Local and Personal. :Hate , Bonnetts, Ac., selling off at cost, at Mrs. Bardwells, Tunkhannock, Pa Pen-a-mtte—since the 4th—must feel a mighty sight moTe like a mite, than he ever did before. Beat Book for Everybody.—The new illus trated edition of Webster's Dictionary, containing three thousand engraviogs, is the best book for ev ery body that the press has produced in the present century, and should be regarded as indispensable to the well-regulated home, reading-room, library, and place of business. — Sar. Francisco Golden Era J. W* lVorn or of Parkeraburg, West Fa. says that Dr. H. Anders' lodine Water cured him of Scrofala. He had 37 runniag Ulcers when he com menced taking the medicine. Persons afflicted should make a note of this, and send to J. P Dins more, 36 Dey Street, New York, for acitcular con cerning this remarkable remedy. Don't Forget—Reader, to examine the date on the tinted address label on this paper. It shows the time up to which it (fhc paper) is for.— Don t forget, too, that at the close of the present volume, we propose to enlarge, and otherwise im prove the tierhocrat ; and give it a new and more appropriate name. Don't forget that to do so, will cost us all the loose change we can rake up, scrape bp. beg or borrow. If you owe the printer, den't forget to pay him ;or you may find cut. when too late, that you have forgotten the way that leads to the "happy land o' C-a-n-a-a-u !" "With Foul Metallic Q,uallGcatlotis a man may be pretty sure ef earthly success. These are GOLD in his pocket, SILVER in his tongue, BRASS in his tace, and IBOH in his heart." But for a tonic appetizer, and as a gentle stimu lant, there is reliable virtue in PLANTATION BITTERS. No article has ever been so popular or done half so much good. Let all who have not al ready tried this great stomachic, at once test its quality. We understand that the Druggists and Grocers of this section are selling vast quantities,and that scarcity a family is without it. Maguolla Water.—A delightful toilet art.cle— superior to Cologne and at half the price. Fetty I.ai rentes, of victuals ar d other article® of small value, from houses, cellars and barns of our towns people are now quite frequent. The theif or thieves are evidently some worthless vagabonds, who are too lazy to work for a honest livelihood , and who, from these small beginnings , are working themselves up to the commission of graver crimes, against the persons and property of our citizens. In order to check the depredations of these con temptible sneak thieves, every well ascertained case of theft should be promptly prosecuted and properly punished ; both for the good of th e offender and for the future security of the public. White charity even to criminals, is commendable, to wink at. overlook and excuse these growing, festering pimples—though vhey imty now le upon the body politic, is neither charitable nor commendable. Decker Bros Pianos,—Our exchanges as well as our our readers are invited to note the advertise ment of Messrs. Docker Brothers, the prominent Piano manufacturers of No. kl Bloecker street. We inform the public that a careful und official search, made at the United States Patent Office in Washing ton, has proved that no patent for an improvement in Pianofortes was ever granted by the United States to any person by the mine of Decker, except to the members of the firm of Decker Biothers, of Ne* York City, This declaration has ben necessiated by the fact, lhat some persons are tryirg to sell "Deck, er I atent Pianos,' which have not been macufactur ed by Mrssrs. Docker Brothers—thus misleading quite a number of persons in the country.—jVetr York Weekly Review. The Wholesale and Retail Agency of the.e cele. brated Piano, for this section of country, is at the Music Store of L. B. Powell, Scranton, Shooting Allair. —A young man, a son of Lew is Armstrong, late commissioner of this County, who resides near Factory vile Depot, was shot by a man named a few days since. The cir cumstances as related to us are as follows: De- Merse, who is said to be an irritable and violent tempered man, had been annoyed by the conduct of some boys iu the neighborhood, an! had threatened to shoot them ; and in pursuance of his threat ho had procured a minnie rifle. The young man, Arm strong, who it is said had no intimation ot danger, when passing the garden of De Mcrse.in the forejpart of the evening, went into it for ttiepurpose of getting a raddisb. While thus engaged DeMerse who was near by, shot bitn. The ball which was of the largest size, enteral near the point of the shoulder blade and passed out at the breast. At last accounts the young man was alive, though his wound is said to be such as will probably prove fatal. De Merse was arrested and is now lodged in jail ■waiting trial for bi3 rash act. Trouble with Turkey,— A serious embroglio In our relations with the DivaD has arisen,as follows Narkis Minasian, who has for mauy years acted ag the resident agent in Turkey for the sale of Dr. J- C. Ayer A Co.'s medicines, oriveu by the increase of his business to a necessity for more room, built his warehouse in Constantinople several stories highen after having obtained the necessary permit from the authorities. The Imans of a neighboring mosque, which overlooked the premises demanded a large present in money, which was refused. They then applied to the Grand Vizier, for the enforcement of an absoiete law, which had been disregarded two hundred years requiring him to take down the build ing to eighteen feet, which was granted, and tbey commenced the work of demolition. Minasian then applied to the American Minister, who nttified the Sublime Porte that American property could not be thus trifled with, and that the demolition must cease Then commenced course of Mussulman prevarication and premises, but no real redress. Finally Minister Mori is informed them tba; if their depredations continued, he should order the U. S. ships of war to enter the Bospborusand Messrs Ayers' medical warehouse would not be alone roofless. A stroke of his pen could have laid the whole city un der the sweep of American cannon backed hymen who are not schooled in the le-sons of fear. This brought them to their senses and speedy redress. — M-.nasian has now arrived in this country, to present the case to our State Department for indemnity. At length it is something to say among the peoples of the earth—"l atE an American citizen !"—Colum bia Republican. A Horae Thief, on the night of the 3d ins t. stole from the stalle of Mr. Giles Fitch, in Falls Township, a valuable horse. At the Falls, about four mile, further down the riier, he took from the shed at Townsend's Hotel, a saddle. Thus conven iently equipped for travelling, he went on, two miles further, when, arriving at the old Townsend farm, he concluded to make some "internal im provements.' ' Leaving his horse fastened to a post £ entered the cellar, and acting aipon the maxim * * half loaf is better than no bread"—this e confiscated the half loaf, and was moving off ir*d OM„ , t ,„ th< „.„ r „ i(ha , ' a *" k —• bid, -bich •MMd bin to drop the at-ff of lit'., „„d niß leg* for escape Th* h, J . i , horse, in the meantime, .Urn, lh . „„ hed • manor dog with tb. stolon a.ddlo „„ bi , very ducreetly took leg-bail cn his own hook Th duet of the thieving brato, did umm w, aia seme pretty tall I walking in the opposite direction. The horse was found cn a back road about a mile from the place, with his foot through the rein of the br idle, looking as if ashamed of being caught_under such peculiar circumstances. A suspicious character, who said he was from Laeeyville, and gave his name as Philipp McDonald was, next day, arrested at the Falls; and after a hearing, was committed to answer the charge of stealing the horse. The last named animal—though caught in the act of carrying away the saddle, will escape much "hard labor," but. perhaps not "close confinement," for his part in this transaction. Rakes.— lf we were to write an elaborate dis sertation—whic bwe don't propose to do—on the subject of rakes, we should say: L-dies and gen tlemen ; rakes are numerous, and of divers styles, kinds and qualities. We should mention the primi tive hand-rake, the young and old—man—rake, the rake of a ship : the raking fire in battle ; the raki-h young woman—and the old scratch. We should ■ot forget too, to mention—for we have lively rec ollections on this point—the vigorous rakes whih thoughtful mothers make among the towy locks of their interesting offspring, with a newspaper, a fioe tooth-comb rake and—abundant success We dou't propose, however to discuss rakes in general, we only wish at present to call particular attention to the improved, revolving Ilorse- rakes now manufactured and sold by D. L. Peek ham A Co .of this i lace, which are said by all fanners who have them in use, to be the most desirable and useful labor-saving implement, ever called a rake. The Republican,—Mr. Albert F. Yost, lately connected with the Republican of Bloomsburg, ad vertises in cur japer. of to-day, that he will revive the Republican newspaper of this oounty, about the Ist of August next. Like all his predecessors, he promises the friends a high toned organ. This was the key-note in Tiffany's time, pitched an octave higher by Emory; then came Billy Burgess a half note higher; then Ira Avery fairly squealed out with dignity and loftiness of tone; then came Billy again, who, to close the strain, struck in, the last time, ten or fifteen octaves lower than at first; and fin illy the concern diea out with a low, moaning wail—its song only half sung, Every one of these black birds struck such a lofty key-note, that noth ing short of a sheriff's execution could make them pay their debts or bring their musio down to the comprehension of our common back-wood's people. Mr. lost is spoken of by those who are acquainted with him. as a practical, common sense printer, and gentleman, and may not, like his distinguished pre decessors, strike sich an ear-piercing key-note, and such a tragic attitude in making his debut. Marrie cl. HOWARD—DOUD—At Factoryville, Pa. July 4- by the Rev. E. H, Hynson, Mr. L. A. Howard of Maine, N. Y., to Miss Nellie E. Doud of Mill City Pa. IIEADLEY —SICKLER—At the residence of" the bride's mother, in Northmoreland,July 4th 1867, by the Rev, Wm. Gay, Mr. Thomas J. Headley of Exeter, to Miss Lucretia Sickler of Northmoreland Pa. . Special Notices 8l T UP(E!fA la DIVORCE. James 11. Dagley } In the Court of Common vs. > Pleas Wyoming County, Emeline L>. Bagley jNo. 24, January Term, 1867 LIBEL FOR DIVORCE FROM THE BONDS OF MATRIMONY. I, M. W. Hewitt High frheiitf of the County of Wyoming, Jo hereby make known unto Emetine It. Bagley, that she be and appear at a Court of Cem- UIOD Pleas, to be held at Tunkhannock tu the Coun ty aforesaid, on Monday the 19th day of August, A. D. 1667, then and there to answer the said complaint, and show cause if any she hath, why the bonds of matrimony between herself and James H. Bagley her husband shall not be disolved. M W. DEWITT, Shot iff. Sheriff's Office, Tunk. July 9th ; 67. v6u47tf. CORPORATION NOTICE. WHEREAS, application has been made to the Court of Common I'laas of Wyoming County tor the graut ing ola Charter of liicorpoiation to the Baptist Church, ol 1 unkhannock Borough in said County, the same havihg been tiled in the office of the Pro thouolary of said Court. Notice is hereby given that if no sufficient reason to (he contrary is shown, it shall be lawful for the said Court at the next term thereof to declare that the persons so associated, shall according to the articles and conditions set forth in said Charter; become, and be a corporation or body politic, in law auu iu fact, and t.ie court will make such other directions us the case may require. E. J KEENEYjPiotnonotary Tunk July,B, 1367-vbn47. COKFOKATION NOTICE, WHEREAS, application has been made to the Court of Common Pleas of Wyoming Couuty for the granting ot a Charter ot Incorporation to the Metho dist Episcopal Church ot Factoryville, iu said Couuty, the same having bceu tiled in the office of the Pro thoDotary ol said Court. Notice is hereby given that it no sufficient reason to the contrary i shown, it shail be lawiui for the said Court at the next term thereot to declare that the persons so associated, shall according to the articles and conditious set I toil'J in said Charter, become, and be a corporatism or body politic in law and in tact, and the court will make such other directions .a the case may reqerre. E, J. KEENEY,Prothonotary. Tunk. July Bth 1867---v6u47. ORPHAN'S COURT SALE, Notice is hereby given that all the right, title and interest of Jed Hollenb&ck, a minor eon of the late Eben Hollenback, dee'd., in and to all that certain farm, lot, or messuage, situate in Washington Tp., and bounded on the North by land of Morgan Max well, East by land of Lewis Cook, South by land of A. W. Robinson and Jared Robinson, and on the West bv land of Wm. Jayne and the Susquebunnna River, containing one bundrdd and sixty acres, more or less, (being the same farm now in possession of Irwin Hollenback) wiU be sold by virtue ot an order of the Orphans Court on Friday, the 2nd day ot August, 1867. at one o'clock, P. M. at the Court House in Tunkhannock Boro. R. R LITTLE, Attor ney for Guardian Ac., v6n47. NOTICE. All persons indebted to the estate of Geo. S. Tut ton E.-q late of Tunkhannock, Pa., dee'd., by book | account, note, or otherwise, will save trouble and ex pense by making a speedy settlement with SARA TFTTON, HARVEY SICKLER. Admr's* Tunk. Pa. June 24th 1867. tt. For Sale. A YOKE OF FOUR-YEAR OLD CATTLE—fit for beef, or for working cattle. For particulars-—enquire at this offiee. WOOL CARDING. The subscriber would inform bis patrons and the public generally that be still carries on the above business at his well known stand, with a new shop and new cards, and thinks he cao suit the most par ticular. GEO. JENNINGS. Meshoppen, Juae 15th 1867. —v6n45-3t. MANHOOD AND YOUTHFUL VIGOR are re gained by HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BCCHU. IIELMBOLD'S FLUID EXTRACT BUCHU is pleasant iu taste and odor, free from all injurious properties, and immediate in its action. SHATTERED CONSTITUTIONS RESTORED by Helmbola'B Extract Buchu, TAKE NO MORE UNPLEASANT AND UN SAFE REMEDIES for unpleasant and dungerou iseas-s. Use Helmbold's Extract Buchu and lau Sewed Rese Wash, BRICK! BRICK! The subscriber has now on hand and, will 4 hereaf ter constautly keep FOR SALE A FINE LOT of SMOOTH WELL BURNED BRICK, at his brick yard opposite Palen A Bros, new Tannery, JA" TUA'A'JIA A'AV TA. which will be sold cheap, and in quantities to suit purchasers. H. W, RHODES. v6n47-tf. pEnuvijakfj SYnur*. A PROTECTED SOLUTION OF THE PROTOX IDE OF IRON supplies the blood with its LIFE ELEMENT, IRON, giving strength, vigor and new life to the whole system, If the thousands who are suffering from DrsrEP SIA. DEBILITY, FEMALE WEEKNESS, AC., would but test the virtues of the PERUVIAN SVRUP, the effect would not only astonish themselves bat would please all their friends ; lor instead of feeling cr^ss ) "all gone" and miserable, they would be cheerful, vigorous and active. A DISTINGUISHED JURIST WRITES TO A FRIEND AS FOLLOWS: I have tried the the PERUVIAN SYRUP, and the re sult fully sustain your prediction. It has made a NEW NAN" of me, inlused into my system new vigor aud energy ; lam no longer tremulous and debili tated, as when you last saw me, but stronger, heart ier, and with laiger capacity tor labor, mental and physical, than at any time during the last five years." Thousands have been changed by the use of this remedy from tccak, sickly, suffering creatures, to strong, healthy, and happy men and women ; and invalids cannot reasonably hesitate to give it a trial. The genuine has "Peruvian Syrup" blown in the glass. A 32 page pamphlet will be sent free J P. DINSMORE, Proprietor, No. 36 Dey St., New York. Sold by all Druggists. SCROFULA. The Rev. George Storrs, of Brooklyn, N.Y. says in the Bible Examiner, byway of apology for pub lishing a medical certifieate in his magazine, of the cure of his only son, of Scrofula, "after dissolution appeared inevitable." "We publish this statement "not for pay. but iu gratitude to God who hat an swered prayer, and injustice to Dr. Anders ; be "ing satisfied that there is virtue in the Jodtne Wa "ter treatment, which the readers of this Magazine "will thank its editor for for bringing to their no tice," Circulars free. Dr. H. Aoders' lodine Water is for sale by J. P. DINSMORE, Proprietor, 36 Dey St., N. Y., and y all Druggi sis. ENFEEBLED AND DELICATE CONSTITU TIONS, of boih soxes, use llelmbold's Extract, Bu chu. It will eerisk andgive energetic feelings and enable you to sleep well. HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU gives health and vigor to tbe frame and Llooui to the palid cheek. Debility is accompanied by many alarming symptoms, and if no treatment is submitted to, con sumption ihsantity, or epileptic fits ensue. IIELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU and im prove Rose Wash cures secret and delicate disorders in al their stages, at little ex;nse, little or no changciu diet, no iuconvomence and no exposure. It is pleas ant in ta.-te and odor, immediate in its action, and free from all injurious properties. HELMBOLD'S CONCENTRATED EXTRACT BU CHU, Is the Great Diuretic. HELMBOLD'S CONCENTRATED EXTRACT SARSAPARILLA Is the Great Blood Purifier. Both are prepared according to rules of Chemistry and Bburmacy, and are the most active that can be made. TIELMJiOLD'S FLUID EXTRACT BUOHU Is a certain cure lor diseases of the BLADDER, KIDNEYS, GRAVEL. DROPSY, OR GANIC WEEKNESS. FEMALE, COMPLAINTS, GENERAL DEBILITY, and all diseases of tbe URINARY ORGANS, whether existing in MALE OR FEMALE, from whatever cause originating and no matter of HOW LONG STANDING. Diseases of these organs require the use of a diuretic If no treatment is submitted to, Consumption or Insanity may ensue. Our Flesh and Blood are sup ported from these sources, and the HEALTH AND HAPPINESS, and that of Posterity, depends upon prompt use of a re liable remedy. HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCIIU, Established upwards of 18 years, prepared by 11. T IIELMBOLD, DRUGG TST, 504 Broadway, New York, and 104 South 10th Street,Philadelphia,Pa v6n29-lv, PEBF, J BEILIKBHOF" BARBER AND HAIR-DRESSER Takes plensu -e in announcing to bis old customers and the public, generally, that he has now secured the services as an assistant —ot 0 ||IRST LATE FROM PARIS, Those wishing o good shave or other work in his line can now be accommodated without the vexatious deli ys experienced at "one horse" shops. SHAMPOOING, HAIR-CUTTING, DRESSING, DYEING, CURLING, Ac., Ac. done in the best style and at reasonable rates. TOMA'DBS, TEEF UMEET and EX TEACTS, always on hand, an 1 for sale at the old stand on Tioga Street. , J BERLINGHOF Tunkhannock, Pa ; Feb. 12, 1867—v6n2?-tf.. CONSUMPTION CURABLE BY DR SL'HENC&'S MEDICINES, TO CURE CONSUMPTION the system must be prepared so that the lungs will heal. To accom plish this, the liver and stomach must cleans ed and an appetite created for good wholesome food which, by these medicines will be digested properly and good healthy blood made ; thus building up the constitution. SCIIEXCK'S .MANDRAKE PILLS cleanse the stomache of all bilious or mucous accu mulations; and, by using the Sea Weed Tonic in connection, the appetite is restored. SCHENCK'S PULMONIC SYRUP is nutricious as well as medicinal, and, by using the three reme dies, all impurities are expelled from the system,and good, wholesome blood made, which will 1 repel al disease. If patients will tak" these medicines ac cording to directions. Consumption very frequently in its last stage yields readily to their notion. Take the pills frequently, to cleanse the liver and stom ach. It does not follow that because the bo"wals are not costive they are not required, for sometimes i diarrhoea chey are necessary. The stomach must be kept healthy, and an appetite created to allow the Pulmonic Syrup to act on the respiratory organs properly and allay any iiritation. Then all that i required to perform a permanent cure is, to prevent taking cold, Exercise about the rooms as much as possible, eat all the richest food—fat meat, game and, in fact, anything the appetite craves j but be particular and masticate well. v€nl2-2ndw ee-of-. WYOMING REPUBLICAN, The publication of this paper will be resumed by Albert F. Yost, recently co-publisher of the COLOM BIA COUSTT REPUBLICAN, about the beginning of August. proximo, at Tunkhanuock, Pa., and will appear thereafter regularly every week. It will be the aim hf its proprietor 1o make the Wyoming Republican a lire local journal, devoted to home and general interests.Republican in politics, and high-urned in its discussion of men and measures and a NEWS paper in the full sense of the term. Terms of subscription $2 00 per year. For advertising rates address the proprietor, IRA AVERT, Esq., is authorized ro receive money Ac- for subscription, who can be addressed at Tunk hannock, Pa. ALBERT F. YOST, Proprietor, Bleomsburg, Pa. July 9th 1867—3tim*s. Quarterly Report of the Wyoming nation al Bank, Tutikhantiock Pa, July Ist 1867. RESOURCES. Loans and discounts #92,247,03 Furniture and Fixtures 1,500,00 Premiums Paid, 3.000 00 Remifanees and other Cash Items, 601.67 Due from National Banks. 21,399,83 U.S. Bonds deposited to Secure circulation 100,000,00 Government Securities on hand 26,1C0,00 National currency 300,00 Legal Tender including Fractional currency and compound Interest Notes 26 840,72 261,989,30 LIABILITIES. Capital Stock, #100,000.00 Surplus Profit 4,000.00 Circulation, 89,862,03 Deposits, 64 827,32 Due other National Banks, 2,919.32 Profit and Loss 380,66 • 261,989,30 Wyoming Couaty S S. I, Samuel Stark Cashier, do swear that the above is a correct statement from the books of said Bank. SAMUEL STARK. Sworn and Subscrio ed before use, this 7th day of July 1867. F. C. ROSS, Notary Publjp, List of Persons drawu to serve as Jurors lor August Term, 1H67. GRAND JURORS. C'inton —Wm. Perigo, Eaton—James Croop, Andrew J. Fruthey, Exeter —Samuel 11. Sickler Jr. Falls —Cha. . 3 Dewitt, Michael Walter, Leuion —Natlian Keiin, Meshoppen-Nathan Welles, Erastus Bowman, Mehoopany—Frank Vaughn, Geo llenuing, C, L. Vaughn, Parrish, Lewis MaAustin, Nicholson—Henry L. Harding, Wm, 0. Gardner, Wm. Steel, Lemuel Harding, Northinoreland—John Ellsworth, North Branch—Charles Dewolf, Windham— Charles Fasse't, James Gordon, Washington—Charles Place, Wesley Crawford, PETIT JURORS. Braintrini—Philip Thomas, John S. Lum. Clinton—Warren Briggs, Eaton—John D. Rogers, Marklin Robinson, Exter—Simeon Gy, W. G'oolbaugh Forketon —O. B. Vose, Falls—A. T Dewitt, Lemon—Lawrence Clouse, W. Reynolds,Benj. P. Carver. .Meshoppen—-N. P. Dunlap John Gay, Meboopany—S. K. Smith, John Hahn, John Maynurd.Rufus Decker, VV. M. Jennings. A. K. Farr Monroe—Daniel Morgan, Nicholson—Dan'l. Decker, John Gillroy, Northmoroland—Joseph Daily, Edwaad Kirkhain, Ilenry Webb, North Branch—-Patrick Kinsley, Overfield—C. A. Pat.-ek, J W. Hunter, Tunk. Tp.—Frank Decker, Jas. H. Sampson, Tunk Boro - George Fetzer, Windham—Jacob Williams, Washington—-Ruel Williams, G. B. Tosburg- Chas. Kintner. JPOK SALE, • TWO TOP BUGGIES, ONE NEARLY NEW F0 R $2 0 0 ONE BUT SLIGHTLY WORN, FOR 8150. Will be sold for cash or exchanged for bark. PALEN BROS. Tunk June 24th 1667.—\6n46-tf. GET THE BEST m,WEBSTER'S DICTIONARY. UNABRIDGED NEW ILLUSTRATED OVER 3.000 FINE ENGRAVINGS. 20,000 Words and Meanings not in other Diction aries. A necessity to every intelligent family, student, teacher and professional man. "THU NEW WEBSTER is glorious—it is perfect—it distances and defies competition—it leaves netting to be desired " — J. H Raymonl, LL. D-. Pres. of Vassar Coll "All young persons should have a standard Dic tionary at their elbows. And while you are about it GET THE BEST; that Dictionary is NOAH WEBSTER'S —the great work unabridged If you aro too poor, save the amount from off your back to put into your head." PHRENOLOGICAL JOURNAL. "Every FARMER should give his sons two or three square rods of ground, well prepared, with the avails of which they may buy it. Every MECHANIC should put a receiving box in some conspicuous Dlace in the house to caich the stray pennies for the like purpose. Lay it upon you table by the side of the Bible ; it is a better expounder than many which claim to be expounders. It is a great labor-saver ; it has saved us time enou: h to in one year's use to pay for itself ; and that must be deemed good property which will clear itself ouce a year. It you have any doubt about the precise meaning of the word CLEAR, in the last sentence, look at Webster's nine definitions ot the v. T."—MASSACHUSETTS LIFE BOAT Jn ono vol of 1,840 Royal Quarto Pages. Published by G. A C. MEHRIAM, Springfield, Mass. Sold by all Booksellers. v6n43 tf. ALLCOCK'S POROUS PLASTERS. ~ Allontown, Penn., April 4, 1965, Messrs. T. ALLCOCK A Co.; Dea. Sirs : —My daughter used one of your Po rous Plasters. She bad a vary bad pain in her side, and it cured her in one week; Yours truly, JOHN V. N. HUNTER. We refer to the Forty Thousand Di ugglsts who sell our Plasters, as to their high sterling char acter. ALLCOCK A CO , Agency, Brandreth Heuse.New York. Sold by all Druggists v6n47-4t # FRIGHTFUL EXECUTION! is done upon thousands of grey heads, by endeavor ing to darken thern with metalic dyes that SCORCH AND BLAST the fibres from tip to root. s3?* Avoid these horri ble DISFIGURING AGENTS, and use only the great toilet staple of America, CRISTADORO'S EXCELSIOR DYE. which not only instantaneously produces all shadts of black and brown, but also nourishes, strengthe and beautifies the hair. Manufactured by J. r TADORO. 6 Astor House. New York, Sold ' gists, Applied by all Hair Dressers. Drug- ERFvORS OF YO T j T ... Ac. Ac,- ACe At rates as luw u con possibly be afforded. N. 3 All professional calls promptly attended. Prescriptions cnretully prepared, pt all times, by one of the Doctors. • J. W. LYMAN, M. D. E, H. WELLB, M. D t6d3S Cm. DR. RHOADS' AND j^'TORX. The largest and most complete Drug Store in TUNKHANNOCK, NEW GOODS FOR EVERYBODY 111 PRICES REDUCED. NOW 18 THE TIME TO BUY l # Just received and for Sale a splendid Stoek if Htto t§oatis, including— meet, litKtl, TARNISHES, DYE STU'FFS, • BRUSHES OF ALL # DESCKIPTIONS, Pocket Books, Hair Tonics, HAIR DYES*. STERLING'S AMBBOSIA, TOOTH DROPS, HAIR OILS, POMADES A PERFUMERIES, FANCY NOTIONS, CONFECTIONERY, STATIONERIES TOBACCO, * HAVANA CIGARS, (REAL.) ABDOMINAL SUPPORTERS, SHOUL DER BRACES, TRUSSES, Ac,, Ac-, A* All the Popular PATENT MEDICINES of the da. j And in fact every imaginable article to a FI&ST StO?®- * PHYSICIAN' * . IW composed RSI iv n't forg*t STOBJ* \ DR. BHOAI^