Somerset herald. (Somerset, Pa.) 18??-????, June 08, 1889, Image 1

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H Arfl. I'd
T. N I v
I Yi rj n t-T it
j Recovered in
an of Rubbish.
j:a::s and Doctors
tc- i'lorcujs.
jf e Away All Objec-
: Characters.
,it ., Issue a t'ftld is.
A -I. That the tielli roil
'..n fmiihiK in lie t'on
s,u i.-nl I- V-iiits Are i'ro
i.l. 't Hie Work of liiH'im-t:-n
1.-. Vttitli Modern
V .'..-d lo ( tear Cur
.... 7. - The ribimikT of
'.i i-.:l.wing imilar:
. i'i . '. .r- of ' 1..U.I---.
i l!i:.t it will
..! !.r tl-ii iy day, with
t" dear the
- ! I! tlliil's of lll'sl'-ll, '-
,..,-. s :iinl th" car
ail d- aid place tiit" city
.- Iri.m. This will
.ite-tint now in tin- hands
!i:--!f docs not include
riii:; and destitute
, .,'.1 o!' wlii, h has
i,-! t.
.,i -lit I" this city,
i. or sou! frtv to
.,- ! V.e ask tliat
. - : r...ns w hii U art
- m in 'inttiy, b- c.n
: .a t i.i. '.- an j .1- i. I.'ti
u. ik, of which
kiim through the
' i. :.i;y. chairman.
i:t tint a larg,-. numwi-ot the mm
vots wi.l not tab- th- trouhle to r and
le-ister ;-.t on.- of the stations. oon-e-nurntly
th. p!.. of I.r.viny i-i-gLsU-rs
make a cant s,sS w us adopted.
The great tmmU.r of Ui,ex ,,t jdenti-ln-d
seems almost hicr.-dulous m:l im-
' Nome of these have lai.l
t.;r tour in the different mor-iies.
lhoii,an.lsof --tuple from th.. different
sections of til. state have seen tli.-m. ,-t
tlB-y rom.-.iii unidentified. At Nineveh
Ih.y are burying nil the unidentified
ha.!, Imt in th.- inor-in-s in this vi.-iniiv
Iio IkxIi.-s haw Utii buried miles thev
! vitc ici.-nliti.-il.
! f'onr ilu- were ilnj; out of the nvk
nf li.e f o! oi.iv-iite ( :: ., , ,,-, ( 'i v
Tiiev eouM noi 1m. i I. ntiti-.l. as tliev
j w.-re man-l.-! i a ,,,rri!,le Manner. At
me n -t i jit it i. rs ,t is r. .rte.l that jiru
visions are running very short.
An KrtiM tl .e nisi.'.
At T:4-"i o'. I k the first hhist of ruh
jvevj.r was lire.l at ti.e hn.l-e. It
.rov. ..l more eihs tive Hi. in any of the
li-ireK of ovii uiute hert lolore use.) an.l
huii. il fra .'ineiiH of l.-hris -IKI feet into
th." air. Miiule l it was a r..uml
fra. ineiit, whieii looked like ttie trunk
ol a hiu.iaii Uidy. It fell Icu k into the
w.'.i.t witii a reat splasli a:d j:ii.l'-.l
v. ii li the nvift eum'Til under the l ii lsc
U'f.ire it eo id, 1 ! inillit in ith i k--loir's.
K.Vi!osion aft-T explosion of
dynamite followed tiie hl.isi of un
pod. r. tie- .f.-toiKitioiis "..:inii' mm Ios.
toeelh, r thai they inihi almost 1
t iken for the eoniinu 'iis iliseh.o of
heavy i nns, or rather of entil e h.i'.teries
oi ailiiiniv. lor th" whole :ill"V e.-hoe
w ith the ii'iro ir. Ti.e fourth pier from
th" we-teni end of the l.ri.Ueh:is Uvn
entirely idean ilol dei'ris. and the stream
How inn without interrupt j.m.
T'l" air in the vi. iaity of the ia luet
is f lie.l with smoke and diist. whieh
is w.ilt"d aeross the small plateau where
stands the riekety haildii.'s. in wlheh
the W estern I'ni. .:i t le-r.ipli olii v-and
fie ii'ov- a;er h.'a.l.piar'.":-- are siiu.Ued
in sutlm-atiirj; Is.
Tin- s.eenr t M-.i r.'II i II le.
A walk through ('.imhri.v C ity t Jfor
rellville. a ilistjii. e of over wen miles,
ailoris an opKriunity to witness one
slret h of devastation. The Kslies of
id iivn were recovered ye-terday.
now" lyin i.i tile St. ('oluniims
i lum h.
low evident that if the stone
7. .I.l:ito n and
l"!l i's I'l'll' lie.l ;!y
. I ! a. ;it noon. Al
i.u. I iii .ni d la'.v.
. s,r. . ! .... so!.! i. r.. are
i. rn.iite.1 l.e-s-
! has all o'd-T
:.! !.-d. The ti-llt-
. .',.-r and the
v - ;: t-i n.' s..;iT.r
'. !. . ha', e Lie u-.'-ss.
i ii-'- i .-rid n.hiii rs
l::ie. Tli.-y lire
I'is. i.s like '..! r
: . ;. i.r.s.elies r. l.:
. i- I-, anv one
J rt.:.Ts v.-re imai.le to
.a t'i- 1 .;ir;h ward
I i.i-..-. to tiie
4 : " is.,h-s w. re in
'4 I Hi.. !!!l i nil tiie J 1 11-
i..:.. i. !;oi:i tiie ro 'in
J " t ynd. 'i'iiev ill
-I ; v. ,. 1 . r. I. nt in
mi; .!! .a will set in
It. .li. v s,., .in-il.
" i i 1 . i near the stone
' .in y are at the
i i ' .!i. n. I hie
' . n . Kf.'. v. ho
t it: i i. i o. Ket with his
" iai.;ties(i.:ial Ir
i :ei an i i-m. The
. i . i-.. .i'' a yoi'.i:
1 .!! Iii! hen. The
' i- "' I: dns nine
.. .1, - v ih ! nia h'
v...:l ,. found
1 ' - ...iiitii liotfniair.s
I a l-'.i r-si.i.-n-e
in -tt t. K ii;ainiu
'1 t'i- tainii'.'. ivtis
' 'j-..f th, l-.dst.-ad
M' l'anii-r to retire
!; ''" i tlii'hiitr. He
' '' " ie ts. ilis '.'!
" :- . Ml't'l i l.e liy.
I i 'i he voiifiyest'v. a :-ve.:i-ol,l
''!! l.-id.! the U-il.
"t. slip to W
:..-i. iii ut-iit in ye-ter-
1 Hi. C lor.
v hi -h In. inly in-
i arisisi (r,,;,, t).
'"at p nvd. r and
'-s n- -i v i: h i..-K.taie
I 'id th .:i-h Arthur
!n.!- t ti.e pio-r.-ss
i- "i . !;.! uater r ipidlv
'-a: :,-f.a-- Iti'i-sive
-in,-, and cii,,li,.d
a -i: - .'.iraj;iij; piostNs-t
"I i.hM.nis v.,, whu h
rtnii A.if.T.ti.
I '' he r-a! work
f "' In ,n- and dead of
! '- ' " a -tan. d. A ..-..i
f ' ;.. itiv li aise in ij.i.-
,f ' the n. ,:,!,. ,,f ,',..
I ; "'I- in. t; v iii en-
I... i'.- nils
f 11 I' 1 it e.'l lie aUillt
' !a-t !,., ,.,ai,v !lV(.,
- "' of the l--ter list
y ' '.ll"l e-ple have
I '' i.-t it i . 1,1..:.,': v 111)-
three rl
and are
It is
In id--of t h" 1". nnsylvania had
not Uioa a harrier to the hundreds o!
name In uses, v r.s k . of Hila rs and tile
iii!:.i". v. tr.s-s and l'...-s wa- h" I .lon n l.y
thetlooi. the whole t ni ,i of t '...inhri.i
would have l.f ii ohiiterati' I. Many of
th" houses v.hi.h w.-r.; v.adie.l fiom
l heir l amd. In'ii.. and are Mm-hi
'st'.ions. are '"ii;' to-tlay hy p-r-
Soils I", ho Mir i . ed til" tend.
l'.!.i -,-s, O'.s.-.l! sni, that out of H H.1
idati -n of fudy I.'"' I i-j.-le suv
in.ssai and are Mipiised to ha . hi-eii
dro n.-d.
At Motrellvili - everything is ipii-t to
iiay an.! no Insli.-s have U-en found.
This town v.xs tt-.t ha iiy d as it
lies ilium the iniirne tak--n hy Hie H.K.d.
sirie-k jt ll.iii tiiKA.
S- eral hiiiidted of th.- IaU-r.-rs at the
.ii!t strnek a w ,-:l n1k k-.1 saloon in the
ni s this lie. rnin,' and for half an hour
the amount of work done hy them was
v.-iy shii:. Hotties of in" and juics of
whisky ili.supp-'.i: I with s'.artlhu
rapieity. A :u,i':, w ho-;, .o l hv a whisky
l.arr. !. drank six tu'.nhl. rs full without
stop;. in- for hr alh. He is now en iovimr
a trat'.ee over on the hillside. W hile it
is im;.os.sihlo to stop the drii.kiiur si lout;
a.- li iiior in ii n -s its it .Ims direetly in the
piiii ot the workers, tiie discipline in r
e,.ni to di iuikenii' -s is very i-ev re. .m l
: nv one found under the inlt'i.'ii' " ,t
li iior is harshly dealt w ith. 'I he vast
i ia "i ilv of the w orkmen real'.e that o
l.r.ety i i tin al-solute nti es-ity and tu t
aeeordin'!y. Ali w ho were found drunk
to-dav were .sent out of town under
mear. I
- .re-1y liiiHistrrH.
A'.l roads le.idini to Johnstown are
erow ded w ith oari and ivac.-a.' U-aiin
proi tsion- and iolhiiiLT for the sufferers.
The fi. i-ld trattie wiihin itiiiin i the
sit 1,-k. ii eity is paraly:xsl and the iner
eiiant.s of the surrouiiditnr towns have
a'nio t exhausted their slin ks. Orders
for -. Is ol every de viption have Uvn
s. nt into 1'itlsl.ur, hut iu:!esi tin y are
f, r survivors, of the 1!ik1 they will not
1 he'diir -rent commissary depiirttneiits
are eniistalitly i r'.w led wiih appheaat
fi r food and elothin. Iheail. meat .-mil
i i'.-M-s.- is still greatly ill demand, there
not l.rinir enoiiL'h in tii" supply stations
i sta! li-l."d to I. neve til".- hundreds of
:.jphant'. 'ihe in n who are in
i har-e of the siipp.i' - are hiif'ei ine from
a -leat many inipo-'iious pi:u tie.s hy
t ' i lower class of la-re. Ihis is
owii-i; to : sttniiari: !: itt dr--- an.l
piT-.u. imp i t, vro fr. in station
to station. ati-Ue are iroods four or five
tn-ies a -lav. while others, whose liner
! -.-a ihdit e. have not l n I lutit.-d hv
! th-- .-r.-.-it disaster. s oul aside an.) wateli.
j Tla-v ,'.o this until th pane's of hun-.-r
( .nilji -I them 1K- I what isd.le 111, 111.
j 1. -j.iiiries tin- ttnt.T llorli
I Sin i i:T M. I ' uao 'ss, w ho has i t n ap
: point.-.l adjuLuit general to assi-t
ilhain I- I'lin.w ho is now in the
I w. rk of cleaniiu' up the main l-ortion of
tli. tow n w Hii 1U..KH wot knirii. says it
!iilU- nei essary to I uil l a leiux.r..ry
jt-itv for tiieir a.-'omiiiv.iatioii. Tents
ihaie aheady Us-u e!.s-t-l. and now a
j ir:,- pins of woi kiu. n is en-a;:eJ on
the' wat. r iH-s. Tin-y are l tniC le-pai-ed
andpul. in shape f -r s.tpplyinp;
I Ihe workmen -w itli cl--a.i drinkm-,- at 'r.
i In s;.-akiii' of th" wi.i. MH'an l
il. sss .i !: "We have a hi work Ik-I..:c
j us. It is no small thin t ) supplv drink
i for the lo.oii,' -o;ile. e-)svially when all
i the water. xe, ptin' that which -Mines
' tin el the liloi-.ti'allis. is so ixilililed as to
he lulit foretth-T drill kins or wa-sinti
pur x -wos. The w in. r pil.-s of the town
are, fortimateiy. in a very (atr condi-ti-.ti -iiiU' the ma-nitude of th'
disaster, and I think that we will have
ev.n-thine; ill pun) siiape s-sm. Anotaer
tiiinl: that is K.thei in in is the samta
!i..n of t!ieiimp. We are U-sin-i
Ii-k '.ants fr.vlv and are ,ii-in; drains ill
ail dirci lions to carrv off iht' ref us-. 1-ut
even with all thil pre.autioii this will be
a very utthealthy pkuv."
Tlic ISoar.l of Ucallh.
PiTm'.rrto, June 7. Tiie state boanl
:.f health has move. its headquarters to
thib eity. They consider this city a bet-t-r
i,.iiit thaa Johnstown from which to
direct their efforts to counteract as far
as sstsih!e the elfw-t on mhlic health
which must follow- the imllution of the
l V.neniaut:!i and Allegheny rivers
through Ihe decomposition of the hun
dreds of hodii-H wliicli still lie in the iiuii
aUive Ihe John-low n viaduct. It. fjec,
sii retary of tlte state Isiard of health,
says that a iare force of men will lie
sent up the ri,-r in hoaU from various
ts.ints to search the heaps of dehris for
the 1 odiii of men and animals. These
w:l! lie hurne.i at once. "We have
plenty of funds at cur command. " said
lr. Ixs-. "and we w ill s-nd w hatever
is ms-essni j- to vi" pnisecute this
1.1! lenl W Inn H-. Ili-unl tlio Nrwa.
Nkw Y.r:K. June 7. A cahle spev-ial
from IiOii.loti to Tim Mail and Expr.-ss
says: (Jneat con ( ritation was caused
in' the West Cornwall region the
news of the Johnstown disaster, as ,Uite
1 colony of Cornish jus, pie had settled
.round Johnstown. man. whose
.ister and six children ' lived there and
who had himself only r-fently relumed
'loin Anierien. fell dead UKiu suddenly
luariiiKof tlic catiustropiie.
1' a Care.n! riurvrv of the Soean, it in
Jt. ll. le.I llir ToIkI or I I Te
v ill Hun I p to l-.'.min.
Joiixstiiwn. June 7. Smie douht litis
Ixs-ii exuressd as to the estimate that
1J.H.HI to la.mi) people have ls-ii lost in
this flooded district, llf course there is
at in-sent no way of determininsf with
anv d.-t-rre of exactitude how many are
dead, hut tile uessin-; is reasonahle and
conservative, and IsiseJ on close flur
itiiC. In the first place it must U- understood
dial this is the greatest disaster in his
tory, mid n i hrain can comiss its
. I -tails. Its x.ssihih'ies are houndli-ss.
its iniKery infinite, and its destruction
li.-t in the unfalhomahlL- darkn.-ss of
death. At lea-t i.'uNI Uhliei have le'U
io'.md; -i.oil i. at the lowest calculation,
are in the burned dehris in the river;
il.tUKt are hi the unscarched stindhanks
around the C'at;;hria works, down hIoii;
tie- river ami in th- lower jmrt of Johns
town; from one to two thousand are
scatured in the vail.-.-, from Wood vale
I i ",he hriil.-e. and a Oionsatid or two are
In -low t'i- I. ri. !.,'", iM'twei'ti Johnstown
and iiohvar. I'in.lrels w.-re carried
d nvn to the hioad rivers in the tn'iuen
dous current and m iy never come into
tin- hands of th living. !S:iil Ad jt.
(it-n. II i--i::-- litis morning: "(n mv
opiiiioti Ih ; I.,.-, is greater than we can
how thrur for."
V !m a Mlrrfj Wni'hrr Tlilnk. worker, William Jonen of
Israd.l.k. thinks that at least lti.noO to
!J.'..i) wri-- lit. The statement that
ls.oii-l p rsms laid registered at tiie
reeistraiioti hurea'.i. was ineorrect. One
ol O. n. Iia -tints' aids said that at 10
o'clock so iiimv persons re-tsteri-d
twice or more that the list hail to Ik' re
vised, ;it that the total wils not more
than i:;.ui) and p..riiaps Ti.-Vm. This
n -isttatiuii not o:dv comprehends the
fiopulati-in "f John, .town and adjoining
towns, wiiic'.t was aliout e'l.(rHl. I ut em
l.r.ices phu c. further awav in the floo del
region, th, total ipulaf ioti of which
was at least 4"i.oo-l. l:iclinin villages,
slrn-srf inn hainlen and farms.
( hairn-in ilicks of the Alloona ileli"
iration. w ho has Int-n all over ihe district
since Sim. lav inornimr, says the 1-iss is
I . '.".mi to 1 l.'l-lil. and he LaseR it on talk
wiLhiCarcs of all sorts of people. The
nlwniv of former ivsidents and of a
fixed and familiar imputation is most
striking. There are thousands of
str ingers and workmen from a distance
here, hut for the pa-t three days the one
perpetual ipie tio.i has Ih-cii: '-Where
are the' Here are almut lU.UUJ
w h.-re are tin- rest':"
Dt-f"nil.n lli IM-e.
J.iIIXstow.s. June 7. Joseph Stefanks
of (.itinellsville denies that his countrv-m-'ti.
the Ilimtiri ins, are guilty of the
vile charp-s credti-sl to thetn sim-e the
awful catastrophe. Ill siilisUiiice he
"I have r.i:.d a thorough investisa
.i '!i into the tacts, traced each report,
and I am entirely satisfied that no Hun
garian has Ixs-n I'tiiUy of any of the
ollen.-e.s ci.t.rt.'sl against him. I hinkof
it for a liiom. nt: Ho.v loiild we have
the despciotion to loh or mutibte dead
ho tie, when our race, like Americans, is
a lii rty-lov it;s' p, ople?
'When our wonn-u or children apply
to any ol the relief committee they an-r.-l
ii-s-I fo d and c!otl:.u;c Uvailsi' they
are Iutiari.:;is; vet thu.sp of our race
who live in liraii.l.s-1;, MeKcesport and
th I'- nti- llsville col e di-trict have sul-M-rih'sl
as li'H-rally in roHrtion to their
means as any other part of thr- Aineri
can peopl . The stor.-s hen- in which
our is.p'e used to ileal, refuse them
credit and d.-niiind cash )!ayment. They
are piactically starving. Smie of us
have money in the local hanks, yet it is
not owing to the terrible con
dition of the city."
Tnenly-I fve ltmlie Tofrcthr.
At .Jraiidview c m-t( ry they are Imrv
int; the LsNliisi twenty-five in a Ireneii.
liie l.s'atinil of eacii Uxly. with tiie
name and description, is in liked with a
Irnaril. Where the iead have frien.lsa
few lollc.w ihe tlies to the rrave. hut
the average of fo!owe-s is not more than
two. No services are held and the Imdics
are lowered into the trenches without
any ceremony.
Mr. Kcnn.sly found a Imy a'.ive in on?
of his tours." Th" little fellow was
nearly exhausted for want of TimkI and
drink, but he will live. Mr. Kennedy
also says that the dehris is lieiiiK re
moved ' rapidly. Ir. tV.rnns?ton. an
other iiis.ector, silent most of the day
alout the rennsvlvania ilej't. Iledis
inf,s ted tiie lM!i.-s of some horses that
could n.t lie burned without i lest roy in
uliat is left of th" town. He huniisl
ei-lit truck loa.!s of wet and dirty cloth
ing, taken off the bodies, and a few
liorsi-s and old hides. Nome dead horses
were found that art too deep to reach.
A Hunt Rule to Kuforre.
Since the sheriff of the countv Issued
the order that no passen-jT-rs should ar
rive here unless possessing a pass from
authority there has been, unbounded
dissatisfaction and trouble. Bolivar is
the farthest (mint to which the Pennsyl
vania railroad will sell tickets unless the
citizens' committee pass is Hashed.
NotwithstaiidiiiK that deputy sheriffs
ami other authorities are there to
prevent Ihis order beiii violated, anx
ious oih-s elude them and fret here just
the same. Many who have friends and
famiii.s among them ueededed to ob
serve this order or were not aware of its
existence and had to walk eighteen
miles. To tired women this seems rather
hard. IHscrimination wa shown in a
few cases so far as the passe rurers havinjr
tickets for intermediate uiints ls-tween
lidivar and this point. Warning: is
eiven, however, that they will be ejected
if the order is not obcyej.
Typhoid C;-tn a tt-turU
Ir. SihU-t reortisl one case of typhoid
fyver out of town. A man from' South
ork reports that they have plenty to
cut and clothes to wear in tliat town." J.
K. Tasrirart of I"isenriiig sent up lno
h'lits. - The Methodist and Pi-isbvterian
fhun hes uiiiiin-stiona'ily saved a threat
many lives. The MethiMlist chim-li Ls a
fine stone structure, aUmt the center of
the town. The church checked the
force of the current and divided the
stream. The Presbyterian church also
icted a a bulwark. I'oth of these
lniililiii-.s are standing,, but damaged
ucii hat.
Tcm 1'rnlld to Ask for Sllppltr-s.
Johnstown, June 7. Ir. Field of
Philadelphia expresses himself as fol
lows: "-The only way to ulleviale the
distress of thise Mr Nople is to fro
around mi l visit each family. I have
iiecii traveling around vision-; them, and
it is nh. lost iiiiisissihl;-to j.i. tuie ;n.-ir
iiire: iiis. I have found families almost
starvin-. haxin-r nothin-; to eat in the
house, and too pruud to let thir condi
tion In-come known. 1 irnew
of "a niimU-r of ftimili-s that
were Without any Issl clothing,
and they tv.iifored fmr.i expiniin-. I
found one family that was a!solutely
without any bl.iak'-t.s or f,xl. and you
can imi-iiie what they suffered. They
ipiietl v endunsl their sufferings, though,
and i trust to assist tin-in. I understand
that thi supply of rations is giving out,
and that the supply dej.ts are out of
meat and clothing. I r.less they get
soiik more their hiiir,-riiig will lu terri
ble." A Tr?i4-hroii i'ole.
A horse, hupjv.sisl to Is the one ujHm
which Robert Wickersh.iui was riding
when the Hood overtook him and hi
climld a telegraph pole, was found
U!on the preniis,s of a farmer back ol
Vioodvale. The horse had apparently
It-en in the woods fur several days, anil
was almost starved. I'jton his back wa.'
a (-.nldle, which was sup"osi-il to lie
owned by Mr. Wicker-ham. The farmer
will keep tiie horse until called for. Mr.
Wiokcrsham was the chief draughtsman
at the Johnson Stis-1 coutianv's works.
Wickersham was seen ti climb up the
polo until he reached the cross-arms,
where he rested. 1 ie uptiareiitiy thought
he was safe, and ycllisl to a number of
js-iple to run up the hill out of the
water's reach. In a few minutes the
jaile ".--ig-.-ii" and tipcd over.
Wickershatn still clung to it and tht
pole ls-gan to drop lower and lower.
All of a sudden the k.U- gavea lun h and
feil into the water. Wickersham disap
jieansl from view and was m-eu no more.
Th- people living lti ih row- of frame
holis. s on th .- hillside oj.isite saw him
as he went down.
tin the hillside aliove the woolen mill
are scattered any number of freight cars,
caliooscs. tenders, etc. A train of ca
liooses coupli-d together, standing on
their wheels on the hillside in the midst
of high maple tns-s, is an unique con
ception, but sneh is the sight to lie wit
nessed. How the Pennsylvania railroad
will get their cars and engines out of the
trees and up from the lied of the river
nol ody can tell. For a long time it has
l-coii the Ixwst of the male jKirtion of
Wood vale that it was the only Imrough
in the state, of i,50) jioople, tliat did not
have a church or a saloon w ithui its
Uird, rs. .
Iliey Art- laisr o Fln.l.
Joiisstow.v. June 7. While in Illi
cit v the recovery of dead lilies is still
(.oing n as fast as ever (in fact Ihe aver
age numlsT of corpses seems to increase
every iayl in the places lower down the
(.Vinemaiigh the climax nppears to have
l-s-n reachitd. At Sam: Hollow only
three bodies w ere found among the de
bris, but Vi't others were buried on the
hill alKve the town. Ifut the work is
still going on, and the rubbish is leing
rajidv cleared away. At Morn liville
two injured juTsotis were put on the
train, to lie transport-! to the West
Pcnn H.ispital in Pittsburg.
A Motr-tlsilnir; (iovrrnor.
Manager J. It. Scott said hist evening
that he was in favor of paying the men
Saturday evening. The Finance ( 'oni
mittee. however, does not think it it
wise: but their action wilt be subject to
Mr. Scott's decision. During the day
iov. Heaver telegraphed tiiat he had
Siaiv.HHI nt his disosiil. He wanUsl to
know how nnich to send to Johnstown,
so that he could give some to Williams
port and Lock Haven.
A f all for Aid.
Pr.HLiN. June 7. The Nor.l Deutsche
Allgemeiiie Zeiiung. in an editorial on
the Johnstown HoJs, closes with a call
upon (icrmau generosity in aid of the "America," it says, "has
never len slow or niggardly in risond
ing to the voice of distress when it arose
in F.urec. Ix-t us now show Americans
that tinnians. too. can lie generous."
Wi'liitm Rynn wires tlir r,-li,-f cmiiiiiitTe At
iltlsleir- lliftt lii'.-y un, eliorr .,f ie.-. s. Aiany
nu-il Mix ste.-i-ifji' ell lh.- irt. M -l V -. 1 lylm
n-rjiirt-is tl.nt 11-liiiiir Ci'il.s-j. r- ami
Allv-lieliV s-nii ail the ten's i:. . - to tie
(s-lit to .lohr.iiti.wn.
At jsn-senl nulic-r arc hnimr i; over
theriti. flskin- for si..i.i,as',li9
and bri, klnycrs. but ttiey do n,.t maf.-i iMliZ4.
The taliori'ii man here is a kit.-, and he has
the tv-x-t of the i-oiiiniunity, fur im sulvstftm
deycoUo npou hi work tor the next sixty day.
Many Pnuai Loss Their LWes The tlim
ac Suatalned Will Kun I p Into the
Minium Wllliamsport IslrerU in Itatl
Comiitkin A Man tall Thron-jh a
MJewulk and Killed.
Lock Have.v, Pa.. Juno 7. The flood
reacheil liere Friday evening and by
Saturday morning the whole city w as in
undated, people going around in boats.
The highest water was at noon Sat urday.
The booms gave way, letting millions of
logs adrift. Small buildings were upset
and the drifting matter injured many
dwellings. There was no time to remove
g.iods from stores and merchants lust
heavily. People took to the nper parts
of their hortses they feared to re
main in them, went in Is.ats to the court
house. The w ater was from five to ten
feet dis-p. The city is now in a muddy
and dilapidated condition. James Guil
ford was the only pel-sou drowned here,
but twenty-eight were drowned in the
vicinity, namely: William t'onfer, wife
and two children and two children of
Jacob Koshner at Wayne town
ship: Robert Armstrong " and sister
at ('lintoiidale; John Harter, Andrew
Khein, Mrs. f Kheiu and two
girls at Monkey ville: Mr. mid Mrs. Alex.
V biting. Mr. and Mrs. Win. Einerhei
ser, Mrs. Henry Snyder, A. Salona, Mrs.
Luther Leyler and thne children at Ce
dar Springs. Mr. Leyler was lodged in
a tree and saved. He saw his wife
drown two rods away. Mrs. diaries
t'ole and two children; Mrs. Clem. Isar
uer and two children at Kote. Most of
the U-dii-s have U-en recovered.
Fanners along the river have Buffered
great loss of crops, larns. d welling.' and
livestock. The damage in this county
will reach into the millions. The reser
voirs of drinking water are mans!, hut
river water is lieing utilized. P.usiness
is at a stand-still. There is no gas or
elis trie light. Aid is being received and
iieople are beginning to recover th-ir
hop-fulni'ss. If hot weather comes
soon there will It great danger of sick
ness. A niitnlier of manufactories have
resumed work, hut the lumlx'r industry
Is temiorarily paralyzed.
tine More VU-tlm of the Flood.
Wll.l.lAMspoKT, Pa., June 7. The
sidewalks in many parts of the city have
lieen so undermined by the flood as to I
exceedingly dangerous. List evening
while a crowd was congregated on Third
street, where a sale of damaged goods
was in progress, the sidewalu gave way
an.l Jacob P.rooians. an old soldier, was into a d,ep oiiening below
and crushed to death l.y the tlagstonis
which fell iiiM,n him.
A $5,000,000 FIRE.
W. T
The KtmlneM- I'ortlon of Henille,
Conn-lints! hy t'lre.
Tacoma. W. T.. June 7. The most
solidly built jmrt of Seattle was d- stroyed
by lire, and at 10 o'clock the flames were
still burning. The lire stariol in the
I Jenny Mock, on Front street, and as a
strong wind was blowing up the Imy, it
soon spread U voml the control of the
fire department. The opera house and
Coleman blocks soon followed the Iienny.
and tjie flames spread on to the end of
the row, destroying the Western Union
and Postal telegraph companies' olli.-es,
the largist dry goods stores, a bank, a
jewelry store and the newsaH'r ofliees.
It then junt'ied across the street to the
Occidental hotel, the largest in the
place a four-story stone building and
soon reduced it to ashes. All the build
ings d.stioyid were Milmtnntiallr built
of hriek and stone, most of them being
three, four and five stories high.
At 10 o'clock the tire was still sriread
ing and it st-cmed likely to take the
whole business part of the town.
F.ngines have Ins-it telegraphed for to
this city, Portland and Port Townsend.
One engine was aent fiom here at 4
o'clock and all the assistance possihle
was sent over ny train and Ixiat. All
the buildings south and east of the Occi
dental for several s'liit'res are of wood,
and some of th. in old and dry and bum
like tinder. The loss is estimated at
An t.'ilil ir Kills a rolillrimt.
Jacksonville.- Fla.. June 7. A long
standing feul Ix-twccn Capt. J. W.
llocglass, a proi.iinent rVmocratic poli
tician of Dayton, and .1. II. f!en jaiiiin.
islitor of the Ik-laud News, had its out
come in the fatal shooting ut New
Smyrna of Ikiuglass by 1 (cnjaniin.
Angered by an nttaik upon him, widt h
.!pKansl recently in Ifc-n jamin's p:isr,
ll. ii-las-s a saiiltisl him, knocking him
oir th pier into the niar.-h and hniiK-ifs
on him. While he was Holding
ltcn jamin's head under water. Renjamin
maiiaged to draw his revolver and shot
his assailant dead, the ball entering
his heart. There is much excitement.
H.IO.IKIO They Won't (ip.
IVistox, June. 7. The division of the
attorney general regarding the constitu
tionality of the resolve passed under
suspension of the rules of both houses of
the legislature appropriating JO.OOO for
the relief of the llood sufferers was re
ceived by the house yesterday afterniHin.
The attorney general states tliat the act
as jki.sissI is unconstitutional. The leg
islature will, of course, accept this
decision, and as final adjournment is
rlose at hand the matter of mi appropria
tion for this purpose will have to lie
ItlotHt on the Moon.
Ottawa, Oxt.. June 7. In a private
letter, the solicitor for the seized r.ritish
scalers in liehring Sea. says: '-There
will lie serious trouble if the United
Stats fleet attempt the seizurcof British
vessels this year. The sec.Un-; captains
will not. if hailed by United States cut
ters this year, surrender in mid-ocean.
They will assert their rights and force
niut be used to capture them. That
ford! will le met by force is almost cer
tain, end then real trouble will begin."
A Personal Friend or .lex. SnlllTan tha
Principal W'ttneat. -
Chicago. June 7. John A. Beggs, the
lawyer who has figured in the case as
a personal friend of Alexander Sullivan
and who went east on a, mysterious
mission for the latter, was the principal
witness at the coroner's iiu-ueot.. Under
a close cross-examination he admitted
that he was the present senior guardian
of Camp s!0 of the C'lan-Na-Gael. There
was no roster of the camp in existance.
He could not swear that he did not meet
Detective Coughlin on the day of
Cronin's disap-ieanince. nor on the fol
lowing day, pleading faulty memory.
He remeiuliered, however, tlrnt he wa.4
at the Urand Pacific on the night in
ipiestion with a party of friends. At a
camp meeting in January he said there
were several attacks by inuendo Uon
Alexander Sullivan and in response bo
pitched into the sp.akers and handled
them without gloves, telling them that
if they wanted to abuse Sullivan they
should mention his name and not attack
him under cover in a cowardly manner.
Ho rc'ated the story of eaiing to New
York May 14 and meeting a man named
Powers, who told him that h- had met
Starkey. the fugitive jury brilier. From
thence he went to Spring Valley. N. Y.
Witness F.iiiphatirally lls-nies
that he hud sent n dispatch from that
point signed with his initials an.l to the
effect that he had met Dr. Crouiii.
From Spring Valley he went to Niagara
Falls, w here he met John If. Koinayne,
a member of the Clan-Na-liael executive
committee. They had a general talk.
He had seen Alex. Sullivan since his re
turn, but r.ot a word passed about the
finding of the Uxly. Replying to a final
jucstion Bergs said tliat he had no
theory regarding tiie murder.
A. J. Ford, another memix-r of Camp
id, corrolxirat -1 previous witnesses re
garding Crouiii h iving Ix-en cxpell-d at
the time from Ihe order. Incidentally it
came out that Thomas Murphy, father of
the Miss Murphy who claimed to have
seen lr. Crouiii in a street car on tli
night of tiie murder, waf a meni'o-r of
the trial committee. Aie inquest will
be resumed.
M. Ferry Keeeived Willi IVIMts.
Paws, June 7. An exciting scene
occurred in the chnmlx-r of i!cptiti-s
when M. Ferry rose to .speak on the edu
cation budget. The mcmls rs of the
Kight r'ls? as one man and shoitted and
shrieked until they Ik-came hoarse. M.
Fi rry remained standintr in his place
coolly wailing for an opportunity to ho
heard, but his enemies kept up the cry
'The Llood of the Tonuuia dead choka
Volt," while insults of the coarsest nature
were hulled nt him fttst an-1 thick.
When the angry deputies had iUietiil
down somewhat from sla-i-r exhaustion
Paul de Ca-ssa-nac rose and with a con
tempt nous noil in the direction of the
ex-premier said: '"It us submit to this
infliction. Let us list-n to this Ixmr
g ois, this vendenu deputy." Then fac
ing the president, who was ail the time
shouting "Order," "Order." he paid:
"We swalloiv our disgust. Mr. President.
Let him talk." Ferry then proceeded
with his seech.
fo-nrlrr Mr. lllaipe.
LoN'Ixix, June 7. The St. James
C.azette prints a leading editorial on the
subject of tiie B'-hring sea controversy,
which it heads: Diplomatic Tlraw
Poker." The article d.-clares that the
key to Mr. Blaine's preposterous claims
in Ik bring tta is his Ix-licf that a tirst
clasa controversy with Fngland is neces
sary to mark him as a diplomat of the
foremost rank. Blaine knows that a bit
of bluff will some times prevent a call
from any but the strongest hands. The
article concludes that the United States
government has set up a fictitious claim
in lU-hring sea solely with a view to off
set the Canadian claims in the fisheries
.'onn;rexman Ff-el Heard From.
AVasisixiitox, I). C, June 7. In the
press dispatch.- this morning, a tele
gram from Council Bluffs, la., ex
pressed a fear for the safety of Congress
man Peed of the Nimh Iowa district,
who, it was thought, was lost in the
Johnstow n disaster. Congressman Ktd
and his colleague, (lov. (Jeiu of Iowa,
It-It for home at 1 1 Tuesday night.
An ai re of ilehrts was cleared away Thurs
day. r.xil tras distributed yisterday t.i the neislj
Ohio iHsipls contributed $ additional on
Titt- Paris JohiLstow n fund, now amounts to
-iiru poimil.
Jw'(ih t'muse. .t i. Iioti-sale liquor dealer, is
prolxihly ilniwntsl.
Sightseers mnst kfen away. The room is
rassl.d for ai-lital workt-rs.
The money at tin .lisixwal of (Jovcrnor
Heaver aluouuts to about
A liir-i number of relics of tlio Hooil have
been .i knl Uii at l'ortsiiumtn, i.
Wat'-r has to he rarrii-d lm yar-is ti ith which
to wash the bodies li itil in I lie UelM.1,
fk-iBirlTtirnt t'oniiii:iii-ler Thomas M. st,-wai t
has eslublishisl head,tiarti'rs on .Main street.
A fund for the relief of tiie stilferers by th
Jehnsloui il tl.xxls has liet-n starled al Vicuna.
There wiltlie no Imjuests held on Ihethous
an.lsof thxlies found lit Hit-CoiK-iuaui-U vall,-y.
Detective Holier U'Marft sovs there is not a
crook In town, but are itunierolls on the out
skirls. Col. Klliott V. Sh-th.-r.l of the New York
Mail and Express fontribu'.ed feUi.'io to ihe
ltii-hanl Lawrence, a tmvt-litiit nmu for the
Faujle pencil foiiiiMtuy, Ncvt i -rf-k, is anion;
the missiiiK.
An impression pre .-nils that IJovi-rnor Fnr
uker ilid more tor the BUIferers than dad
liovemor rk-aver.
It is r-.port.xl that aimther Hun was hot on
Wednesilay robbim; the dead. The bdy
wim rolled into the river.
Th'-re is no lon-er nnv doubt as to the fate of
Mrs. Jane Allison and her dan-iiler, r lort-nce,
of I'lttstiuix. ilolb Ktviiruwiied.
Clothhnr of every li-sf-riiilkiti is ncel,-d. All
riol'.int; selit lo ll.e t'hainlx-r ot I 'oiniiK-ri-e,
l'ittstur-r, wiii be- (orwai-dt-u lothe tlemli d tlu
trict. Mr. K.lward Pra-e and MissTydvil Thoinas,
sisier of llavid 1 homas of the l-iiubtiri. V ir
trinia and t 'Uarlestou railroad, are L-upno-it-d to
be ilrowneit.
The .Kma Fire Insurance company has con
tributed 1 ,i I for the Johnstown sutT.-nsrs.
The l-hu-nix i- irt inuruiit-e Company hat. con
tributed U,
iixi.a.imu-f'f ) 1