1 So n FT T! "Tl SOMERSET, PA.. THURSDAY, JUNE 0, 1889. i Lv ri J or dac rer. lie. I.cv :.f i Is lfa: il r VL trf.' m ulii. iiol: VLSI i C( is -i 2.0 Vi'S i nXCTUEDEAD. SASDUSKJfOWNLAID TO REST. ATIIETIC SCENES. o the Work as a Mere latter of Business. :!;EAr.orT$n;in-;n. orpses Still Eemain in the Dying Embers. :ers on the field, Mtrrr ! Ant liurlty ff the sver ,!ju I..-D. Ilastinir. Ietile. That H Hern W h.desalc Lynching :rliciii littler- Kitaldlsliel Alioiit t n.' K.-cordd Thr. Hnn a.irc nrse. I'ouu.1 at Nineveh . r in the Mot-Riles Provision. ..tiling .milii in lsapldli Tlir ..h.iiia K.a.l Again Kuntiiiig untitle Once Tlirlviii City. .n . ,1 niic 5. Tin' Pittsburg t t 11-iW llflioVed, will SUCI'l-ed n-y.i'.j: the fir.' at the ruins in (.sl-.ti.- hl'i lge llV IIOOI1. ,! tin,, morning was fearful to ri pi- cannot found ti m!1 c.ti-iit of tin' wciu' pre , fa' t. !n li (Ulr looks at the . !i-':i'!n '-'f and liitrilly knows No one ran realize w hat .l.s.-i.-r li" s-es In-fore him. A :i 'neciie 1 1 i j ti the town, -,. :!y iiilial.it''l ly :!:l.oi! ; r! ri- k. (1. ainl tin- ruins irtjiw; iaiUti in tin- riv.r. till- shore VI U HtV tllf i l I unit bodies of llieil, : : riiii irell lying Oil tilt' bank r i...-. You cannot walk moiv 1 n , '.limit seeing a headless. !tvl' lIy, or thi' charred f"i iiii-r rsii"iit of Jolim; ... rescuer- came to the Issly of iii I. l ikiil to lie Imnlly r-i x. 1ii. rc seemed to lie a smile : which iit la any -wot itl- in't iin.ro limu 1() fi't in I.. iy .f a woman, Iki in m;v wa tin- inntlii-r of tin .- liaillv liunifii a to ! Ji'll IhkIIi W'tTI' jiu kir! i' I ill i -lie i'iil?i. .ri l u; taken from the ruins i .! -mi- eery live minute, i nt iTi nt tJ.ut fifty - mi tif liaflk. 'v ..f . o:t:n on the w.'st hiile il.' liui. run out. ami the i". Tn iie laiil on the jrroutiil. ".!,! of -otliii!i is -xie'tii ''ii;. ami if tin y lo not r-.iii-wuik nf re-uini; the lioilii' Mmiiin niiiih will have to t' tV -t.-iK h ur;ii;c f rom the 'ITli!'-. "i miilivtlr lli.-tilli;;. :i. Hasting Matiil that in .Mir sturi.-s Mtl)lis!iiil in eer- ii- r-t.itlie I'tlii't that there '' ale lyin hin anil rioting s,iti-lay. SaM iie: "Thex' n't. rK ..f truth ami i:.jur.' tllr .al-ls that V,!I'-:U -n mi- lu re krums th..t there . II! !li' "tatelllellts, l.ut the Itoin In re have no means :-' i: l'iriii;i;ion only tiirotiL'li '!. 1 tlilnk Iiiere is enough !!! In r.' ithout I'lil.lishiiij; -iIiiiii.;! stories." I .nii.u'fc 1 ritir Ieal li. 1 '-. .'uiie a. Swift I (avis, ' .-.i'i' !i.i.t. fonnerly of i'itts- ''' the itwiijrers m the ' ii In lay last. He says "ir.K i'aiil-.n ami a frieml of 'i. i.je. N. .).. were ilniwiu il. "I cat of the ear ami hail lin y waiKeil for some !. lai'liii,' it very iniiilily, le lin ir ovi-r-iims.. ami jiist as :!'! 111.- rarai;aill tlit-v lxitleisl i.-iiiIult I l.ii.ln.ir ,t i...- iav. they put their arms r . ins (, ;:, , (,ls f.,,,,1 II- Mil ,l out of Klilt of il:'- l o lv li ..... l.-.n tliat of her fl-iem! w ie 'iNtaiHV from the car. r"'" ..tl,IM,-il. . June 5. As it is iinnossi- a ii.iiii.li i.. ,t of the iiea.1, li lliis .11,1, ,( s f.,r '!- of tin. iviK. J),, hjw tiiirtvir r..ei.t. ........ ...... ft tlie ti...,7i .iMriets. ami urn r.fl.imi. i.i o lir.j t" U'-:!n !.n.i ,.,., j,. ' 1 IT..!.:. 1.1. tl,... .1.. -'il a. tin' iivui;; :, . wH-uri'il. "f Where f.wi ..iveii out 'ti ll in. n takin- the name I ' '; iin ris-eiv.. ai l. ' "" r. i:i-tiati.m ofij,., ),ave j CT'-at w-rviee. I ,.. ..... .i i '""I of ea, h otle and in. i a Ini k .in, I i-..i i ' t ; , ; ! -- ...j.. ior xne wir-i "'""! to n.,ir .ir ! ''"I.s.-.,.,, TiV f,.w hHi,,k.an,! 'ti.er their iri-n is or rela- ! ,':i"r -M the ,.ur'li ! -t r.li-h.nj a h,':.,'i inarte'rs 1 ... every live minutes 1 l-oi l, .., ,. ..ir, xi( ai.ej ' 'M i-t..:,,. in tHS wav l.vn a!. I,, toasver- inui i,.i,,u . Illencs. VMlelia lianie i., n a.l an l any one knows hnv thimr Rl.mt the person. l,e Kivm the in formation, which U placed in a Ixiok for that piirpos. This manner of oUainin news has be, n verv satifa torv. s"l Hi. ArwI Father. Ji.UNsTf.wx, June 5. -Street ( -imi-Mo;., r II of V .Ivale t.-lU of hi, nar rovy ,Mae. He it,j lis tW(1 father, a-eil s. ti,tt aJ ?il, liveil opsisite the ehi iin. iil works in Johns tow n. When 1. ,-! the liaill hu.l broken he t.x.k his fath. t in his arms nnil wild his family starte.l to tin- lull. His wife went to J'iltsliuri- on Sunday witli nothing on but a caheu wiapT. )Ie says t lere were NO.) residents of V, tiodvale, -uiU olilv aUiut 1 ."'. are sav'Lsl Three Iltinitr. il lt.Mli.-s lturie.1. J(iit-ih-, Juno 5. Tuesday was tht day s. t a-sKie by the citizens' mtnniitt. for th"- Imryini; of all the uni ii utili 'd !eaii, that liave ls'ii lyim; in t!u iiiorrui's since Sunday. At lo o'. l.s k tin men who were in charge of the tuirvim; startsl to work, ami have Ijti-n busy al day. Tin-re are no pathetic M'eii"s at tluss hun.-ils. The inen who have h 'er, hiril to do the work seem to do it just a a matter of business. The bodies arc la'inx interred in the cemetery nearest the phi?" v. here the Inslies were found. At noon a procession of a'smt tilt) cotlins was seen e,oine; up t.hf hill alsivt the railroad. Tiiere w as not a inournet present and the sif.-ht was a h:istlv om to behold. It w ill take se ral days U bury the bodies in the dilferent jrrav yanls, as there were few graves dua and no implements to .lis them w nh. A larire d.-t n hment of men arrived from 1'ilLshure; and they were immediately put to work at diuu'ini; graves. AltoLTther alsmt l Issliiss were taker to the different cemeteries. t:v. re are !mrn .".urtj to tj.tKH human K'myrs an-1 1i.m0 dumb animals sleeping in the Muolderinpr dcliris. These figures, added to the S.atx) (xsiies alreadv recov ered and those uot yet found', would hrins the awful total up to at le.iit I3,0il"1. AVhile rossin: the mountain yesterday from Sane Hollow lo Ji hns t wn a corrpmnlcnt came acrow a little knot of workmen eneaijed in luryinj; lh" dead. In one immense tomh twelve coffins were lowered. They were the remains of a fevy of the unknown denil wbieie idciitilv will never be known iu this life. OlM of (xmI'm Niihleiueu. JullNsT. ivvn. June "). 1". A. (V!dt. one of the lai ire di v pshls dealers here had ulout tlie only store left from th flood, li is s:iil iie had aUmt ?.t.lHH worth of st.i k on hand, but gave it all uuav lo the ihssl sutferers. Ke. ..wry of ItiMtien l'rieee.tln Ifapi.Ity. Johnstown, June .l.The list of cas-ualtn-K in the vallev of the ( uiieniau;;! jn-ows itii appalling rapidity, and a. the piles of del ris at different points an moved ad iitionat Unlies are brouj;lit t the view of those encased in the ghastly wiiivli. The work of recoverinf; tin )iodi" is l'in e;irriisl on in h very sys tematic manner, but flier.' are hundred of Udies which will l- iiumliered anions the unknown. Hie Debrt. Must Ih KnmeiL .Iiiiinstovvn. June ft. - Dynamite Juiii little et.t l mi til.- tfiirir.-w-li.T.. s.i iiuiiiv v u-linis ..f llie rt-xsl are l.tirnci tort.-atl.. Person wiTb s.'nitiv.. i...s!rils dei Irtie c bat a sleti.-h is aliv.-tev Hi isiu- irtiru II, anil il has nlnnr-i iwrn (Ixiil.d Unit llicsi acres .lelitis must lt leund. Tlierv seeing to be no oilier way Ui i:vi i-Mi of ii. A ftN-rtator'a KMImate. Johnstown. June S.-Tcn thmisani) people N v.iml n iloul.t sui-i imili.,1 t.itlic ravages of tlie rt'iml." siiid Mr. I- Jti k. "and Instead ef the ae'-eiil.ts -nt ..lit In tlie lHie-s iH-iliK en ..w''erated lltey ere the very reverse. 1 w as on Itic str.-ts of Jolinstna ti' tell minutes le !nre llitr I!'h-I in all lis fnrv burst tiftou the e.ly. 'I.venty thousand lasipl.. h;-M heard the fearful vvariijtn; tlutt the i!ni was ntmut t( burs! and Were teeme li flit- tiK.untain !'r safely. That teire limu half (il them .-(iitl.l have . scaiksi lo I tie his. i. r rtHinit la lure the aler siihtm-ruiil t;.i'Vai:ev seetns In mean nhsnlille lll'lMis-i-hililv. tot- tins reitsiu lain im-lined to lieve wilh Adit, tieli. IIstins that htfiM hxm have been Ixst.' B1IEA1) Ul'OX THE WATERS. ASYMPATHiZING PEOPLE CONTP.iBUT ING LIEER M.LY TO THE tUFFERERS. SilitMeen. In ttin May. Jciiss7.iv , .Iiine S. -Tlie day iias Iss-n pro. lilic ol iiiei.ii-iits nf mure than imiinarv inler- est: I h. of l.latiin; the .e-hria troin . aiiut It.e st.,(i,- liriiljr.' '.vus r.-aliy inl.-rfere:l : wi'h b the iinm.'tise ii.iniU-rs'nf euriiliy i seekers wh.i ihnnis'isi the br:.lL.'e. Aliollt'i o'i lis k l.tenl. l-t'ir-at. ..imi'ia:ii:iii(f a weia.l ot ' the liflli r-iiiiieio. Nalmiiai oaarrls i.l I'eiin- ; sv IvuniH. io.-tr( "ail u;-n I in- bri. I and draw- ; on: his men in line ordered evcrMmdy tun th 1 lliillllainen Ireni liie i.li.ls'e mi tlie liaill nf m- j slant (Lath. u.-li a s. atterinir a fi.ihm sl : has net l-fii wiliiesstsi hvre slnei! the disaster i is-( urred. j li. rt. tl.isliairs s(M"it eonshierabletim.'at the sc'.io..! h(ias(. iliit-.-t nib; the m. n. I he l..ir-I h. i.rled general .-..uiit nut have lieel kin.h r. j The iwM.r iM-Lpic intve l.-o rntsl luiove tiiis lusn. and Ins ecjicrmis ('.ceil-. ili net Ik- fur-jnltcn. ! Ilea he sis-.tks. even w licit he ea.is an.n.l I. : the lia-n. t 'lire is .ji an.l s.mis.lby m In.' ' t.Mies. and the pco;i!t. know it. I Struns I'p by the rek. ,totisT.iw. .tune .V- T!.e i.hi'.iti.n.s of lawlessness that laive taken iiace have lieel liil.i. and .tinv et them a(is-ar cisch nere the nii.rim.it. i ine stun lais' e.,e is rti(rti.(I hea. liis'ht Iruin Nl.eri.i.-m sia'i .u. live miles Is-low .l.intl-t.ev Lewis I:. ..Mil. an III len.la.ll al th I'.cdl.M-il lrs-I hn-l'ilai, is aiilhenty for it. A li iie.-.i i;i a w .-(s i Hiis'iil imh'H real ill:; a c(iris... and un-aT etn-e ttrwli.; uji bv tli-Mlisk hv an ii.llli ialcii cruwil nn.l ti.ulied u il h lnilli ts 1 he aui ii.-i: v-t.r the story as a ar1ii ijianl in the vencaii. e wreaked .iu the lieiei. Wah:n;lonl:ini tsony Sin.OOO Worth, Iteside twrtoad. of Clothlucwud fro. visions The I'resldent Tresi.le. at . M.-etiie and Makes a Feelln- Speeeti C'tteerral Jj.ciatlon. from sany Othei Sou roe v Washington, 5fny 5. Tlie meotinc for the relief of the Johnstown hiitterers at Wil!.,rd s hall brought together many irominent public otiicials, army anij navy tdlioci'a and citir.ens and resulted in pem roiLs cont : iliutions and donations of nioiiev. provi-ions and clothing, l'resi derit Ilarrisoii presided and ma ie a brief but Impient and ijntiressive sts-h that touched the st-nsilnlitie-i of all who heard liiiu and elicited from his audience f 're tient applause. His arrival iu the hall was tlie iK-casion for loud applause. 1 'is triet .'oinmisioiier IkuiL'la.s all.sl th ims-timr to order and iniriHlucimc th Iin-sideiit to the audience, invited linn ti pr.s-i.le over the di lilK nitions. President Harrison in takimr the chaii sjioke a.s follows: Everywhere to-day is distressingly conscious of the circum staiues wnicli have convened this mis't-itiK- It would U imiNissihle to stab more imp:es-ively tiian the nevvspaTs : have already done the dis;r 'iiii'4 inci-: dent atteinliu the calamity which ha.- ! fallen tivm tlie ci'y ,.i Johnstown ami j the neieh mriiis' hamlets c.a.l iin a ! lartre section of Pennsylvania sitnatnl i UK.n the Stis-Ui hanna river. The j;i i:ij ' pencil of ! lore would be ina.leijuaie U. : IKirtray toe I Ifmrors of This Visitaliea. J "In sti 'h inei titiLrs as we have h re in 1 the mdn.iia! ca dal and oth-r like oath- i orinns that are taking place in all tin I cities of this land, we have the onlv ravs , of Iio;n- and li dtt in the (;enei;il oo.m. ; When such a ealamitous visitation falls ; Ujion any .section of our country we car i do no iiioi e than to put als.ut the dark! pit tine the ";nl l.-n U.r.l.r ol love and! chanty, j Applause. It is in such rir.t i -as tlnsse that the brother!! "ml ot man is! welded. And where is sympathy and; lieip more appropriate th .n b.-re in th.' national c:ii.l.d'r I am l !a I to s iv that tally tills t, iiji'iiiri' fmiu a citv not long! n'o vi-.it. d w ith pesiil nee. not loti ace ; it-elf i'.pjs alinu: to the charitable -oih i of the whole land fo.- rebel--tlie cilv of I J.n ksonailie. Ha., tin r. cam Jtiot at tlie ciose ot tne meetins; an ct.ort was inade to j;isa resolutions thanking the president lor hi services as chairman of the meeting and for the in terest he had manifested in the proceed ing.: but the president Legged the gentlemen who offered the resolution to withdraw- it and then, declaring the meeting adjourned, quietly left the hall. Minor 4 fintri button. r.leenwood Spiings, Colo., forwarded ?-"'-". Toledo has forwarded sixteen cars of lumlier and two ears of cotton. Two car loads of provisions and 200 men with tools arrived f r m Heaver. The National Tulw wnks of McKecs portsent tiity-tive negroes fullvei,i.ip(-,t. 1 lie ir.cn are under full ciy from the company. Dayton. O., telegraphed this i'lorning that td . had been rais sj in uvi: min utes fi r the si.tf' ii rs. HER HAIR TURNS WHITE. Van.Uili.iu tn the Mitr-ne. JuIfNSTiiWN, June 5. The It-. v. IVale. who has charire of the principal morgue Ktuln that W.U otiluj LUot t uitat viui-a italisiu is.ntiime toiK-cur throughout tht ruins.' The depr.slations reach even t the morgue, where numerous Individ Uals have found their wav under th. pretense of looking for d-'.-i-l fri'-n-is and relatiws, and have eni:ai:iMl in picking pm kels and extiaetiiig money from th clothing of the dead. He say, that they have a iinie tent. hard-working and th.iroUL'hly hotnsit lot of ople there, but they are unable to watch everything that goes on. so that these gislle-s scotm lrels can ea-ily pur.-ue their vocation, il they use a little precaution, without b'.u of debs tioii. that tide of charity which Unwed toward il in the time of it . in cd. in a telegram from tin' Sanitary lieiief as-o. i.,: ion an tliori.iug me f. draw tiivon thinn for ii-.S''-is,i'orl'e rvli.'Xo tU4ii(a4-lviii)iJ. .suiterei's. I Applause. Ii.it, tin is n. time for sK-is h. While 1 t il ;, men, wenic'i ;iiid children are siid'enn f(i the relief which Ave plan to give. ( Ini word or two of pract e il s i ;,;, stion and 1 w ill leave this ine. tin lo give eileei 1 1 your impatient Nenovo lence. I have a de-pat. h from t'ie gov ornor of Pc:i:i-vlvama a Ivising me th it comimrii' alio.i has ju t been op 'lie I Willi v. ilU imsHiit, o:i a branea of tne A TlirillhiK Story of tlie Km ape of Tn. Mottiera an.l Tl.elr t liil.lren. I'lTT-Bt U(i, June 3. Mr. W. A. I'raw- I ford, a ook'rstovvn merchant, with hl wife and laiuily arriveil in Pittsburg I yesterday. His wife was one of the rs. i cueit lrom the great Johnstown horror. j Her 1- ur has turned white from the aw f..i .i ..i... 1....1 i i .... t.. n hi in r iiiiu nil- HHi.M wfllh HIlll p.-.U'. Sir. Crawford tells the story of their es a': ".My little family left me," lie said, 'two months ago for a visit ;n Harris burg. On their way home they stopped at Johnstown to visit friends, th:' family of Jlr. John Fulton, general manager of the t amhria Iron coin;any. They were tin re w hen the flood " And here Mr. Crtwford stopped. There was all the nt-u;i emotion of the siiss'tise and torture mid danger of long hours aqii days in his faltering voice. His trife came to his h dp. "Yes. daughter and 1 were visiting with Mrs. Fulton. Mr. l'ult m wasawav at t omu'llsville. We had hail some warn ing of the high water and had taken up our aiieis. snouts and cries warned us for our lives. We made for the roof of the house. It was a thiee-storv brick structure. How we got our children up mere i snail never know, l rememtu r Mrs. hultonwas the last to come III through the hatchway to the roof: and I that her clothing was drenched. lint ! there we were ut la-st. Mrs. Fulton, her ! two little girls, my (laughter and myself an.l a must girl there alone uim.ii the roof of that tlonlimr house, borne tijiuii nv a iioimi oi ru-iiing waters. "What did 1 do? 1 shut inv eves and .a , .,. . c!asi my httle trirl ami tmtved. It WILLIAItISrOST'3 PLIGHT. Hajor Forrnta Tlcrpfaa th CoTrnot of th Depl )): situation of th Popla. HAEHT-iBrBr, June 3. Th following toleraphic correspondence passed jes teniay between liovernnr Beuvor and Mavor Fureujan of AYilI.amsiKrt: Wii,liamhimt. June 4. .orF.R(n Bkavkb Ihr Hitutttion U th.: TUv Nomii has iivn cMtrwl f frmlLe prim ijiul the river fn.nl and tut niunurjwturtti umht-r ha lwn ivpt mwmv. 1 tie jou-H-Mot the iii)le nean-Ht th rivrhave h-en rarril wnv with all thev xkshw?.L ThouatMlxiif people are homelttAn ami wlth.Mit aiivthintx but the clothe inm their . k:. rrv!ionM are senne and need) quirkiy. Many f our ieile are in absolute want for tn-' iiertiw, icft if life. We hwlly need 1 MnfertantR. Dead anl Tiials and ail kindx of rtUh are -trewn upu liie street.- and jfrave fears of an ertidemic are ciiterttiim-d. Starkiifr KMMlt of wtoren in the renter of the city nre ruined. It i ImposteiWe to e-tlniale the low and damage To property, five million ilol!art id a Vow estimate on lum ber alone. Other le lancer. The wummnd-ittii- country has suffered jurt a Iwnliy. KMn.-. hruUeM and villuj; have reen weut "awa ano tiie hw of life is conH:ilen.lle. Jitrltfe fiini n. ins, trea-otirer of the relief fund, will be leriinaU to the faithful distribution (if all KMitrihutintis. KesiHinMihie rlief coiuniitteetf ar now orimed in each wartl tn the city and aid in aduitttiterd mm fant .ut we ifet it. rien. io;l, ue are not 1ismaed, and rely on Hit trMitiauco. the Keneromt v f our own At are and country 10 aid uh in this the hour of dire net w 1 1 v. One thousand military tents will affird th preaievt tm-"jtiie relief to our people who art now without nhi ltcr. eini us veral Urge tnesH teniM, w here we can feed the people in L-irue nuiuiter. The low ground where the? pcit;''' re-i.le i- annnlit place fur them to re turn to for sanitary reasons. (.SiK'i,c-l J MAYtMt FoHKHA.f. The piv.-rnor rplind : Hot irood cheer. Your ri-li.-ince is not mis ni;ct d. inrtl and t iie ctinu. r Mill su-taiu von. ill rea li yu with in ip h mhu a-Mimr-Comery hriilL.'. can be cr-sr'd. Am loitdnn; i art here with ttt.iir and rot-cri.-?., notwith KiaiMlinir the prMirt' of our own stricken et pie. ill teU-nnipii i'f-i.a tclphi al on-e lor prviions and iiit,ectaiit-. I'nt y..ur unein ptoved men to work in removing debris and cieanitij: your city. 1 w ill furnish mnuis f.i IHivuai llu-iH n-asonahlo wa-rrs am) this will answer theuotihle purpose of preeiilinu liiie ene arnl l;iw losnt-ss w hieh springs f nun Idle ness. Ma not be aide lo -end uU tenia, but may 1h- able to send c:tnv:is. Iulic4 and Klrenieii ll-1(eved. Johnstown, June 5. tliit f J. O. Hrmvn of tht1 (Irpartni'iit of puMu Kitli ty La arrival In-n wilh itns at tiicmen and jmlire to rrlicvt- timsc on duty wlid are titvd out. Th'r' ar1 KixUftt tirt'n-n under tin' control of i hi'f Kvans. w ho n'lt.'VfH I liit f iM.N'h. iKd.M tive Mara lias 4 liari'4f tlio fn-sl) n.l 1 ;....t O. .i.r I. ,-. ,1...... ! vilie. l iie I , , ' -..". a a I wMrclittur. but aiH W OI K. Ml JTtl tl!!!!' lOU'"lN"I!l" Hl. SiiirinUindi'tit RiLer )f th hall!i dtv iKirtnu'rit and men arrivinl mi Ktmt I milt and will rvort to tlie und takfrs. 1'rider Martial Law, Jotinjstow, .lunea.- The town it now in tht ha mis ut the initio Hint he deputy Mheril' and it i "ht- i.ikh t U..t j4iiinstK n never hao tiHre prote'Uir- ol tt.e pi-ace wittiin her txnt- er- ! h hi ' ti.t at prc-n(. I ne -hen II J; l" ! i io-er c i.i rl a cl tlbil i ai law The ''t'pm v shentt- and t hp jmiice nin ei. ol 1)ie tim n wt tT iciven oid. rt iiot tontiwan en-' tv IMtMii.U it 'iiit--- ! the ii prijH-r. i t -t iiM'uttes an tttmt with can? a iff tiie nun u'lvi'ii t u !.)Ci-i.i -id iiat t( tner'' v m t be tdiitvoi piii.icr . hy whn n tht citv t- iji.w MV.'rrnit. Tiic dt'tmt i-ri stattsi that t'n- utu;.i ripr.t a : i y ' ' I ' mi siu'ht whowa f"'it:d in thy Jutii---- if the drowm-d pio;lt. otie.il th to-tt n-uard -;ji: at a r.ifiu win r'fi-d to nt'ivi' awjty from the nla-'v wht r he bin.:. The fit.tt di l not 1ak' ei(o l. Icit ; loan di !it't uivelhe. r.urd uii '.Midav.nlli.i-ht ii.eenl.lmer. from Pitt-I "j"' :'' nT, atl t'lat ft h--s li iri; iuiv- Ixru wrli'ij v.illi lire ln-t'e... It j III ihat S ;; ii Ut II 1VC I tH'tt apt allm-: tlial i -kes.:.,. to-, -e a .o.i rem inad.- in On- :iiv lliousiillds of IiiiU tlicn art ii'iriM'ii or in the iimit-, .iev tlie erii!ttiinl;iii are i-nt into the Umu-s, hut one vii i;-l ii. the blool -ifc.-ht. M.-n h;ive uot- tell hi votid t lie :iuv W iieli U-mi-w rtiiU . Tl.c :nt : too w t-ir anil it rriti.-d tti v.e p. In fact. ThoM' i itw,j ti re'h'Vc t it nt i-xMIpts.. Ho ad- I ininlf v rvsriicd. Tills is in leriff tin scciipm !mt ft ni.tnii-nr. anoint-r ti citing uotiM' Utre cia-hui down inNii u-t. v could Ufl tin huu-e lieiieatli us parsing out from under u.s, leaving us with the ror alone Utwt-i-n u.s and th; water, Ti.l TMat Mr Plvinjr way. 1 thoulit it was death wt fa d. and tuv hewrt wns Lr-'aking for tny little Kirl and for my luiiiand And lien Mr. t 'raw- ion nnTiKtM, teanrnr the nervous in v.,urhipMsl,.;:,luI, ,l,,,s Wif,'l u . , ji.il v eiii.s eiiouim. in? bain. Illfsa. two women and four girls, wilh noth ing left them but the frail rthif in that h i rilile rloo I, were saved. With ih-s-p rate Mrenth. taking their little ones, tiny made their way to another roof against which theirs swung, and from that were taken into the tinner st irv of i house not driven trom its foundations ll. meles, ninl IN iiuil.-.s. I XI,, -re they si ivisl. pu ked in a darkemsj And tiiat there is an immediate call fot ! hall all night, and from there thev were I. w ht) Im e hM f netei ;t;tMar to !w nimt hel ie, b.lt tleep "Imvii in h'lr l.eitf!, t lierc IS alt llfh- iiW pain tlial cm never he hcahtl. HllflpliC of fM 1 tin', i stoiy. ne I.e t Out of a I amlly of Ten. Johnstown". June ."i. A family of ten jMrNons name 1 Ii'iher came here last Velnesilav from wmie town in Khode Island. The father an-l M'Vetal moils se ctin tl work in liie i'amhria iron (lks. All were drown, d ex- t pt Havry. lo ye:ir oltL The little fellow has heen taken rharp of hy a kindly diihMni lady hv ino nut of town. The Uy savs he Jiar an uip le named Thomas' 1. J'ui;h living iu Westerly, K. I. Still IHcxiiMt Out the Oeat. JtH::-Tow , J.nr. "i. Rr-lies wrest It hin ' retoeret khvifii Nt r lorencc and Joiin I tow iu So far t ouLi In-it-arte-d in -Tjws; Inive been found at iJcrry. Ittflivcr or h!air- ple Hi tliew places art) -0.1 ; loe rit.nl mid ili dn l mi clci l. . that not hmw: of an a'-eour. uii bcdine. i Al M-imMMlli Minif lo - itaiinf in Oie -t.imi ' the - Wteiirlhed another corpse. A In tut fifteen were pfn'-n1 j ni i piai-e an -ei rier. ! At Nineveh nine p.ore !mmIm-s wetV I.ii.-.i.. One wu re (.-riiel a Miir liarncv tFf tirtKMi- burtf. Aboiit i" hodte are now l!iitf 1 Or 1 l'ate. The conquer s clerk h? tj lauaics til j -tioi i ne ocuti. SOUTH FORK LAKE. S it TH Fohk. June 5. A ntimlier of minors have Iss'ii flying around as to Set t"i.Ml Ht a Mel. Ji iHNstiiwn. June .1. A man who was employed by t apt. Jones was discovered purloining valuable In in a roidence. ) le was set uui by an infuriated mol of workmen.and but tor the itit.-i vei.tmn of Capt. Joti.-s he would have been hung up to the nean-st telegraph jxile. He wa si nt to the lockup ntt- r la ing s.-archi'd l v Capt. Jones. This is proUil.ly the riilv time the s'ae' was di-turls d on this side of the river up to noon. At Cambria Citv over .VI Huniiarian houses were ran ii'd away, and f !" Iluiieanans employed iu th mill over .en-half are missing. Spkarae denien the stori.'S that the Huns are robbing, and hays they an- tniit.il inhumanly and Millie are in a starving condition without food or rlothing. and are treat.sl like dogs when they apply for ail. At letii t to SIiihiI stionla. I JoHvsTovv x. .ii iie I.nte vcter liiv aft. r- nii ::. II eiier r.-tcirT.-d that llin-ve had j I ii. -I re'.iin-d lie- liil-li:. nd's irr.-tve. A n.vvH fel- ! li'M.dliie He:ieitl llll.t iillil-crs Id lie seelje. t I 1 li.-re were -ix men e.illtl.-el 'd viilb lh ; KiMiei-v. Tlicv were I'Tsjnai'ly nrresied. and j ; w hiic an tie-ir a:.y to . lie ii-rn ut llen-lia-l-! i inirs a tri'iil lemaa pnllerl tils revolver and vellisl. ",.w ."i d'.-, ..'! crave reldier-. Iml ! In-. .i-fel n. I sd tile, anil Ivf .rr he is .aid -le.; ! as'a.i' ti.e ''.( is, l,.id I nrnisl amain! and lliev ' at ii'iee rcsiiinc-l tin- ii i-s r li-itid and plae.d 1 tlx O men ill lie- hal.d- of tile .lnl.li-.tii R t In-.-, iii-d I'lIkiiI in a teiiijN.rur jttil liv.sl . I.r Ha' piirixe. . vis. tne that ran he hast 'I v gathered lu re sl,,ul. Is wilt via HaiTisl.mg to W'illiamsiHirt w here tin y wiil la' distributed. I sug gest, therefore, that a committee ! idn- stitutisl naviii; in char'e the Ms-cdv 1 w hat had Is-come of two or thns- of the collection of .inicles of foo I. Th s--1 Pittsburgers w ho were siipi-n'd to have casion is such that the bells mi-lit well ; bts n at the lake. Th 're were but tnree li' rung through your streets to call the : or four gentlemen there, and they went attention of the thought les to this grctit j overland to Cresson and fmm there east j exigency, in order that a train load of ; and are presumably now at Pittsburir. i provisions may In-iiispitti lied to nie.t or 1 Col. Ciller started east Monday for the i in the 1'iirly inorying to this sutlcring purtvose of reaching Pittsburg ia the i ieople. 1 suggis-t s..condly as many of j I'hila lelphia A F.rie. He was deeply iueHsipie nav nan me entire iiirnisii- grieveit over tlie altair. A story pre ingsof their hou-es swept away and have j vailed here that the Pittsburg (sports now only tcmiiirary .shelter, that a com- man's club had failed on an indemnify mittee ! anK.iiit.'d to collei t sueli I ing bond of i,(MHi,ll0l, but it proved "to artii Ie of cloihim:. ami esi-ial!y Is dlla- incorrect. Another story is clothing, as ran lie span d. Now? that ! iu circiilatii u that the " dub the summer season is on it ran hardly be ' intends to at once coin- that a house in Washington can t spare ; ineiieo to ri ivair the ilamage done the a I'lanKit or a coverlet. .Mid tliirii, I suggest tlii.t from the slil-tamial busi nesit men and Uinkers there le apKintcd a loiumiifi e who shall collect money, for alter the first exigency is passed there w ill lie found in those communities verv many who have lost their all. who will need aid in the reconstruction of (heir demolished homes ami in furnish ing them so that thiy may lc a.'aui in habited. Need I Ki v in c. inclusion that It(.lii;lit I. round for a t'emeterr. (fl!t:rNl!t'H'f. June 4. Rev. I). SSl... .:-,.r lin.r !.,.. of it... .Itton.v disiriet of to- C. B. church, wife and a a tenipirarV , tt.Zen of U ash.ngton it daiuht. r. Ki i-s-ea. aul nieoe. ralna w""1,1 -''"' n' gntit satislacti.m if the Mi.srer. who lived in Curnsvillc, a;!,l "aHonal capital should m. generoiisly who were in I he flood, but es.-ai.sl. ar- i pl''". - this ral of our .listresd f,l rivel here vestordav and are at thr ' 'V' "un "s a" U "-I" ""Us among r.-i.ience of their son. Ma. k. Kd. l,it.-- ",c ' ;l'l t",f "lr Al'l-lans, . field and tsife of this riiy, who well j The I'resi.lent sen 1 His 3!lt. visiting in Johnstown, and who wen- n-1 f..t. that as I am now callingfor con p.rt.sl drowned, an safe. A force of tributions. I should sav th; t on Suur- n lett Here yest. ruay utlernoon j,,.. wi. ti,--t m.i.i isisl of tin .lisnster Morse. Carta "I Va-n Slilpe.l. Pitt-bi kh. June V-i-The 15. & O. ! lljiilroad rompanv sent out " cars if liiinlaT. ho;-ses. carts, wagons, hoisting ! engines, and lls of all kinds forremov- j ing the n k. Jw. p.e ars oi .vi- ( nn!ta imtneihate sn.iis .'irrivtsl at Johnstown to-dav, sent : over a iiirect v i: for Nineveh to dig trencln-s and bury the dead who are not idetitiliisl. The nm inissioners of W. stmori land, Cambria and Indiana counties have Isiuht a trai t of ground there for a cemetery. The to.venior Wake. t"i. Pirrsiit'R'i. June 5. Tlie following telegram has be'n rei'eive l by the relief comniilt.'e. in resjioiise to one sent ask ing the governor for aiJ: Wal. Mei'rocry, F.s.j., llltstiurif. l'a.: JlH e ni.nle rr-iiiisiiion fur p.int(ons. Tlave Llimieiil on tlie iireshtciil v in endeavor to k.-i up at Johnstow n. I Id'-graphed a sui scri tion to the mavor of that citv. I do not like to siieak of anything so jiersonal as this, but I felt it line to myself and to you thai I should say so iirt.rh as this." Alter the president roneluileii his ud diess, a numlaT of vice presidents, wcrctaries and the treasurer of the incrt ing were seh-eted and working com intttii'8 w.-n' appointed. It was an i nthusiastie meeting and the resjmnses to the president's call for immediate sub scriptions were -rompt and hla-ral. The district Uir gave SVi. Attorney '.ieneral t o-.li Hru. . Ok sent ailotlier ' iirsimjuim in o -. nun. i.u.i . eiin i.i i-iear sillier i". Jolin VV . 1 lloln nson S-.IIO, i.iroi nrovisious anu i iiiniiun; .uii-u i ,,.. tw o more cars of tiiiso llaii.sMis tirovi- i 1 her.' should is.- ihm!. int-iiiiiiii:li. Hue lour e-ojerT!e and 1 a-l!l pay e.v s-les-s. h.'iii.l is: nod. -lav. J.VMKS A. iir.AV fc.H i si. eis and clothing, l'smth v Minn -nt , W hen this was receivisj the tn -misTS , out ft HI lalmrers. 'of the committee present congratulated ! Itheliislves uimti tne promts.- of rdief. , ; one saying. "11 has waked up at last." , I .Y.XKI tlte lit.sit IC.llmate. JulIN -TOWN. June a. The lat. st esti mate of the nuiiilicr of : olios I uriel laue:ith tne ruins at the stone in id -e is bv .sui.-riiit nd. tit Pat Ion of the 1 1 . i. . i ... i. ill Iretru. lions have t-s-en i--uisl from Ottawa to fi ll as.- the captun d Ameri can schooner Ma tie Winshipat l.'alilaT savs hethinkn at lis? least calculation ' turity for her vaJ je. and Ohio railroad. .Mr. Patton j Uon the l inted States yotiul giving National Metmisilitan bank .sVn. Na tional Hank of iiepuhlie 'Vm, I"rivate Ss n'tarv Halford s'".0, Sivretary Noble s-"d. C. II. la-nion S.VKI. Ilain rult lavis M'i'i. Srrit.iry and Mrs. Proctor s"o and Auditor John I t:m h -sluo. V great niim'yrol' citizens i:.-cniasl sb u. An ngLI"- gate of S. 10 ls W;.s sui M l iKd. 1 i -roups more valuable than th money Mi:eriptioi:s w. re the large ipiantlties ol fa.l and clothing donated tiy scores of men bants thniULrhout the citv. ' 'ilni r' Vi,t, Js BKKAR IX DAM AT SOVTH F IKK. Jnstlee t.rav Married. Wa-h i, .T, ,x Jlmi. j ustice Cray ol the I nited Stat.-s suprciue court and Miss J.annett" Matthews, daughter of the lat" Justice Matthews, were married at the bride's residence last evening. A large ntimla-r of distinguished guest witns.sed the ceremony. THE NEWS FROM PITTSBURG. Soldier. ilizentv, l'niviuna and Monej Sent t. Aid t'ie Johnstown SniTerera, PlTTsfU liu, June 5. Sixteen passen ger cisiches on the Pennsylvania road were standing on the Liberty street tracks last evening waiting to be loaded with lalairers to n-nder whatever assist ance they could at the scene of the flood. A- rsdfepmiin stool ut the' entrance of etic-h roach to see ihat no mere curiosity seekers and loungers Uiarded the train. Wagon load after wagon load of meat, bread and other solid provisions were also lieing loaded into the express cars and roach -s. The men who go to give a helping hand are coiihms1 of nearly every nationality of the world. Eurli man carried a iiich ax. shovel or crow- inn street was packed with riti- Uir. zens widening tie- molly rnwd, and when the tram started a cheer went up. The men are under orders from the Chamlier of Coniinen-e. The train started on its destination alxilltU o'clock. At 1 o'clock in the afternoon four eompanii-s of the Fourtivnth regiment left the Cnion depot for Johnstown, (iovernor leaver having l-alled for them early in the iiiorniig. At 4 p. lit. other members who missed the first train left to join their romrades. Telegrams have lieen passing between inciuliers of the relief -oiiiinitt.se here and at the scene and between railroad otiicials. One of these eseeially is not calculated to lie reassuring, and is little less than alarming. It was from a mein lierof the relief corps there, and said: "For (.oil's sake hurry the triaips. The situation here is indescriliable." lake, and this story created the most intense excitement, and around the sta tion several men emphatically stated that they would shoot the first man that ever attempted to r'iair it. As far as has la-en learned by the expressions made .South Fork would not he a very pleasant place, to say the least, for any member of the club to le just now. for the expn-ssion appears to lie general that had they exen iietl protier care tlie acci dent would never have is-curred. The Cambria county courts were to have oa-iiel on Mondav. but oil account of tin; terrible calamity and the loss of a b the indictments with liistriet Attorney kosi- it w ill lie po-tpmed and an effort is to le made to have the grand jury rail the attention of the court to the accident to see who is n-stiisibIo. BRIEFS ABOUT THE FLOOD. The loss to the Peiii..sylvania road will run np into millions. ,ov. Heaver tins ordf red all memhers of !dn stall tore.irl lo tiim at -loll ti-l.iwn at once. . A. K. tjosis are responding liberally to the fluid. Many of their comrades have found watery aTaves. .Many ot the rescued survivors have arrival in I'lltshtinc and are lomfurlalily housed by kind-heart. 1 .-iti.ens. t'harles II. la-wolf, atravrling man fmm Al tisH.a. is slill no ii.lc, and it is l.lieve.1 ho MTishe.t In I he waters. The linns were not the only ones who were irniily of mhtiimt the dead. Many trofessiiiu.l I li lev es were ou the w-elie. Three h lltdred mure rwvdies were found yes terday atleriioon opposiTe Ninev.-li. 'this makes Ten Ih.jm found at Ihat ..int. Nine thousand persons out of :u.UO recorded their names at the twelilv-nve reinslrv olfu .-s opened 'f'ues.;ay nioruinv for the liviitu. Alleeheny t'ilv sent six car loads of nrnvl. sions to Johnstown this niornimr. Over toill ;a inoiM')- was also sent f roui the aanie city. S. B. Hradford, of l'ittshnric, who was re ported .Irov lied, rclurt.ed Iiohh: at a lale hour Tuet-day niiciit. conuni; hy way of fcrie, I'u. A woman was taken into a uiorirne with fill in Bold and silver on her iwrson. she iirolu.l,K- knst her lite in the allempl to save her money. ThelK.lyof J(Reilt K.ms. the first victim of the Mood, lias lasen nssivered. Hoss was .-rs-intc the street ou a uiuie when the Hiaal cauiiht him. Manv heniie men are utterly worn nnt. Imr. irut heen on duly constantly from the tirst. Many of them fali to the earth from sheer fatiuue. Pittshuruers have rstahlished a hank at .lohiistown and will reteive all cnntrihul kuis and haiHileall warrants ordered hy the .r.per committee. It will take weeks to ascertain the total numtier dn.w-ned. Well-intormed people al Johnsiown iill lnlst that lu,im is nut piacints the number any tun hiKiv. MaJ. Frank K. Patterson has teieirrapbetl le. friends in I'ittshunt tu-a his wife and chil dren, w ho wenr reported l.mt on the day ex press, are safe at Kbensburif. For the first lime since the flood rnmmunt ration hy the l'enlls Ivania railroad was re established Is'tweeii the stricken c.ly and the oulsele world on Tuesday n.M.n. Wili Hee.1 of 1'iltshurtf has tas-n sworn in aa mayor of Johnstown by lien. Hastimr.. Ills nrst otticiat a-l was to dose all the saloona and empty what stray whisky he could Unit into the nver. The wa'er di'iiartments of Pittsbarv and Al leaheny and many pmiidnerit phywi. lann nrice every lamily in the eily to use no t-ily water fur driiikini; and culinary purgioMn unlew it has first been littered and distilled. If J