per Year Cash
Phone No. 55 110-112 Center Street.
New Use For The Army.
There are those who are much opposed to the standing army |
and the large expense connected with that safe guarding of the
‘nation. The spirit of war is not the spirit that should be cultivated
in the 20th century, but the well drilled, and disciplined men can
be made of much service, aside from the bloody field of battle.
The administration without any authority by law took hold of the
flood situation in Ohio. The secretary of war was early on the
field, and helped to bring order out of chaos. It strikes us that in
situations that confronted our country a week ago there should be
authority by law, to do what the secretary of war did, without this
authority. An army does a good work when it saves life and pre-
serves property. That opens a new new field for the army’s opera-
tions and a better sphere of usefulness. While this was done with-
out i.e authority of law, there was no criticism made. Indeed,
the course of the secretary and the administration deserves the
highest commendation for their zeal in behalf of their afflicted
The Court Decides.
The: expected has happened in the license court. Somerset
county continues wet from north to south and from east to west.
Those vgho stood for a dry county are filled with-dismay. The bat-
tlé which the temperance people have made apparently counts for
naught.z. The church element to whom the strongest possible ap-
peal was made during the judgship campaign, on the grounds of
‘W. H. Ruppel’s life long professions as a temperance man, have
little to show for their zeal, and Somerset county continues wet,
even though the candidate of the Prohibition party was elected to
the judgship.
We take it for granted that the character and number of re-
monstrants and signers was taken into consideration by the court,
and it woyld seem that the court places the character of the patrons
of the saloon on a higher plane than the pious mother and the pray-
ing father. Judge Ruppel exercised his prerogatives as a judge
and as good citizens we suomit to those things coming from the
court but, in view of all that W. H. Ruppel, church manu professed
in the past, and in view of all the claims his church friends made
for him during the campaign, we feel that the Christian church in
Somerset county received the heaviest blow she has received in a
quarter of a century, and that the darkest page of Somerset coun-
ty’s history was written when Judge Ruppel gran*ed practically all
the old licenses and added new ones to the list.
‘Less Than Two Year Later.
In the last judicial campaign The Commercial supported the
Republican candidate for the office in question, It did so for several
reasons. In the first place The Commercial had been a Republican
paper from the beginning. In the second place in the comparison
of candidates, the estimate it formed of them did not justify it to
forsake the candidate of its own party. It was appealed to, and
importuned to espouse the cause of another on the ground of his
reputation as a great temperance man, and zealous churchman.
The Commercial however did not believe that the promised good
results would follow upon success of the one upon whom it was so
strongly urged to support—by many full of zeal. It followed its
own judgment in the case. In consequence it was reviled, de-
nounced and threatened with loss of patronage. But now in less
‘than two years the very parties who so bitterly opposed its course,
are ready to admit sorrowfully, that they have been grievously
disappointed ad greatly deceived by their expectations, and that
The Commerzial had a better forecast of the future results than
they, and the stand taken by The Commercial in the fall of 1911 is
now commended by hundreds of men who at that time thought its
course should be unsparingly censured. The Commercial does not
rejoice, for the case is a sad one, nevertheless it cannot help hut
smile, jut a little to hear its former critics relate with sorrowful
countenance, how ey they have been fooled,
The Grost Flood.
A large section of our country has passed through an expe-
rience of tornado, flood and fire in which many lives were I st,
millions of dollars in property swept away, transportation intefered
with, distress, poverty and hunger with many have taken the place
of comfort, good circumstances and plenty, but in all this the nation
once more learned a beautiful lesson. If any have lost confidence
in human nature let them revise their views, if any are disposed o
think only of man as a selfish being let them look at the other side.
Joaquin Miller, the poet of the Sierres some years ago said
‘Men whom men pronounce as ill,
I find so much of goodness still,
Men whom men pronounce divine,
I find so much of sin and blot,
I hesitate to draw the line
Between the two where God has not.”
If human aid can feed those who hunger it will be done. If
their suffering can be alleviated that will follow, the heart of man
is touched by suffering, and in the depths of the heart there is
much goodness. This relentless flood was only another opportuni-
to see the goodness of man. We are living 1n the age when more
and more we are actualizine the Christ idea that we are our broth-
ers keeper. The cry of the perishing and the wail of the sorrow-
ing is heard and the response is always liberal and cheerful. :
Meyersdale, which did so much to. relieve Johnstown in the
time of the flood, is again stretching forth the hand of help, and a
heartfelt God bless you as she sends her contribution to the un-
fortunate in their great trial.
The a Commercial Has All the News.
: ond offenses. "
Tener Signs Measure Crea-
ting County Controller.
.Governor Also Vetoes House Bill.Reg-
ulating Cross Examination of
Defendants in Crimi-
nal Trials, | :
Harrisburg. — Dauphin county will
get a county controller. Governor
Tener made possible ‘the establish-
ment of this office in this county and
in all other counties having over 100,
000 population when he signed the
Baldwin bill. At thé November elec-
tion counties having that population
which have not controllers will elect
such an officer. Thé bill abolishes the
office of county auditor or auditors.
The controller to be elected in Novem-
ber will hold office until the first Mon-
day of January, 1916, and at the No-
vember election in 1915 a controller
will be elected for a four-year term.
Salary $2,500.
The governor also approved the
companion bill to fix at $2,500 sal-
aries of county controllers in counties
having over 100,000 population where
no provision has been made for the!
pay. iin
* Another bill approved prohibits the
carrying of red flags in parades and
provides that only the stars and
stripes shall be allowed to wave from
public buildings except such as are
occupied by representatives of for-
eign powers. The effect of this bill
might be to remove the state flags
from the capitol.
Vetoes House Bill. goa
The governor vetoed the house bill
regulating cross examination of de-
fendants in criminal _ trials, saying:
“The subject of the act of 1911, which
act it is now proposed to amend, is
the cross examination of defendants
in criminal "trials, whereas the sub-
ject of the proposed amendment is the
introduction in evidence, by the com-
monwealth, in chief or in rebuttal, of
the records of a prior conviction of a
defendant. It is, therefore, at least
questionable whether the ‘proposed
amendment is germane to the subject
matter. Apart from this question of
constitutionality, however, the ap-
proval of the amendment might tend
to defeat the proper administration of
the criminal’ law, especially in the
trial of defendants charged with séc,
: Other Bills Signed. _ 5
Other bills signed inciude:
Authorizing forestry departments to
lease for ten years sites on forest re-
serves for cottages, churches or
Regulating appeals from judgments
pf magistrates to the county court of
Permitting husband and wife to sue
each other for recovery of their sep-
prate property regardless of whether
they have separated. i
Amending act of 1907 requiring that
reports of county auditors shall be
published in weekly newspapers. This
act simply provides that..they shall
be published in at least two newspa-
pers, one to be of the minority party.
Validating obligations issued prior
to January 1, 1913, where there has
been a failure to file financial state-
ment of municipality in court ‘under
act of 1874.
House Passes Liability Bills.
Harrisburg. — The workmen’s com-
pensation, or employers’ liability, acts
were passed finally in the house of
representatives and will go to senate
for concurrence. There was very lit-
tle opposition to the bills when they
were reached under a special order
and no debate occurred.
The bills were drafted by the state
industrial accidents commission, ap-
pointed under act of 1911, and estab-
lish a complete system, including a
proposition for a constitutional amend-
ment to take away any rights which
may be found to exist in the constitu-
tion or in the common law against
The main bill, which defines liabil-
ity of an employer to pay damages
for injuries received by an employe
in the course of employment and es-
tablishing an elective schedule and
procedure, received the votes of 158
members, 28 voting in the negative.
The votes were still more decisive on
the proposed amendment and the bills
to regulate policies of insurance
against liability, provide for incorpora-
tion of employers’ mutual liability in-
surance associations and requiring
employers to make reports of acci:
dents to the state bureau of industrial
The hunters’ license bill was tem-
porarily postponed.
Other Bills Passed.
Other bills passed finally were:
Prohibiting any anthracite miner
from having charge of more than one
breast or chamber.
Empowering municipalities to regu-
late mining of minerals beneath sur-
The bill to provide for fire escapes
and exits in third-class cities was
amended so as to
the state fire marshal.
‘| considered astwas ruled recently by
typewritten form and all averring the
same facets, a sort of blanket remon-
strance which likewise could be used
anywhere in the State as effectively
as in Somerset County. 3
It is another significant fact that
the remonstrances against the appli-
cants for brewers’ and distillers’ licen-
ses are identical in form as those
against the applicants for hotel .li-
censes, and the only reason suggested
for refusing the licenses is that such
licenses are unnecessary. The act of
Assembly under which these licenses
are granted specificially enactsand the
appelate courts haye repeated over
and over again that this is not a valid
reason; that the question of necessity
does not enter into the consideration
for a brewers’ or a distillers’ appli-
cationgfor license. To refuse a brew-
er’sgor distiller’s license, the Oourt
must have some reason which is rec-
ognized by the Act of Assembly. Where
a corporation is an applicant,the ques-
tion of fitness is not involved, and
therefore the objections®ito some of
the applicants which relate to alleged
misconduct of certain individuals con-
nected with scorporations cannot be
the Supreme Court in the Indian
Brewing Company license. I am sat-
isfied that if I were to refuse all li-
censes against which remonstrances |
| have been filed simply for the reasons |
set forth in the remonstrances, the
appellate courts would reverse. And
believing it my duty to tollow the line |
marked§out so clearly and so plainly
by the higher courts, I cannot, depart
therefrom simply to conform to the
wishes of people whose views are an-
taganistic to the laws we have. I
think it a dangerous business to try
to to upset a law or render it to 0 NO | effect
by such I'l That is what
leads to anarchy, Frais, and other
Neithet can I acceed to the senti-
ments frequently expressed by persons
who perhaps thoughtlessly say the
without giving any reasons, because
the Supreme Court in such cases will
not reverse. I cannot stifle my con-
science so easily as that.
And it may be well at this time to
give expression of another r thought {in fin
connection with the license System,
Court should simply refuse a license |
ces of opinion among the Judges in the
State on this question and as far as I
know there has been no expressed
ruling by the higher courts,and there-
fore every Judge is at liberty to fol-
low his own inclinations, or his own
views, as to the interpretation of the
I have been appealed to by persons
‘of all sections of the county to adopt
a rule against the practice of treat-
ing. From what has been developed
in the cases now before the Court, it
is very clear that much of the com-
plaints and much of the trouble
brought on the landlord arises from
this pernicious custom. I do not
think it is a custom contemplated by
the act of the Assembly and it is not
to be encouraged in any way, and the
licenses this year are granting with
the understanding that no treating is
to ‘be allowed in the barroom. As I
stated to the landlords in granting li-
censes last year the hotel men must
conduct their busiress in such a way
as to conform largely to the reason-
able wishes of the public, and if they
fail to do so, they are not conforming
their privilege to the requirements of
the act of Assembly, aud they are ex-
pected to yield a cheerful obedience
to this rule, as they have done, I be-
lieve, in the main to all other rules
prescribed by the Court and the hotel
keepers’ association a year ago. The
licenses granted at this time are for a
period of one year, and no licenses
| will be tronsferred during the year ex-
| cept upon such a cause as is recogniz-
ied by the act of Assembly or under
special circumstances, unless such
tranfer is provided for at the time of
the granting of the licenses.
The depositions taken in some of the
contested cases reveal the fact that
a few of the landlords have side rooms
connected with their barrooms, some
of them probably almost entirely ex-
clusive of the barroom, and others
with small openings through which
drinks can be passed by the bartender.
I have not had time to make a care-
ful examination of this question, but
I am impressed with the fact that this
would make it very easy for a land-
lord to evade the responsibility by
having drinks passed into that room
to persons of the excepted classes s and
yet the landlord or bartender have no
personal knowledge. Whether it be a
violation of the law or not to maintain
such a room, Ithink the better prac-
tice is-for the landlord to discard such
opportunities for evasion, and d_oppor-
unifies for wittnesses to be produced
ought also to.&ee who does the drink-
ing, and his only safe course isto have
no such objectional features Tonneet-
ed with his bar.’
Som Es
For SALE—August Daberko’s valu-
able farm, south of the Union Ceme-
tery, one mile from Meyersdale, eon-
taining 60 aeres, under laid with coal
and good mine in operation. A dwell
ing house, barn and all necessary
out-buildings on the premises— All in
good repair. A good bearing orchard
and spring water. feb.13-tf.
SE 0
My wife Maggie, on Wednesday,
March’ 26th, 1913, left my bed and
board = without my knowledge and
without any cause, and consequently
I will not be responsible for any
debts she may contract. :
apl 3-2t. Rost. E. LEE. ad
Don’t Suffer
Steady Pain
Wear a Johnson’s Belladonna
Plaster. It will give you al-
most instant relief and sup-
ports, strengthens and massa-
ges the affected parts.
Johnsow’s Belladonna Plasters
do their work quickly and
well. Doctors recommend
them—we sell them.
Naugle Building,
Second- Hand Automobiles !
One 2-cylinder Maxwell, 2-pas-
tion, must go at $250.
One 25 %5. hores. powes ““‘Over-
land”’ Touring Car, with a de-
tachable rear body, in A'1 condi-
tion, a bargain at $375.
Also a bargain in a Ford Tour- :
ing Car.
to give satisfaction.
: For particulars call on or ad-
and that is on the question of viola- inst thém on issues offfact raised | dress,
tions of the liquor laws by persons illegalsales. The landlord ought,|. .. D. J. STEVANUS,
holding licenses. Therelare differen- @ foe Sepersongonno Bet ligior. “and fman Ri ~ Grantsyille, Mad.
Frices ;
If Not
Our Ten and Fifteen
Dollar Suits are
That’s Our Policy
In a Nutshell
Save money on your Boy’s
Suit this week,
98 to $7.50
are the results.
possible point.
Lastly, in order to cement
to save their sales-slips.
tifully framed picture that will
rated China.
must feel that they can get their money refunded if
goods are returned in satisfactory condition.
we save enough from our advertising fund to give our
customers beautiful premiums if they take the trouble
For $25.00 worth of sales-slips you will get a beau-
For $50.00 we give a handsome parlor Brussels
For $75.00 we give a 8l-piece Tea Set of Deco-
For $100.00 you get a 24x48 pearl painted Picture ’
in a 6-inch Gold or Mahogany frame.
Years of time and hundreds of regular customers
It’s the policy that makes new
friends every day and keeps old ones.
Quality must always be the best obtainable for
the money, and the high cost of living’ is a constant
reminder that prices must be kept down to the lowest
Then, as a guarantee of satisfaction, customers
Dress Shirts for
the new line of Paris
business friendships,
do credit to any one’s
It’s time for
Ladies’ Suits,
and Hats.
give jurisdiction to
Next to Second National Bank, MEYERSDALE, PA,
Your Money
Back With a
Pleasant Smile
If You Want It.
senger Roadster, in good condi :
. These cars are all guaranteed