t .loll" .,11 .:.l 1 : it. i !,l..i!l.il j 15 : I'll!.. .f Wh'ir- l: 5..:..,.!-"V A fr mining A K. fl.U H iv .i-''l -, , .In i n I' V ic r-iu'Fi.;:i Iki- lus-n cn- 4nm:i,ai:..M ' 0 Tje-W A-,,! . a i:rl-ti 0 I..HIO- ' 1 1 .- ,-t. . j;l lilt- iaw I 1' f hi- nn- j:,.. Vl liar V.-. H' '- 5 H.iv.-I i:c :i-k !.:. ,.f Krank'.in an 1 Mao .n of Mr. YV. ' au.l is a in-ad-1 r.,Ie,,.. j I Down to ilea kcck. in u:"i w cli-.i, veil rail buy a l'ri'i i-..ri- -',i.! i ;itss Wart- a sa.-r v. a; m' - " i:. v.. r..ti 1.. i:n. S tlH'X-t, '. I'm l..i. r. iMi trial at (... -5 mil! at la- l'-'iili'i iM'ily. ,-,.. Triiiiiirm rn:i!i li Mi. I T-ss v 1:. I m. -. V..- M-iry M M ' ' ' ' ,cr Ii-!- "i C'l-t- l':'" .i.- 1 ' 1. : .i!.:ikir an. I i-s j , liuie M d.l'lj.'hter of ii in. W. fh a i'i-il.'l.iy party 1 1 ty eveim::-. Ami'iii; 11:1 -r. ; -v. fr . .,f J..i a'ar-ud w ti' M ;s town. M-ss K.-ic l,r."Misl..li' ; M :- "''-'j' N.t:nii" II' tll-v, of 1'.. :!:n ; i,,. r.'cf li.iiii.-n. Notice to Traverse Jurors. 1,1 tut- !: n !.'. to!' erimmal sessions. i in- 1 "!irt iMiiiii.ii.-l r !;,, xv i 1 ! ' of M.iv i'-rtii. 11:111111 itul for i!i:i: ai- heie I4':ilt it- -'ice .'.Ii '! !l .r a'ti ,11 iln ll a w.l: irit 'I niv r-t ..! I., nisi .1.1 ors, d-T "f t'l ' I' .'.l-l i:..s. y. May. 1- II.':. wile aa b .f "at im tin- S.'1'a st.llt'l.!'. iilnt' court a land- I .n :i iMtit:. :' liu' s'air; i.- an opi" l':l' 1.' 11 I :nis wait - i:,l :i.i.'l J ,),',, r!'.i'i:lv to -i laK.'il from the to I - lie i- :-( to tin- Murder!! la murder t. i..!s it is ei .-I inii" M..R tln-ex iit time at ineh tin' .rr-l. T'i tin- tit.i"r:niinte cr :n. ..iv 1..' ! ie. la nil ' ' '" ;,i y . .111 lie Kiwi by I'liyilV 'i : Net. A aseinvr's. ho la-iy a .irtiiK'iit "t tbe l'ii.e-l :ii"l' - :,.l Cl.H-ks. Jewelry Htl'i Si'.V i f Wati'l ware 1 e iu-seM HuU H'i U''les. We a!-o do -i;lavi!itf ef a'.l kind-. un-linx-d from " W'd be iiru'-'" iiarf. N1.11 .. a 1 ill 1:. A party of lad iiienibtis '. .it :1ns vi'iiie, u.-re iini i:. rem Hie 1mi. 15 1:1: vi.!. 1'. . :ii r a (r.. n i'y call ei'.!.' r. Iwo.iirl proe'i-lin.-- the Hi 1: .a.l into !,: I hat '.be pro-e f il.e W.T. !!;.' t'fsl ii wan't lilt In rep'irtii M l' .is in it ion si'ainsl ! li.nior. I Mr. I'i.nk il. I-.. iii..id, t"r .- ici'ier tl.e u 1 , -1 sol' 111. ! n .-.i : V. C. T. I'. j ,.i ...i.i 11. 0 n.i iim-m- I?- . "i l.uiti ti:ie "i-"ilv and av i'v aiixi'ius to fur- Ilt-r l!li' iJllf of lelll',1 rjtl.''' tl.i.V w. i. tii:.' tl.e i'r! ! u i ! pro-e, utor; ,,r-n '.i..n is niu le ia j'i-e to tiie r. f. au;l our eabers are ie-'i.v 1 I 1:1 1 as no ,les;rv to pi.iti' th, hi or l!ii ir t . falsi' position. Bug Finish. re not I Tiie j W. (. '. ,: there rder ir I j 1 : '. '! : j l.-a.ly for iw. No iiinsuiv; -,1. ks 1,1 ihe vines and t.ni-li's r. .if l'..ii:o bn-s wiib one a "ii-1 nl !! p as l'..r as ten fans prii :i and j .l.t-tt r ixed s.i.loli.aply . I u in win .mills o band V..ii - the inattir wid. s'"l I iVrner I'.rns . and buying a I'.cr ol -ii'Hs It. fote ;'oin l.time. "l.'i'V tiit'iu 1 1 yoti lieai.-r il.1111 anylio.'.y .. .. ... Eand Wasri. 1 i.iC.e .1 i'.-e.-l vt:-.r..li it1' :i It : 'vol is ..r s.i',e. Auv ban 1 iteeii:e: lid seii bv i 1'. W. Ke I'd. v.,,-.- yar.l U'lil 1 '1 nt v..r l I,- 1 .t-nni-Ti t-r 1-! ;an'.ij liin'T". . i'. I III. KAUTZ BROTHERS. MAN JFCT'jnERS CF . V. A lv M A ; i ?s7: s . AND DEALERS IN t '.TV !U K- V, ..i -N-. sl.i I'.-'. si.U'.n-. n.t;i-s, ?ii';.:.i-. i:,'!:ks l.:.ANK! !-, ; !..- AMI nil!!'-.' A SPtCULTV DE OF THE RICE COIL SP R! KG. Call and Examine our Stock JENNERTOWN. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE! 1 ha No I. I ei.lt's. :iii. Il..rn it-. S.tl v!i No. 2. r.'-e- No. 3. A leu . 1 . . 1" 1. ' A '". f, ,'1. t 11 'l S 1. SlT'iKlt lH St.iit. rwi )U .-,'. No 4-. A 'I -art .,: ! a a.- lir sr.iut'.t'r .. l'-.'..ts ;t,ni s,)M1 "". s. ' 1-te. t:h, 1,1a:. v . -Iin. .1 t.-H i:t-. I J.m.ii.iii;i;i;.iim. ' a.i i-.t-a:.-,l a:..l in a lloe-i s.:ikii:irs luvk Li:m:i; !th says they are tfue hu;lished. lciitoiri- (lie I,.c:.ir tor .liiT Tlira I I'titr! :. mil! lUn "eve-eml 4a tleiunii Mist Have IW n (rut Mm Iirfi:- xhe M.:-!:i4'iit Hint Sh Va l'"i''ll lOll )1U. !l.T!M.ii-.K, V..V -H.Wi!h n-fiir.1 t( th.' l.ivi- l-rti-n f tin' lat' lJt-v. J I.-rirj ' ii-.'iili. l i s. Li.iT. H-1-.tant nvtor if St, r.nil s V. K. lir.rdi. )-.i!:lil;;-i in tii N-w York AV,,i! l. Mr .Var;r.-t .M Smith. Uii-'lijn t nf tli'.' sun i.U-'. nlTi-c-t'oiix. win inu-rviwti at lr rviidfi e. Tin- huly Kiiil: -1 tlinik Mr. S'lmrr'swl in si-u iiu'' the lfttrr tu Thf World a- tiiit il a fiwal'dl v 111:111. He did it out ' i'f r--iiji lxi.au-; 1 noul.l not mam - 1 liiui. "' "Wi i-c tin- l.'tt.Ts iis jKil.livn'1 truo r' iivlii'-l t!ir r'jxiii r. rt -ally li.l :ir.' jnr him. lint told liim 1 ! r.'iil I 110! niiiiiT Iimii. I was a U'ouiaii j linn :i oI'liT l'::i!l Mr. SvIhmt in t:u t. I I wan .1 Uv t.i !m I tliiiik In wms rrar.y j in M'li'im in v- l.-tT-t t. TIh witIiI." Mri. Smit'n .Inriii-i tin- i:it ii:uaraih in Si-horr i I'-ti'-r to Tin- Worlil, wliii-l; w.is in clTo t tiiat t!" V Hen- ni:a'.r'd j and 1 liat -In' h id al-o li n nsrau..l tc tii" i:. v. Mr. .nd ..f I'hil.i'l. lpiiia. Mr-. Smith i ri-li ivi.!i- f 4 vt-urs Mr. f- li'xir w.i-. '.':) y'.irs old. Tii' 1. ilia n- 'f tin- yoiiiiK miliUti't ri' liiiii-d in tii" Haltim r- 'i'iiifti'ry on Tu.-viay. IN v. Ir. H.. m turnl .Nt. i'aii'". otlii i.'t.l nt tii" In in-' and Iti-diop I an t at tin' ;r:ivi'. - DEFYING THE EAGLE. aiiu-lini- Vli.i!. rs .. iliii lli a.ly to In ailr lli'lirin:; sra. O-iTAW.v. (int.. May .:. Tlso povern men' her.- his l""'ii ;..!vis-il tiiat a larjie i:un;: r "I ( aiadian scalers which lor w:iii't!iiii' ici-t liiivs Ui-ii tittinc out at Yi'-tona. 1'.. will l.'.'ive in a fev lays ! for I:. hriiT st'a. A nunmer of .Nova Nova . S'oiia s...i.-r. e::ci.ra-sl hv the siici-ess Ki. -ill,- oa-t v. 1- I.M s a.m in avi Ii 1.,. T"...t .l s.t..t.. t-i.v... ' iers a.-i- briii 1 lb. 1 1 ' i :.inii:i 1 ( 'ape I lorn w loin with a view to cap-1 ,1s vnlin. the limit "t tl'.'! j tui-m.' tat j pri" ! a ci'-inii'd by tin ! proiui:i'':;l j'.:V,'ni!!ii rit 1 bv the Amerieatis. A ollicial in s ak sai.l tiiai there Canadian sealers j iii-j to a ii jk I was little doiii.t that , 1 i.iiiki' i t!:i.-ts to hunt iii Iii'hrinj I' si'iti' the 1 res'ii nt s proclamation the pro-cm'-' 4 Anierie.iii w ar ves 'J'i:e !'.nt:di liii'ii-of-war he said !.l not iii..i;e any iiiom tow;ird ue- l!l! til ' l" in ct nr. of these fsseis. as iiloiii- iie ui'ii! I iii a measure lie '!etl.liei'lr til.' claims of the A ineri- se.l t and s. Is. 1 . '11 V"llt I'V s, eolll put. - to e.rl'.:-i'e .o'.erei ruty in the dis I waters. I ,i the other hatiJ if any a.ii.in s.'al'T ; are taken by American l.: s tin- Itii'ish m ss'Is would not t.i r-s-aptinv. as 1 fiat would U tbe -IL'l: il tor o'M bo.tlllties. 1 lie pres of tin- I'.ii.i-li war v.-ss. Is will sim- ell'i' ,.: 1 lillit' His 1 I'ni t istt!t:t iin oatrajes are iMtil I and to show that (Ireat Untain .t i:m .i to V : c intention of the 'I M.it -. VIOLENT GALES- Mnr! IliiiHii'4t' Hon- 'sm'!s in Ciiiniillitii Y iitt rs. KiMiT'iN. tint.. May -"J. A violent soli'.'lW esierl V lie sot 111 aiiollt lilidllilfllt ami is still l.'. w in,-, but lias moderated somewhat and visTe.i to lie' westward. The sVni.icr T.s'iiin.'-eli lei t t 'oil.ns Imy with the liar:t.'s ameron, AVoits and Cavalier for the Welland canal. They had diw b;.r-eil at Collins bay and were oii.i back to Lake SujuTior for more. Theiiinwas mi"V ni!ui uniil ! o'cl.K k, w ai 11 a stitr cale 1k;:iu to drive tli"iu. The M'l.K iiv ketit uetlim: L'r.-ater. " he cann t .i ; 'l.ii 11 t tlie leouiilseii j 1.1 the conclusion, w hen he j ...,t ..i,i.siti. (hik Ore hard t bat to 1110- " . .,,,,,1,1 oeiilous. He li-bte.! his; l,:,i,aii I let two of th.-iu wro and one be I;, ,t under 1 i ii-.-. TheUials reacheii here this alt, rtioon. The captain reports that when lie reai lieu in" main iii i"' saw j the st, amir I). D. Calx in and tow laden i with tim's-r. Thev n.iin.'il to lie in tioii'.-le The baij.es were away from the steamer end no sailors seemed to Iv in 1 i iiie. The barges Mi'imsl damaged and ::ii cniptv va w 1 was on one of them. The si ll. s.lier Sli'loll. from Toledo, put in in ii-to-dav. She had List sol ue can vass alio w;us li-.-lKilli; isioiy. oir .M'e Wiiv. one of the Calvin's tow. reach"d Car Ii 11 Island last ni'lit under sail She I. polls bei consorts weathering the ftalc well ItfiM-lit 1'erforniatii N;:w YmtK. Jlay llu. The Actors' Aii.-iteiir Athli tic ,lssi iatioii if America w ill give a In netit performance in aid of their bull ling fund at the Metropolitan oti: boil-'. New- York City, on the af ternoon of Mav 111. Col. l.'oln it Inger soll will deliver the oeiiiiig address. Neil linr.Tss and louis Jaim s w ill play a scene 110m Aiitony and Cln':itr:i:" Ifeiirv l ixi" and 1,'osina Yokes w ill plav a sht t. !i entitled 'Venus and Adonis:" lie Wolf Ibpisr will play the forum scene f : "in '.lulius C.esai-:" Thomas '. Ke. ne w ill give a ns itatioti. Among th. other actors who will appear are the (. 11. , Hie Fan-en. ilvia tlrev. l.ettie l.in.l. thai-lev l.'tv.l, l-i-ank DanieN. James T. J'o.m is. t liaries hai les Kv,.:is. William Hn-y. l.Jii.m t.-.i.ss.-ll. I ran-is Wiisoti and Marie Jmisen. J. K l iiiiiict will sing bis latest songs. 1, 1st. m's big John 1-will iise 111 siaiu-esoueattitii.il-.. Alexander fs.dtini and l ii.iu is Wilson w ill have a Innit with li lis. Tie-re w ill l e man;.- other im portant b i.tuies. ami a largt audience is anticipated. j I Hint Mi ml Slurni, i Kvi-ei.it. Ivan.. Mav 2M. tenitic I w ind storm Mot plat e m ar Clements. i thtrtv-lotir nines wesi of here. Four! . is-rsoiis are known ui n.-ite im-iiih"i . . 1 .. I . I- o..-t , alul creat maiiv woiiutiisi. i Haines s, iai leanieo .oc a ,.oot. Mill. :i Urown. killed, and his witeaud Hin i.,i.ilc iniuretl. The wires are down and the onlv information is from 'rsons tin a st i train ju t arrivt-.i neie. l . nr lonlli fur His t olly. I'lKis. Mav :. renin, the man who tired a I .lank' cartridge at rresideiit Car not on Mav ."i. as tiie latter was l.-anim .. ' 1 ti.o ....1..1 if:i! I..I1 ot tlie : Jtseo 10 .110 in. .0. .... --- t lie cente'iarv of the letolutioii al nr s.iie.-. was sentenced iinpi -ist mo' nt. to four inontlui Siuire Wm. Miller, of ytieniahoninif I dni into this otlii-e every morning to L'J ' a copy of h': favorite paper. PRF.SDYTERIAN PROHIBITION. Dr. C"rn1)r iMTorn a Uoolulion Which tli AfiiiUIy Apirvrf4. Ni:w York. May 29. At the o-K-niiifi: of tii' 1'ntJiytiTian (rcniTal a-vscmhlv H'. Jr. I'ro.hv tsiiid he wns rrv to sn IToiiKi Hi" made iijiamsi tin' ii'ini'r- am-e r. ruiiin,:i nvoraiii. lira ui.j'M m iK,in tin' aiio,ti.m of tin (U'Mliiiii'iit a- to jirvvi-nt III- idiiin Ji Ix'ini; dractr.'d into th,- Kiiiiirut arena. He olTei-.i a ri's. lntii.n M ttins; forth that the action taUi n !ii the U'i:ii-rati(.-e question lniut not lie instrued an the iiidiiraeinent of ui.v ixilitual liartv. This was unani- Iv ri io'tt. Tne n j-s.rt of the Mjin ial committee on education was then taken u;. After a lon- ileUite it was decided to aiiint a joint committee, with inntnietious to re lrt at the next assembly whether it was advisable to adopt any methotU of intro-dui-inii iniftUters into the church otiier than tlio' now in voeue. IU'V. I)r. S. J. NiiuM was aiKinted cliairman of the coiiimittet. lr. nnhv then got a motion adojvted i Xilanatorv of the vote 0:1 the prohibi tion iK-.'.ion which win taken. This motion was to the cffii-t that w hile the vote lavored prohibition it w.m not to lie ooksl njion as expressing any olitical wiuiment whatever. The cas" of llev. lr. West against the .viiod of Minni"st)ta was postinisl for a vcar aft-r a rather warm collo -uay Ix. twcen lr. Wivt and lr. Dickey. A motion apjirovinj; the hill Hettini; ngiart forednealional purpi m vs the inouev olitaintsl l imn the sale of 1'nrli and Sem inole lands was voted down. The moderator announced Ors. Oosbv, Hamlin. Dickey. Wade. Foster and Alli son as th" committee to visit President Harri-in on the African kI.i very question. Various reports and addresses on suie ordinate t ipics wen' listeni-d to. H"V. C'. '. Hall of Brooklyn, chairman of the eomniitt-e oil narr.itt ves read a I lorn; account of some asps-tsof the work 1 of the i hur. h during th" year. The ses- sion cl.wsl with soii-c and a jirayer by i I h'. rosbv. I At the eveninr; si-ssion a nuiii'icr of re lOrcSOT COinilllllll'S WtTU 1 U.-tlltSl I.IUOII.s'1 . . ... , : t ol. K. r. Shepanl ami Kev. i-r. iniir- . .. - X 1. t. . ... .1 I , . . '"'r " " ' . : V: u J ai lariie to inr iin'-iii.iumiai nan conictence at I ai'Ls in rscinenioei. ...., ,..ii.t.i.iiu of -M il l .i.iii.iiiik .iii"" ,..... ... Shanks t,..-a ssenibly a ,..urn.ii to meet nai..1 m .'...3. '-"' THE ORDER OF GOOD TEMPLARS. Tlie firmitl IjmIi;i- lf tm at l liteiM!" llS'li- sates fi-i All liver llir rlil. 'ilH Aun. May SI. Tlie biennial ses sion of tin- ribt worthy frrainl lisl.-of tiie In leiwiideiit Order of Good Templars ojn'iied yest -rd iv morning in tiie 1'irst M. thiMltst l'.pixs.pal church. W. W. Tm-nbiill of Scotland, ri'ht worthy chief templar, call-tl the mis ting to order, and uion the call of the roil the following deleeates from abroad r -s ikiiii lisl: I linlaiid Hon. C. W. Watson. Joseph i Falhis. Mrs. Vmb t.uy Havnor. W. C. i Amerv. A. J. -borne. liev. H. M. C. ! I'rtee. W. W. Williams. Samuel lii-sdl. j W. 11. Brow n, Mary V" vlshall. Miss An nie siiipm-iii. .1 .... r v. S i.U.uid (olliert I isiier. ice.. J. i'. MeKinnon. James Hamilton, W. W. Turnbitll. Ireland lohn S. Little. Denmark (!ipt. J. I'. Jacolwon. Swisleii )kar Kklund. Joliann Allien ami K K. llockov. India Waller 11 Webb. New South Wali-s X. Z. Collins. South Aiiica Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Scluvines. A round of a pp! a us .-was ai 'corded each foi'ei"ii delegate as the name., were call isl. and the lod" was then oieued with the u-lial ritual. The annual report shows that the or ganization has a memliei-ship of over three-quart' rs of a million, scatt -red all over the nlone. Iiiiiilry lulu AH-rl Kraiuls. Kfw Viikk. May 2!!. The civil ser vice commission liean an iniuiry into alleir.sl frauds in the custom house. Chairman Lyman presided. Commis sioner Kooscvelt read tbe report of his investigations, on which the inquiry is luLs.il. It makes delinite charges of loose methods iii conducting civil service examinations and in other matters. Nathaniel Fowler of Jersey City and Thomas F. Jordan apiH-ared and aitirimil the comvtness of the allidavits to the f'orpgoing effect sworn to before Mr. KiHwi velt. Charles F. Teliiune. who was charged bv Fowler and Jordan with anliu ling in the" irregularities, denied thej 3VVV' egations. The inquiry will U- a-YZlyZlZ all limit d to-dav. lllrt'tine NIHle (IIHifn. Nkwiiikt, Ii. I., May '.".. Th? senate organized vesterday with Kngene F. Warner clerk. The house elected Au gustus L. Miller sjieaker. In joint as semblv the lioiises a)X'inte.l a commit tee to'coiint the votes for the general of licers. The committee reorted no elec tion bv the jKi.ple, except for attorney general, and the assembly clectiil and inaugurate. I the follow ing Hepublicaus: llerliert W. Ladd. governor: I). H. l.it tletit l I. lieutenant governor: S. II. Cross, secretary ot state: Samuel Clark, treas urer. I i.inplletl Vlillltllf ltflliesl. Nt.w York. May i'.. Iteputy Colin-tor William S. Ziiring was riiiies!il by l ollis tor Krhar.lt to resign and did so. thougli j,,, ls ., mtlmale irienu 01 Secn-tarv Tracy nmK.niltl .niiaiiy nave j reniaiii'il if lie had made much of a tight fr ti, i,-i,-e. He told the collector tiiat he U lieved in the theory that the vict.ir should enjov the spiils. and would al.ide hv the loKic of that theory. Harry Manwooil. nephew of Stcretary Hlaine, w ill take charyeof Mr. Zariiin's division. Ir. StanwiHKl has liecii aiiiaiinted a deputy. f'ruf lly Nulla 1'oslimiittt. rnil.Al'Kl.l-HlA, May 2!. Tlie heavini; of the cruelty charc.-s against thethrif ahiishoue n't teiidauls. Joseph William son, .i.iseph Marshall and Joseph Devlin, which w as to have taken place ester lav has hocii iHistitied until next Tne-day morning. The suit was contiiiuctl on the application of defendants' council. The bonds of the defendants in S-'SK) were renewtsh Wnr to Ik- lleflarrtl. IlFRl-tN. May S". Dispatches from Zanzibar state that C.ipt. Wifsman has aiinotiniail his intention to declare war ,,,. ti. co:it Arabs uiliaiitin; tne re- - i"! . tin la-twis-n Tanv'a and Unili uiile-jji . , ... i.u ,hriir hv June i Fiv Brothers. Fred. John, ll.-n, Iiuhy, and Nick, now on trial at the store of F.d. B. Coffboth. :T THE 15EST ! AT VOUGHTS. PRICES DEFY COMPETITION ! Kpet lal rrcpernticii far ThUjanteed all-wool and fast colors, Week I dest gi;oci!ries, best coxfectioxelies, vest fruits, dest xuts, uest soft dmxks, J1ES T SA xn wicnES, DEST PIES and CAKES, BEST THE A TMEXT, BEST OF EVEBVTIIIXG, AT THE BEST OBOCEUY IX SOMERSET. Freli Green irooerle Kvcry Morning- VOUGHT'S. THEY CAN'T BEAT US! Our bami' liits ln'Cii a Inmscliolil won! iliroii'jlniiit Siiiiior-ot comity lor three oiMieraUoiis ami it ha.- al v;t s lu'i'ii the rcco'a'bi.cil hettd of the I'rv (Jiiieli Tliltlo. WE LEAD! Ami will ciiiitiiiiic to lciiil, wliere merit is rcviiiilcil ami coiiliilciicc is not. iiiisil.!cci. Our lui.siiies-s litis onljrrnwii iiiurtcr.s ami vc will have a THIRTY-FOOT ADDITION its aililcil to our room in.-iil.' o uln-iply lar;. si.tV I1J1VS. store. W'v are ciistai.tiy tuakiiiu; SPECIAL DRIVES , . . . t 1 icii- 111 soliu jiariiciilar line lot" 1110 clit if our Cttll am ciistiuiicrs. s.'u its ilui-iii'.: the week. wo have A BARCAIIi FOR lii'sjii'ctrtt'.iy. YOU I Parker & Parker MOWERS! BINDERS! HAY RAKES! Il 1.1't Kail To Hee WHITELY'3 NEW IMPROVED Champion Mower and Binder, On the Street E;'y Djj This Week ! Also The Champion Hay Rake. f t.i. i;:-a:: MK.!:n the BEST ON EARTH ! AMI AtiAINsT ANY uTIIKItS M API-, ltefore y.".i leave town In' sure an. 1 no to J, B, HSLDEEBAUM'S HARDWARE STORE, HARDWARE, BUGGIES, HARNESS, &C, You w i'i tin 1 i' en MAIN CROSS STREET. THE WAY TO THE COURT HOUSE, ON Boy Yodii ClothingIj. B. Snyder. Prices will be knocked helter skelter for 2 weeks at Ilcffley's Middlesex Blue Suits, guar- at $9 worth $12. Men's Cassimere Suits, all- wool 7, S, 9 and $10 worth $15. Boys 2-piece Suits $1, 1.25, $1.50 and $2. Knee pants 25. 35. 45 and 50 cts., worth double the money. . Buy Your Clothing FROM HEFFLEY AND SAVE MONEY! Y'on neetl not look around, fume direct to Hellley'n. ou save at least i'-i to 1 on a suit. It is easily understood why I can sell the cheaiertt. Kxpenses regulate the prices ot my goods, ihen, aaaiu, l am the onlv store that handles New York and 1'hiladelpliia fpxla bought at 13 to M per cent less than 1'ittsburiJ goods. The backwardness of the season lias not aided the sale of Straw Hats in tlie least. In order to make them go 1 cut prices in half. The prices of Wall I 'a tier has almost dropped out of sight. Yon can get a suit at nearly any price. Customers and the public generally are requested to come and insjiect tiie suits ami iiear in niinu me prices, nunc up of goods ipiality, workmanship and lit 01 my goous stiouiu always oe uin-en 111 consideration. Trunks. Satchels. Hats, Furnisliin; tioods. (ium t'onta. Oil Coats and Pants, Umlirellas, Wool and Ouiu lilaukets, all at reduced prices, at lletney s. HIP, HIP, HTJREAH! -F( iK- The Dally Herald! -AND- Here Go To The Ptople Who Read It ! LARGE STOCK OF C0008 FOB COURT I 25 BARRELS GINGER CRACKERS ANOCAKESI 1000 LBS. AND SOMERSET CO. BEST N. V. CHEESE I 300 LBS. CHOICE FRESH LONG BOLOGNA I 1000 HALF MOON PIES--THE BEST MADE I 500 GALLONS LEMONADE AND OTHER MILD DRINKS I 10 TO 25 BUNCHES CHOICE RIPE BANANNASt 20 BOXES BEST M ESSlNAli.O RANGES AND LEMONS I 100 BOXES STRAWBERRIES DAILY AFTER MOMOitT i 50 BUSHELS FRESH ROASTED PEANUTS I GREEN VEGITABLES DAILY DURINGCOURTI ROOM FOR EVERB0DY AND COURTEOUS TREATMENTTO ALL, UttKCTrULLY , B 'OOK 4, EERITS. f Special Bargains FOR THIS WEEK. While j-ou are in Somerset you will likely want to buy a suii of Clothes or a piece of Carpet, and you will want to now where is the cheapest place to get what you want. The old reliable stand of J. B. Snyder's, is without a doubt, the best and cheapest place to get anything you want, espe cially in the Clothing or Car pet line. You can also buy a beautiful gold tipped silk Um brella at Snyder's for 75 cents. Call in and see the special bargains, and while there get r t . r i :n one 01 tnese Deauunu mik Umbrellas for your wife and dauerhters. J. B. Snyder lMSrhcll-v-Co., IiKALKiiS IX STOVES, TINWARE, Hi .!.-Furnish i ne i'-oK In in and Wo.l Imir, Irun I'ii ml Ftling, Tin, Iron and -Steel Roofing, Spouting. Alicys, 4c- ilenren short nolle. Chimney, Drain & Sewer Pipe. Call mn1 rrv tbe Ijiruert and inert (YnnfleH line nl I'.Kikn.i: stovu ni IiiUices 'n the Coumy. tni.l seitt at tin: LOWEST PRICES. J. M. HOLDERIUUM, CENTRAL BLOCK. SOMERSET. OFFERS AT KIS URGE CLOTHING and CARPET STORE A Sew and Well Seltfted Slock cf MKSS', B' -Y.-c AND CHiUiRKSS' CLOTHING ! Jusst received, and will irivc a GLORIA. Silk sold-tipped rmbrella on sale of 1.' worth ot tiarils, bought at his store after this date, MAY -'7, lsst. Neckwear. We also olfer the finest and most stylish linu of VKf'KTI Ks. Ill IM S!, SCAKFS. C.H.I.Alis VVrVi. Hti.'IKRY, .inmrs. iikawki:, .. KvtB EIIlBITEli. Is Ors Gents1 Furnishing Department We Bell two ll 'tiistitehel I.inen IUnd ken hiefs for rents, worth doable. In the CARPET DEPARTMENT WE OKI- Kit Bi:r.KL, TAI'ICSTKIES, IMiUAlN, UAt;. MATHS' 13, STAIR, H-iH'Il AND TABI.K Oil. CU'TIIS. And as the season is olosinc, will allow from this date 10 tier eent olT the priee .ind (rive a Olona Silk I'mbrells. with $12 wotth or upwards, sold to anyone person. The good work e-es bravely on. Our first lot of I'-n'irellaa is all given rut mid we have this day received an other. Call to see us, and examine i StOCk' J. M. H0LDERBAUM. a