Sei SE at cin OW WE S OF S FOR CRFUL, NEIGH- oe HT To . FUR- BUT OUR RUGS, AR GER OVER. : A th Phones, = nS Dy » .: 1 P | 0) bo if ge ge SE a # Ek Summer Garden, rien. Populas Pié- n ture Resort, Is Now in - Full Swing. A NEW MACHINE INSTALLED iN oarly all of last week, and almost day and night, Artist Philip G. Reich and his able corps of assistants were busily engaged in the work of trans- forming the sombre and common- place Auditorium skating rink and basketball floor into a Summer Gar- den, which may truly gbe styled a veritable bower of beauty. Only one who has kept in touch with the prog- ress of the work is able to form any- thing like an actual conception of the thought, time, labor and expense in- ‘volved in this annual transformation. RUSTIC DECORATIVE SCHEME, To make possible this artistic deco- rative stunt the forests were scoured for the tallest, smoothest and straight- est saplings, and the’ greenest -and most luxuriant laurel branches and mosses. © Of this material wagon loads were required, and-in addition great quantities of artificial verdure, thous- ands of feet of electrical wire, hund- reds of “tiny vari-coloréd electrical bulbs, and other effects. With the material assembled the master hand of that prince of decorators, Philip G. Reich, comes into play, and soon there are rustic booths, trellises and lattice work, twined and intertwined with clusters of lights and garlands of | leaves and the whole canopied with a thick bed of laurel. Aside from the pleasure and comiort afforded the pa- trons by its cool and inviting appear- ance and the fragrant scent peculiar to evergreens and shrubbery, the Sum-| and Mrs. Peter F. Hay, of Brothers- mer Garden this s ason has .earned “the sobriquet, “‘a ‘thing of beaaty and a joy forever.’’ FINE NEW MACHINE INSTALLED. Not content with having always shown as good pictures as were ever exhibited anywhere, the Reich Broth- ers are never satisfied with anything short of the best. In order to be in the front rank of moving picture ex- hibitors a Powers 6A, the very latest machine on the market, has been in- stalled, and the first pictures were shown on it Monday night. The ma- chine is capable of taking on at one tice two reels, or 2,000 feet of film. and the strong lors, the extra power- ful light and the numerous minute ad- justments which can be made by the operator almost instantly, will show up the strong points of a picture to a better advantage than the less mod- modern machines. Then, too, the Summer Garden is admirably adapted to the moving picture business. In the hot summer months it is cool and airy, and so provided with exits that danger from accident by fire or conse- quent stampede is rednced to a mini- mum. The pictures shown, most of which are passed by a board of cen- sorship, are the best procurable, and usually conveys its strong moral. "AUSPICIOUS OPENING MONDAY NIGHT. Easter Monday night great crowds flocked to the popular Broadway amusement place to inspect the beau- tiful Summer Garden and view the fine photo-play productions. Two big shows were given to hundreds of delighted spectators. Following the picture shows a grand post-Lenten " ball ball was given, music for which was furnished by Livengood’s Orches- tra. Judging from the auspicious na- ture of the opening and the subse- quent excellent attendance, a pros- perous season is forecasted for the Summer Garden. GOOD EASTER SERVICES Last Sunday morning at Mt. Leba- non church, and in the afternoon in the church at Glencoe, the respective Sunday schools of these congrega- tions fittingly observed the Easter festival. Good sized audiences were present and the services were render- ed in an unusually interesting and enthusiastic manner. At the former school Charles Deist is the energetic superintendent and Alfred Broadwat- er is the faithful superintendent of the latter school. The superinten- dents can feel highly elated over fhe | excellent manner in Fessler from. this the goat: beyond ; Roddy’s Mill, ne ampton township, Ds and died March 26, 19 ,at2:20 a.m. | aged 69 years, 3 mon d 7.days. On June 16, 1870, he wa married to Oaroline L. Pelster of Wéllersburg, Mr. Tregsler had spent theJast fif- teen years in Meyersdale and engaged | until recently in hauling and draying. For the last year he had been ailing, and for the last four weeks had been housed up. On Saturday evening when he retired there were evident symptoms that he would nct be able to endure the drains on his vitality much longer and early on Wednesday morning his system could no longer repel the attack on his heart, which was the immediate cause of his de- mise. He is survived by his widow and seven chiidren as iollows:—Geol1;e H. of Akron, Ohio, Grant of Wellers- burg, Frank of Nebraska, Joseph at home;:Mrs. David Lewis of Wilme.~ diag, and Misses Myrtle and Lutié at home. Six grandchildren also sui- vive and two brothers, Jesse Tressler of Johnstown and S. M. Tressler of Meyersdale. The funeral services will be held tomorrow afternoon at 2:00 o’clock at the home of the deceased, Rev. J. A. Yount, conducting the service. In- terment will be made in the Union cemetery. cember 19, 1943, CATHARINE WELLER. Mrs. Catharine Weller, aged 85 years, widow of Frederick Weller, died of a complication of ailments Pharsday afternoon at her home in Somerset township. Mrs. Weller was a daughter of Mr. valley. township and is survived by the-jollowing children: Cecelia, wife of alex Nicholson, of Somerset township; Louisa, wife of Norman Meyers, of Lambertsville;y Agnes, wife Frank Musser, of Somerset township and Milton, Sylvester and Valentine, at home. She was a sis- ter of Mrs. John Rink, who makes her bome with her son, W. H. Rink, of Johnstown; Dr. Valentine Hay of Somerset; Mrs. Samuel Walker, of Allegheny township and Mrs. Sam- uel Saylor, Somerset township. Funeral service was conducted at the Weller home zt 10 o’clock Sat- urday morning by Rev. J. H. Wise. Interment will be in the Hus- band cemetery. THE WOMEN OF THE COUNTY SEAT. Somerset women are are doing things, they reorganizsd the Civic Ciub and arranged for regular meetings in the chapel of the High School building. The other day County Superintend- ent Seibert appointed a good sprinkling of the fair sex on his committees for holding examinations in eighth grade schools. The Pa- rent-Teachers’ Association is largely feminine. Friday afternoon the Equal Franchise League will meet. (Its the regular monthly gathering of the league) in the High School chapel, when the members will review their studies of borough law and discuss the ‘‘Pow- ers and Duties of the Burgess.” Ag borough law students the suffragettes are probably preparing to aid the Civic Club aud probably also getting ready for the next municipal election when a new Burgess will be elected. Burgess Forney is ineligible to suec- 1 TBE SWEEPS THE WEST “TORNADO ~~ a Gigantic Floods Destroy Life 1 and Property. The Pitiless Flames Add New Horror ‘ The middle west is in the grasp “of the worst flood ever experienced, following in the wake of the terriffic war of the elements ( which in the past two days has swept practically the entire country from Nebraska to Vermont. Cleveland, Ohio, March 26 —More than seven thousand lives were lost in the “fierce fiood which swept through Ohio today leaving in its trail damage estimated far into the millions. The state is paralyzed, Railroad, trolley, telegraph .and tele- phone traffic is blocked and the cities in which hundreds of lives have been lost are cut off almost entirely from communication with the rest of the world. According to reports) which are believed authentic, five thousand were drowned in Dayton fully one thousand in Hamilton and | 540 in Piqua Millions of dollars damage has been done to property, and fully] 75,000 people are homeless and ap- peals for aid have been sent out to the Red Cross. In Dayton alone 30,000 are homeless. It was at first reported that 8,000 were drowned in Dayton. Later a. message was received. from a tele-. ‘hone operator in the Dayton eox- «hange that he could see hundreds of bodies floating through the street nash the telephone exchange building. At nine o’clock tonight the mayer of Dayton sent a message declaring, that 5,000 persons were drowned in; the city, 30,000 were homeless, and the situation was appalling. At ten |: o'clock tonight the dam of the res- orvoir north of Hamilton burst and a great flood swept down upon the city. According to the word of refu- gees more than 1,000 persons were drowned. In Piqua the 'river burst the levees and poured through the town and trapped hundreds to their homes. In Cleveland, while no lives were lost, the damage will amount to $2 000,000 INDIANA TOWNS ALSO DEVASTATED. Indianapolis, Ind., March 25-Two hundred lives are reported to have been lost by drowning in the flood which swept over Peru, Ind., aec- | cording to a dispatch received from that place tonight by Gov. Ralston. The White River levee on Morris street broke here at 6 o’clock and 1,500 persons were forced to make a hasty retreat from their homss. The water spread over several blocks, getting into the first floor of many houses. Troops and police hurriedly were sent to lend whatever assistance possible. Omaha, Neb., March 25 ‘One hundred and fifty are dead; 300 are injured Property loss will reach from $3,000,000 to $4,000,000. We haye mat- ters well in hand and can get along without assistance. Our people are FeRouidion nobly. Please accept the thanks of our people for your inquiry. Signed James C: Dahiman, Mayor’ He says “‘“This is my conception of hell. It is horrible and it has pre- sented a most complex situation. The loss of life and damage to property is the greatest possible blow, not only to Omaha but to Nebraska. I will call upon the Sta e to render every assistance, and I am sure ‘they will respond. “My horror and grief simply are beyond expression. FIRE THREATENS DAYTON BUSINESS SECTION. Dayton, © J., March 26—Fire broke out in the submerged central part of the “city late this afternoon burned to the water's edge buildings between St. Jlair aad Jefferson streets on the north side of East Main street ‘and | threatened to destroy a big portion of the business section. The fire is reported to have started from the explosion of an oil tank co.- taining ‘hundreds “of gallons and whieh bumped" into a submerged building near Fourth and Jefferson ‘streets. WANTS GAS SHUT OFF, Columbus; O., March 26—Governor- Cox asked the Associated Press to notify its West Virginia correspond- ents to get in touch with natural gas and ask them to shut off the supply of gas in Dayton. The gas is believed £0 be feeding the conflagration which ‘provails in Dayton. - DEAD FOUND IN HOUSE. Dayton, O., March 26— At 6 o’clock ‘tonight it was announced that res- cuers had found a number of dead at Fifth and Eagle streets. $25,000,000 DAMAGE TO RAILROADS. Chicago, March 26—An official of the Pennsylyania Railroad said to- day that flood damage to railroad property in Indianapolis would amount to $25,000,000, borne by all lines enter- ing Indianapolis. PRESIDENT ASKS FLOOD 41D. Washington, March 26—President Wilson today issued the following appeal to the Nation to help the suf- ferers in ‘he Ohio and Indiana floods: “The terrible floods in Ohic and Indiana have assumed the ; proportions of a National calamity. The loss of life and the intimate suffering involv- ed prompt me to issue an earnest ap- peal to all who are able in however, a small way to assist the labors of the American Red Cross to send con- tributions at once to the Red Cross in Washington or the local treasurers of the society. We should make this a common cause. The needs of those upon whom this sudden and over- whelming disaster has come, should quicken eyeryone capable of sym- pathy and compassion to give imme- diate aid to those who are laboring to rescue and relieve. DEETER—PFEIFFER. Last Monday, March 24th, at 11:00 a, m., at the home of W. H. Deeter on Broadway, his daughter Carolyn Leota was married to George Smith Pfeiffer of Moorefield, W. Va., Rev. A. E. Truxa!, D. D., officiating. In addition to the members of the fami- ceed himself under an Act of Assem- |ly at home, the families of the two bly. He is also a bachelor. Ex- | sons-in-law, Messrs. Boyer and Appel Burgess W. H. Welfley, who has prow- | were present to witness the ceremony. ably served more terms as burgess than any other man in the State, about, 28 terms of ‘three years each is spoken of as a candidate. He is also a bachelor. The suffra- gettes’ attitude on bachelorhood is not known. The Board ot Trade has not yet been invaded, but it is only a matter of time. The Board is not considered invincible by any means. DOUBLE MISSION. Rev. L. B. Rittenhouse spent the | 16th ab Connelisyille Secupy ing the | | The bride and groom left on train No. 6 over the B. & Q. for a trip east. They hope to call on Bunn Deeter, the bride’s brother, who is attending the business college at Poughkeepsie, W. A. SHOEMAKER AT JOHNSTOWN. A card received from W. A. Shoe- maker, formerly employed on The Commercial, stated that he started to work with the Democrat on Mon- day evening. Mr. Shoemaker is a first class printer, a newspaper man with a keen sense for news, a writer of no mean ability and an affable gentleman. May the Flood City in general and the Democrat in particu- lar, appreciate Billy. TWO TOWN WEDDINGS N. Y., before their return. They will locate at Moorefield where Mr. | Pfeiffer is engaged in business. reese mers | DONATED COMMUNION | SERVICE. | — | The children 6f Abraham and Mary | Maust of Salisbury, donated in mem- | ory of their Daronss, an individual | at ti Mr. Frank H. Taylor and Miss Mae Shultz, both highly respected young people of Meyersdale, were married on Wednesday ev ening, March 19, at the Brethren parsonage by the Rev. | H. L. Goughnour. Mr. Robert W. Shumaker, of Glade City, and Miss Margaret D. Coleman, | were united in mar- | 20, | of Meyersdale, riage on Tuesday evening, March he Brethren parsonage, the « 1913 ’ JUROR LIST. drawn for Oivil Court April 21st: Benson—O. 0. Zimmerman. Stonycreek township—CharlesRing- ler. Confluence—Jonas Speicher. Quemahoning township—William Rininger. Jenner township—Solomon H. Hor- ner. Paint township—William Holsopple. Wellersburg —Adam Trimble. Lower Turkeyfoot township—Josiah M. Worsing. Larimer township—H. L. Tressler. Somerset township—Michael IL. Shaffer. Lincoln township—J. W. Geary. Upper Turkeyfoot township—Wil- liam A. Lear. Quemahoning Gaghagen. Elk Lick township—David H. Keim. Somerset—Homer Ansell Conemaugh township—Sem EK. Johns, E. L. Swank. Shade township—@G. B. Caddiday. Allegheny township—Simon Kris- singer. Addison township—James A. Wil- kins. Elk Lick township—John Smear | man. Paint —G. B. Baumgardner. Confluence—Scott Anderson. Somerset—Frank K. Sanner. Si merset township—William P. Spangler, Charles E. Rhoads, Jacob F. Latshaw, Charles J. Barron. “Blk Lick township—E. S Hassler. Shade township Isaiah Hamer. Fairhope township—D. U. Foust. Summit toWaship—A. W. Bittner. Elk ick township— William Knecht | | Windber—H: H. Deaner, Quemahoning * * township— Walter Shaffer. Southampton twp.—Adam Shroyer. Lincoln township—Francis Maust Summit township—Daniel S. Gna- gey. Somérset township—Auns‘in Bow- man. Meyersdale—Norman W. Weimer. Confluence—H. H. Kurtz, Jr. Somerset township—Charles Rhoads, FE Jada, Jenner township—Peter J. Bowman. Rockwood—Michael H. Sryder. Quemahoning township — Henry Horner. . Stoyestown—Foster B. Giffin. Somerset township—J. W. Brougher Northampton township—N. B. Poor- baugh. Somerset—Ed. M. Shaffer. Middlecreek township— Smith B. King. township—Charles As EASTER SUNDAY. Easter Sunday was ideal in Meyers- dale. Fashionably dressed ladies and well groomed men were out in full force all day. The churches were well attended, the pastors preached special sermons, the attendance at the Sunday schools were large. Many additions were made in church mem- bership. SHOBER FINED. Samuel U. Shober having witk@ drawn his motion for a new trial, fol- lowing conviction at the February sessions on a charge of negligence in o Tice while discharging the duties cf Superintendent of the County Home, appeared before Judge W. H. Ruppel, at chambers, last Tuesday morning, at which time he was sentenced to pay a fine of 825 in addition to the costs amounting to probably $300 or $400. Judge Ruppel explained that three charges had been preferred against Shober, a verdict of not guilty having been ordered in one, the charge of supplying diseased meats to inmates, and in another the jury hav- ing found him not guilty but to pay costs. COMMERCIAL SALE REGISTER Mrs. Anna Poland, March 3ist, Large street at 1 p. m. household goods. Committee of the Reformed church —The Old Parsonage west of the church, March 29th, 10:00 a. m. - John A. Baer, executor March 29th at 2:00 p. m. Real Estate, rear B. & O. station. ! Mrs. Harvey Koeppe, March 29th at 1:00 p. m., Large street. Real Estate and Household furniture. August Daberka. Private sale, val- uable farm near Union cemetery. Mrs. Barbara Braucher. dwelling house on the Priyate South The following jurors have been STATE CAPITAL GOSSIP, tn . WOMAN’S SUFFFRAGE The Woman Sufferage movement had a field day in the Senate Tuesday g The bill which the House passed soma weeks ago, providing for a popula# vote on a proposed amendment of the constltution giving'women the rights to vote is now in the hands of the: Senate Committee ‘and many distin- A guished women of Pennsylyduia and. Fe" from outside of the state, indesd; one of the most prominent was from Eng-= land, were present and addressed the committee in.behalf of the ‘theas Prominent women who are et suffrage for their sex were also prés- ent, and made Speeches i in opposition to the pro- suffrage advocates. 2 The measure will likely be reported: to the full Senate sometime thid weeks There is no predicting safely what will happen to it, sinee, so far as’ ‘can ‘be learned, the Sendte seems to be about equally divided, but the impression prevails that the sifirage wogen will win out. CR 4 JB rs mtres oe AE 5 INJURIES TO. WORKMEN = The proposed law fixing the lidbilit of emyloyers,. ang ‘eomp ‘eompensatior _workingmen in ‘case of accld : come from co € 60 it irafiges ed laws on this sobje : den of proof ay to that of the suit for d may have a Ing in the course of his ploye. This is adi present pracfice. e prefixes the presise re “ot: dam- ages an employe is entitled Yo, the basis being his rate of pay at the time of injury. To make this clearer, if a workman receiving twelve dollars a week shonld be a victim of an acci- dent through no negligence of his own, the damage to which he wonld be en- titled would be his weekly wages dur- ing the period of enforeed idleness. This period cannot exceed 300 week S, even if the accident should disable him for life. THE STATE-WIDE PRIMARY ELECTION The Stateswide 1 rimary Act, passed last week by the House by a vote of 179 to 16. is probably the most impor- tant act thus far of this legislature. It provides for a popular presidential preference primary. Every preciden- tial candidate would rn in the pri- mary and the one receiving the great- est number of votes world be entitled to all the national delegates and alter- nates, which he would himself select. The Oregan plan of direct senatorial preference is included. The candidate for United States Senator who should receive the greatest number of votes on this plan would be elected to the United States Senate, regardless of his polities. Then the Governor, Lieu- tenant Governor, Auditor General, State Treasurer,§Secretary of Internal Affairs and all judges of the Supreme and Superior courts would be nomi- nated in the same way by the people of the entire state. No further state conventions would be held for this purpose. The candidates nominated for State Senate and the House of Representatives would meet in con- vention, after their nomination, and make the platform on which they would be candidates before the people at the fall election. This bill is now in the Senate. LOCAL OVERFLOW. Mr. and Mrs. Wm, F. Smith of Opelika, Ala., arrived here Saturday for a visit with the latter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. jJeremiahfWiland. Mr. Smith returned home yesterday, but Mrs. Smith will remainiffor several weeks. The lizards are in evidence again in the water pipes. The price of water has not advanced. Hear the Coliege Girlsjsing to night at Donges’ Theatre. Milton Werner of Fort Hill was | transacting business in town yester- | day. POLICEMAN §HARE ILL, Polic