MRS. T. A MILLER / I Would ro peetfully inform her friends and the La- j dies generally that she has just received a well so- 1 lected --ock of SPiUN and SUMMER 8i ' i • ~ }rr j willed will be Sold nt the LOWEST CASH PRICES. N. B.—Mrs Miller is receiving goods weekly, so that ail who favor her with their potronage, will be sure to get the L A TEST STYLES. ROOMS on Warren 5t opposite Wright's Store. MRS. T. A. MILLER. TnyV,, p*., May 15, '67.—v6n40-tf #—* - lb.*'' - K • ||ILLCOX A® |IIBBS noiseless Family -S'.EWXNG MACHINE | -v -v' is the only MACHINE in the world that makes the ! twisted loop-stitch, making a stronger stitch than any other maehinenow in use. All are invited to calf at 3>. &.£S&aa*Bßo'S;j JEWELRY STORE and examine, for themselves. Also agents for all other machines for Wyoming Co. Pa. I>. C. BURNS 4 BRO. Tunkhannock, Pa. Oct. 31. 1566.—v6n12-tf C>— ■ "\ r *A • ###^ ! Watcb. es fi jp| I JEWELT.Y REPAIRED P. C. BURNS & BRO. Take pleasure in announcing to the people of 1 Li.klatntik a i d t Libit j, that theyhae opened a tPfttul) anb QLlork St)ap . opposite Wall's Hotel.where they ure prepared to do the most Jiff ultjoba in their line in an APPROVED | and SKILLFUL MANNER, on short notice. Hav ing had long experience in the business, they feel j confident that they can give entire satisfactionto all ; favoring thorn with their patronage. . ALL WORK WARRANTED TO GIVE SATIS FACTION OR MONEY REFUNDED AFTER A FAIR TRIAL JV. B. -I'aras* Is.Fans <$ Umbrellas repaired Aceon*eons and other musical instruments tuned and put in order on short notice. A NEW STOCK of WATCHES >nd CLOCKS just received. J~E V 'JEIAII * ofEy 'JETi TTAESCTtJT*- T7 O. Also 11E E T MUSIC 4 MUSIC BOOK on hard or furnished to order on the shortest notice and at publisher's L O WES T RATES. G US AND PISTOL CARTFIGES adapted to all the modern styles of fire-arms, con stantly on hand. —ALSO &c., 4c , S*c., &c.. &ci also Dealero in the PARABOLA SPECTACLE. TUE BEST HELP I'OH TUB HUMAN VISION EVER INVENTED. P. C. BURNS 4 BRO. Tunkhannock, Pa. Oct 31, MANHOOD: llow I. est, How Restored. Just published, a new edition of Dr. Culver well's Celebratrd Essay tESKdr on tlie ra^ cure(without medicine) or Sperm itorrhtr. or Seminal Weakness, Involuntary Seminal Losses, Impoteacy. Mental and Physical In capacity, Impediments to Marriage, etc ; also Con sumption, Epilepsy, and F't# I induced by self-in dulgence or sexual extravagance. price, in veiled envelope, only G cents. The celebrated author, in this admirable essay, clearly demonstrates from a thitty years successful practice, that the alarming eousequences of seif abuse may be radically cured without the danger ous use of internal medicine or the application of the knife —pointing out a mode of cure at once simple, •certain, and effectual, by means of which every sufferer, no matter what his conuition my be. may cure himsrlf cheaply, privately, and radically This Lecture should be in the hands of every youth and every man in the land Sent under seal, to any address, in a plain scaled envelope, on the receipt of six cents, or two postage stamps. Also Dr. Culverweil's "Marriage Guide,'' price 25 cent?. Address the publishers, CIIAS. J. C. KLINE 4 CO, vCr5-1 wrry, New York.Post Office Box 4,586 127 Boyear. THE HEALING POOL, AND HOUSE OF MERCY. Howard Asoclatloti Reports, for YOUNG MEN cm the CRIME OF SOLITUDE, and the ER RORS, ABUSES and DISEASES which destroy the mautv powers, and create impediments to MAR RIAGE, with sure means of relief. Sent in sealed letter, envelopes, free of charge Address DR. J. SKILLEN HOUGHTON, Howard Association, Philadelphia, Pa, v6n44-Ijeer 1—; "I ; .M Hi! " j|cRANTON pOLIXGE PHONOGRAPHIC INSTITUTE I V. • •. K \ ,\ v V V . ' A'- . AND BZ3HES? &&iK2HEM¥V A PRACTICAL BUSINESS EDUCATION. " Single and Double Entry Book-keeping. Business and Ornamental Penmanship, Commercial Arithmetic an I Correspondence, Wholesale and Retail Business, Jobbing, Railroading. Shipping, Forwarding and Commission, Negotiating Loans, Bills of Exchange, Banking, Phonography and Commercial Law Life Scholarship tor the Commercial Course, with privilege of reviewing any time free of charge, 830. LsL'DIES' ACA T) JEAf TCAL 2)J?2>A Ji T. W&.Yf. Miss M. A. FOSTER, Principal, Reading, Spelling, Writing, Grammar, Geography, Philosophy, Chemistry, Astronomy, History, (inclu ding Bible History,) Arithmetic, Algebra, Geometry, Trigonometry, French and Latin. Higher English brauches and the Languages per quaiter, 810,00. Teim commences Monday, Feb. 25th. No College affords greater advantages to Ladies and jentleuieo for obtaining a Commercial Educa tion. or for the study of the Higher English and the Language. For further information send for a Cir cular, or pddre... GARDNER, Principal. v6n3o-ly. Scranton, Pa. LAIEST FASHIONS DEMAND J. W. Bradley's Celebrated Patent DUPLEX ELLIPTIC (OR DOUBLE SPRING iSKXRT. The Wonderful Flexibility and great comfort and pleasure to any Lady wearing the Duplex Eliptie Skirt will be experienced particularly in all crowd ed Assemblies, Operas, Carriages, Railroad Cars. Church Pews, Aim Chairs, for Promenade and Houso Dress, as the skirt can be folded when in use to occupy a small place as ea.-ily and conven iently as a Silk or Muslin Dress, an invaluable quality in crinoline, not found in any Single Spring hkirt. A Lady having enjoyed the pleasure,comfort, and great convenience of wearing the Duplex Eliptie Steel Spring Skirt for a single day, will never after wards willingly dispense with thcr use. For Children, Misses and Young Ladies they are superi or to all others. They will not bend or break like the Sinple Spring, but wild preserve their perfect and graceful shape when three orfout ordinary skirts will have been thrown aside as useless. The h"ops are cov ered with double and twisted thread, and the bot tom rods are not only double springs, but twice (or double) covered: preventing them from wearingou when dragging dewn stoops, stairs, 4c. The Duplex Elliptic 13 a great favorite with all ladies and is universally recommended by the Fashion Magazines as the STANDARD SKIRT 01 THE FASHIONABLE WORLD. To enjoy the following inestimable advantage in Crinoline, viz : supreme quality, perfect manufac ture stylish shape aul finish, Flexibility, durability, comfort and ecor.omv, enquire for J. W. Bradley s Duplex Eliptie or Double Spring Skirt, and be sure and get the genuine article. CAUTION,—To guard against IMPOSITION be particular to NOTICE that skirts offered as' DU PLEX" have the red ink stamp, viz. "J. W. Brad ley's Duplex Elliptic Steel Springs," upon the waistband—none others are geuuine. Also notice that every Hoop will admit a pin being passed through "the centre, thus revealing the two (or double) springs braided together therein, which is the secret of their Flexibility and strength, and a combination not to be found in any other Skirt. For Sale in all Stores where First Class skirts are sold throughout the States and elsewhere. Manufactured by the Sole Owners of the Patent, WESTS BRADLEY A CAREY, 97Chamoers and 794 81 Reade sts. N, v6n22 3tnos High Water IN TIIE SI'S Q U EH A NN A ' RAFTS staving up, DAMS gone out, RIVER rc ceeding, PRICES GONE DOWN, &c., &c. At the Oi l Stand formerly occupied by E. Whee lock will bo found cheap for cash, all kinds of GHOCUffIIES an <1 TWO YJSIOATS, CROCKERY, WOOD WARE, WILLOW-WARE, HARD-WARE. TIN and GLASS-WARE, Tea, Coffee, Sugar, Molassas, Syr up , S d a, galeratus, Cream-Tatter, Mustard, Cheese, Mackerel, Cod-Fish, Dried-Arples and Peaches, Crackers, Nuts, Raisins, Oranges, Lemons, _ Coc:>a Nuts Nutmegs, Cloves, Pimento, Pepper, Cinnamon, Candies of all Kinds, TOBACCO. CIGARS, CORN MEAL, CHOP FEED, and FLOUR, SHEETING, SHOES, COT TON YARN, LAMPS, CAND E-W IK, SOAP, INK, PEPPER SAUCE, NAILS, Pitch^Forks, Shovels, Spades, Hoes, Pails. Tubs, &. Boards, Half Bushrls, PecA'Meas ures, iSiv e a , ButterBowls, Stampers. & Ladles, Brushes, O'l, Lead, Shot, Powder, &c., &c., to many things to mention Call and examine before chasing elsewhere. Produce wanted in exchange ; Eyery thing will be found here that belongs to a i first class Grocery and Provision Store. D BILLINGS. Tunkhannock, Pa. Apr. 9, 1867-v6n35-tf. WANTED.. TWOI7DOD BOYS to learn the Carriage busi ness. One, to learn the Ironing ; and one to learn I the painting business. Nona but boys of steady habits need apply. J. CAMPBELL, i funk-, Pa* May 16th Ibfi7.-v-6nto-3wk. LACK. A WESTERN R R. Summer Arrangement— 1 86 T. PASSENGER TRAINS LEAVE- % WESTWARD | EASTWARD. Passenger Mail Mail Passenger Train. Train. STATIONS. Train. Train. AM P. M. 9.CO* New York" 5.25 11.30 New Hampton, 2-30 1150 Washington, 2.08 • P.M. 12.02 Oxford, 1-56 12.13 Briigeville, 1.45 12.18 Manunk Chunk, 135 Dine. 12.45 Delaware, 1.30 Dine. 100 Mount Bethel, 100 1:20 Water (lap, 12.44 1,34 Strsudbburg, 12-20 145 Spragueville 12,17 1.50 Henryville, 12 07 P. M, 2 11 Oakland, 11.49 229 Forks,. 11 30 2.50 Tobyhanna, 11.10 3.04 Gouldsboro', 10.57 3,20 Moscow, 10.34 3.37 Dunning, 10.24 1 lOAr ) fLe9.55 A. M. ? SCRAKTOK. < £• M 10.10 4-30Le ) f Ar.9.45 b.20 10.40 4-52 Clark's Summit, 9.23 5.50 10 53 5.00 Abington, 9.15 5.35 11.13 5.16 Factory villo, 859 5.16 11.43 536 Nicholson, 835 4.30 12.08 5.58 llopbottom, 8.18 4.05 12 33 620 Montrose. 7.55 335 • P.M. 1.08 641 New Milliard, 7-24 305 135 700 Great Bend, 7.15 240 P. M. PM. AM. P.M •Station foot of Liberty St. • CONNECTIONS—Westward, The MORNING TRAIN from New York con nects at MANUNK A CHUNK with }he train leav ing Philadelphia (Kensington Depot) at 7 30 a. ui. and at GREAT BEND with the through Mail Train on the Erie Railway, with sleeping car attached, stopping at all the principal stations • on that road, and arriving at Buffalo at 6 18 a, m. The Passengor train from Scran ton connects, at Great Bend with through trains going west and east on Erie Railway, arrivin- atjßuffalo at l.p 8 a. in., aid at Salamanca at 12 m. Eastward. • The MORNING TRAIN from Great Bend con nects there with the Cincinnati Express on the Erie Railway from the West; at Manuuka Chu k with a train for Philadelphia and intermediate stations, arriving in Philadelphia at 6.30 p. in.' and at New Hampton with a train for Easton. Bethlehem, Al lentown, Reading and Ilarrisburg, arriving at llar risburg nt 8-30 p. m. At SCRANTON. connections are made with trains on the Lackawanna and Bloomsburg Rail road, ami on the Delaware and Hudson Canal Co.'s Railroad, Time Tables of which roads are printed below. * J. BRTSBIN. President. " R. A. JIJSNRV. General Ticket Agent. je29tf iV E W JT AK C Y AND TRMMING STORE. Tioga Street, Tunkhannoek, Pa. M 11/ S. P; I.KASP:. HAVIN4 lately opened anew Fancy Store , of fers for sale an entirely new assortment of THIMUTIKO Dress Trimmings, White Goods. Embroideries Ladies Zepher, in all colors. Kid Gloves, Cuffs and Collars, Lace, Veils, Corsetts, Ladies No,-kties, best quality of Combs, Needles and Thiead of the best quality, and Fancy Notions of every variety, a large stock of TOYS, Including China, Bronze, Papier Mache Tin. Rose wood, Glass, Pewter, Wooden, Parian and Candy Toys, For Ladies. Cosmatics &<• , Such as Pomades, Oils, BanJolina bloom of youth and Paints, Rouge, Lilly White Ac MRS. E. LEASE. Tunkhannoek, May 1, 1866 v - n37-tf, GROVESTEEiV & CO.. pi AND pORTE MANUFACTU EERS Broadway NEW-YORK The attention of the public and the trade is invi ted to our new scale 7 octave rosewood piano fortes which for Volume and purity of tone are unri valled by any hitherto offered in this market, They contain all the modern l nprovements. French Grand action harp pedal iron frame over-strung brass, Ac, and each instrument being made under the personal supervision of Mr. J. H Grovesteen, who has had a practical experience of over 30 years in their manu facture is fully warranted in every particular. . THE 'GROVESTEEN received the highest reward ot MERIT OVER ALL OTHERS, THE ELESRATEO WORLD S FAIR Where were exhilited instruments from the best ma kers of London, Paris. Germany, Philadelphia. Bal timore, Boston and Now York ; ar. 1 also at the American Institute for five successive years, the gold and silver medals from both ot which can be seen at our ware room. By the introduction of improvements we make a still more perfect Piano forte and by manufacturing largely, with a strictly cash are enabled to offe°r these instruments at a price which will preclude competition. Terms Net Cash, in Current Funds^ Descriptive circulars sent free. "A. & C " 48 v5-n45-lyear A A C, Having purchased the entire interest in tha Pho i tograpbic Gallery in this place, I take pleasure in informing my friends and the public in general that I am prepared to proluco pictures of every descrip tion, including PHOTOGRAPHS, CARTES, E ViSITE, VI N ETTES. AM B ROTY PES MELAINOTYPES, FERROTYPES, IVOHYTYPE,&c, &c, Being possessed of every facility, I FEEL CON FIDENT of giving entire satisfaction. All are re quested f o call ard examine, and "Seize the shadow, ere the substance fade." All kinas of colored work done at the shortest no tiee and in the best style of the art. Also all kirds of copying done from old pictures, from card to 1 size. Satisfaction guaranteed. L. W. HERMANS. Tunk, Apr 11 tb, 186 C. ' A R. J. HAIIOCK MESHOPPEN, PA. Respectfully announces to bis cus tomers and the public that he has onhand and is prepared to manufacture to order, on short notice, all kinds of Carriages Si. Wagons. Being himself a practical workmen, and having in his employment com petent wokmen in all branches of the business ; and using material selected from the best Eastern manufactories ; he feels confident that he can, SATISFACTION to ALL who may favor them with their patronage. BLACKSMITIIING, PAINTING, * VARNISHING, TRIMMING, AND REPAIRING DONE ON SHORT NOTICE and in a workmanlike style CHABGES ALWAYS MODEBATE. lie also keeps ON JL4ND A D FO all kinds pf Carriage in i teri 1 such as MORTICED //ÜBBS, TURNED SPOKI B. BENT RIM BOWS, THILLS, ROLE' OIL-COLT S TRIMMINGS, PAINT VIARNHEH TURPENTINE, CARRIAGES' BOLTS. SCREWS, MALEABLE. IRON &C K. J. IIALLOCK/ Meshoppen Pa. Jan. 30, 13gg vsn2stf- HARDWARE & IRON HlblT ERO'S &BLARI NOW OFFER FOR SALE IRON STEKL, NAILS AND SPIKES. MINE RAIL, RAILROAD SPIKES, ANVILS, BELLOWS, PLAIN A CONVEX HORSE-SHOES, IIAM * MKRKI) IIOKSE NAILS. WROUGHT IRON, IILIEIS' HARDWARE, CAHPEN TEKS' TOOLS, (ALL WARRANTED,) HUBS, SPOKES, FELLOES, SEAT SPIN DLES, CARRIAGE SPRINGS, AXLES. PIPE BOXES, SPRING FTEEL, BOTTS, NETS, WASH EKS BELTING, PACKING GRIND STONES; PLASTER PARIS, CEMENT, HAIR, SHOVELS, WHITE LEAD FRENCH WINDOW GLASS, Ac., Ac., ALSO SASH, DOORS AND BLINDS ON HAND IN ASSORTMENT AND MANUFACTURED 10 ORDER LEATHEER AND FINDINGS FAIiZBAK'S SALES. *r&ntr,Q. March 26. 1863. Tln33 t ;STORE! rer Also agent for CIIICKERING'S DECKER BROS, and HAINES BROS PIANOS, ,and. TREAT, LINSLEY A CO'S MELODEONS. Also keeps a general 3tock oi the smaller Musica Instruments, Sheet Music, Ac. |-tf" Church and Sunday School Singing Books.— Instruction Books of all kinds, any of whi:h will bo sent by mail upon receipt of the market price. Orders from DEALERS andTEACERSU special ly solicited. Address L. 15, POWELL Scranton, Pa. v6ns-l year CARRIAGES & BUGGIES. The Subscriber, n practical workman of long ex perience. is now finishing off a large lot of new Car riages and Buggies, at his Carriage shop IN tunkhamock. Equal, if not superior, in Workmanship. Quality of Material, and liuish, to those turned out at any other shop in the country. Those wisning to buy should Call onb Craminc Cl)ctn. PAINING, VARNISHING: TRIMMING AND REPAIRING, Done on short notice and in a workmanlike style. Charges moderate. J. CAMPBELL. Tnnkhannock, Aug. 24, '65, v 5&32 IIELMBOLD'S FLUID EXTRACT BUCHU ia pleasant in taste and odor, free from all injurious i properties. and immediate in ite action. STORE! ' Nicholson Pa., Wm. O, GARDNER & CO •i have just receiveda large and splendid stock of goods consisting of Jfantj) (Strolls CLOTHING, BOOTS k SHOES, • * HATS AND CAPS, UMBRELLAS, TRAVELLING BAGS and TRUNKS, Cloths, Cassimeres, Vestings, Trimmings, YANKEE NOTIONS all goods add by us warranted as recomme nde Our aim "To keep good Goods," Our motto, "Not to be undersold." In connection with the store is a TAILOR-SHOP. GARMENTS CUT AND MADE IN THE LATEST STYLE. FfIeDDCE TIKES II EMM; W.O.GARDNER & CO. Nicholson, Pa. C- D- GEARHARTI CO. Foundry, Machine, AND STOVE SHOPS NVVA.B REN STREET, TUMHAMOCK, PA. Having had a life-long experience as Foundry men and Machinests, and employing none but the best workmen the undersigned pledge themselves to exefUte all work in their line in .1 6tyle not snr. passed by uny rmilar estHl.tishmnt in the country* " 0 MILL GEARINGS mnde and fitted up on short notice, from patterns on hand ot all sizes, PLOWS, CULTIVATORS and other Farming Implements. ALSO STOVES OF ALL KINDS. Tin, Sheet-Iron, and HOLLOW-WARE. LAMPS, LEAD, V/'PJSS, Ac., r always on hand or furnished to orden C. D. GEARHART, & CO, TunhhannooM, April ?9th, 186P— ritadGtf. __ L iuugialL?L>i ; n-H. i V Ta peculiar taint or infection which w '* CBs call SCROFULA lurks | t yf in tlie constitutions of multitudes of men. It ieeblcd, vitiated state r SOW£S't if- °* l ' ie w herein y fluid becomes in- to sustain v ;g ()rou3 action, and ®**^- the system to *-sfall into disorder and decay. The scrofulous contamination is va riously caused by mercurial disease, low living, disordered digestion from unhealthy food, impure air, filth and filthy habits, the depressing vices, and, above all, by the venereal infection. Whatever lie iu origin, it is hereditary in the constitution, descending "from parents to children unto the third and* fourth generation;" indeed, it seems to be the rod of Hint who says, " I will visit the iniquities of the lathers upon their children." The diseases it originates take various names, according to the organs it attacks. In the lungs, Scrofula produces tubercles, and finally Consumption; in the glands, swellings which suppurate and he come ulcerous sores; in the stomach and bowels, derangements which produce indi gestion, dyspepsia, and liver complaints; on the skin, eruptive and cutaneous affections. These, all having the wirae origin, require tho same remedy, viz., purification ami invigora tion of the Mood. Purify the blood, and those dangerous distempers leave you. With feeble, foul, or corrupted l lood, you cannot have health; with that "life of the flesh" healthy, you cannot have scrofulous disease. .Ayor's Saraapariila is compounded from the most effectual anti dotes that medical science has discovered for this afflicting dist< inper, and for the cure of the disorders it entails. That it is far supe rior to any other remedy yet devised, is known hv all who have given it a trial. That it does com!line virtues truly extraordinary in their effect upon this class of complaints, is indisputably proven by the great multitude of publicly known and remarkable cures it has made of the lb.lowing diseases : King't Evil, or Glandular Swellings, Tumors, Eruptions, Pimples, Blotches and Sores, Erysipelas, E:se cr St. Anthony' 3 Fire, Salt Rkeuua, Scald Head, Coughs from tuberculous deposits in tho lungs, Whit© Swellings, Debility, Dropsy, Neuralgia, Dyspepsia or Indigestion, Syphilis and Syphilitic Infections, Mercurial Diseases, Female Weaknesses, mi l, indued, the whole series of complaints that ario horn impurity of the blood. Minute reports of individual cases may be found in AYLK'S AMERICA* ALMANAC, which is furnished to the druggists for gratuitous distribution, wherein-may bo learned tho directions for its use, and son:o of the remarkable cures which it has made when ail other remedies lftul failed to afford relief. Tlioso cases are purposely taken from all sections ot the country, in older that every reader may l ave- access to romo one who can speak to him ct it.- benefits iioLi personal experience. Scrofula depresses tho vital energies, and thus leave- its victims far more subject to disease ami its fatal results than are healthy constitutions, lknce it tends to shorten, and does greatly shorten, the average duration of human life, lho vast importance of these considerations has led us to spend years in perfecting a remedy which is adequate to its cure. This wo now offer to the public under the name < f AYER S SAIL-VCAUILLA, although it is composed of ingredients, some of which exceed the Lest of SurscjHirilto in alterative power. Ity iu aid \>u may j roti i r yourself !.• m the suffer ing'and uargi-r of these disorders. Purge out the foul corruptions that rot and tester in the blood. } urge out tl e causes of disease, and vigorous I c-aiih \>..l l< How. I'y its pecu liar vi.tues til y ; t,i..ulate. ; the vital functions, a;. 1 t'us expels the til* temper* which hr.k v-thin the ty n or ! urst out We know t! o * ".:1 lie la? Ken deceive a Pv nii'.ny eon pounds ct Sur.afi u.a. that promised : .tali : ! did nothing: 'at they will neither 1 e "lev ived lor diss; pointed in this- lis On;; ! vi I><