Somerset herald. (Somerset, Pa.) 18??-????, May 30, 1889, Image 2

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mine ; the chestnut were gone afurr the
parties went away ; we lial a pillow-slip
like that ; I can't say positively that is
the one ; I can't say exactly how much
money waft missing.
Fannie Wilhelm sworn Was at Chris
tian Yoder's the evening of the robbery ;
the robbers came in at the doors, two at
each door; three had revolvers and the
' fourth a club ; they tied Yoder's and Ste
vauus' hands behind their back before
they asked for money ; Yoder told them
where it was and they went and got it ;
then they searched the house; ail ate
something; three at first, then the other
ono; tixk Yoder into a room and in a
few minutes afterwards took him out of
doors; took him out second time ; his
face was disfigured whenlawhiiu again.
Annie Kngle, sworn Live in Klklick
about one mile from ioders; saw
Lewis and Tanker on April 2nd at our
house; sold them a dime's worth of ap
ples ; they laid down above our'gardeu ;
went away and came back afterwards;
caw Marshall Sullivan the afternoon of
the robbery ; be came to our house about
4 o'clock and wanted to buy bread and
butter. We live on road leading to Yo
der's. Crom examination I am positive as
to the time and parties; people don't
often come to buy of us ; both Lew is and
Sullivan rami back, got dinner and paid
25 cents for it ; know them a I would
know you to-morrow.
too fui- fob nix.
Ke-direct examination S aw I Van af
ter the robWy ; he said lie was not with
them, as they were too "flip" for him.
lie-cross-examination lie said he
wanted to go with the robbers but that
they were too "flip" for him ; Grant Dean
lived in Klklick for about three years.
A. S. Maust. Live in Klklick town
ship ; recognized two of the defendants
Lewis and Tasker ; saw them on the 5th
of April last ; came to my house for sup
jr; did not aay thry wanted to stay all
night ; took supper at the same table ;
have known Grant Dean for nearly two
years ; live in the game township.
Geo. Kubrigbt. Live at Summit Milla;
about one mile from Y oiler's ; saw Lewis
and Tasker on the (ith ol April, between
Summit Mills and Meyersdale; going to
wards Meyersdale ; also saw them after
noon of same day in Meyersdale; they
were traveling on foot.
Win. Brown. Am 15 years old; live
with W. l Mevers, in Klklick township.
Saw two men in the haymow, whom he
identified as Lewis and Tasker, ou one
morning about a week before the rob
bery ; could not aay what day of the
month ; the little fellow asked me if
there were any rich people living around
here ; the big fellow asked me how many
bands my boss had working for him ;
I told him two; asked if he was rich;
told him that he had a lot of cattle and
sheep; they asked the road to Salisbury ;
said they wanted to get some work at
Salisbury ; did not say what they were
doing in that part of the country.
The. B. lean. Live in Fayette co.; S.
E. corner, about 5 or 0 miles from Som
erset county line ; know Marshall Sulli
van ; he lives in part of the same house
with me ; he was living there ou the Kith
of last April ; he was absent from home,
from Thursday until Monday, April 11th
to 15th ; came home Monday and went
away again Monday or Tuesday night,
about midnight, in a buggy; could not
say who was with him ; know Wm. Hill;
saw Lewis and Tasker there two or three
times; saw Jack Sullivan there once:
told Hill he had better not have them
around as he might get himself into
trouble; Hill seemed to be afraid of
them ; did not see Thomas at Hill's.
John J. Davis Living on the 12th of
April at John Ilanna'a ; saw two of the
defendants recognized as Lewis and
Tasker coming down the SomerSeld
road; they went up the hill; left the
road and struck into the woods towards
Walker's Mills; saw two other men fol
low them, but was not close enough to
identify them ; saw Lewis and Tasker
again on Monday coming up the Conflu
ence road ; they were going in direction
of Somerfield : each one of them had a
sack over his shoulder ; could not say
what was in sacks, but looked as though
it might be chestnuts or hickory nuts ;
was not along when they were arrested ;
did not know of the arrest until told by
the women at the house; first heard of
the robbery on Sunday.
Andrew Cougheiiour, sworn Live in
Add ison township ; saw two men coming
out of tiie woods lielow my barn on Fri
day morning from direction of John
Ilanna's; passed about forty roils from
where I w as ; was not close enough to
recognize them ; saw two more men
about half an hour afterwards coming
from fame direction ; went down to the
bridge to see them pass and recognize
them as Lewis and Tasker ; heard of the
robbery the following Sunday.
C. C. Tissue, sworn Live at Walker's
Mills; sa fotir strangers come along on
April 12th ; two together and the other
two following about half an hour after
wards; all were going in the diiection of
Harnedsville ; could not recognize any of
Howard Wright, sworn Live in Ad
dison ; on the 12th of April saw 6ve men
coming towards Harnedsville from Walk
er's Mills; thought I recognized one of
them as Marshall Sullivan ; am not jer
aonally acquainted with Sullivan, but
Lave known him by sight for fifteen
years ; could not identify other parties ;
hea-d of the robbery Sunday ; all were
traveling on foot; saw Lewis and Tasker
coming back Monday, April 15th; both
had sacks on their backs.
Court adjourned to meet at 1:30. r. M.
The Court met at l.'.'At and the case was
proceeded with.
Win. H. Zufall, sworn On the 12th of
April last I was at Harnedsville; I saw
some strangers coming into Harnedsville
about 9 o'clock ; they were separate two
at a time coming from Walker's mill ;
I didn't know them ; I recognize one of
them, Marsh Sullivan; this was on the
12th of April last, aliout .) o'clock ; I
don't positively recognize any of the oth
ers ; the two first ones were going to
wards Confluence ; the other two towards
I'rsina. Cross-examined I had never
known Marsh Sullivan ; Howard Wright
was working where I was and he said,
"Here goes Marsh Sullivan , if it aint
him it's somebody very much like him ;"
the Confluence road comes s'raight from
Walker's mill through Confluence; the
I'rsina road turns to the right at the
store ; the men taking the Confluence
road would be going pretty near at right
angles to the direction of the others
Marsh Sullivan went with the party that
went towards Confluence.
I. .I dir. i il.ev u. hen thev in-1 liini I did Hot III"; t'l
tered my barn ; they said they had come: was on the 2ith of March,
from the S mth. K.diraiui Fugle. Kuo Grunt lOotin :
John Hanna Live in Addison town- had some onvera-ition w:t:i him nNmt
ship, on the road leading from t'onflu-J the robbery; was talking to him on
euce;on the 15th of April saw Lewis j ter Sunday ; was talking and joking with
him ; he said ue would sell me hn. pock-
r w a- a w arrant
i-i cii.i others : 1
I u a . I i.en
me air! a...
a' Him h
and Tasker aliout 2 o'clock in the after-
niKn, about 75 yard from my house,
etbiKjk for $I J; ho then opened the
!h H. ri
4 w
Dei ati b Task KB.
Theodore Kngle affirmed. I live in
Klklick township, about a mile from Yo
der's; have seen Marshall Sullivan before
he was at my place 1.1 April last in the
evening oetween 4 ana it ociock; tie
asked me for a loat of bread, some meat
and butter; he went south from my
place, by the road leading to Yoder's ;
that's the only public road that leads to
Cross-exaininatioa He wouldn't need
to turn otf the main road to go to
Yoder's; lie would take every left hand
road to get to Yoder's: this is the direct
road from my place to Salisbury.
James Ronnell sworn. I live in Klk
lick township, about 4 miles from the
Forge road ; ou.Sunday ltth April I was
uKin a farm three-fourth mile from Forge
road ; the road leads from Forge bridge
over to r.lklicK ana loders; i saw a
man about 4 miles from that road in
the woods perhaps 2 miles from Forge
bridge ; I can't positively recognize that
man here ; he was not carrying anything.
Mrs. James Bonnell Am the wife of
the witness previously sworn ; met Uiree
mn on the road leading to Fort Hill :
they wanted to know the road to Fort
Hill ; they were coming from Klklick :
two of them had sacks on their backs ;
they asked me how far it was to the
bridge I told them it was five miles; re
cognized two of the men as Lewis and
Tasker ; was about 50 steps from them ;
It was on Sunday, about ti o'clock in the
evening, April 14th.
Mitchell McClintock. I live about
three-fourths of a mile.from the Cassel
man bridge ; saw two men at my barn
Sunday night, April 14th ; they spoke to
me and asked me the nearest way to
the railroad ; walked with them a short
distance up the road when one of them
caught me by the shoulders, 1 broke
loose from him and they beiran cursing
and swearing at me. Just then I observ
ed another man coming along with a
sack on his shoulder. HecogtiizeJ two of
the men as Tasker and Marshall Sullivan.
P. F. Hanna Live in Addison about
ono-fourth mile south of Harnedsville on
the road leading to Petersburg ; on 15th
last April saw Lewis and Tasker in my
father's barn ; they had two sacks and
a demijohn ; the sacks were filled with
something which looked like it might be
ham, chestnuts, or something of that
kind ; I had one of the sacks in my
hands ; I asked them to hand it to me ;
my father ordered them out of the barn,
pointing a double-barreled! shot-gun at
them ; said they had got there about 1 1
o'clock the night before.
Wm. Hanna On the 15th of April last
about 12 oclock Lewis and Tasker were
in my barn ; they had two sacks and a
demijohn , I ordered them out ; they
told me they went into the barn about 1 1
o'clock the night before; I was talking
with my brother aliout the Yoder rob
bery ; had just heard of it, and spoke of
having driven two men out of my barn ;
just then two men came up the river
road carrying a couple sacks ; they were
coming from the direction of Soaierfield ;
I told them they would have to go back
to Confluence ; Walker and Flannigan
came along just then ; some little con
versation took place ; I asked them where
they came from, but they did not give a
very definite answer to that : they said
they had original1-come from Baltimore;
I then asked them w here they were go
ing and they said they wanted to go to
the neighborhood of Three Waters; that
the were practical miners ; I asked from
along the road going in the direction of I book and I did not e"e anything in it
Somei field; I started afler them and ar
rested them ; we asked them to go with
us to Confluence ; we went out there to
the forks of the road, where my brother
left us; Augustine and the largest one got
on to Augustine's wagon, and I took the
other on the horse behind me ; we went
down alxiut halfway between my house
an I Confluence, where the prisoners suc
ceeded im making their escape; the man
wita the blue necktie got out of Augus
tine's wagnn and laid down to take a
drink, and pretending to reach for a
handkerchief, drew a revolver and order
ed Augustine to get out of the wagon and
os-er the fence, which he did ; the man
behind me on the horse had a struggle
with me for the possession of my revol
ver, which he finally suateeded in pro
curing. lioss Augustine. Saw Tasker and
Lew is on the 15th, of April between Wm,
Ilanna's and John Ilanna's, between
Confluence an Somertield, on Monday
following the robbery; they pissed us
and we followed and inquired as to
where they came from and where they
were going, and what they had in the
sacks which they were carrying ; talked
to them 10 or 15 minutes; John Walker
and Andrew Flanagan came along; Wm.
Hanna, left and went home; they com
plained about being very foot-sore, anil I
pn.jxweil taking one of them half way
in in v buggy and the other the other
half ; I took him in .:h me and shortly
after looking back, saw that Mr, Hanna
had taken the other on the horse behind
him ; my horse got to going pretty fast
and I got quite a distance ahead before I
knew it ; on the way Lewis complained
he was
of being very sick and said
troubled with heart disease: he looked
and acted as though he was sick ; we
came to a spring and I permitted him to
get out to take a drink of water ; after
taking a drink he sudirvnly drew a re
volver on me and I then discovered that
he was free of the heart diseaseand I was
taken with a sudden attack niysoif : he
demanded that I throrv up my hands
which I d:d without argument and also
retreated gracefully over 'he fence upon
his request.
John A. Walker. Currotiorated testi
mony of Messrs. John Hanna and Ross
George D. Groff Live in Confluence;
saw the sacks on Mon lay evening at
Augustine's; opened one of the sacks ;
the bolster sack, which contained a dem
ijohn,) some sugar cites, some sausage,
hams and chestnuts. All contents were
replace. I and taken liack to Augustine's
Joseph Umbersohn Live in Fayette
county, about three miles from Hill's:
know Jeremanus Thomas ; asked him
about carrying piovisions to Hill's ; ad
mitted that he had carried apples, eggs
and meat to them. Went with Thomas,
nderson and Sheriff of Fayette county
to the Hill twino on night of 22nd of
March and heard a whistle which he
thought was given by Thomas.
Israel Hoover Live in Black town
ship on the Forge road ; five or six miles
from Mechaniesburg; saw four men
going in direction of Klklick Saturday
April 1:1th, about twenty rods apart;
recognize Lewis as one of the men.
Win. B. Cook Live at Meyersdale,
Grant Hean made a statement to mo
starting out by saying that he could
prove his whereabouts on Saturday and
Sunday nights; said that he staid all
nighton Wednesday April 2 Ith, at the
house of Abraham Thomas ; o: Thurs
day night April 25, at house of Marshall
Sullivan ; on Fridav night 2tith, with
Abraham Thomas, on Saturday night
th, with Abraham Thomas, on Sunday
night, 2 th, with Mrs. Sullian ; he then
said that the crowd might think it was
strange he knew these people, but he
said his object was to arrest them ; he
also said that he h-td bought whiskey for
these parties, on two different occasions,
the first gallon for Marshall Sullivan ; he
said that he proposed using the whiskey
for the purpose of making the arrest.
John Lentz. Live in Klklick town
ship; know Grant Dean; had a conver
sation with him about the robbery; he
said he knew some of the parties and
would take measures towards their ar
rest; we were talk ing about the matter in
the family about this time and some one
of the family inquired as to how he found
this out; he said that be knew some
thing of the parties, and would find some
thing out one way or another ; some one
remarlted that they would not tell him
their secrets and he replied that he had
kept secrets for them before ; I think he
knew the Sullivan boys; he left my
house Wednesday morning and the next
time I saw him was at Meyersdale after
his arrest; have known him since July,
lSSti; left my home about 8 o'clock in
the evening of April loth, with my other
hired .hand, but am not positive as together.
Christian l.ivengoou. Iive at Salis
bury; know Grant Dean ; had a conver
sation with him about the robbery; he
told mo names of what he called the
McClellandtown gang; asked me if
Peter Fischer and J. W. Beaehy did not
have a great deal of cash about them ; told
he then said 1 will sell it to von for j
and opening it -gain showed me some
bills an 1 said "this is soum of Yoder's
money " ; I saw a $2J and bill but am
not ,ure as to any more.
W. J. Fisher. 1 Know Grant Dean ;
helped to arrest him at .Io-pii Savage's,
in Fayette county, a!out a mile from the
Hill House, on Monday morning follow
ing the arrest of the other pirties ; found
a revolver ou his person ; did not have a
John J. Reynolds. Live at Conflu
ence; had aconversation with Deanabout
the robbery ; he was in charge of Mr.
Woodinancey at the time ; he volunteer
ed to talk to me about the in itter : told 1 the lock-tic
me he knew the parties who committed
the robbery at Yoder's and that he was
about getting up a party to arrest them
but they were a litle too qi.-ck for him.
Marcellus Fike Knew Jena Thomas;
had no particular conversation with him
about the robbery ; did not say anything
l-l-ter ; t:.
t'.itue t ' t
U lne. ii 7 .
Th- 'Ill.ii
ii !.'
It. 1'
an -I 1:
: .- ::
about provisions ; met III ill on the road t
the last Monday in March ; he says to me
"hold up, I would like to have a little
taik with you" ; lie said, "you fellows are
a hell of a purty set, coming up to my
place looking for robbers and shooting
through my house. If I find you or any
other man in my lot looking after robbers
I will shoot him down like a dog." We
had a little further conversation, and I
left him.
Samuel Pullin --Live at Summit Mills,
a half mile from Yoder's ; have butcher
ed for Yoder ; recognized hann show n in
court as belonging to Yoder owing to
peculiar cut which he explained to the
jury ; the hams were Hie ones taken out
of sacks carried by Lew is and Tasker.
I'.e rr;- vau-'ied.-sw
orn out for t lia. !e.- J
didn't have the warrant.
j Dr. t'ii Inner. I ti in I'.Hill ism-e and j bry : H
I was alone when ilus arrrwt was made. ' s.
Withtssi-s deia:ls of Ihr ar:.-t alut
aine as tti' last one).
Kdar Kyle, recalled. When 1 arrested ;
Ta-Wer he a:d. ' I wr-n we had I .u.-lit till 1 with
we liad died :" lie i;i, Tiia!' I. at we lr;d , ".
m'ended to .1 .. leit the w..:nei jx-r-na.ied r'
ijs to .iirreii-ii-r ;" thai r.iitjrk na made l-i'
when I u.dered him to lie hand c;.:t(-1 I'
liill. I', ter Alhrilit f wa- al .n w'.e i tl.e ar
reM were mad ; I fount! il'i.;....' . there
was one till) dollar bill and two tweniy
dollar gold pieces; I a fif;y dollar
green buck and a twenty gild piece wrapped
up in a little ra a-i 1 tied ifnit an f it wai
thrown I think by y.iilivati to the la ty tliey
calleil his sister; it was thrown on t'n- po.i Ii
and Ket-e picked it up and 1 demanded it
from hint and opened it in the preseiu-e of
the crowd and I closed on it ; I think that
belonged to Sullivan; then I found
nmie oil his posse-iiiori afler we ha 1 him in
it was a twenty dollar gold
piece; a ten dollar green la. k 1 found in
Hill's ptwsesMon : I got $.:.' from Sullivan ;
when I arrested Hill and put the liand
cutf on him he wanted '..pull away around
the garden tV-ni-e: I told to .ituj. and he
said he would like to walk d-jwn a'ong the
fence, for there was going to lie som ;
work, some shooting or something ; he said
lie would like to get out of that, ti at there
was going to be some trouijle; 1 arr.-nted
.Sullivan at I'eau's house and when the
other crowd came they had Thoma ; I ak-
eil him who lie was a id whether he was one f earou-im; a httle and I ! Li i
of the gang and he told m lie cooked fori Cros-exaaiimi:;..!. - It wa-the-e
men and carried ei..' and ' 'He of the f"r.'ti',.., aV:,;
to tin-in ; I found the stocking ou a water- ' went to IKu-m-ire ?: -v .1.
U-nch in the kitchen. ! than tlir-e or f .-ir miuT. - :
: liou-e 1,
! i d..i. t Ui
! Thonia
1 where l;
j t:..:-e : he wa y-uie
I don t kno w hrre
! April.
i J. T. IVi:. ;
and Ta-k.-r ; f k'i'
; ilrarit Ivan ; on th
I to my lion- arid -t.i
j wife wan with t;;:ti ;
! hoil-e wirii hiin ; I
I Jacik .-uliivau. lien
. mote on the I t:h in r
in.!!, -omew lit re at
.i:i 1 I were 'tut at'r.T .
drinking ; I didn't
i etu-e I am t a dr!t,l
j f-.fier of Il::i. and 1..- irn-
mother ; he came Lut.- o:: !
, ed till Saturday : 1 am a i-r
' the Sullivan-, and I am a h
! 1'inMliore ; I ;u-t -:-.k.' to t!
Cross-examined uly one twenty dollar
gold piece was wrap;ied up and thrown to
Nettie Sullivan ; 1 didn't arre-t Tle nia.-: I
was the first limn at the Hill hoii-e: 1
didn't on the door of the rubbish mom ;
I saw a lx.ok-ca.-e in there: I think there
was a clock in there: f didn't arrest Ander
son ; I ordered him to be arrested ; I think
f han.lculfeil Tasker: lam sure I hand
culfed ill!! ; I didn't hear Tj.-ker nuke anv
ii.:, ii
.mil '
J. M. Miller Live at Meyersdale, am a ' remarks,
merchant; have been buying sugar from pp. Fichtner re-called.
Yoder for the past 10 years; witness Thomas said he hardly knew what he was
identified piece of sugar taken from sack j taken up for ; I says, - Ain't you interested
at Augustine's house by mark he had in the matter .''' He said only as cook lor
put on itat that tiui; also hal titte 1 it them and that he had done work for them
inlr. nir.til.l n.l liv V,.l..r ami 11 firm- ! ' Mid lo Inm, Hid
i.. !.., v...!.., - ,.,. robbers at the lime?'
I t V..-U, l.l.iCI ifc r tut t V 1 1 I a r-ui.
KJgar Kyle. I live at Meyers liie: I help
ed to arrest these people on the Jslli of April,
on Sunday; I heled to arrest all ei.-pt
Pean ; we went to the liou-e about two
o'clock on Sunday the 2sili of April and
arrested Decatur Tasker. W. IS. II. II, t'lias.
Lewis, Jwkson Sullivan : the oilier young
man, Anderson, was arrested near by ; I
didn't see him arrested ; Marshal! Sullivan
and Thomas werearn-sled at 'B ss ' I lean's ;
Anderson was arrested at the house of a man
by the name of Fisher ; we or.raniz st three
ditferent squads to g out on dilf :retit rjaJs
leading to ditTerent housas in close connec
tion with Hills; one came in from the south
on the ''BosV Pr-an house where we sup
posed Marshall Sullivan was. and the others
tocjme in on the Hill houte ; we came to
or near the Hill house and the squad was
coming down above the hoie across the
fence ; a rail broke and the dos barked and
Hill and his wife came out of the hoii-e to
see what the dogs were barking at ; the
boys were pretty close to the house and Ihey
covered him with their guns and told him
to hold up his hands and coma up. and he
walked up and then they surrounded the
house; I-ewis, Taiker and Jack Sullivan
showed tiijlit ; it appeared that way; they
got up on the loft of the house, but finally
the women prevailed on them and they
agreed to surrender ; they came out on the
porch and surrendered and were handcull"
ed ; the house is a story and a-half, part log
and weather-boarded ; in the tirst room,
called the kitchen was an old stove; in the
room back of that was an old bed and bu
reau and there was a bed on the floor : there
were only two bHlj in the house ; a ham
laid on this bureau, partly cut the.
hall-way running nearly east was a trap-
' n.w !ur it i-. tri.ui t!;
; i.ear I' . :;.: -.a-
I wile wanted to s.-.j. and
i didn't t:iKe a drink wiiii
staye. a k w miuuti - .mi a...
: ing (iriiikm.
I l dir. . t 1 .ii.iu t -i . T.i
1 fr mi Markii- -burj t.,i:.-
j IS milt.-.
! J.hti Diiisui' rc - I live i
I works; km. a- .l.c k and M.w-:i -!
on I ',!i of . prii 1 f und t,..
; ii..ti-e when I went In. me l'r
Jack and Mar-li w. re there ; I;
' wife's birthday and we wie ;.
jit; I t..k I'.ml. Mr. i. .
and Henry Suilivan u!"i''
! night ; Jack and Mur-ii stayed t
you kn..w they were
lie said lie didti t ut !
rtrst. but found it out al'terwar is, tm: was '
afraid. i
v i fu;n.... -ri.: i... i , 1
in my po.session as Sheritf since the hear
ing: the money that was placed in my ke-je
ing was deited in bank, it may be til the
bank yet; I don't know that 1 have iK-.s-ed
of luore than $IJ or o-l.J : Mr, Hoitert
bad an order for that ; the money that was
gotten from Nettie Sullivan. $.j.V, 1 gave
her when she was diw -hanrcd ; there was a ! in 'he hack.
tifty-Uoliar bill and I think a twenty -dollar j'd. IS-uaon's
bill j about a mile and a half from I t:
Articles identified by the witnesses were . they are Coke woiks; I did
now oHered and the Coromonwealtli rested, j d.m't now ; we ha 1 a .'lil .ti
District Attorney asked leave to enter a wie c Ud.r itin t.:v w ife's I
nolle prosequi as to Thomas and Andcr-on. , , ,lr;,,'.:,, .-o ,.,!
j o. in L .uai iv in.1, ii no v. . .lie
town ; liraiiK often ; was I
.lllg at l:IV
l"th : I sua t'.er
their father's ; they siy."l ti,
: day ; Wednc-lav w.i- t!,.
Win. Hill on the l:;;ii and
: notj doing ;i i iv 1 1 1 i 1 1 r ; A! ar-l
, left on ', a-ter S.iiid..-.' : da, U
' Marsh lo hunt ; tl-cir .-i-'.er .
; thev went on h. .r-.-l.aek at:
i .:
i :i-
! full w lien I left town : I ...
.' s'raijht : tin
n we l' .t h.f
and leave was granted.
Mr. HoMiert then opened l!ie rase
for the defendants, seitinir forth tlrul '
the defense set lln would lie uri nlil.i as t
theSullivans, Lewis and Tasker, and a-lie 1 j I'a"1 ","ri' I,re,t
the Court to instruct the jury that there w.i.s ! w,,re tuere wh
n. sufficient evidence to couvi.t'H.ll and j "i;""!'"'! a Lutheran; I d.
I lean. This the Court '.Li-lined to do. : how they can, e ; they -t.iye I !
Jacob S. Andepsoii. I iive in Henry ' 'iar ' day and went away nn one of
twp., Fayette county ; I am the owner of horse and his father's lior-e; I
the Hill hou-e ; my business is teaehin,': I ! locks on Sunday for a fe.v min i
was teaching in t'liioutown last fall; my ! wife was with him : thev ,-r.ived
family removed from Ilili house after N'ov. ' f,.w minutes - I a:u I h n
election: Wm. Hill moved into it : I gave I , ,'.., i:..,.,.. r,. ... ,ii.
his wife, I am not a r-' .
man: I drink but don't L'.-t :uiv:
of the road ; the - iH-ui l.i-t.-d t
day niirl.t but 1 1 1 y had a ..u irt ;
not tell whvremy wife a i now ;
111 vears old the l:;;h .lav of
him Hj-session until I came back aain ; I
retained one room, located inhe front of j
the house: I didn't come for atmu! ,
three months; I found tilings ail ri;!it; there i
are 1" acres of land attached to the house ; I
was at the Hill bouse the week before this!
robbery; things there were all riht then : I i
moved into the house since Hill moved I was born
when I went ha.-k ; I never kept a cess M, j K
in the ball of the house: there was a bo ird j w ife
and it
an .
We Lead
Tlie II,:i;t.i. rh's w---k '
i-t edition ever i--U"d i,v anv i
the coitntv Forty tl .. .'.u-i i-e
i -tru. k otf M eel iv n.'it a ; t i
W. Va , and am a school teacher ; know- tiie Tuesday morning .ve-y ,;,y ii
Hill House ; I was in it a few niiuu:.- i ne ! i-ed of and -even inn lr- d ii.i
evening when Hill occupied it; it wa-s his tainiju; t:ie f-il new-, h.,.1 t.
iioie rs.pi. s w-t-r- -o ,t. at a j
refriilar dwelling.
Cross-examined I was there the evenitig
before Christmas : they had a party ihere :
I-wis and Sullivan were not there ; I don't
know who was there all the lime; lam a
brother of Thomas, one of the defendants.
l.w..l,l.-h ilw.v .s, n.H,i there I m ine nan oi lilt House : mere
was a cellar to the house : there was no raised in the ball when I went ba. k
stairwav leading up to the loft, simply boles j T-r.v un.ieasani in there.
cut in tiie ll.sjr and a ladder set up; in the Cross-e.vaniination-I had to clean the
kitchen pirt was a place to get up o 1 the j t,ut '"" 1 -'al"K ba. k ; it must 1, ,ve
loft bv rlimbin ' up the logs ; the house was "3e" H1 i'nv : "ve.1 on the I
very filthy ; up stairs we found a gun with ! arl" W1"' Mr-h
both hammers cocked and two shells in the "" ,uy house.
double barreled sun with twenty slum in Marshall Thomas I live in Preston
e.ich shell, and a lot of lead shot : we found
up there three Smith an.f Wessen revolvers
and one was taken olf one of the women in
the bouse; we found also a bun lie of la lies
hose: (hweshown) that bundle they hal
here to-day was got at the house ; Peter Al
bright pulled them out from a shelf in tlm
kitchen; I didn't arrest A -.tDrson ; my men
arrested him near Markleysburg : a pair of
steel knuckles, a handy-billy and a picket
knife were faiiud on him : I have the kuu. k
les in my Kwscssion ; I didn't s.i the knife
myself but I saw the steel knuckles and the
Cross-ex iminalioti Th?re w is a ruYiish
room in this house, on the first tl or : it was
not locked ; the door was standlm; open
when I saw it ; uthers were likely in before
I was ; there w Are old satchels and a g.od
sewing machine in there ; there was a lot of
old rubbish scattered all over the ff sir pro
miscuously ; the stockings and mittens were
found together fn the kitchen ; tiie jKsq.le
didn't all live there; there were not beds
enough for that number of people, unless
they cohabit together in some unlawful
way; I uidn t recover any money in this
lay "f February,
in U'ti'-eiiii.
direct I didn't sc Tu-k. r ..
!o'et!i.T on tiie l:'.th ..f Apri!
tii o'clock the Court adj-ami-;l
ThurH.h:y niorninj.
p !'
for the
.old r.q,
: ii.n fi ¬
Jackson P. Scu.ivan.
Mary Hill Only ine and Hill lived in
I It. A 1....,. - b..t U 1 ,.l.. t . ... I
t,.o, In tlo .O...I.. Tl.,..- v.N.,Jt.s.ri,i.e",u,'K-,.,,mlj i.ewisaiio
ia-Kcr; i ciuil l snow IT. Mem
to the cellar.
Take Advantage of It.
11. rr Co.-. will ii' you with .
K.I'S', S-e.ll Wind. s;iM':tl els- a
j nine Auieri. an Mo'.e'!:.-!it f r only
Jcind:ria fancy cl::i:u. Makitik'
con-plete ou'tit. and worth luiiy -ti-ive
aNo a coinpl. te line of l-'i-,-Watch
chains and Silverware, w u , :,
s-II at corri-j.uditu'y low r.c. - -coll-islin
of I.'l'-e Pme, iiir:-;--. r:
l uff and Coliar ISutti.i,, T'l -.ii, -
liili's, Cold Pens and I V-!.-: :-. Wj
Charm-. Ih kets. ,v : -. A
I'lated Knives and l-' .ri:-. at f Vsi
a half dozen of each; Kojes fei.-.:
Spoons, Napkin l;in. A.-. A:.
kie CI, K k- i'itiier- and A larnis '
at ! ."s.i and '.'' at
as was standing in the road talking to his bro
ther, and I said to th-iu, " T ik.; that m in
along;" that was at the Hill House.
Re-direct. Dean's house is only live or
ten minutes walk from the Maryland and
Virginia line; Hill's is not,) far; it U right
ou the corner of three States.
ner the wav --
1 The Second tlleetiCL"f tl." t
I had no revolver on my rson when the Prohibitory A niemln,. : t wa- i"
arrests were made. i Court Hou-e la-t ev-iin-- '!. V.'
John II. Oriel I live in Klklick township: ' of Pittsburgh, and Hon. John II
know Grant Pean ; know Sallie Kngle; the ; lie.lfor.1. made nnt a l lr.-.
night of the robliery D.-an was at my 1. roth-i to the press on our (olunu swe.
er's place ; he came there aliout o'clock ; I to side track uiir dctaii' d npurr.
4 j
- 1