M ti,. uin ;!! j J,)Iin: tov.., Pa.. June . The r : !' .It ' ,.;r,;, ,!f my ! r : -.,..,.,;.; j.rc toilav are just f repitl . ,. ,r;r, !.-!:. u- tin of ;!1S(. (.V);,.y ,i.lV ,,K, i: ts v i i.iiii :i''" v'y f ar-i : I'1" k. - Im.l.t with . me fame ir tn .!! vi ry h.njr. i-mU ,-s ; s!' thi'ii rvturn !..!rs in our '-;iirj: , cut t!ii j.atrli mi my . r-i i tho rii.ttT!.'ir aft'Tiioon ; hs at .1i'ir-!;iy :.flr ttat : lit it ; J" tl iil not ,. ,. v ; r .s.-ni-f wlK-n the i. , n ; O'.'umior .,, :;, . ;,;...;:t tli" nm-Jcr. , I.'.te in Ynunp-town : ws living l.ar.dy to 4; V.'..rks: have kcowa Jo ,;n , at : a' iiim on the .iv ia.-t at hi home, in tlie 1 by his house be-(H-k in the evening ; .,.. 1,,-iwixt n?1 ; I hiil him the ji aii'l a-fl how lii.s family lin v wi re an win anu i- f.i-n i!y ; have no lxKik by ;', the time ; lis the time ii .rk ine only two days in.UiV and Tuesday. .:.;. Vounto n in at tout fr..iu Iave Nicely I went ,,iri-'.a-t l';.U an J wasn't away ie unti! Aj-nl : I .was on my 1 1 jet my brut her to move u jra.ciiiu i" front; g.'it my ,t !.,v iirot'.ier's; met jeopie on ; .'. i t reTiieiiitier w ho : don't r u.i t-:ns anyone near Pave , :.: 'r..:u there mn 10 Me ... I kiW !mfT.u'ii Uy there uf t;ie hoys I know; the last a J..ivc b-fore this was at ,. . time la-t year; Mr. ,t:Ji.i me hre; I didn't tell "..r..t that I didn't see Jiih , j: ii.iv : didn't tell liim tlsiit lie ( i .c ni"te than I cuiiM miike . (. i.f; il: -in 'I threaten any ot ..,-.: didn't nay 1 l.al a pistol .n Vj:,it: cii'ln't tell him I was !, a handy billy and revolver . rt. T'.-!i.a?-I was called as a wit--ll: tVtiimoiiwra!th: they licked ;j !.. ; ki tti k that ha.l lcen u;-U Pave Nicely; I know Mr. t!,r j, '. i !.ve. i Put Uetlxxik in evi 1, r,. I wouldn't positively oay ,.r that it isn't the pocket book . - In I u id Niivly to give to Wat ;,.r: the one 1 pot from luve .- h.nre sf.fftlian this is now : I (smii.!- the "Hkct'xMik close ; ! i ': i k like the one on the i'u.e Nin iy rive uie ; to the f l;v kiMwitil I don't believe i:.c ketbiHik. ii..- j-iiiit Mr. Camp was.recalhd ,1: ; r. it Mr. Tlicnias in Liii:ier j (; :h n tit piH'ketlxx-k and ask tut t.-a't the ocketbok Dave Ul ii-ven him ; this puckcth?k !,' 1 i.j 1 and showed to Mr. Hooij, wiili ii terrible imiiloiiiti-s-s J and awful furv, Mnick the tnwn.l The i;ptar.n! of Davi t nn l Js.-ji'i Nicly, the iri,ni'rs", would not indicate that th-y ure the Imrden-1 criiiiinuiii they a"- - r.-raliy twiieved to lte. They are a very different kind of lix.kin;! I'lio ox. it. !m. :,t h s t,..,l .lrt-,!,,1?c rr:' "'! fj'-"- eonvi-.ted f ,r the MKiiewlmt. l,ut tl.-.- arc stupi-! r'"Wry Jr" YU r' 1T v'1 ""o:,i? l' I I- .1, r .i !'"-' h-i'idreJ otoer men in the Court ni-d bv the linmiisciios- of then- . , . lo Vd l..i. f.,. not one la twenty oa! I point x,,. . ..v. . u,iv .-jthfci out us probable; i.iur.l-.-rers, n.v u...... ..ic iiiuuiKMo t.oiMiig-j scpis f.u-e ia round, nosj ' oi vvf ciaos a yvjtouiatii Mau i v ark unit .-w f.rhM.t i,;,h.n,i of work anil relief Unit is already j smooth, hair on hU head thin and fiae. It?imiili2 to !liOV WOIIilerftll re-1 He wears a Bim?what heavy and long salts. Tlie Ohio men have Come moustache. His aza is steady, and to Use front itt a var that is wiu-j - th? ciatinuud and cl.js3 oiuer iiiuj all heart-s and j.iliiiy; up a debt! vulion of .lht" '"a lro-l of upacutorj, ol irratltll.Ii as botllld ess as .1,,. ' o mere is no more mieresieu perajn .bv prominent, of every qtiestkin asked and answered, and pjint ra'ned and settle 1 in Die roam. Not a word uttered bv counsel, witness or ge etH-apcs his attention. IreeJ in a neat tilting black coat, vest and pan t, with clean, white cellar an i ruifs, his 111 cli'ariliir Ul appearance is that of a somew hat phrew d the debris iiml rescuing the bodies I business in in. Immediately on his of the dead. The fire has been ! ril.t sits his w ife, neallr and fashion- cliarity of the.Di'.ckeyc State: thev have tents tip in the flood-swept plain ii front of the Company j juJ , , More; ttiov come with horses andi. citrts.pi.'ks and hliovcli and are do- lns, effective work sulidtied in t!ic vast pile of wreck age that had piled against the Pennsylvania's liri.lge, and it is now proposed to tise dynamite to break it tip. Siipt. Pattou and his assistant, Mr. Manning, have done wonderful work in getting the Som erset fc Cambria 11. It. opened down to J led ford Street and are handling the relief trains that are constantlv coniinir in with consnni . ... .... , i. i ate ski . 1 he 1 ennsvivania it. iv. ab'y nUircd i'.r b'ac'i. S'.io is a mo lest and unassumin). llv, w ill. a rather thin and pale f iee. J.ik her husband she h?.Hr the fixed stare of ban Ire Is of even without the east si'ju of embarrassment. On her right is the chair (Kxvipie I by David, the other prisouer, by whos side his wife with a foiir-monlh-old bale in her arms is usually to be seen. ' Iave" as he is called, is a taller and slenderer man than his brother, and quite as inof fetsiv in apjx'arance as his brother. With a thin visaire, a straight larj; nose, people have a temporary bl idire clear black eyes, m'.!h short hair and over the new channel formed l.y the "'' "'i" ' "-tad'e. he sits with head river and are rushing the relief trains from the west into their de pot. Temporary bridges have been thrown across to the 1. M. K. station and to Kernville. Capt. Jones.of the Edgar Thotr.p son Steel Works, has charge of a usually resting on his h ind, quietly and somewhat indifferently listening to the pro ve linp". I'ulike Joe he seldom ?ayn a word to bis counsef. To tho riu'ht sits the mother with a n-'at blck dit si on, and her head and fjee nliii-W. covered w itii a laijje black bonnet, 'iap".l in the customary fc'yle larire force of workmen and is do-iof those allowed by the I'uakard Church. Her fue U emaciated and birikinnlj pile, indicative of feeble health. Ap parently the never loses eiyht ofany thinir coin on. O.i iier ri'iit the father is alwnya to be ,seen; a patient and ilose oliscrver of i everything sai I and done. II ; is a sh rt, I angular man of Fomf Ik) years ol ate. j His side and chin whiskers are quite T.u; n -u:i:.d Mr. Camp drove :i .o ry stable and called me out ..il. h. re 1 have a p'ickotbook i:.t t"-lew vou, to see whether ,ue I ave Ni.vlv save von " ; it l.J; rent "lie from this ; he didn't r. - 1li .-ne ; he had two piK'ket- :,i -l.. . l me; I told him they d t li.e ij kflbooks ; on the day r. -p.i arrested I we,nt down for Nucn and Mis Horner: Mist . .a! 1 m u.i' that she couldn't rec- ! a '.he liitie man, for be had a mask r 'i;-M'r;i d the appearance of the . -n. tMi:i.i:ie.l Tin-re was a yonnp ii the h i-'V with me ; I don't i v i.i' was. or where he i ; don't '... :!i.-r he went west: Nannie r is :i i hst'.e girl who w as in the ; ! -ii"t think any one was by a::. j. u.e the iwke' books; it rn eNamination of the oi ket : fr :n the time it was eiven to me ..I Nh.'v t;'.l I pit it to Wnts n ir: 1 ti !.i rn me that I had li e " k : I j-i:t it in my inside est . lii l i..it t..ke it out til! I jr.ive vat ii l.n .her ; I told you .Mr. i ti::t I 'Tiil not positively ay trtl.is wa or not the pock't- ing such work as only love and a great heart can do. Among the parties reported lost in Monday's lb:it.U.r Mr. Samuel Shaffer and familv are now known to be Favt.il. The roof oa which thev were, floated down against Cell. Campbell's house, and Curt ....... , ii (. ainpuell ami his brother suecee.teu ray, also his Ion' hair on the side and ill taking them off. ba.-k of his he 1. His forehead, owing One of the things that went liotnc to baldness of his heal, ap;-ars to be to the heart of cverv visitor from higher than it really is. X one can fail Somersi t was to see John lions ton watchiutr every brick and stone and piece of timber that was t.iken from the wreck of the llulbeit House. exioctinir each minute that the body of his daughter would be revealed to view The bodies of Mrs. 0de and her daughter, Mi s. llur.-l and her trrand children and Miss Grace Oarnian have not Ik-cii found. The Ti ilmiif: and JK-mmrat both expect to resume publication at! once. j A temporary post-office has boon i established anil the people arc now' i.lde to communicate with their ! friends. to reeoiinize. a h'rong, if riot Ktrikin, family resetnblanixs anions the parents aad the two boys. Fine Clocks. AnsonTa Wabi.it Mantle Corks with the 'atct impr .-il t i'il day movement in for only $j.oo. at ls ro-t tlian tl ey Lave ever Ixt'ii sol 1 al lh'fir.-. A'si. Pc!h Tliotna. Clocks of a liner grade at i aval $S oO, a! IIfki llaoTUCRs. XU XEW DEVKLOI'.MI'NTS. OFFICIALS DILIIVE THAT THE CLAN-NA-GAHL AR1 DL.AMELES3. Alihoii'li M. M. Tnshvi ll .c (.'o. ha ve ilor.i die larst iniiiiniry LusiiH-ss tlos w'ason ihey hive done for y.ars, by oir.i;:g fresh invo'cj !'? a week, tlity not only keep up 1 full Mix k, but are Mire to have everything of tiielatcst as it om- out. v-a !,-:.-.l.er-Mr.Thn-8 1 r-nd- p 1. 1 book ; this is nut the !-t-k handed to nic by bill a; the in-', l. was not red as 1 vv.n.ii.i .) it ami know that this is . !---k t ';-- k. i':;:av 1 I atu a brother-i:i-i.a:' t-"'.t : 1 t.ok tlie money cut " pk k t-i oj. t u,l j,,;t it in the '! r Na'i- n;ii li.itd ; I didn't say 1 t "k tl.e ni.mey out for fiir 1 ' z l a;a trouble : I told Mrs. Nicely '? 1 ''' p H'ket-Wok up w'a it 'l"i'.f i:!i the money. jury WHtf c.wn in care of Tip-M.:i.-rand Mifall f..r tl.e ni-ht and 1 'inie-1 t - a Wciueslav A number of ladies whose homes wore destroyed reached Somerset vesterdav and to-dav. They found r 1-1 I warm welcome iroiii kiihi iicai ..- and are being made as comfortable an possible. At the meeting last niirht arrangements were made to care for a number of jteoplc and Ir. Knd-ley went to Johnstown to notify the" committees. A large number of joople are expected to morrow. One of the first acts of some of the ladies on reaching the houses to which they had been as signed was to divest themselves of their outer clothintr in order that it might be sent to friends iti Johns town, who had not saved enough clothing to allow them to make the journey. One of the things bad ly needed is women's clothing. Down to Bad Roclt. Prop in mi'! how clnp yon can buy s Hanp'n; I-amp. Lamps of all kinds. I'i-he? of all iltwcription very cheap, illa s Warr at a airrifiec. kt the store of K. 15. OorntoTH. Somerset, I'a. Tl.e bus for the season as w ll as the trim niinzs are more stylirh ll an for son.e yiars The 1! .wer- are ba.itifiil and so m arly imi tate nature as to almost iro ive the eye. We have an immense ttock. Come and see it ami M. M.TkEnw ti.L iV t o. ti;. 'i ' n u 1 a' co'o-i of reidy . ai. i in a'v ij'iroitiiy you wanr. !'V H tiTi ., ; also, all kind l.'n". 'i1k? tiil.irs. iaint bnisiti'S, 1 - '..'a-l.e. at J. P. Holder- Mr. Cha's. H. Fisher has Wu-ht ot tl publishers of the HrEil.Dail 1. k n.im!..ers from March I '-th to present date, and can supply copies or all and any date at 5 rts per cpy- Mail orders promptly filial S?nd sta?e stani to Fisher's Iks.i Sio:e for Hkrvll's lck numiiers. Bu Finish. Ready fr u-e. No r.iii'f- rumiml Sticks to die vim and Unis'iies tbc whole cr .pif l'aiato b.i with one appiication. ne pound will go as far as ten pounds of Parii jm-en ind piaster wind by hand Sold chiap by J. It. IIoM.tltnit . Whet's the matter with stopping in at renter Itros., and buying a pair of boots or shoes before P'oing home. They will ul' taem to y ou cheaper than anybody else. Murder:: Coua!l:t. Snllivaa ninl WomtrntV I'nriiUitlj Arraicueil Tl.y rirail Toit Guilty and re Itpumuari; o Slire Artrt r TSoolzetl fur the Ircsvnt, at Least. C'liiCAOo, June 1. The actions of th police ofiici d y . strday betok. ned soiiii'thinyr out of the common to be on band for consideration. Muju-rintendeut Hubhiird did not come to hia olhce tiL late in the nioniinjr. lie was at th( North side nt an early hour, and thence In; T!:t to the oilice of Luther X. Lada: MilU. who iseni.si byl'n.nin's friend, to nnisei iite the ease. Mr. Mills was not ut his iittu e and the chief conrlud.sl ht would wait for him. He n-fii-d to talk a'jotit the Croi.in ca-vr. He admilUsi that he h.'.d hoard that a man luinn d Wiili?ms or Mack had Ivon arrist.-d. hut woallstiy nothiiii; more. It is said the man nnvst -.1 on the West Side by th police Thursday is uain -d McWilii.-mn. Tli9 f. llow is sai 1 to know soni. tl.in nlx.nt the wi-uia'tts of tl.e Curls. m atl tae whi. lt will throw liht on tlie mur di r of lr. ( lonin. The police do not think he is tin man who drove th .t.s'tor to the assassination don. lie if loi-Ue-.l up lit the IViitnl st.;t:o.u Out auo. June 1. Lkmtrarf to the general exns't;ition. the grand juty cupii-d itlf with r outim business, in-st'-ad of taking up anotln r branch of the t'rouin cr.se. Tnis was aue to tlie fact that State's Attorney la.nents k.T has not vi t cull- up his luiu.l whether oi not it is desirable to complicate the in vestigation by Koinr; into the :illi'ed lierveision of the physical force fund. Lawy.r V. J. llyi.es, widi whom it i said tho muri.red tiiau left valuabli '.is rs pvin tlie full drtailsof what h uid l 'uniisl re'ardinr the conspiracy against his life, had a Ion:; conference with Chief Hubbard, but no information v. "s votn lKifisJ by either mail r'tcardini; its nature, liefojv leaving the city hall, liowevor. Mr. Ilynes said that he was now more convinced than ev r that lht consiraey was tin? work of individuals and not of the CIan-Na-;a. l ns a ldy. lie In lievisi that th.- men under arrest w ere implicitol ii ilu murder, t ut th. y were not the bonds of the con-p rtc and may not have been the actual mar ileriTf. lb" was not sittislnsl with the conduct of tho case by the p lice am' would not lie iii.lil th.' criminals wen nrn'st.sl and th.- guilt fa-tcni-d npsin them. C'uc;.iiti. Sullivan an 1 VVooJra 1 1"irutall3 A r; sia:-.!. r.x-IYt.i tivc- Coti-h!ii.. l O. Sullivan the iceiiii.n. a.:d hi. ink Woo.lrulT w. ri formally cii-ai-tusl in Jiidi.v William son's toiiri ycsti ioay afb-ruion on tin iharjioof lunidciiii IT. Cioidu. Tin were lnirii.sllv brought into coun through th" p.L-s ini way le.tdin;; from tint jail ut a ti::;o li very b w ;ti tors v.-i ro jTi-scnt. C tin- l for th- pris oners h:-d n:;t lss-11 l;oti;ied of tilt h.toti.l sl u tion, but l-awver Utvid. win roim-.K-nts Jsullivaii, hai p. nod to Is- ii; Court at tie- tii.n". All thns- ; l.-ad-sl "hot KUilty" aad Ihivid to ide Hie r tcro t.vp.' l motion t iiU:oli the indictiin nu but no ilaf wis st tor ur'ument. Afur eaiii if the three pi Loners hiul ls-n fiirn:s!.sl withaiooy of the in dii t:.n nt apiiiLst htitt th. y were taken Ij;c to jail. All thief linked anxious and can-woni although it wai aprent that they were tiyh.g to pixv'rve a cool citetii r. MunT'frtiiriic a s.-nsallon. An effort was made this morning tc laannfactun a s ns.ition "or.t iif t'.e ar nsf f a man variously known a: "William" and "Mack." an 1 who a. taken l.y the oli -e from a West Si.k I'siin iioc.'. !t v;ts gravely stat-si lliat he knew aH at out the riimoaud that it w. iild p o ably l .l.'v. !od thai lie was the man that r. lil si down tlu carp t in tle Carlson cott.iui'. Chi.i iiuolard kn l.'sl this story in the head to-nih. Wiiikiins. he slid, had not the sii;;ht .--si c nnis tion Willi the mys tery, itnd he was simply l i: le ld at the ltsplaines stns't stiiiioa vniiiitsr hi ivturn to lhi Uridewell, from w iiith cscapisl sumo time ao. N Mrw ArnsU Iooktl. It was dcveloptJ l:sst niit that nt th conferon.-e l-twesn Hubb-inl and Ilynes the entire situation was pnie over ami that tlie chief expre.i.etl this e?np!uitic o)'inion that there wus no eviilem e on j nun. I that would warrant any aoilittonal umsts. ess-ially of the "sU-siss ts" on i which the Uitteries of Ir. Cnnin's i fr;ends have Ls-;i directed. Tlie city de- ts.-tives. however, are still following Uf j a tiuuiter of leads iroi:iisiiiif and un ptoin.iiiir. ami some oi w hu h may res Lal iih iiiiicrs of tl.,i Iri.-h Kind I. .iL'iit xpn-ss coiisi.lerab! .' tt.tiyaitioti witi In murder trials it is wnt impirtaiit to know the exact lime at w l.ii h the crime oc curred. To tl.e tinli itunate rriniiuid time may ! life. In all cases tone is money and j suit in additional arrests at any tune. money can be saved by buying time piivcs it Nnf & Caserns r's. who cany a laie --or'n.ent of the Finest Orades of Wa'ihes and CI iK-ks, Jewelry and "silverware, I'ye-'a.-ss and r'pci-aeles. We also -a., n:'n.viti of all kinds, fiissls l-.inhascd from us will le emtravisl lie of charge. NKFf & C vseuklu. Five Brothers. Fred, John, I!en, Il'il y, and Nick, now or nial at the Mure of Kb. 11. C iTKi-Tit. More Truth Than Poetry. Crocer Vouj-dit ha come to stuy. The reuson why is jat this way. His trade iucrcr.-es wi:h each day, Bt cause Lis (roods are the txst, all fay. is.t-i nr?. S'lncrset P.a. bv We are Klad to tke a.lvantsse of the en ten-tbeof the PviLI IIkrvi i. in ji-.i-i? an invita'ion to strsninrs, as weli asourold iat rons, to rail and see our immense Mock of IIa'., Itomiets and Trimniints ; he ales. K.r :'..,,, ,r p.n.s,. is r-.;ii:red - '. v . f J s f.sl,:i' i i f r.udin.id. ries, II.e. tiioves. T -s, -r-e !..;;, ra-i o ily be oh- j chiefs. Collars. Cuffs. Buttons, Corsets, Jew i: I'i-her book tlnr, 4c, ic. M. M. Tkipwell CO. rillsbury s Flour at Keller's. Voiight's is headipiarlers for proreries. rerfiitne cases at liiewker A Snyder's, All kinds of trusses at Uiesecker A .Snyder's. ITS ALL PURE HUMBUG Foa Other Duale. ao ST Tiitv r.sniLR.-ii.l SIPE BROTHERS. Tliey Cannot, Neer Coii'.d, Never Will, lloneist Dwaling nuJ ITair Prices. ARC LEASING rtATURES AY OUR STORE. Tile Hosk'jv art ill Tint -J tlx L.ans art Chained. i- Com ana See for Yourself. ' SIPE BHOS., Sipesvliie Pa, t'le action of tlie Fluladelphia couimtt t v in r. fusiuz to po.tKne tiie July eon ventioti as sUiTjresteil by lresidenf Fitx perald. They say that the order U ikh i.i. i. t iled in any way with the rienl trasisly except tliat its nieniU'is a!. ho! the crime and deplore the untimely eini of the victim, and that the p-fct;ne-ment of the convention, by cinveyin-j a ditlercnt imjiression. niirht have work.-d .'rent Lena to the cutLsc of Ireland. THE HOSTLER'S STOrtY. Ilia th. fH U.etooa it lor uranusl tliat Aosl-l ruif wanted to ssjl his outtit pretty; twdiy, Lut at unit time, ox course, aid iiot knov rinyliiins a' out the munler. Wisylnilf then drove away and wv never seen aain by fv.ule. as t!u latter left for i.'UK.Ici two davs later. In quiries made hhowr that Soule did leavt Cidcao at tiiat titn; and his stat-nient is considered correct. MOWERS! BINDERS! HAY RAKES! Kxrrrimee tvliu WotMlntlT on Mi.rnlus After Cronin' Murder. Omaha, Neb., June L (irorji S.ule a bo-tl. r, nov in the employ of t harhi ; ntor. on 1 avens)rt street, t tlked ol the Crv.niii tntmh-r to a rep.rt r. Hi was employed in Jim Cumitihigs' barn, at 14'.' Madison strict, Chu aso, prior tc bis coiniui; to Omaha. He was working there on the niht th:;t Cri.iiin was mur len"l a:i'l states that alnuit 2 o'clock ir the inoruin. or sometime after mid niirht. o"slruli drove up to the oarr with the famous white horse that has Us-n written so much alx.ut and u sup-po-isl to have drawn the ritr w hich car r.isl In .mil to his death. Woodrutf said he wnnttsl to leave the l.orse tliere ovel ntl.t :.i.d would call for it in the niorn iiiir. Niule did not pet up at the time, but tlie next i,ioruinjr fottn.l the white Ik re in his sts-tion. He cIokiksI him o!f. fed nni waleii 1 liim. and Woislruil called at out conn. "Is tii;:t horse all right'" a.ked WoikI raiT. as he appr.iacliexl tSottl . "I don't s.e anvthini; wrong with him," tvpHe-l soi ls'. ViVli. if any one ha 1 olf.-n-l tni -S 10 for the outfit List niht he couli have had it. 1 had a iull of a lime w .th the U'CSar. In fact. I U lie ve I would sell hiiu pretty cheap this niomin." WEEKLY REVIEW OF TRADE- Fneannictug Outlook In Many I; ranches o. Ilsinss. New Yoi:8. Jnne 1. !i- O. Ihin Co.'s w.s kly review of trade says: Tlu week lias bis-n interrupted by a holiilaj and a snap of unseasonable weathei with a killing frost in some -localities. While' fruit has been injured somewhat extensively there is no evidence as yet that the ihiniae to the greater crops hat I .eon appreeialde, and it seems to hav U-en coiitinisi to lauTow limits. Rail has brojlit more hopeful prospects a. to cotton in somo Muichern sections though oats in A lahauia appear to have len generally injure.! by drought. Or the whole the crop prospects continues unusually good -no the markets an rapidly adjusting themselves to th as-siiranee of ample supplies. HiLiiie.ss here his Iss'n somewhat in terrupted by the holiday monetary un Certainties ami Cue heavy auction sales but at ail pointi reporting continuis. large in yoiutue. and the cliaring throu.di the banks slsow an in.-reaso ol alsiiil 12 pT cent, over la.-t yearoutsid. of New York. " t tr. Money Market Quirt, Lighter exports are to lie expected foi the next mouth. There Is no apprehen sion of early ilistur'oanee in the money iiiark-t, but the bank surplus, if ma terially weakened during the next six weeks by gold exsirts. may not bt stn.mg enough to prevent serious pi-es sure in tae fall. Money at inter i.i points Ls almost everywhere in aiuph supply, Cleveland being the only cirv w here anv disgree of closeness is notel. No change i i s.vn in cotton and sabs have Uen large for the season. About 10 jkt cent, more than last year's pricet is aske.1 lor Michigan wool, out the trad, is still i hi-ck.sl bv indisimsition of inanu- factutira to iv any advance. Th treustirv decision on the worsted iusi tion, h m-ever, is regardisl by many a? an' insurance of a more aitive demand for wo 1. ITie animal auctions of flannels an believed to ha veestahlished a s,U.sf,ictory lLsis for this year's production and trad ing, and an improved tone in the dry goods market Ls pen.-eptiUe. The jobbiuy t.a.le continues fair tor the season, am: the new business in dress goods am: ho-iery Li of fair proportions. Hull Iron Market. In the iron and steel truth's no changt of oii:'U..nce Li observisl, thougL I'ittslmrg r.'i-orts a vcrv dull market foi pig. with lower pric-s for some bnui'b nnd a fair demand for niauufacture.1 iron and st.s-1 ut former pri-i"s. The im pression prevails ut Philadelphia tiiat isi.totii prices have U-en reached, and st.-l rail piohu'ers are encouraged by sail's ol sn.uoo tons or m.M-e during tin we. k to belie vu that the turning sinl has Is-eu reached, though as Vet iuota- tio:io ;uo un. hanged. In oilier branches of business the outlook is encouraging. Failures during the la.t seven .lavs numUrisI for the Cnite.1 Mates 2sl, foi ( anada la: toLil -I"). comKirtsl w ith Iast w.s k. For the oomssndiiig week of latt vear the figures were 1 so m tin Ln-ted SMttts ami 19 in Canada. THE MARKETS. w York Mouey Market. tw Yoa c. Jnne L Money rliwt nt jst cent., the loglu-st mle: t-.e l..isl, r iir rent. I x.-h..ll je eiiwsl stemly; p.te1 ritev Sl.SS.f 4.s".e .; s'-IMal rares, Sl.s. .-i l.si-i lor sixty day &nu M.s:"U.W fur il.-ai ..-el. .ej.ern.neal KihhIs clos.sl rtrm: rilrreiM-v ft 1. 1 hut; ts couiiun, I.i. bnl; ljs du, I.IIVL tuil. .'aeiri,. railnKvl h'.n'ls r'.ite.l follows Ctiiun (lrr-s l.l.i to l.llr. itn land K.-.v.ls, 1..I. I...1; On sinking mods. 1.1. httl; teutrmls 1.1a to 1 U. Don't Fail To See WHITELY'S NEW IMPROVED Champion Mower and Binder, Oa ths Stmt Etry Day This Wwk Alt The Champion Hay Rake. ALL GUARANTEED THE BEST ON EARTH! AND AGAINST ANY OTHERS MA ML Before you leave town be sure anj go to U HARDWARE STORE, And examine hi slock of HARDWARE, BUGGIES, HARNESS, AC, You will nnd It na MAIN CROSS STREET, ON THE WAV TO THE COURT MOUSC, . GET THE BEST! -AT- VOUGHT'S. PRICES DEFY COMPETITION ! Special PrrperHtlnn Tar Thlt Week! BEST GROCERIES, RES T COSFE C TIOSER IES, REST FRUITS, REST XUTS, REST SOFT DRIXh'S, R ES T SA XD II I CUES, REST PIES and CAKES, REST TREATMENT, REST OF EVERYTHING, A T TIIE REST GROCERY IS SOMERSET. Chicago Market. CnicAoa, Jtwe L AVIiE AT-CltKnl ltvcr fr June nml July. bi!T iirir-.-. r'li" n 'ItoN?- Wt-re 'htll nil frvitnrp1- and 'Jitf-A-ii w it bout iniirtant chntie U I'ltUburs 3litrket. rnTriarno, June L A Pi 'I.KS Fanry, !.iVi:t.M y barrel: cholr. lU'TL'h.h i rfiinn-i . f,rrv breeds ut Kl- f in. l!i'J"t ; thi(. dtt. 17.. In-; chury p:wlc.L k.rl'H ; f.iiiry riU, 1-tj-IV; good ruilS, LSjilk.-: CHKri.-'h .-jt flto rnll cream. 9c; npw liiiillc. Ki.fiSt- rrr-sh. IH'-Mr per dozen in rase H.tM'K-Firr wmtrr j-at-nt, ?T-VtA0. snrm imTrir, ;.. -li:; laurv ir.itr;ii van- Wr, -t rtru- winter, m.Vrtc.;:: X.W" lt.tl.t-r-, -4Ji".: extra f.iuiily. S4.Ht(4.iV, l.-i:titn, 4.0.-; cxira, .b'-i; re rtour, i.7 . ha.AT-N. 2 red, 90.tr; Xa $ rjd,45 W-: No. 3 rvd, V(k HAVTiin'iiliv. rhukt, $r.3"vr' 1 0 per ton: Sn. I, (14.;.V'U.ti; N'- i fl3.:-"Uai; N-a. l njiland r:iirt. Jll.t'' ll-lil; No 2 fiwlin prat rid. S.tt-v. No. ; (nu'ino, i7.n;i lnw vn tut- a;T.n, l.ut'MI. )AI-.Na 2 Mte, ;C2r:EL..r: extra 'n, 3 whil'. 'M'-i'll'-ti-: N. 3 bile, urml vti, y"2v. nrtonliTti; tit quality. i'itl ATuK- Imuitt. , Hf anl HnHKink-A, 'X' f rt.in -t.ire:ni tru.kt S.'V;11''; new mhiUktr 5i "m -"t.ni ht mimi Mri.'n;v-":'i i-iik-kpn. rv.- v pain T'rm-i flifKrw. ."rj i-r y air: ivtt duck,7 .f.Mfc- r H-.ir, ilr-rfi inirk-n's t U-j.!'-; tfirkt. iJ FiiMlrw-n, ljJih drutvu, lti ly-: flitrkr. l.V.Ii-; jo-i-we. U'llHi. VK'iK'fAl-tl.KS Y. It.-. Kntm stor': raimp. !artj. craV, .;.(; rn.ii!l vr:t, !.7.''. ; t- iimUrs t Cuwa. ''' fn-; n:r bts, Sl.-i) .' 1.7"; hjinN, Jltt.rint; io'u.it-m4, tn-n hull's tcr lox; imitt Hrjniuls $1.1-Vr !.-' it Ui3c; stm bTT!, JV r Sc i t quart; jmtiit.n-A, ll4-nntil.v. $7.tn 7JJ jwr ttl rwl- Nevr York frotiuc Kxr)tanv. New VitHK. June L FLOtR-"Id Unl! and en.-ier. It KUnlL HAHLKV- N'ominnU M tiAK -Kaw quiet but ntrmir tnlr rrfin fn or: rt-hnr'I dull: cut fcf anl criihtil. t'-; tube aiiJ iuflVrcd, V"i tfrnwl;tl. BlTTFIR-n' tivc: fiiate creamery, ITI'Sc: w-t-rn b, L-'V HKKSK -A -nvr an4 firm mt ff stfT f.i-tory, full rn-miiorv fancy. K'ifi-i Kh.-: frtU eeni hrst-v H'tU'c; Cfcfi.t'Iian. Hi 4T if, wrMern dct. ri'-u ti1!. i.H r LK Mewb; lair Kki, IUx'.j Foi.nu TiMlcr m TrMt 1. Zanksvillk, O., June 1. Th boly of 3Lircu Hart man of Philadelphia, hrfi ol a Cotu nhiij. U., ctttthiiT, wa.- fount! thi ' inormni? umUr the C. & M. V. tretlr a! KIlis Htutidii from mtiH'b he had cittur 1 juiuitvd r falU'ii a tlistnnee of twentr- tive.ft.-ot. HLs inintl bail Ut'it failing j ami he caj;ie to Olno for ivcrvation. His j ! un !u r-in hw, Mrs. - Wolf, and hbff j tlautiitor hai y at arrived here from; ' linltiuiore onauit wnea tue temhle news reached th to. Frcnli Green Caroeerlea Every 51 or ni uk. VOUGHT'S. 53 3 3 28 t a0 00a e rrrWFyW w w e THEY CAN'T BEAT US! Our name liaa been a household word throughout Somerset county for three jrenerations and it has al ways been the recognized head of the Hry Goods Trade. WE LEAD! And will continue to lead, where merit ia rewarded and confidence is not misplaced. Our bii?ine--3 has outgrown it's quarters and wc will have a THIRTY-FOOT ADDITION added to 'our already largo store room inside of sixty davs. AVe arc constantly making SPECIAL DSIYES in sonic particular line for the ben efit of our customers. Call and see ns dining the week, wc have A BARGAIN FOB YOU I Resjiectfiilly, Parker & Parker. 25? rv 'V 1