Somerset herald. (Somerset, Pa.) 18??-????, June 07, 1889, Image 1

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q IT" "T y
-Jx LL. JUL UJ-ii.V
r .
Deserving Persons to be
Promptly Supplied.
Great Heaps of Debris De
stroyed by Burning.
laitily n Many Mor lloriiea
,rttuil and Identified Tlie A iilhn r-
Is-nv the Senaat lona! Ktorle
- ,miltrl Heller Mill Coming Id.
i,tr Doing Noble Work Tlie Want
l(mi I'ncnmonla ud Measles Pre
yulrot rj.tiliiatiiig the Tutsi Missing.
J)rll; to he Ilehuilt.
i:vtows, Juno ft. The work of
r.; tlie Mnvtt of the wreckage con
v Almtit ..!' labirers are work
'r.iin early morning until late lit
. W.-dm-sday afternoon tlie use of
::iite w as rsiiinod to b urst logs, so
Mum! . Iiris ill the dam lit the bridge
, in ned ami floated down the
. Hi- dynamite is placed ui Holes
into tin' massive timlxTX. After
I f has issn iirnKi'ii a citain is ut
i -.i t its parts and it is then hoisted
j:. machine on the bridge and dniied
the current of the river. During a
t' m tin- bridge two Unlies were itl
4 ijuwii to pieces. Tlie blasting has
if, tin- etbs-t of owning the channel
j r tin-central portion of the bridge.
ifctiwtor Kirk has abandoned the
i nf constructing' a dam to overflow
mass of ruin -at the bridgii. The
r has fallen and cannot be raised to
mi-cable height.
h powerful windlass lias lieen con-
i t .1 at a aint alsiut 1IH) feet below
J iiriilse, and a rojio attached to it is
j mil at the i-dge of the deliris. In
av tlie course Ix-tweon one of the
t nniMif the railroad liridgu has Ixs-n
e .ml nut. Where dynamite lias lieen
:tn hurst the loir, another span has
freed of the debris, a siacc of alxuit
i:.ty I v forty feet Uing cleared. The
. irriwv well Miiplied with tools.
J tlie fun is not large enough to
t-p ra;iiJ headway.
J n scan li has ln-en almost abaii.hned.
ii i-li. veil that few in addition to
alri ndy mentioned will I found
t 1 tin- del ris is loosened and started
f n tlie river. Tlie tKxIiisj of Sir.
t '-'Us and her daughter Teresa were
iJ in the debris in the Cambria iron
w'kt alfiut noon.
Whole Families Wiped Out.
fl! would lie iintxsible to mention all
fc instances where entire fanning were
S ellout of existence. Richard Worth
ii"tt. who lived at l4 Conemauph
-ft. stiti-s that his house was washed
..y, ami he lost his wife and three chil
li n. Tin' holies of his wife and baby
U-en recovered, but those of his
Khter Mary, 7 years, and Annie, i
liave not yet been found. Mr.
nliiiit'lun's fatiier-indaw, Wm. IIow-
tlw latt'T s wife, daughter Marcar
i mi Julin and his wife and liaU'.with
ir doiiwstie, Ann Evans, ail H-rished
'.he fi.i. and none of the bodied liave
: Iwti found.
iiefor.- n n Unlay dot ween 12.000 and
"i survivors had lieen n Risti-red at
heatl'jiiartcrs .if the rinsim bureau.
I . SM onaeliy. in charge, said that he
'.i1evl to complete this work by to
$ 'lT.m- evening;, and tliat then he would
Mrv hi i list with the new directirv
if Juliiistown. and suburbs, which was
islnil two weeks airo by a jirintins
weiif Alt'!ia. and lias never lieen
After this work is through,
till furnish the relief committH' w ith
:ilirovini-iti..ti of tliA .niivoT Tliiu
i il not i- correct, by any means, owing
tW nuuilar who left the cilv without
tis1nn? lint it iu ItiA lMt tl.ut -un
ione un let tlie circumstances.
The t'.mt Su.i1y Sheet.
Tlie suiiplv of is verv short, and
I tlie railr.ui.1s are to olistructed with
incer and relief trains, it would le
"nl toolitain it in anv amount from
f wi. so McMillan "wan ulaoiil in
larp-of a numU-r of tuuares of lalor-
and instructed to olitain a suHkient
f-mount (or present use from coal banks
tlie siirroun.liiiL' bills. This will I
f ii!.i, at central inU and the dis-
oeuiKin to sutTcrers in the usual
Rrmotlnc Hod lew.
M inr InmH,-, ,re recoven-d t!..'. fore-
'""11. KlL'llteen llim l.arl l-n re.
I'eJ a tl(e Fourth ward morjrue. and
more had U.n limn.,1.1 ... .i.i. bill.
'" by ( ii.t. J(hkh- workeiK. T".ie un-
"naiiers Kept on the jun.p (roin
! won! ' L'o,"but even then the:' could
keen nace m i, . , ,i .,, 'i .w,n
'heln. owiii.. to a Lk-Ii .rf to -.m.
j i,, the morgue. At noon a
"' ad.litioiud corpses were laid
in rowx yity ,)f ,u.ln IUch
C"tiiMeil and discolored from U ing
l"r.K suUneil i the water. If thev
not lanne,l l,v night thev will tie
J':niH "Ho J,,-,, trenches and wivered
Mn: 'tis is neresKirv owinc to decom
P"s,ti.,n. Inthu wav it is ii.iv.iole that
ttiany l,. will l; l,ri. .1 and lli. ir
fkn is , mv,.r kn(m. Ux.ale (f
""'n- lii-tors fear tvphus if the
-t!iersl1K:, Ucoine warm.
rant are llriil Turned Into a Morciie.
The fimbria Iron company's pasture
field on the lull, southeast of Johnstown,
has t-een turned into a ccmeterv. A
number of men are at work constantly
ligU-uiK graves, and several hundred
Ix.xes have N.n t.'Hiorai ilv interred.
Hie Cambria luwpiuil. on ProsiH-ct hill,
i ov rcrowdtsd with jiersoiw who were
iujnred in the flood. There is only one
patient, a woman, whose condition is
i-onsidered aerious. Wie is hilffering
from nervous prostration produreit by
fright. Tlie physicians in charge hh'v
ipisac is greatly needed at the hospitaf.
At the Hrst ward s'hool house morgue,
11 1'iosjiect hill, there were nineteen
tuxiies awaiting interment. The re
mains of lieorgiana and Julia Kcigdon
were identified. There an- ten Ixxlim at
Ids morgue which have not lieen identi-i-5d,
ei;jht women anil two men.
lln. A. P. Ililler and family Ixit.
Tlie congregation of St. Mark's
Protestant Kpi-opal clunxrh lot 27 out
if a iuemlei.liip of 150. The rector,
Iev. A. 1. Ililler, wife and two children,
everc. drowned and the Isxlutt liave not
ret l-'ti fotirj. The church was a large
irick building, with stone trimmings,
ind was valued at fil.tHM. The entire
itructure and a part of the foundation
were swept away.
Iluctor. IHilug Muhle Work.
The jin valence of pneumonia, caused
by exjiosuro. is assuming alarming pio
lrtions. The large corps of physicians
have all they can do in attending to the
patients at Cambria City. Johnstown
proper, Wood vale mid all tho suburbs.
Not leas than :to0 curgical cases have
Us'ii tnated at the Cambria hospital.
Five hundiiHl patients in all were, re
ceived. This is in charge of a corps of
loctori from Altoona. nauielv, Ors.
Iluck, the first on thu gnminf: Smith,
Jacob, Sjianogle, Arney. W. H. Itoss,
liruner and Sellers, the l itter ill charge
j( the di.-jicnsary. Tliey have done and
are doinr; noble work.
Mead.-M are alllictin the cliihlren of
l'rosx ct hill and Miuersville in alarming
proiKirtio'.is. There are a few eases of
real tyjihoid in Miuersville.
All Biislneu Kn.andeil.
Strangers coming to this jilaee fresh
from coniarative comfort an first
struck by the utter ab.sence of business
if all kinds and thenlisciiceof the minor
luxuriec of life. There is absolutely
nothing for sale in the city but lalxir,
jnd that is at a premium.
A I'ltt.-burg man who had reason to
write to his friends iu the city was kept
hustling for an hour to obtain the neces
sarr ien and ink and paper for which he
lia.1 to pay f I. lie seiaxl upon a baiTel.
ind taking a lean upon it used the head
for his pnrxise.
There is literally nothing to eat in the
'ity ex.-ept what has Ixvu donated by
-ople firm other plai.s, and the
wealthy, as w'U as the indigent, ar?
.onipcll xl to apply for food. In some
imes private supplie have lx.s?n received
from the rural districts and riaid for by
.he recipients, but only in isolated caws,
is all the jxsiple aeem to vie with each
ither in their hosjiitality. Somerset
itizens, esxx?ially, have, lxxn Tcry liu
Tal, ami it is reported that 100 of the
iulferers have been fed there and housed
iv the townspeople. All along the route
i the Bultimore and Ohio IkiIcIs and
.irivate houses have l sn opened and
mndrcds more of sufferers are being
Jiken care of.
The I'Uua for Rebuild I nR.
In conversation Superintendent Dun
an of the Johnstown street railway and
me of the leading citizens of the place,
leclared that as soon as the people re
covered in a measure from tho daztxl
vindition in which they have been since
he cata-trophe, jmmediatd measures
A-ill Ix? taken in the direction of rebuilil
ng. This will 1 a gigantic and costly
ji-ork, but Mr. Duncan says he expects to
xanewcitv airing from the ruins of
itricken Johnstown. Although the loss
if the Cambria Iron coinjiany will fixit
ip into the millions, th-j destnu-tion of
heir pi mt is not total, as apprehendi'd
md at first, and oiheers of the
oniwny now say they exjxs-t to re.mme
iperations within thirty days.
Gen. Halini' lieport.
Johnstown, June . (Sen. Hastings
las ju t made the following rejx.rt to
tovernor lV-aver: '-Chief of Police
iit tiagesliy informs mo the men re
xirt no breaches of the peace l;ut night,
t-'ullv 3,00l men are at work clearing olr
lebi is. lilies are now Ix ing recivercxl
n large numlx-ir. The citizens com
nitt.s. is organized and the work is
systematic. A detachment of twenty
n.n of th Fourteenth regiment was
letailed last night to guard supilies.
Provisions are p-wiring in and itKilith
u!t to take care of tlu m. There is no
.utfering from want of f.xxl or sh. lter.
Vntril utions of money are more de-unbk-tluin
anything else..
Signod-J "t). H. Hastings, Gen L
Inteillcrul Men and Women Plaee the
n.ber at ll.tve.-n 1.MH and lS.ono.
C. n ervative men are of the opinion
Jiat the tuuiiU-rof Jx o:ih' detrove.1 will
vach from 12. to J i.OO'. 1 his view
f it is lus.-d on i.i uiy fragments of evi
leiice from ov. r KM citizen, carelul to select .is intelligent men
uid women as could 1- found. They
acreclun from as niaur occtiition.
is possiiite, ana rrom as many social
lasses. Tiiey were asked to estimate
.he ixrr-entage of loss to the total popu
lation, to ti ll how many people of their
lomaintaiices have disappeared, how the
ratherings of residents on the streets and
a public places coimiare with the same
n former times. Their atatements of
'acts and estimates were proved as far as
rould lie. and tlie pendulum of calcula
aon seems to be Ix-ating time when they
iwing from 12.000 to i.i.oon.
It must Ix? rememlxTed that a very
Jirge proportion of this los is made up
)f chiltiivn. How strikingly frequent is
:he reference in the death list to "Mrs.
Lines am six children." "Mrs. Smith
uid rive children." In the morgue the
ittle mes he in dozens where the adults
ire in half dor.ens, but there is and has
jx-n a much greater ditHcultv in re
.oveiing the bodii-s of the children,
lleing lighter ami smaller they have
f ten Ufii swept into out-of-the-w-ay re--sst;
that are ahut inaccessible, and
ihey are more easily carried away. A
verv great proportion of tlie children
have ix-cn swept down the riverand their
ixxlis driven in under overhanging
tmiks, under thickets and in other
places w here there is only a sparse popu
lation and where the search is not car
ried on in a careful and organized
manner. As an illustration of this, just
Uk)V rew Florence some, fragments of
lothing were in full view of the path on
the river Lank. Hundreds of ixople
nassiil the place for three davs, looking
for Ixi.lies, but thought it was only
ihreds of orthl99 cloth they were
looking at. Finally somebody poked at
the rags with a stick, and a swirl in the
uiTeiit brought a 2-vear-old babe to the
surface. The drift of opinion among in
telligent men, physicians, engineers and
railroad men, is that from l.)0 to l,."i'H)
of the liotlies will never lie found.
Thonzlit He Was rry.
A letter carrier named Patrick Hannan
stab's that on the day of the disaster lie
rushed around informing the pxiple of
their danger, but residents of the city
heard so much alxmt flixxls for years
that they yelled "chestnuts," "rats and
other epithets at him aud said ho was
just a little crazv. He ran to the hillside
and ju-t got up there in time to see tlie.
flood coining. He says it came like a
loud, and from what he knows of the
town he is satisfied that at least S.OOO
persons perished.
The man who n-ceiveil the first definite
warning that the South Fork dam was
aluiut to burst has just turned up. in the of A. J. Hass. who wascallixl up
by t"'lephoii-. nt his oflice at 8 o'chx k on
that fa til Friday morning and told to g.-t
out of town, as the South Fork dum was
weakening nud likely to give way.
Although Mr. Hass went home im
mediately after receiving the warning,
he d'xs not seem to have appreciate the
gravity of the situation, as he and his
family were caught by the Hood and nar
row ly escaped with their lives. Hail Sir.
Hass conveyed a warning to his towns
men he might have saved many lives,
but the probabilities are that they would
have shown the same indifference with
which they had received numerous
similar warnings in the past.
Insnranee Agent nad Photographer.
One of the features of the day was the
arrival of a large numlx-r of life and ac
cident insurance agents. Fully lot) ar
rived and they are hard at work looking
up the victims wlio were insured in the
different companies. Very little infor
mation can lx-procured yet. as there is
really no official list of the identified
dead, and even if there was there are so
many people who cannot Ix identified
that there is little or no hox- for the in
surance agents getting anything like a
compiete list. Another feature in the
arrivals is the number of professional
and amateur photograiihent who have
put in an apjx arance. On every hillside
and at phices among the ruins cameras
can be seen in abundance.
Tlie I lt of the HorrlTorx.
The registration of survivors goes on,
but not so rapidly as yesterday. Tlie to
tal registration to date is only a trifle
over 12.000, out of a total estimated pop
ulation of the torrent-swept district of
from 35,000 to 40.000 last Friday. Al
lowance must be made, of course, for the
large nunilxrs of survivors who have
sought refuge with friends in other
places, as well as many who have failed,
either from ignorance or from omission,
to register. Hut the falling off leads the
autlmritics to apprehend that their worst
fears may yet be realized and the death
mil may amount well up into tho five
figures. Visits to several of the registra
tion offices and inquiries among survi
vors who came in to register and a com
pilation of the replies to them, indicate
tliat the proixirtion of tlie saved and lost
is alwiit equal.
llob Fowler. Experience.
One of the most mournful stories yet
related was told by Officer Fowler of the
IMttsburg police force. He said that
while standing guard at the Baltimore
and Ohio relief station he was ap
proached by a tnxip of nine children
walking single file, who were under the
command of a girl 15 years of age. She
told in a simple, etraightforward way
how she was tiie oldest of her family
and that her father, mother and older
sisters had leen drowncd.while they had
$urv'ved. The officer fed them and then
put them iu cliarge of a man who veri
fied their story.
Fires light up tho waste places round
atiout Johnstown, and waste places are
the most prominent features of the land
ca Some of tlie streets have been
uncovered. End a large part of Main
street has been cleared. Much. how.
fver, remains to be done on it. and in the
parts remaining uncovered by debris it is
expected many bodies m-ill be recovered.
Many of the lxxlies recovered were in
very bud condition and had to ix?
buried at once. Others, on the contrary,
are in a remarkable state of good preser
vation. Three taken out of the debris
at tlie Cambria works were as firm as
marble. They were Mrs. Downs and her
widowed and unmarried daughters.
Tw Isted Out of Kiiape.
Yesterday morning while Superintend
nt Miller's men were raising a car at
Wixxlvale the body of a little baby was
found under it. There were two sliawls
lying near by, and Mr. Miller thinks the
mother is not far away. Her body lias
not been recovered. A young girl of
ilxjnt 14 was found under the car also,
lierlegwas smashed and twisted around
her neck. '
"The people are dazed," said Superin
tendent Miller. "It makes me feel sad
to hear them talking alxmt their friends,
without ainarciitly showing any emo
tion. '
"I have been on many a bloody battle
field," remarked one man, ,-and laughed
it everv one of them, but I can't smile
nere. This scene is too ghastly! The
-ight of dead men, women and children
touches the stoutest hearts."
The Greatest Myxtery.
The mystery to everybody who sees
tlie destruction wrought by the waters is
how did si i many people escape. You
talk to men who got out alive and they
.an t tell how ii was dime. In some in
stances the water carried them to the
hillside and they were landed. A pas
jenger from the day express was carry
ing a cripple from the train to a place of
dielter. The water overtixik them,
when he dropped the poor fellow and
made for the hill. The cripple was car
riisl awav and drowned. A lady
grablxsj the man's coat, bat she lost her
grip,"and in -an instant she was hit by a
log and killed. Foreman Kelly thinks
that not more than five jxople were lost
in the trains at Coneniaugli. but Mrs.
Schick of Heading, who was on tiic
train, says that one car was carried ofl
with twelve passengers or more in it-
Prompt Measures by the Ktate Hoard ol
Johnstown, June 8. Dr. Menjamir
Lee, the secretary of the state Ixiard ol
health, has taken hold with a grip Uxr
the handle. When he surveyed tht
gTound to-day he found .that there welt
no disinfectants in tho town, and nc
utensils in which to distribute them liad
there lieen any disinfectants. So he sent
a squad across the river to the supply
train below the viaduct, and had all the
copperas and chlorate of lime to Iw car
ried across the bridges in buckets. Hf
sent another squad burning the ruins foi
ut.-nsils. ai.d in the wreck of a general
store on Main street they discovered
pails, sprinkling xits and kettles. Tht
copperos and chlorate were promptly set
heating in the kettles over the street fire
and in a short time a squad was out
sprinkling the debris, which chokes Main
street almost tv the house tojii for thre
squares. )
The reason of this was that a brief in
spection had satisfied Dr. Lee that nndei
tlie wreckage were pihxl the lxxlies ol
scores of dead horses. Meantime othei
men were at work collisi-ting the Ixxlief
of other dead Inn-si's. which were hauled
to the lire, and, with the aid of rosin,
burned to the numlx-r of sixty. A largi
nunilxT of dead horses were buried yes
terday, hut this course did not meet the
state board's approval, and Dr. Lee hat
ordenxl their exhumation for burning
Dr. R. Lowrie Sibbett of Carlisle, was
made medical inspector and sent uj
through the boroughs up the river.
At Mineral Point.
Johnstown, June ft. Mineral Point,
containing alxmt 22!5 residents, ii
situated alxmt seven miles east of Johns
town. It has since last Friday been com
pletely cut tiff from the rest of tin
world. The loss of life here was not
nearly so Inrge as it would otherwist
have been had not the most of the peo
ple left their homes some time before,
owing to the reports of 'the dam being
liable to break at any moment. Out ol
a total of thlity-four houses in the plact
only seven are left, and the reason they
were not taken was that they went
situated at some distance up the moun
tain side out of reach of the flood. Not a
single vestige of the houses swept
away can be seen. There was only one
churcch in the place (Methixlist) and it
was swept nway. Tlie numlier of per
sons up to the present time known to Ix
drowned is 16. Tne town is almost com
pletely obliterated. What was formerly
the main street is now the bed of the
river. Many resixmsible people here whe
saw the Hood coming afiirin tliat it was
at least 20 feet higher in the center than
it was at the sides; and as one person
graphically expressed it, " looked just
like e sliding forest rushing on us."
24S Bodies Found.
Johnstown, June 6. Two hundred
and forty-six more lxxlies werr found, of
which the majority have been identified.
This swells the list" to 3,113 bodies. On
the corner of Main and market streets
to-day the workmen uncovered 32 bodies
lying withiu an area of 30 feet square,
and they had evidently run out of their
houses in freight when the buildings fell
uixn them from the force of the water,
Tia-y were all badly crushed, most of
them being unrecognizable. Up at til
Fourth street school -house moue are
now 40 unidentified lxxlies.
A Pitiful f.hi
was the ditcovery of a woman in a pik
of drift on tne tanks of the Coneuiaugli,
not far from iu. Hastings' head
quarters. cl.ipiti.g her threo children in
her nns, which hid to he broken to
take them from her for preparation for
interment. Another mother with three
children in her arma was also found.
inese illustrations recall a story that
is told of a mother who sat on a roof on
Saturday morning after the flood, with
her nims children gathered around about
her. The father had been swept away
Ix-fore tlieir eyes. Devoted as only a
mother can be, she refused to leave her
place until every one of the children was
in safety.
1 ne twelve children that were found
in the debris of the opera house, the fifty
that were found near tho Presbyterian
church, the twenty that were found in
the mountain drift in front of the
general omcea of the Cambria works and
the 300 that were found in all yesterday
give promise of an immense fist of the
dead that will only lx revealed in its
entirety when tlie list of the survivors
is made up.
A Change of Diet Seeded.
Burgess Evans of Woortvale is afraid
a fever will break out among the Hot)
people, at that place. They imvo been
living on bread aud pork since Friday,
and unless this fare is ciiangcd very wxin
an epidemic is certain to break out". The
people are aLso bound together in close
quarters. Tlie burgess has ordered the
houses to be scrublxl from top to bot
tom. What the people need is tents. There
are a number in the city, but they have
not vet reached this place. The Ixirough
has lx-en cut otf from the city until to
day. It is to Ixj hoped kind friends will
relieve these (x xir people at once. They
are sutTi ring untold miseries.
A Ilroken-lleurted Woman.
A grry-liaiifd woman was among the
applicants for clothing at the distribut
ing depot nt the Pennsylvania railroad
station in the morning. An outiit was
made up and given her, but after exam
ining the dress she reapproached
the agent in charge and asked if
he wuuld exchange it for a black
one. "I have lost all my family,"
she added by way of axilogy, as the
tears streannsl down her wrinkled face,
"and would like to have a black dress if
1 can get one. My husband and four
children are in that awful pile by the
stone bridge, and I am alone now." A
black dress was found for her.
A Ilemoerat Appoiuted.
Washington, June 6. John Vig
neaux, who was yesterday appointed
United States marshal for Western
Louisiana, is a Demixrrat. and was recom
mended to the presid ?nt by the Louisiana
Republicans for protwting negroes from
vio.'ence at the Novemlr election.
The Itlvem.
Portsmouth River X feet 5 Inches and ris
ing. Umisville Hlver rlsinff, wltli 9 feet 5 Inches
In the falls and 11 feet 7 inches in the canal.
Cincinnati Kiver M fuel z inches aad swell
ing at nutm. .
Truffle Suspended.
rtRADFoltu, Pa.. June 3. Jfot a train
has passed over the Western division ol
the New York. Luke Erie and Western
railroad yesterday. FromWellxville to Al
mond, a distance of twenty-three miles,
the road winds along tiie bank of the
(jenessce river. Ilig washout occurred
at FJm Valley, Tiptop. Alfred and Al
mond. The big iron -a-idge at llellive
dere is reported to have collapsed.
About thirty culverts and small bridge
have also gone out o trains will pass
over the road until Monday or Tuesday.
On the Bradford division three miles of
track between Irviuc's Mills and Cnmill
ton is all under water, and a big iron
bridge spanning the Allegheny is weak
ened, and may give out. Not in twenty-one
years has the Allegheny river run
so high. The towns of Limestone, Tuna
anil Carrollton are submerged. The
Buffalo, Rix'hester and Iittsburg, the
Philadelphia and Erie and tho New
York and Western suffered heavy wash
outs, and lost miles of track at Marion
Junction and Johnsonburg. No trains
are running on the Kixdiester division of
theWesternNew Yorkand Pennsylvania.
Nearly all the trains out of Bradford
have been alxindoned.
About 2,000.000 feet of logs went out
at Weston's Mills, on the Allegheny, and
other big booms also broke lxne. At
Portage the flixxl is unprecedented.
At Friendship a large brick house top
pled over into the tiixkl.
A Live Raby Fished from the Hirer at Pine
PiTTSBTRfl, June 3. Last evening s
pathetic sight presenttsl itself to the eyes
of the vigilant watchers along the Alle
gheny river at Pine creek, on the West
Penu railroad. At nearly dark several
men - who were catching and hauling in
drift and anything else that might Ix
made useful. They had Ix-en looking
for anything that would float, but were
hardly prepared for tho little package ol
humanity that Lav wet and almost
drowned among a lot of debris, which
had been drawn into the eddy formed by
tho mouth of Pine creek. The little
thing, which is hardly over a year old,
was taken out of the wet Ix-d, which
might have Ix-en its watery grave. It
was taken in charge by Mrs. Jarnc
Farmeic of the Rising Sun hotel, when
it was warmly clad and carefully cared
for. Sunday afternoon it was as lively
and as healthy hxiking as any child of
the same age.
It is almost a miracle how this mite of
humanity escaped death in a raging tor
rent, after a journey seventy miles long,
while many thousands of sturdy men
and women met their death almost in the
twinkling of an eye.
A report comes from Freep-ort to the
effect that a man who had been catching
and holding on to anything that his
"pike hixik" would reach, did not lose
his presence of mind when he pulled in
a piano with the corpse of a man on it.
Hd got hold of the water logged musical
instrument, hut left the laxly to the
mercy of tlie flood. He was watched by
many sK-c tutor?, some of whom asked
liiui why he allowed the body get away.
He replied that the corpse was no good
to him, but the piano might be.
At Columbus Mirraing- a-ame Philadelphia,
11; Iniiianaimlis, K. Afleruoou PtiiJaeelpliia,
11; Indianapolis. 4.
At L'uluuibus C'olambaa, 7; Louisville, 2.
Warnings sent Down th. Valley Rom i Ce
fora the Calamity CoL I'user's Story.
PlTTSBfRO, June C CoL Unger. who
is at the head of the South Fork Hunt
ing and Fishing club, has the following
to say of the bursting of the dam: ' Tao
rox)rt that the weir or outlet for the
water in the embankment was closed or
clogged up is not true. It is aiiout
twelve or fifteen feet high and very
wide wide enough to allow all the
water to tlow out under ordinary cir
cumstances. A screen was placed in the
outlet, but tliat was a sma'd concern
about two feet high with a pier of tim
ber on each side. The remainder of the
space was entirely clear, and the screen
was only heavy enough to keep the rUh
"It was raining hard on Friday, and
as I live within a short distance of the
dam. I put on my gnra coat and went
out to look at it. The lake, was then
rising at the rate of four inches an hour,
which is quite fast for a body of water
like that When it got up to the weir
tho water rushed through in a terrilic
volume. I then ordered the laborers,
ten or fifteen iu all.
To Cnt a New Sloi.-eway
at the west end of the emiiankment.
They worked incessantly, and the water
kept coming up all the time. As I said,
much of it escnix-d through the weir,
and about 11 o'clock the thxxl began to
assume such dangerous proportions that
I ordered a civil engineer. Mr. Parke, to
take a horse and gallop through the val
ley and warn the people of the iin)x-id-ing
danger. Ho left in haste, and did
his duty, returning in tune to help with
the digging of the new outlet.. By the
time he returned the water- was U'gin
ning to How over the dam. The new
sluiire was discharging a fearful volue
of water, and I was advised by many of
the x-oplo not to dig it or have it dug.
But I am positive that by it being done
the dam was kept from bursting for
fully an hour. We also had a portion of
the roadway on the top of the embank
ment ploughed up. which formed a
breast work. This was intended to keep
the water hack
And Divide the Current
toward the sluice way. We had piled
up the dirt to the height of several fis t,
and this way held the water in check for
more than an hour. At about 3:1! the
dam burst while we were still at work.
When we Ixcame fearful f the dam we
sent wanting down along toe stream, but
they were apparently not heeded. When
the heavy masonry gave way from the
immense pnssure of tlie pent-up waters,
and I had done all in my x.wer to avert
the fearful disaster, I was thoroughly
exhausted. I returned to the house and
wa.oumpletely prostrated. After Mr
Park had given the warning along the
vnliev, he came back and assisted in the
effort to avert the disaster. The dam. as
is known, was built by the state. We
diil not increase the height, but simply
repaired the wall."
Ptttsbarffurs are now In sole charge of the
The First National hank is open for business,
as ii. also the savings hank.
- Nearly $is.'iii in mnnev was received on
Wednesday fur the suilorerx.
Sheriff MrS"'aniiles of PillshMfK Is one of the
haniest workers ou tiie irrofTTid.
A servant at the HuilxM-t house, reiiortd
rirn!, has turned up safe and sound.
The R & O. road is now ox-n to the eaM sod
trains are being pushed in every direction.
Thirty doctors arrived on the scene from
Philadelphia. There is work for them all.
Another lartr of undertakers arrived in
Johnstown Thursday uioruiug from Pitts
burn. tien. Lew Wallace teteirranhs President Har
rison thut his wife, who was reported lost ill
the fltxHl, has turned up all riirliL
Lynching is gixid treatment for the irhntils.
but even thts extreme emtty basso fur
insufficient to preveut an occasional offense of
the kind.
A boy aged about 10 years, who is snpyxised
to he one nt tlie victims of The .lolmsiowu
flixxi. was found in the Ohio river at .Munluur
junction this uMN-niiitf.
The Fonrteent u re-riment is ronghintr it
their tents liave Dot arrived yet. They will
camp, as wxin as their tents arrive, opposite
the itaitimore and Ohio depot.
Diliirent search is still beinir made for Rev.
Inlley, the Kpisrooalian minister, who. with
his w ii'e. dauntilor and infant son. are mistnir.
His friends reside in Lam-a-trr. Pa.
Miss Clara Burton of Washington. D. C, the
leader of the Red Cross corjis. known all over
the wriald, has arrived with her assot ial.-s,
and assumed vbariie of all female relief corps.
The mnniclpa! council of llnhlin, Ireland,
unanimously adopted resolutions of sympathy
anil condolence with the sulTerers h nissls at
Johnstown and other places in the I'uitt-d
The trustees of MHIwoikI park, flreenshnnr,
have thrown ox-n the ground lo the use of the
Johnstown sulf.-rers. Tne coltnire owners
have also g-iveu tlie use of the cottages to tlie
same causs.
Tlie loss of life in the frvir Konmn t'alholii:
oong reirat ions is rc(mrosl nt from sui to l.ito
out of a total of from lliol to s.ito communi
cants. The loss on church properly w ill toot
up about f
Mrs. Miller is thought to Im iroin eraxy wirh
grief fta the loss of tier father, mother, tbne
sisters, a hrolber-in-law ami Ins infant son.
Her bushami survives, but tlie two of them
had a narrow escape.
As showing the utter desolation that has
fallen upon those that have ht children,
many married couples are seekiiig liltletines
for adoption. Auytiiinir thai may tx; a hulin
to their bruised, hearts.
A committee of Pittsburir Episcopal minis
ters arrived this morning to take charge
of tlie parish aud extend what, relief Ihey run.
So far as they can riml out the conurcaliou
loses IS out of SO communicants.
The flmi army tents bronght on by Adjt. (en.
Axlilie of Ohio have heeu divideJ, and two
white-walled villages now alford shelter to
nearly n,tnw homeless people. Taese viilagi-s
are policed and under cnarge of Axhue.
Seven suspicious looking individuals were
escorted out of town at lilo'chx-k Wednesday
by a squad of the Fourteenth regiment, t ol.
Perchment has instructed his men to keep a
close watch tor all disreputable l.iukiiig char
acters and run them out of the city.
Minor Contributions.
The Jackwm city (MichJ bank bas forwarded
a check for m
The employes of the Pittiburg postofTlee
contributed Jcjis Si.
Marietta. O., sent $1,0)0, which was received
Wednesday maliing.
The total hs. as estimated by conservative
men. is placed at
The National Brewers' convention. In session
at Niagara ralLs, contributed SIO.UUI.
The contributions keep jionrimr in. and now
almost a million dollars has been received, la
cold cash.