B2 Ciii:::i ai Werl t -hi Throu:;h the C:oai5. ,r Works WMl be Rebuilt. ,ioJSind Men will be at f k Tdiy Racovorlnj J .-. - ,-1 'rgUpthe Dobris. t;VJl of Vic President Powell frug ttiila-lelpht the-e ha ".: i:V!1"r'41 ,,nn lo th at was . r.,. Al 'v f i-. Wiist l!ie future of . i lr in O.mpsny is to bp ifl an im j.;.i.,.n as what is to be the future ,m T:-Jt the works ane to be 3. . si iy bi p lUlisUvJ. To-day ; ,.- t V of til gi tthadd iipirit of Jfu. . furnished when J. 3. j 4;i it: t mill, which wastMitire-,.,-.- w this not.es : x i :a; ! -vv are requested to re- ..,;,: '"' -k fir work." ... :"- .-a :: f; i-i'-'.-r M.ll !m a . i, n if is 1 1 have !! ilit nu'ii 1,. aiTta:n what mm of the :,.....t s:i:i a!ive,a.il the other a i It is p issiiiie, too, 5 uv l pid o.T. Tliii dies ' ., ; more than 4 ."( employed ;. w:!i lie pail a th;it time. All ..... v v ...iriioy.. wo lid hivr been ..iv not the flood oo-nrrtl. ,, v :. ; s-n to 7,0 0 ru ;;i a- ,,.rv y Jay and the am.i'.ui', that haul:-1 over to the :iv of the disaster, bad it not " , -i a .1, vrva: 1 have hen be j.iin sii.l lJ"j.o ' J. The monthly ,(;.;.;!. .;-.- mill was tJ-1.i. In 3 i .' ''.I nie:i were employed, of the liantier men have , ; in the company's safe. It is fuir- ' , ..- i t ir m -n I report to ni irro-, j nr. " ' 1 of the 1 "-.'I workman will ! 111. ,.t, vi. of Wa-hinton, who built .ri work i and np until Janu aw (I. "i. T:ii Superintendent of te i pin Works ut Johnstown, sail! i r Mi-tahi -il in round numVra, I -:l. '.:'. 1 rearli'$:io,i"'.,"J. In .sat I Would divide tiie Item fclsout Johnstown pro;er, tlo,fioo,i3 ; tnii r.ii'ro.!.! Company. $10.ul, Si vl Compsiiy. $ V'-i ; ; ir..n i .iTiipii.y, J-ioioifi. aixl the a' Minrrai Point, Kil Coue tVioivriit. t'oiie'lift'.lti liorouh, is. -k-towii. Mtllvillo, f '.K-ridan -,:.v,;l;.. ahosit IJOk'l.lrt). ilouht if will enu'ole the valley to rwiv ut!:ear!iil h-ii-k, which is almost i,i:r to ri-aiiz ." uj.:-: t'liitn'-r, tf Jjhnst wn, l:o '-"i hri.hin in it, an J is a st.xk- ;u miiljr of nvinnfaeiori'n .-vtritil'' i-oti.v"is itt the valiey. faid : . ... ) J. i:ti-toft a lilone is ej'tinjat! it..' uu.1 wlt-.in I have talked at ;.. o.i ;. i ,f J.VO..-I. J think loy , i.' i 1 1 " " n Til ! found a very iow i. of J .li'ii. u's tinaiKlal io;i. I . r i i l.t1 larvi'! estate in Johr.s-sa-i k'.-.w wtiat I am taiktng a'x.ui ; : t: i :i'n.t;c." -;; li.'ivhTt 1-wef. aiJ from the .i Ir-in Coiopauy, are: .K.hustawii ' irai.y, ioo.i!.'; Vt ji:norola:id a-.: -;a N .lural la v'ompatiy. lo1). V J, v.ti ,v Th-mas, clutliine, !', .'k ii. . r'iK ral nierohaimi.-w, Hue ,: Sms. lumber, JlCcj.ih : wi; i;;- -: ir- t'ompany. $!' .') ; T. : A" To.. prixxT, $'.U'0; fieis, io,i:i:i. .j-iotO; K'onomy Clothing .-. jV oi i ; ii!burt House, $ iX't : u-.- H . i ! toi.c-)ride:nniVij. i.'-'i.t00; ! 4 irr"; i. iloihiii) 5.HHH; John -Hi " o-..t .'Kki ; s .tnk t S.rw, ' A n-.t Lia u-r, groeers t ;,o.D; -i . k W.ula id. planing mill, $'o.i.k0; :. . 'ovry, i i.okI; T. T. Morrell, ".K;:t N'.iiion.i! Jiank. it.ni.ooti; Joins .j .r.'- lu.ik, i-i-i o . i.. y-'i r.m fi'id all co'ors of rejdy ' ;-J:i. as: ! in ar.y ipiantity yon wnnt, :; i;i 'iy 1 tin rans ; a!, all kind d rtirn. ti.U- eolors, paint lirsishes, .ii itnti:.p hru.,r)i, at J. C. Hohr . Ilo!w:tr. .Nror.-, Somerset Ja. J. o,;.(. of the 1'. air is required by ii a copy of Justice's fee hills in Tiie fis- hills ean otily be oh f "1 iii li.ia loiintv, at Kisher'a Iksvk Down to Bed Rock. 't in a:;.! mi1 how httip you run buy a '. .r l.m,p. Ij'nps f all kinds. Itches tin.a-very rhesp. t.lass Wttrr n:i.'-. at the More of K. 1!. ColTKOHI, t?omerK4. I'a. tug Finish. 'Jiy fir ne. No niixing required. ktn:l,e viin and finhes the whole '"f 'di:t, .-,, (ine apiiiel ion. " I unij ni.. w., a fur uti n pounds ftf Ton a;.d i.ia-iLr wixt-J by hand. "-ii' :). i y J. II. l!oi.i'i:nim M -- Fine Clocks. a:.Wa V.,'-,. M,,.,,,. , ;,.( k, whil ,,e m; r,,y, , , 1V m,)v,,.nt j i,,r . .o j. tr.nu tiii-y iiavc -ver "val :,t 1,. ;..r,.. A-v, j,-!, Tholll uf J .-a-K- at $. ... and M, at Hi i n I'.aofiiFis. (I.,. ,.,,,,. -ith rtll(1,jF :n B, fwl.a:,.! UnUg,,;, fl !, or ' b,:S,! ''in-. TU-fwIU s.11 'm 10 r 'u rllir than 1vI-k1v the CKoiN case. Rta.tIi,,xT..f.m..!!y i;. ri. thj, , r,.I.., Jur (iClilln c-rt,u:y Mii.l op In the ae. f'HK-AtiO, Jmi.. o.-.St-ij-tli,,.. rvid-tic-n invert iK-fon- t'i.. : . ' t.-ioLroioi.oa.so l.y fopt. SU:tutk. It ftulttl. lie to)--:ili. d l i-,t .... .k.. .1 ... .. gnui-l jury t-K-,!c tip the ca. the tviu-t Wmn riill s. m I.',.... ....... , . , . ..... .v.... 0.1:1 n,r u,ui and cisJel thut l.o drove tho w:,;'.i with tuc t;uk tlut ccmtauitU Crutun's loJv irotn tlie hvtmston aveiiim cottiirc- to the catch basin. Ue ,.,?no.l the conf su by saying tlutt lie was in a :tlojn on UivLnon ktrwt, near Franklin, one fhyw-uli two men jiame-I Kin and and took King aide. Ue produx-ed a bin 'roll of money and pave some toKinir find trt ruirt.iti-n ." U . i i n T,: , -"'". ' ueu ii- jiaa cone ... ... iiu ii ua. ana lierephcd: "That the r Toat lawyer -'ui.n. itooaruit went on to fiar that he - loV,t v.. i ....: . ..." , -.v. in-ntor Cougnlin for the sum of 8?3 to tro to the leiuij,-niH pi IW ITUntf. J he two Inen tiffi.ri. efim.,ut i l - w ... v. n:Kitiieo uiin. llsey firt drove throuirli Lincoln park, where the trunk was taken out, and ajriun iet timed to the buptrv. Then uiey orove to the catch Ui.-vin. After the Kidv loi.l 1.., ..i i ut.k. " V. 1 -1.11 VII ttH're.n nml Ute tniTik Imit by nv w u M( H, VM'V iIO t TO a ui"r4 ami il.-HTl 11 j I. t'ouoidiu. In. wont onto sav, told hi:n seveinl il rys U-foiv hand tii;t he had a job for him. )ti the a! to: noon of Way 4 he cutoe to liiin and s.-iid: "Xmr'a the Ill -I.L It Jla t-ot to lie done. If vim can't pet out bi fore 3 o'clock it will in- no use. At f o clooli he Kt the wngiin. Aria- ...o., .i.i .inn . iinu n imiu i 1.111.1111101 .'i.ij.'i Sampson, a man well known in the police courts and tho ltridcwell, testified ti...r t -. too. i..,. i.o,. ...... time ajii to sin,; ( rontn and protidsi d to p.:v literii!!y for the job. A luan named lhjly Lyon coirolKHiited this and an ad journ im-nt v.ns taken. itie tvulencc t;ik; u earlier in the day w ah that of the Ijikevicw ico i;licTB that raw the mysti i ions vehicle on the fnliJ nielli and of the dm-tors that made the j-o-t iiiortcin exaivdiintani. Cairo. rllIll1-K iliiovrd. f 'hiof i.f I3ii'i TTid.ti'ir.l loiu iwui'd mi order ere!iipt-.rily rcniovin.ir i'npt. m ii.i.n ti iioni iof loiiiniaoo oi ine i ni- ciipo avenue uwnil and alo susts-ndinp ini trotu ilutv. This u' tion was h:msi iiion his tin-,'tisfactory oviiVnco mid in sin the oiiiniou that lie had ton. -led tlie r;w from the tJrt. IK- adniitt'U to the jury t!;t he Ji:!il iKit a.ki-d VfJ- rnff to dcs-ii'io Al --. Sull.v.io. end in pcneral ili'iiio:t..r:it'-.t thai lie had trust . l.o.i.i t ......... i... . i-,... i.:...i- ..f i.f :.iiiriii v ii":iiiii iu t.n iitii'iiaLil.V Ui the in "e-otiirctioa. Au Important i'ltie. CtllcAtio, June 5. The i-olice claim to have au important clue to the murdcrera of lr. I'loniu. They have found the cpiisti:.in who liaitled tlw murderers" P'sols from the huiluinp at 117 Clark t-tris't to the'.'arlsoncottat:''. According lo the expn-man tin- fellou-ri U l.utf; in Chicapo and he has wen lsth ol them frotptcntly sitice he hauled their poods. Tiie l.Lst tnue lie w them was hint Sat urday. The CApriiMiiiairti ile.-icripiioti of one of (lie men tallies closely with that of Hiimms. who Loujhf the ffirnitnre from Uevell A Co.. and of A iili.iln.-i. who rented tiie cottage from th.- C:ulsons. The jk.Iicc believe the two men are still iii town and tliev lire relying on the cx iixisiiian to tinil them. Hhm-ImU. At H.v-tim llo-to-i. ; l'hiia.!i !!'l.!a. At t iio-i-,.o 1 Itlca'o, 4: lei I'ltimt. .V At a-loiigton al:ii:i:ton. ."i; Ni-w York, 3. At l;ni..kl ri--tins.ki u, -i; Khii-h t it . , 3: .M liail IT'ior..- 1; I It onore, .1: I .llu iluiu! t. t. Tlio C olumliti-l. !uis yaine i.ie.!;Kiid; raoi. At PfiilHiU-li'liia -No Kniuc, Loaisvilles not Jet an r.eit. A 'Hler Krwint In Cuioiits. Cor.fKfi, Out., June 8. Heavy rains have pie. ailed in thi.s di.-trict during last wts U. and thin inoir.inp what aje peartil to I' a larpe watT Ksut pawed over this ) lac' in a northwesterly dinsj 1 i ii and burst when a couple i.f nub's distant. !n a few minutes Mitall creeks lss ainc rivers and rll bridpes ami dams lltTii vvro the hurt oerurreil and Ijike tintario were rarril swav and railway etiiliinkmeids destroyed, ilany honscM were inundated and i-eople had to I e rescued in boats. In this city all the Cellars in the business portion wore flooded, wat r in aome inst.iiut risinp above the htote fUsirs. fanner will lose heavily, many of them their entire crop. The lose w ill reach half a million dollars. Although M. M. Tir.lwell Co. have done the largest milliner- business this senson they have done for years, by opetiinp fresh invouvs twice a week, thry not only keep up a full Mock, but are pure to have everything of thelatest as it ccnirs out. More Truth Than Poetry. (Jrocer Vought has come to stay, The reason why is just this way, His trade increases with each day. ISiranse Lis poods are the best, all y. Murder!! In murder trials it is most important to know the exact time at which the crime oc curred. To the unfortunate criminal time may be life. In all cav-s time is money and money can Is? raved by buying time-pieces st XvB & Oas-lxer's. who cany a lare as sortment of the riuest tirades of Watches and Clocks. Jewelry and Silverware, Eye jrlasseS and Spectacles. We also do enfrravine of all kinds. Goods purchased from 'us will be entraved free of char-e. Ntrr t ("asehkeb. Five Brothers. Fred. John. Hen, Huby, and Xick, now on trial at the tore of Fd. B. CorraoTH. ITS ALL PURE HUMBUG Fob Otuitb UriLi-s bo Sat thev rsm rskll SIPE BROTHERS. They Cannot,' Never Could, Never Will. Honest Uonling nid Kair 3?i-tse ARE LEADING FEATURES AT OUfl 8TOHE. Th, Kor.kry. ire all Time ard t! Liam are Ctuiccd. t.- Come ana See for Yourself. -i SIPE BROS., Sipesvlile. Pa, lUMAGLNt; TKSTIMOXTT BfiOUGHT OUT IN THE CP.ONiN IN VESTIGATION CASE. Maniice Karri ToititlM That He IVtfercd MiGM-tian Lrt rtiiladei'bi fo tti I'hi-kv of tUillngr Cronia Alex. KolU Tan'a Nam rrornlucntly Mlisd Up Ix tlw Cam Luk Dillon to Tcotifr. ClHt AfiO, June 6. Ail the evidenco in the C ronin inquest was directed toward e-tahlishing the fact that the deceasec wa firmly impressed with the Idea that his life was eiidanptred through the ma chinations of Alexander Sullivan. Mau rice Morris, a member of the Clan na ael, said that, at the last convention, ht had heard several delegates srt that Cro nin and Dr. McCahey, of Philadslphla, ought to be gotten rid of. Cronln had told him tiiat he belie ed McGeehan, the Philadelphian, had come to CJiicapc at the inntiputton of Alex Sullivan, to kill him. Joiieph O'Byrne, eecior guar dian of Camp 3ot!t swore that on the day liofoi the physician disappeared, Cronin had told him that ho was badly broken up and discouraped, and that he be lieved he would pive up and let tho rascals, Alex Sullivan and Itecorder of I'olice Slicliaid Itoland. of Kansas City, complete their murderous designs and kill him. O'Hyme went on to sav that he had heard M'HiWhan say that Ciwiin and McCahey ought to be kill.'d, liecause they were scouiidrcls. lie had heard that there was a trial in Camp 30, but knew nothing dclinite on the jnint. lit did not, however, believe that Cronia was a t niitor. 1 roii la Tried mjk Convlctcil. Closely presstsl. he admitted that ru mors that Cioiiin hail Isx-n tried and con victed came to him through friends o the laji r. I Mctiary. a Xjikeview boiler maker and intimate friend of the dead man, pave his evidence with sc much dramatic effect that once or twice he was applauded. He ti-slitied that ( Yonin had several limes told him that bis life was in danger, that Alex. Sulli van, if he was murdered, would be found to be the instigator and that there were pat icrs in his wife that would con nect Sullivan with the divl. WituesF told how he. went to Toronto and met long, the rcxrler. who was responsible for the circumstantial stories regarding Cronui having lioeu seen in that citv. Jlctiary olfercd him ?'.'.l)mi to suubtuh tiaU' what he had written, but h could not do it. Instead he Maid: "I wi.-Ji to iiI I bail never bad anything to do with this tttsinesw." lie had heard that Ice iH-ah r Sullivan, Detective CVmghhii and Detective Whaleil were InemtnTS of Camp 2i. it was a matter of daily con- j versatioti nmong tho memlierj of the clan that there was a conspiracy to kill Cronin. At one meeting of Camp 20,1 when tl.e witneM remarked that the man who pave LeC'aron his credent itdi vviis worse than LeCaron himself, l jiw ycr li'iss rematked: "Them must lie tin ion and unitv among Irishmen, even if Uieie has to le war."' Crealfil a Neusation. Closely nuestioned, the witness said that tlio man who pave I-C :utron hit credentials was Lawrence II. litiekley ol this city. This created a sensation. Re Koning to another question the witness said dramatically: "I thank Clod Unit I don't Islong to any organization ol which Alex. Sullivan is a niemUT, for 1 consider that man is the cause of all the disgrace and shirs that have been put uj'on the Irish people. ' The bust witness was Byron C. Smith, rrsceiverof the Traders' bank. Heshowed bv chei-ks on tile and ledger entries that iii the summer of lw"-2 Alex. Sullivan had altogether $lHU"!in the bank, of which MO .Out) was a personal account and the balance credited to "Alex. Sul livan, agent." By Sept. 6. INS.', all this money hail N-eii drawn on on checks made payable to J. T. Ix-ster & Co.. brokers. A member of this iirm will Ik HuitunoTicd tivday, WoisinilT emphatically denied that he maU- the confession attributed to him by 'apt. Schank to the effect that he saw Sullivan pay a large sum of money fa. two men in a saloon. Dillon to Testify. State's Attorney Longeneiker, Chief of l'ohco UublmrU and Luke Dillon of Philadelphia were in conference last nipht from 7 o'clock until nearly mid ni-liL Dillon is to lie called as a w itnost and is willing to tell all that he know concerning tlie conspiracy against Dr. Cronin. He is anxious at tho same time to preserve, the secrets of the Clan-Na-tla-H so far as its written work it cono-med. He considers that in a measure the oath of secrecy has been removed from the members of the or ptuiization, but only so far as the doinps of the particular camp that condemned the Nationalist to death is con cerned. On this jioint tin otlicials do not apree with him, and when he is put upon the stand to-day an effort will la? made to compel him to exsise the inner nullifications of the organiza tion. The iolice authorities confirm the report that the expressman w ho hauled the furniture from the Clark street Hat to the Lakeview cottage lias lieen found. He will lie plaited on the stand to-uior-row, and his evidence will go far toward fastening the crime on certain susjiected individ tials. N1WS IN Sixtv bt'.ililinps were disttroyed by fire in Jacksouvillo Wednesday. David C. Cioodcll has lieen declared elected governor of New Hampshire. Thomas rhilliM of Philadelphia has lieen eiectinl president of the Boot and Shoemakers' National organisation. A slight but very perceptible shock of earthquake was feit in the south, rn and eastern tortious of Nashville, Tcnii., on Wednesday. Tlie Stewart will is likely to lie settled out of court. It is believed Judge Hil ton has made substantial concessions to the contestants. Tlie Rink of Omaha has closed it- doors. The linbihtH'S are between MK), ooo and Soii.ooii, with nominal assets. Lad loans and management. The London Gazette takes tlie ground that the Johnstown disaster shows that the local government is not capable of dealing with emergencies. Tlie Oarette poos further and attributes the disaster itself to delicits in local government. IhuwU&li. The Phttir!r-Intiani)sli same pomtponed. At lliolon- Kir.li.ii. 4: PiiiUdt lj.liia, i. At Wai.hiiu.1on Wsshiiigton.l New iork.4. At CliH mku-Urst name hieaen. ; l'lev. land, ;. (seionil laur -i 'hies?". S:('evi-land.. At Kni,.kli lli.a. li- A' ii THE DANVILLE DISASTER. K!s Ueaiha K'vortrd aril Manj others '! llx;i-cted to Live. DaV!U.e. Ya., June 1. Details of tl-13 disaster of yest -rilay sliow that Uie 1im of life and projs'rty w.n greater than was at lirst supposed. The dozen men r.t work on the rean buihling had but hu'.e warning to make their ca;i ere ths erau came. A white man named E. W. Young, tiie bois brkk-layer, was at work ou the liftii lloor. He jumped iroui uie uuieung ro me grounj Diiow, sustiining iutemal injury, and had his shoulder injured; Torn Carter, a colored brick (atrriiT. waj on the sixth floor, and as- the building separated he went through to the cellar and suilered a wrench in the back. JIo -t of tha brick layers Stopped work at la o'clock or the loss of life and injury to person would have been much greater. As It is. two persons were killed outright and cine injured. Four of them have tine died. Crowds soon gathered, and in a driving rain went to work removing the debrU in order to get out those supposed to be under it. After hard work the body of William Young, white, a car penter, was reached, and when taken out there was hardly a whole bone in his body. His neck was broken snd resting on one of his legs, while the bod v wae doubled tip in a knot. The following is a list of the killed and wounded: Killed Koliert l'ruitt, white, car penter, death instantaneous: 'Will iam Young, white, carpenter; R (!. Jones, white, carpenter, crushed internally, skull tract ured; Buck Kooper, colored, hod carrier, skull crushed; Henry Oukes, white, carjienter. skull cracked anil hurt internally: D. N. Collie, white, carpenter, skull crushed, arm broken, injured internally. Injured William IL Crowley, white, carpenter, hnr-- in head, may rex-over; Thomas Sawyer, white, carpenter, two ribs broken: E.'V. Young. Uws brick-layer, iujured in shoulder and internally"; John Strainer, colored, hurt about the bodv, but will re cover: Tom Carter, colore.!, lirick-carrier, hurt in back and internally. The loss by the disaster wUI probably reach $lU,00.'j. Clnrtniwtt Races. Cincinnati, June 1. Weather cold and wet and track very heavy. First race, selling, three-fourtlis of a mile, Jakie Toms lirst, Holland second. Clamor third; time, 1:22 1-4. Second race, selling, oue mile, Kedar Khun first, Castaway sK'ond, Nyleptha third: time, l-"3 1-2. Thin! rao-, for 2-year-old fillies, four and one-half furlongs, Allele M lirst. Pally Hoo second. Lady l'lack burn thiid: time, 1:11 1-2. Fourth race, one mile and seventy yards, Pan Uaz.-m tir-.t, D-.id sec nd, Ouindaro Pelte third: time, l:5i 8-4. Fifth race, sensation stakes for 2-year-olds, ?1,04) added, three-ronrtlis or a mile, Avondide hrst. Starter Caldwell second, Outlook third: time, 1:22 1-2. Tlie Pamrll ( omnilslon. London, June 1. At the sitting of the Parncll commission yesterday Mr. IJeid of the Parneilite council stated that in quiry had resulted in the finding; of thirty Usiks belonpr.ig to the JNational li-agne, which would lie produced in court. Mr. Jxickwood. ono of the Par- nellite counsel, produced a pass liook Epiiarently belonging to Mr. Justin Mc Carthy, which dated from Novemlier, 1KM). to May. 1SX7, which contained an entry of a check for i'lOJ paid to Frank IJvrne. the dynamiter. Sir. McCarthy informed the court that tlie pass hook did not lielong to him: that it never was m Ins possession, and that he did not know that the lok existed. lnvestigAtlng Physicians. ' PiTTsnrRU, June 1. The committee of the state honrd of health, apMiiitisl to investigate charges nunst Urs. van Kirk of MeKeeiort and Cain!eH of Latrolie of issuing certilicates for the transortation of corjises if persons who nan uiisi oi contagious uiseases. r-pan its work yesterdav. Tlie case of Ir. Van Kirk was lirst taken up, but. after an ex haustive inquiry, he succeeded in con vincing tiie committee that the case, while one of carelessness, was not done with criminal intent. NEWi I 4 BRIEF. Snow foil in various suctions of Michi gan on Thursday to the depth of from three to ft utr inches. C. I Mapee of Httsburg sails for Euroe on July 10. He is out flat-footed against the amendment, Tlie Reading Railroad company will bring to market I.Oml.OOO tons of anthra cite coal per month for the next seven months. John Wilson, who was shiblied by Andrew Heiser in Pittsburg on April last, died from the injuries on Friday. His murderer is in jail. Thieves stole a horse and set of harness from a man living on the Perrysville road, near Pittsburg. Thurwlay evening. They also stole a buggy from another person. Governor Beaver says the judges' salary bill is unconstitutional and will in all probability veto it. He is also op jHised to the bill granting fcTo.OOO for the dress uniform for the national guards. William Dunn, w ho was shot by John Galloway some davs ago. has ln spjted away from his home in Home stead to escape the $otK) line imposed on him by Judge Lwing in the Pittsburg court. Rev. George Schweinfurth, the Beek uianite apostle, who claims to i e Christ incarnate, is now a fugitive from tho iiolice, who want Mr. Schweinfurth on a charge of obtaining money under false pretenses. There is a general desire among the miners and ojierators of the uke region that F. C. Keitrhley, late superintendent of the Ytunpstown Coke works, be ap-pointi-d mine inspector of the ConnelU ville district, A passenger train on the Pittsburg and Lake Erie road struck Bernard Vincent, an iron worker, U tweeu Haselton and Struthcrs, mar Youngstown, Friday morning, causing fatal injuries. Vin cent was single, aged 25. Rain falling Uion molten cinder in the Youngstown rolling mill caused an ex plosion. Charles Myers, a roller, had his feet anil legs burned in a frightful man ner, crippling him for life. The other employes escaped and the mill was not damaged. In the Unib-d States district court at Pitfcdiurg Perry Hallock PrtT.who was indicted for selling counterfeit money jointly with Curtis Fox, was brought into court trom the northern district of Ohio and gave bail for his appearance at the July term. "E Pturibo Urnm" on Colas. "Did you know that the legend 'E Pluribus Unuui,' which has appeared on diilerent United States coins, was never authori3od to be so plaoed by law?" said a cnniismati&t. " "It was first used in tliat way in 1736. There was no United States mitit then, but there was a private one at Newburg, N. Y., and the motto cf the United States was first placed on a copper coin struck at that mint. Few collections have specimens of this coin. They ere valuable. In 1 787 a goldsmith named Brasher coined a piece which was known as the $10 gold piece, and Uie motto placed in this form, 'Unum E Pluribus,' was stamped upon It. The coin is worth today $3,000, and only four are known to be in existence, in 17S7 tlie motto also appeared on various copper coins of the State of New Jersey. "A great many of cur early coins, before thero was any legal authority for national coinage here, were made In England. The State of Kentucky liad some peculiar copper coins which were minted in England in 1701 and bore the national motto. The United States mint was established in 1792, but the use of the motto on any of the gold, silver or copper coins was not authorized or directed by any of the provisions of the act establishing it. The motto had not appeared on any of our coins since 137 until the present silver dollar was coined. It remained on our early gold and silver coins until 1834, when it was omitted from the gold coins. In 1826 it was dropped from the silver twenty-five cent piece and the following year from all silver coins." Philadelphia Press. A Mouker Felo I Hi Sc. Not long ago the authenticated case of tlx t suicide of a dog from grief at being beaten by its master was chron icled, and now we read of a monkey de stroying itself tinder very remarkable circumstances. The facts of the case, which are positively vouched for by a corresxntlent writing to a Paris con temporary from Montrichard, in the de partment of Loir-et-Cher, are as follows: A learned monkey, named Bertram, was deeply attached to its owner, who, nmong other tricks, had taught it to fire a pistol w hile galloping on the back of a dog. The master of the animal, it feems, lately met with certain domestic troubles, and, in a dejected frame of mind a few daysago.be sent a bullet through his head, death being instantaneous. The monkey was present at the death of his master, and probably took in every par ticular. In any case, w hen a doctor was called in to see if life was extinct in the man, he was astonished to find himself iopresenee of a double suicide, the monkey's body being stretched beside that of his master, with the revolver clasped between its fingers. It is stated that the animal picked up the pistol after his master liad blown out his brains and imitated what he had just seen done, sending a bullet through his head precisely as tho man had done. London Standard. The Voltale Battery. At tho very beginning of the present century Volta, stimulated by Galvani's recent discovery of what ho called "am mat electricity," invented the "pile" and the "crown of cups." Wo now speak of any equivalent arrangement ns a voltaic battery. Without attempting to trace out the path of discovery and invention pursued by Volta, it will be sufficient for our purpose if we make clear the gene ral construction and action of such un apparatus. If a plate of zinc and a similar one of copper be nearly immersed in water con- taininga little sulphuric acid, which may bo held in any suitable vessel, no note worthy action will bo apparent so long as the metals do not touch; but if they be brought in contact, or bo joined bv means of a conductor, bubbles of hydro gen gas will at once appear on tho sur face of the copper, and the zinc will more or less rapidly dissolve to form zinc sulphate with the acid. If the plates be separated, and the por tion of the zinc which remains above the liquid lie tested with a very delicate electroscope, it will . be found to be charged with negative electricity, and in like manner the corresponding portion of tho copper plata will be found to be charged w ith positive electricity. Pro fessor C. F. Bruckett in Scribner s. ririitjr of Oil. The fear that there would bo an oil famine in the near future has been ex- pressed again and again; but the figures given by The Oil city Derrick and in dorsed by BratUtreet go to show that the Pennsylvania and Virginia belt alone is practically inexhaustible. So far the yield from this tract of 204 square miles lias been over S-IO.COO.OOO barrels. Tie cstiiuato is that the possible future yield will not be far from 2.COO.CC0.C00. This estimate makes no refeence to the fields that exist in Canada, in Colorado, Cali fornia and elsewhere, both at homo and abroad. Tlie yield per square mile has boon for fifteen years l.WW.OOO barrels. There seems to lie no reason to fear that the cil supply will fail before its eubsti tute is fully established. Ut. Louis Globe-Democrat. . The ElflVt Tower. The whelo tower could be lifted by four men of average strengtli. The case has been proved. When it was about half its present height a few menuctually did lift it. This is not humbug: tiie thing is perfectly simple. The construo- ticn of the tower is based on the canti lever principle, and its bulk of C400 tons is so adjusted as to press on Uie founda tion with less weight than that of a man in an armcliair on the floor. Is the tower "beautiful? No. But it has the erect," fragile looking elegance of au olieliak not hewn out of rod granite. but knit of dark hued meshes. Eiuilo Michelet in Paru Uluslre. l .lrl Ui 1. - J hv IwrlMHl Tli-n, r- Sf OO l.nv 1. avA American visitors were present to w it Den evictions to-day on the Luiacurren state. Tlie families of ei(rhf tenants were put out of their burnt. MOWERS! BINDERS! HAY RAKES! Don't Fail To Ses VrllTELY'S NEW IMPROVED Champion Mower and Binder, 0 the Street rrj Day Tiiii Week Alt The Champion Hay Rake. AU. GUARANTEED THE BEST ON EARTH I AND AGAIXBT ANY OTHERS MADE. Before ym leave town be sure and go to J, 0, HQLDERBAUM'S HARDWARE STORE, And examine his stork of HARDWARE, BUGGIES, HARNESS, 4C.f You will nud it on MAIN CROSS STREET, ON THE WAV TO THE COURT HOUSE, GET THE BEST! -AT- VOUGHT'S. PRICES CEFY COMPETITION ! Special Prtperation for Thin Week I BEST GR0CEBIES, BEST C0NFE C TI0 SERIES, BEST FRUITS, BEST XUTS, BEST SOFT DRIXKS, BES T SA AT) WICIIES, BEST riES and CJKES, BEST TREATMENT, BEST OF EVERYTHING, AT THE BEST GROCERY IN SOMERSET. Freb Green Groceries ETerj Morning. VOUGHT'S. 88 S3 S3 8 THEY CAN'T BEAT USI Our name has been a household word througliout Somerset couutj for tlirec generations and it lias al ways been tlie recognized head of tlie Pry Goods Trade. WE LEAD! And will continue to lead, where merit is rewarded and confidence is not misplaced. Our business has outgrown it's quarters and we will have a THIRTY-FOOT ADDITION added to our already large store room inside of sixty davs. We are constantly making SPECIAL DRIVES iu some particular line for the ben efit of our customers. Call and see us during the week, wc haro A BARGAIN FOR YOU I Respectfully, Parker & Parker. V V V V V V V V V V V