v vi r I' ' V I on SIGNS OF LlFH.i- :t:zL" " """"" i am SSiU .a HP 5: . D.OUVUU. lleymers Fmelamlie-i constantly .n hand Qggm 'g j at A. K. Virtt't. i i . i i . c.i to i r- Pi Johnstown will be Re built. Banks All Risht, and Epidemics Few. J.'HNrtuws. I':;.. Julie S Jolm.Hi.ni). CLicato like, Is fri-tonst to rise from lt mil.--. Aircu.!y i.rtiT.iiiuii.- aie Uin mle for H'rnia:if ii For Fine fit-are fro to M. ? lirK't, ciw site the Sonewt IIoiiT. IJaliV u.s ami Hahy J'nK'ra in gnat Ta- riet.v. at Mrs. A. K. I" Ms. J Tcmi-ranoe drinks on ire. til M. Schrc-k s. opposite the Smmwl House. ... - Aii tin; latest fprit'R ' umtner fc'KHis at Matthews & KitutudIX ilerlin, I'a. IF yo". uai.i to iM nil the news aVut trie Mm-atlntitil t If you want the worth of your nioncy, fro to Matthews & Kinmieli s. Ilerlin. Pa. Iji-c Curtains, on cents up. Curtain screen 6 rents up. '" A- K- 1 H' . ..-- M. Pchrock never allowi hinself to le un oersol.sl in thepr.-cery. Ilottr ami f.-f l line. A full lineofmlor of Wool. Cotton, an.i I. mill arpet Cliain at Mrs. A. K. Fill s. Kevolvers, Cariri.ljr, ami Fishing Tackle i at J. II. Hot nrnim N s. Fine I tress dingliams, 8 rents, at Mrs. A K. Fills. The "milk shake" at Zimmerman 9 tohae co store, is doing a flourishing business this wok. Try it. Matthews & Kimmell are the U-a.ling mer chants at Itcrlin. A visit to their store will iay you. as they are offering bargains that defy competition. Lye-(.'lasses at Iliesecker A. suit evervbociv's eyes. Snyder's, tan nli:iid:n?. The civil ensi- w-ers 3'itl ilrr.:inhi pi n arealoaity Join?- t.-r preliniiuary work and vores of merchants have alrealy ih rlhn! the Myie of their newiMiildiio-s. Mr. X. S. Vaih'.v a prom:- nent music ilealer, hose brother was lost, i said to-day tliat a I'.umlfr of ImiMiiiirs would j 1? started as ,.n as the ttn-ets were in: shape to do hau'.in-.r. A nuiniier of others! -ipr"ss-.l similar intention. Among; the! ImilJiii).'" which Mr. Mailoy said would lei trectel ai uikt w. the 1'eiin block on Mam street, the stores of John Thomas, the I.uth-i er block, Mr. Krotiheiser's palatial residence, J. A II. Swank, carriage man u fact u rers : J. llaist A Co., barh w ire rom-any : the 'r rel wooleii-lactory. and all the lare and or dinary sized industrial plains in thecity and suburbs. CMToR - SK's VIEW. K litor ieo. T. Swank, of the Johnstown TV'luir. a representative citien, takes a ery ho'ful view of the situation. -Johnstown w ili lie rebuilt.' said he to-day, "and on the noun-spot it grew before. The bursting of the daiu does not remove the only danger, however. The Pennsylvania Kailroad Com pany has narrowed tlie stream of the Cone iiinijrli river at least one-third and built an iron bridirt above the town, thus forniins a bi'K-kade for a stream already c nilined to less than its natural channel. The greatest enciiurjenient that could ! given Johns tow !ier to rebuild would hi' t'ne assurance t hat the -treatn- u'wir us would Ik- uuim ptded forever. Ii'irilih' the I that pre--.sled the break in the dam the water wa from live to eight feet higher in John-town than it wo ild have bcn had not the inn bridge ca'is-d a bl'K kade. TKK ckMHKIA V ILL SOON sT U;T. "As for the Cambria Iron Company 1 have the personal assurance of Vice-President Powell Stuckholl-e, w ho came on from Philadelphia yestenlay, that the coiiiiany will repair and rebuild on the old site. Their loss will lut cxce.-d jloo.i.M. As Mr. Slackhoiisc said, the company has a uirty fac , but it w ill soon wash it. The damage is stiiali. to a company wuha st.s-k capital tf fr.Mii ten :o twenty millions, and w hich pas 1J ei cent, dividends. - s for the banks, the statement that they an- aii in-olveiit or likely to be so is a fool ish error. There is one National bank, one savings bank and sissib!y the private in.-li-tulioll of John 1'ielierl A son, winch will teil up as soon a- they can uet ttte.r utiairs straightened up a little. 'J'iiey will have to lie tavoled a illtli? lit home. 1 he savings bank has no mortgages on Johnstow n build ings and those on the ground will hold fiom one-half to two-thirds their original value. Tiny have, besides, f ,' in ov er, inient IkjicLs and .-state and county securi lus. '1 he licst business men have signified their intuition of taking tip the thread ol business where the tiood Ml.lpptd it oil." KvpTts from Philadelphia succteded in t'lH-ning the vai.lts of the First National Pank to-day. The iso.'.s.a in ial, therein deposited, and tlieviooxj worth of securi ties, and the books alij uier were found to b-ail right, save that they are dump horn water. Kither the morgue records have been care lessly kept, or those ho have been gather ing statistics on the number if bodies recov ered are awav wrong. In the I'ouith ward n.-hool morgue, there are Hi. oftlnse u'li were unknown and l'.'.'i id-ntitied. At the Presbyterian i-hureh lti bodi"s have Iieen rinsl for. at Pro-pect, and P.7 at Kem- ville. (The morgue has lieeu disi iititinuni j at this place. 1 Seventy were taken from the! drift blockade, --is at Nineveh, and Nw I Florence 's. In Morreilvilie l.7 were at red lor. In addition to these -o were found tt i Fast ConemaiiRh. South Fork and Mineral j Point, which were shipped to different j p nuts : 4J tMlies have ticen taiieii from the ruins at WiKnlvale which were not charged to any of the morgues. This makes the grand total of b-idies found at all mints be tween New Florence and Smth Folk, I.L'TI. Johnstown, Pa.. June St. -..The IwmIv if Kev. Alon.o P. I tiller, rietor cf the Johns town i:p!coal church, and thc.se of his wife and child, were recovered to day und r c'rctiiiistanees both sad and strange. Four K .i-4-olial clerirvmell. who had Is-ell ordered i here be Iiishon Whitehead, were workiiu. i Cashmeres .from Sue to $1 a yard. alxmt the ruins mar Lincoln .struct when they eaineiijHjii the Ihj.Iv of their late broth- j Headouarteri' ' er- tiasik-d in one rigid arm w as the liodv of!., .... . . . . . . - i t-or TLMiif tloa.s In fitt font onnk Wltti .-ill vears exjieritce in preparir.;r the alxjve giMHls, I can hnestly rissHiiniend my place FISHER'S BOOK STORE. Here you can set the full i;:o.-tra:ed hi-tory of the UMBERGER MURDER ndthE YODER HANGING, fecial Bargains; FOR THIS Vv'KHK. .diLt. : I ; wo i Ae-t tile fullest mid of the r enn f 1 HI N N S .11 lsi-rs mid cj.(i.si f'iiv"-:c;.es. su.ervior ct: get iijn-rviirs ut hifhrniition In reirr1 to the 1-iirfr'nn: ti t nil k-l!i ls ol OK"' . -i, -t I ,!..!'-:e- ,eo' .fit K and -lai, h now o .'les. Town aief c'lKia'-i iien haul eaa t-i.y I -LOWEST WHOLESALE RATES-- Xeil' ACaseL-erare the leading Jewelers of .Somerset, tail at their store for any thing you want in that line. "Milk Shake" at Zimmerman's tobacco store. Iion'tyoti know what it is 'Ml costs but a nickle to find out. - -- For (Jcorgia Marble Moimnientsand Head Stones go to W. F. Shatter, Somerset, Pa. (ieorgia Marble takes the lead for monu mental work at V. F. SHAFrKR. Pack numliers or the Hkiuld c.,ntaining full accounts of t'ne I'mberger, Yoler, and Sl.aiilis trageiJii-s. van 1 sis ureil at Fisher's Hook Stole. -- Do you know that Si j Pros, are to-day the Leading Merchrnts of the county for liei.cnil Merchandise. We don't need to blow about our goods and puces, our cus tomers do the blow ing for us. Sice Po.os., sijMsville. Pa. - - The pla.i to get the celebrated ( lover Club Cigar, the best brand Tobies and tine Tobacco. K. IS. CoFt ROTH. . Id) vou use Arbutus Flour? The best in the market. You can get it from M. Sclins k, who has the exclusive sale of it in Somerset county. Kvery nun attending court will want to take a new Summer Hat and Necktie home w ith him. P. I- ascbecr keora nothing hut (ems' Furnishing (ioods. Latest Styles and t 'heayest Prices. Handsome stock of While Kmhroidercd Pnbes. A large stock of Hamburgs and Trimming". Mrs. A. E. I'm- You should (ret my prices before you let your orders for monuments and head stones, also Granite Work furnished to order W.n. F. Shakffr, Somerset, Pa. Silt Sun I'nihrellas, from jl.i" up. Mrs. A. K. I'iil. All kind of Marble and Granite work furnisjisl at the lowest lossibie prii-e. Call and MS at W. F. Shatter's wonts, Somerset, Pa. Altlough we are turning out hats and bon nets to scores and fifties just now. we make it a !it never to disappoint cople from a dislaiicv (ieneraliy we can 'rim your or der whit you wait ; it not, within a couple of hour M. M. Tkfi'WEI.i. A Co. r , Our S: Warp Ca-shineres and Silks, are good and;beap. Mrs. A. II I II L. What's he use of carrying a watch that won't kecilime? lletter take it to XeffA CaseU'er ail have it cleaned ami repaired. - - Ilandsoi all-wool silk-flnisheil Henrietta Letter. F,.is..aPa,:.le?a! P Pf.Tj. Ei.vel..,-. Ink' ; Z " !i,eat...ntr-line. J he l iu-oilo; .lady Infers and all l..e iiuw"-"' ' '1 Fislier's Book Store. p. Jll-t:ces ;.i F...;--f 'i.O!J--hi i, TvthiiiB in ,re lor s:oe at This Ikine. hand-ome and nttm-tive store will Iw op r-ncli nuiit iOel eery a. 'luiiii d.uion and att .-nlion w.l to resort at the 1kk More. n riiirinir ' i Ik- .!. n .cirt w.--:l fitro lllltil 11 . mid I ar BIBLES. ALBUMS, SUNDAY-SCHOOL TICKETS, CARDS, MENTS, GOSPEL HYMNS, PICTURES, FRAMES, Blank H.s.ks. M. Jiieasiile liiulll : il.ihii.". H i ,o cT'-at I e I'.itls an.l P-at. iirl wc a will ". a The e. ueral pluee of re-ort for n.- FISHER'S BOOK STORE i wort:; : While '"': arc in Snicrset; Buys ;. you will likely w.uit to buy a . v.v. sui; of Clothes or a piece of 25. ;c. : Carpet, a:iJ you will want to iloulle tl:. know wliere is the cheapest ' place to i;'et wliat you want, j The old reliable stand of J. 15. j Snyi.kr'., is without a doubt.: the best and cheapest place toj j get anything you want, tspe-j TfcfsiM-icjaiiv m the Llotnni. or car j pet line. You can also buy a beautiful gold tipped silk Um brella at Snyder's nr 75 cents. . k rs m. .le-ini.i; AND LOOK SHARP! I-IEAJDQ'LTVRTKlS VT HERR a BROTHERS. i Call in. and see 'die special i w" i bargains, ar.d while there get lx one of th.e-e beautiful si'.k ! i"" ' ; Umbrellas tl-- your wite audi"',,.,.;.;;. daughters. i . ; 1 ' . !'"'':i-; I. B. Snvdcri'Z J . i.!r.,,d.- Al.l. KI.M-S (if ffatclBS, Clods, Jewelry, Susclacles, &c We desire to ttl it Wi- :i t foil lUi tsi all ill" 1 !!" II, of tills 1-Tllioll Of ttl oil, I . and 1 I nan and ee lor ". -' Ul.'V Hli if ti.-rv fie--.f. We sine It'. -Ill .ll- f"l . riiitloii lo in i j.r e 11. e rl In." ii-i'l ii' li-'Miil 111 .s,m Mks. A. K. fin.. "'.lis halx-; ami in the other his wife, whose j rms were ahout his ms k. They were re-1 fcoeil in this position and will K' huricl j tomorrow, tlie V. s -opal cleiRyisen olliciat-! iiiiT. liev. Killer was last seen at an Uier vont winilow of his house. 'le had his w ife a'' child in his arms and e seemed ahont 'ltH'"I to jtiinji into ti! anpry flood when! ''"'X-melteil from 'ht and the water " "KH'U vfc ,1,,, Tie lilies were found lialfa mile away irom where the house stood. j;,,v ,ljt, was r,,,,,. iere for j;ve years, and wus 1 most ahlc man; His uir etj live in Jjnater. 1'a. j""'stowx, T.I., June S. The I't.innionia sroure p.,,, alarniiiiirlv. notw ithstanilina "a""K11'-ln"'r.(;roH.ofthe State 11,-allh Il.u.rd. ,)r. S .fx,. (, l-l.iladeli.hia. a immi nent meniUr of Dr. iiruil s stall, came u'ow n from tiie Can, hiia hospital last iKU with a Mauling i.,it. Iir. Kw..i fUi,J: I'rosKct Hi!! is full of pneumonia, with some imaslis. The hinjiiul i, f: t ov,.r. flowing and to-day I attended foity-twol ea-s-s on the outside. Th.y weiealn ost all j severe pneumonia. There is every condition for the spn-ad ol the dix-ase and I fear an epidemic.'' to the puhlici When hungry and thirsty don't go to llnt-ide Show when yon want to see and pet theV-st. It is not necessary to say anything tuny old customers that have j dealt with meVir years, except to thank j them for their plmniij:e and good will; but I those coming to mr town as Strangers ami I in want of sometiing to eat and a good cool drink, I'isels ' the place and don't you forget it. Opposituhe court house. A. K. I'isku I have just m-eivvl a new lot of carjiets and an now sell an ill hmJ two ply carpet for ?J cents js r yard, that was worth d7J. Cal'and get a bargaia before they are all goieat .h n Sxt.iers. ' )liis Ji.s-'-A full line of fresh gnnmlinl. IJo Bte rand at ftehroi k's Fee.1 ."toil ilovfl- , bigi niiU 'oin:ht"s grix-ery is the bin Li liis erset to deal, lie sells the fl's linir eth lowest prices. i hun the I K im !cr Ladies' Xluslin Viiderwitha cui-1-cap, at Mrs. A. K. I bi s RatUizzi LOWEST CASH PRICES On all -,'ir "t.o.l mi't tlier.-l.v nmVe it pn.litul.Ie n everyone w i-l.ir.u- t" pirehu-e nn tliinir in our !me All kin. Is ,,l n-.air '.ii. neatly alul Tolliptly .lone III the III-ft wurklliuilllke Uiiililier, ami SATiS ..A HON 1,1 AI.ANIKKH. HERR BROS. FERNER BROTHERS' Reliable Close-Priced Shoe Store- Petiole Congress I Thin cut representslhe I'rner tm IVtiolo Congress in Kanga roo. I'orjoise. ('iir'iovan and 'alf ; has a ilouliU gore one) being pla l hack, ami the oth er in front of th; aiiklrshone thus preventing the strain of the ruhlr on the ankle-bonr and prev.-nting tin- gore against being oh tfeil ninl . i lliceil lv in terfering Without ijucstiun the coming Shoe is the GOXiGiEiSSi G AITEE, LADIES FINE SHOES ttKr F!exib,e J lit n. ar--.- RA.ScheMCo..iH STOVKS, TLVWAlti:. trmi !"; Wii'l ';tiim-. Tin, Iron and Steel Roofing, 11 c 1 r -1 er. i liii ri it rn i C2; -.1 Sj.iu:i!L'. A'l, . -' 'ti.i . ;,.n -!,.,r. ". Chimney, Drain & Sewer Pipe, j I'i'l lUl-T it- '.' Hl.'l P-"st ' 1 " ' i ' ' ,:l,e ..I 1 ..".- -tun-' , U..111:-. - 1 1 : .- 1 o.l ,uM -..'el a; liiv- LOWEST PFICES. J. M. IIOLDHRBAUM, j CENTRAL BLOCK, SOMERSET, OFFERS AT H!S LARGE I CLOTHING and CARPET STORE A w and Hell Selecteil Sdxk ir M' N- , f.'Vs ANH l llll.I-Ui'N's- CLOTHING ! - r. , an l w'.ll aive a il.ol:I I !i.e I I'llii.l.-li.l .01 SiJf of r .rtfi W ii; -.vnr l'. h i-.-ot at lit!. st,,re ait.-r t!;;s ,l,ne, MAY -T, I - '. 1 ,1 : LAacf stoc or (,o--i BAPRCLS G Ns.r-i : best n r ah: s-v:3"'' Xcchvcar. Y. L. DOUGLASS' WK reripw-t I .W lit, Myies! in of other leh r-". FKUXEll BROTI IEUS, Fumi.ns iie:it' JJ ".il. H hii'l si nv. Also. S..I.1. UnrAlni; sIh-js, with Lealhei louuier aiMl iume. W e ai.so ;l'er the finest :inl most styiisii line of NKlKI'IKs. iiicvs. s. ,vi:fs, i .ii.i.mls li'KKs. )I"slKKV. SHIRTS. I'ltAV. Kit-'. A,-. Ac. I 13" .. I HALF MOON PtCS--'-- r-M-tfully eail attention to tli l'a-t that we ronstar.tiy keep in sti-elc a ifw of the most K-asonalne ami im-st 'rvnialle joints of the latest the t-.nle. anil we alwavs iAviteomntKiri-iuii ofouriiriees withtiiose of other ilcU rj. CW.U ANI iSKK I S. Somerset, Ponn'a. ii.U Kvf.h E 11 miTuri. fvocr. rn REAL ESTATE FOR SALE ! I have too nneii iir,irrt' irTt vnit to MI . Nn. I. I otter the l,mel Jill; HTn. 17 acres "fly c-ji ii'11'r.ivisl, villi ;,sl ii.r anl Itarn hio lion SiniJ-.e rtesl rn- .-omerset ll.,r- carefullv ib. 2. Four le n- lot a'iiuir tie. i i nrr- in n- 3. A font I-loiellinr House witli coisf Ustrunii fw., SlllA, nn(1 outi.mMi-.ik's. tivetestiiuoVin w.imer-. t i-.-j ith. n-oritoTij n A Tram sunt eotita li'iie lftl acres. u.oi.Mira ni, . ms fr-n t)I11Hr).t b iniBh. nearly plateaus in in , K! Kl ,,u, ,,f leruiitv. hendwatcTs t m. h-'U'H:baiM. dclphla Pre4 KAUTZ BROTHERS. MANUFACTURERS Or V: V: I: M V; A.! r ) X: AND DEALERS IN flTV Ut'iii.lE.--, '.VAI.oN-i. SI.KIis. sl.KIi.llS. IIAl:.NF.-S, SU.I,;.sf Hi fsK--, l'.l.ANKKTS, l-.KI.I.s ANH Willi's. A SPECIALTY MADE OF THE RICE COIL SPRING. Call and Examine our Stock " JE.NNERTOWN. V s- il two Hi'tnstiti lii'.l I.ini n IIiui.l kerchiefs for rents, worth ilotihit'. In the CARi'i:r Di;rARTMi:. r WK OFFF.rt r.!:rsi-:i.s:, T.rnsTi:ins. IX iUAIN", I.Ati, MATTl.Nt.S, STAIK, KLtrfii: AN! TAl'.I i: OIL LOTUS. An'l as the sh ilsiii i.s i-l.. si nj, w ill allow from this i Lite- in n'r rent, oir the piiep j ami give a tiloria Silk i'nilireiiii. with J sl-J wurth or iiiwan!-i. ssilil to anyone I t-iTson. The phhI work'-"es hraveiy on. I Our first lot of I'-n lire Has is all ijiven rut. ami we have this ilay reeeivo.i an- j other, ('all to we ns, an.l examine! stix-k. J. M. H0LDERBAUM. 1 10 TO 2r BUNCHES CH-JiCi s F 20 box:3 BEST MESOINA CH--- 100 BOXS STBAW3EBHIES DA Lf r 50 BUSHELS FRESH B35'- i GREENVEGITA3U0-- - 'room for eve AND COUBTE0 JS 'OOK A F OS ii.s- G S' i: s" B.: l tie. 1,1,11 X. .1 c At lee Mai Buy Y;. Clothl: FRO'.: heffl; Ij a: !!( J Or' On c pp. I, Dii,0 Bi.ic V A! t.ll-1 HIP. HIP. Ill til 111 tee T Stiii u Of H tnWt i) Te or .. ' Man D rirui u r D III tlie l.-iT CHOICE LCN-. I) Ol' Of W Slat D Hi tl"e K ns 500 CSLLC'l LEMONADE. AND 0-tE" - C. s Coir bout t,r o eul c i itlL A s 1IJ. imr M V. tot, "T. r 1 v