North Branch democrat. (Tunkhannock, Pa.) 1854-1867, July 31, 1867, Image 1

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    ibe lotto Branch Democrat.
;■ u v. . • - . . ■ .■■■■:
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SICKIJBR, Proprietor,
VEW series, 5
Terms—l copy 1 year, (in advance) }2,ooif
not paid \ritbin ?<x month?, 62.50 Fill be chaged
NO paper will be DISCONTINUED, until all ar
oarages are paid; unless at the option of publisher.
10 lines or , \ 1 ( . 'i
less, malic three , f our tiro :, £ ,1 f,uh '°,„nr
one square weeks in.d th\ I,U) "( u j y
■ o i riii 1 i on! -9 on 2.57( 3,0 ! 5,00
(Square 1 ' 1.25) 2,in;
If' Iff o'tcj 475! 5,50 7,00 9',00
1 m f-gg JSS : is:i aoo I;S2
TOR'S NOTICES, of the usual length, s2, ao
OBITUARIES,- exceeding ten lines, each ; RELI
GIOUS and LITERARY NOTICES, not of genera
merest, one half the regular rates.
Business Cards of one square, with paper, S5. |
of all kinds neatly executed, and at prices to suit
ho times.
WORK must be paid for, when ordered
fmmi jjtoto.
I\ LAW Office on Tioga Street Tunkhannock Pa
V fieo in Stark's Brick Block Tioga St., Tunk
nannock, Pa.
• Newton Centre. LurerncCounty Pa.
I L Offi -o at the Court House, in Tunkhannock.
Wyoming Co. Pa-
,} • will attend promptly to all calls in his pro
fession. May be found at his Office at the Drug
Store, or at his residence on Putman Sreet, formerly
occupied by A. K. Peckhaiu Esq.
OENTMTAir. i i> %
DR, L. T. BURNS has permanently located in
Tunkhannock Borough, and respectfully tenders
his professional services to its citizens.
Office 011 second floor, formerly occupied by Dr.
Slif But Wee Ifluse,
The undersigned having lately purchased the
14 BIiEHLER HOUSE " property, has already com
menced such alterations and improvements as will
render this old and popular House equal, if not supe
rior, to any Hotel in the City of Harrisburg.
A continuance of tho public patronage is refpoct
fuliy solicited.
THIS establishment has recently been refitted an
furnished in tho latest stylo. Every attention
will he given to the comfort and convenience ol those
who patronize the House.
T. B. WALL, Owner and Proprietor :
Tunkhannock, September 11, 1861.
Wm. H. CORTRIGHT, Prop'r
HAVING resumed tho proprietorship of the above
Hotel, the undersigned will spare no efforts
render the house an agreeable place ol sojourn to
ail who may favor it with their custom.
June, 3rd, 1863
jjtas Jhitfl,
The MEANS HOTEL, i= one of tho LARGEST
and BEST ARRANGED Houses in the country—lt
Is fitted up in tho most modern and improved style,
and no pains are spared to make it a pleasant and
Agreeable stopping-place for all,
r 3, n2I, ly.
The Subscriber having had a sixteen years prac
tical experience in cutting and making clothing
now offers his services in this line to the citizens of
HICHOLSOJI and vicinity.
Those wishing to get Fits will find his shop the
place to get them.
Manufactured by
has the exclusive right for Wyoming County, is
ona ot the very few Machines (hat will cut Hay,
fw*J v lkß, Ac - bettei th im toe old fashioned
tutting used by our grand fathers.
An„ "1? * Ta toe time and labor ; and would avoid
a needless lose of both, in feeding their stock, should
get one of these improved Cutters.
went°h! a k ? V< !i fou , n i <l any toing better ; or ever
went back to the old machine after a tiial of it,
vfln39tf. WM * FWCKNBR.
% * t
. • A i'l -> JI <£{*** * 2 *$ * w
For Sale
• *
L" •V•. xl J* . t/i f >" v t AaCL i > m
tit: glf •
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1 ' • *' • ,I<l
1 B f. * l&>9tM f 1 > A i* f*
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Tunkhannock, Pa.
K • • mMm a• - 0 y.i km 3
v5n4J. i
[From the Home Journal.]
Call me darling—never, never,
May love lisp so fond a word ;
Darling, darling, still repeat it,
Till no other sound be heard.
Call me darling—say it always—
'Tis no matter here or there,
Oily let the witching accent
Breathe its music everywhere,
Call me darling when the sunlight
Crowns with gold the blushing morn,
And the weeping roses waken,
And the dew is on the thorn.
Call me darling at the noontide,
When the lithe fawn, panting, lies
In the forest cool and restful,
With his sad, affrighted oyes.
Call me darling—softly breathe it,
When the twilight dims the wold,
And its vague, magnetic shadows,
Dreamfully our lives enfold.
Cafl me darling; 'tis the fondest—
'Tis the holiest and the best
Of all murmured tenderness
Leaping- from a loving breast.
Call me darling : Oh, bow dreary
Wandering on if never heard,
Through the world's too weary windings
This one soft, caressing word!
Call mo darling—oDly darling—
And my life will not complain,
Though its hardens all are heavy
And its heritage but pain
The fisherman wades in the surges;
Tho sailor wades over the sea ;
Tho soldier steps bravely to battle ;
The woodman lays axe to the tree.
yhey are each of the bread of the heroes,
The manhood attempted in strife ;
Strong hands that go lightly to labor,
Tiue hearts, that take comfort in strife,
In each is the seed to replenish
The world with the vigor it needs—
The centro of honest intentions,
The impulse to genarous deeds.
But the shark drinks the blood of the fisher;
The sailor is dropped in the sea ;
The soldier lies cold by the cannon ;
Tho woodman is crushed by his tree.
Each prodigal life that is wasted
In many achievements unseen,
But lengthens the days of the coward,
And strengthens the crafty and mean.
The blood of tho noble is lavished
That the selfish a profit may find;
God sees tho lives that are squandered,
And we to his wisdom are blind.
Free Press holds that the government of
the United States has no moro right to
register voters within the States than it
has to appropriate money to register votes
in England—that is a matter that purely
belongs to the State governments; and
yet, this assumption of power on the part
of our rulers is costing the people—almost
exclusively the people of the North—in
paying for registering officers alone, to
further the interests and perpetuate the
power of the Jacobin party, a daily expense
of more than the daily cost of supporting
tire entire Government of the United States
under the Democratic administration of
General Jackson.
In the pc riod of half a century there
have been, it is estimated, upwards of sev
enty-five executives, emperors, presidents,
dictators in Mexico, and no less than two
hundred revolutions. What assurance is
there ofau end to this state of things while
every successful faction celebrates its ad
vent to power by sowing dragon's teeth of
revolution, reaction and retribution, as the
Juarists are now doing.
IIOME PAPERS. —The Boston Journal
well says : Not a tenth part of the local
news which transpires in any country
town finds its way into the columns of a
city newspaper, and one who takes the
latter to the exclusion of his own town or
county paper, does not fulfill his duty as a
citizen. Such a man is unworthy to fill a
town office, for he certainly lacks local
A DELICATE REQUEST. —A fellow went
into the Clerk's Office the other day to
get a marriage certificate. After looking
at the instrument awhile, he beckencd the
clerk one side, "Sec here, mister, said he
confidentially, "can't you date the thing
back about two months."
The clerk assured him that he could
"Well," said he, "I don't care anything
about it myselt, but her folks rather insist
upon it 1
jtST After a speech by the President, in
Durham, North Carolina, an old gentle
man said to him: "Mr. President our peo
ple would like to cheer you, sir, but we
can't holler with a yoke around our necks,"
The order of General Sickles had that day
been published suspending civil authority
in Fayetteyiße and five counties of tho
Tho reason wliv the South is not
jepresented—because it is misrepresented
What should yon do were your mother
to fall down in a fit ? Stand still and
scream ? or run out of the house, and
leave her lying half-dead Upon the floor ?
Or,'should you have what people call "pres
ence of [mind V 1 that is. call for
somebody to help her, and do all you co'd
for her till they came. It is a great thing
to have "presence of mind ;" and there
are very few grown people who have it ;
there are very plenty of people when a bad
accident happens, who will crowd round
the sick person, keep all the good, fresh
air away from him, wring their hands, say
oh ! and ah ! and shocking ! and dreadful!
but there aro few who think to run quick
ly for the doctor, or bring a glass of water,
or <lc any one of the thousand little things
which would help so much to make the
poor sufferer better. If grown people do
not think of those things, we certainly
should not be disappointed if children do
not; and yet wonderful though it may be
they are often quicker-witted at such
times than their elders. I will tell you a
story, to show you that it is so.
Andy Moore was a short, stunted, freck
led, little county boy; tough as a pine
knot, and about as much polish. Some
times he wore a hat and sometimes he
didn't; he was not at all particular
about that; his shaggy, red h<.ir, he tho't
protected his head well enough ; as for
what people did think of it —be did not
live in Broadway, where one's shoe-lacings
are measured ; his home was in the coun
try, and a very wild. rocky country, at that;
he knew much more about chipmunks,
rattlesnakes, and birds' eggs, than he did
about fashions ; he liked to sit rocking on
the top of a great tall tree; or standing
on a high bill, where the wind almost
took him olf his feet; he thought the sun
set, with its golden clouds, "well enough,"
but he delighted in a thunder storm,
when the forked lightning darted zig-zag
across the heavy black clouds, blinding
you with its brightness ; or when the roar
ing thunder seems to shake the very hills,
and the gentle little birds crowd trembling
iu their nest for fear.
Andy's home was a rough shanty enough
on the side of a hill. It was built with
mud, peat, and logs, with holes for win
dows ; there was nothing vey pleasant
there ; his mother smoked a pipe when
she was not cooking or washing, and his
father was a day laborer, who spent his
wages for whisky and tobacco. No won
der that Andy liked to rock 011 the top of
tall trees, and liked the thunder and light
ning better than the eternal jangling of
their drunken quarrels. Andy could hear
the hum ot busy life in the far-off villages,
but he had never been there ; he had no
books, so he did a great deal of thinking,
and he hoped 6ome day to be something
beside just plain Andy Moore, but how,
or when, the boy had not made up his
mind. In the mean time he grew, and
slept, and ate, and thought—the very best
thing at his age that lie could have done,
any where, had he but known it.
There was a railroad track near the hut
of Andy's father; and Andy often watch
ed the block engine, with its long trail, as
it came fizzing past, belching out great
clouds of steam and smoke, screeching
through the valleys and under „the hill
like a mad demon, although it went by
the hut every day, yet ho had never wish
ed to ride in it; lie had been content with
lying ou the sand band watching it disap
pear in the distance, leaving great wreaths
of smoke curling round tree-tops.
One day, as Andy was strolling across
the track, he saw that there was some
thing wrong about it; lie did not know
much about railroad tracks, because he
was yet quite a little lad, but the rails
seemed to be wrong somehow ; and Andy
had heard of cars being thrown off by
such things. Just then, he heard a low,
distant noise, dear, dear, the cars were
coming, coming—coming then ! He was
then but a little boy. but perhaps he could
stop them in some way ; at any rate, there
was nobody else there to do it. Andy
never thought that he might be killed
himself; but lie went and stood right in
the middle of the track, just before the
bad place on it, that I have told you about,
and stretched out his little arms as far as
he could. On, on came the cars, louder
and louder. The engincrr saw the boy on
the track and whistled for him to get out
of the way ; Andy never moved a hair.—
Again, he whistled; Andy might have
been made of stone for all the notice be
took of it; then the engineer had to stop
the train swearing as he did so, at Andy,
for not "getting out of the way;" but
when Andy pointed to the track, and he
saw how the brave little fellow had not
only saved his life, but the lives of all his
passengers, his curses changed to blessings
very quick Everybody rushed out to see
the horrible death they had escaped, had
the cars rushed over the bad track, and
tossed headlong down the steep bank into
the river. Ladies kissed Andy's rough,
freckled face, and cried over him ; and
the gentlemen, as they looked at their
wives and children, wiped their eves, and
said, "God bless the boy !" And that is
not all. They took ont their porte-mon
nies, and contributed a large sum of mon-1
ey for him; not that they could ever re
pay the service he had done them, —they 1
knew that —but to show him in some way,
beside mere words, that they felt grateful, i
Now, THAT boy had presence of mind.
Good, brave little Andy ! The passengers
all wrote down his name, Andy Moore,
and the place he lived in; and if you want
to know where Andy is now I will tell you.
He is in college ; and these people whose
lives he saved, pay his bill, and aro going
to seo him safe through.
Who dare say now, when a little jacket
and trowsers run past. "It is only a boy!
Courtin 13 a luxury, it is ice water, it is
the pla spell of the sole. The man who
las never courted has lived in vain. He
has been a blind man among landscapes,
he has been a deff man in the land of hand
organs and by the side of murmurin ca
nals. Courtin is like two little springs of
water that start out from under a rock at
the foot of the mountain, and run down
hill, side by side, singin, dancin, spatterin
each other, eddy in, andfrothin. kaskadin,
now hidden under the bank, now full of
shadder, byembv they jine, and then go
slow. lam in favor of long courtin; it
gives the partv a chance to find each oth
er's trump earns. It is good exercise, and
is just as innocent as 5 merino larnbs.
Courtin is like strawberries and cream ;
wants to be did slow, and then yon have
got the flavor. I have seen folks get ac
quainted, fall in love, get married, settle
down, and go to work in three weeks from
This is the way that some folks lam a
trade, and akounts for the great number
of almity mean mechanics acd poor jobs
they turn out.
Perhaps it is best I should state sum
good advice to young men who are about
to court with a view of matrimony, as it
In the first place, young men, you want
to get your system awful right, then find
a young woman who is willing to be court
ed on the square.
The next thing is to find out how old
she is, which you can do by asking her,
and she will sa she is 19 years old, and
this you will find Will .not be far out of the
way. .
The next thing is to begin moderate, as
once every nite in the week for tbo fust
six months, increasing the dose as the
pashens seems to require.
It is a fast rate way to court the girl's
mother a little on the start, for there is one
thing a woman never despises, and that is
a little good courtin, if it is done on the
After the first year you will begin to
like the bizincss.
There is one thing I always advise, that
is not to swop photygraphs oftener than
wuust every 15 daze, unless you forget bow
the gal lyoks.
Ockcsionally you want to look sorry and
draw in your wind as tho you had a pain ;
this will set the gal tu teezin you to find
out what ails you.
Evenin meetings are a good thing to
tend. It will keep yure religion in tune,
• and if yure gal happens to be there, bi ac
cident, she can ask you to go Lome with
Az a general thing. I wouldn't brag on
other girls much when I was courtin.—
It might look as though you knew too
If yu court three weeks in this way, all
the time on the square, if you don't 6a it
is the sleekest time of yure life, yu can
go to the cheap store and get measured for
a plug hat at my expense and pay for it.
A modest and virtuous young man, on
first going into society, is apt to be sorely
perplexed upon the question how to make
dimself agreeable to ladies. He need not
be ashamed of his own perplexity. Wash
ington Irving in one of his early sketches,
confessed that a well-dressed lady was an
objec* perfectly "awful" to his young imag
ination. We were once acquainted with a
gentleman of distinction in public life, the
father of several accomplished daughters,
who could not, even to his fiftieth year, en
ter a drawing-room where ladies wea-e
present without painful embarrassment.—
It is certainly a good sign for a young man
to stand in some awe of tho beautiful sex
A person of coarse and vulgar mind, who
thinks more of himself than his best friends
think of him, and who* knows little of the
worth oi a good woman's heart, rushes
fearlessly in where au Irving or an Addi
son would blush to tread. Bear this in
mind, young gentlemen who blush and
stammer in the company of young ladies ;
the girls are as much afraid of you as you
are of them. You are awkward in vour
manners, yoa think. If you think so, it
is likely that your fair friends think other
wise, for the really ill-bred fellows that we
have never suspected their ill-breeding.—
And after all what is good breedings but
habitual good nature ? The simple fact
that you wish to please is a proof that you
possess, or will soon acquire -the power to
do so. The good heart and well-informed
mind will soon give grace to the demeanor,
or will so abundantly atone for the want
of it, that its absence will never be noticed.
Besides, the ladies—that is, most of them
—like a man who is simple in his man
ners, provided that they see that there is
substance and worth in him. Graceful
manners and ready wit are good as far as
they go. But be sure of this, oh bashful,
blushing youth, that in the society of la
dies and of men, you will pass, in the long
run, for what you are worth —no more—
no less. The art of pleasing therefore, is
nothing more than tho art of bocoming an
honest, kind, intelligent and high-minded
mau. Such a man, be ho graceful as Ches
terfield or awkward as Calliban, all worthy
wogien trust and love, t 1
A fat querulouß fellow wm driven
from a stage coach by passengers whom he
had anaqyed with-hie growlioga aodißott
plsint. A cigar was lighted, when 0 a
preconcerted moment one of the passengers
exclaimed :
" For heaven's sake, sir, pot oat that
fire 1 1 have foot pounds of powder in my
overcoat pocket!
" Driver! Driver I STOP ! STOP !" ex
claimed the victim of this gunpowder plot.
" Let me oat! Let me out' There is
a man here with gunpowder in his pocket
he'll blow us all to darnation 1"
The complainant " got out" in no small
hurry, and the passengers thenceforward
pursued the even ter.or of their way,
disturbed by his further annoyance.
fiT Two young ladies, says the Musical
Review , were once singing a duet in a con
cert room. A stranger, who had heard
better performances, turned to his neighbor
saying :
" Docs not the young lady in white sing
wretchedly ?"
" Excuse me, sir, replied he 1 "I hardly
feel at liberty to express my sentiments,
not being impartial in the case; it is my
" I beg your pardon, sir," answered the
stranger, in much confusion, " I meant the
lady in blue."
" You're perfectly right there," replied
the neighbor; "I have often told her so
myself; it is my wife !"
S& Rev. Dr. E., who had charge of a
church in Burlington, some years since,
was preparing his discourse for the next
Sunday. Stopping occasionally to review
what he had written, and to erase that
which he was disposed to improve, he was
accosted by his little son :
*' Father, does God tell you what to
preach ?"
"Certainly, my child."
"Then what makes you scratch it out V r
ESP " I cannot conceive, my dear,
what's the matter with my watch. I think
it must want cleaning," exclaimed an indul
gent husband to his better half.
No, pa," paid his petted little daughter,
" I know it don't want cleaning, because
baby and I washed it in the basin ever so
long this morning.
tjgr The Home Journal says, in its soci
ety Gossip that " atj the Delevan House in
Albany one day last week eighteen brides
billed and cooed." The brides may have
cooed, but we imagine it was the bride
grooms who " billed " at the office desk
upon leaving)!
fgf "My dear Ellen," said ayonngman,"
I have long wished for tnis sweet opportu
nity, but I hardly dare trust myself to
speak the deep emotions of my heart; but
I declare to you, my dear Ellen, that Hove
you most tenderly. Your smile would shed
would shed " Never mind the
the wood shed." said Ellen, "go on with
the pretty talk. "
- ■ —-• ii
" Well, cash trade's kinder dull now ma
" Dun anything ter day ?°
" Wall, only a little—on credit. Aunt
Betsy Prushard has bort an egg's worth of
tea, and got trusted till her speckled pullit
' $aT The mother of a littlo fellow who
was about taking a ride in the Hartford
horse cars asked him as he scrambled in :
"Why, aren't you going to kiss your
mother before yon go The little rogue
was in such a hurry that he couldn't stop,
and hastily called out: "Conductor wont
you kiss my ma for me ?"
fIT Women often fancy themselves in
love when they are not. The love of be
ing loved, fondness of flattery, the pleasure
of giving pain to a rival, passion for novel
ty and excitement, are frequently mistaken
for something far better and holier, till
marriage disenchants the self-deceiver, and
leaves her astonished at her own indiffer
ence and the evaporation of her romantic
"A distressed mother" writes to the
Allentown, Pa., Democrat for advice, which
she gets—thusly: "The only way to care
your son of staying ont 'late o' nights' is to
break his legs, or else get the 'calico' he
ruos after to do your house work."
JC3T A man took off bis coat to show a
terrible wound he had received a few years
before. Not being able to find the wound
he suddenly remembered that it was on his
"brother Bill's aim."
fIT A friend says he knows but one
branch of bnsiness which is very profitable
and but little followed, and that is:
" Mind your own business."
Massachusetts is to have a new lunatic
asylum, at a cost of $400,000. There are
lunatics enough in that State to fill half a
dozen such places.
1_ —...
What is the difference between an
battered dime and a new penny ?—Nine
cents. . .
Carlyle, in his advice to young men
says : 44 If you doubt whether to kiss a
I prctly girl, give her the benefit of the doubt
VOL. 6, NO; 60.