Somerset herald. (Somerset, Pa.) 18??-????, June 09, 1889, Image 2

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in v(il( swi:!T suxi. i a 3ioir:::N clliopatua.
r diAMiuT
AL'JA'jLF '-'
j I
dit-a! i.ill-rs.
t orelrttta'-s. A
TlM' 111 IMlii.w- Of Our
F.::i Hi.ll Won!,! .llK"
A.-i-ltio et
'I MMloi. -t til-
i; an-, u:;: :..u.di '' a nile hc-nUn couid
i. r
colli rr-niicc lur
: to si.
wis:; to (Jo
i:, i.c iiod.iuh; whatever o, t.ic
; li.-aelit which v.ouid thereby
fur nciciiind. Some fortunate
... !!: Napoleon I. call coui-
61! : -.-lllllil
taiid siei-p the moment t'ney lay their
bends on the pillows, others find tln-ra-ei.ts
aliiiiiuush lit sjo.-j.injr the lp
o' ide j;." -vfv nijih:. without ditiivuhy
in-ir:;-, e.-i pel i-nerd as to o.-c.vslon:ii waa.-'-except
w illness hapeiis- to
Tin- !) n.o of Wi-ldii-rlor.. w ho uina
bi'-,'t on a cjtup lictisi.'-id. i.jii u inaMiii
that when :. In. ill in Led it was
tin..' to turn out: and here it may U' re
ma'.il that gl.-ut boldiots appear to I.h-
- :i :::i ri coastiiuicii in tln-ir nvver in
sciiiinon sleep at w ill. I'ds-dol;. this mav
iv due lo ihe habit of discipline wlie a
th.-v it..'.'' learned. Tn' t:iv to tueir
01.: ii:.-. 'tio to sleep.'' and at o. tee lie
Wold .it command is obf ; cd.
WITH IP.aiis T' TllU Mii'Vl-.
We ;.:- all I' with the t.;-rvt-ivp.
! ..i-icc in ... -, of tins i:i:n! lo
'in::: ' ':" i 'l haw . to "Iill:.:.
o: bOI!le-
tlin "I" i:n:-:Jue sitnl tniimt i.
innn'.'oi of iiioti'Main .-ii'-'t -j-fin.-r tlii'oii'.rii
a ;-::l'-. 3iai v a tune ami o:t ila - tiie loo
wai.i'li!! oraiii v. o; iiU'-riijio'd toeany
ti...s. a'.l Miiiii.u iri''-ri!;H:ii.s into prar-lie-.
l.!i:.l-v .villi l'i nil uijn oKrtlunaU'
tu lii- . iiori-; iinolw.L
1; ma;. i said I'.iiou: uiii'-ii e..u.U'-ra- i
tioti 1 i..: Jin- man wl-.. can liivt imagine j
i: I..- -.. .'I : .r-.'p. tii--n a lian ojm::i ;:ao ,
::ii. ! ' '. : 'i: ' :.!' 1 on. i.i- i.'- pot ne'.i'.-al sii.-ep
t. -o !.:i-on-;!i on.' hv one v. H i ul .erou ii
in;r d":i.i!i;; oi-Li' lii::;, 1;. lit fui
ti.-a.- on. : LiMla;-.-i:l:- or v. ri:i;: til.- bili
liii.t it i-o -tr-. ii.' i.. l.o or.!i::ai v man.
:ar - i::,:
io'l i . I..
Klll. '.JS
til. s
... ,:-
i v . o.
. II!
i, ...: en
t..-lii:.:! o
rili. .
Tit' !.
ii:; . ; ' .
fr.s.l r
.!: aim'
ii, .- . :t
t. : ti..J
V. a V : '
U:tit, i'tiV !i.u : U is v-
i t
- -.1 :t
I 'ara
,-,.1 j,
;I wiii'.'li ! ,
j ;,
t . .-n
(!-jiiyMi4':u i
r.l'.a.ivi -V ii..
1,1' t'T ui !'.
, aiwa .
t iifatl j
;.. i.ud
Ait iiiiti !
poill !!';
t;..-v i:n-
liJl'il' '.ti Ii-'.
itli-y. L.u-
lo Mi;i;r.nli;r:i imwa
.':i'.:M of i s i:niv.T
i l.i . ';itiHii-
.:t::iii , ;i!i-:iiti.''l.'-
.-. ; . Uu::i LiifV
' ( ;iv v. it.' iu!i':t-u
i- i-r-pe.-i U::;t
iii :.h'v.- tif a U-d
tiw 1
i j .
"lit v.
;it:i kit liti' ii'n.-
tt- u-l
i: n.'k-
win i: v.vn1 t-wii
in;- In.rvit.'l ruint.-iiii
'J'iii'v w ti'.:'.l linuK
. ;t ot tiiii:i-'.'T in
i 1 , nl" l lip-in!
;c an uar:I
. i
Uiliioitt tioait; wiicivu.-., u in
I. T..I' i.r.-l. it wouid itv nlv tit;
f'" ;
ta'si .as Maiai'.:.iimuiy a.'.'-'Uip. m.L t
v :ta l lie 'a'j!:in-: "t J--i:tv.
A n;'.
! ii. !V v. n.
111.. -i wi.o j!!
,!:' icil-.
"' ;:
v..d la
iiad ruam' ;i!i a'csuln; ij
l . in lor Lauisiiin w:u..
..-liihi. .
his Lnov. i.
i.-c on l'i i
was v lilil--- t u:j
oiii'.'i . h .1 a
.;:e t
o.'t.viiti.m tia.t tie.- i:i!ori!u:.i'ni
o i.j i nr'.iier-." i
W 1 ,..-;i 1 iie i,!.-.'p ;r.cti'.ion -r di'-d ci.i .
of hi., j :..i,- inlorun-.i uti .; -"-tutu ;
w iirid t:i:.t ti.e '-rai.J I'V'.'t w;.. t.i-.:tp!j ;
t hia. , p.M.s .11 i; 1:;.: i:i 1m.i1 i.t.J :.;! i.p- !
lili- 1.1 ii-.---p i:.s-.i;i:y liri.tithea ti'!u.i:;i
his lios'.rii:-, ;:'.!. i the blva'ii .. eunttci l;l.
iii cold v..-at:ur, tpaic M-.ii -I.-. I
Ail that lias '.o U- 0'-!ie 1. f-r the Mii- 1
jei-t to tiuni. of Ids I.! i-;i! ii'-i.;. to j
imagine that lie bf-.-s e'.ery iov.i'.'ii lliat ;
Lssu.-s Iroiu his !;o::!r;i: . i.nj P: a !ir'!:r-i;t .
or iv. o lit- ".Mil tail into a 1 .-. i -. inn
tiiuuiU-r. J Here II1..J- nc t jui'--ii .11- 1..
liiiti prescrip'io::, luoa.-ih c.en'.io-i fe
miHil-l he inclined t-. Mi. i'Js - taat l'i:
rucic hut: i -i of una:;:.-::;':: ;.::.-.l:i-!.-: v. 1.-;.
ever vo.dd he ti!-,--j-.i.:i.-t" :.. u..
the liva.t: :.!i-J luiiiS.i tk-.-p inn. ii f.:i:i,c!
oir liian e'. :'.
Soiuo p 'iii. i...'.v.-v, r. le:;-.;:ii;.i to tia
xitipli'te oMuacj' ot toe hr..-.;: ia:.;: t-!..n.
JillLcii .S;:. . liie an'.norof Ki.'!n.-:.iso!
Jjcctro-Ui' ;," J Lti.iupte : t b .iv
the pucsle liy blcp, vhcii uv!i le-.-d.-d.
in otveu i l: i-.;e; her denied, lie. n-h ji.-d
tiie whole i.ia'.tcr to tiie n-;-i-ja of ' ;:ir
iixlv a-aniii ucuit," hut t:.:.- practical
prescription -as to v et tiie top of t ,t
liead with cold water, airi he asscrit
t-iat hi !:- thus ofh-n oi.Udi.ecl for it
suJIeror r -,;t vhei; every o ; er in:.::.'
here fad-i!.
. tiKM! f-pb ited fuUeavore v. , ,ri y
if much prai-a: but er':;::;.s ;:,. 1
jfcscriptiuu for avoidin-j cWpI.-i s. ;
mt parts vt sight ls.ot to la'i.vy
.-suppers, to -,-0 in for .en-ijc iu J i.-jt tc
tit c? itrtc, excitins the l-ni;. ISid'crr
Ilr.-uilllill iuwl Aareeal.lf.Sh- It Surrouuile.1
l.y tl Vim. tin- Winy :! IW wwr-
fill - -V l.i.-al Nor.otr lliat Umr T1uom;I
Her !-. fur Her l.ioalitrr.
r.'on.r say tiiatoin- u forUiiiau- till yu
v.-iimw; tin- ciewt: of his or Ikt lilc. ou
mu-;t ii.ivi- nvn in your ilipioinatit waii
ilei iii in 1'ani. Turin. 1 ioivnci.-, Kmuo
umt JiaiiriJ that v.ortiiy uicj (in ropurd
to btsitity utiU o on) of I'auliuo liouu
parw. iiarie Lniiitiu Iionapurio-Wym;.
(UcuNsivcly. by iier tuairias. Comtcsse
uo boiuis. Signora and Dona tie
us tiirie ever a huuaan bt-ing wiiiuu
life s-wiied no rusy ixs licis, or whom
tiatm-u natl mailt nioro prooi 10 (iiv lo
alioiiii i:nd tioubi wlnuh lie heavy on
iiuwl daughters !' li'.c? In many r-
-clb tliifairufiiixlof tin' bonapart'.'
ullorui'ii a :uallcl to Cli-opati-a. who,
Mrs Jaini'.soi: nays, was U-vilt-hi; lo
tin- I::: t Ut auiw- alie ex'n.Ma.d the oor
ecrv of ;;o.kI Like Cleopatra.
.Mane lioiiai'ari.t-Xi ye wan MparKlmg. i
.-niai. iiiauniiiv'-iu. ot a iiaj'P ,
t-nij.i ami loiieiiiian. II one iooks upon
lioii.-iuiauisiii a emanciatioii Iron: caul
and mind eripplin prejniliees. tome of
which. 1 own. may have their social
in tTs at tut; "k.iu.y."
Sim-had aiua'. in iier train the iuot
einii..-;:: in.-n of tiie different eapitai.-. in
wni.-ii she turiievi Up perioJl'.Miij tositlll.'
mil lur ;. xlmrl iiii"' hi spl.'iidid U-ion-in's
ami urroiiadinv . Sue also shotie
as mils.', wiios- tinsel wre neer
Mil.-d with i:ii.. a'lii ho stole from
V'.'iius ii'-r die :i:ai eori.',:-e of ;-: .ieos.
II--r lions.-, or palace, or chalet, near
.i.. v
.in in the iiajlim.' j;n.cii up !
lit;.. diloisinp and prea:alioii
lor leV.ivttj. ami lo eiea::t ron i'j m '
lilt: eeliiil.. 'l ili- ldv ji l..' huuae w ncli ,
h.- ?.iuv r.i:.! u!i;' land uoUkIj- e -ei l.n.-w I
wlien :.;ie '..;.. not -in-- Ii i v us in lai
in. nl ot il.i.i.aii'
in it and in h
r v.'diiurutis j-h eiry
lid in a liv:: biiittuy
1. t urtfv.i aiiiiiintiott in a va
iiuv t'iii::i:!'-i-ii in-r sv.-i'.-crv.
1 it'-t-T m' ii.'.s-i:r;ioi;, blu liuv-
iii t-4'ii i.inv; i 'iin- my Lin."j. I Hit 1
laji'-v t!i::t tiiviv liiuM I saw- bc-ii Juia'..
ol M.:iiJ.;n:y lt v. o-u ii-.T ion- huu
Kii U'.-.i ainl tiicw of ttte juirUcuiar al
lilo - oi iiif ;.n;;L Nujini ul Wiiolu J
jiaU. A iiioi v t.-tai'tajii4 or aiutir.iii i w j;
o.iiit ihan luat ol' .Univ.. iuili.iii il iaii-: ; a , (
ii'jiMci . t't'divj I, i.i'' . . Siu: was ..-iMitaiit ; ( ,r
t- t)i'; V; i--:nt-.. w;i;.Uv;i It TUl . ilK" !M ,,f -,
Ol.l'i. it IV I V .;s ipis)I;at;iik l'i i.i.- '.'.
imnas i -i lo '-'opy :iaint4-t iM.. aa
in In U' '-'U'O i:"' ;il IUI -, v. i.n i Vri.
m! oil vtMl'l! Jtiai'. Wltii :.' Ml)
j A h'v. wiisl t.. iiLr ii' -iii'Tu'iri'-U itjur
j jn-iuir iui;:i -ilt. Iia:v:i -mi 1mi?L. L
j l'.vi-, 'Juu-ia; , and U-i .anu uii
j ita!t.-, al a jovuu ' ui!iii-T ut TruuvtU.-.
'1 in- most i i..iU- (iiitt- i?f lit1! hit: v. a.
al t u- Ilotrl (i'Aouiia. wiaclt sl.o afl-T
wai"ti wild tt Mr. MaeLav s bisL;r. iStii
was ti i'!! lor thr;.r ur fiuc yvars
iii-iu o! Si;;, liatuixzi. ant! lh?n tiu
iirido ot" a mitt llllP: Si)ani:-h lciu!y.
J Lm du Uuif. TIu liou-i dAuiia
i was a "luliy" ol t:iv uncie t!t- v.-kai
j tit .aolt-, v.'lio ruiiu'd lnins'if in Imini
I iiv it. and was litlL-d lt by iliuc. lat
! ia-.i a--''i'V.i!a lo lr Ci'Mutraii tulr
; i'or !(t !iia.iiilit,e:iVv.. Tiiv iiai! 1a
I Mirtouii i',ti by mat'iF-iM lm:t ::?iti s;atii-
1 ot tii'- il;i:airli' latt:Uy. ia-.-ia tin
a!iArtr v.a t':c ol iicr..l: -ir-ir iL
j an urtni ;n if rH'--,.
;!;:: j?ii:i;lw T:;aT (. aul
i Dot; I. ids dv Ilir.i- .a.- u ltt-plicw ui
Ko!.. tia- Spaia.-ii Iiiic:;;!. a luun iii
I tii.aiv ;.e.:oin'Iisirate!Hs. aial '.'ii-' i;iuit -'
iiiaiit coiiaiJ) i:;:;n tf l- : :ivlv. it
i t a n-a:i v. a:-, iu-ld ill wiiii!!;- boiida,-'
: u a woin.aa lit' v-a:i ty hi.-, wilt', i
1 wtit.irt i.- uoliie ui" v i) ;.(. t. Imniuli' &r-
i aiit.ui'n'!,s'Li!i;t.t:ii!-tuii ln-r iiinTty
; ot u'fi -'j'.ijj.", Lo any oi iuT Jrtc-hOi. '1 in
ianioui' -.u cast Um iiiiu w Lfii liv iii'sl
..v lit-i a. :. iiiu at Maurid. burruunu-
, r ... i ...... ;
o a ' ...uv v., o..i vj: nvuvt-i.uv-u,
v.-r l.-.d.-d irinn l:id i'j ..-a. .Site vaiued :
. dev.i-.ioti to tier niu! to a beuulitul
and l.i
.Unit-, d
w i: ii 1 v
r . lioni hiie nau .:an oj itt:t.::i.
nine d.-epiy i;i h- witii him
l- ittite pieseuied ln-r iiiu.oaud
liis. one ol wnoui t.levl at
'1 i.e rlii'viv 11: on.- v. ;s cldi'.-ii
ol" " Lola." it s..-o!iled :. ! iit:-ju-aioni.
r. Ail '.hat v. at. j...j .m.-
ids la.
ami ii.:-' in lii1' mother., life i!pp:ai
to he ill -aliil.o' in tie' :!:iid. which was
ii imiii-: 111 i.f inlautiii heicutvuud pre
cisions wit and int-lli-ct. I'nlores he
came llie idol of the hoUaehnid. and v. us
as Miii.-.iiu.c w in-rover Mio went. JVtph-
iw-il liisn v. init laca her mother h
Uilo'fc. i.i.---'l in li -r uiatcrnitv
wail a iat. Tiie lni it was to hrin;
an-., sorrow U'k.ii bin
,iiu playin.r in her mother's
i-iuiiiiu.-iit A:a. A hci-sc Ii.-ar which (die
ran l.u-h. d teat and UicLed her on tiie
i lun-iiead. Tm i dad', was taken iu dead
'. lo mi'-! inotn. r. v. un lier hraiim
' i... ..ui licou-di a i-ash. I eould not
nave it'll,
und utter
Since 1 iii.-
I .. ..1 i ii.- latter hroLdi hearted
ci-u..'i.c.l had I not seeu her.
ai. mill
she t '-.. 1;
iii iinniiiii;- hut porttait.. i.nd busts ot
j !a. w iii.-l. sue lii-.-v! to paint and model
tn.iti memory. Tub uidortuiiute IA'
Lute said tu me: "Ti.e l.-ast tiiin-would
now hdi iiic. hdnce Itolort-b was taii.'U
I ioai me I fc'.l an oid mail, ti.oii-li not
et f .rt . -!'. i-. The gashed forehead o
tie. littie beauty is uivvaj s prc&cnt in uiy
iiiind. It's a luis'ortuae lo liae a tell-
aer heart, l ecaust- heart euKcriugb ere
bo criiciat iue." 1 bee in the papers
that a miial! tmn did carrv oil tins dis-
tiiig'tislK-il and auiiahle fipniaid. lie
tau;:l:l a cold at Granada, wlueli uevel-
ojied into iidlaiiimation of the lanas ;a.d
kiil.-J him. I.e died w itii a -ros6 iu Ida
hand in w inch a lock, of tie-- cjind b liair
was M't, ;:!.d w ldc li he cut oil when the
vias bioii- at into hiai lifeless. Iwouh-r
hick is l lie more to lie pitied th tia-
jness of Austria or j-oor Mine, lkittazd
ue ilutt; i'aris Cor. txiudon Tratlt
v -ji; compa.'-jv.
T:..- -. .! l a-vi a':
' v.,. (..,-,.. .. -.ei-i -.--"- ....... ,r. .--a
.. . ? ,, ! , v : . ... . .. i.-- ic '-""" A - - '
1 -t .1. lri.;i:.- Iii' ..-iiii-.
?:, '..iiMi-- i..ii'i'-i "
- : . :..: .-.,i:i!l:-- p.;!..;Iox.-s"'
i..:l Jir. ' 1 1 ov.i..-r. of
I ur ;::ai Lounger ;i.ii enrii-::li.--..-
r to tin- i;ui'. 'ioi: of
: the ...:.... ;
nan;. . .
a i-i'poi'o.T
.i-U:'.'' in.- taw.
'in: in:: ali
nii:::'.o a-;o. v.n-.'ii 1 i-.-.i,..
, for home." iuid -Mr. l uwiei.
1 inv lie.iuLrte; " at Kodate.
' uiohi r.orts.e:ii ftatioi, oi-cupieo '-.y u:'.i!
; ot cuv euinpaiiv. We ii.r.e our li'-ao
i ijuarlers in .-iii,c(.'. ::ii.i iruillii
j uiliou- ali iner i--rolary heuaiil pur
' ciuue. Ah -t Ala.-.i.u U aiu o-t a t.-rn.
i iiKir-iiit,!. Tat- eountrv i!
rour.i!t;iT h - of ti"' pnn-'ipal rie
! lii... Hi.- VuUon. M.a;.- ai:il hikke..T Itaa
been eMiiured. and a l' miies inian.l
j from tiie oust !i:.e. lull ti:.- creat m-
l uuuii iv. n. n nai e
il i:. a u -pri.:. ami
i ot inv answer to jour
the loumi:;:i
tjui! ion.
c, i t..c str. ;
roach.-i it v
of 1
cr. mi ui-. -..iiii.-j c
1. sin ill. lriutl't lii.e cai
fiiiiniiiui.- crcatii' : cam.- era.-a:
tie 'in thr'.lc'ii tie' tiucL-'t. tire J'rolllid j
hurl' tiviui.nn.-; i'ii.'ii;.i i::.
foottal.s. Wit !i v. iii, e:-i.-s oi terror ami
dlslcav ln- i:.di.O:s he i. idi i-ul tiieclaef
and la'- -.colli v. iioiiad hls:t ili-.i in .'red
tin- lian of ti.e moni ter.-.. T:: -v v. ..-re
i.riucd v. itii la! :;c caiit'-'r u:u.-.i;ets ami
..km1 their .round. ojH-iiinjT lire on tiie
luaiuuiotii. . li.n.'i mii'-t iiav.' peni'-
trati'd tin- ei-'a'ui' s 1 -riLii:, for it fcta"-
t-erei.l lorv.::: ,i i,:;-j f -!i ii.:ul.
iiueiitiv. on P. en way l.-aci: p. tiieir '.aiiip
roumi. tnej o eriiiiuted ;.mi hided a cow
'hl tee-.h. W ill-. il V list '. ItieUtij tiie mate
of tile hrst on" i-l ievl.
"i asio d t..e hunter i-. deocriiie tiie
nioiisicr. me 1. tal.iu-. a i.harp uticU. lie
drew un- a pi' ture of tin- ini.' :u:uu..l
in tia.' soft clay. Accr iii:--to l:i (i.--
Kcriptr.'ri it v. as at least twctiiy feet iti
ln;i";iit and tniny leet in lcmnli. i::
-vtMirul iuit- it was not ui.l.i..- aiii-ii-
niiatit, hut its ears w ere windier, it.s ey.-s and
(.lender. Its
us tiLiiiit ion;-er
tusLs w ere j -h n
t:: ne
in color and sis in laiudier
tiie.-e tusks v. ,-:e pdace-.! l:Le tlcse of a
ho::r, one on eitiier hiae in each jaw;
they were about f .iur leet lon and caine
to a bliarp wiat. Tiie tuner two tusUs
lie iirou'iit away.
"1 measured tiicm und li.ej were over
fifteen teet iii len-tii iiinl v, iiii-il
wai'dti of i.'.VJ pountis .'acla Tin y jt:ra.Ju-
aliy ta;iered to a biiarp point ittal curMil
inward. Tiie monster s bu :v vas e .r-
en-d with long, r iaree hair of a reddmli
ciun color. 1 look a copy of tiie rude
sketch made by the Indian.
- '-', the wry. our late governor, the
Hoti. Aifrt'J 1 Sw iiu-Jord, ::a pri-tty
carefully iuvesUjaP-d tiie matt. r. and hp
ia certain from a thomuh Kiftiti-r t f r.u-
tive teiaituorr that laie liei a.i of .ii.:.,e
mc'Tatters are to he ftiut.j cu ti:" ld;:ll
f-iutcuuB ia ir.tprir-r Aiabka iii.out l:.e
hendwatew of the Snake nrw.--PhU
dclphia iTees.
t ...... lt ,i, I n--!!. -l"--' -lili. in. - . ... i . I . .a- ,c
i is c Ttaiuiy a coiinlrv oi par- ..... ...... . - - . ..VI1., i,n.. i. ...:-- . - i i .-n; t ci ;.. tn i : . 1
i adoxes. oil -ho Ic- ii.-lc in to' Mlales ' i in - c- .:--oaa' - - ". o v ''
i i.k Hi".! it :-1. itm.1 of -Ti-.'tual ice' ' .,..... .','.. ,:..- en ; .- i - ' v'"'
i aia! snow . and jet jou n.m'.il U- itoloti- li;''; .'I'.j.'!"., ?,.". ,,;. , vi:n a ir...n:i: a: ' ' ' -' "' '
i ish.-d if I t-.-l 'jou that I i--r..- in mj '"- .'-i. , a- "''' 'i"--- " t-'- , tnat i: i-t
i i I . ..:. :i.ii.l i.i' . i" .i v of rail- ' i ..
i l: .11. .C.l .11 .... . ... - , j ... - ; J " ' ' i - i - ......
: i,hes. l.-tti;.-... eai-ioi-. onions, cauidiow- . ;, ..,,;:,, :; :.. is ';,.:,: ..- ac: -
I ers. eaho.. p. as. turnips, potan-es. n: , s: , to .i- ;
; uccts. parcins and l-ry. Within live ;.,. ir u. ;.-.. ;-...' : u- .. ..:.r . ,. ...,.. U.:. " - ' ; "'
i of tin., jcaid. n w.w-on.-ol ti." iaiv- u-.v.-imi w- ;,,vm;i. i - a v.w ihuv.r.:. :.
I I'-t olaci-r-in Ala-;.:., alio U tw.s'll tie': -i r.' v. s : J .. , ,,
; f.rliie coa-t lii.:i::d t::.-uiP-ricr i. r.-ared .' u::::: !-ait i "it ,.r..' l'i - iinrrti.'. u . '' r-
uinis i..oiinl:cn ol p..-r- tual ice am.. - .... ., v. . .-,., ,
"!,rtv- . ., 1 ti,,,,.':: "i, "''." .-...a , . ,-. . . . . , lit on I a- i " w.
"i 'n-.n.'t your I w . i 1 J c:-r;- r.'si.n-i i .ua ,..,. . .,!: v . i. ... n.-t .-e-
in Ai.:s!.a v. iiat wn.- tc i.e.-t womh-rlul , ' . '' .. , ..,. p..: .. -..
thm:; mu cv.-r saw n- aid th-r-.-V" . ,,,,.,,,. , .. ,.r,. t.. ,i t.. i:' it ' - :
ir. l..v.-!-r t.aiii.I at tins ipi.-stion. , ,v.(;i r ",: ." ,: .. ,.; : ; . f , ..-..,.,...;:...
an-.;, alt-r a n.oni-n' s in-sitat i...i. mi id: ; . .-u . ., :. . v ..,!... i-o. i- .-..!.-:. - 1. -.-.:- !'
I "Iwo jcai-s a-::; list san..ii-r 1 i.-lt ' -- ' ...... .... i. ...... -r mi I.-;;: . v v. ... :.
diac for atrip to tin' i.eadwat-:-:: of tnc ; v ,. .: , .' . - .
! Static river, wheiv..;ir t r.i.-. . i::c: ncc-nts , t:..- !-.-n. Itm!. IikIut. j l-.rii:.:ii--. v-n--r. t..-i-. mine:-' : c
! "ul -"tunt.-ii:.d I. ti-aiii::; i .at.on at an j J( v. h ;..,..,.,.,,,. r hi.-v h.-r,- ;l ... :i- i-.l -I. tie i-r.'-d '
i Indian i in.:- -. '. ac c.n.-l o; t.. is lann.N : v.. :. :r. . iert. i v.- t : . . i '- ' ""
! of liii.nit- v.a:. naiiii'i. -;.-,.-,-!.,..:.. and j ' v .. ' , i;;'(- ,.,.., , ! f,"u '",..... .. i- - ... ft d
i io inui i .:, v.i: rso:::i. :..:.-.;. . ..., . .-,. ,. .-.-h r. .!!:. ' -."... .-.- c:
; ree-o.-.-d !:,- !e .splian: . a!.:. 1 -:: . U ,. ;, ... ,. ,,,.. v,,,..;,-; , ... , -'v ,: . ' at-": .;...'": - i
i---al! li..-t!.;ti..nsi .r t,.- P.:!.:.,:..-... :: .,.. ;. .:...,.,,, h, ...,.. ;., .,, Ti..- I i -:.:: - --i - i !' '
; ilie lot .- f,,.i; v...r. vtn a in - tri.H ( '. . . , , ... ; . : ,. . .... i. .- . .: -
ilea! c::-'!n".: In .:r l:.-' Mo ::':. .nc lot . ... .,..,..:,,,...,,, ' ,. ... . . .... .-' . :
;ed :cv--r;.l t.i..u-a!.- I -.uu.i . and ,'.' - '' ;.i,d .; 'i n:;i':- 1 ia, ,1s", .iini.a.c . a; . ...;.-! I
;.ui, sed of t in pr i :..-:i il ami in!-- . , : ., v , , , , , . . . i -, ' .
i;.s oi' tii-- uiaicnioti.. liic r.'Uaii:'- '' ." ' , .,,.,. I
, . iici..nil . ,- .:'- 1- .:'"' l'i..'- Ii ;.
ar.-lo,.-;o:u..i m ia m.c... r .... .,..,,., ,-.... ,..;.:-.,..,....:.... ;...::.. .
Aia can t;::-i .o::.- .. 1 j-'l-n tn- : . M ...... ..H. ,...;,.: ,...;. ; v.. i.;.-.- i .. -
: ivo-v lv. a ; .,;.d ia-: : a :.. a..;i cpoi. : wo ... r) . .. ,.,., .. , ,. -.. u ,.v,.r ,::. p-t - -- '- - - '
...!' :,,. l..:-..t tn.-:... i d-own-il IV-U. tw(j.(,.). .,..;.,.,.;.., : d....." V.::
. ;-:"! :':' r-ni-.u-. of par.-v . .-, ... . . .,, ot ;:.--;, ii- , ec t-amuai. " .-'no'.ic-. 1.
j ' ' 'i '-' !' y .'
!w. '-''' l.,e eai-'t iai!:i.- ,.v -cc :e i.pi ortut:'.:- -' - ...
d .1. -. .-:..-.! la a l:.s v.:iniv:s. ; ,.,.1.u'1..j 1 ,., ,-r i;!i-w. A cn ..! -The A-:.:.: s,.s 1 .a v. . r." , ,
a 1 lo- p.. , i::.d r the I. ..d'-l...! ui i .T, f ti,- !;rii!:iast lani.-.' ' I'r.-iav '-..;::.- ,.i -. w- rod- .:. . ,. ,.
.vv - - - . . .1. .
...! ttl- p;-!-: v. ' I" -.'.-I- I" - ' " t.c
lii--.'--!"'- ...- v. .U. !.'. s " , . ; I . . "
l;c,i.,.; ... -if-! - "V' 'I ' ' v - -
, . , -.-... .;....r' .--I--. -:it. i' '' v! ' '
vJi,.,, .: f . . i..h ... ,- '...- ' .. c-s Of .... . - ; ,. . -
li-jt-a of . ". . . . ... .
up to two ... .. , . av. iwn o: i . :.'IT ''"'.' ' ' :" .' .. - - "-
and.tartci: r.Vi.'i,-.'.' to V. '..,.-:!-. - -';
"Ihii'.eUuU ..u: t..u... lum.-. 2:rt. t ,,.'... ';.,r.. . J ... .. .. - '- "
ipii:- h is tne - .j.. i :.ii. i.u:- '-iurt '- .... ...... -'''
t.!-c. w :. uit i'- ui..,!.- it v, .o i , .. .;:
arra r ; in. ui- -i 1-- '. "
A.-" i-Uli own - .... , ,. . - v. !
A -it- ot ..- i ".-''" ''..'" "' . .
a. . ... tt-iuc no a.?:iiai-li.i nlent' Ti,.. I. : i.. ...
V, u 1 t.-t r. ; - mi. f :"- 1 "'' . . . : w
llf u- v o .--on. u u.:: taat o-a- tar.- i. -.c , ,
.lira:. , la.. p-'Sl-l t - ael s. I --r . -
Vi-.v n,. t.i.a -j --i t-'rj''"-1 " '"'- i . u u.. ; - i- "' ,u ; "
or a I, ... - t ..........j : .. , , i. - i i t - - . . '
Ti..- in ..ii :i.i nw: '"'t li' - . -.'T,. a i su r 1 1 iif'-n.' '" '
T.;c.:l,.::!:;M-'' j' ; ,.. ... . i lor tic I"'"-"
li.tiis W.T..I t-ia . l.'- ' - - - .. .
I -I ,. -iiii: i.. .-.!.!.--it ' -. -.
... ... ., .. ..rift'. 1- .' v .- - ...
.... ' , , ... i -...'
I -w iiic.i he sent me. containsiiu iiucf'-:tir- na.t.n.-: a ion : - p. .... . a . -u . ". . ()I
a taci. l,.;i.r. J-. ui- u.e ins n asons lor ir -j-.i,. ,, .. i.. '.sirv..:- i:.t-- !! :.
ciiorii.-. ,.. t;M. ui the Atlantic .V.oiiUnj , jii;ri i to i a .':! la.a,.-
;.!ia an nan-li imiaaur in- Mas hf n:iiiii-.i . I Hi" i..i:-.- t -uc. nn- at .: a i.
loT;:rdi .... i ;. ,. ., .,....,,,! i t .... . ,. ,r v- . 11...!. ...
iiovvn on ..i
luce, shady piac.
lie threw his ho.
I.e.-t fr-nn his pin
xas B-mii lost in ii
Ids rork Ix-itan to huhiiie
pull trom tiw- water caused '.lie c-orh to po
-lcar und'T tiie w atcr. Iieiinerately iaj
iu;; ids pajH-'r i.ic.e. in picked up his jkiic
and, as he i-ei-an to w md up his line, re
.marhed tiiat a man couldn't lisii in peace
there, ana he was "toil:" nome.
Ci :u ) Teh'trrapii.
it m 31aH or Uifc Wurcl.
"Vv"-w-wiii jou b-!i-le ni-ndnc, 3:is
Xaurai- C-can't . ou t-trust tut- ti.-liirotirrii
i-life, n:y an.eli-" leaked tne stuttering
Totii: lun::.
1 aiu afraid not, Mr. Jeiikviu.. re
p":ied the oitie-.-t of his demotion. Iain
a little afraid to trust j ou. You Lave
broken your word a half d w.on times iu
the last tw o minutea." Terra Haute Ex
press. The nick'-ht of the patriotic school
children of Kansas. B-rrretTaliri-r SI. (Kill,
ui-1 comiiiir from 2L'.0ny ehiidrcii in sirry
tiiree ct.uitties and 2o3 sci.ools. the bama
beiui; contri'outed to the Mount VemoL
Louioe' aswiaiaU-ou, are to be uised l j r-
fiiiiil t:it'ti'.il u.rv.'i Tit nimrtjiru n TTjur-l iffl
1o lsioric nian-aou of the J-otouiac
fore ric Ni ne luore .-. utio and Lual ..; i.'-i" -a- on tie- i-tr.-t-. a I:
!:au t'cat of i ,nie-. !i. lie isiied me. , v ona.i. . v ia ; :'. an .
wuh h... i.aaaiiicr: n tr:.n.Ui.. i-c.-.-.u. i.,-.-.;! ... ai .. ,.:; a ci '. -.: i..- .-: . . .
man. m.d ic .-rote i.a- ictters. it is u c ,:-r 1 dad a: '';::. cv l-de c i -c ::r :
pi;;. , by .i.i :.;. . teat 1 fai.ed to pre- -.. ;-. !a lp .-!.: !.. ' c;.. ;. ,.
h"r'.e mj' ca!'r. sMnd"i:".'. mii'-ii ot it. p.r ni.-ca.'.i:..- c;- an.: u. r t. n. .
doimti.-ss. w onld Ik-now of eorisidcraliie ;- and . '.: ' s- ai in 1 .... -
interest." ie.c-.-e . Cuit is u-;..iv our s rric.i ,t
At : ' I - ...: ... : t 1 V ; tl .' i:
A I .liv.' 1 l,ll.-rilll C. 'il i I.!: ! '. -11- .-' I.'
:!! Hllhs.- ' . . , ' ;., ... .. .. . '"'"
juit" r.n ii-'ii ii'H.n :ne p. an mm pur- io..;... . .... . t ; .
(.- of i-.iin' to :.i Vniiia L-a-. . .- v..- v.. .!..d :: v. i . i .: i-::. - .
i.ait v.-. '.-:.. . lam n l'-u.,v. weat ii.-.imi':. an.; as.. -i i.c.i : ' c-:a v. a r:.c a!-. I . ;. ? j
a cri-.-u. : s-i'i-inc ;. in..-" ma; -' - i
,d a cini!. iv;;. ,;. ,.at. and v. - priM-.n-.-i. ,!l-.i - .iv- .. .. .
int . tic- stream and room at one.
then a strai'tr said !nv st..: .
et a iiews-pa-r ami -What I - li.e in-ttr-r 1- .v.V Ve r i- ,
''is. thai man voa v. i r;-c ant-t . i::.:. : t. ..... :"
-V.'i'j. idr. (.':::. :.;r:i!:." r ;.!ei! t r
I-H-.A ft r. "Wc p..-; .--.. in .;
hiaw rau
art anJ a
A It
lac I. a---
'-Tiie i.a: s
ad f v.. : :. : ,
Wi v ,,!: t
1 K.k.l. i.i.e IV :
Colapulil ;
t '
I -
.aai. v .,;..... ... t !-
' f ..
on 1 ; .
v ,,. -, ! t..- i. ' I
ti y
'.',.' ,... ;
v.,- 'I;- ,.- - 4 ;!
-: :.::: . k
' ' - f--
..vv hi:.:- n. i - :..;. -. ... jr
' " ' "::' '
t: ..::a:.c - fc. - i
-' " 1 a
n -. in v ;.i - - .;t i
I" '1- " ' - .:
' li-i
: ...::. - r
; ... :,.
-::::-. ,: . - " : i
ii -a
.v v . i a:.-. it .
: li-i: -,'!.: . fl--i:
-:- - t...- . ..!.?
:. ' V i, v. : .j
-' :::.- : ... ' I H
v.,- : i ; - ir.-.ij
i, :!.-!: .- ; - . il
,..,..a -..;:-. v, o - - jv. 4
,.-.;. pun,; -, - - i s,
ai :-.a-
,,:;:: e. i..
e: i ;
So ma
--;:.; n.o'--..-
man. .
, - P. .,e!i
Tcn.ple Iii