fjocal and Personal* The Ole BullTragan^"d all others musi i- I will be glad to learn that,\ioliaa, A c "'if Concertinis, Violin string, and Bows, Sheet v 1 books Ac., are constantly kept on hand mu ,i C) Mu. . notiM) at the ° rf 7^oreofP" B-nisA Bros., on Bridge Jewelry Store ot r. . Tll e Flouring Mills of Piatt, Miller, .bUI, for ... * R ° W ' 1 aave been undergoing thorough repairs ZtP""'".'" "pr.J to do .11 wo* 00 .tort DOtic. << " >• best manner. Justices of the Peace will conform to the require men ts of the law, in such case made and provided ; and contribute to the interests of taxpayers of the County, by sending all recognizances taken by them in criminal cases, to the District Attorney, at least ten days before Court. Meeting the Difficulty.—Many persons who are desirous of obtaining a Piano or MeloJeon, are unable to furnish sufficient means at one time to pay for it • to meet this difficulty, L. B. Powell, of Scranton. proposes to f : Musical Instruments on installments, as far as possible,to .uit the purchaser Communicate with hitn eitner by letter or tn per son. Excellence in any of the fine arts, so called, is onlv attained by the few : and is much more fre quently the result of long continued, patient industry and observation than of genius. When this and those other qualities arc united in the same person' we have one who excells in his art. Such a person is Mr. W. Buger, the Artist, at this place. A visit to whose studio will not only afford great pleasure to any lover of art, but wi'.l afford ample proof of our as sertion In addition to the countless pictures, sketches and articles of has quite a collection of curiosities-in the a MOB I kingdom—rare birdsand nns mils stuffed, and looking as natural as life. Go and see thim, rooms over the Bank, in Stark's brick block. An Invention of practical every-day utility has been exhibited to its by an old acquaintance, Thomas Chambeis, Esq. of Waverly, Pa, the Agent for its sale in this County. It is called tha ,f White Wire Clothes Line," and is destined to entirely supercede the rope line now in use. The advantages of this Patent wire may be briefly stated as follows : It does Dot stain nor injure clothes. It is almost in destructible. It never breaks. It never needs be "taken in." Clothes will not freeze fast to it. It does not stretch when dry, nor contract when wet. — It ts cheaper than any other line—the cost per foot, being but a trifle above that of the common rope line ; which only lasts about a year. It will save an incalculable amount of internal and-eziernal scolding on washing day, by Deing al ways up and in place. Every man who refuses to buy and put up one of theSe lines, should be obliged to wear dirty linen on court weeßs.general training, thanksgiving and show days j and indeed ou all public occasions, until he repents, believes and buys Glail Tidings to all.--We begin to think that the uiilUniim is fas! approaching, when thesonsof Adam and the daughters of Eve will be relieved from the primal penalty imposed t pon on them for the disobedience of the eld Lady and Gei tleman, in the garden. The 'hard labor" part that )*Dalty can certainly in alleviated. An examination of the practical woikincsof the "Amospberic Churn l>ash' UoW on exhlhi'ion by Mr. Reynolds, Agent, for the sale it tights, in this County, poo e this, This gcntliu-ar. with bis patent- dss-b, churr.ed a jar of cream at r ur house and took tberefiom a fine roll of butter, in less than five minutes. This ts what we call churning made easy-a. thing lhat'we didn't ■ uppote tould be did. Of course every body sooner or later will have one of these Dashes, Of course everybody at fir.t will doubt, then see and then be lie re. Mr Reynolds ie at Wall's Hotel, for the pur pole of removing doubts by letting pecplo see, When this is done, he proposes to sell the right to vend and use these dashe-rinthe several Townships in this Co. See his advertisement, in to-day's paper "The pcrtumed light Steals through the mist of alabaster lamps. And every air is heavy wilh the breath Of orau g- flowers that bloom I' the midst of roses." Suck was the flowry land filled with healing aire and life-preserviug products, where Dr Drake dis covered the thief ingredient of his wonderful Tonic Medicine — PLANTATION BITTKKB— the enchanted tropicle island of St. Croix. The Plantation Bitters combining 8-11 the medicinal and tonio virtues of the healing and life-sustaining products of that favored clime, are, without doubt, the Worlds Great Kemedy for Dyspepsia, Low, Spirits, and all other Stomachic difficulties Magnolia Water.--A delightful toilet article — superior Co Cologne aod at half the price. Answer to Enigma.—A few of cur subscribers seem to have some trouble in guessing the import of the letters and figures on the tinted address label on their papers, Perhaps they are not good st Enig mas. We feel it our duty to give such, an explana tion of of these cabalistic, words, and figuers, which' we are glad to say, a large majority of our frieuds fully eotnpreheud and act upon. The explanation may be given as follows : Suppose your name was John Doe, Suppose, again, that John Doe had been taking the Democrat from about the first day f August, A- D. 1861, and had never paid one con tinental red cent for it. The words and figures on the label on Mr. Doe's paper wouid read thusly, "John Doe 1 Aug. 61." We are ashamed to confess that we have a few of these John Doe's and quite an .mber who are closely related to the Doe family, on our list, whose real names, it might be interesting to the public, to know. We may be obliged to gratify the public curiosity by publishing their nr.mes, if they fail much longer to updsrstand and act upon the explanation we have given. Have w< a Mine Among us t—ls the ques. •tion that is just now exercising the minds of the peo ple in Nicholson Tp. in this County. It has been well known, for a long time past, that at several points in that township, there existed ores and me talic substances of some kind. From experiments recently made, it is believed that GolJ and Silver exist there in sufficient quantities to make mini ng profitable. This is the opinion of practical men, who are now giving a practical demonstration of the faith that is in them, by organizing a mining Com pany ; and are securing the necessary machinery arid appliances for thoroughly testing the value of these discoveries. Tne title of the Company organ ized for this purpose, (we copy from an impression of THEIR seal; is "THE NEW YORK A PENNSVLVANIA GOLD AS SILVER MINING COMPANT— - Or WTOMING >, PA. 1 We expect to be able to report progress and announce results hereafter. It may be that the Id'rzde ef the east is located here in Wyoming , Uut y. It is charitaole and gratifying to think so, " lc *-t If these grand old mountains of ours, are 001 teeming with precious metals, they are entirely except M studies for the poet aid tha paint #r' nature, in getting them up, may have ® • provision for tbo gratification of other tastes iß d Interest! as well.-We shall see, ni us (Jown a nugget, for a breast-pin Excursion.—Pursuant tL an invitation II- j tended by Mr. Swiiher, the gentlemanly end oblig ing proprietor of the stage line from Tnnkhancoek to Montroee, in behalf of the oitiaeni of Sp riogville oar Brass Band started for the latter point aboat one o'clock on Thursday afternoon of last reek, — A comfortable and commodious conveyance had been provided, the day was propitious, and indica tions of a good time and pleasant trip were immediately manifest After playing a tune through town we were "brought to a stand" in front of Wall's Hotel, where several of our prominent citizens had congregated to do us honor, and ex tend to us their hospitalities- A beautiful boqnet from Mrs. Win. M. Piatt, was presented to as, ac com pan il by a few appropriate remarks by the Major and acknowledgad by our leader: The na tional banner waa mounted and raised; and after being saluted by "the red, white and blue" from the band, we literally tore ourselves away, fol lowed by the good wishes of all present. Jokes, puns, stories, individual experiences, and mastc, vocal and instrumental, were the order of the journey Reaching Lynn, we stopped for a short time in front of Mr Hendrick's store, and after re constructing upon the "Niagara Star" basis, pro ceeded to fipringville Hollew. Our reception ana treatment there was enthusiastic, generous, and ap preciative, We each and all of us feel that we shall always kindly remember tkat village and its citizens, more particularly the young ladies, whoso words and smiles furnished us with so pleasant music and encouragement. We have neglected to notice one item while passing, but as a good thing is always in order we will, as Boxer says, "do it now." As we were abeut crossing the line between the two coun ties, a dog half black and half white- was dis covered quietly reposing in the middle of the road. One of the party called our attention to him and sug gested that that must be the line mark ; leaving us to infer that in his judgment the complexion of the d g was indicative of the political complexion of the two counties. But to return. We remained at Spring vilie that eight, and early the next morning were on our ay to M< ntrose, where we had been informed vtr were expected that day. Arriving at "the Cope farm" we were met hy Mr. Conkiin, the present own er who very liberally contributed to our wants in the shape of some very excellent cider, Proceeding to Montrose we arrived atSearla' Hotel, now kept by Charley Koon, about seven and a half o'clock, Our breakfast had already been ordered for us oy Mr. George Jessup, who had preceded us from Bp' ing ville ; and we were all prepared to do it ample jus tice. We remained in Montrose until after dinner, were feasted and feted splendidly, and without feo or reward, and were very urgently requested to pro long our visit to an indefinite extent; and if any person says that Charley isn't a good man and can't keep a hotel, or that his lady is not especially accom plished in her department of the same, at least twelve appreciative young men, and competent judg es, too, are prepared to impeach him at once. We are now, (two o'clock P. M.) homeward bound, regretting the necessity that compelled us to leave Montrose and its inducements, so hurriedly. Stop ping for a short timeatDimtnock, we were, met by a delegation of friends from borne, who were sufficiently interested in us and with us to come that far to meet us. We proceeded until we were again stopped by Mr. Conkiin for "a little mora cider." Beached .-pringvillc to tea, and found, as the day before, ev erything aice, ready and waiting, Without allowing ourselves time to reciprocate the couitesiesextended toward us, we -pointed" rapidly toward borne. Were > again met at Lynn by a special from Mr. Uendiick, • and soon by an irresUtable from Mr. Garwood Sher ' uiuD, f iter of our jovial and enterprising townsman. Mr. llenry Sbarinau, after which wa arrived safely at home. Some factious individual has asserted that we were too well treated to do ourselves justice upon our arrival here Which assertion we emphatically deny, andean disprove by a cloud of witnesses. The Republican Standing Committee for Wyoming County, will meet in the Borough ofTunk haunock on Monday, 19 Aug. at 1 o'clock. P. M.— A general attendance is requested, as business of special importance will be transacted. R. P, POSS, Chairman. Died.. WHITWORTH—In McLennan County, Texas, on the 3th ult., f typhoid fever, Emma Jane, wife ot Win. Whitworth. and daughter of David Oa terhout, aged about 23 years; formerly of Wyo ming County, Pa. Special Notices TAKE NOTICE. I hereby forbid all persons purchasing or negotia ting a certain no'e for #'2oo, —given by C. W. Brink, of Falls Township, Wyoming Co., to mo ; aa the same has been lost or stolen from me, • PHILLIP KURCIIIES. July 15th 1867-V6D49. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE, Letter testamentary having been granted toe un dersigned on the estate of Samuel Lyman, late of Meshoppen Tp. Uec'd. Notice is hereby given all persons indebted to the said estate, to make imme diate payment of the same, and all pesons having claims against the same, will present them duly au thenticated fur settlement without delay to G.C.LYMAN, Ex'r. Washington, July 22nd 1867-v6u49-6w. INSOLVENT NOTICE, NOTICE is hereby given to all persons interested that 1 have applied to the Hon., the Judgfcs of the Court of Common Pleas, in and for the County of Wyoming, for the benefit of the insolvent laws of this commonwealth, and that they have appointed the first day of next term of said court, toe 19th day of August next, to bear me and my creditors, at the Court House, in the Borough of Tunkhannock when and whero you can attend, if you think proper. HENRY WALL. Exeter, Juiy 15, 1867. SUBPOSNAIN DIVORCE, Maria Shaver by her next } In the Court of Common friend Levi Winters vs. > Pleas of Wy*g Co., No I Ilenry K. Shaver. )32 January term. 1b67 LIBEL FOR DIVORCE FROM THE BONDS OF MATRIMONY. I, M' W. DeWitt. High Sheriff of the Cconty of Wyoming, do hereby make known unto Henry K. Shaver, that he be and appear at a Court of Com mon Pleas, to be held at Tunkhannock. in aud for the County of Wyoming, on Monsay the 19th day ef August, A. D. 1367, then and there to answer the said complaint, and to show cause, if any there be, why the bonds of matrimony between bimseif and Maria Shaver, his wife, shall not be dissolved. M. W. DeWITT, Sheriff Sheriff's office, Tunk. July 16, 1867, BUBP(BNA 111 DIVORCE. James H. Bagley } In the Court of Common vs. > Pleas Wyoming County, Emeline D. Bagley >No. 24, January Term, 1867 LIBEL FOR DIVORCE FROM THE BONDS OF MATRIMONY. I, M. W. Dewitt High Sheriff of the County of Wyuining, do hereby make known unto Emeline D. Bagley, that she be and appear at a Court of Com mon Pitas, to be held at Tunkhannock in the Coun ty aforesaid, on Monday the 19th day of August, A. D. 1867, then and there to answer the said complaint, and show cause if any she hath, wby the bonds of matrimony between herself and James H. Bagley ber husband shall not be disolved. M. W. DEWITT, Sheriff Sheriff's Office, Tunk. July 9th'67, von47tf. For Sale. A YOKE OF FOUR-YEAR OLD CATTI E a. for beef, or for working catUe. For particulars—enquire at this office CORPORATION NOTICE. Wmcmias, application has beea made to the Court of Common Pleas of Wyoming County for the grant ing of a Charter of Incorporation to the Baptist Church, of Tunkhannock Borough in said County, the same having been filed in the office of the Pro thonotary of said Court. Notice is hereby given that if no sufficient reason to the contrary is shown, it shall be lawfdl fop the said Court at tbe next erm thereof to declare that the persons so associate d, shall according to tbe articles and conditions set forth in said Charter, become, and be a corporation or body politic, in law ana in fact, and the court will make such other directions as the case may require. E.J. Tunk. July,B, 1867-v6n47. CORPORATION NOTICE, Whereas, application has been made to the Court of Common Pieas of Wyoming County for tbe granting of a Charter of Incorporation to the Metho dist Episcopal Church of Factory ville, in said County, tbe same having been filed in tbe office of tbe Pro thoootary of said Court. Notice is hereby given that if no sufficient reason to the contrary is shown, it shall be lawtnl for the said Court at the next term thereof to declare that the persons so associated, shall according to the articles and conditions set forth in said Charter, become, and be a corporation or body politic in law and iu fact, and the court will make such other directions the case may require. E. J. KEENEY,Prothonotary. *Tunk. July Bth 1867—v6n47. ORPHAN'S COURT SALE. Notice is hereby giren that all the right, title and interest of Jed Hollenback, a minor son of the late Ebon Hollenback, dee'd., in and to all that certain farm, lot, or messuage, situate in Washington Tp., and bounded on tbe North by land of Morgan Max well, East by land of Lewis Cook, South by land of A. W. Robinson and Jared Robinson, and on the West by land of Wm. Jayne and the Susqueb.mnna River, containing one hundred and sixty acres, more or less, (being the same farm now in possession of Irwin Hollenback) will be sold by virtue of an order of the Orphans Court oa Friday, the 2nd day ot August, 1867. at one o'clock, P. M. at the Court House in Tunkhannock Bono. R. R. LITTLE, Attor ney for Guardian Ac., v6n47. MANHOOD AND YOUTHFUL VIGOR are~re~- gained by Helmbold's Extract Buchu. P OR SALE. TWO TOP BUGGIES, ONE NEARLY NEW FOR 8.2 0 0 ONE BUT SLIGHTLY WORN, for 9150. Will be sold for cash or exchanged for bark. PALEN BKOS. Tunk June 24th 1867.—v6n46-tf. SHATTERED CONSTITUTIONS RESTORED by Helmbola's Extract Buchu. REGISTER'S NOTICE. Notice is hereby given to ali persons interes ted , that tbe following accounts and claims have been fded in the Register's Office in and for Wyoming Co. will be presented to tbe Orphans' Court to be held at Tunkhannock, in and for the same County, on Monday the 19th day of August next, for confirma tion and allowance , Widow's Claim in the estate of Abraham Ace, late of Tunkhannock Tp. dee'd., Filed Doc, 22d 1866. Widow's Clrim in the estate of Conrad Kintner. late of Tunkhannock Tp. dee'd. Filed March 30,'67 Widow's Claim in the estate or Albert Rosengrant late of Eatou Tp. dee'd. Filed April 22, 1867. Widow's Claim In tbe estate of Moses Vaughn,late of Meboopany Tp. dee'd Filed April 29, 1867, Widow's claim in the ertate of William E. Holmes late of Falls Tp. dee'd. Filed May 18, 1867, Widow's Claim in the estate of Minor Worden.late of Nicholson Tp. dee'd. Filed June 14, 1867 Account ol Joseph Graham, Executor of the last Will and Testament of Samuel Vaniuzor, late of Tunknannock Tp dee'd. Filed July 13, 1867. Widow's Claim in tbe estate af Ludd Shoemaker, late of Windham Tp. dee'd. Filed July 15, 1667, Final Account of Ezra Thompson and William H. Crispell, Administrators of the estate of Thomas Crispell, late of Monroo Tp. dee'd. Filed July 20,. 1867. Final Account of E, J. Mowry, Administrator of tbe estate of E. Mowrey Jr., late of tbe Township of Mesboppen de'd Filed July 15, 1867. Final Account of Stevens Dana, Administrator of the estate of Henry Metcalf, late of Tunkhannock Boro. dee'd. Filed July 22, 1867. 0. L PARRISII, Register. Register's Office, Tunk. July 22, '67. pehuviajxt syrup. A PROTECTED SOLUTION OF THE PROTOX IDE OF IRON, supplies the blood with its LIFE ELEMENT, IRON, giving strength, vigor and new life to the whole system, If the thousands who are suffering from Dtspep sia. Debility, Female Wkekness, Ac., would but test the virtues of the Peruvian Sykcp, the effect would not only astonish themselves but would plaase all their frieuds ; tor instead of feeiiug cross, "all gone" and miserable, they would be cheerful, vigorous and active. A DISTINGUISHED JURIST WRITES TO A FRIEND AS FOLLOWS: I have tried the the Peruvian Svrup, and the re sult fully sustain your prediction. It has made a new man of me, iniused into my system new vigor and energy ; I am no longer tremulous and debili tated, as when you last saw me, but stronger, heart ier, and with iaiger capacity tor labor,* mental and jibysical, than at any time during the lust five years." Thousands have been changed by the use of this remedy from weak, sickly, suffering creatures, to strong, healthy, and happy men and women ; and invalids cannot reasonably hesitate to give it a trial. The genuine has "Peruvian Syrup" blown in the glass. A 32 page pamphlet will be sent free J. P. DINSMORE, Proprietor, No. 36 Dey St., New York. Sold by all Druggists. SCROFULA. The Rev. George Storrs, of Brooklyn, N. Y, says in tbe Bible Examiner, byway of apology for pub lishing a medical certificate in his magazine, of the cure of bis only son, of Scrofula, "after dissolution appeared inevitable." "We publish this statement "not for pay but in gratitude to God who hat an "swered prayer, and injustice to Dr. Anders ; be "ing satisfied that there is virtue in tbe lodine Wu "(er treatment whieh the readers of this Magazine "will thank its editor for for bringing to their no tice," Circulars free. Dr. H. Anders' lodine Water is for sale by J. P. DINSMORE, Proprietor, 36 Dey St., N. Y., and y all Druggists. HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU and improve Roee Wash cures secret and delicate disorders in al their stages, at little expense, ljttle or no rhangein diet, no inconvenience and no exposure. It is pleas ant in taste and odor, immediate in its action, and free from all injurious properties. HELMBOLD'S CONCENTRATED EXTRACT BU CHU, Is tbe Great Diuretic. HELMBOLD'S CONCENTRATED EXTRACT SARSAPARILLA Is the Great Blood Purifier. Both are prepared according to rules of Chemistry and Bbarmacy, and are the most active that can ba aade. BlICKlBSICK! The subscriber baa now on hand and, will thereaf ter constantly keep FOR SALE A FINE LOT of SMOOTH WELL BURNED BRICK, at his brick yard opposite Palen A Bros, new Tannery, Mr TUJrxMAMfacx, TA. which eheap tj aod in quantities to suit purchasers. • H. W. RHODES onl I-Xf, ENFEEBLED AND DELICATE CONSTITU TIONS, of bo to taxes, use Helmbold's Extract, Bu chu. It will eeriak andgivi energetic feelings and enable yon to sleep well. • im .' ** Dr. BCHENCK'B MANDRAKE PILLi A SUBSTITUTE FOR CALOMEL. These Pill's are composed of various roots having the power to relax the secretions of the liver as promptly and effectually as blue pill or mercury, and without producing any of those disagreeable or dan gerous effects which offten follow the use of the lat tor. In all bilious disorders these Pills may be used with confidence, as they promote the discharge of vitiated bile, oud remove those obstructions from the liver and biliary ducts, which are the cause of bil ious affections in general SCHENCK S MANDRAKE PILLS cure Sick Headache, and all disorders of the Liver, indicated by sallow skin, coated tongue, oostiveness, drowsi ness, and a general fooling or weariness and lassi tude. showing that the liver is in a torpid orfob structed condition. In short, these Pills may be used]with advantag in all cases.whon a purgative or alterative medicine s required. Please ask for "Dr. Scbenck's Mandrake Pills and observe that the two likenesses of the Doctor a' n the Government stamp—one when in the last stage of Consumption, and the other in his present health. Sold by all Druggists'and dealers. Price 25 cents per box. Principal hiladelpbia, Pa. General Wholesale Agents : Demas Barnes A Co. 21 Park Row' New York ; S. S. Hance, 108 Balti more St., Baltimore, Md.; John D. Park.N. E. cor of Fourth and Walnut St, Cincinnati, Ohio ; Wal ker A Taylor, 134 ana I3g Wabash Avenue, Chicago 111.; Collins Brothers, Southwest corner of Second and Vine Streets, St. Louis, Mo. 4thA sth w. ea mo. I yr ~ TAKE NO MORE UNPLEASANT AND UN SAFE REMEDIES for unpleasant ani dangcrou iseas s. Use Ilclinbold's Extract Uuchu and lins roved Rose Wash. IIELMBOLD'S FLUID EXTRACT BUCHU is pleasant in tasto and odor, free irom all injurious properties, and immediate in its action. ALLCOCK'S POROUS Allentown, Penn., April 4, 1865, Messrs. T. Allcock A Co.: Dea. Sirs : —My daughter used one of your Po rous Plasters. She had a very bad pain in her side, and it cured her in one week. Yours truly, JOHN V. N. HUNTER. We refer to the Forty Thousand Di uggists who sell our Plasters, as to their high sterling char acter. ALLCOCK A CO , Agency, Brandreth Heuse.New York. Sold by all Druggists v6n47-4t FRIGHTFUL EXECUTION ! is done upon thousands of grey heads, bv endeavor ing to darken them with metalic dyes that SCORCH AND BLAST the fibres from tip to root. Avoid these horri ble DISFIGURING AGENTS, and use only the great toilet staple of America, CRISTADORO'S EXCELSIOR DYE. which not only instantaneously produces all shades of black and brown, but also nourishes, strengthens and beautifies the hair. Manufactured by J. CMS TADORO. 6 Astor House. New York, Sold by Drug gists, Applied by all Hair Dressers. THE RAIL ROAD CO. HIEI'It *I2iS7 MOTtTGAGJS TSOJVDS As an Investment. The rapid progress of tbe Union Pacific Railroad now building west from Omaha, Nebraska, and for ming, with its western directions, an unbroken line across tbe continent, attracts attention to tbe value of the First Mortgage Bonds which the Company now offer to tbe public. The first, jestion asks iby prudent investors is, "Are these bonds secure I" Next, "are they a profitable investment ?" to reply in brief; Ist. The early completion of the whole great line to the Pacific is ng certain as any future business event'ean be. Tie Government gran*, of over twen ty million acres of land and filty million dollars in its own bonds practically guarantees it. One fourth of the work is already done, and the trnck continues to be laid at the rate of two miles a day. 2d. Tbe Union Pacific Railroad bonds are issued upon what promises to be one of the most profitable lines of railroad in tha county. For many years it must be the only line connecting (be Atlantic and Pacific ; and leiDg without competition, it can main tain remunerative rates, 3d. 376 miles ot this road are finished, end fully equipped with depots, locomotives, cars, Ac., and two trains are daily running each way. The materi als for the ,euiaining 131 miles to the eastern base of the Rocky Mountains are on hand, and it is under contract to be done in September. 4th Tbe net earnings of the sections already fin ished are several times greater than the gold inter est upon tbe First Mortgage Bonds upon such sec tions, and if not another mile of the road were built tbe part already completed would not only pay in terest and expenses, but be profitable to the Com pany. sth. The Union Pacific Railroad bonds can be is ued only as the road progresses, and therefore can never be in the market unless they represent a bona fide propertv. 6th. Their amount is is strictly limited by law to a sum equal to whnt is granted by tbe U. S. Gov ernment, and for whi h it takes a second lien as its secarity. This amount upon tbe first 517 miles west from Amaha is only 916,600 per mile. 7th The fact that /be U. S. Government consid ers a second lien upon the road a good investment, and that some of tbe shrewdest railroad builders of tbe country have alreadv paid in five million dol lars upon the stock (which is to them a third lien), may well Inspire confidence in a first lien. Bth. Although it is not claimed that there can be any better securities that Governments, there are parties who consider a first mortgage upon such a property as this the very best security in the world, and who sell their Governments to re-invest in these bonds—thus securing a greater interest. 9th. As the Union Pacific Railroad bends are offer ed for the present at 90 cents on the dollar and ac crued interest, they are the cheapest security in tbe market, beiDg over 15 per cent, less than U. S. Stocks. 10th, At the current rate of of premium on gold, they pay Over JVinc per Cent. Interest. Tbe daily subscriptions are already large, and the will continue to be received in New York by tba Continental National Bank, No, 7 Nassau St. Clark, Dodge & Co., Bankers, 51 Wall St, John J. Cisco & Son, Bankers, No. 33 Wall St. Henry Clews & Co., Bankers, 32 Wall St. and by BANKS AND BANKERS generally through out the United Statee, of whom mape and descriptive pamphlets may be obtained, They will also be sent by mail from the Company's Office, No. 20 Nassau Subscribers will street, N?w York, on !••;-._ (W hav, oonfi- SS,'& Si b.. " u "' n f " sate delivery of the CISCO. Treasurer, JOHN a. p Rk ' rffftttloi Thomas' Patent Atmospheric CHURN DASH. Patented May 7th, 1867. The most Important and Valuable Invcntionty the 19 ty Century, 1. The Dasher is superior to any other, by beiog as simple as the old daoher, and combining the at mospheric principle therewith, and the Butter Gath ered 2. Ii is superior Vj ill others, lnesmach m the same power applied to this in like mechanical eper ations will make one-fourth more reciprooations. 3. It is superior te all others, inasmuch as it pro duces in a much shorter timo. 4. It is superior to any other, inasmuch as it pro duces a much better quality of Butter. Lastly it is superior to any other Patent Cham, inasmuch as it is 50U per cent, cheaper than any other. It is well known to Dairymen and ethers, thnt Butter is oontained in minute globules or sacks eov sred with a membrane, and requires the aetion of air to prepare the covering to be removed by trio tion. The Scientific American says : "If cream is dashed against hard substance er mashed between bars or rollers,it breaks the globules and becomes oily, by destroying the grain. It should be thrown into currents and counter-currents by the action of air, causing a friction by the cur rents against each other, removing the covering without breaking or bursting the globules." This is the principle which the inventor of this Dasher endeavored to keep, in view, and the result showsja much LARGER YIELD OF BUTTER OBTAIN*# IN LESS TIME THAN ANY OTHER DASHER Experiments have proven that eny other me thod except pumping air through the cream ,will not pen etrate sufficiently to oxygenize all the globules pre paratory to concentrating the butter. Throwing it into the air by clappers of old fashioned Dashers, does not sufficiently expose it to the air to bring out the Butter. The above Patent Dasher has beea purchased for Susquehanna, Wyoming and Luaerne Counties by A, P. Baldwin, of Montrose. The process of churn ing can be seen on exhibition at Wall's Hotel, in Tunkhannock, for a few days by Mr. Reynolds, agent, who will sell township rights, A. P. BALDWIN, Mostrose, July 23d, 1867. OPINIONS OF TBI PRESS. The Philadelphia Inquirer speaking of this in vention says: "This most simple, practical and useful invention, truly, merits the patronage of not only men of science, but also every agricultu ralist and farmer. The Philadelphia Age in speaking of the prac tical operation of this invention says: Having witnessed the operation of the A - oospharic Churn Ds-h, we are without doubt satisfied that it is one of the neatest and most useful inventions exhibit ed- The dash can be used in any churn, and will produce butter in from three to five minutes. Its operation is simple and ingenious, acting on the same principle as the ordinary air pump. By its use fresh air is, upon each motion, forced into the churn and the cream thrown into currents aid coun ter currents, and producing not only a much finer and healthies quality of butter, but fir greater yield than can be obtained by any patent churn ever invented. • "now opened. IT A. 33. MOTT . THE CORNER STORK, FORMERLY OCCUPIED BY HENRY STARK. IN TUN KHAN NOCK, PA. A NEW STOCK A NEW STOCK A NEW STOCK A NEW STOCK OP SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS consisting of consisting of consisting of consisting of DRY GOODS DRY GOODS DRY GOODS DRY GOODS • DRESS GOODS DRESS GOODS DRESS GOODS DRESS GOODS GROCERIES GROCERIES GROCERIES GROCERIES PAINTS AND OILS PAINTS AND OILS ' PAINTS AND OILS PAINTS AND OILS HATS AND CAPS HATS AND CAPS HATS AND CAPS HATS AND CAPS CARPETING - CARPETING CARPETING CARPETING Ac,, Ac., iLc | &c., Ac., Ac., Ac., Ac., Ac., Ac., Ac., Ac., In large quantities and at reduced prices. A. B. MOTT. Tuok. May 1. '66—v6038 tf. NOTICE, ~~ All persons indebted to the estate of Geo. S. Tut ton Eq. late of Tunkhannock, Pa., dee'd., by book account, note, or otherwise, will save trouble and ex pense by making a speedy settlement with SARA TUTTON, HARVEY SICKLER. A dear's, Tunk. Pa. June 24th 1867.—1|. TO CONSUMPTIVE^ The advertiser, having been restored to j n a few weeks by very simple remedy, after 'navinx suffered for several years with a severe 1p ~ tion, and that dreed disease Consumptl jn lJ- g " ious to make known to his feUow-Buffe rtra M of cure. To all who desire it, he will MDd of th , prescription used (fn* of cb Arg , t) the direc tions for preparing and u c jlD g the same which they will find a cure for Lo' aßnaj ptioi, Asthma, Bronchitis Coughs Colds, and M Thr oat sod Lung Affection.'. The only object the advertiser in sending the Prescript ion is to benefit the afflicted, and spread information, which he conoeives to be invaluable, and he hopes, every sufferer will try his remedy, as it will r .ost them nothing, and may pro re a blessing. Pr-rilei wishing the proscription, fine, by retnrn mall, will pleaae address REV. EDWARD A. WILSON, Williamsburg, Kite Co., New for|. -Fv!* i TSII BAOMZi* f Drug Store TUNKHA.NNOCK. NEW FIRM, LYMAN & WELLS. Dr. Lyman respectfully snoounoee thai to to taken Dr. E. H. Walla aa a partner In tto DRUG BUSINESS, and that they will oontinna to kaap A COM PLETE ASORTMENT, In their line, at the old atand of J. W. Lyme* 4 Co,, on Tioga St. We cai'not eanmerata articloa, but it ia oar Into*- tion h preMnt a WELL SELECTED AND RELIABLE STOCK adapted to this market, tad tto alt am tion 6f all who deairo MEDICINES, PERFUMERY, PAINTS, DYE STUFFS, ! Jko. die. di. At rataa aa low aa can poMibly be afforded. i I I N. B.—All profeaaional calls promptly attended. Prescriptions carefully prepared, at all tinea, by one of the Doctors. | J. W. LYMAN, M. D. E, H. WELLS, M. D v6n396m. mrnnnnnr BARBER AND HAIR-DttESSER [ Takes pleasure in announcing to his old customers and the public, generally, that he baa now secured the services as an asaisunt—of LATE FROM PARIS, Those wishing a good shave or other work in hia line can now be accommodated without the rezatiow deli ys experienced at "one horse" shops, SHAMPOOING, HAIR-CUTTING, DRESSING, DYEING, CURLING, Ac., , done in the best style and at reasonable rates. TOMADES, UMBltr and BXTftA. C TS , always on band, ani for sale at the old stand aa Tioga Street. J BERLINGHOF Tunkhannock, Pa; Feb. 12, 1867—v6n27-tf.. FARMERS AND MECHANICS Take Notice* SURFACE P L A A ING end MATCHING, CIRCULAR and SCROLL SAWING. ALL KINDS of MACHINERY repair in good style PLOWS, HARROWS, CULTIVA TORS, HORSE-HOES, ROLLERS, and SCRAPERS, on hand or to order. Power and hand Cornshellersj and Farming tools generally, MILLER A AVERY, v6n43-ly. HELMBOLD'S FLUID EXTRACT Bucsn Is a certain cure for diseases of the BLADDER, KIDNEYS. GRAVEL. DROPSY, OR GANIC WEEKNKSS. FEMALE, COMPLAINTS. GENERAL DEBILITY, and all diseases of the URINARY ORGANS; whether existing in MALE OR FEMALE, from whatever cause originating and no matter of * HOW LONG STANDING. Diseases of these organs require the use of a diuretic * If no treatment ig submitted to, Consumption or Insanity may ensue. Our Flesh and Blood ar* rap* ported from, these sources, and the * HEALTH AND HAPPINBSS 1 and at of Posterity, depends upon prompt ma at* at* liable remedy. HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU. Established upwards of 18 years, prepared by H. T HELM BOLD, DRUGGIST, 594 Broadway, New Yeah, end 104 South 10th Street, Philadelphia,P v6n29-ly. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. WHEREAS, Letters testamentary to tto estate, of Asa Keeler, late of Northnoretand town, ship. Wyoming Codhty deceased, have keen grant ed to the subscriber. All persons indebted to. the •aid estate are requested to make dimmeiate pay ment , and those having claims or demands against the estate ef said decedent will maka known tto same without delay to MILO KEELER, Exeeuto July 16,1867,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers