The Meyersdale commercial. (Meyersdale, Pa.) 1878-19??, March 20, 1913, Image 1

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eration. There is s great benefit in. the
various associations, beneficial, med- |
1, ete. snd the e place ‘the Sontery
: associat Ei
ort) a
will be confirmed.
Jaster service
invited and
“Anthém~—The : Se 5 is Risen.
Inygeation.” af THE
ry Rejoice!
- -
Brg the Morning Twilight —
Misses Lydia and Elizabeth Gress.
Recitation Risen today #
- Greeting,
Singing ~Who came down from
| Heaven. 5
| Margaret Hady.
‘Hyrba—Hallelojab ! Hallelnj ah!
Responsive Reading.
Sol There’s a green hill far away.
(Holy Thursday) at 8:00 a.
children, -
0 Friday there will be the usual
8:00 a. m. At 3: 00 p. m
of the dross will be said,
members of coupe individual- |
Solleetively, do. not haye the
Ordinance No.9 plainly
hat the proprietor or lessee
} may have the said hall
annually by paying as fol-
r the first 100 seats or frac-
3 peat $20, and the sum of $5
eac additional hundred seats, or
Mr. George Donate, as proprietor of
the place or ball in which the Rex
~ZJheatre-is located, bas complied fully
the requirements of the ordi-
nance by paying. to the borough treas-
urer the sum of $30 for 292 seats, thus
ecuring a perfectly legal and valid
‘dicense until September 1,.1913.
8c far as copucil is concerned this
matter is closed in a perfectly satis-
. fatiory manner, and will remain so.
= : LC -OHAS, H. Dia,
President of Couneil.
“Mr. and Mrs. M. Foley loft on'No. 6
Monday for Baltimore, Md., having
. been summoned thither on aceount of
“the serious illness of their son, Ed-
ward, who-is‘a student in St. Obarles
College, ab Ellicott City, Md. It
1 iHion. a this
; will be special
l., TOSary, ser-
Sinday “sebool ab 8:30 a.m. At
: Rev. D.K. Cla , will
8 ‘sermon on the er
7 p. m. on the ‘Resurrection.
_ Prelude—Le Febure why.
_ Invocation.
_ Hymn—Coronation.
_ Seripture.
Male Sextette, Soprano obligato.
c Gethspmane.
- Prayer.
Offertory— Chant De’ Amour—Gil-
lette. :
Full Chorus Anthem—Awake Clad
Zion Lutheran church, Lenten ser-
-| vices are being held every night this
week except Saturday beginning at
7:30 o’clock. The events of the week
of Christ's Passion are being used as
the basis of the several meditations.
On Good Friday evening the subject
will be “The Orucifixion’””. On the
same evening confirmation and re-
ception of new members will take
place and also the service prepara--
tory to the Communion. The Lord’s
supper will be administered next
Sunday which is Easter Sunday at
6am.ab10:30 andat 7330 p. m. A
special Easter program will be ren-
dered by the Sunday school on: Eas-
ter Sunday evening. The Junior
elass will sing as usual on Easter.
Baptism of children will take place at
2:30 p. m.
There will be services also on Good
Friday morning at 10:30. The Eas-
ter benevolenee offering will be made
through the duplex envelopes.
Special Easter services will be held.
The Sacrament of Baptism will be
administered at the morning service.
At ali the services an opportunity
will be given the people to affiliate
with the church.
Services in Brown’s A. M. E. Zion
church Sunday March 23, will be as
1t a. m. Preaching,
seems that the young msn was at-
tacked swith rheumatism; which af- |
fected his heart, and his condition |
was 80 .se Fious that he was removed
pit al in Baltim ¢
d hom
Riven Tomb. 3p. m. 8S. 8., Dr. Roth
pairs evening a class of |
wnion will be cel-| |
J id morning |
yiSoripiute Lesson 1st Peter 1-3-11:]
Beoitation—The dawn of hope—
will be the usmal services | i
in addition to = procession by the] }
L. Byrd. 7:30 p. m. The bs. S. and
Y. P. societies will render a program
as billows
lf | Henry Albright,
Members and friends of
Brotherhood met in the ch
night to the number of sbout one humn-
dred and fifty to celebrate the anni-
‘| versary of the organization.
The male quartet, consisting of W
H. Baldwin, 8S. E. Thorley, H. M.
Cook and Paul D. Clutton, furnished
the music to the enjoyment
of all present. Mrs H. M. Cook pra:
sided at the organ. :
This meeting was & notuhie
one, many outside of its own member-
ship being present. Judge Ruppel
was the special gnest of the oceasion,
whomade a strong address ‘on “Why
tudy the Bible?’
Mr. R, H. Philson, in his usual ex-
cellent manner, acted most acceptably
as toastmaster.
¢ Rev. J. A. Yount, teacher of the
Brotherhood, was first to respond,
speaking on ‘““Men In the Church.”
The reasons he attributed to the lack
of attendance is due to the fact that
many men work, the growing idea of
weakness or femininity, various at-
tractions, newspapers, clubs, lodges,
etc. What is the remedy? 'Tomingle
more with men, and by that means
the attendance at church and the in-
terest in the brotherhood can be much
D. A. Floto, president of the broth-
erhood, said that the object of the or-
ganization is to advance the interests
of the church and to increase its mem-
bership. The membership is now be-
tween 60 and 70, and this is not enough.
Too often the older members are care-
fully looked after and the Younger
members are neglected.
R. D. Pfahler spoke on ‘What Good
We Get from the Brotherhood.” It
develops individuality of thought, and
it is in the exchange of views which
helps to broaden one’s own views. It
is a giving and receiving and results
in men of strength and mind in a
Christian way. This results in a bet-
ter condition which °s far-reaching,
affecting town, county and state.
The audience, standing, sang ‘‘Am-
the Bible?”?
studied his c¢alechism and the doe-
trines of his church needs a knowledge
of t
| Bible.
eternal, The Bible is not the product
| of many minds with the purpose of
unifying all the elements of the worl?
bus itis the will. of God _made i Euown
ag men.
if we are not our brother's Eceper
we can stop here and say we will
study the Bible and have a happy en-
trance into heaven, bnt the teachings
of the Bible iustii into onr hearts and
minds that longing and effort to reach
out and go beyond self. This is seen
in the family where the man watches
over te child, then later the man be-
comes feeble and wornout, and the
child becomes a man and takes the
place of the parent. Each member of
the family has a particular place.
This Word which binds the family to-
gether makes a home—a home that
will not be dissolved. You cannot
have the home without the Bible. All
men have a religion; man worships.
What is in the Christian religion that
holds it together but the Bible?
Takeaway the Bible, would we have
the church? The Hindoos and others
have their religions, but they have
nothing to bind them together, con-
sequently there is no permanency.
The Bible unites men.
The Jew has the Old Testament;
the Mohamme an the Old and New
Testaments, with some additions, and
the Christian accepts the Bible—Old
and New-Testaments—which finally
brings the world to Christ. We want
as a church to know the teachings of
the Bible. The Holy Spirit operating
on the Word helps us to understand it.
The Bible is established by the edict
of the Almighty. Are you in the
church? Morality, brotherhood, good
deeds—all nothing outside of the
church. There are many persons in
the church unworthy, but do not for-
get that no one is perfect. Yet with
the influence of the church around
him there is hope of his salvation.
Gibbon, Halcm and Guizot tell us
of the struggles of navions, their rise
and fall. The religion of Jesus Christ
erica,” after which Judge Ruppel de- | was making its beginnings when the
iivered an address on “Why Study |
The Lutheran who has |
Roman empire fell. The world is
better today than in the past, and is |
rallying around the standard of the |
Study the Bible, and you will
man ¢
' {died on March 1st, just: a
.| noted.
5 number of grandchildren.
|1er, Kantner; Jere Kocher, Johns-
day evening at 4:15 o'clock §
gheny" Hospital, Cumberland; Ea
aged about 22 years. Decgased. was
a daughter of Jacob Al w
wbeks prior to his d danger, .
Minnie Albright which wal the
| maiden name of “the deceased, Wak:
‘united in marriage “about five
ago to Harry M. Shardt, ‘the ily
having last resided on Cent rect,
near the bridge. The first or Lgl
of her disease became app nt only
last Sunday, but were not onsidered
of a serious nature. A few days la-
ter a physician was ‘called in ‘who
pronounced her condition serious and
upon his advice the patient was re-
| moved to the hospital on Thursday
evening, where she died, as above
She is survived by her husband and
two children—Catharine, aged four
years and Lawrence, aged fourteen
months. Three brothers and three
sisters also survive, as follows. Jacob
and Dallas Albright, of Meyersdale;
of Berlin; Mrs.
Charles G. Shumaker, of Beachley
street, this city and Miss Dorothy
| Albright, who stays with her, and
Mus, James Leasure of Stoyestown.
“Funeral services were held in SS.
Philip and Jamas Catholic church at
nine o’clock on Wednesday morning,
Rev. J. J. Brady officiating. Inter-
ment in Catholic cemetery.
Mrs. Elmira Kocher, wife of Joseph
Kocher, died at the family residence
on Lafge street Friday morning at 4
o’clock, after long affliction and much
suffering. Deceased was born in
Quemahoning township, and at the
time of her death was aged 72 years,
6 months and 21 days. She is survived
by her husband. six children and a
The follow-
‘ing are the children: Mrs. Clara Ring-
town; John Kocher, Stoyestown; G.
N. Kocher, Michigan; Chas. W. Koch-
er, Meyersdale, and Mrs. Ella Ker-
keek, Grahn, Ky. The family had
spent many. years in Meyersdale, and
in recent years they had moved to
Ksutucky but the clin. nd envir-
snments were not tare: a and they
returned to: Means where the
hills were familizr 8.7 ' ~>nds many.
Func val eoxdueted Babi xy afternoon
at 1:30 by dev. J. A. Yount. Inter-
ment in Taion Qemetery.
West Summit township lost a grand
old man in the person of John W.
Briskey, who died March 13, 1913,
aged 64 years, 6 months and 13 days.
Deceased was born and reared in the
community where he died, and is sur-
vived by his wife and family and one
brother, Samel Briskey, a close neigh-
bor. He was twice married, first to
Susan Vought and later to Clara Shu-
maker. In early youth he united
with Center Lutheran church, and re-
mained a faithful member and active
worker until death. The funeral was
on March 16th, and was conducted by
Rev. W. H. B. Carney, of Garrett. In-
terment in Center Church Cemetery.
Word has been received that Aaron
Wilhelm, a prominent citizen of
Greenville township, had passed away.
He was aged 83 years, and is survived
by four children, Charles, of Large
street. being one of the sons.
at Westernport, Md,, he was taken
with a fatal sickness. He will be
buried in the Greenville Cemetery on
Friday (tomorrow) at 2 o’clock.
Last Sunday Mrs. Samuel 8. Miller
died at her home at Keystone Mines
aged 58 years, 8 months and 25 days.
The husband and a family of married
children survive. The burial took
took place in Union Cemetery on
Tuesday, Rev. H. L. Goughnour offi-
The six-months’-old infant of Mr.
and Mrs. Charles Braucher, of Berlin,
was buried in the Union cemetery at
this place on Monday. ‘Rev. J. A.
Yount officiated.
i ge
not interfere
“on Thursday evening, Mas ch
the members of Friendship
76 ,L. 0. O. M.,, opened their 1
giving a grand free ball’ ”
weather was anything favora
a large and cvhlisig atin ad
present. While the oldest: i
and friends of the Moose" aee
their time in inspecting the larg
handsome rooms, the yo
spent the evening in tripp
fantastic. The dancing fl
ideal one and was consta
by throngs of gay and festiye ne
The music was first-class and every-
thing passed off serenely 1
a ripple of discontent.’
came merely to satisfy their curiosity"
were agreeably surpri
doings?’ and freely ad;
Moose are justly entit;
utation as the best ente
city.’ In short, it was a
the Moose herd Land: he
of an auspicious 0.
which the committee Jin charge
every member of the Order
who attend eto
Deputy eR
of Clearfield, Pa.,
work for. she local lo
on the job and was mo
with the crowd and ti
gave him an opportunity to get in
touch with many non-r
he will add many new names to htt
already large list The m :
the Moose has been carried into ¢ every
State in the Union, und its growth is
almost phenomenal, The wonderia}
growth of the Loyal Order of Moose
is largely due to the fact that it docs:
with another man’
affairs, but keeps on moying onward
regardless of all obstacles. | TS n
principles —Purity, Aid and i
are keen-edged weapons and are | Sing
wielded with a mighty foree througi-
“out the world. The Moose, as an ory
ganization, needs no recommendation,
It has gained its present lofty position ;
and enviable reputation by the mest
severe tests and has been welghed in
tal stage and today it is as staunch
land firm as the rock of Gibraltar.
Its motto, ‘‘One for all, and all for
one,’’ means exactly what it says. - ik
‘Be you poor as old Job’s tarkey,
Cr you’re rich and sleek and fat;
Makes no difference "bout your static 5, .
‘A man’s a man for a’ that :
Keep a-playing all the sharp notes,
Got no use at all for flats;
Hear the music bhatis a-playing—
‘Howdy Pap!’ 2 §
HO. Sian, :
5 ~“Bergeant-at-Arms, a
To the Editor o of The Codie
Just’ a few words in afiswer to, the
statement of Burgess Reich; published ¥.
in your paper last week. "Would say".
that the city has been paid: $30 license
for 300 chairs for the Rex Theatre now
running in the Donges Theatre buil
ing. - .If Mr. Reich is paying as ‘much
in proportior;. with the number of
seats he has in the Sumner: Gard: ¥
when it opens, he will be doing’ hi
part. If Mr Donges 8 responsibles
for any accidents that may happen
the Rex Theatre I suppose that he.
as able as the management of the
Summer Garden to take care of those :
| matters. Respectfully.
L. DoxNaGzs,
Se BL —