JUiihen & Kiniinell keep tb b gro wl ie in Berlin. Key men Fine Candies constaiilly on hand at A. E. Tisel's. For Fine Cigars go to M. Sclirock, oppo tite ilie Somerset House. ISasy Cps and lial'.v 1'resM-s in gnat va line, at Mm. A. K. lid. Trniraiiro drinks on iee.al M. Schrc'.k's, opposite tlie Somerset House. AH the lateet uprinfr ani summer gooJa at Matthews & Kinimcll's, liorlin, I'a. If you want t!ie worth of your money, po to Mitthews & KinimeaT", Ilcrlin, Va. I.aee Curtains, W cents up. Curtain screen, C cents up. Mm. A. E. I'HL. M.Schrock never allows binself to be un dersold in tlie grocery, flour and feed line. A full line of colors of Wool, Cotton, and Linen Carpet Chain at Mrs. A. E. 1'iil's. Revolvers, Cartridges, and Fishing Tackle at J. 11. IIulpexbafn's. Fine Drrea Ginghams, 8 cents, at Mrs. A K. Vlil's. The "milk shake" at Zimmerman's tobac co store, is t'oing a flourishing business this week. Try it. Matthews it Kimmell are the leading mer chants at Berlin. A visit to their store will jiny you, as they are offering bargains that defy competition. Eye glasses at Bieeecker A Snyder's. Can suit everybody's eyes. Ntff A t'asebeer are tlie leading Jewelers or Somerset. Call at their store for any thing you want in that line. "Milk Shake" at Zimmerman's tobacco tore. Don't you know what it is? It costs but a nickle to iind out. For Georgia Marble Monuments and Head Stones go to W. F. Shaffer, Somerset, I'a. Georgia Marble takes the lead for monu mental work at W. F. SUAFFEB. Hark numbers of the Iekai.i containing full accounts of the liubergcr, Yoder. a'ld Shaulis tragedies, can be secured at Fisher's liouk Stole. l)o you know that Sic I!ro. are to-day the Leading Merchrnts of the county for (ieneral Merchandise. We don't need to blow about our goods and pliers, our cus loim rs do the blowing for lis. Sice l'.uon., Sipesville, Ta. The place to get the celebrated Clover Club Cicar. the best brand Tobies and line Totacco. K. B. CorraoTH. Ilo you use Arbutus Flour? The best in the nmrket. You can get it from M. Minn k, who has ihe exclusive sule ol it in Somerset county. Every man attending court will want to take a new Summer Hat and Necktie home with him. P. I- Caselicer keep nothing but tJrnts' Furnishing Goods. Latest Styles and Cheapest Priced. You should get my prices before you let your orders for inonuments and headstones, also Granite Work furnished to order V. F. Shaffer, Somerset, Pa. Ladies will find it greatly to their advan tage to come and see my large stock of Mil linery Goods before making ibeir purchases. My stock is the largest, prices lowest, and trimming aud work of the best. Mb. A. E. Vhl. Ice cool soda water at Iiiesecker A Sny der's Drug Store. The only place in town where you can get this delicious and cooling drink. Our Silk Warp Cashmeres and Silks, are good and cheap. Mas. A. E. Vul. Handsome all-wool siik-tinished Henrietta Cashmeres, from 50c to 1 a yanl. Mas. A. E. I'iiu All kind of Marble and Granite work famished at the lowest possible price. Call and see at W. F. Shaffer's woras, Somerset, I'A The rule-of court reserving the t-pace in side the railing for the exclusive use of offi cers of the court, practitioners, suitors and representatives of the press, is being rigidly enforced. A tip staff is stationed at every entrance to the bar, with orders to enforce this rule. Ladies' Muslin Underwear is good and cheap, at Mrs. A. E. I'hl s. What's tiie use of carryings watch that won't keep time? Better take it to Ni fTA Casebeer and have it cleaned and naired. Headquarters For good things to eat and drink. With 3D years experience in preparing the alxive goods, I can honestly recommend my place to the public When hungry and thirsty don't go to the Side Show when you want to see and get the best. It is not necessary to say anything to my old customers that have dealt with me for years, except to thank them for their patronage and good will; but those coming to our town as Si rangers and in want of something to eat and a good cool drink, Pisel's is the place and don't you forget it. Opj-osite the court house. A. E. Pisel. A full line of fresh ground feed always on hand at Schrock's Feed Store. Vonght'e grocery is the best place in Som erset to deal. He sells the freshest goods at etb lowest prices. no my. DKviaowiors. STARTLING DISCLOSURES EXPECTEC TO-DAY IN THE CRONIN CASE. KrlentU of thti Murdered lloctor Endeavor ing to Have tlie ISoolet of a IMifuntl Hank Selrt-tl fr show TIeil Alssantlei Sullivan lliut Williilmivli Money tc wry Out the Ainu ol t!m Irl.h .Snetrtv Two huects Arreted a lle.y or Two Ago nrleasiMl. C'liOAO"), May 31. There was a pro longed conference in the afU'rnow. nt the rooiiin of Mute's Attorney Iyinge mt'kcr In'twecii tii.it ohicial and liyron L. (Smith, receiver of the Traders' bank, which suspended some months ago. Hjililf Mortimer Seatdan und Patrick Cavanaugh, the two hitter being among the closest friend of lr. V. H. Cronin. The object of the conference, which waf licld at the instance of Cavanaugh and Scaulan, was to lav before the state' attorney the alleged facts relating to an individual account wit'i the defunct bank which it is believed Jy Cror.in's friends ha an imMrtant bo-aring ou the murder. At the outset a formal requ.-st wai made of the state's attorney to seize the books of the Uulk forthwith and submit them to tha prand jurv. In them, it was said, the body would find ample evidence to bear out C'ronin's ilcclaratiotH that a certain prominent Irish-American had been jruiltyof ahujrc embezzlement of Nationalist funds when a member of the governing fonrd of the Claii-Nn-UaeL In sup.n.rt of the reijucst Scanl.m male a Ions argument, IK Slid that while A!exandT Sullivan was a member of the triumvirate he went to I'ario and demanded Patrick E.an. th"n an exile from Ireland and aL-tin treasurer of the Irish Land league, tlie sum of $10,uo0 to 1 usjJ in c irryina out the aims and objects of the Physical Forcemvn in the L uited States. Tins sum was needed, he said, to furni!i c -r-tain expeditions that had Urn planre f in a meeiing of representative iiu'in' of the C'lan-Na-iaeL Keriiscd t9 Iay Over the Money. Exa.ii, St-anlan went on to s:iy, refused to pay over the money, an.l thi-rcuin'.i Sullivan threatened to disrupt every lrUli society in the I'nit'tl States, adding that a lnri;e elemant wasdissati-iiiod witii tlo management of Irish alfairs and oa tlie vere of revolt A week was coti-uim.'d in the discussion of the matter, and fi lially Ejian jroised that the counsel oi some uf his conferees should lie tak''n. This was satisfactory to Sullivan and Sheridan, the famous No. Cine of the Phienix park "removals" and a leader of the Physical Force men in Ireland, was mutually agreed upon. Ilo was summon ed to Paris by telegraph, and aft--r fully considering the question decided that in order to conciliate all factions ot the Clan-Na- in the United States, it would In- belter for the money to 1 iwi L Thereupon F.an handed over to Sullivan $'0.0 ri of t!t! National Little funds. Tin- full amount was brought to (liicago. Sc:inla:i went on to b it that several liioiitiiia.'o. whn the institution went into the she: irl's hands, lie ohtaiii-d pvr mision to make a full examination of toe Isioks in tin- interest of Oonin and otlii-r prominent Irtslim -n. As a result he foiin 1 th it tlie sum of $s ',iioo Hd Uvn h'sited to Sullivan's personal crislit. but h was unable to U-ani how it was so d. in) jtcJ except in a arciientl way. The whole amouut, moreover, ha I lieua drawn out by inc. tin of a check. It Was This Transac-tin to which lh: Cronin had called the at tention of tiic convention held at Phila delphia, his lOatcmcnts nt tliat time lieini; sitporttsl by Sheridan, who had in the meantime come tj this country nnd is now in California. Cronin ured the appointment of a trial committee, but Sullivan managed to explain the matter away, and it was dropped until lust summer, when the co tllictin cl ans met in this city. Then Cronin renewed the charges, and the now famous com mittee of six was appointed to investi gate, as has already Ix'ii r.-orted. A majority report vindicating Sulli van and signed by four iiK'iiihcrs is already in existence, while Cronin had just lefore his death completed a minority reioit in ls-half of himself and his colleague, setting fcath that the charges hail lieen fully proven. 1 Villi of these re nuts had lieen. intended for the forthcoming convention of the National League. Scanlan went on to argue that there was a direct connection between these facts and the murder, and in con clusion reeated his request for an in vestigation by the grand jury, anil of fered to assUt that liody in going through tiie books. Judge lyuigenccker listened altenliv -ly, asking numero'.is ijiie.tions, and when Scanlan had concluded he promised to give the (itiesti in his serious und inimediate consideratioru Cut of this the day was non-productive of dcvclopiin-nts, although the small nrmy of city and private debftive flitted hither and thither with as much mysterious activity ns ever. It was re ported during tho afternoon that Wood ruif had confessed that Ice Man Sullivan had hired him to drive the cart in which the lody was taken from the cottage, hut a denial was given by the police authori ties. Unsuccessful clTorts were made by Chief Hubbard to induce IVteetive Coughlin and Woodruff to make a clean statement of their connection with the tragedy. Both absoluUdy refused to talk Just liefore the grand jury adjournal the chief ent'Ted the chaiulKT and h-ld a brief confereniv with the body, which is mipjosed to have refcren"-e to the Senulun storv. Important develo;inents are exjiecu-J t-xiay. Williams an! Sn:lih Ki-lrax-.I. Socth Hend, Lid., Mhv 30. Millard Williams, arrejtel here for complicity in the Cronin murder ca-e, is not the n r son wanted and has lieen released. Cf!H'Ao, May l!0. Willard J. Smith, who was nientioiied as having driven Dr. Cronin from his home to Lakeview is practically out of the Cronin case. He was taken to the county jail yesterday afternoon by Chief Hubbard, where ha met I) tectivelAmghlin. "is this the Smith you referred to as the man you recommended to Hinan, the liverv stable keeper?'' asked Hubbard. "No, sir; lie is not," was the prompt roplv. Chief Hubbard then told Smith he could consider the case endsjd, so- far as he was cone- ncd. Sleeting of Amrrlran Trtot Koeiety. Eostos, May 30. The seventy-fifth annual meeting of the American Tract society was held yesterday. William C Chapin was elected president for the en suing year. Tho report! showed that the work of the accioty is being con stantly enlarged. A GHASTt,' FIND. A Woumn fn-iial l:itl In Her li:iuiu nnd Iter Still Iliili.i3 Wilkn (r Hi lliiiial:i NiiW Yot,K. Slay 2?. The one hundrwl Oiviijv.r.ti of the tenemeat hoil.se S t. -iVJ ri..t'Mt.clh si net have b.s.n trou'.LJ hiti ly by an o:Teiisive odor, bp 1 yesUT J:y"the police were called in to locate tfii'sourco of t;ie s.n(!I. It seemed to pris.f.l fr.ua tie Kpartments of Mrs. liridg' t Ilaui-ahnn, and on breaking iii thein tne (lead nnd dwaving lwly ol j!r. Hanrahan was found m the Kick room. Th -w.jLiau ha l ev : d-titly Nsn deal a: l.-.i.-t a v.-ci k. In the front roiu. in the midst of liltli and squalor, lay Mrs. Hanruhan's l:s-year-olil foil. John, de nl drunk. I'rorii Bpi'.-arano-s. ho ha. I eaten no'.hing .;n I drank ail he co t'd get for sec ral days past. The m-ighlairs think that tb. young man. who was a wostid.-sj sot. had ls--ii h' idirig a qaiet wake over his id. ther's L!y all by liim e.. 'ill.' worn in was nio a heavy diitikf-r. S!i ilia not work. Lot lie I in a miserable way on some saviiiirs that she had made when formerly employed as a servant. The mother nnd sun were uniociable and di.-arr.sable, and the other occupants of the hou e saw and knew but little of them. Ari-11 Clnu-irist With Kunler. Cl.M-l.sS.-.TI. May !). ( I iiTord Porter, nn owner of race horses at Latonia. was urr.-sted yesterday afternoon and lockcl up in tlie l 'oviiigton. Ky.. jail, charged with murder. 'iV-puty' sheriff Jerry LH'iier of Calveston. Tex., arrived bet night with n nsjuisition for him. The niur.'er is said t ) have been coniiiiittt-l some time ago in a quarrel at that place. Poif T i a very wealthy mail ami im mediately employed Senator Oocb, 1 of Covington to defend him. Hi. rn-;ie Instate, i ;iViiiK.M r:. May 2!. ('. S. Swecland has bin appointed by the supreme court trustee of the Sjirague estate, vice Clu-nris'. deceascl. Tb- creditors of the estate have lsvn iiotii:?l that the ac counts of the di ce.is "I tru. t. nro now ready for examination. NiW3 IN ST.r. Wcrk lias be n vc-iimed o:i the Pitts burg govt rniia lit building. It is stteil la it the ( ii..,iinsTs on the "" road are agitating another stri!;". ltrilliant. O.. id to receive a water sun ply from V.'i ll-burg, V. Va., across the river. Col. Andrews, chairman of the Kepub lican stal" committ will locate in Pittsburg in a low days. A tool dresser named Orr. working on an oil well at Lit'.le V. a.-hingtoii, was fatally burned by gas on Tuesday. Tlie Pittsburg a-id Allegheny C. A.'U. soci titi are in. iking elaborate prepara tions for the uliM ivatiiu of Jlcmorial day. The Clay county. V.'. Va., grand jury brought in six indictment Tuesday r.gaiust the l'ev. Jani -s Smith for gam bling. Four sticks of dynamite were found on the truck of the Illinois Central rail road at Kourt-cntli street, i.'urago, Tues day morning. Hurciiirs bro';e the wi low in front of Kirk's hardware store. New i',i.-tle, P.. T.icsilay. mi l st. le a quantity of knives an.l revolvers. A wreck on the Ibnis itonic r:u!road. near Bridgeport. Conn.. Tuesday, cau.si.d the death of two inei and seriously in jured two others. Kx-Seiiator Piatt and Ceri. Kus.sidl A. Alger will leave in a few days for Alaska, where tiiey will rusticate for a couple of inoatiis. (if.rge Martin, a lad age 1 1 3, living at (irafton. V. Va,, accidentally shot him self w'lile out hunting ou Monday, lie was dead when found. It.lsi'hall. At I'liilji'lel.thia-Caifl. Irwin nimle bis re-airsar;ir-.-' r.ni! as a result the hinr.e lc.nu ki:ive a niueh Ik iut exhi hil inti of It'ion work. 'I'lto t'alii.. whifli wis lost Ly the 1'hiUir in in., liint !i inniii ' anil tinullv r. ileemr.! in tfte t-ot li. ttlmti.-:l ill shure riel.iit. pl;is. t p to ll- mn'a lnnnei tl:t ImltotKiit luttfl tnuti. was very liylit. The I'll iiie nuele ln rniM in the fiisL noting un i (mis Iwim? m l;itls. sinl.s io I'h'inenls aiul .Muhey nii:t lillnlnp's wi-.l threw, 'i'lie store Wie. Il.-tl iti tin. Ithrlh innini; on Stsl. y's o::-lf. Sinui.i8 fore, hit and a ilroi'isl tin-own iiall h Irwin. Tlie l.eitie te-on went aiii-a.l hiridn in lite tenlli iniilair hi .eitrin Ihree runs mi two ih.uhl.-s Itllfi two stuie;- mitt Ihe visili.is tailled tw it e on tliKv suetoi-lve -ile.'le.s, Seore: Pl.iln.lelpliia... 2 o o 0 il ll n 0 3 " t'ittsbati: II 0 O II 0 U II I) 2 2 4 At YCjvhiliztim- Wa-hinto:i.:;; Cleveland. 5. At ll'Mtni - lteit'ei. It: 'Iiieitu'o. .'I. At New York -New (irk, 7; I iitllannlitil.s, 0, At Colmiilms- 4 '.tliiinhns. ;; Hrookiw.l. At llailoii.se-iU.lli'ix". ".; Mtil. lie. I. At I iii. iii.a.Ti - beue-viiy. l:.':l"iuciaitatl, 13. THEi MARKETS. t Vwib Muney Iarkst. Nkw Voi'.K. Mav J0. Torify rl.ert at 4 tx-r ctat., the uiirhe.it rn-'f. lo". esr. 2 in-r ts-iit. Kxi hailir-eo-ei i.le:eH-; pTe 1 raVs. 54. 7. I.1; a. t'ini r.il.-s. 4.s;-i l..-.; fur sixty Uas altl il.V-' 4.''-4 l.rt- i:-Mt;t:el. llovern.Mieiil le.r. i l(.st! sle.nl v: rnrrenrv (V. 1.2t' s Liti; 4s toiiM)ii, 1J."I bul; 4' tlti, l.tii s l-i.t. Pacific niiiis:irl lon"ts rits,-1 ns folh.w.: I'liloa hi-sl, 1.1'. to 1.1 if. ilo liuiil crams 1 M Iti tio sitiitiar tiuul'., I-IT1-..; l-:ttr:ti. I.)i to 1.1 I. Jew Voril i'rouec Kxcliiie. Nkw Von;. Mav i. FT.nfi: t !se) llrm: winier. tine Bra'tei. $".'.i.e -.!; sri'isr do. .'.ol ;..!; wmih-chiio v.u.ter. jjir,.!.!",; tt., sprite, t-.'l''' '-era N(v 2 wilder. j;l.W(...i: .! ;eii:. JJ.s. H.-'i: extra No. 1 v.Milei. ; ' l.s",; ,lo :.t'- l.l.V ( i!y ;tn t mill -.ra, i.l'.i lor S et lii(!ies: s-ml uern t1o"r t lued we;ik; tratlv mi.l fauniv t.Mra, tj.i'J.'--".liJ. i:vk!iu!;. IJ.Mtl.fcV NeniiaaU St 'lfv'til -Kaw tiria; fair reMiiine. r.e; re flmsl tiuel; ellt loitf niel rru-hed. lie; etllu-', N'qe; jMiWflerL'.l, s,'..s;,(,.: t'raind;)le.t and Uiollid A. SI je; ( onft-( ! ioners' A. K-c; eolftre, A Maiubir.l. SI4-: t one.-, oir A. ', I VIii s. ; iviiite. Kim C, ;i .; lelik; rll.iw, u b I UI-1. l; ITEK-FIrm: cartcro creamery, Kl.".,!!!,; wtsleilt '!o. IH ' ISf. I IIKrK -liiu. l; factory. New York h"d liars. .f s.., , KitS (.-(iiel: fr.h eastem li r-. r s. 1 li. 1 1 'c; 'Canadian do. lie; western. liiV'tl 'ic. 1 ill- ftE- ruir It in. tsi-. Cllirat Markef. Chicago. Mav 29. WHEAT-Stronir nnd litglier. Frosts were rejsirletl in Mii-aian, Indisii , and the north wet and the whorls hastened tt; tovt-r. l()l;N-H:ci.er. OA'I S Higher and in symiuit'uy with wheat and corn. ritOViSIOXS Wfakeron lu-enr.nt of laruo rereii.suf botes and a break in prices. I'(.rk MllTered 1111 11101 and eloMsi l.'mJlie lower. Lard lot "'r,;q- and ribs e.7le. J'aekers wt'lc free sellers early. East Liberty tattle MxiUrt. East I.iBKirrr, Pa.. .Mav 29. CATTLE-Reeelits. 2UI ljeatl; .hipimnts. O bead. Market la 111 and prw tm urn hatiifi; prime, $4,2.V.V M; l.or lo k.w!. Jit.ne.l.Hl; coii.innii. 4W.i'.i."it!; slmktis and Indent, ja.io.-.l.). HKiS- Krreipts, 1.III0 he.-ei: shipment, l.lm bead. Market plow; I'liilaoei pl.les. H.i"".l 4.;o: pies and Vorkera, Ji.w.(,4.;u. 1 Uree tars Khlpivd to New York. Ml CKP-htrelpla, 4.21U Lead: hijmenta, teAK.' lica'J ilai ktri steauJ; pru us uucLangisL U.NUAVKLlNii Til:: SKU.N. THE Cr.ANDJU'V 1N"!CT C0'JHLIN. ,ULL!VAM AND ELAS3 l or the V. ileal J!-t.b r nT Dr. Z'. t'ron;:i. Many V. II. 1. .ss i;..iii;:te.'. but till ing I'retla". 1 to I'.-o;. f'tt:-. piracy. Toe t!er.t I Ke! fat; s ifs .-Mt.'meui Tliat t!ie lan-r ; rno-rcl tl.e loetnrs Itrmov ll n:l t-xpla' .s li.tw it fit a: -bi About. (iiK'A'lo, j! IV ). Th.r grr:! 1 la.t evening i. I r a seven li tirs ii.Jit r.d rlv ..cave !'.::.! til'- L.i "vi. w Cottgiihn. P. O ice (P-aier. tnvt t -ran.: t::icu. ai. is ii ruil. for tli-' iii id nrar b r of i r. i. II. Crania. l;!r.ck is the man arr -ite.S for stealing th.? white Imr-e an I tig t i which the phy-ician wat dtiven to k.s death, and wliotol la w jolly ttory r '.su'.iing lr. Cronin s li ivi.ng l.-u I i';i'n to a'.t "1 1 tho woman who, n-tdy. a; le claimed, was afterward hidden in tii - trunk. Over a score of witnesses, including both l'r sonal and political frie.'sof the murder cd man were examine'!, but no evidi 11 'e was produced to irove a co-is; lirucy. and the private pa;-is alxnit whn-h ma' '! has la-en sai I were. 'it fr '.u fie bo iv. As a nsult of tl;" iovi-iic iti- :i it was d -cided by a una.-iini-mt vote to iri' l'ide trie three pri ait-.-s 1:1 .!..' i:i hct :i;vit of tlir.s? counts, on-; cl;:'.:".'ia: t!i"ui w itli killing Dr. CiMoi.i ui'li a ;;Iiiac ins'ru ment, th" se,'.. 1 t al'egm ; t'i of a sh:;i; instr'i:n .-nt, an I tit t : 1 vi:!i iii-tr;imcnts and lieaas u-ikn.'.vn." Tiie indictments w.-reciani-.-d t Ju Ige Williauiton an t tho jerv lv'o.t ;, I f.-r :'i. nieht. St:f Attorney fjorigen '.''ier .-21 id sub'.tientlv that til-' .-.lion of acn soiracy w.n not iavc.-tigate 1 ia n::y f- i ai and iat the matt.-r ic.til l not U- Utaen up again by the pii'j-nt Ixidy. 'ihe Manittitle el the 4oe.plr:,.ev. It is said upon ale-olnt" aTihoritv '.ii.t tlie xhce ure only j..-t l; .riM:ii!ig to get un in-tight- into the magr-it'i.ie of the coMspitiuv. A!l al-:ig fi.-y hive U.-n wtirking on the ti?'sey that it was coa lin.tl to a few. Within tli !c-t Iwefy foiir hours, however, tii-y hi v.- c-oe-into h-i-i.p!in' iiiiorinati. 11 iii.it it la-yon 1 tlie shadow of a .'.on 't t-i t :,t leat a score i t ia l.viilu,.'., v.-.-r cti-n.-cttsl, d:tx-ctly or ia-i'r-' tly. v.t;ii th-diab-.iieal aifair. Am 0:1 t-v--. it i-. s;iid. iff 1 i-.-'it of tl,.- 1 1 i t p o u:i -it Irish Niitioaal.-ts in tae ;.. 'ih.-s.' .i-e being shad ..w-1 dav :ii niat; n-l so much wi.ii t!i vi---of a-iy ioitn -d: a!.-arre-t. but a. tii ' ; li put i! "1 vt r to suiiserve to- ii.tr -it f j-i t. ." Among tii." U--t an I 1 1 1 t ivi iely kno n of the eighl i A!ex;:j,.. i- Si.Iii-.;in, tie. ex-pr.-sideiit "f t!r lii !i l.i'i I le ,-;i of Am.-ri -a. II.- :-. i-rdn:ly the Is-t watch's! man iii Chic ig 1 to .icy. Shad ows illf. -sr tlie o; i-V Ot' t'l - (1li"!go opera otti.-es lion ii bn.l.Ii.i ;. are 1 -cat-.. ,!: t: -v i-i w'.ii.-1 h,s lilt ::ro-.ir: 1 tii.. bis ft . t-t p 11' court boiiv. oil IVis .--.r- .-t , wi,--! c!o,--i-! ie p u t. -r ot' lii.- tipja-r coiTitlo:-: teey .1: wie ii be j-oosj a-rou t 1 t. nod they iiivebi. b .iw under siirve'U".ni-c. I :l ill bis c.oi.-e or '.vhen i 1 1 home is he free fro'-.i tin ir 4 hlt-r nf rt:le.- It 11 practici'l'ty alm'ttel that sponsible for this t-jiiuni: c.ini-d to sc.y u,e: wiiat based. a!'iii- ii.ii be hie.! -done tohatisfy Croain's lii in tli.' sa-iie 1 r -..ill It? .-..i !.:: .1 he w:u ri-ln-.t l.e ie- 1:1 la ii w.ts 1 that it wit ids. Almost I that 01' itii the stream of !iii-ct evidence tiiat had been wi'tied in irmti h't.-i tii r" wis no? a single t.ict that points' t i:i the iiii-e-t ilegree to Alexiitn'er Sullivan's culpa bility. The friends of the letter and their niiiniier is legion take tii' gro'.i.al that he is Ix i'.ig oatnig ou ly persecute d. He is, they say. U'i.ig made a mark of by men who Itr.ve U-en opjiosed to h:::i for yean in seen t ss ieie-s a i l who are now only to willing too take ad-.a"ta of the pn-M-iit e.tcitenieiil to identify hi. 11 with the crime in tlie ciii lie mind. W:t His "removal" tlrdiwlf Tlie Herald to-day in ;n elal o at.- art! t ie reiterates its toi-m-r stat.-au-nt that lr. Cronin was remoivd" by tiie 1 I m-Na-'.i:ul ail. r trial an 1 cnnvii ;ioii of tie ciiarge of being a l'ritlsh spy. i de clares cin tiin taritl :li .- that nn o.":i--er of the order known us a deleg ale c-il'i d Uxl the fiiior. gua.-lian of a North Side camp to appoint a trial oincaiti.-e. No namet nor s;h- iticationi were given. At the 1 ext meeting of the camp it wa. announetsl irid-.-r the rtil.-i pro. i le 1 for such ociasit .us that atrial coinniit'ee was rcuuircd. liiit h man present wrou a Iiaine on a piece of p:ij). r. When all the Klips bad lo-n depositei! in the ballot box it was deliver .1 to a tru-ty in-iiiia-r. vtho rotir.ti I them and st l.s-ied ta seven tlcit r.i-eived tiie liii-ie-st rum: 1 r. I-tcIi was "!li i-l'iy iM.fi." -t of tiie fa :. wliii" iiie tlii atcei-v.i a! ones -umpiy received blati!; r.S'ps. Tlie -oi.-.i;i.l-t"i? ni i within a week toi l for the first lini-' I.e. vii" nw.it-' of cacli ot.i rs identity and id o t'i.'.t of t'ie lit a e. -i .:i they w.-ro to try out th" die. rg' pre ferred. H-'iice of ail t!. r.i- iii! isof t ie order only th" committee. t.'a- ma-i pr. erriiig tiie charges :c .1 w iint . ex.'i'.aine i w -r' co.-t;i ':irit of t.e' jt- SOTllditV of til.' !.-m!v Ol i-s .l-.)ei-e liil. s. C harges wit." prei. 1 a- 11 -t Ci.-iiin of ln-iiig a I'iiii 11 si -': guilty 1 y a c.rtan 1.1 scntficeti to 'it- "reu-fiie't. v as fa ni l Vol .ill :is In same iv.it kiaiwledge of the e jaoeeeiiiags c.-im.. to t ronin and b.-iice h ., 1 .1.1-iit st ilt -men 1 4 jttst before be m.-i bis i".;tlt that a viol -lit end w.ii in s'oie lor him. The article nl.o says that ti." oi:i 0'1'ect o: the p.vseaec in Chi; ag.iof L'.tke l i i. 1:1 of I'liiiiuleloliia. v.i - is one of the triuniviate now ritling the cider, is to I'-atn the iiutnU-r of ti.e camp i y v.i'ich the con-.iiiiti'V woa aiitH'tsitc-t. Tise ('oriicn's Jury. The coioticr's j'ti v visited tlie cittae-e. the manhole n.vl tlie ! '.ili'v ia wlti-h the trunk was found ami up-m rcturni.ig to tiie city adjourned until tula v. A widow named Hamburger his tinned nver to tlie jmlico a suit 01 tl;in:: ! u:i l r clothing and a ve. t which were found by her two Uys, aged an 1 1 1 yr,r. ie. a clump of Imsh-M 0:1 the tivaiiston roe.d not far from th-sp it wh re tie- trunk was t'tiscovensi. Tiie o.ii.-crs are rii-.-: terious regarding the tiii l a:i 1 re: a e to say wh-iher the articles h iv.; b ; n ideii tilie.l as having been wora by the imirdered 111:1:1. Ktartin.-r ttHtiini,)... C'tnc.v-iO. May C-.b J.iim Cii ison an 1 bis wife, who ov. ii tin' cctt .'re in which Or. Croiiin was m 11 1-L ied, give soiii startling t.-stim. nv to the g-o., ju;-v. They te titi ! that Kiaik -Vidimus, tii mysu-riotn i.traii-er win retite-.l the cottage, after paying tii - !i.-,t m itoii's rent in advance ami ta'oiig .1 receipt !'o.' it. went direcily to the hcuae of 1. O. Sullivan and cnte:e;l it by the tear iloor. hen tiie t coed montii'a itot Ucai.ie Aju V!!'i..:.. a-;aiu te.a.'.o !iU api-.-m "--. at tin-1 aii i 'il h-Hi-c. paid ti.e rent and. as went Stibivan's li..'t v. Ji be ts in -t by Milliv.in :r th- rear door. Tl:e two ni.-ii sr-s) i nt pla n i.-w of til l Car!s..i s. Wiliia n ; ?ut bis Il iad 1:1 bw pocket. rmiu -fl a ii:! of p-i;vr :aip-i.si-1 . be t v teceipt for th.' relit which h' hand.-l to Subiven. The ice 111:111 I..ked el it and pro-.lu el a roll of bills, counted out a cerlai 1 11m cia! nod haii !e I it t W illi .'us. T.ie . ntir tnns nctioii was i,: I by U.t.-i lr. mil Mrs. Carl s a. p -i!.vt iv s-.vorn to and in-iiiitaiue-l t :r- a ch a l i ,id ross-cx iiui- 11:1 ti. .a. rmlih l-.:.iitler t. CitK'.Ve . Jlav- -'il. A t Will ir-.l J. Si.ii'.li Wits 1 -aviug tie- court r aim afrer lli.'gran-l jury s.-i. -n h. w.n ns-o .'iii.ed bv 1 rani: : :.-i.a.i. tii.' hut man wiios iw lir. roil in alive, as th u.-.kaown 111 in who dr..v.. away with the tnnri -ri-l :n in in tiie bug.'v ba'.l! ' I by t.ie whit.- h -se of the fat.-.lV-itr ! iy lii git. Mr. fyan l.m too! a lor. ; lx'i at S.i.ita and dt? clatvd that he co-a'el not l-e mistaken. T-iis iriloi-iiiatioti wai given to Opt. s haacs. A consultation was ln-1.1 but it was decided not to arre .t Smith at this tini . Smith is tiie m in who claimed la.: Sdiniav t'lai he was tiie Smith refer ral tabv u-l ctiveCVjghhn a hisfri -u l from Michigan. Tii- Si-p;oed llrlrer ArrTl. S.i'Til P.r:.r. In-I.. May 'U. Millard I Wiliianii of ti i city was arresttsl la-t J iii-ii! at a far :i lions,, near Chain Lakes,! ai.o'.lt s-v. ii !:;1 -s itolll ttAVil, wiier'h"i I: 1 1 U i tisiiing. He i4 sn.ps tttl of ls-in-' tlie .-rs.i,i wh 1 tlrov-a tii" rig con tai.iii'.g tae ic-.iiain-; of ti:; i.o i'.l r.-d Ir. I 'i'oMia truM tie' cottag c;ii Ashl.iud avi! !' to the cit.-ii b i.-:n wh -re the i.-.idy was a'.t . nv;-.pl foiiad. Williams r fn .-1 ! 1 -si .- nnvii'o.g. l!- a-.vain tli' di-posi:i-ti 01 lii.' t iia-r.go iiutiiorities wi:o x iil proi.ai.-ly remove him to that l it ." t i-.iav. t .e dru 4 .nl A-.... iil.- It is ht.it.sl that C!tc Vrriiik V.i4..ir'iiii. alias frank Piair. lias iti'.-l.. a f tlii confer!-ei. ciy.ng foil wir ticu.ars of tie' u wtui rnm '. lb" bad iiwibi 1 g w Iiatev.-r t. . d . wuh tiie mtir r. but :,!;.-r tiie lie -1 had l-.-n c.in i.n;: -.l lie .t.ove t'le lior-. T.-.e i.iiir-(ler.-ri ii!i.-nd.! Ihr.wing t;i laly into !ll l.tSe. 1 tit lle!.-U tt igoil wit. tli the o-l!-I 11 I s"..p'. nh -;i opjs. lt.' tiie ( ilt- il .. 111. til.'V to"!i tll- i..t!v-oiii ( t!i t":iaW an 1 throw it iut-i it.- '-. .-. . r. V.'.H ;.;i:r tli n part. I w.tli t..-- tv.-o io--:i. they r -turning t- tie' ci:v. v.-.ol h w.;a 1 i . J away 111 iiin.'.iier di- l.t t'c.l. IN THE TOILS. A .!tk Snlriii:.r l'ltially Hull llovn mi.1 I. et. tl ill Jul'.. ClHt A'io. May :.'i. A mall who has bee:-, "iMiig t ie cu-toni 1 ollicials her" a Vii-t am unit i f troul le for th" p 1st year lias br.r.liy Nvn arr.-.t-sl. ben aiie-t.-d he gave til' name of Morris Ki. ckcng.T. and has since Us'ii itlentitie-l ai a f iiiier clerk in the New York cic.li 111 i:oaje. and who, un b r tlie name of Jam e-i Itv. served one year in tiie Marylaii-l pcaitenriary for similar pRii.' liees. lie also served a t -nn iii jail at Milwink-e under the nam.' of John Cartrizht. I';ecken;rer has swiinll.sl more tiian a hundred housewives during bis op -rati -.ns in tiiis city, bis plan la-ing to cai! at a p.-ivat r:-.id"ii during 1 -.i-.ioc.is In.ur. and say that a package iiailbs-n received nt the cutom house lor tiie 1 i'ly of the hoiiie, on which tiie !n!ien. if paid at once, would save tiie con.-igius' alavit xln, its the goods would not then have to go through the ap praiser's bauds. The alleged customs charges were usually paid to tlie swiicler. who n-pp-n'iiteil liimself a.-a ca t atn iciie r. ami later it would l discovered tiiat there were 110 goods at l!ie custom house as represented. Ttit. 1'etiiale Walk. i W.-.siii.S(;TiN-. May Ji. Shortly before! ijiiibiigiit of the ws-ond day of tin w iii::-n's walking la.-.tch at Kerr.ait': l-aaas. M'lio has held the lead from tii. s'ait. f-piiiib-d and tini.died her fn-l Inn 11. 1 Hides ill. 11 I gnat applju-e v. ltbdiawn. The scon Heed at 11.1 I !1 litis ;iit: l-U-s-I .' T..M ;s lii (,.-., 1. .-niii'.' M.ti k' . Al a.-l I. K 11 v fu ll III I'l bViers.'a PI- isreenic't Iti ttis- S.tHto.a f'mi fr rrrter. I e.i'iN. May V.-T!e' News' r.-rii-i ' tolTi -S..1 t' ilt reJH.rts that lii-aglYelie lit: Mils III 1 mi iinj-ortaiit K.int in lie! I'-i c.-. Tiie in. titer i't is-,ie ' s.ua- a:i t .ad v tie ( term. in m l -nrntf 1 1 .aims, a 1 I tii' f !o-e of tiie ( t;-,,t lavor.l' le. pr-spc-t for an e.ul ifiice i.- coo -i-l. ied les- T tilai.rtie Wlii'ts If' 'inn. San !':-v: i -a 11. yi.w i'i. Ij. I'.lanclie, j the M.i..ii , 1.0.I Mike Lie ie i Troy, I .!' it toe but of a series of contents f.r t'ie liii eia-'Wcigiit chiinipioiwhip ot j .' .a. 1 1 -a In re. 1- ltianelie had th" la-st if tae ti-ll t'.iioisghout, though I.ucij t ill io l?ll'g:..'. 1 low a mid gained lii t 1 I'm-! i 1 Lhc liliid round. Ij Hlarielie kn.K'ke.l Lii. ie out ill the thirteenth round. Iai-a.it rout 1'lrr. VlKNXA. May '!. A dis:i.,trous fire has swcj't tiie town of I'l.ilhajce, in Austrian (cihci.i. Sixty hoiis.-. n rhur h and ti s.-ii:i'oii:- have la'ii tlestroyed and a 1. rge tii.iniiM-i- of lives were Itt. Twelve l i.e-'s have I i-p'i taken frora the ruics a id wovken'ti are excavating as rapidly as j..-s. iole lo n.acli others known to Lie leal it .!. IN-frimiiii lit l-e a lliestnut, St. I'rTcr.-LlRfi, May 2a. The dis covery of )lots against t!ie life of the 1 -'.nr are now of iilmo.t daily occurrence. Tiie Kii-sian police hive discovered numerous stcitties with ramiiicatioii a '1 over tiie ceuiinent. who-i- si. I., niir- ii-use set-'ui tube the murder of tltf Ku siaii e.'iiperot-. The police are follow ing cities that lea l Is'vond th" borders of li.issi.i an I are ei:li-,ti'ug the aid of other coualrics in tiie search. te!ttli r an Kx-Cttiierrsitiiiitn. Ci'.'iws pnixr. N. Y., .May -'!. Ei C.iii ;r.-ssin i'i Joitn H: mm mil died yes. It-May ot cousurnptitea. jj,. w.n , .re. i.l-nt of tlie I 'nm ii Point Iron com- j pa:iy iail hal lxs-n prom nent in tli"! bil-in.-s a::d )!itical cin b of this piirt I ol the f tare. II.- w.isc..oii.-! of tile Fifth i N. w York cavalry during tiie war. J li :r.:v:. May -"l. Th Kreutz Zcitung u'iUes tiiat alieiniaa Protest aut bishop 1 ic w ill ioon l fuuadel ia Jeru-saleiu. R.H.KOONTZ . IF yon wan! the Lest return f r i. ,!r investment .11 a ItlUiUMUrd, . T 7 T ?. fytTi r a Ton.l ct.-ne you n:c.-t so 1,. H j; Koontr.. of the BERLIN kSRELHV;; H. H ZI lii ii'i IL Ivi.4 r;4 , DtLC IN TOBACCO & CIGSRS. CIoARETTES, PI I'M an.l sM.,Kt; i St'M'LirS, 5 Fishing Tackle, Baseballs, &c. I ! '.m BAKBKit SHoFloNNEi-rKl.. "j MILK-SHAKE, SOMETHING NEW j SiiKT IiRlNKS, Km ITS. ic I N. W. Corner cf the Diamord. jy, nco:;o;.!Y is Wealth. We understand hat the t.ple want They van' goods at the lowest jm. ble pr:cea. Ttiey art to pay cash nnd saie L". ti ."rt) ji-r cent. Tbey don't want to pay enorniou. j.r. ces f. .r the -callsl L-t g"sis in ti.. lll-rkct." Tbey ilon't want t pay their ne h. or' deb! when th-alinr with a .-re-i.: -tore, which tbey are ob!n;isl to ,!,, 1 .-ail' the dealer must put on en- u -I rofit to make up for Ins kwses by tl..w w bo don't p; y. I'ait tbey tlo want to buy from a fin that Hells only for cash and one pra e t all, is 1 1 1. Il is the lowest -ssibie priis and who buys directly from beii.b.ii'trtcs and pays the cash, thereby securir.i: : the consumer the advantage of a large.!;.. count: also, sayinu a ilruiiriier s saiarr and lastly, saving the consumer a .1. connt for paying cash. The policy of the Bargain Store is (, uive the buytrall the tliscount. Evervtiiing in the line of Clothirn Tinware, Shoes. Hardware, Notions, et to be had at panic prices at the EAKtiAIN STuliK, Sotiih e.i.t corner ltiainond. Somerset. I'a. r a. ' THE ;t SOMERSET HERALD, 1 i The advocate of tlie liest inter cst.-j of the jieoiile, and tin fiivoriitcr: new?iiajicr of the county. NEWSIEST, NEATEST, BES A T. TrinT TTr" trfn ' ' A Is most carefully edited. .laf 4-4-1 cd tn the Wiiiit-i of ititcMigc.H re;: - i Our Politics. We believe in the Rt-.uh!ie.. . jiarty witli all our strenslli, and lie! nig the lioni'st enforcement of i' ji.iiicij.Ies a the liuhest and 1 truarantee of the rmi.iie wcl:'.i.' we shall support them with all tl strength at our command. WL! strong in asserting what we siiler the best political interests 1 the cotintrv wc shall nlwavs tn: opposing parties with fair p!uy give them the coiiiidertition I- "hii cut ... , ilVtjoh ojunions honcstlv expressed .-iioi-., !'0rp f;bs, always receive. nir njac THE SOMERSET HERAL- iti worth, merit and enterprise f'pwer taiiily occupies a priiiniiiciit I"-1""',, i tlOIl aillOIP' the coiilitv -late. $2.00 PER YEAR S2.C.. O: Ip Yoi; Want ALL the Nk.- TIIE Col'N'TY SlTISCKIIiE. Ad.'.rcs.- .DIES SOMERSET 1IEHALD SamerM't, ft-V;- t 4" ft: l-' 1 . 1 i ! ! 1 rtrl IIQLi ; Ian 1, .-S.'e HI 1 ! i! r : 4 1.S.V n frTnil itber de EU