Matthews Kimniell keep the best gro ceries in Berlin. Key mere Fine Candies constantly on hand at A. E. Piseis. For Fine Hga-s go to M. Schrock, oppo site the Somerset House. Baiy Cat and Bal y Iireseea in great va riety, at Mrs. A. E. I'M'. Temperance drinks on M. Schrr-i'a, opposite the Somerset House. All the latest spring and summer goods at Slattheaa 4 Kimmell's. Berlin, Fa ir yon warn worth of your money, go to Matthews KiromeH's, Berlin, Pa. Late Curtains, 00 cents up. Curtain screen 6 cents up. Mas. A. E. Vbu At Mimrk never allows hinseirto be nn dereoled Id the grocery, flour and feed line, A full line of colors of Wool, Cotton, and Carpet Chain at Mrs. A. E. VM a. Revolvers, Cartridges, and Fishing Tackle at J. B. HOLDEBBACX'S. Fine Dress (iingbams, 8 cents, at Mrs. A E. I'lil's. The " milk sliuke" at Zimmerman's tobac co store, is doing a flourishing business this week. Try it- Matthews Kimmell are the leading raer- l.nta st IWliu. A visit to their store will pay you, as they are oflering bargains that defy competition. Eye-glasses at Biesecker A Snyder's. Can suit ever body a eyes. Xeff A Casebeer are the leading Jewelers orSurmrset. Call at their store lor any thing you want in that line. "Milk Shake" at Zimmerman's tobacco store. Pon'tyou know what it is? It costs but a nickle to find out. For Georgia Marble Mouumentsand Head Stones go to W. V. Shaffer, Somerset, I a. Georgia Marble takes the lead lor monn mental work at W. F. Shaffer. Back numbers of the Herald containing full accounts of the l'mberger, Yoder, and Shaulis tragedies, can be secured at Fisher's Book Stoic. Do you know that Sipe Bros, are to-day the Leading Merchrnts of the county for General Merchandise, We don't need to blow afciut our goods and prices, our cus tomers do the blowing for us. Sipe Bros., Sicsville, Fa. The place to get the celebrated Clover Club Ci&r, the best brand Tobies and fine Tobacco. E. B, CorrsoTii. Do you use Arbutus Flour? The best In the market. You can get it from M. Schrock, who has the exclusive sale ol it in Somerset county. Everv man attending court will wanto take a new Summer Hat and Necktie home with him. P. L. t'asebeer keeps nothing but Gems' Furnishing Ooods. Latest Styles and Cheapest Triors. Handsome stock of White Embroidered Robes. A large stork of Hambuno and LOOK . SHARP ! J. B.Snyder IF you want to get all the news about the trial- now going on in Court, )r to FISHER'S BOOK STORE. Here you can get the mil Illustrated bislory of the- UMBERGER MURDER andthe YODER HANGING, lest and lalert Information In reeard to the implant trial? now t ow? nn Jmtl . et HISS a JldlUK and all kind, of Lesal Blank-. l.i.-krK iilal Kcvekjpe. Oonnabies raw fret Oonrtal.iW ,uMe", -sle l.llU. 4c. TuttO-, . Special Bargains FOR THIS WEEK. And toe fullest i of toe Pear can Supervuore can gel Supvrvisurs' Guides, Town and County Merchants ean luj at Jtrt!ce srap uip LOWEST WHOLESALE RATES. letter Foolcvap and legal Tap Paper.. Envelopes. MS, Pencils, ren. Tul.lets an.1 'J1 l u the Buitiom rflne. Tni Pituburg daily paper, and ail the mSaxaH and periodicals are lor sale al Fisher's Book Store. Tills large, handsome and attractive rtore will he open Auric Conrt work until ""''J-Jfii each night ind every a.Miunudiion and attention wiU Ik simwu all itrmi5 and panics desmug to reaori at the Book Wore. BIBLES, ALBUMS, SUNDAY-SCHOOL TICKETS, CARDS, TESTA MENTS, GOSPEL HYMNS, PICTURES, FRAMES, Blank Bonk Mmil.llnr", Tlase Balls and Bats. The general place of report for news, profit and pleasure during this great Court week will be at FISHER'S BOOK STORE. LOOK SHARP! IZEYD Q UAJLIT Ji! T I S -A.T HERR o BROTHERS. FOB ALL K1SDS OF ffalclfis, Clods, Jewelry, Spectacles, U lA4A.lAa.!1 -al .J f anH aWTUWt.allv nil tttn1ifl? TtMlli thi next WCk, th we he ih nn4 cvmpl.-ie Mock of VSu hwt of livery lTij..m..i to be fuuutl m duinervtt. To ueconviutua ut lbu itu.1 ibw cau ami we iot yourauii. uu .w LOWEST CASH PRICES all rnir sr o.l and therebv make it profitable to everyone wMiimr to r.imhnc anything in onr All kln.l of repair work nea:ly and promptly duue in the inurt uorkimwlikc nuuiutr, and On line. SATISNAl.T. 10.S Ol'AKA.NTKKU. HERR BROS. Trimmings. Ia. A. F.. I ul You should get my prices before you let your orders Sir monuments and bead stones, also Granite Work furnished to order W'u. F. SuArraa, Somerset, Fa.. Silk Sun I'lubrellas, from $1.25 up. Mas. A. . XmL. AH kind of Marble aud Granite work furnished at the lowest possible price. Call and see at W. F. SbaBef'a works, Somerset, 1'a. ' Although we are turning out hats and bon nets by scores and fifties jost now, we make It a point sever to dippoint people from a distanea. Generally we can trim your or der while you wait ; it not, within a couple f hours. M. U. Tbedwim. t Co. Our Silk Warp Cashmeres and Silks, are good and cheap. Mas. A. E. Vhu What's the nse of carrying a watch that won't keep time? Better take it to Xeff A Caseheer and have it cleaned and repaired. Handsome all-wool silk-finished Henrietta Cashmeres, from 50c to 1 1 a yard. Mas. A. G. Oil. Headquartam For gaod things to- eat and drink. With SO years exiwrience in preparing the above goods, I can honestly recommend my plate to the public When hungry and tbiasry don't go to the Side Show when you wust to see and get the best. It is not necessary to say anything to my old customers. t!a have dealt with me for years, except to thank them for their patronage and. good will; bnt tliose coming to Tur town as Strangers and in want of something to eat and a good cool drink, I'iael's Is the p)ace and don't you forget it. Opposite the court honsr. A.E. FrsEt. I have just received a new lot of carpets and can now sill an all nol two ply carpet for 30 cents per yard, that was worth G?i. Call and get a bargain before they are all gone at J. B. SsTDEBa. FERNER BROTHERS' Reliable CIo;;e-Priced Shoe Store- PetioFe Congress f While you are in Somerset you will likely want to buy a sui of Clothes or a piece of Carpet, and you will want to know where is the cheapest place to get what you want. The old reliable stand of J. B. Sn'YDEr'S, is without a doubt, the best and cheapest place to get anything you want, espe cially in the Clothing of Car pet line. You can also buy a beautiful gold tipped silk Um brella at Snyder's for 75 cents. Call in and see the special bargains, and while there get one of these beautiful silk Umbrellas for your wife and daughters. J. B. Snyder P.A.Schell&Co., IEALEKS IS STOVES, TINWARE, Hmiw-Fum!hin(rils, Iron and Wood Pumps, I run I'ipe and Filings, Tin, Iron and Steel Roofing, Spouting. AUi'ys, &e-' iIoncKm short notice. Chimney, Drain &. Sewer Pipe. fall and ee the I-anrert and motf Complete line ttf VtHiktfg stove ami Hitugea u ihe County, and sold at tho LOWEST PRICES. Buy TouFt Clothing' Prices will be knocked helter skelter for 2 weeks at Heffley's Middlesex Blue Suits, guar anteed all-wool and fast colors, at $9 worth $12. Men's Cassimere Suits, all wool 7, $3, $9 and $10 worth $r5 Boys 2-piece Suits $1, $1.25, $1.50 and $2. Knee pants 25 35 45 an1 5 cts- wortl1 double the money. Buy Your Clothing FROM HEFFLEY AND SAVE MONEY! Yon need not look around. Come direct to Heflley'a. You gave at least f i to $4 on a suit It is easily understood why I can Bell the cheapest. Kxpenses regulate the prices of my goo la. inen, aizu, i am the onlv store that handles New York and Philadelphia goods bought at 15 to 20 per cent less than Fittshurg jfoona. The backwardness of the sa'!on has not aided the sale of Straw Haul in the least. In order to make theiu go I cut prices in half. The prices of Wall Paper hits almost dropped out of sight. You can get a suit at nearly any price. Customers and the public generally are requested to come and inspect the suits and hear in mind the prices, make up of goods quality, workmanHCip and tit of my goods should always be taken in consideration. Trunk.". Satchels. Hats. Furnishing (ioods, liuui Coats, Oil Coats and Pants, Umbrellas, Wool and Otun Klanktts, all at reduced prices, at lleniey's. This cut re presents he Emer son Petiole Congress m Kangnv roo. Porpoise, Cordovan and1 Calf; has a double ptre one' being placed back. an8 rtleoth' er in front of the an ale-bone' thus preventing the strain of the rubber on the ankle-bone- and preventing the gore against; beinir cbafed snd defaced bv in-- terferinjr. Without question, the coining Shoe is the I ADfFQ FINIF tinrO Of All Latest etvlea, Flexible Hand-turned, "- mi- uiiutg Hand-Welt, &c ac. A full line offreah ground feed always' an hand at Sclirw V Feed Store. Vought'a grocery is the best 4aee a Som erset to deal. He sella the frealtest goods at th lewest prices. Ladies' Muslin T'ndeiwear is pod and heap, at Mrs. A. E. t hl a. i"V T Tf iTTr'T A CJC F.mmwtV Ji.'Ak! and W Wine. Al-o.mM. f lJt UJ U VXi-iivOO Working 8c'ea,witu father counter and Liwle. WKrespecJ'ollv call Mention to the fact that we constantly keep in stock a large lir e of the most seasonable and most serviceable goods, of the latest styles in the trado. and we slwnvs invite couiDarun of our prices with those of other dealers. CALL AND SEE US. FERNER BROTHERS, Somerset, Penn'a. RF.AL ESTATE FOR SALE! 1 have toomwfi -eaJ nmpertvanrT n to rll. No. t. travel ilm u i; mrTr, w'U imnntvedL Hh (mhI lltm. 1 Ham .ni or ibuilJinp.. .Utuaw went end memet Bt ot an. No. 2. Foitr aere Int afllolalnr. ; No. 3. Iwubte Pwelllua How jwith rmj l..t bi.i24 fwt, vrith Kuble and u ituuililincm, -Sitrwte in Soruwmet lif-ounh. No 4. A Tract or Laixl emtahiln 103 acre. -ttualfiH, miltw' from Somereet Bnrot fh, neartr M elwreda'Ml ia a good vuttenf pn(t tv. J. M.HOI DU t'BArtf, KAUTZ BROTHERS, MANurACTURERS OF AT It: M AV: A: Oi O; N-; S AN3 DEALERS IN CITY BTGG1E?, H-AiiON'S. ' SI.F.DS. 8LEIi;II3, lfARXESi, S.VHW.KS. KOBE?, J1IJIKKETS, HELLS AND W'HII'A A SPEC1AITY HADE OF THE RICE COIL SPRING. ay .Call and Examina our Stock "S JENNERTOWN. J. M. HOLDERBAUM, CENTRAL BLOCK, SOMERSET, OFFERS AT HIS LARGE CLOTHING and CARPET STORE A 5c and Well Selected Stock af MEN'S', BOYS' A'D CHILDREN CLOTHING ! Juwt receiveil, and will give a GLORIA Silk iroiil tipped I imirelU on sale of f 12 worth or upwards, bought at his store after this date, MAY 27, IS!. Neckwear. We also offer the finest and most stylish line of NECKTIES, BOWS, SCARPA COLLARS Cl'FFS, HOSIERY, 8HIRT9, !RAVEn3, e. e. Kraa ExHiarrEa. Ix Ota iieots' Furnishing Department We sell two Hemstitched Linen Hand kerchiefs for 13 cents, worth double. In the CARPET DEPARTMENT WE OFFER BRUSSELS, TAPESTRIES, INGRAIN, RAG, MATTI.VG.S, STAIR, ELGOR AND TABLE OIL CLOTHS. And as the season is closing, will allow from this dale 10 per cent off the price snd give a Gloria Silk Umbrella, with $12 worth or upwards, sold to anyone person. The good work (roes bravely on. Our fiit lot of Uiibrellas is all given rut. and we have this dav received an other. Call to see us, and examine stock. J. M. HOLDERBAUM. R.H.KO0N1 ! IF yon want the best investment in a i monuhe:;:! Or a Tombstone yon mvt , Koontz, of the " : J BERLIN MflRBLETi ! -i. H. H. ZIMMERlj ' l) DEALER IN f TOBJicco & c:q U CKJARETTES, PIPES tai .t E SUPPLIES. Fishing Tackle, Baseba!' 1 1 GOOD BARBER SlloPtoXNEri MILK-SHAKE. SOMETHLV ! i H lie soft drink, mm, fe. J v; N. W. Corner of the Did j . We understand wluit Ihe w; They want gools at the lev, ble pr'ces. They wact to pay cash an.J a .")0 per cent. They don't want to par enure ces for the so-called " best market." They don't want to pav thi bors' debts when dealinu'iith , store, which they are oliiitmi t, It . i . . I profit to make up fur his I.akk who don t pay. rap, HIP, HURBAH ! -FOR- The Dally Herald! -A-SD- Hart Goes Tt Tte Pwab Wha Una HI LA SO I STOCK Or GOODS FOR COUNT! 25 AHRCLS GINGER CftACKCRS AND CAKCS I 1000 LBS. BCST N. T. AND SOMERSET CO. CHEESE I . 300 LBS. CHOICE FRESH LONG BOLOGNA I 1000 HALF MOON PIES--THE BEST MADE I 500 GALLONS LEMONADE AND OTHER MILD DRINKS I 10 TO 25 BUNCHES CHOICE RIPE BANANNASt 20 BOXES BEST MESSINAl ORANGES ANO LEMONS I 100 BOXES STRAWBERRIES DAILY AFTER MONDAVI 60 BUSHELS FRESH ROASTED PEANUTS I GREEN VEGITA8LES DAILY DURINGCOURTI ROOM FOR EVER BODY AND COURTEOUS TREATMENT TO ALL. But they do want to hnv fmB L that sells only for cash and one I all, which is the lowest pmib : j and who boys directly from hr!. i and pays the cath, iheretiy e-. the consumer the advantage f i;, l count ; also, saving a ilruiii'iicr-1 and lastly, saving the consumer I count for paying cash. 1 The policy of the Harjain St give ttie bnytr all ihe disoiunt. Everything in the line of C Tinware, Shoes, Hardware, Xmit,; to be had at panic prices at the BARGAIN STORE South-east corner l'branr ;t the ;i SOMERSET m The advocate of the le?t ests of the people, and tlic fi newspaper of the conntv. r ft 1 NEWSIEST NEATEST, I A Model News?;.: ! Is roost carefullr edited. i j ed to ttie wants of intelligent f era. Our Politics. aiartcvruLLV, Bi 'OOK & DEERITS. i I .We belie Ye in the R'-pul I party with all our strength, and ing the honest enforcement r principles as the highest and f, guarantee of the public we.r we shall gupport them with i -strength at our command. strong in asserting what ut sider the best political inter the country we shall alwavs r, opposing parties with fair play & give them the consideratiou opinions honestly expressed & J always receire. THE SOMERSET HERA in worth, merit and enterpri- f. ti tainly occupies a prominent ;y. tion among the county jiajruj. the State. $2.00 PER YEAR $4, If You Want ALL the Se I7t THE Col'KTT SlBSCBIBK. Address SOMERSET IIEIULEf Somerset, to