iH CAMHS | 0mm , pi aor ’ in Pittsburg shopping. PERSONAL AMD LOCAL HAPPENINGS Items Pertaining to the Town in General and Prepared for the Readers By 8 Our Busy Staff. 2 = J Mrs. B. P. O’Bryon spent Monday Born to Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Dahl Friday last—a daughter. Wm. Liberty of Garrett spent Sat- urday here with relatives. Mrs. A. L. Lowry, of Salisbury vis- Sma business in town on Mon. ited Meyersdale Saturday. Mr. and Mrs OC. R. Darrah, spent : hdale with rela-|2 pleasant call at The Commercial on Sunday near Beechda Wednesday. tives. : - Andrew Horchner, of near Mance, was trensacting business in town on Saturday. : Rev. J. J. Brady spent Monday and Tuesday with friends at Windber and Johmstown. ible Cyril Pancoast, of Stenbenwille, O., spent several days last wesk with friends here. Misses Clara and Lucy :Stacer, who Spent the past ten days in Pittsburg, returned home on Monday. Mis. Harry May and dittle son of ¥ Ystown, spent the past few days > fin relatives and friendshere. Miss Janet Spence, of Hooversville, is spending the week wifh relatives and friends in this €ity. Miss Elizabeth Payne, ef Rockwood, spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Payne. George Collins, of Berlin, spent Sunday here with his mother, Mrs B. B. Collins, of Large street. A. B. Grof, of :Bemerset, spent Monday visiting bis mother, Mrs. Katherine Grof, Meyers ayenue. Mrs. Joseph Speicher, of Berlin, spent a fewflidays of the past week here with relatives.and friends. Mrs. Annie Matthews, after spend- ing the past six weeks at ‘Washing- ton, D. C., returned home on Satur- day. ne : J. A. Countryman of Boswell spent a few days of i» vast week here with his mother,Lw:s. E. L. Coun- tryman. Ted O. Imhoff, assistant agent for the B. & O. at Boswell, spent Monday -visiting®his mother, Mrs.;Mary Imhoff, of Front§street. ! Simon McKenziejlett Tuesday morn- ing for Cheat. Haven, Pa., where he has ecuredfemployment -with a large. contacting firm. Deal, of Johnstown, was in town|the forepart of the week frans- acting business and «calling upon rela- tives ang friends. = in Mr. and Mrs. A..R. Stratton, who spent the past two months at Oak- land, Md., returned .home on No. 51 . Saturday evening. Mrs. ‘H.-L. Griffith spent Saturday .eveningSwith her dagghter, Miss Mar- ,garet, who-is being treated at the _Markleton Sanatorinm. - Mrs. Gillian L. Millerand daughter, Mrs. Edna Maxwell, of Rockwood, . were in town onjTuesday shopping .and calling upon friemds. Mrs. John H. Adamson, of Pitts- burg, and Mrs. John Hewes, of Balti- more, Md. Bare visiting. their parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Stein. Mr. A. W. Bauman, of Somerset, spent Sunday with his son and daught- ‘ersin-law, Councilman and Mrs. H. E. Bauman, ot Salisbury street. Mrs. W. T. Williams of . Jc hastown, spent: several days daming the week with. herirelatives, Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Livengood, of Broadway. Hon.BE. D. Miller, of Rockwood, an inspecton in the pure faod depart- ment of the state, was in town on Monday upon official busimess. George Stein and daughter, Miss Anna. of Somerset, spent Saturday and Sunday here with the former’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Stein. _ Helen, youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Darrah, who-has been * sick for several weeks, with pneu- monia, is getting along very nicely. Miss Ida Dia, a student of Irving Obsllege, Mechanicsburg, Pa., is home to spend the Easter vacation with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Dia. Mrs. Ella Snyder, and daughter iss Julia, of Rockwood spent Sat- p Je here with their relatives, Mr. and Mrs. James Darnley of the South Side. John Miller, of Coshocton, Ohio, arrived fhere on Tuesday to attend the funeral of his cousin, Mrs. Harry M. Shardt, which occurred yesterday morning. Mr. and:Mrs. Ray Hartley, of Caca- pheon, W. Va., arrived here on train No. 15 Saturday and spent a few days will be disposed of next week. transacting business in town on Tues- day. few days with Miss Hattie Morrell, of Beachley street. : _ Richard Mankamyer while in town on Tuesday renewed his subscription to The Commercial. i spending a few days of this week with relatives and friends. Va , arrived on Monday and will spend | the funeral of Mrs. Hartle’s sister, Matters pertaining to liquor license Wm. Ackerman of Mance, was ewis Knepp of near Sand Patch, Mrs. J. C. Reitz of Rockwood made Mrs. W. P. Shaw of Berlin, spent a Mr. and Mrs. Frank Merrill, are Mrs. Ernest McCarty of Deleplane, a few weeks with her sister, Miss Hattie Morrell. Mrs. O. A. Warfield and son Clinton left for the home of the former’s par- ents near Baltimore, Md., on Monday. Miss Laura Twigg accompanied them. Mrs. D..J. Fike and Miss Martha Livengood spent Thursday of last week as guests of the farmer’s par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Beachy, of near West Salisbury. Dr. Thomas L. March of Harris- burg, one of the State High School inspectors, was here yesterday and was very well pleased with the work in the local High School. Mr. Wallace Keim of Denver, Colo., who has been visiting his old home town, Salisbury, and his many friends. thereand in Meyersdale, left on Tues- day evening for his home. z Mrs. J. W. Haley and daughter, Miss Pearl, who spent a week with relatives and friends at Star Junetion, Connellsville and contiguous points, returned home on Saturday. ; ¢. D. Yoder, wife and daughter of Wellman, Iowa, and Mrs. Henry Yoder of Kalona, Iowa, are east, due to the sickness of Mr. Jonas Maust, mother of the Mesdames Yoder. Miss Nell Hoover; one of the effi- cient ‘‘hello’’ girls for the Somerset Telephone company at Boswell, spent Sunday. with ber parents, Mr.. and Mrs. John Hoover, North street. Mrs. John Hartle and two sons, Vincent and Augustus, left on Satur- day for Clearfield county to attend Mrs. Steinkirchner, which oeeurred on Sunday. : > Miss. Evelyn Truxal, teacher in the ‘Women’s college at Frederick, Md., ‘and Miss Florence Wilmoth, a student of the same college, arrived home yesterday to spend the Easter vaca- tion with relatives and friends. Bills are being printed at this office for the sale of the real estate of the late Barbara Baer, which will take place on Saturday, March 29th, 1912, at 2 o’elock. For particulars see the bills, or«communicate with the exec- utor, John A. Baer, Meyersdale, Pa. Thomas Daugherty, of New Castle, spent Sunday and Monday visiting his parents, Capt. and Mrs. W. M. Daugherty, Main street. Mr. Daugh- erty is conductor in charge of a erew in the New Castle yards of‘the B. & O.R. RB. : John Stacer, the veteran B. & O. employe, and also a veteran of the Qivil War, has been incapacitated from duty for several weeks on ac- count of am attack of rheumatism. Mr. Stacer has been in the employ of the company for twenty-two years, and has the first time yet to answer to a charge of insubordination or in- attention to duty. This is indeed an enviable record. ’ SUFFRAGE MEETING. The first Woman Suffrage meeting ever held in Meyersdale took place last Friday in the Kendall building cn Centre street, when about 25 women were addressed by Mrs. Alice Kier- nanyof Somerset. After the meeting an Equal Suffrage club was formed more familiarly known as ‘‘Goody,”’. 20YAL BAKING POWDER Absolutely Pure The only Baking Powder made from Royal Grape Cream of Tartar NG ALUM, NO LIME PHOSPHATE 2 EASTER SERVICES. (CoNTINUED FROM PAGE 1.) Exercises—Resurrection Time. Recitation—To die no more—A Redd. Solo—The Song of Easter Tide— Miss Jeanette Cole. Recitation—Break forth into Sing- ing—Florence Scott. Exercise—Easter Gifts. Recitation—Easter Beauty—Charles Fairfax. Solo—Jesus Lives Again—Gladys Recitation— Alive Forever More— Miss May Steward. Recitation—My Lord Crucified— Miss®Linnie Redd. Recitation—Long Age—Miss Lucy, Johnson. Quartette—Easter Bells. Recitation, Thorns—Gladys Fender- son. Recitation—An Easter Song—Ber- tis Evans. Song to the school—Lone Reward. Recitation—How the Lilies Grow— Miss Olie Steward Recitation—Something Whispers in the air—Miss Mary Evans. Offering. Recitation—The Boy Skeaks - Mas- ter Roy Evans. Recitation—The Love of Christ— Miss Rosanna Scott. Duet and Chorus. Recitation, At Easter—Master Sam- mel Evans, Jr. i : Closing Chorus—Lord of All. Rev. T. Alphonzo Fenderson, 8S. T. B., pastor. Dr. Robb L. Byrd, Superintendent. Mrs. Pearl Young, Music Director. eee eee: Oyster supper Methodist chur ch Main street, Friday evening the 21st commencing at 5 p. m. Good supper for 25 cents. You are inyited. Aad Ni pa Epworth League. The Siehl Hardware store unloaded -a car of Troy wagons on Tuesday. ad Private Sale—All household furni- ture, sewing machine, organ, earpets, .one Hall safe, etc. A lot of pulleys. Call at once for good bargains. Miss HATTIE MORRELL, .al 413 Beachley, St., Meyersdale. PLEASANT SURPRISE. plished clerks in the Miller & Collins Department Store, was treated to a genuine surprise on Friday evening by her mother, Mrs. Christian Sides, at the family residence on Large street. Saturday having been the day that marked the anniversary of Miss Sides’ birth, and it being im- possible for the event to be held on that day, Mrs. Sides provided a most delicious lunch to be served on the previous evening. At the supper hour one of the lady clerks in the store, by a ruse, managed to detain Miss Sides long enough for the remainder of the ladies to assemble at the Sides resi- dence. Imagine the young lady’s surprise upon entering her home to find a jolly crowd to receive her. The affair was a complete surprise. Following the lunch games and music were indulged fn and a most delight- ful evening was spent. The follow- ing were present:—Misses Lens Sin- sell, Mary Yeager, Lillian Baer, Ada Mitchell, Hulda Powell, Myrtle Smi- ley, and Mesdames Walter Koontz and Ward Dull. RESOLUTIONS. The following resolution was unani- mously adopted by the Luther Broth- erhood at its regular meeting on Sun- day March 168th.: Whereas, On the evening of the by the election of the following offi- cers: Mrs. Frank B. Black, president; Mrs, Frank Hoffman, vice president; Mrs. F. B. Thomas, Secretary-Treas- nrer. Quite a number joined the elub, and much activity is promised. BIRTHDAY PARTY. Samuel May of with the former’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Hartley. Friendship Ledge, No. 76, Loyal Order of Moose on'Monday evening took in a la class ¢ sw members | was very much surprised last Satur- |day evening when a party composed of his children and randchildren rushed i i re- in upon him Keystone street | Luther Brotherhood banquet, some | person or persons printed or caused | to be printed certain hand bills which | reflected upon the honor of the in- | vited guest and speaker of the even- |ing, and distributed these bills pro- miscunously oyer the town, and, | ~ Whereas, This was done without | the knowledge or consent of the Brotherhood, ‘Therefore, be it hood look upon this act as a gross indignity both to the guest and to denounce it as the malicious pe ourselves and work of certain Miss Zella Sides, one of the accom- Resolved, That we as a Brother- | rson or | = FAREWELL SURPRISE. A very pleasant surprise was given at the home of W. C. Lovell, Glencoe, Tuesday evening, 11th inst., when a number of his friends called to spend the evening. Mr. Lovell leaves shortly for near Collins’ ‘March Sale Ends Saturday, March 22. Here are a few of the bargains. See our big circular, which is full of bargains. i o5c Rexall Tooth Paste..... ........«u... 2 for 26¢ } 15cTooth Brush. cove... 0... hdee 2 for 16¢ 2 Pure Hoarhound Drops, perpound .... ........ 12¢ Ty 10c Post Card Frames. .... ........ 1... 2 for 11c 10c Toilet Soap ....... iv oui ubddls 2 for 11e $1.00.Shoulder Brace................ di 69¢ $1.25 Hot Water Bag ....... ... .ceiieruisae. 83¢c $1.50 Combination Syringe and Water Bottle. ...9%¢ & Friday and Saturday=———=30uvenir Daus GOLLINS’ DRUG STORE, { el \. Hartley Bloe:. Ie Rexall sure Woirs'ale, Pa § | Charleston, W. Va., where he has se- a cured employment. , The furniture was nearly ail packed for shipment, and the young folks soon had the lar- gest room cleared and spent the even- ing dancing old-fashioned country dances, while the older men occupied another room and talked politics, ‘ete. The children also had a department to themselves, while the housewives took possession of the kitchen and dining-room. At midnight came the call for re- freshments, when oysters, chicken and all other delicacies of the season were served.’ The guests, numbering about fifty, departed early Wednesday morning after having spent a delightful occa- sion. ee For RENT—The house now occu- “A Satisfied Customer is. Our Best Advertisement” AND WE ARE EXTENSIVE ADVERTISERS our Plan : We Grow the Famous Wayne and Ontario County Nursery Stock. William C. Moore & Company, 500 ACRES IN NURSERIES AND ORCHARDS. FLOWER OF FAIRFIELD. } Ww. H. FLOTO, Agent for Somerset County. | ALL STOCK GUARANTEED. “And When Not Rizht, We Make It Right.” SEE Sg ER NEWARK New York State. pied by R. D. Pfahler on Broadway street will be for rent by May ist. For partienlars call up or write F. T. Jones, Boswell, Pa. mech 20-tf Finest full cream cheese and Sweitzer and limberger, at ad : Habel & Phillips FREDERICK GLEE CLUB COMING. The girls Glee Club from the Woman’s college at Frederick, will give a eoncert in the Donges Theatre on Thursday evening, March 27, 1913, at 8:15 o’clock. This is the first time the people of Meyersdale have had the opportunity of hearing a girls glee club. The Frederick club is composed of twenty young ladies, who under the have arranged a very pleasing pro | gram. The people should avail them- selves of this opportunity, cateh the college spirit and spend a pleasant evening. Go for a fourfold reason: 1st. To hear a high class and up-to- date concert. : ond. To encourage and stimulate clean entertainment. ' 3rd. Go out of respect to the local people who are members of the club. 4th. To help a good cause. - Get your tickets early; seats will be reserved at Thomas’ drug store. Don’t forget the date and everyone turnout and spend a pleasant evening. A EA TSR Wanted maple sugar and syrup, highest cash prices paid, at ad : Habel & Phillips. BE Bids will be received for excavating for the foundation of Sunday school building, for Reformed church, Mey- ersdale, Pa. C. W. TRUXAL. mchi3-tf.ad. I Board for two in a modern house in town “or out of town. Good pay. Inquire at The Commercial. ad [PROPERTY FOR SALE. I will offer at private s le my resi- dence on Sherman street, South Side, consisting of a large siz-room dwell- ing; lot 54x 150, outbuildings and a fine cement sidewalk; house in good repair. Easy terms—$100 down and balance as rent. This is a rare oppor- tunity to secure a fine residence prop- erty on most reasonable terms. Ap- ply on the premises to MRS. BARBARA BRAUCHER, (12mar-3t) Sherman St., Meyersdale. omen eee Good loose coffee at 20c per lb., and ground free, ab ad Habel & Phillips. ORPHAN’S COURT. | Inthe estate of W. M. Schrock, | late of Stonycreek twp., order of | sale awarded to Homer A. and Merle | R. Schrock, administrators. the direction of “Miss Elinor Markey | ; A) Sen. in, Sh, Sh, Sn Sams ss ww Bh. 5 : Dh - A GT BF aT a SS A ST SS SS a When You Buy Your Suit y ~ This season, just remember that you're probably going away on a vacation some time during the summer. You'll want a suit that not only looks well when it’s new and fresh, but that has the quality and style and, above all, the tailoring that will keep it looking well. Our clothes are made that way; lively styles, advanced styles, the best - of all wool fabrics, the highest type of good tail- oring. Headquarters for Men’s Furnishings. HARTLEY LAR BALDWINS The Home of Hart, Schaffner & Marx Clothes. \ - re Fo Ts Bs i Es SB Fe EE Ee ST So BT BE Bs Es Te Fs Fs i " Ya — - Maxwell 1913 Line Consisting of One large six cylinder and one small six eylinder. The leaders in this line will be our 35 H.-P. A fine large touring car, with 8 the latest practice, equal to any $2,000 car on the market today. <4 THIS CAR FULLY EQUIPPED AT $1.085 3 Our 25 H -P. will be similar to the Mascotte of 1912, which | was acknowledged to be the best car on the American market 3 for the price. It is said this will be a real opposition and the first one the Ford people have had, as it will sell for $700 or less; 3 speed, good size, not too heavy, 32x3 1-2 tires, all the lasest prac- tice, fully equipped, If you are thinking of buying a car wait and see these models. Deliveries will start April 15th. All these models can be seen at the Pittsburg Automobile Show April 5th, or later at Gurley Bros. Garage. GURLEY BROS., leyersdale, Pa. YOUR TOILET TABLE Should contain an assortment of our up-to-date Toilet Articles. Such items are no longer considered luxuries, but necessities. Our superb stock will supply the best. We carry everything in © the line of toilet requisi‘es that’s worthy. The choicest American and imported goods can always be found in our cases. Toilet Creams, Toilet i Toil Vi ters, Hair Brushes, Tooth Brushes, Cor plies, Perfumes, Soaps, Complexion Powders Order of sale of minors’ interest in | real. estate awarded to Somerset] Trust Co., guardian. Bond $800. | Michael Glonchak, | r. Windber Trust Co., | Int inors. Lowest prices consistent wit! If you hear of anythaxig that you FE. B. THOMAS, Leading Both Phones. I8%.