a..: :e.:.eu t ; i ' 1 i. . : - .1.... K . -t i -.. .- . K 2 N..- j V.-vY. L-ir. , .- ;i. a1 .v--tt!i IN-e- 1 't'tv aw jay the iTih j o- t - m j -.ier hi a':, r iTriij; up-. ..vni ij: it rooming, then ' of J ja ) iieve ili xnstiajoryi Nicely, Lewis Tsyr-e j ..s; I'ivliN etlj t ! ; of Febr-airr, Jrrii. I c-'tivxti-jti cf Pivij I il.t- 'l-T-.-r.-iii it-, merp- ;.t-rl it.wr-.."-. mtit:. la. I ' bavt i v;.: j?r It -r., ) ii...y. a? : i-'.n L i' 1 13 by t 1 v V .:.M-rir-T. I i N , '.!: til. ,ir rait L.rr. 'be k ar.-i j f en .i.ve l'o srt -. II. Wan- F r sh C'c.ns. 'hat trrv. C T.iS W Aii-u-iiSrt of a S! " irt k ll.-farl.-d The I !a; tA m mud -t Ue,Ki!:ir i-st N ' ho utider--t.ii.di luur ! !.-,.... lVi" f-onmu-d by K.Tage fk-opk,, will J.k,U tiie kir- And reltir.g ar- w . rc,-a-:r,s tm pi am, r too traalc; cil no cue who Lnows what tn AriL Lxit is ciade cf uill oiake crtx djjcoatit c-rfr f- t-X- I i-.Tr.tw-.a of aji orator. c lictcn. 1 um H..J.JU ii c:tilioii from a ,xcU do- ?id w cratje i to fa? fr-d. i-are Iheir lindi tini. niij icnKSiaa their ft. in tmUt fi.!iii )t Tra;tir.s be-xin- a t.wturw to iVia; ii.J (i tl,fir are .iad Toko r. I kh attach wvera! if t!i-.m tttiuf. Ti.-y march til lay: :u ti;l-!.:. whi-n t! y v:,.p to a lir.!).ifuU f raw 'mn-j: W arc Jisti itjt-J am, i!M. iitrVvK. Till is j ail lliir f.-rj. Next iiKrTH:ij; Ifiy must I al:irt air.in. I tut afT tin li.K dsy or j tv.t tin- biiijt.-. uli-rjnjrs aiii lw j ttr).a;iun li;;ve vact-niil gjvet tisany. j VIh- wvm-n uni lh aavd arc tlx- lint t. i i.il. Tii.-n. in rdiT t utrike itti I iiit" ti ns ii.i-rj''l; mi -f huiiiau cat .i'-n l;."ir to cx-rn miiz? -wJtT. j r&i.::ui.J at..i i-.il lihin a trril-V !! i on I :if-- f the if-k. T.' ur.fortun- au- t:m utt-r a cry. ad lui; to tbe jrritt?i'i in t:ie!n'n-ji-i";.s( f ct i. Tlw irn;.--J t-.'P i:r)m(-ir.t-!y n-UTin rt" ii. T- rn iit nuuoJ ev3 tin1 u;,i.--S :t!t htr r:llu j s;;me ..vi-.:"i.i r.-i't.a-l a; uic'it. j on s.rm :ts; ;.t tl ir 1 iii'.l:. j!u-f. ::fUT ; tj-.t? I r-l bv (f -!i .i Jitr. a n4 ! ! I :L-.',h-. tr .. i!; .u:r.-.:i ('. 1.avr ,:r i-jr-il by j u at i tli.f.i t!i v.iiii v.;.i M'.ik frniu i iirim- : ".'i.-.'i. t- -.-. -3 -;:U4.t'i--:itT ! f..ii whirh l!--y ;.Tn! .;. lii;-v jme U-- ' li-ii.l tin-! wr.'t. :i-.: a-n! f-.-ll tlx m j w-i;1i a t-r I..i.v. Th.-.r ;- re-' main iu iv !, y n-i.r-a t!i an? ruil ; u-r-:i t u I r jru Ih-s -f t!io ii.-i'L- ) itn:1'; ir.- -. n:; 1 j; i.-1 ; :.- t tit-u lu;tt V. tt i:ia:.i"::s "rj- ui.i ,-i ! eat aaU ;). l.i.t v. !;.it A' '. U may ! cci-ilj ii-.iaini'.i." M.wrr.v o:; the r cE-v-t. I; i.- t-;i-.i; :'L ttir i:-:irii aiv k witii s!u'j;;bt-r. U I l;t witti-.w - sr.J u" n Is !!. sT! n.kc f t:..-t.rr;: -lit t. uj f-r evt-r vii: r tl-.at tin-se vs r.ix x:'j i--I.:i-fi rtIi'-s, 4 tij..- Kt i. IJ of l Un-i u:k:, acta, iu temponuy rTf I'.issir 2. a'X'i-Ii-i.:-' I j !-.- ! i.'V ar..' K':ni:!'s cf a suriaiu'tl. asijiti Of CI nn i r i !.',. 1 and ran-fnby or.- .riz l st. i:v-:;i umn'.er w u -h l rv.-,. " . . . j o i ! li ' 1,-1 tL i ni i.i: ! tai bo: i-..r is over, tiiat this .l.iy of tiii-u- b,;i n i-i ::t tn ir.i Tiiis !.tr; ilav ar M. It i- Bo evi fciaverv idoni'it iii .Ti-rr-;. 1;:: titi. llhi'telut.itr are r.-!l r Dim tm . ; c. ci iiira- i- t- i-Jcli ia e ti '71 it. No faet i;i relation to the sia is m.:re 3p;i!.il:i ti:an tla-v Ti.e f..t i f tbi i:iT ;i:-. f.ir a t.m; : (ni-.-l. t'K-n u-'jk'-j. has r.t ia-t U-cii rj- lu', t..l:lii r !'!!.. ted. evtfl I.; rui-nt .r F.:i-l:.:i i. I'-J a po iik her n,:ij -stv's cafsui ; tiie -ovem- j eruiiii-iit i lae ! r the S-'ur.li cost r- is.r.s tH.it -tlie hi.ive tr:. ; la a j lfs :i v.-v a 'ti'-v-t'f 1 n th b't'i of j .S-t. fls?-. 1'st. i i-:s i " :.!..!;-.' thre. ! 'ihoi aril br-!;iit tv,o hiMi.lr.xl arid ! four slaves t AJ-.n." Tiie o-nsul ct j Z.-nr.iir v. rites iS-pteLi'-.-r. 1:- to Tiie i "I : ;.i:-urs': i iiereis .. n.utM ; fie slave traftic c;irriisl a j I . , it ssn-j.-r the !--.; -:i ' ti e I niich I. a:, j riri.i-i i.ooi. r..v j carrvir; 1 rencii eoiTs w.-re coi.siaji.i cr.-J reejlar:y I-i:;n.ls. Mayv j with slave. IUvl:. dating leivitis for the Come.ro la and Mau.i,:asear, ioaleJ s. l:i June. liri. tn. tc- from the Aden r-si-Jeiicy. wr ie t i thl l n-l r.y povemmeni: i liave the Inmor to brin.; to tiie nnioe cf poierrimoTit that I have from tune to time nivive.1 re;rts of the aetivity of tiie s! ;vr- trade f roui the neicliborix'Kal of t ie (iuif of Tajc-irra, txi I doe m it my d'i'v to b.fv-ui ffovcrnjaat of tliis fact wi;i a view f a--l action bmi Uen ..:v lv d-s-mt-d aiMjahk'." I'rota as i- "riia v rv in A(ri.-a, by iTo.'esor iieuy Drun.niutid in Scribnei a. Ti,n l.i ert mountain on ti e jtlol ts 1 not. as is jrerieriiiy auppowfJ. 2su,t I.v- erest. thst botior belor.-i:t l.j a I fty r.-,t o the IsL- of Tapua. or New itii.i-.ex Ti.Ls nior.-icr. v, hivfi ir i.s 1 s:jit!-i;t far into the cJ"uts. I t y C.'-pt. A. J. Liiv.-s.in. if U n. in svi Acorird.!:? t L3 i i .. .i . , ....i-..nt for t. he ci.alllT'lolJ- s:,;-i is -j.. feet l.ii'he 1 feet ia l:et.;nt, lull - I thr.ii Mount llvcrest. which i is .' . ' . iir.s tm . 2y.0Ci fe- alxe.e li:e lect cr tiie ; ( Thi" New .ui:iea gust nam-nl Mottr.t Uerct:bs. tht' I'aeilic.U the 1 ;r.c-e--t, Ions aJ t.'W rniios s the lienor of '"it1? i ul ii. It also v'i ; th. . '. urcii -i. Ti.e d-x-p-st l l-cv vet uiti j., r-.-JT ("-' Li-adtoti Islands, a .!.';h cf 4.111 .'aH-m; was Ti i treat dejh n ay U- '".tter ,11 ivh- ti uecotisider that 4.4.3 . j, iV.S'isl feet, or sometliinover , M Lt-uis IlepuS b--. found. i;i I- r h.tirii:. t',- e mi TBC!i IUti SO rT oi.u i . r,' this citv. liai in bis 1! , .v -i, . , u.x turtle. ctiimor.iyc-i-u la,Vl turtle, wbicb was i-aaik.J with l;U it.itt.iis i i lW- ' tartji. l -,1 ls.l-1 1 V rJlla li. tiall lia-. ; Ci-xl over twenty years turtle is over by years oiX ....-v - - . ..... l.-v lr.-en 'tl. ' Tbi ...1 mfe' I V. o.' 1 ... u.. ..iinil fc-l.iv. II t.l l l tilt lUl.g- " ' ' j te-r.S.am and j.xanH-ycd to ISnxkton by nprc-.-IkrockU;n Eaterprise. I 'r. ".!)! b !i f:.. ! the object of l.rt-ath-i .; v .-ii -ii :triti It. vitalise Ur Hicd-""- u.jcry of breatuins a 1 stir i i.il. u tin- tali ig of iaiKi'i'.if into tie in-'-, Mat a !j-.-k of uourishmc-nt. Lverv of t!u bclv ti.-vs kcirt ia motion ij t.'.c i-r-a'.'.i. Hie r-jn sedenLarT 'njj,i wiu. and liit lacjn- w ir- : jisn '.us vai r'4 a failure to gvt ozygrn to tiit blxj. but t!e failure to give mf- rximt m4um to tiie moiriles, wiUiout whkJi pood LcsJsi impossible. Tb riitjjunp ;f Uia blood furnihd tle iJainJ witU new trutlj. The lunss tock in fiur times ts much iir as w as neo- Kirr sa 1 rc-;.!XU-dli:rpe-furt;of it. So murj uii-0 " au "'" " j There coiili be no food, pure, clear, deep 1 thiaiig good, deep, jmre brettii- ; in;. Every occupaiion and work had it ( on m?.lioJ of breuthirs- A m.m train ' ing for a. f j4 ratvs !iJ n.-t tctnalia the 1 sanie r. a builard player. A rrat many ciimt-cta ciu? to vr-K'ntsry occutin mi,-l:t In? cured by al-ioiiiinal brvuthinj;. Lec- b: easliui; was a cure fr utg-t aud UDcluritabU-ma. C'bicago Ut,TalU. Umc1Ii mad KuripMM In tliecourMMif Prufettiiir Jibb'& speech at the i-ntortainnvnt i:t bx.iiaif of Ut La-arfclU.w luemoruil. Iks anid: TUe pe- ouiiur 6iirt-e of IxinfoUtiw imru-tHe pij-HiUirity iiaj Uvn bi faculty of fcaying j w hat erery oae can f cl as true in a I orra m i:i;h titxy odcciui recuTiireaa UaiuU j fill; be pleoa.'S fafiidious icirilK, but lie j cn al.- Fk to 1m hearts of iiule ! folk w ith suih xwtr a t luakp bis j xrdi bim-.-ii'l.l wrils among tlifm. in? d vis with nnirt-rsai scutimetitA. tmt I is? wa-s not coinnjAJiipUiCp; be wan lifted a!r- tVat I t di-iicate truth of ferl- iu. 1 is vxi:Miit fancy, lb eer.so of humor, at:d hi f-rfrctly triim-d gift of t xpn e ntiriit at'plvto bisu hat Mrv I'rowniri Kiid of rZriTtidi-s: bis in. t!)!-.l, a "U'li: iu.i cf tilings cotimnxi till l ipt rbe to mf"t tiie. splH-n-a." Gla.o.v Hon.M. A t'T:i7 d Tt Mt Item. Iiri Ijrrjiurt. i'r.u.. lias a lien wiji a Ih'ii f-r mvith matica. She at this s-i'Tiii stiij biti'll frtit a few chickeirs. v. hi;-!, vi rc taL. n from her and au-UJ j to cnoti-r flock. I'.ut sdie would not J five itt:p. In-lmd. lii? -tit outside tlie j ..... i . t....t . t ,.ii . , , i,.. i i lit outside tlie i I." i.:il LIU' ..t.-. iii r-tiir .-.i.ii nui.'!' t i..r t t;;''u'vn U' more, no jess sn-i vtriitn-l almul witli tlietn ut tut h vis the jpro.:i'i-st fowl ia a'.l the Jiut- nt--g tti'it'.'. VIiL:n liie youn. umn ere hi - ot::! tj r .t they feared to ! follow hrr t j r ut !i a !iei;iit. ii h!ie took ! tleiii o'.? by one u;oi l.er Uick. nd set i tiK-ni c rm fuily in aroi, tiicn jiercbed :it thtf hiad of t'.iL-m. cor.iidjrit tlt it the 1 'i 1 dio'i;ir-isl the vi lu'le duty of a lien. ' New York CV'TuKu reiil Adv ertiser. Th rwirr lacenlives. I A m-i-ssi i! -.-r lov last vift lT-Ae tlie ; ' refir.l aiid ran a mile ,-ir.J a liaif in it.t- j izt !ti.r.ut-s. IK- was on-ched durinj cnt.re distance, liowever. There v.as 2 f -,-'it r.t ti t- ckcf the fust cjiiar- . .. . tt-r. a striAt U-.nJ r.t tlie end ot tiie halt. ! a Ci" engine the third quarter and a cuxxs jir.cia t tiie timsh. whde a woica:i vini ixa.I .: ittu-r fclie wanted hitn ti t-v 'I was a t losf secoad to I lira nil tiie war. Y'oti ci gi-t r.:i awful burst of t-pcI o'-t cf t',hjo ftii nvs if you know !;. TnaU Alt nijht. "Dr. Ttaim-r was cot the fir. man tv'Q hv.:-.! o;i w-ur for forty days," said Sarads. "Of c;rsi' ih-l" ""vYlioelsi-r"' Wt-ll. uhat'i the matter wrdi Nuah?" Tj! k2o liisde. After Ilobby's f:lier had repeated the 5 I Usual rnier tiie otuer day llobtiy niks.1 kv. ttUat taakes vou pmy lor t Jajjv ixrad c!l tlie uiiK-r" -Liii;-" Ain't car.'v vi-c :t aaout time tn pmy for some L-t-iblea? Iewistaa JournaL Tlie Yturbi.i. i- the chy of Mexico, is probably the grandest lHei in tiie wor Lb It was buiit by tiie governor for bis palace, ar.d cost ci.ltiO.lMO. It cor, Uuus a room. Used by Governor Ytur Lide for a cliapcl, that is frescoed in Sulid fold. Little TratiLie wan taken in to nee, new sister who laid arrivee Jurin tiie nuiit. He looked at ber a. ttoairiu and exclaimed: -Yr.ts! You i-a!l tiiat a U r: U s nothing but a d baby." Troy i ' j Ti Teltram. le ( bc.. ie ii-h let d-.-rr. It, tle fijh nets usi-d iniween the isleo Mui and ' Ar.glewy attract the t!w rnbtwva iiml iit-p iu Incite i.r i-iT.tunii -t j ,uC1,. N:J EW3 N BS E? l':i-a.trot rdsare reported in differ ent lmijits in lUvaria. Mrs. li.im-. i- a tively ensm-ed in i makir.i: final arrangements for her tr:p ' to 1 k-er Park. i T. J. Lef'TTs of Cliicnco lias been :.l.s"t.sl iTe-iilfiit of the National Brew ers laiiJa. Kinrsna won the F, mi crend iirb of l.O.1 si'i-STi'.TiN Nelano second alKi li.dian IVuii-e thir-i. Tl.o woii-n whe dismiUred lody was found in tlie Thami-s nver. Lewidon. w;ui a servjint piri. ("at. Henrv C. Lee. a hn.tlK-r of tiov- ernor Lee. ui su ia i , nj.jc. last evening at UieluiKHwl. a. Tlie str ike in theO. N". T. thread works T!h' s--ui!ien will bereafteT re jr week for their wtirk. ; is ivt. - oVlt ceive rl A tn-meiKi.HMS t.Hmaer vlorm pasw-u i over London Thursday. Much prol-rty n ; .-A..I 91.1 wtr de.-troMsl ai neveral l:v Kist. Wl-ile f.ia.tn raftsmen wrecw- tt, r,ViT at ;reenvi!!e. Chie. the lout i-ansiw J and five of them were !. tVuns-l for Judge Hdtitn aesert that ti e overtures fur a compromi-se in the Sti wart wlJ ease are from the Cem- ti-st-ttnta. A I uij: rw'i fclBdtat (Ur Durn:g Ids s. huol career the German enijvror was a uwi'olof thestulioo Gef Uian ulii- He took Lis piace a coru- mou upil in the pu'.'he achoo at CasscS. j &n J played and studied with Uit' other scholars. At l!se final examination he J was. bailee-.!, oaY tenth ia I'm? h-t; but I th-n Iw was two yi-ar y4i:iS'.T l!i;ui liis mates, aixi wiu rightly oonsi ltrel to have done iu r!l that bia tutor wo iniimsli aleiv knubted. Tliero Is no crammine (ystem ia jjrmaayj he paad without aid or favor. ; At the Cniversity of Konn I Jiave sat j on th same U-ncbes with lsim. and seen him. with bis Utile note book, writing ; down, like a liard worked reporter, nearly all the professor uttered ia hi lectures on the groat German authors or ; cm tee genius cf our own broikespeare. The pr-co was anxious also to study rubjact. not just then in the curriculum, and for tliee the profeuors atlende-i at his rooms. Ey the professors tlie prince was treated with an almost .-rrile adulatioo, and he won tlitir esteem and love. He bid them all in turn to dmm-r at bis room in a villa which overhung tlte inline, with the lionevbUt kle, clematis and Virjrinia crwpers r.-achin over and j down the rardt-n walls almurt to the wattl'b e:j,-. The qu -ail at-nt bun out from England a spb-ndid bust, cutting nearly iXi, but Ik? ui it very btlle, and it fcfwrrdly lay rnort-d by the lunk Iwieath bis ar-d.-n. idly rocking in the ripple of tlie Khine. liut he took part lieartily in all the amusements common amon German students, tamely, l-r diinkins, duel ing, torchlight pnicwstons. carriage diivinc, bathin; and, in w inter, siedg in. I do not think lie ever fought a ri al duel, but b? mingled fret ly with the duelers, and in kr'lp-n (dtbiking boutf and torcbiirbl bervnades. si;mg and kirtinj: with tlie fcij pers t-f light O'.'rmau Uir till late into tlie night. All the Year Kound. Tar up iii tle mountains of Ceyioti and India there U a spider tiiat tpins. a web bke brirht vtrllnili silk, the cen- tral net of which Ufivefoet in diameter, wl.ile the sitwrtin; lint's, cr guv ta thev are called, mi-awire sorai tiim-si ten or twelve b-t lon: a'id ri ling ijui. kly j system, and so praluct-s diseases of vari in the early mpniing you m::y dasii rijrlit ; OUs kinds. ir.t- it. tiie sjtiut threads tniiM.-- round your face like a lace eil. while as the creature v. In has w ea it take U; bis xjsitka in Uie middle, be pcneraliy iatcljei you riht va tlie nose, rt.d tliouh be s. ld: bit5 or Ktinpi. tlie ctintact ff bis large body and Iju lies is anrthifl.; but pleasant. If you f-irget yourc!f aii-1 try to catch liim. bite lie will. and. thcmU lot venoiiKius. bis jaw s r.re as pj-.vi rful as a bird's U-ai. and T'lu era txiI likely to forgi-l the en counts. Tlie txvlii-a .f i!a-se M.idcrs are very 1 handsomely decorate! be-ins bright gold I enough to produce quite a fix pcrsjiira 'firsrarkt und-?rnit!i. w lu'.u tlie upper j fta i n:irt is covered with the nut ueiieate siue colore-1 fur. So Ktritij are the webs tluit birds the tiie of larks are frequently caught therein, and even tiie small but iwwerful scsilv lizard talis a victim. A writer hays that he has often sat and watched tlie yellow and scar' -t laontt-T. m-af4irin. wlien wailin" lor bis prey with Jus i-s btntcl'd out, fully six indies, striJinF acre ti? middle of the net, and ne.i the rapid manner in which he w indo bis tiemt tlin ads armud the unfortunate cajitive. He usually throws tiie coils about tlie liead till ll; wretched victim U first bUndeO and then choked. In many linfrevjuei.ted dark ticokscf the junrltf yoj cer.ie rjcmss most perfect skeletons of small biris cau;ht in these territle snares, the Ftror. folds cf w hich urt-vect tlie delicate bones from falling to the ground after the w iad and weathe r have dispersed the fiesli rnd feathers. Ilare Bits. A Ultl- Ckikl'a Ftbksr of Mizui. EmlU Ball, a little fellow 3 years of ae, U tlie iicro of tlie day in Carbon dale, Pa. several children were playing around an unprotected well, w iien Eiidie Widner deciuiU to take a driak from it. As the water rises within a foot of the surface the little fellow thought lie could reach it by lying on his stomach and putting bis bead down to the water, but io trying tha feat lie ktet Ids balance andplanged Lead first into the sprint:, whieh as over six feet uitd. In liis fall ha turned acompletesomersault, o.ming up liecd first, but as he went down be uttered a err that attracted the attention cf a playmate. Balph IVall, who is only 5 vears e.f au. Tlie latter liastened Vy tlie placeand. with a prtfCOCKXis jireser.ee of mind that would hare deserted many an adult. he leiob in thesituatioa ttaglanoe, and, fi-iiins the alresidy half drowned bov, be hel J bis bead above tiie surface of tlx- water until tiie united voice of the diildre-n drew- a man wiio was work ing n--ar by to the rescue. EdJi.; was restored to his parents rat Iter the worse for bis dangerous bath, but was soon completely resuscitated. Chicago Times. j rmrmiio of Si;lit. I Mr. Priestly Smith.ophtiialuiic surgeon 1 to tlie (Queen's infepiial. Binuingltnm. I has prepared for tbo sch'jol boaid cf t!:at j town a series of golden jreciMAs on this ! iajixrtantfubjee-t. which, legih.y prmtod . oa a mounteu ocrou. ae w ue uu-ij; up j in all the Urd scliool roouis. Seven j car.iinal uiaxiics are ail that are con- j mJ,,! needful for the scliolar to l-ear ia nunu. inese axe: iiii ai;i mi Kjuare. keep your eyes at least twelve inclies from your work, write on a slope and not on a fiat laj!e. read with your look w.ll cp. d ni read e.-y small jTint, du not work in a bad light, and if voo cannot see your work proftriy tell Vimr u-ru iier." As tliere is nothing like "pictorial eamj le-, this is iilfctxated by j four drawings sxliibWng gncd and bad i positions. ori -.-ir-fc-.aiU. IKa i '.a .ns-f:i-i;t hull- d.-feHi tin i jj women tlwe riibt to vote on i ni&,f4is pi.Ttaininj to tlie sai of ia j toXx-kt.ng bmiora. . CHOKING IT WITH WASTE. INFORMATION CONCERNING THE ECuY'S D3WNAGE SYSTEM. fimt i Uia Sktir Deactiu of Uuilky The ctnerality of people enjoy much better Iiraith during aunimer tiian ia winter. Tbij U uaqa?stiotiably Mot rait witii Uoce of sedentary occupation, who are denied eufficier.t ex ere is. Probably the principal reason U tiat during the warm season the skio U much the moat actira, and sweating Is always mors or less profuse. Perhaps it Is too much to say that those who do sot sweat easily and often cannot be healthy; but it cer tainly would be better for all could they by socud means the best is exercise manage to work themselves into a per spiration every day. TWtSTV-riVl MILES OF DKX1X.GE. It u roughly estimated t!uU there are ".OuO.000 pores in tle kkin which ojen on iu wirface. Tiiev are a verv laje part vf t)e tmly's sewerage ytn: and some "tie with patient calcuiatkio baa readied tlie solution that these orea are sluice .Tite for er twentj -file miles of drain.ie. It is Tery evidint tiiat health larily d-j.-JiJ upon tlie iod wiwking condition of tliis drainage sys tem, and if tlie outlets the port are biockeil up, tlie waste ntiiUers must be diverted into ritla r channels. Otlier nu!S nrtably tlie bowels and kidneys iiave ln irovtded by nv ture for the disdiargx? of waste from the system, but tbey liave sufficient work of their own to do and. w hile they would patiently respond for a time to any extra demands upon them, swrner or titer, tin ksrf relieved of tlie unusual burden, they wiHild khows siTis of distress, and tie come so cripjikd they would no longer be able to jierform proprrly even thtir own U-itimate work. Tlie wante w bich should t thrown ;T throfih the skin cannot be entirely diverted and sent out lltnnigh otlier channeU: much of it must remain l ked up in the system. Wiien it natural outk-t is obstructed, some of it permeates tlw tiantt f tlie body, enters tlie blood, and u distributed al'iut in the Bj frvjuejtt latldr- the ports ant kept fairh well open-d, but it will be cbir to all that the little tube can only bo kept pt rfectly free by frequent flu.-.l-1114. When a per.o gt-U into a good sweat the outflow is eonsidotib!e and the channels are well waslied ouL If that salutary process tail place every day, ar.d the lly is duly cleaned by one cr two baths a week, in that direc tion at lcst about all u being dotie w hich can be de to keep tbo skin ac tive and bealthy. Daily exerci5, to meet all refjuirenwMs, aliould be carried far It is undeniablr a fact that a verr large proportion of the ills whkli man suffer from are due to obstruction in the skin system of drainage. Thai fault is almost always present in those who take cold easily and in those w1k ire victims to neuralgia, sleeplessness, dyspepsia, bil iousness, gout, etc And this class is largely made up of people who live in active or sedentary lives. Were this liability of tiie system to choke up with waste fully appreciated by people gen erally, and means to obviate it consc-ien-UoUaly taken, iaiin:teiy less medicine would bo needed in the world than is dow used. TEE BATH'S TEE TEISO. Where suSicient cxencie cannot be taken to obviate the defect, the next best means is tlie hot air latli. Such a bath can. of course, be taken in one's own home, something after the same method as the old fashioned rum sweating pro cess. But tiiv domestic arrangement must be incomplete in the absence of the shower bath, tiie liand nibbing, etc All the essentials are found in tire Turkish bath, which some physicians liave even j gone so far as to say is the most power- j ful and certain, and at tlie same time tlie J safest and most agreeable therapeutic agents in existence. One of them quite rightly says that a person can remove as ' much of the poiscnous and effete matter from tlie liody i.i one hour in a Turkish bath as can be removed by other means in twenty -four Injurs. In this form of bath, as Professor Crasmus Wilson says, "the skin acquires color, freshness, firm ness and elasticity: it loses the muddy and faded hues of ill lieallh and tlie parclied and wrinkled aspect of infirm ity and aire, and it procures for the ! habitual bather exercise, health and i life." As for tlie effect cf tiie Turkish bath upon the disordered liver and kid nevs. tliey are very marked indeed. Not only docs it lift no small part of tiieir work, and so give them a chance to re cuperate, but it draws the blood from tlieru to the surface of the body, and so relieves cMigeUon. and, lience, obviates a strong tendency to disease Turkish batlis are eSicient in reducing weight; therefore, it is held that tliey are contra-indicated for tlwse who are thin. But, strange as it may seem, tliey act both ways. Where a person is v. liat is so aptly termed "solt and Cal-by." and is overloaded with fat, thej reduce l.im; wliereas a person in poor health and thin, tliey. by restoring tlie system to a normal condition, increase the bodily weight- Boston FIiTali Ilwb.IL At CleviLw.d-TL rVvehod" c-lrliratrf tltrir vnnl ham by bcatiatf !U P-.ulrs .ii a r! h-r o"-)'l-ri cnnie. The f -:.tu- t :!ircof.' wire IK' fi-;.i.ii w.rh tl Itwm. h.aiin''' Kr.'l-rtni aehnii nut tlie UATd butuut 7tse,u. Foot- tiiuusnil rtr iiaesx-d the gsix. Snw: ( !-relaj.d 1 ' 6 HunKirs ooll-S At "tii--at ."!S-ajc. It: lTi'iisT.r-eiis- At li:iaie:it..a -fa.iwirii4.Ukw tVashinc- ti-1- .. ..... At PbiladV.ja'.a-F-r-'t eT Atl.-tic. .-s Louis. 2. s-o'i giue Atb.eiK, 1 At Br.-.-k !.- Bw.tlra 4: Kansas fit y. . i At oi-.ia.Uir 'utuqit'iu. i t. Lwts.. . t m.-.nns- H l.i mrra k: i i-v .itikti. Bt MOWERS! BINDERS! HAY RAKES! Don't Fail To See WHITELY'S SEW 1XPP.CVED Champion Mower and Binder, Oi tt tttt trj Dt) T-. Wu Abe The Champion Kay Rake. ALL GVA2.A. STEED THE BEST ON EARTH I AXD AGAIXST A XT OTHERS MADE. Befre jroa kve tova br rain-ud c to J, 8, HOlMfiUUM'S HARDWARE STORE, Aad exfaintac hi w -k of HXRDVt'ARE, BUGGIES, HARNESS, LC Tu wili floit it i.n MAIN CROSS STREET, ON TMt WV TO THE COUBT H0USC, GET TIIE -AT- BEST ! VOUGHT'S. PRICES DEFY COMPETITION ! SperUI Prrprrallon far Tlifis Hrok ! BEST GROCERIES, REST CONFECTIONERIES, REST FRUITS, REST NUTS, LEST SOFT PRINKS, RES T SJ NI WICEES, LEST PIES and CAKES. REST TREATMENT, REST OF EVERYTHING, AT TUE REST GROCERY IN SOMERSET. Frewh Cireen G 3J orBing. VOUGHT'S. & Zs Zs THEY CAN'T BEAT US! Our name has Wen a lioot-liold word tbTonprliout Souieret counttr f'r three generations and it litis al ways l.een the recoimized Lead of die Irv Goods Trade. WE LEAD! And will eonlinue to k-ad, where merit h rewarded and conlideucc is not misplaced. Our liQ?inf3 lias outsrown it's quarter and wc will hare a THIRTY-FOOT ADDITION added to our already large store room iaside of riiiv davs. We are con.siactly niakin SPECIAL DRIVES in some particular line for the 1-cn-ef:t of oar customers. Call and sec os during the week, wc have A BARGAIS F03 TOU! Rejcctfully, Parker & Parker.