Local and Personal. (Quarterly Meeting will be held at the ME Church in this place on Saturday and Sunday next at the usual hours The Democratic Standing Committee for Wyoming County and the citizens generally, will meet at the Court Horn* on M.nday evening, Aug. 19th—First day of Court week. L. C- CONKLIN, Cbm. Dem Standing Com. j Mf. Horn or of Parkersburg, West Vn. says that Dr. H. Anders' lodine Water cured him of Scrofula. He hho was shot by DeMerse —an account of which was given in tho Democrat last week-it is thought, will recover from the effects of the wound received. It is to be hoped that this most unfortunate affair may have this fortunate ter mination. Fortunate alike to the boy and bis fami ly ; and to the accused, whe is now awaiting his trial. Going up.--The dwelling house on the. corner of Tioga and Warren St., owned by R. R. Little Esq , we notice is being raised np from its heretofore humble position and with the proposed additions and improvement* is likely to become one of the most tasteful and desirable residences in town.—We hope the spirit of improvement which new seems.on the in crease, may become infectious. — Let sgo to work, everybody, and have a revival The Canal at this place, is now being filled I T water from the Horse-race dam ; to repair which, has up to this time, taken the labor of a large force of men. The first consignment of coaf, to Major Win. M. Piatt, has arrived from up the river. It being a part of a boat-load which was stopped last Fall while on its way to the NY. Markets. The arrival of these black diamonds, is rapidly restoring the sweet tempers of our good woman, which, judg froin personal experiences, has been considerably soured, sine- they hate had to depend upon the fuel prepared by the men folks for warming the soup. Mill Gearing.— The estimation in which the work, turfted out at the foundry of our enterprising townsmen, Gearhart A Co., is held by all who use it, appears in the fallowing unsolicited statement, made by the proprietors of the "Eureka Mills the iron works and gearings for which, were made and finished at that establishment. "EUREKA MILLS." HOFB Tteii, June 27, 19C7. Mesons. GEAUHAM A Co, .-—People in examining the "Eureka Mills." at once pronounce thein the best running mills they ever saw. Machinists and Anil I owners all agree in declaring the machinery perfect, and enquire where it was made, fitted Ac. for the benefit of ail j-ers-ms wishing such gearing* we are gld lo inform them that Messrs. Gearhart A Co,, of Tunkhannock, were the manufacturers of The gearings of the Eureka Mills, and to recommend you to the patrouage of all builders and owners. SHOOK A TINGLEY, owner? an! proprietors Eureka Mills, Hopbottom. Su*| Co. J'A. ••With Foul Metallic (Qualifications a inan may be pretty sure of earthly success. These are GOLD in his pocket, SILVER in his tongue. BRASS in his face, and IRUR in his heart." But for a tonic appetizer, and as a gentle stimu lant, there is reliable viriue in PLANTATION BITTERS No article has ever been so popular or done half so much good. Let ail who have not al ready tried this great stomachic, at once test its quality. We understand that the Druggists and Grocers of this section are selling vast quantities, and that scarcely a family is without it. Magnolia Water.—A delightful toilet art.cle — superior to Cologne and at half the price. Decker Hrn^lMai.os,—Our exchanges as well as our our readers are invited to note the advertise ment of Messrs. Decker Brothers, the prominent Piano manufacturers of No i'l Bleecker street. We inform tho public that & careful and official search, made at the United States Potent Office in Washing ton has proved that no patent for an improvement in Pianofortes was ever granted by the United States to any person by the nine of Decker, except to the members of the firm of Decker Biothers, of New York City, This declaration has ben necegsiated by the fact, that some persons are trying to sell "Deck er Patent Pianos," which have not been mannfactur' ed by Mrssrs. Decker Brothers—thus misleading quite a number of persons in the country. JVeir York Weekly Review. The Wholesale and Retail Agency of theie ceie. brated Piano-, for this section of country, is at the Music Store of L. B. Powell, Scranton, Drowned,—A young man about 21 years of age, named Timothy Regan, who was engaged at the Horse-race dam, was drowned on Wednesday evening last, wbl.e attempting to ford the river a few rods below the dam. After finishing his work for the day he —with a companion—proposed to wade the river to their boarding place, instead of re turning by the boat, which was some distance above Taking off his boots, he weet into the stream until the depth and swiftness of the current carried his feet from under him, when he was carried rapidly down the stream and drowned, before assistance could rendered him. All efforts to recover the body have thus far, been unsuccessful. Ho bad on, when drowned, a check shirt and liDen pants. In the pocket of pants is said to be four or five time checks. Any information concerning the body will be thankfully received by Cornelius Regan, father of the deceased, who resides in ApolacoD Tp. Susqh.Co. Pa. Post offi-e address ; Friendsville Pa. or by Patrick Maboney, Foreman, at dam—P. 0 address ; Russell Hill, Pa.—lf found and returned to the dam the expenses of socuring and returning body will be Paid. The Band at this place on Mondaj evening were invited to the house of Mr. Demer Bidleman one of its oldest, if not the ol lest member, to participate, in a cake, which, though uot as large as the Pyramid of old Mr. Cheops, was nevertheless a take of pyra midal form and proportions. The history of this Pvraun lis not involved in so much obscurity as those of Egypt—though the thing itself has now "passed away"—lt was mada by some good Lady— who did'nt cheat in the quality, beoausdofthe quan tity of materials—for our 4th of July celebratiou.— j No vandal band was laid upon it, on that eventful day. The Ladies resolved themselves into a com- ' of ' ways and means" to add to the means, i Wdy of it, was this ; A Festival was gotten j p at whicfc this and some other remaining articles ! were dupjse iuT *y t wr t 0 f piolw j otUl7) wher# butonI > •. dre * "V P ""' . lh " "ft" a march of a day or two for th, lucky ticket-holder, was found to be Mr Bidleman, who counted the whole Band in After Nam ing the statue on the pinacle, which doubtless gotten up by some lady artist, for it was • ait of doll-baby God Je- the hungry biowtn of brass, proceeded Jo demolish end devour the afore said Pyramid, which they did ia a moet effectual manner, from turret to foundation A dish of fine berries and cream was served during the work of de molition, after which, any dust or crumbs, that may have lodged in anybody's throat, ran great risk of being dissolved or washed away, by a glass or two or a very excellent temperance drink, which we are informed, came from the vineyard of Mr. Wm Cas key, of the ' Mountain Home." Died- KEELER— Keelersburg, on Wednesday the 10th mst., Asa aged 67 years. Ltf The want of space and time obliges ns to defer publication of obituary notice, until next week —ED. Special Notices INSOLVENT NOTICE, ]V"OTICE is hereby given to all persons interested x 1 that 1 have applied to the Hon., the Judges of the Court of Common Pleas, in and l'r the County of Wyoming, lor tne benefit of the insolvent laws ot this commonwealth, and that they have appointed the first day of uext term of said court, tue 19th day of August next, to hear me and my creditors, at the Court House, in the Borough of Tunkhannock when and whero you can attend, if you thiuk proper. HENRY WALL. Exeter, Juiy 15, 186 c SUBIMENA IN DIVORCE, Maria Shaver by her next } In the Court of Common friend Levi Winters vs. > Pleas of Wy'g Co., No llenry K. Shaver. J32 January term. 1867 LIBEL FUR DIVORCE FROM THE BONDS OF MATRIMONY. I, M' W. DoWitt High Sh riff of the C< onty of Wyoming, do hereby make known unto Henry K. Shaver, that he be and appear at a Court of Cum mou Pleas, to be held at Tunkhannock. in and for the County of Wyoming, on Mou Jay the 19ih day ef August, A. D. 1867. then and there to answer the said couiplaiat, and to show cause, if any there be, why the bouds of matrimony between himself una Maria Shaver, his wire, shall not he dissolved. M. W. DeWITT, Sheriff Sheriff's office, TuLk. July 16, 1867, SIBI'fE.VA 111 DIVORCE. James H. Bagley In the Court of Coinmou vs. v I'leas Wyoming County, Eincline D, Bagley yNo. 2d, January Term, 1867 LIBEL FOR DIVORCE PROM THE BONDS OF MALLII-UON Y. I, M. W. Dewiu High Sheriff of the County of Wyoming, do hereby make kuuwn unto Emetine It. Bagley, mat she be aad appear at a Court of C'eih mou EEas, to ue held at luukhunuock in the Coun ty aforesaid, on Monday the 19th day ot August, A. D. 1867, then and ihtre to ansor the said complaint, and show cause it auy she hath, why tne bonus of matrimony between Herself and James H. BagKy her husband shall not be aisoUed. At. W. DEWITT, Sheriff. Sheriff's Office, 'funk. July 9ih '67. vbn47tf. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. WHEREAS, Letters testamentary to the estate of Asa Keeler, late of Noithmoreland towo sbi). Wyoming Couuty deceased, hive been grant ed to tne sudscrmer. All persons indebtei to the said estate are requester to mate* diuimeiate pay ment, and those hiring claims or demands against the estate ot said decedent will make kuown the same without delay to MILO KEELER, Executor. Keelersburg, July 10, 1867. " FOR SALE! A MOWING MACHINE, Owned by the late Judge Pckham—nearly new will he ;>OLD AT AUCTION, at Miller A Ave ry's Foundry, in TUNKHANNOCK, on SAI'UHDAY, THE 20th iust at three o'clock. P, M. Terms made kuowu oU day of sale. C. M. MANVILLE, Juiy 15th, 1867. Exr COKDOHATI.rN NOIlCE~" " WHEREAS, application has been made to the Court of Common Picas ot Wyoming Couuty lor the grant ing ola Chatter of lucorpoiatiou to tae Baptist Church, of fuiiKbannock Borough in said Couuty the same having beou hied tn tho office of the Pro tnonoUtry of said Court. Notice is hereby given that if no sufficient leason lo ihe contrary is shown, it shall be lawful for tae said touit at the uext term thereof lo declare that the persons so associated, shall according to the articles and conditions set forln in said Charter, become, and be a corporation or body politic, in law aim in fact, and tle court will make such other directions as the ease may require. E.J KEEN E Y.PioUirimtary Tuhk.July.9, l3b?-ybu47. CORPORATION NOTICE, \Y herf.as, application has been made to th° Court ot Coumiou Pieas of Wyoming County for the granting ot a Charter ot Incorjioratioa to the Metho dise Episcopal Church ot Factory viiie, lu said County, the same having been tiled in the office of the Pro thoooiary ot suid Court. Notice is hereby given that it no sufficient reason to the contrary is shown, it shall be lawful for tha said Court at the next term thereof to declare that the persons so associated, shall according to the articles and conditions set fort lin said Charter, become, and be a corporation or body politic in law and in tact, and the court "Will mate such other directions is the case may require. E.J KEENEYjl'ioihonotary. Tunk. July 6-h lSt7—vliu47. ORPHAN'S COURT SALE. Notice is hereby given that all the right, title and interest of Jed lloilenback, a minor sua of ihe late Eben lloilenback, dee d., in and to all that certaij farm, lot, or messuage, situate in Washington Tp., and bounded on the North by land of Morgan Max well, East by laud of Lewis Cook, South by laud of A. W Robinson and Jared Robinson, and on the West by land of Win. Jayne and the Surquebannna River, containing one hundred and sixty acres, more or less, (being the same farm now in possession of Irwin lloilenback) will be sold by virtue of nn order of the Orphans Court on Friday, the 2nd.day ot August, 1867. at one o'clock, P. M. at the Court House in Tunkhannock Boro. B. R. LITTLE, Attor ney for Guardian Ac., v6n47. - NOTICE. All persons indebted to the estate of Geo. S. Tut ton E-q laic of Tunkhannock. Ra., dee'd., by book account, note, or otherwise, wilt save trouble and ex pense by making a spcedv settlement with SARA TUTTON, HARVEY SICKLER. Admr's, Tunk. Pa. June 24th 1367.—1t. For Sale. A YOKE OF FOUR-YEAR OLD CATTLE—fit for beef, or for working cattle. For particulars- -enquire at this office. WOOL CARDING. The subscriber would inform his patrons and tha public generally that be still carries on tba above business at bis well known stand, with a new shop and new cards, and thinks he can suit the most par ticular. • GEO. JENNINGS. Meshoppen, June 15th 1867 —v6u45-3t. MANHOOD AND YOUTHFUL VIGOR are re gained by Eelmbold's Extract Bcchu. pOR SALE, TWO TOP BUGGIES,' ONE NEARLY NEW FOR 1200 ONE BUT SLIGHTLY WORN, FOB 8150. Will be aold for cash or exchanged for bark. PALEN BROS. Tunk Juno 24th 1867.—v6n46 tf. SHATTERED CONSTITUTIONS RESTORED by ! Helmbola's Extract Bochu. BRICK! BRICK! Tbe subscriber has now on hand and will khereaf ter constantly keep FOR SALE A FINE LOT of SMOOTH WELL BURNED BRICK, at his brick yard opposite Palen A Bros, new Tannery, IN TUNAHANNOCN, FA. which will be sold cheap, and in quantities to suit purchasers. H. W. RHODES. v6n47-tf. s Y JH.tjp. A PROTECTED SOLUTION OF THE PROTOX IDE OF IRON supplies the blood with its LIFE ELEMENT, IRON, giving strength, vigor and new life to the whole system. If the thousands who are suffering from DrsrEr- SIA. DEBILITY, FEMALE WKEKNUSS, AC., would but test the virtues of the PERUVIAN SYRUP, the effect would not only astonish themselves but would please all their friends ; tor instead of feeiiug cross "all gone" and miserable, they would be cheerful, vigorous and active. A DISTINGUISHED JURIST WRITES TO A FRIEND AS FOLLOWS: I have'tried the the PERUVIAN Svßur, and the re sult fully sustaiu your prediction. It has made a NEW MAN of me, intused into my system new vigor and energy ; I am no lunger tremulous ami debili tated, as when you last saw me, but stronger, heart ier, and with luiger capacity tor labor, mental and physical, than at any time during the last five years." Thousands have been changed by the use of this remedy from ictak, sickly, suffering creatures, to strong, healthy, and happy m~en and uomen ; and invalids cannot reasonably hesitate to give it a trial. The genuine has "Peruvian Syrup" blown in the glass. A 32 page pamphlet will be sent free A P. DINSMOKE, Proprietor, No. 36 Dey St, New York. Sold by all Druggists. SCROFULA. The Rev. George Storrs, of Brooklyn, N.'Y, says in the Bible Examiner, byway of apology for pub lishing a medical certificate in b' magiziue, of tbe cure of bis only son, of Scrofula, "after dissolution appeared inevitable." "We publish this statement "not for pay but in gratitude to God who has an swered prayer, and injustice to Dr. Anders ; bc "ing satisfied that there is virtue in the lodine Wa '•ter tr. at merit, which the readers of this Magazine "will thank 'ts editor for for bringing to their no tice," Circulars free. Dr. H. Anders' lodiDe Water is for sale by J. P. DINSMORE, Proprietor, 36 Dey St., N. Y., and y all D.uggi sts. # ENFEEBLED AND DELICAT£~CONSTITU TIONS, of bo b sexes, use Uelmboid's Extract, Bu clju. It will eerisk andgive energetic feelings aui enable you to sleep well. HKLMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU gives health an I vigor to the frame anl bloom to tbe palid cheek. Debility is accompanied by many alarming symptoms, an l if no treatment is submitted to, con sumption insuurity, or epileptic fits ensue. HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU and improve Rose Wash euros secret and delicate disorders in si their stages, at lit'le expense, litt'e or no changein diet, no inconvenience sni no exposure. It is pleas ant in tacte and odor, immediate in its action, and free from all injurious properties. UELMBOLD'3 CONCENTRATED EXTRACT BU CHU. Is tbe Grem Diuretic. HELMBOLDS CONCENTRATED EXTRACT SARSAPARILLA Is the Great Blood Purifier. Both are prepared according to rules of Chemistry ind Bbarmacy, an 1 are the most active that can be made. LI EL M COLD'S - FLUID EXTRACT 33TJC11LT Is a certain cure lor diseases of the BLADDER. KIDNEYS. GRWEL. DROPSY, OR GANIC WEE KN ESS. FEMALE, COMPLAINTS, GENERAL DEBILITY, and a!l diseases of the URINARY ORGANS. whether existing in MALE OR FEMALE, from whatever cause originating and no matter of IIGW LONG STANDING. Diseases of these organs require the use of a diuretic If uo treatment is submitted to, Consumption or Insanity may ensue. Our Flesh and Blood are sup— ported from these sources, and the HEALTH AND HAPPINESS, and that of Posterity, depends upon prompt use el a re liable remedy. lIELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCIIU, Established upwards of 18 years, prepared by H. T HEI.MIIOLD, DRUGGIST, 594 Broadway, Mew York, and 104 South 10th Street,Philadelphia,Pa v6n29-Iy, PIIF J IIILIICIH BARBER AND HAIR-DRESSER Takes pleasu ein announcing to his old customers and the public, geuerally, that he has now secured the services as an assistant—ot j |*IKST LATE FROM PARIS, Those wishing a good shave or other work in his ' line can now be accommodated without tbe vexatious j del: ys experienced at "one horse" shops. SHAMPOOING, HAIR-CUTTING, DRESSING, DYEING, CURLING, Ac.. Ac. done in the best style and at reasonable rates. FOMAEES, FEEF UMEET and EX TEA C TS, always on band, an 1 for sale at tbe old stand on Tioga Street. J BERLINGHOF Tunkhannock, l'a ; Feb. 12, 18b7—\6n27-tf.. CONSUMPTION CURA'LE BY DR S'JMENCK'S MEDICINES. TO CURE CONSUMPTION the system must be prepared so that the luugs will heal. To accom plish this, the liver and stomach must first be cleans | ed and an appetite created for good wholesome food i which, by these medicines will be di jested properly and good healthy blood made ; thus building up tbe ; constitution. SCHENCK'S MANDRAKE PILLS cleanse the stomache of all bilious or mucous accu mulations; and, by using the Sea Weed Tonic in | connection, the appetite is restored. SCHENCK'S PULMONIC SYRUP is nutrieioug ; as woll as medicinal, and, by using the three reine i dies, all impurities are expelled irom the system.and good, wholesome blood made, which will repel al disease. If patients will tak- these medicines ac cording to directions. Consumption very frequently in its last stage yields readily to their action. Take the pills frequently, to cleanse the liver and stom ach. It does not follow that because the bowels are not costive they are net required, for sometimes i diarrhoea they are necoesary The stomach must be kept healthy, apd an appetite created to allow tbe Pulmonic Syrup to act on the respiratory organs properly and allay any iiritation. Then all that i required to perferm a permanent cure is, to prevent taking cold, Exercise about the rooms as much as possible, eat all the richest food— fat meat, game and, in fact, anything the appetite craves (bat be partlfnlar and aaettrate well. v6nl?-fndw. e*-of-, i • • WYOMING REPUBLICAN, The publication of (his papr will be resumed by Albert F. Yost, recently co-publisher of the COLOM BIA OOU.NTY RKPIBLICA!*, about the beginning of August, proximo, at Tonkhannock, Pa., and will apyar thereafter regularly every week. It will be the aim hf its proprietor to make the Wyoming Republican a live local journal, devoted to home and general interests, Republican in politics, and high-toned in iu discussion of men and measures and <1 Haws paper in the lull sense of the term. Terms of subscription A2 00 per year. For advertising rates address the proprietor, IRA AVCKV, Esq., is authorized ro receive money fcc> fur subscription who can be addressed at> Tonk hannock, Pa. ALBERT F. YOST, Proprietor, Bloomsburg, Pa. July 9th 1867--3timta. List of Persons drawn to serve as Jurors lor August Terns, 1807. GRAND JURORS. Clinton —Wm. Perigo, Eaton—-Janice Croop, Andrew J. Fruthey, Exeter —Samuel H. Sickler Jr. Falls —Charii k Dewitt, Michael Walter, Leuion —Nathan Keim Meshoppen-Nathan Welles, Erastus Bowman, Mehoopany—Frank Vaughn, Geo ilenning, C, L. Vaughn, Moaroe— Elihue Parrish , Lewis M Austin, Nicholson—Henry L. Hardinj, Wm, 0. Gardner, Wm. Steel, Lemuel Harding, Northiuoreland —John Ellsworth, Nortti Branch—Charles Dewolf, Windham— Charles Fasseri, James Gordon, Washington—-Charles Place, Wesley Crawford, PETIT JURORS. Brmintrim—rhilip Thomas, John S. Lum. Clinton—Warren Briggs, .Eaton—John D. Rogers, Marklin Robinson, Exter— Simeon Gay, W. Coolbaugh Forkston —0. B Vose, Fallg—A. T Dawitt, Letuon—Lawrence Clouse, W. Reynolds,Benj, P. Carver. Meshoppen—-N. P. Dunlnp John Gay, Mehoopany—S. K Smith, John Hahn, John Maynurd,Rnfu3 Decker, W. M. Jennings. A. K. Farr Monroe—Daniel Morgan, Nicholson—Dan'l Decker, John Qiilroy, Northiuoreland-—Joseph Daily, Edwajd Kiritham, Henry Webb, North Branch—Patrick Kinsley, Overbold—C A Patrick, J W. Hunter, Tunk. Tp.—Frank le< ker, Jas. H. Sampson, Tunk Boro George Felzer, Windham —Jacob Williams, Washington-—Ruel Williams, G.B.Vosburg' Chcs. Kintner. ALL.COLK.Si POROUS PLASTERS. Allentown, Penn., April 4, i 865, Messrs. T. ALLCOCK A Co.: Vea. Sire .—My daughter used one of your Po rous Plasters. She had a very bad pain in her side, and it cured her in one week: * Yours truly, JOHN V. N. HUNTER. We refer to the Forty Thousand Di ugglste who sell our Plasters, as to their higa sterling char acter. ALLCOCK A CO , Agency, Brandreth Ileuse.New York. So\,d by ell Druggists v6n47-4t FRIGHTFUL EXECUTION ! is done upon thousands of grey heads, bv endeavor iug to darken them with mctalic dyes that SCORCH AND BLAST the fibres from tip to root. 15?" Avoid these horri ble DISFIGURING AGENTS, and use only the great toilet staple of America, CRISTADORO'S EXCELSIOR DYE. which not only instantaneously produces all shades of black and brown, but also nourishes, strengthens and beautifies the bair. Manufactured by J. C 'l3- TADORO. 6 Astor House. New York, Sold by Drug gists. Applied bv all Hair Drcssess. T22IQ I $ atr 1 -f r v V w t* gsV *v It? RAILROAD CO. 11/EJE FIIIS'I MORTGAGE EONDS As an Investment. The rapid progress of the Union Pacific Railroad now building west from Omaha, Nebraska, and for or. ig, with its western o wnecti >ns, in unbroken line across the continent, attracts attention to the value of the First Mortgage Bouds which the Comjaoy now offer to the putlie. The first question askel by prudent investors i.-, "Are thvge bouds secure?"- Next, "are they a profitable investment ?" to reply in brief: Ist. The early completion of the whole great line to the Pacific is as certain as any future business event'ean be. The Government grant of over twen - ty ui'.lliou acres of land and fitly million dollars in its own bonds practically guarantees it. One fourth of the work is already June, and the track continues to be laid at tbe rate of two miles a day. 2d. The Uuion Pacific Railroad bonds are issued upon whut promises to be one of the most profitablj lines of railroad in the country. For many years it must be tbe only line connecting the Atlantic and pacific ; and being without competition, it can main tain remunerative rates. 3d 376 miles of this road are finished, end fully equipped with de- ots, locomotives, cars, Ac., and two trail a are daily running each way. The materi ; ais for the ,etiuriuing 131 miles to the eastern base of the Rocky Mountains are on band, and it is under contract to he done iu :>epteinber. 4th Tbe net earnings of'he sections already fin ished are several times greater than the gold inter est upuqyhe Fiist Mortguge B< nls upon such sec tions, and if not another mile of tbe road were built tbe part already completed would not only pay in terest aud expenses, but be profitable to the Com pany. sth. The Union Pacific Railroad bonds can be is ued only as the road progresses, and therefore can never he in the market unloss they represent a bona Jide propertv. 6th. Their amount is is strie'ly limited by law to a sum equal to what is granted by tbe U. S. Gov ernment, and for whi hit takes a second lien as its security. This amount ujon the firs- 517 tciies west from Amaha is only 816 000 per mile 7th The fact that fbo U. S. Government consid ; ers u second lien upon the road a good investment, and that some of the shrewdest rai'road 'builders of tho country have alreai' paid in five million dol lars upon the stock (which is to them a third lien), may well Inspire confidence in a first lien. Btb. Although it is not claimed that there caD be any better securities that Governments, there are parties who consider ;i first mortgage upou such a property as this the very best security in the world, ami who sell their Governments to re-invest in these bonus—ihus securing a greater interest. 9tb. As the Union Pacific Railroad bands are offer ed for the ) resent at 90 cents on the dollar and ac crued interest, thry are the cheapest security in the market, beiug over 15 per cent, less than U. S. Stocks hub, At the current rate of of premium on gold, they pav Over Nine per Cent. Interest. The daily subscriptions are already large, and the will continue to be received iti New York by tbe Continental National Lank, No, 7 Nassau St. Clark, Dodge & Co., Bankers, 51 Wall St, John J. Cisco & Son, Bankers, No. 33 FFatt St. Henry Clews & Co., Bankers, 32 Wall St, and by BANKS AND BANKERS generally through out the United States, ol whom maps and descriptive pamphlets may lie obtained, Tbey will also be sent by uiail from tbe Company's Offi e, No. 2P Nassau Street, New York, on application. Subscribers will select ♦heir own Agents in whom they have confi dence, who alone will be responsible to them for the safe delivery of the bonds. JOHN J. CISCO. Treesurer, NEW YORK. vfln4B3|o LIHM ViLLIY I&1L Mil OF** THEOCGH FROM MEW TCKK'AIfD FBILADBLFHIA TO WILKJSSBARRE, forming direct rail connectiona NO E TFT, SOU7&, EAS2 and JtE.S'I. SUMMER TIMETABLE COMMENCING JUNE 17 th, 18 67. All Through Trains make close connections with Trains to and from New York and Philadelphia. THE MAIN LINE TRAINS FROM WILKESBARE (the present north ern terminus of this road) TO NEW Y ORK and PHILADELPHIA, Leave WII.KESBARRE at 3o'clock A. M and 1.30 P. M. Arrive at New York at 3. IS and 10,25 P M. '• Philadelphia, at 2 05 and 8.40 " Leave New York at 6 30 A. M. and 12- M. " Philadelphia at 7.45 A. M. and 1.30 P. M- Arrive at Wilkesbarre at 3.02 and 8.48 P. M. gCRANTON BOOK BINDERY. Having seenrred the services of Mr. H. Zoehe, one of the best bindejs to be i found B ia the State, we are prepared te furnish to BANKS, INSURANCE COMPANIES, MERCHANTS, MANUFACTURERS. COAL OPERATORS, HOTELS and others, with BLANK BOOKS of every description, on sfcort notice, bound i'l any style desired, in tbe most substantial manner, at reasonable prices. Magazines bound, and old books rebound, at New York prices. Orders left at tbe office of the paper publishing this advertisement, or sent by Express, will bet:— tended to and returned without unueccsarv delay E.S M. HILL. Scranlon, Pa., June 3. 1867—v6n44-ly. FARMERS!AND MECHANICS T a k.e Notice. SURFACE PL A NIN G and MATCHING, CIRCULAR and SCROLL SAWING. ALL KINDS of MACHINERY repair in good style PLOWS, HARROWS, CULTIVA TORS, HORSE-HOES, ROLLERS, and SCRAPERS, on hand or to order. Power and hand Cornshellers; and Farming tools generally, MILLER A AVERY, v6n43-ly. NOW OPENED, BT ▲. S. MOTT. THE CORNER STORE, FORMERLY OCCUPIED BY HENRY STARK. Iff TUN XHANNOCK, PA, A NEW STOCK A NEW STOCK A NEW STOCK A NEW STOCK OF SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS consisting of • consisting of consisting of consisting of DRY GOODS DRY GOODS DRY GOODS DRY GOODS DRESS GOODS DRESS DRE-'S GOODS DRESS GOODS GROCERIES GROCERIES GROCERIES GROCERIES PAINTS AND OILS PAINTS AND OILS * PAINTS AND OILS PAINTS AND OILS HATS AND CAPS HATS AND CAPS • HATS AND CAPS HATS AND CAPS CARPETING CARPETING CARPETING CARPETING Jkc„ Ac, Ac., Ac., Ac., Ac , Ac., Ac , Ac., Ac., Ac., Ac., In large quantities and at reduced prices. A. B. MOTT. Tuok. May 1, '66—v6n3S if. CLOVER-SEED INANE QUANTITY TO SUIT PURCHASER; eta now had at be I A B MOT TB eotoaerrr. s •PEE 3D BAOIJ Drug Store TDNKHANNOCK. NEW FIRM, LYMAN & WELLS, Dr Lyman reepectfuliy anaouncee thai ha hM Ukan Dr. B. H. Wells as a partner is the DRUG. BUSINESS, and that they will continue to keep A COM PLETE ASOBTMENT, In their line, at the old stand of J. W. Lymes & Cr>„ on Tioga St. We cannot enumerate articles, bat it is oar intea tion to present a WELL SELECTED AND RELIABLE STOCK adapted to this market, and .meriting the attorn tion of all who desiro MEDICINES, PERFUMERY, PAINTS, DYE STUFFS,