Somerset Herald. i SOMERSET, PA., WEDNESDAY, JUNE 5, 1889. ff f r scenes xnr ! Am" .... . I ELATED JOHNSTOWN ST CHAKNEL HOUSE, s I.IST SPIIEADIXG. Yza'A Lost Placed at Be- ii 10.000 and 15,000. WAIKKS KECEDIXG. a ng Hundreds of Partly decomposed Bodies. MANY SPECTATORS LpcJe the Work of Will- i::z Hands. ; r.otlit In fcvery Slreei - aijtmn lor ine ort .Martial iii. t!j- Infitrml Himcariaiti l..bins the Irai eff Them f m n' 'i tu Vforc a eniar It, in ?0 t.ithrr Shot or iM-ownvd t'1l rted Je-tfr Altn' Z in I rom t very Slat iu the A. A-ljt. Ha-tinc Ak 0-- ti Onlr Oat Trw. N. Jurii? 4. Tlie Petinyl ; ul station hou-' is l-ing . f the principal morgues. . i,h whu li it prescnhsl to- r: .: to contemplate. From. ; l tliis morning until 2 in r. 'J'i todies had Ui'n re t lace. After the remains .ei;.-. they w i Kit into a f-!!.!i iO'i pl; cd on the plat '. ' :t: i tl. ; iiiiMiiitl corpse was expteted v i- f curious people im :ty. as well as those who !..r missing relatives and ,:n n-1 around the distorted i isl.y a few Out if the 215 dtsid ! i li iitiiH-il. Some were so .is to lie wholly un- i-. Tin' sple would t.ok : i.-.- of the dead, make sorm- ai:l l'o to pive rtxirn tt -e, !,. ,; to lie drawn to the -tran-e infatuation. - ts w aiting room was used it iu Ii to cmlialm some ol Tli- -iirht in that room was 1. t::-etreme. Human form, tf.ii' v (r i ut and bruise. 1. up on a rotih Kard and tr-fully as the time whi h : to each would pcnniL i f th.- bulies not lit-ing a short time they were .i' tis and hauled to the i mIi.1 house. They w ill r.- ;i 1. s i.sible, and if -i w ,.1 U- l.-uried anions thosr i::' a commoti painted : iris. nptaoa "unknown." Sl .Nlir I nitiHt at Kf-rtiille. I Ir 1 L.tirs i-re i.i-covrmi - k X 't.'L.y aft-rnoon in tl I uar th mouth of ! Tii- -uht cannot 1? do.s ls u- nf t:u- rnt distrvtwins; ""i. A iT'iw l of at least -Vt -1 ar -mild i iuh-avoring to find f soMa-fni n Ls or relative ii.m nit.i.s theiv at the timv ip- 1 to tie laid on tlie !... .-r. "sm ciittinsan-on tlie aa.' tiir art l-itai-rs have mM ' tin ri -s u.HL- jir.rty have lieen a:s. vit they work with I '"I t'iat i wonderful. Kn I :i' i N-.. I'. .f 'ittliuig.whii h t a stuatn on tlie tire at the i . has it i;, w almost -.tini:u- 'ii- t.-V f K' ttmx at luflies t .i:r,n:-,1, i ris w ill be coni-n-.nit. ' l il l!i,-f ronimlltee. i iu the TitLshur relief !:., n in, in! ,-rs on ao'ount t:i' im m!t att' iiding more i: t..,iri t.i !.iimfis. Tliere ut.- u i, .,.,, tlie loral aa-l y.r. ! vh.iin, wh- is" at .rn..,-, (,f ii. ronimitti-e. It :r- '-'l wveral ene- 'k:ii.- .-. rythmjr to retanl r. an-l an i.n;i.iti.n com ' r:n. .l tn lalli. r T haney i. K-t!i Iv'hts have alu.ut ai..le,,g Ls running -.t t.r.L. c. ai.-l - r.' n. w at Johns-l- t uried as soon -at w.,rk ili-jin praves ; !- aa-i tin- idie aru U-i- f .-t a.- .. ,1,.. ' M, tu t,.,.ni() u,lrfc " I' k t- 11 u, ri t-.L--n ' iini n i i.iirary. On a ! " l,r';l" 1 aa l in.ii:.''.sl -on- : VI!-' f " '- -ruheJ in. it ! t i '.- i.tifv tl, .,. t ''7 -ie j.-u.-t-at the liul- : v. 1, , ,.. . :-t r- m,r,J !':: hat ill.k : ' -i;erint.-iid.-M U C. ! ' a ,:i r.a Ir. n w,.rks was ! - t-ni...n at 4 o-, 1,1- V.: 51 AP OF JOHNSTOWN A X t Sl'RROC N DI N( J UOUOCGIiS. Tlie places where ctoks lines are tl-e -en are the parts tliat utterlv ! (itmyed. not leaving a do-n liou-esntan lms. exei pt at thi place shown hy the dark K'inre, w here a dozen or mi oldamael l.iiililinsr stand. Johnstown Uiroucli proiH-r nti-tipieti a!ut th ac.- Inainilt.l hy the railrond and the two rivers, and contained practically alltii-- l iaineis hlo- kn and line residences of the citv. the vi.-ulut.-t is still burning. It u sup posed that more than 1,200 bo lu-s are in the flaming debris. Although the city is un ler martial law tlie greatest disorder prevail. A cang of llunirarians at Cambria City at tacked Sheriff IHcfc and isse during the afternoon and had tin ljt-t of it until s Stjuad of soldiers was caihsl out. The street were cleared w ith tlrawn sabres. Two Hungarians U-tween Wotlvalo and CoiH-iiiau-li found the of a l.uty wearing a valuable ntvklace.' They severed ner he;u1 from her in order t. steal it. They w ill be kilietl "if t aught. Tlii.s is only one of many similar instances. also tne tutiowing: J..nn . A. Little, travt line sal.-siuan; (liai lea Muhr. cigar maker. JohiLstown: Mr. John James, a child and sister, Johnstown, and liavid SKney. HollidaysbitrR, l'a. L'nderUker Hannery states that bodies are ctmiiiK in the morgue at the rate of one everv three minutes. Tain AIU to tlte llinrnnif.irtiirr. A slow tirippliiiR rain fell Monday afternoon, and tins only adds to the dis comfort of tlie rescuers. Larite stjiiads of turn are busily workins removing the il.-l-ris. livery inhere dead bodies are lu ius takt-u out. It is estimated at pres ent that L',iJ0 Ixxlics have btvn reco.creti o far. As fast as they are identified Uiey are removed by friends, and those unrecognizable are buried at oncw. There is an atmndanco of oajkett and more are consuintly arriving. Adjt. (ien. Hast ings lnovt aroiiu 1 freely and direct the ni.ii. With his tmu-ters in his Ixiots and bie vhite hat on his head, he is the pic lure 3f some wild Westerner. I'Mlr Martini La. Th tiiwn, w liat is left of it, is uiulei martial law. Xo one is allowed to pro ceed without a pass. No more troopt arc needed, (iederal Hastinss orderel ISat t ry I! lock in a race and reixirU-d them to the governor for cominjr without orders. There aro no rich and po-r in Johns town. The wealthy and the poverty strichen stand side by side with biji loskets waitiiiR their turn to receive suj plies. What a fi-arful leveller water h ill more senses than one! Str-tchin? away for mil.-s up the Couemaiih valh-v not a liou-e is to lie ss-u. only a with .tste of pulverized buildings. It is im p.jssinlc for anyone t pi upth- n'. A j:n-at many boiliea are undoubtedly lyins under this preat mas of matter. t'ol. J. 1'. Linton, who evervliody thou;;l t was dead, turned up on Mondav morniii. Others supjkteed to he ii lieav.ii are tuniinx tip: but for all tliat the loss of life is ti-rriile. THE LIST GROWS. Haasimls of Rodlmt Bring Kvrorrrrtl, bsll I MaMftible ta s-arv Naatt. A Jads. JiiHVSTOWN. June 4. Over 200 Uslie have U-en colU-cte.1 and are now lyins iu tlie fourth school house, near theeeiue tery. Host of them have lieen identitie.1. but !t is iuipoisible at this wntui tt secure the names. Amoni tli.' tleati found are William Bentlv, his wife ant! fluid: William liiebert and three daugh ters, Mr. IJaldwin. Miss Wells of Tioga, llarnr Ik-ne, Mary Youru;. Harry J. K.J-'rt: also H. J. Rose, casliier lirst Xittiofial Uink. Jud- Masters thinks the loss f)f life k 8.U0J. He has not slept since the dis aster occurred, and everybody here if ' li r-"" I fcr:-' eh:ii!stl. "iw would scarcely r.sronize the dignified and wt-11-Uress.Hl judire of a few dayf apv. lake XoiWi of old. the judtre ha saved his family ami all his flatives. Kirlv in the morning he n-iuovetl his sons in-law. daughters-in-law and their families mill alt his kin to the hillside ov.-rlookinj th-' rtiinnl. A!out noon he w ent dow n to the l alt more ami Ohio th p. where he lir-t he-ard that the dam had Irt-oke. and it tlie rate the watef was traveling it would l in Johnstown at 3 oVIofk. He ru luti out into tht street and t-houbsl tlie news far and wide. He kept up his cries until twentv minutes tiefore the arrival of the llmni. Mainly through his elforts of p-.-ople es.-aptl to the hillside. Kroiu th.-re he J o'-ed up the Coneiuauli ravine and saw The first Vt . fi itv f.i-t liiii. ct:nin throuii tlie val lev." The jude saw tlie wat-T da-h thrsHih the str.-ets and smash h mses to pi-st-s like matches. The timiK-ri pround to deatli many a po-ir creature, and the rushing wat.-r stitletl many a one. On the viaduct of tie- Pennsylvania mad th.. w-st.-r aihI debris swept, but tlie naifiiiric-iit pi-s-e if niasonry bt.d til.1 i shock without flinching. It wis tie-re tliat the w ild flood r-ceivel iti first j i-heek. an.l mad with r.ifrv t!w waters , ru-he.1 Uit-k and eiiu!f.-.l th- city. I-i -re houses were forttsl to tin- rear of I th- t wn. ami nr.' now lyintf 'hs n.-in-l.-retl and in in tlu cemetery at Ho ner-ttiwn. The ju-l-'e says the bark itiK of do-s. the cries of tlie men, women and children was fearful to hear. N pen tan lepa to picture the scene of desolation. Ain-a ta- saveit are v mis uiier. so licit. r of the t'aiiilina lion rompiiny, and his daughter. William Hietx-rt aii 1 Martha. Sue and Hlanche Dieliert were lost. The others in tlie family were BilVisl. Tplcrah Liues t'p. Johnstown, Juih; 4. The Pennsyl vania railroad linemen have just ar rivtsi. 2:3o p. m.. at Cumbria- City after compl. ting n through line to Philadel phia. They have a single wire, and to secure this they were ot to use the Western I'uimi wires for four gr rive miles east of Johnstown. Connei-tton w as also made with the telephone wires which cross the mountains on the old lot-tape route. Twelve miles of wire were found down U-twcen here and Mineral Point. The line is the most patched piece of t lcpi-ajh wire w hich ever cennectod two Mich i:niortaiit iKiaita as Pittsburg and Philadelphia. To As-M ien. IlAstiiii.4. Wash ls:T-N,Iime A. At tl rt.tnost 'if Adit. Gt-a. 11 istinps. ,-Maj. lien. Schotii l.i.ucti.ips s ivtai v of war.and two army i.iti eis w ho vo'iint'- their si r-vic.-s, have l it n d.-biii.-J to assist ( ii n. Haslin;-s m nia.iiUiin.-ii order at Johtis These otficvrs ;e i 'apt. Cagehr and Lieut. Mill r. Too Many t'a-lertakrr. Johnstown, Juno 4. More undertak ers are now here than are Actually re quired for the work of eni&iliiiinp the t'.ead. The slowness with which the lsli. sale recovered from the debris would make one half of the force of en balmcrs su'.!ici i.t. It is exected, how ever, that hi n the debris nU-ve the stone biiiipe is mtnttl, if it is ever moved, hundreds of corpses will U- u:i covtred. In event there will 1 workerouph in Johnstown for every undertaker in wesb rn Penn.-ylv.mia. Cniiertaker rlaniiery, w ith " enliaimers ami assistants, are here fiom Pittsbtir-' Two. malertakers aNo arrtnm trttiu lounpstotvn, O.. an-l fron Kittamnp. Pa. i Utimery established hendijuarteri near the b lcpraph station, and uted the fort e under his ci.mniaiid by sendinp Co to Morrt l'.sville. wiierc Un dertaker Wiliiams and his assi-tanLs luive had a bur l si.-pe of it during the past M hours: 10 to' Kernsville and 10 to Johnstown proper, where Undertakers Uevore and P-emhauer are r.ow at work with a large force. A SPECIAL SESSION. Governor lleavr Askrst to Convene the Slate lf;lfttat are. Pittsbi;::". June 4. Pittsbnrp memU-rs of the legislature tele-apln-d Governor H ater t call t'trit binly in extra session, to t-iko action ou the calamity. M. IV. b moa stated that there was plenty of money in the state tn-astirv, and he would favor th- appn priatioii of at least Sl.0ou.0tKI. He also remarked that the money now being col tected would only answer for th;t im-m.-diau? relief of thost imjioverishisl by the disaster, but would not aid thm a particle in providing homes for them-seiv-s after the wreck h:i-l been cleared away. He warttd to be put on record as favoring iiniuej.ate action. It is claimed that other sections of tlie state will need assistaHoe. TroM Called for. PnTsBCRH. June 4. Adjt. Gen. Hastings, in rximmiuid at JtJinstJwn. advises Goverior H-aver. in a tele-pram to Harrisbug. tliat the naiiiln-r of tlead at Johnstowu is between l-'.tXW to 15.0OJ. At his recomm 'ndation (Jovemor Beaver believes the K. urtetsith repiment ha-i Is-tt.T rest und T ai-ns. Sheriff Alex. JlK imdless at i vises that five regiment.- I In- ordered out at orn-e. The otlier addi- j tional intelhgenee is to the effect that the rescuers are experiencing much tilt- j lieulty. Tlie stem h from the dead i bodies has become a formidable ottaclt j to fuither t ff irts. j He also telegrapheJ tiiit tlie place is infesttsl with thieves, who are roiibiiift , the dead and eating tiie provisions which are w-tit to tlie sulTercrs. Tht adjutant geni r.d says it will not I j iiece-sary to s.nd hvx.tlu to the scene ol j the disaster. A N' an I ;-iiroii Donation. I'lTTSBl f;i. June 4. Tlie Atitahn mr.t.i! a-socintion bus coiitributed S1U'.-I t.. the relief of tie- .'oiui-towii sullen rs. Hie r. iiiH-iciccmctit was re ceived by h.-aity .-.ppl.iii-e. Piltsburp citizens ccati 'l ul -d in ariy $."jl),')!K more on om in um janitor room ai me scnooi House, where their clothinit is removed, the bodies washed and Dlaced in a entfin A short description of the person is written on a card and placed ujioa the coflin. It is impassible to identifr all the remains thus found. The task is a jKiinful one, but as soon as one force of men weaken from exhaustion another lot is musterul into service, and thus Uw work is accomplislted. . RIVEES OF OIL. Great Qnantitle of oil Rnuning Into tht Alletrhenj KWer. PlTT'SBi-Rd. Juno 4. A Bradfoni, Pa., disjwitch says: The Xew York, Lake Lrie and W estern iron bridge over tlie ueucsee. river at lieunont, i., wat gweit away on Monday morning. Twc monster iron tanks of the National Transit company at Olean, each with a capacity of iVa.ixio barrels, was under mined. Great tguantities of oil are now running out upon the waters. The kise to the company is already enormous, and, if tfie river keeps on' its work of destruction, all buildinp-t and tuiks on tlie bottoms at Olean will lie swept away, us the lower urt of the city is inundated. Monday a.d Tuisilay. A Plttshnti.-r, l;i UrtNtini II;s KK-rlentsj, Say the "wn . rrrsrnu-tl Was tine ?.r to le C-iixollen. PlTTsiatt . J'.me 4. A gentleman who iias ju t ieturne.1 from the ill-fated city. t ! 1 his cijn rieuce to a rnotW crowd of sis.-t.i!ir.t i i of city h ill this niorninp. II; was aii iag tie- lirst to reach tin- scone of devastation an I k;it!w, J av- n ; !ei t ;iX U:vt- l man roulJ t-xap;er.ite thp so .-ie. It was past descri'iin , an I ho will r -ret as long as he live) that he wilnr-Hed it. Hi served ia the wv.r an I wears a .--ork b p as a g.-ntle r -mindev of the late unpleas antness. While b iking to the intcre-ted sp -c'. it-TS h nted them during A Kutijrrt Alinnl Lout Sluht Of. Chii ago, June 4. Tlie evidence given at the coroners investigation in the (. roniil case w:u almost entirely a repeti tion of facts already published, d.-aling w ith the identitii-ation of the lunlv. the hiring the rig. renting of the cottage and of the flat on Clark street and the other occurrences preliminary to the dis-api-arance ami discovery of the IkxIv. The only new development was the state ment of Carlson, the owner of the cottage, that P. O. Sullivan, the ice man, had told them that he was acquainted with the mysterious im I would be resjsin.-ihle for the rent. Mrs. Conklin and Prank Sk-anlan UtR testified, in re to questions, that Cronin hail said that Alexan.le.1 Si-IIivan won till him out of the way and tliat his friends would know w heat- to !k. in case he was mur dered. Tue inquest will, be resumed to-day. HuflVrers at I U-nova. Rf.nova. Pa.. June 4. This town suf fered alsiiit SiW.Wit by Friday night's fiord. Telegnit-h com.-iiunicationt liave jast len restoreil. Three-tuarters of toe town is unuer water and many peo ple are homcuM?, tlieir hotises "fieing ruined, liailroa.l bridges all throu-li Ilia, stction were carried awav. The patipl-i hum else. At Lt k Haven the ilaiaage was etiuallv rn at. Th-- liimlx-r inb-r.-sts at Kmpir iiua and other points suifer at least jl .(".Hl.UhO. Tl; loss of lift! is smalt A GENEROUS 1TBLIC RESPONDS LIBERALLY TO THE CRY FOR AiD FROM JOHNSTOWN. i Money, ProvUloB aad Clothing; Partn la From All Sections of .ha 1'nJted State President Harriaoa to Praaldt Over a fnblle Meatlns In Wuhlaftoa for the SalTerera. Hsk1 cam" fu-l.ienlv and uetml-i had to ttpt rer fire, s-atfnp nothing cLsc ew Vork lro.1fiee Kmrliane. Nkw Vohk. SIsjt 30. KLClfR -f'Iii-r-1 nni.-t: r-ri.-.-s nna-ajonr. d- his thr-.-e years s-t vit-e in the rels-llion t w:ic. r. -f ir-. si. ...i.; -primjit-s i. . ;-i-. --iK-r.;n!T w uiier, t-'.--'-.l .la spriiii;. '.....'i: : 1 1-.- N.i. i wmir. r(. lo.;i.isi-. .1.. he had never witnessed such a -iki-niii sight as he had just left at Johnstown, lie btat-sl tliat wiliiiig hands w -re seen earn ing l-!ie; on iuiprovis-.! A ictchers t- t ilTcreiit morgues in various s.-ction-of the once pnisi -roits city. The Nube wrv as a rule covered with sand and mud, and a- a general rule their sku'.L iir faces were i ;i.-.ii d ill, while blu was sllll K.zi ig from their p iping wounds. In a ma ori'.v of castss thedeat! sp-1.14. svj.s,.r a.Tr. .-lrri Nil. 1 ntlhter. i:(.rJ(r i. ; d-i Miruiv:. i I'lTl.IV.cily an.l null eslrns. ii. 'i " l.l-i 1.- West IihIm-s; s..ullim Itnur weak: a.itl family extras, a;l.lli ..a.lii. KVK-riali. lii(I.KY-N'on:inal. sl'i.Aii -Haw drni antl in efuwl demand: fair is-tiii.ti-,, b r.-!.ru-.l In if.! i!.-inarni; 1 t lioit 101 1 r .-Ii.--I. if n : nm-k-rMl, "vi"e: u-:anu.atisl i U.H-, s-y ; ;n. u..t A. St--; 1 1.. t.h-. 1. .m-r-' A. -S,. : y.-ile. i?s 1". 'J-Jij.-. fli TI KI. f'irm: t-.t-leru cisiiuery, lT:a.l!V: f.-rti ile, 11- rmMi it- f..,-i..-v v,. wir i.a t-rs-.n was found with his ! ilar. : v.. -i.-m .1. T :' her haul; crxistsj in front r- T- ""'I nrlV, " j .urn...... ...j, i.. , - ; , ... j col- Ir tt-b;tmi: tu.r Hiu. Isr-jc. or her of their faces as though when deai'i was stealing in npon them th'-y ,..,( nj) tlieir hands to ward oil some huge pi.-ce of t nils-r tin y saw j .-.jii.i i-. ii--..-. i I.I.-II.-.-I t-s .11. ia the Inure li!d- rs th.-v m -t with while going down the rapid waters. The sight was 01 h" toinnke fie st!Ut--st heart recoil. In many cases skulls a-ire flattened out an-l in such ca-es it was next to imKH sil.le to r.s ogtiiz - th dead. lJuriiig the war we did not have weepin- femah-s nmning over thL' fiel Ls looking for a d.-:id hu-kmd. I roth.-r or lover, but at Johnstowu, oh God. what a sight. Weeping women, hungry and footsore, are met with on all sid.s anxiusly gaz ing ;.t the ui-i:i!ned faces of the lonj: row to see if a father, mother, sister or brother was mmitered among th pha.tly r.-maiat. If a relative wa found, as in many cases sacli proved te lle the case, an agonirin:; waii went ut from tlu" unfortunate an-l tl.-stituu woman, with th;' remark, '"Iv-ad. dead Oh my God. why did I not go too'." Tht scene ls-gg-ars d-scripti.m. and gentle men, take my a Ivue and don't Jjo to tht awful place. A MELANCHOLY SIGHT. A City or th Read. ! J civiws. Ju 13 4. Xin-'v'j is lit-j erallv- a c iiv of the dead. Tlie t-ntirt , place U filled with coriises. At the de ot !T cotlins were piled up antl box.-d. Chi tlie stretts coftin ktixes cover tlw sidewalk?. In th im provistsl undt rtak ing simps S:iiiipn an.l Ilevore have en-le.tll..-ll Jtlt.l Ill.U e.1 iu their shrouds l!fc pirstiiis. At cciy place there wen-deal ; strpwn around a.s thick as flowers in a . cemetery. Most of tlie litxiies emlahned had licen tiiken out of the river in tlw I morning bv tlie (leop-le at Xint-v.-h, whe . worked incessant ly night and day search-: ing the river. The booies. when found. ' were placed in a four-horse wagon, fie qnentlv 12 t a time, and driven up tc Koliert Kerr's and Grahams shops by . Harvev MoorlK-ad. j TOUGH HUNGARIANS. THev Cat s Ileod T'om" Head O.Tto Se eare Her eekla- MM-rilT lk' Ileroie Work. JoHNsTKWS. June 4. Onlv twenty five perisitetl t i-a-t Conemaugii. The btxlv of .Mrs. Ogle, the telegraph tp r ator at J hnsb.wn. has lieen recovered, along wit hundreds of oth.-rj, now than half being unrecognizable. The fire at Hailiitt: ftoriies and lreparln Them f.i the Grate V. hy Strong Men Weaken tt the Work. JollNSTovi-x. .June 4. Aj soon as t tifs'y is discovered it is tenderly taken u art I rcitiovei to the itimroviscl iii-irpiu-at the CViUi'imugh sv-h.sil hoaw and at IVosjiect hall. Parties of workers lieirar the discottraping task early Mondav morning nn.1 the work til long after dark. The drifts of dehns on JLiiu, Cinder, Franklin an.l Stony Crevk streets were removed. Every-now ant t-V-n a Uxly would 1 found. Those recovered in these pbi"vs wen frightfully mutilated. Iiavii:g conn through all the grinding aud tearing ol tluit awful avaialiche of - shattered build ings. Po-.iies of delicate, women wen removed from under kirge logs jint: beams, many of them with their head: cut otT, others with tlie limbs severed from the trunk and all more or less manglct The m--n are now growing luirtl. ncd to the work and pn eed care fully anddeteiniinedty, stopping only a moment when tiie most homd sights present tlicm-telv.s. Th.-y gathiM up thif remains, Liy them upon planks and sl.utti-rs. cover the di.fignrec UkIi-s with a blanket and Itiatl tiu-ni into a w agpn whit h carri-sl them to th isiorgue. Tlie latter place ii a most sor rowful sigliL Tin bodies were tiken tc the lower side of the building and laid Chicago .Market. ' hi- aoo. May 30. WIIKAT-Tlie prtslirtcl rohl meal her and fne.l ti:.l mati-rj.-iiiz, anil there was tittle IiM-n. i.tira-i- tlie litllls. f'tiliX -iniii. aial arices htld withia a nar-rew- noif. tiA'l'ss ci:et. sn.I u-iitionl importaiit chaner. l'KuVl.s(iN.iun. :., ju j. is ,Hd tt illuB :l li.-e-rtm- riteirt?. rirk fLwsI ."..iac lisijer, anil lard .-tint ribs J;-..1c hielier. I .ssl l.ilierty (attle TJark.-t. K.tvr l.nEirrr, Pa.. Mav 3fl. CATTI.E -Rernjits. JOl liead: stiiiiiiienta. ta n. i. .Vlarket lair; Ji.-im.-. $tMi lair tn, S4 --,. ,.,1M,n,n. lbH.s K.s . i(.:-. i,e-.i.l: shiimiert-.. I.tnu lait.l. llaiki-l -i.-w: n.l i.ratie pl..til.tJU. tin.- i nr sia;-;-! l- N-w "l ark. S!tr l-:---i;isi'i;.ts, S..M11 lir.t.t: lies.!. .M..:i-i r.rin: iiriint-. ts.O'.ra.Tli. lair la t l.; cuiiiui.m. -ikiiet.uUi liu.'ilas t-V..ti;.n Over a ll.-.zen Men Injured. AktttiN. O.. May . At Loyal Oak, this county, wlul a nnmiier of farmers w.-re assisting Jiico") Bo-rstler in a barn raiding, one of the heavy V-ams f.-il on a si:or.- of workers. Frank Elrich. Jjico'o Kurtz an 1 Miltoa IitK-rstk-r were t'-nriiilv cru-lt-d ani wid tlie. Will iam, Charles and Joseph Iianer re ceivtd itrious internal injuries and tt ilira-u otiier.i were badly tut and bruise i. st-v, -ral receiving broken limbs. A ho:i:e fail of wom.-u. who were pre paring dinner f.H- the workers, rushed out, ai-.d upon se.-ing the blood llowing frirr, til w uin li of tiieir husbands sev eral faint si awjy. A wild .:ene en siksl. Physicians were sent for to Uiree neighlioring hamit-ts. LttmlK't Yards ffwept Away. LANt'A.sTKR. Pa.. Juno 3. Thelum'oer yards at Marietta have all been swepl iway. The Sti.-iU.-h:uina is still rising. Marietta's streets and ail tne rolling and planing mills are partly submerged. Two men on a raft were carried ove: the dam at Columbia yesterday and drowned. The I't-nn-v Ivania canal at Columbia is bad ly daiuageL The Pennsylvania railroad bridge it still tittart. A great quantity of logs liave passed the bridge, antl are gorged at Turkey Hill, below tlie town. Tennemeeana to Send Their Mite. X .sHvnj.E. Tenn.. June 4. CovernoV Taylor has issued a proclamation calling ou the petiple of Tennessee, in the name of God an.l htmianity, to give of their ah'tn'lan-e in sid of the stricken peorle of I'l-nnsylvania. He cailsonall rtite sirtks to act as repositoru-s. Relief -iie.-.surc; have been set oa foot here and pti'.lic mei-liags will lv hell trvthiy. Tiie American has started a fund for tne stiffen rs w hich is growing luimLsoiiiely. A car liAdei w ith clothing, etc., will pro'juldy I e sA-ut to-day. Washisotox, June 4. Mr. Cada walder liiddle of Philadelphia, a mem ber of the Pennsylvania staxa board of charities, had a long conference at the treasury deiiartmcnt with Assistant Secretary IUtchelor concerning the legality of applying Pennsylvania's ap portionment of the government appro priation forthstresse.1 foreign immigrant to tlie benefit of the Conemaugh suf ferers. The amounts taking to Pennsyl vania's credit is about 4S-i.txx. and Mr. Kiddle urged that the whole of this be Used in aiding those foreigners who had suffered from the disaster. Gen. Hatch, lor said he was willing to do this if the law would permit, but he found it iniiosil.e. looking at the matter from a legal point of view, to recommend such action. He thought, however, that th money could only tie used in relieving those foreigners who had lan-led at the ion of Philadelphia and who had not. by a resilience of over a year in an v of the atl'icti-tl towns, rendered themselves deiendnit on the lts?al authorities foi charity. A recommendation to this ef fect w as mads to Secretary Windom. and he approved it before Mr. Kiddle ieil the department. Tanner to the Front. Washixotos, June 4. Pension Cora Riisoioner Tanner to-day directed tlie pension agent at ilttsburg Pa., to "make special anv current vouchers from the towns in Pennsylvania ruined by flood, and pay at once on their receipt. here certiticaU-s have U-en lost in the Hood, send permit to extcute new vouchers without presenting certificate to magis trate. Permits signed m blank been forwanltsi. Make "sjieeiid all original certiricitet of pensiont n n-siihr.g in tlits towns and ay on receipt of vouch ers regardless of my instructions of May ur New Yorker Hal 6.VOOO. Xkw Yors, June 4. Two hundred leading citizens met at tlie city hall to day and formed a-Jnhlowa relief com. mitteo witii Mayor Grant as chairman. This committee appointed an executive committee headed by Gen. Sherman. An address to the citizens was drawn up and adopted, and about $'.0,00 ) was sub scribed on the spot. The stock exchange raised sla.OKJ. the produce exchan-re jdt'.iXHI and the Mail and Express $7..VKI ill a short time, t-eday. These amounts will lie largely increased. Tlie other ex changes are also raising large sums. Xew York theaters are arranging bene fit performances. The police and tiro departments have authorized rirenien and policemen to circulate ul upturn lists. The newspaiers have nil ojiened funds. Mayor Chapla Open a Fond. BltotiKLTX, June 4. Mayisr (liapin has opened a John-town relief fund, and the theatres, newspapers and clubs are doing good work iu a similar direction. a.l, 0OO from nn Iron Firm. BetiiUuHEM. Pa,. June 4. Tlie Bethle hem Iron company has contributed i,jnfl. for the Johnstown sutTt-rers. Tlie Pennsylvania Koatl Uonatea in.OOO. Philadf.lpiiia, June 4. At a special met-ting of the board of directors of the Pennsylvania Railroad comjianv a reso lution was unanimously passed donating $,l)t) in aid of the sufferers by the rrcent flood at Johnstown and other points upon the line of the road. This is in addition to tlie S-VOOO subscribed by tha company at Pittsburg. Before the meeting adjourned the members of the board and the executive officers of the company who were present contributed individually an additional $-"),(MJ to he expended through the committee on finan.-e. nioo fmn New Ilrnnawlrk. N. J. Xew BdfN-swii.K. X. J., June 4. Mayor Vancleef calleil a meeting of citizens last night at which e-ViO was sub scribed and a committee npointed to raise funds for the Johnstown sulferers. The Masons and other bodies are co-operating. thieaso W ill Contribnte ;0.OO. Chicaik), June 4. At a mass meeting of the business men and others held here Iila-ral donations in money were suljscrihed and a tlraft fin- $a.U"J was forwanletl to the chairman of the relief committee at Pittsburg, for the benefit of the sulferers by the flood in Pennsyl vanLi. Another tlraft for a like amount will go forward to-tlay. Tlie sum sut scrilssl during this week will probably exceetl &.1UiO. SuleH-ripti.HXs are Ijeing placetl with all tlie associations and societies througliout the city. The Pre aldent to Pres'.de. W"Asni50Tts, June 4. Tlie president will fireside over a meeting of citizens to-day to arrange for the relief of Johns town's sufferers hy tiie flood. Masons ltte tlv.-r S.1.0OO. PrTTsBl'RO. June 4. At a meeting of the Masonic fraternities of Pittsburg and Allegheny held this rooming in their new building J.l.'XKJ was raised for the relief of the cutTerers, and a committee consisting of W. S. Brown. Jamei Mc Kean. Linn Gillespie. William Carson anl John Cunningham apis-uited to go to Jt.hnsbiwu and take charge of all sup plies sent tliere hy the Masons. A tele gram was received fr-im tlie Grant Wlge in Indianapolis, authorizing the Pitts bur? commandery to tlraw on them for JI.OtKl. A car load if provision and clothing will be sent tlaily by the iasons from tltis city until the citizen of Johnstown are all provided for. - I r 1st