Somerset herald. (Somerset, Pa.) 18??-????, June 05, 1889, Image 2

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- .j.-.;- r--'fr.t W-wV ''Ji'Z'&tf&yZ ':V"vfE(tf--?-
t i
i ;
I i
! t ri fl-ir :.o-i A l f
Hire i
The Ccmmcnvea!th Rests.
I ii .;. to."- or rfi.cria-l
I -.,-.'.. I w tVr trWt n!j- r,r :ij, r(.
j ii.r : first beard f the l" J . R'lU- fr-tn t! -
vbca f the mil! on Frid.y: :e-r j I :jy
I prayer mM-tinx at Zi.m c.-.n-rti VTed K-Uy tlw.y N-.viy a-i
loir;! m every WtJsnljj ntg'.t ; was ar- j Nioti; tr.-id mo e-..1
frosted on Moodty the -tth of M arch, til ire. ; v.t '.')?!!.(:
. pi fc-si
to- ai-irt a jjrtr
na:r.L!A.r O. lx.xi f nt
Izfee. AX&
;r.g the YVed.ies-I.iy fWi-'i r,i , wi aires!. i f !.:'.- s; hia le :.
. ' - . I I.- r i..-:r.i Fnir f-.-.-!irfl ! rn! iit-li ti,.ii.
and the blacksmith lwj; fa went fir-i-i ' tl.T'e or C ar
j there to ir.r !.iu-., was art-ret I by John Ir.ij.-: v-re-.a ;
' Kn-t . -d 'they wati-ed fc go op otl ; t e-i Thur--is
.leawh toy hmw ; ( J.kj'1 kn w what l'jrj ; X'.iqIj
und. tf! what I ti 5;.-. ttS? j nu.-;- .: :
: me wi'h bin; fo-ini a j- k-; -.-.-a '.r ;---T
in trie tr he Ich
tli morey o it an I p-t i! in bis rest p.--k.-t .
rEiip was f)J ; Lc Las f!uniJ if :
I a iwoiver arni satcrl: h- j-cit the r--
Tiic - T r-rri r AI iv iT. ItE W.t vultn in ti-Ja'H-i ; I La-. I r iiJ f'-
a- (j:h " lea
os'.uMlrtf '.m; I I nr it c: ail.-r i
a arrvsteJ.
T..e !a--k lixi'.era ii sbuwa t '
My ,i, I n.-i- i Lmtprr. in the W-'i U
rut 3 tree ; it ay -U;n? on tK t;T
.q to U.e cn; Irtr i. f-.n l .:. .vt r
i -i it
: i.j-"
t? o-J
!oc Nicely Takes the Witness j .'t.
AT II 13 Owx H"f: OX TiiE
F.tai. X;iiiT.
A Pbivsc-JIeeto Hei at
.! C'itt a ii the or the
Mi'RbLa, Hit NVt f the
W'rr.vtseES ArrtyDKD.
! Isntrm, icL.Vh hr sa'.! ti tis or cr. like it
neer ascil tbt Un'ero but onor : a-f.l t :u
lc!itiin il'wo a be tree: tked.iy I ar
j rwtrl t?i lao'en m on of ctijv
lit ' bjir. : ir La.1 brt tin-rvf 'r rnir;mt-:
-;rn- iin rhr brown hs i rLe at
ia the color pf mine; if it is bat it
fhanwj ; t!xre i a wire rim arouuJ m ! ,..!: Niirlv; tru huu
T3E W 15 "HALIEI."
! t.f t iVvru Al
R?.I.:r? i kn
!.:. i,. it rri.l i::me.
I :1T J- V"-il!!J3y -
.Iv.s aft-f ! m.Mt kr...-Jr
. ; i Uitr. th i I Xir-
ii .is! kn-iwn J vr N:;e'"
i ; 9 4J r. it 2rrr-f'.rl ; bfhr-l th-
.;:; r-i.- c .rr.j rjrci:s-l
hr fay.n -4 it , J r-4 '-;: a:;r.y :ra J'
;.' . ; J X:v'y oa Ts-ipiAiy, tit
i:! D'A ?zy s':y')i.;- r.!i aV-tt t'..
'irt ! b-! n- l c,i it & e time.
r-:..f itfr-n A-;:1:"" X.!,: it w "' ,: ct! "
eral'divWr tt ., ,:r : o!,IMr X"': n -t Mr. Iaif.B
Sitx-iy it'.r rt to sriyiL.r.g it
as it was .?v' b'L-ii:-a.
t: i-.inv inri-... -f:os. '. LaU faiien out in t!i mu l, an.! bl Wn baie
T..I... i .-,.,.nnr ..-; lV.1i..,..rv.!-.icw! ; rnn over hv the mrri:i?e : th-T ran: klh-r of the
.... . . r ,.:! r.m VMttu4latp aibt esrchl the boitste : lUvi.l Ht.I a lia'f n.
.Ttii Fel'mirv Ut . Atnbro arj'I two trfher nwn who
in i '-n
n! :
J.-ts? I-
i - i'
!.:4 s !.;. r st ,1-"
infc roy m:a.l a:'.-r t.'t" Jr r--;
ran r..-l Unf o;':-:i I ! J i
J. that wk f.r !':. ;
tra oinne -'jv r f.r i::t.'.
Anthorr N:t i.ivc in I.i
! bw. htm tell m,o Listith-r hat ' towiish-p: am :y t - y-ar
r.-iw f.y ri'i-:
in-l ii! a r.arr : be Uifc-l of
it t- hi ft? her, !. g;t it after h.vl
bctcbere-i ; I itevrt..k any r. .rf'we oft.'.e ,
; j.i.t..? ; trie i)nl time tru y i:ia:e ty li thry gt hU oyer.i.1'. oteral'.-.
an.i im hj4 : thfTtr tiir b-t 31'ia-
4 L- '
'.. r. Ter t -
n snr : J .!.r, Ii
iUi t;i
il jin-I
rny ;,.v in-: fi r'.o
Jr tin i..:t.r :! u i
I Joe .ibt a hjif m"' fa'th-r ; Iv l.s
-re a.t
. Ul-J t .m
.- : a-t far
r.-r':uip :ti -
a:.nit -n:
t'.atij t!ire wa no ant of it ;1 be wiir , ;j t
lue U:..wn J.ryl Nicely f-r; not know ; the &irth time tbey li.Jat
a w
,iV an-! l;rf
t .y
i:y or the ITtUr:i OvracoAT.
Says the rotKETfrxiK He
f:,ir Tn..uis Vs ITs-; 0; ! LaTe orer on when I was arrestee.- tat!
a.m that Ir is Not the Pix klt-
l.-r l ' lU'.rr f.:l t M? -
n. it waa aU-ot tUat ti wan.i 10 eeanra u : t o nun rmua. . . - .-- v
the ni.J.Irc of tt.e !t.-r:-.o..n ; he was go- we ba.J do cave : tne Ulth time unrti no .-ew i..s e .-...- . -.j" -
I u ay 1 til Ui: ;t ana jram came, :i iva-i wana.-i . .. -
Vir.s.!.-r .iiri and salt! he wanted tosearch tnectxten- 1 n i i- oarj --"- '
ri-ij tfiat were foan 1 wrre what t left j !'' ( r
orer : 1 eot a boi with earh bitu) ; dil Ji.'t t church
lia! s lixwe and I cut mr wi:" to srw" it uir : , , .t ... i .1 i . ' . I.n.-ti u'ut b h-r-l there wa. awi.ea-ll s-r?n c:
bwght tw-j I'Mtoii in (itvzo'ttrg Kme .." , v: . v .. , -.'., ,,, k. ; a eave that w ke&t wr putafoea in. and moiater I -s
t;ms ia.-t tall ; ur.e lur Bri a&i one ir .
, , ' , . ... . - t;ne of cav
myiitier; necoa pi.noi 1 au.r.:us
kei4 mine until aiier I butcbereil. i tiirnk
in January and then !J it to my . Ir ; ' lnS towarij iioti.o
v . , .1, , ih .,. the it
ts Ot;ts .iRiTED is tiiw Statement
t 33
iwiir, at the Ztoo ieoon anJ hoc- pen; tU tli warrant a
I st at 1 rayer-mettics ; I ' to search the oat b'lihlin : my htwun i he took anj.jr with :
know Churits Varrf-er. j was weano bis d-rby bat pnor to n. erj w.u
("reexamine.! IUyo lived near the i arrest : I can't ay f bo Son; he ha 1 f-t-r ; Ci X !: -!te hy my
Jt-. rsrrontcr' it on the iliiv fie was arrested. - and ti.e fiirt tbat ti
X':ie'v' 7
Lvlra-Ie: Ijetween Mark's and Joe; PnojeiaminatLon T--vk dinner oa
v;..!..-.. '.!..-. tM I si ri.r.wr T-K ,t i .,.-. -fc - 'be. nn
on'-'oihlVKh. or l:;tb: don't know that i !:-, came'wiih the coal before we ha I Pave on Thtrdav ; he can., over I, n
noa-e 10 !ie.i w :iar. 15
Cocrt cnven-J at ??A J'c!' k Tncs'lay
niori.i: sr. Some mailers of niinor :ta-j.rUm-e
were dwrxjee-I of, after which
: thrre 3 j-rjy-r mot-tins on the I l'.h or; finished t!inner;l.e rtopjed Wowr the
j on a gum coal btLi.ritig to roy Ciiber: u;.I
not have the overcoat 011 at tt time 01 lut
harin ; at J-uire Kuich's. ':m
shovn to wi:nesa zii'i iileiititied u Lis ; one
)!e was on zUmt vtxk. U-fire I wa
arrestel. and one about l 'laj before I a
i . -..---r ,t.- f t. - :
arrweo : put 0.1 a 1 ....... , : . .i r ..,.,.;... . 1 .1 . r .v.. 1. - 1 , ,r.
I was arrt-sted: wm at Jurnertown m a ou;;- V- 1 . . . 1. 1
-.- 1 I ttM it to be Jotf N.c !v ; it wasa biio-rt sure tnat Mr. Andrne pt the bin. era
zy iaft saMiraer. f.i:it-r :n Ja!y or Aii'i' .- - .' . .
went there to e I.a.iM Petrnoa in LyanS ; one-f-irti. of a nine t his home ; I don t ; off the rnplKorl ; never John
to fire tiunranre ca-e at Ut.teJt.n-i : drove '. tee-Cett .f uavU.. any eonvepotion wttb i kaceh that my husband u not at
10 the hotel ; IVterwi liv j.-ni-s the r-i Ji i;!i I Ld tiir .lay the XUefy' were home on that afternoon and antil late at
i r ..-,.( . 11 . . -. 1 1 ..i . r v..n't t 1 -l f .jt um it1.:.: 1 . :.. . i. a..n.u(...t fVii
the examination of wilrieste in u ifiouMtiw.n: i er.n , .i.r.. aiiixu , --o - . ni.i :
'ir-!-r ca?e was rrfBrned ''n'v two a"!in 'ror.i : t;nie ontii itie iinr.' a: : oi-i man .N;r-iy noi.-e io eek?t iroiu . to-k away ; it was not ia-n anay a;
witofi were on the fart 'of the;siuir e f yr1erJr. i the time they took my httsUnd: Kaach
,h. Me kV.r announced ; ""-"-"' -'fc- - Dr. John in L iir.nier : ' ram uaec aer tae nat : 11 was nanjunz
v I a
t : -
n of
at my
.1 .1 (i ne
O C i '.
i.T.s and
w.m ti '-re-.
; i n. t s: iy
n a.'i. r
ii-.n wh-at
t.j hoys err ar-
tV'l on the M.n : y aftr: I i.-ir I of
leron tl F.i Ur f .tlowin m
a-e t. tieiU tt d 5 !iar. 1
the mamir.; j'i.-t a lit tie af:
J-je b-Mttht . l-i-f'' f
bnrt and irive rue on..- b it
i-'jd; Sis; .ivp n; t! -r '
i ::t ( -r ...
:t I'U t.o
-r -n : I
thick a -: the :':rst of Jan-SA-v : i J e
on I jc-!ay ; fjr not iy :i':'Ji.. r I ..
hi:;i on Tuv-.iv : b h-';i tii n
;j :;.!-..'.. .
.:! Mr Ca :. .- . i .
vn "--! l-:ii-r ; .
'nt u"-r t r.y r r i
h:.: ; we -re
: a' ilj!'- at L- nVr.:. i
-j.-r r."k,:it : a fie
' n,-..'-:r ; m in :'. r -
;ii:R;i-.rta . r rnor : .;,i
' j tl.e -..-at.-:!. -k
.Ii T..'i'iLy e--er.:n.-
f-..r... I wa-i arr-v i : it
; b iram- hr-i-h ; i: c:-:--:.
in; ana b-tr.tei! a t-.-.i-
: w. e J"i! t:.e J j'- ii r.
;a; : I Si a. I the o-.-ri at
ar'---t..-l. f aim- j- -
a'.!-: they i-j--s h :' -
e ! ! j i:kj : a !
T:! ir:.y. I :
haul any sti,
bay tie fi-
i.iay an. I ?j;-:r !. y : '.
.-ut on We-ln t--ljy.
line.! I.d n.-: tr'.i
to! i- T io p-t
1 r. t
. . . . . 11 or II mde: I hv J nutea Iroin uonier ! . . . ., , : h kib-ben on a nail atiove the w.xi
h .t il.i- r int infinr m chief was ail :n . .. . . . am a denti-t : know l Ssaries aneer ; on : m ms aiti.ien on a na.i aooe lLt,'"
" . ,.; .li.l m.t go up tne mountain on tne oi . ...... . . . -,ri t,:wv r.f tlo. In'
.if.,iin..ti tl. fomiRion wealth .. . . . . ... . Mindar i fore the S-vs wire arrested we ' . tbere va r.3 p.-oe ou. 01 tne 11a.
1 1 1 .broary ; did not kao.w aut trie . - . - . t ,..t, 1 ,., .... . hrr (... b-..I nc ..t'.cr i.-'.ois ..r
1 Tr" Mail" alii,; "II k-tlT iXt, lliij Idg-r ;
mr ' n'r Hi.-c. ; he Haid he t a eonj-'e per- i ire in the rim ; it look ronzher than -the f-L-'ol tbat I ft a .-
d.fen-. HU opening wa, ln.h'y wm- for .Ut eit year, ; tn. fatmU- S-"-.e nto., nta.n , ... ,c : - " ' . ' :,, k. II1(i 3
If what ' to me: it rx-.t ! to ?J acre; Iivcit be-; lavrr.-j 11 ;,!.;an : lun to ui:n, a-t sue , -.- .. , , - - - --
brottter other K r.U ; he said, im-e I come J WM arrested ; Jotin iiin ti ati t woajUow
S.e to thick of it, he looked more like John ' bos "Atnes I don t know. 1 -, 1 u.m a .. .e ...... ,
;.. tt. 1 j.r,.- n;-arlr alinivlL- i.i . i . v n . , : ir 1 :i:..,t in T;..r,..r tusiel iu-4t oa 1 ii'ipi-.ay. . r:.i ii
s i. n:.u-d " ''r "-. j.:-, i a
'.I ? c 1; , it ! :':!.-
0 it thre a . a'-.-;: a;
a i'n a ja -':W:i at r -1
--.i i he h.i l nv-r o .r. -
"Uid n et- ,-,,,!, ,m;,! I . toi.l of iL
Mr. Iinpr! went to the jnry for the! rro-s-eiamination Have lire!
ar -.- t
:.;..-f wi;!i
!.A3-!;-. r -hi-f
l.fe : have b'-cn w.-st ; : in J : wa-
in YountoK ti : waa !;i ti'iioo or o moiilii-:
wa a'rwtei wh-n I a-i in jiiio : was w!
tJimeoted liy ail who Sieard it.
he stated in his opening, in a clear, calm fore that time iti hoax where ir.y
... .i;.-.-i....f nnM --anhenroven. tbvei; liv-d larr- -
1 - - -
the jury will Save no tron'ole in arriving
d a verdit-L The cane is rn inter.'eiy in-
tn.-.-itinz one. and the rrrViVim rep-'iit of
1 iie rtidetH nbmittcd. t.nbiisSie I each J . , ' . . ... ' 1 I.oreiiz Xi-xly I live in I.i;ronier
, . , arresitf.1 ;or iiii--rsonj:ifj an -ci . ...i n. - ..... , ,
lay in the 1XM- llEttAU., m read . riru;irr ,,,,. h.n,. i.i the fore-! townahip, V eMir.or.-.Ari.l county ; a.n ;
!.,. ii Short "ita brou-M me a b.J o: cf J-".i .St.. Sy : 9-.ii years id 1
n walk.
IUii-1 A. (Jetting Saorii. and a-ke.) ; aUjct one fourth cdle from Josej h N ice
to ntire for the present. jiy; aia 2iJ years old; have known J
Nit-e!y 12 or 11 ye:irs; saw bun on toe
IT'.h of February ; .-aw hi.n l-tweeti iiin
th.. j-T-ni-.-,! ai5erni- 1-y it thousands
of jratn.r.A. Following is a fill I roirt of
j-rs'erday j.rocevdinjrs :
X -ah Serena -'.Vaa at Kimrut-l'a on the
2".:li of Kebma-r ; Dave Xic-ely wn U ore;
ai. I be could nt help him on T jesday ;
C..11M ot be ba for a few days.
Mrx Watw-n M-uober Am an:-:er of the l..ys; w.irmVf tiie day of the ar
r.! ; my buband gave me a p.ickt-Abook
that week sometime; laid it on the table;
!:.! r.ot see it taken away ; wa-t tin-re when
t .-.e o!H.-ers g A tlie "arne p-n ketlxiok that
ha I been given to by Mr. M.-nulier.
tri.e p-Ti kette-ok wa then s'.von to : Sit
t-.nit i
TneCoiamonwealth then re-lrd their rtm-.
there after i o'cha k ; he left j was a.
jiiirt- r j (.true home between and -"o'clock
place an-1 Anthony Xhv!y's, his father;
mi t him near the cbnrcli ; tiie ihi:n:h is
alxwit one-foiirlh mile from Joe
.-ainr.uv : hr-t fceaW 01 I :ii.
iinr it roa Friday.
K!U M.-n wrr Am a i i :-'.'.?r of
th-inv Nioe'y ; w a- h : f. 1 at i.--roe
hitn ou th- iTth of L-y ; a
on tin- iTth of F.-brt t.-y in h- t .-'i
!-t -r---n -It an 1 - ven o'-!.' ; ii
b it 1
f -in.
r t.i-
coi1 ; he oa:
l. f -..''..-fc- it fii I.rr.ttiKl V
of one" when he came and a quarter 1 my father a bait hoar or iji m- after I j Nicely' 'bouse; lie was 9nag towards ! his snpp r U.oro : I w h at tn;
of I wo wlien te lefi ; be was ihere j c:ne ; he was i a t 'i-j h.irn f-.-lir.s the t t'S father's boose; it was between I .e witii .11 11 : .i- d -.-1 n s: .iy i):i a.: -r
about aa bwir ua!oadin the tual; lj cattle; I wa sheiiin corn ftr the chick-'i nl 7 o'cSoirk in tlie eveninz: supper: kno it was V.VI.niay ni-h:
went don to Mark aliuat 3 or 4 o'doek : . r wen. . hou-e and be came ! had few minute" conversation ; from the fa t that the boys we-e arre- 0-1
. I up and raid hi; was
i this was
to grandpa ; with him ; I bad been working at the j on the Monday f oinj and t; tV
wa-? rradiiiif at borne before that; wa,? at'
Mark's I suppne alwat oac hour; it
about a mile and a quarter from my pla-.-e ;
1.1 Mark's : eot back home between live aod i
1:1 ; fed the cattle after I & home; I have ''"n
.... .1 ... . . ... r..i. toe
fc ... ; - . 1..... f.-tf nun; 1- mnrpr-jition with him : n .t
ersa little af;ersii and ;r-rf bark about h i ' " "- 7 . .
0'tl.ick w my brother lavc about dark j minutes pa-it nine when I got home : j was ureswrd m Ins ordinary clothes; I H, y:.v:ri.i wit;, r,..- f.!?h ,r
on MoivLy evenin-;: on Tu.lay I ptai father was ia Sd : I Uik-i to him; the j brought my cant-h-x.k home that eve- ; v Lrh-r J on the 27: 1 of F-h
bud of s-'raw from mr fatbr; Crst beard ol , lUS.t was lorn:n and he told me to ; oingto Ret it nxe ; i-jok tne canr m. ;
il o'clo. k or af.'.-r ; be went to ' saw-mill about one and a ooirter mn( ; was prayer nice, ir-; tiii tvor-i..j at
grandpa's; I t-;;t to prayer r.:te!;ng at , from that plai-e; tie was going up the ; tmrcn.
chiirch ; think I stopped at j road towards ti is lather s house ; it was ; Cr- -eia-nin-rd Ii i ivi a'.:
ho-j-c r f John Kv-uU : saw i between six and seven oVIxk : had ! meeting aa I of the f.. n.;
! f ra
sin:- hai i t . hii
li i. -:-" t : at I.i : ' u
Mr. Ti.-.i.i l- if !.e . ;' i t
k, .k an I ii.;:: 1 i: to
,:!o,. t . i:'V fil!. -r or o;:y
- h i', t I -!-.;'ar in :..
r-- -;j. in .t : oi. -t i
;i,.i rt in tt 's mi.; t-r.-i;t
j; the m-moy : !- 1 ! -..!..
f r t . y -N."y.
ir.y f ii ii r. an I -..
it as A : 1 . .-..ik -r ; ' i-r- v
.'in l.r.g aro-Ki i. I j i-t
to i:;:.i and akc-! ; .
s.n M -r.-iher. The p .
;i'f..n siiovn to :-
i ryjcket b-.k. -V,;;-. ;
. ii:Ai:nt-r in wiii h .:' c
1 mark an '. the .ir ii wai
or off:;
THE PEH-E ort.
The d.-feiiw was oj:ied by Mr. R'i,-pel ;
sai l they woaiJ iow thit the Iracks ciuid
n.i. be produced by the br.a shown in
. . ill .l.nw ,1.1 ll.a l'lnk itV llf
rin;.o. io. .- , -- , , ;.,
ahV; will stow
about len .lav betore; toe no.
the I'mberer murder at l!ie mill on Fri-! blow it on: ; I know it was We.Snes.liy j the next morning to the blacksmi
day; was arresle.1 on the Monday f lljwiiig i hecailse wo have prAyer tnet:ir. every
Friday tbr. I bard of ir.e murder; never ! Vedas.Ly niht ; kno it was the 27th
told O'Connor or anyone ci-e tbil I U.vl (jf (.bniarT tieeattse it ' the week I
iierer beard of the murder at the time I was j fahl.T arred ; sat father next
arrested: probably ba-i the hat about two . fcf.4t v, l.if, -
an I 7 oVIook ; have
yi-ars : the bat bad a wire around ibe rim :
.it the lime I was arretted -. it bad gotten
t 18 two Vaqeers i not rtlia!
Matements msle in regard to the coat and
bat : will show thai the hat was dortorod for
the trial ; will huw that the p.-kel-bo.k
11'jmitled i not the one that was taken
f-i.:. Nicely ; will place the two def-n-dints
on the atand ; w.ll prove an n-'M.
J.vph Nicely J.ive in I.ionier town
(Up. Wrsi moreland county, aWil tbne an. I
o le half mil from b;gnier; am a man of
fuiiily: bvvj .:veii chil Ir;n ; im wife
11 living ; am thirty nine year old : wa-i l.T
iiig at homo last Febriary ; live about one
half miles from my father and abj-it one
oiiarirr ofa mile from my brother laie ;
farm some and labor; on the 27th of r'ebiu- j
ary was at home about noon; lietaeen l
bii I l o'clock there wn a I-wd of coal
bmn.'ht there by llbi-rt U hs ; be!
works for Mr. Knox ; lie was there a!iit an
was not tn
it when I bad it; when Constable Kaucb
look the r'j out of the fix ki-ttsxik no one
el.- 111 prr-ient txcrj t myself: there were
sia lens and one live. 1 worked some f-.r my
father in !at Iiceeruber ; cannot tell where
I worked in January or February ; the
pf-keil.j.k !a ff mi in the cnpVur.l since
iast till ; 1 bate bad the 1 t!!.bard lor four
or five years : bought the lantern for lidiing :
never ud it a a signal liht ; my brother
Dave put the soles on Ibe boots ; they were
uc-t put on afi-. r the 271 h of February.
F.e d; reel The lantern was not taken
from ln.ic toe day that I was ai rested that
1 know of; was arresteil in Ohio oniirniiii
a whiskey ca-sr; I liemandeil a bearing; 1.0
one ap;ared raint me and I was dis-
C'ni-s examined Was n4 arre-itol for as
. .1 1 . . . 4 1. I sunnily 10 ih; a ji .icniii.rm i.iu i , w-t ...
hour; 1 went over to the road to Ibe " , , .
!., ,, I. Wl Ih.n wel l lorai-oopieoi ua;
lurs af:er him
1ia k to the bouse: stayed there an hour
m l thn went don to Aaron Mars ; weni
to see him ant fninting bis bou.-e; tba'
waa between 3 and 1 o'cWk; wa there alsjiit
an hour and then went balk home; ssl
John Koontu'a boue on the way back : got
home about !) o'clock ; uiy family Wore all
at home; I went out and fed the i-atlle:
up;r was not ijuite ready and 1 raid I
would go over to e my fothi r: got to my
f iiber's boos about half-past ii o'clock ;
mot Pan (inning on the way ni-ar the Dun
kanl Chun h ; be had a dinner bucket and a
cant hook in his hands; talked with him
l.ilhert II'bs Live in I.'sj mier lown-hip.
Win! moreland coiimy, aixiut one mile from
p.w it was Ijctwien
scei father wear a brow n h it hut show n;
his Iiat was about the color ol this one :
the wins wasn't fit of hi?; and I don't
think that piece 'pointing to piece out
of rim was out of Ids.
Cross-examined Was l"i in A pi il ; I
left tny Siooks in th,; h vi an ! went out
to the barn ; I had j i-t g t there a couple
of minutes hea f.tii.-r c.iuie in ; lie f.M
stv.-n or tioht ii:-1! cf cattle ; lie CAine to
the boas : I 0:1' 1 n't to!! h .? louche
was in t ie barn ; it was or a iitlle after
when be inio in th- Ii mo; ho didn't
eat alien we did : h 4ii I Ii'r ivn ging
to zrandfathert; 1 didn't i) in to ask
ti'-hrr ulout my staying with Ferry;
I hoard of the murder Viiday at scinyi! ;
Cither was zriisttd on Monday ; nobody
told me that fut'.'.cr bad gone over to
landpup'd fur sapper.
ll.irriet Nicely I am the wife of J
sefh N'.. e!y ; one of the defendants ; w as
at home 0:1 the 27i'o i February lad:
Mr. liilix-rt li-ws brought us a lord of
shop about 7 o'clivk : Joe Nii-ely came
tSiere somewhere between 7 and S
o'cI.M-k ; Joel Banon and John i-reiir.p
weretbere; Joe Niivly stayel for about
an hour or more ; learned of the murder
Friday evening or Saturday ; ti;e arrests
were made on the following Monday.
Cross-examined Have known the
Nicely boys for 12 or It years; have
worked with both of tlieia at jobs of
different kinds. (Witness was asked
if he was not arrested for robberr ; it was m
1 t ;
l-t: i
wis t'.frt
what time it was" exactly,
per tiiiie an-J we h i ! !h-
('. el'.;" w aid was there !
or i' ft t n nor.:;:. after stippe': tit I'n1
date as We.hi s-i.iv ev..-ni;i; fr"m thef .. !
th.At the ivjvs arn-sle I on ti.e M.-n-day
foISoxins And that there w as praj er
meeting at ZiuU Churvii.
C'r.s e XAinine-l Was not :it p,,ier
meeting that night n T were any of the
fiiaiiy : it wis a dump evenin
.loon Ilarron Live io Uioiiier t
:;:! a to.
n ,.t - u. :ho i::
I urst heard "f t!
af.-rn -.n ; r. y wife '
I ihrfin's to s:t - .'ii
! of tiie ciar-i.-r aiter
in s-..iier--t c
I tv.n reir.-.n.-r of
j .is at ttcitry 1 c-s.
, iii-eiiit.iin ; I w n n
an: v.n -n i -?
in :r i.-r . n
g a .
: in -
1 ttatd ti.e !av
uever li-ir t of thsr.Aio
Qr.ti after I waj arr-:.-l.
t nvs eXA'i.IiiAtto'.i 1 'n
worked for Mr. Kiairm-il
ivoo.1 witii 1 h.-r-e s.wer
- I
... P-
. .
a n
.1 :-. of
. . . ..l,:. l..,r c. ...o..
with UavlI Mcely.nthe Luroiier al-."i 1
ley. (Objected to by the defense and 1 " N'-.dy on,n siiifiiined hv tho Poor: : February; h irm in in- s'.
It was a miie and a quarter from the mill i n,',rr''n-' ,v-!''eii s and .) ..' -'; o. -k ; ive
where 1 woiked unlil I met Joe Nicelv : I Meeting, J-xp!i i'.irno a-i I J h i lie-1-had
worked ten hours and cne-baif hM: cutlo.k f.r
that dav : the tdace whi-re I met him ; !'JV"! l fi tting ; J v Nice'y .-.line le-
tween s a : ! '.I o'ci s k ; I
e niht b
- ;:: : run
I'Avi l Nnvlv f.ive in
va! tit prays, r
it Zi-.n Ciiurc1..
Tt;-: r s:.
I.:g...i-r to-v 1-
l.ijjonicr, was driving my uncle's team in I criil that day ; my husband helped him
February; tnow Joa. Nicely; ln!e.l a Joa.1 j pat t,e cmlatfav : h was at home tiil
1 . -
was lietween a quarter to half a mile
from Joe Nicely 's ; saw the Nicely boys i uieetic
r. A 1 1 . 1, . I ,i1u f i 1 i- k . r., o r ... I . : T't" II
not remeiniier seeing theui on Satnrdav :
do not recollect secins thera on Friday ; 1 l,ih a'K,'1? rce mih- ir-mi l.'g"dr,
saw Joe Nicely often : cannot fix any jattl hv a wife an i thre-chi dn ;S. ue
particuhir ti ne when I saw hiru ex-:Iive'Iin h"'; '"-re I nw r -i le U o
cepton this particular day ; WeJaeaday -v,jra llvXt am - r-''"" '"'
niirht. S'ebnurv 27th: "know IjvUi,Mf!iUh W:" v' wir.ter ; have
lira nt ; think I mw him the day after i
been sulfering from dvoe:.:
the arrfflt an had some conversation i d.seasc ; ti-ive t,-n iin ier men..
with him ; do not rememlx-r saving I i mnt f ,r ab,,,it six yar3 i
1 hea-t
h.ive r.ot i.en
. to bit no ti;e . tv I:.-:
I Il.irvey Sture helping : ' . 11 s ii'c!--. k in t:i rr,::..- , , :
' half lit-', i i:i eeion ; I - .t .1.-0
A d.:y : n. re r ..s 1; .1.0-. c ,-.y a
'. b.-': d ui'or .. u-.'-r h : i -
1- ' . 1 . 1 . r 1 1 '"
. K.-.ra to ln:- cm li-t !.i ! : ho.;.
-i . i out m-.rte-i-s when n- ..s 1
i -j s:.i.l- ; r- ive ls--n f..r u-.i-g a j
' :'. r the t- 1st " i.r -l vear ;;! -'.
fi-a. e i-.rri'ra some times: bi ' ,.H
..or- :.': .-; ' ,'a-v uSA ; an. :, '
...i 0:1 a ua.k ; :ve ..rg los ,
... t
i-n-ttv z S it'tde: w:ti r.-.:r.i:
1 ' sl.-.
t o'tnds : cm lighter th.m n-r 1 w,
11- 1
.! -so h : rjn a t toll h r t,; i h :.i , .
. OS.
am than tie ; on a it '.'-ss wmi' 1 mv .
t 1
1 1 e , . - 3
a.: -.1 . .- , T
me i. s ; eiAinii:
tt i.'e r -at :.e pitchtson ;
rttt on at tiie same tiiii- ; is 'he handkt-n -hit I !..
of coal to his li.Hi-c on the 27lh of liut Feb
ruary ; bis houw i.i about 3 o' i mill Ironi
I.igoiiicr: g.l there after 12 o'clock ; saw Mr.
Xicely there; was there ah .;l an hour wiih
him ; I lix the date by my memorandum
book : the witness proddc-ed the memoran
dum book and showed the entry in it : have
known Joe Xicely for six years; diove for
my uncle William Kiox ; left with the Coal
a little after nine and arrived at Nicety's a
between .'S and I o'clock ; when he
left be said he was goitigto A iron Mirks'; I
not remember what n'ght I had seen i ;':e -r'-'lt f IVbnury w;i- l ei,.
him; was at the meeting of the w it-1 l''ii-"eil-to saw wood ;ou M.
ng J
iv K
lin ii' t mine ;
in- ! f:i on is s
d is not trie .
!i-'i wo ?t ft
be was g mi; to hours and a-ha'f, may !
four or live minutes and then went on lo httle a.Oer 12 o'clock : say hum 15 minutes
my father .-; siipsjr was j 1st ready when I
got there and they asked me to tuke some :
I sat down at the table and took up;cr wiih
them ; my father, inollurr and two &ii,tei8
were at the tiSle; loft there for home about
T o'clock ; piwed Dave's house and saw him
selling at lit-.? win-low ; did not have any
eonvf-rjalioii Willi him; when I got Imn.e
my son laironz p bad left the house ; became
after I (ii in about half an Ii i ir; I told
b-.m to put the light out before be went to
Insl ; on f liursdiiy morning wen. down to
John Barron's black imiiU l.( p;l)an Ueet
in was there getting bis cant book fixed;
James Jones was there and I believe Jjhu
so 30 minutes after 12; kft there after one
o'cloi-i ; 10IJ several di!f rent stories about
tlie time todiitereut parties as I did not
want to appear in the case.
Aaron Marks hive in l.:gonier township,
about one and a.piarter milesfrom Joe- Xice
iey'j: saw him in Fcbniary ; saw him onliie
27ih of February ; be came to my place
abont 4 o'clock in the afternoon ; came to
see lue alioot paiLliug my bouse ; be remain
ed Ibcre about one hour and then turt
edhome; there was prayer meeting that
night al Z mil Church ; that is the way I
fix the time in my mind; it was the Wed
nesday before Joe Nicely was arre-tcd.
ness.-9 at Anthony Nlcely's two weeks a,-k,M me ueip mm oa 1 -i-s-iav ; . t t.otin.s a .ir.vmg ; sst
" I t-dd him I cou'd not do ... as I intend-' ut in l.-ick mm! ; 1 1: v.-
be three houiF ; it was after 3 o'clock j j ed t go to Pittshurgti to see a d.s-tor ; on ! ps-ket-lsvok al I. m -'.lir.-t
when became home: he went to the He-direet-After the arnit I told Mr- T,les.ljv. I was sick an 1 n t able go ; ! co one il in the cirri
barn and did the firedinz: when he came j -hat I was not sure of the date, : ,m v.'edaesilav I was at h.,.i.:j unt I iand I there was lots of p
into the house lie sai l be was ging over I hot afterwards hxe-1 the date as the 27lh L,mt , oV.M-k. or i.uv!k a little after I i around liH.kin- at s .1
to ins tamers; it was alter 1. o clock ' o...a. , u i..c .v ....... uiu ,,; rt that I w-nld. oc-r i 11, .i.-.v , - T:.,,,.
...i i,..i. . ... i i . - -
Vllll-lll. I1UUIU lliai lllV.ll l K "I I ,r i, 1 if I . .. 1 , nn t f ' If'
:..tijuo,... a, a tjii-i . -1 11 1. oillil- lliril'l Hi F...I.
when lie ftarti. il for bis father's ; it was
about S o'clock when he eame back; we
talked f.T a little while and then went
to bed ; it was n t later t han half past S
when we went to dj-sl ; I.nenzo came
Mrs. KliziWth Nicely-
g"t an o; pvrtti-
Inity womd role to i.igoni r and we a
Am wife of ! doctor there ; I did not get a ruana l-
Anthony Nicely ;arn t2 years old and j do -.. and n.-turued home s-!r.'.;.ing a:'-
! mother of the two defendants; did not ; er 3 o'clock; did not tr inr ili e else
i.onieaiier -c nun irtu hi oeu aocui ( i,ayc on tne -,1, - February ; saw j tl.At djy ; my sister Hallie cima to the
three-ipiurters of an hour; I lieArd tlio j ,x tjwt evening at our house ;"do not 1 house in the evening ; probablr nearlv- 7
conversation between hiui and my bus- tnow exactly what time it was: it was 'o'clock :saw T-wis paint in the evening :
band; my budund was at home: the between six and si-ven o'clock ; Mrs. j went out to put the os in th s;.ib,
next moming; we liAdhreukfAst between j Menoher, my daughter Ik-ttie, mv graml-i and fee.1 th-,n, and on mr wav t - tn
7 and 8 o'cl.s-k ; he left home slutSj an,i Mr. Xii-ely were present; he j houe Mr. IVmt came a! ng the nnd. s.
c clock. jcamein just as we wereabout to take ! ingeust ; I spoke b him, hi I him ti.e tint r
Tne brown ler iy hat was then shown j supper ; 1 asked him b take nupper with of dav
to the witne-w. Did your htuband have j as and he did so ; he left soon after sup
ahat like this? be haJ a hat the color jwer; I fixed the date as February 27th
of this one; I d-jn't ttiink this is his hut; by the fact that the boj a were arrested
it wxs between 3 and o'ci.s k :
next morning went b) father's; heij-ed
I. iin t n easure some wheat;
it wa
n '
; hear! b:m
est nun ; there was j :-t a r
the p.M ket-book ; Th 1
in his o,t po. k -t ; I
; five it to Watsm ol
io my wife; can't
one saw me give it t Tie 1
rsx-ketlwH.k for af"1:: s. v
from Mr. John ilitkey
a ore a cap like that : w-
nore ago; I believe
wouldn't siiv it is tiie one
like it; have a p-nktiife: j- '
the evening i f I'ehr i.iry - :
not at Jijv or's tlit dy :
ic .
:n.l- ' 11 at .
v v- f VSjj
in I. .': rriiS m,
o i: 11 y:.fs 1
.-' I Iry
tarly in the morning, a little after day- Jo-eph Darren's ; he
b ,
e .
it ?
- Y
V '
: X
.' t
h! . v.
' t r
1 -
: S
' r
. i.i.
. l.-N
9 A
ai : at
.t t
.a i
-. i'
, le
i 1