do ‘Before Making Your, Purchase Drop in and look over.our new line of Spring and Summer styles. = We feel that we can show you the strongest line of Button Boots and Oxfords that have ever been shown in this city. White Buck, Black Satin, Suede and Cravenette, as well as Patent Leather, Tan and Gun Metal. We have a complete line of sizes and widths in just the style you want. Don’t take any chances. . Gome in and See Us Before You Buy TOM & JIM, The Place for High Grade Footwear. THE FO The people’s column for the diss cussion of questions pertaining to the public gaod. The Editor must know the names of the contributors, and will guard these names carefully. He does not hold himself respon: sible for any views expressed, amd reserves the right to reject any coms munication: ae BER BB Be 8 Beale Be dele abe sts oBeote Be ole ots ode eRe oheeBeeteode sd: 2.8 8.2 8.8.8 8 8.8.8. 2 8 8 8 3 8 8.38.8 2 8.8 8 8 8 8 8.8 Be PRP RPT PTR R PPV TERT Zo Be Bese ode Ca he Sc 2c 3 oBooBeoBe Boole Be eRe Bo Lo Be Boode TR eT SEITE WHY NOT? If it can beshown, as is well known, that a man in order to gain a seat on the judicial bench bound himself by promises to decide questions in favor of certain interests, and when on the bench discriminates against his cnpo- nents and in favor of his supporters, 2. = and when his friends with his knowl- Lagi Cs A St NP ~The Corset for the Ssason—— Hartley Bloc . ww rr, HERE is a marked difference be- T tween ‘this season's corset and the models of previpus seasons If you will try to wear a former season's corset with a new dress you will im stantly see the difference, This general change is very noticea- ble in HENDERSON CorSETS The new HENDERSON models are styled and constructed to bring out every ‘detail of the important fashion changes that distinguish this season's modes. When you wear the right HexDERS N CorseT—the model that has been individually designed for your figure—your contour will show the styl- ish, natural effect which is now the cor- rect fashion. : You will liks HENDERSON CORSETS. They are exceptionally well constructed; oO only high grade, serviceable materials are gsed in these models; they are accurate fitting and copfartable They range in price from $1 to $5. 4 At our well equipped Corset Department competent / salesladies are in rttendance to help you select and dem- onstrate the advantages of the corsets we sell. HARTLEY, CLUTTON CO., THE WOM"NS STORE HENDERSON Fashion Form Corsets Nl a et NSN tS SS Nt Meyersdale, Pa J edge promise favors in .court on cer- tain financial conditions, ought not such a judge to be impeached? Why not? The time was .when it was thought that judges.could not be reached for improper procedure, and that money could save anyone ar- raigned before the bar of justice. But the decision of the United States Sen- ate in the Archbold case shows that judges are not above the reach of the law, and when it can be shown that a judge is so fettered by pre-election al- liances that he is not free to act ac- cording to the law, equity and justice, for the good of the people and the judiciary ought not the case to be brought before the proper tribunal for investigation by impeachment pro- ceedings? If not, why not? CoN. PRAYERS AND ACTIONS. According to the following conver- sation which took place in a Pennsyl- vania town between a laboring man and a politician, actions do not al- ways accord with prayers. The laboring man said, ‘‘Mr. Jones, I see that Judge granted liquor licenses quite freely in his county.” ‘“Yes, I believe so,’’ replied Jones. “Well, I am very much surprised.”’ “Why?? : “I wlll teil you. You see I used to live in that town, and that man was my Sunday-school teacher, and one Sunday, just before license court was to have been held by the then judge, he prayed most earnestly that the Lord might put it into the heart of the judge to refuse all liquor licenses and drive the cursed business out of the county. That prayer made an £14 Apa ' quality. The Home of Quality Groceries Our bill of fare is so extensive and varied that our patrons have a wide range for selection. Buy select groceries that have been carefully selected. Our sales on Levering’s Coffee are consantly increasing. It’s the Atlas Flour makes better and more bread than the cheaper grades of flour. Every sack guaranteed to give satisfaction. Buy your Canned Goods from us; you will save money and be pleased. W QUOTE ONLY A FEW P ICES FOR THIS WEEK. 1-4 barrel choice Spring Wheat Flour, $1.50. 25¢ can Apricots, 20c 25¢ can Pears, 20¢ 3 cans Peerless Milk, 25¢ 1 can best Pumpkin, 10c. 20c¢ can Pork and Beans, 15¢ S0c can Pitted Cherries or Strawberries, 25¢ 3 10c packages Corn Starch, 25¢ 6 pounds Oatmeal, 25¢ 1 ponnd Baking Powder, 15¢ 7 5¢ bars Laundry Soap, 25¢ F. A. BITINER. 142 Centre Street. Both Phones. Meyersdele, Pa. impression on me and I never forgot it, and so when I heard that my Sun- day-school teacher was made judge I of course thought, now license must go. But he did just what the other judge did. He did not act as he prayed. Why is it??? “Oh,” said Mr. Jones, *‘I could, easily explain that, but I do not want to say anything about it—at least not now yet.”’ X CHARGES FRAUD. Alleging that his step-mother is en- deavoring to def aud him,James Hud- son, of Portage, Cambria county, through his attorneys, Frank P. Mar- tin, of Johnstown, and Norman T. Boose, of Somerset, has filed a peti- tion in the Orphans’ Court of Somer- set county asking the court to vacate an order of sale issued in the ecstate of his father, Thomas Hudson, late of Windber, Judge Ruppel has awarded a rule on petitioner’s step-mother to show cause why the order of sale should not be nullified. Thomas Hudson died at Windber, July 27, 1910, leaving a will in which he bequeathed a life interest in his HERE IS SOMETHING That will please every farmer who has a dull harrow or spring- tooth cultivator. These double points will fit them, and we will guarantee them to do better work than a new harrow will do. They are made of the best spring steel and are fastened with a case-hardened screw that will prevent them from coming off and getting lost. TRY ONE SET and see how much better work you can do. FOR SALE AT SIEHL HARDWARE STORE, MEYERSDALE, PA. real estate to his wife, Eliza, or as long as she shall remain his widow, | with power to sell the property in | case she became in absolute need. | Under the will James Hudson, the petitioner, is to inherit the real estate | at the death of his step-mother. | Eliza Hudson some time ago secured an order from the court and sold one {of her husband’s properties to the Rev. E. W. Rishel, of Windber, for $1,100, setting forth in her petition | for the order that she was in absolute | need of the necessaries of life, and that her husband’s personal property | was sold for only $256 which she claim- | ed as her exemption. | The testator’s son claims that the | statements made by his step-mother { are not true; that she is not and could | not be in want; that at the death of | Thomas Husson his wife had at least | $1,100 in her possession and in August 1911, wanted to invest this amount protection of the good name of the | | | I will offer at public sale at No. THE GREAT te MONEY-MAKER. Due to the fact that the great de- mand for crude oil exceeds the supply there is no form of investment at the present time which affords greater money-making possibilities than the been quickly made by oil, and the op- portunities were never greater than now. The Oklahoma Oil Oo. has three producing wells and two more are tobe brought in this week. An investment inthis company is not only homa and is managed by capable and responsible men. You should see me Dr. H. C. MCKINLEY, Meyersdale, Pa. (Adv.) tte amie will fatten your steers or increase sadunt of cream from your dairy cows. Cheapest feed onthe markeb today, at Habel'& Phillips. ad able farm, south of the Union Ceme- tery, one mile from Meyersdale, con- taining 60 acres, under laid with coal and good mine in, operation. A dwell- ing house, barn ‘and all. necessary out-buildings on the premises—All in good repair. "A good bearing orchard and spring water. feb.13-tf. reels Another car offour celebrated Gold- en Loaf flour in.fffNow is the time to buy $5.40 per barrel, at ad Habel &7IPhiilips. “Just to hear the College Girls | sing Dixie’ was worth the price | of admission’’.—Evening Post, Fred- erick. ad. ee eee The S S. C. E. of the Brethren church will hold its annual chicken supper the first Thursday evening of April. ad ea LT New garden seeds in bulk, also oniongsets, at Habel & Phillipse ad True -- Dainty Toilet Waters A dainty toilet water suggests a dainty toilet and a careful oil industry = Great fortunes have | safe but may make enormous profits. ; : The company is incorporated under |§ the strict laws of the State of Okla~|} ¥before the price of the stock advances. i Cotton seed meal 41 to $s per cent | ge = For SALE—August Daberko’s valu RESOLVED, TIMES IN OUR PRICES UT - NEVER IN THE NITURE. JUST NoW WE HAVE SHOWERS OF You: BUSTER BROWN. Bee Yu A i hy To KEEP A HOME BRIGHT AND CHEERFUL, AND To MAKE YoU GLAD WHEN YOUR NEIGH- BOR S CALL, NEW PIECES OF FURNITURE NEEDED FROM TIME To TIME. YoU NEED GO SHOPPING AROUND--COME STRAIGHT To OUR STORE. YoU WILL SEE THAT oUR FUR- NITURE 1S NoT ‘‘SLUNG’’ TOGETHER, BUT STRONGLY AND HANDSOMELY MADE. OUR STOCK OF LACE CURTAINS, CARPETS, RUGS, WALL PAPER AND MUSICAL GooD.S 1.5 LARGER I COME IN AND LooK THEM OVER. {i THAN EVER. 130 Centres Street. Funeral Directors 2ad Embalmrs. Both Phones, personal consideration. We offer you the best toilet waters of domestic and foreign manu- facture. Whether you require a toilet water in the nursery, bouduir, bed-room or bath we have just. the toilet water to please and satisfy your partic- ular requirements. THOZLEY'S DRUS STORE, Naugle Building MEYERSDALE, PENN’A J W WASMU'H, Confections, Cigars aid Tobacco. | Here is the VFlace to Secure Your Fresh Fish and Oysters For Easter! PUCLIC SALE REAL ESTATE! Large street, Meyers- dale, Pa., on Saturday, March 29, 1913, At 1:00 O'clock P. M., A Four-Roomed House, Pantry and Cement Cellar and large Stable on the lot. If this property can not be sold it will be rented. Personal Property. March 29th. All the household goods are to be sold: Organ, Stoves, Beds { with Joseph Allgood, of Windber,and | that in addition to the $1,100 in cash | { she has an income of $15 per month | form rents for real estate. A a A a a a ll par- Bids for yath | room for I ~The old Reformed building new Sunday school It is further alleged that the pur-| chase price of $1,100 is not a sufficient | price for the property proposed to be | A sold; that the same is worth at least 30 proved security. 00, and that Eliza Hudson is en- James Hudsor nter ee Nl ed al NII Nl Nl ll Nl Nd ltd SIS. of ~ a LoWesT PRICES ON QUALITY Gogps! Big Savings for Easter Shoppers on Friday and Saturday, March 21--22 At McKenzie & Smith's. Finest quality mixed Cakes, per pound. .... 3 pounds best quality Lunch Crackers at.... 25¢ 4 cans Dodd’s Best Corn at .... ..... J... 25¢ Full size can Tomatoes at............... sees 1X00 10-pound bag fine Table Salt at. ..... sive . Full pound can Salmonat .... .. .......... 10c 14-ounce box Royal Cocoa at................ 25¢ 1 quart best quality loose’ Mustard at........ Tc 3 be boxes Matches at................. 10¢ 10c can Green Beans, extra quality, at. ...... 10¢ 12% can White Wax Beans at................ 10c 4 pound cake Walter Baker’s Chocolate at... 20¢ 35¢ can fancy White Cherries at..... .. ... 27¢ 2-pound can Black Raspberriesat.... . ..... 15¢ 25c can White Cherries at... ........ ... .. 21c Best quality Lemon Cling Peaches at........ 20c 10c bottle Pepper Sauce at...... ........... Tc Large size jar Dill Pickles at................ 10c Perfect Breakfast Coffee, best in market, at. 30c Extra quality loose Cocoa, per pound. ....... 35¢ ; 10 cakes Moon Seapat........ ........... 25e Gcakes Lennox Sogpat....... . ......0... 25¢ 3 10c cans Big Bonanza Lye at........... .. 25¢ Full pound package Seeded Raisins at..... . 10e 10c box Macaroni at........ ra de ei a Te wf We Pay Highest Market Prices for Butter, Eggs and Other Country Produce. and Bedding, Cupboards, Chairs and other articles too numerous to be mentioned. ; TERMS. | Sums of $5.00 and under cash. | mounts above $5.00, a credit of | days will be given with ap- MRS. HARVEY KOEPPF. MOKENZIE & SMITH Se. 'NAUGLE BLOCK, MEYERSDALE, PA. pe rn me . BIG DROPS OCCUR SOME | | QUALITY OF oUR FUR PRETTY THINGS FoR [| =». 8 ARS“ k A L$ A SE © i I 1