Local and Personal. Maekere I— At A. B. Mott's. Ken Pork by the pound or bbl., at A. B- Mott ■ Dry Goods, bought since the recent fall in pncM at A. B. Mott's. The Season.— So tar, the present season has been one of the finest ever known for transplanting Cabbage plants. Per #3T,00, you can buy, at the Music Depot of L. B. Powell, Scranton, a Haines Bros Piano, seven octaves, full iron Plate, overstrung bass and other, and other modern improvements. Register In Bankruptcy.— The ScrsntonCity papers announce the appointment, by Chief Justice Chase,of E. N. Willard Esq.,of that city, as the Reg ister in bankruptcy for that Congressional District.— We have not yet learned the appointee for this dis trict Thouaands hare been Changed by tho use of the Peruvian Syrup Syrap (a protoxide of Iron) from weak.'.siekly, suffering creatures, to strong, healthy and happy men and women, and invalids cannot reasonably hesitate to give it R triaL For Dyspepsia and Debility it is a specific. Our Public 9chools were opened on Monday last with an attendance of about 150 pupils We still observe now and then a truant boy around in the streets during school hours. All such, of course, hfcve concluded that ignorance is bliss, and are go ing in for the •' fun." They may find out their mis take when it is too late to correct it. Better go to school boys. Preserving Fur*.—The following for preserv ing furs will interest our lady readers about now :~ One ounce gum camphor, and one powdered shell of red pepper, are macerated in eight ounces ot stroag alchohol for seven days and then strained. With this tincture the furs and clothes are sprinkled over and rolled up in sheets. This remedy is used in Russia, under tho nauie of "Chinese tincture for moths," and is found very effective. The Side-walks—ordered upwards of a year ago. by the borough Authorities, in some few places remains unbuilt; notwithstanding repeated notices have been given that they must be built as directed in the ordinance. We hardly think the persons neg lecting these walks, intend to set themselves above the law, and defy it, but their tardiness subjects their neighbors to much inconvenience } and the authorities, who wish to be lenient, to some trouble. A Fine Residence,—The one owned and late ly occupied, by C M Koon in this Borough, is now offered for sale. The house is in perfect repair with good ban, outhouses, arbors, cistero and other conveniences . The fruit and flower garden compris ing about three fourths of an acre is the best in town. Price reasonable and terms easy. For particulars Inquire at this office or of the owner at Montrose Pa Murder at Scranton,— The Scranton papers record a mcst brutal and cold-blooded murder. On Tuesday night or on Wednesday morning last, Dr. J D. Durkin, the victim, who had a suite of rooms and office in Zeidler's Block, on the principal street, re tired to his bed it about 10 o'clock P. M, On the next day, was found lying in a pool of blood cn the floor, with'his skull broken in. A large stone which appealed to bare been the instrument used for the the murder, was found in the room. The murdered man is reputed to hare had several hundreds cf dol lars in money about his person, not a cent of which could be found. No clue has yet been discovered as to the perpetrator of crime. Magnificent Literary Fabric, —Webster's Quarto Dictionary has passed through various edi tions, each aa improvement upon and an enlarge ment of the preceding, uutil it has culminated in the present magnificent literary and linguistic fabric.— The reputation cf this work is not confined to America. We find it stated that in the Alexandro case, tried in the Court of Exchequer at Westminis ter Hall, under purely English law, no other dic tionary, English or American, was quoted or alluded to than bis. The Lord Chief Baron, in Lis decision, proncunced ''Webster's Dictionary a work of the greatest learnins, research, and ability." Besides the numerous illustrations with which the volume is interspersed, there are at the end sixty-seven pages of the most finished pictorial illustrations, represen ting almost every concsivable object in nature, sci ence, and art. It would be unnecessary, if we were competent to the task, to subject this work to a criti cal analysis. Its repunation is firmly established.— It is built upon a ruck, and can bid defiance to any petty storm that the critics can raise.— Richmond Whig, May 8, 1866. Our First Pareulß,-having eaten of the fruit of the forbidden tree, in the Garden of Eden, and there by incurring the displeasure of the Almighty, from that time, henceforth and forever were—themselves and their posterity, subjected to certain onerous bur dens and severe penalties. (For particulars, see first chapters of Genesis). We have often thought, on seeing a woman toilieg orer a steaming wash-tub and board, that the task of washing should have been mentioned, among the other pains and penalties then and there incurred ; but since seeing the operations of Mr. L. R, Little of N. Y., with his Pateat Washing Machine—who, to show it up , washed some of our dirty linen—we fina that much of this drudgory can be entirely avoided ; and therefore, we propose no amendment to Moses' account, the event spoken of. This machine certainly will, without any hand ruhbmg at all, make dirty clothes look clean and bright. We hopo the proprietor of the patent may make sale of it, to some enterprising business man here who will see that one finds its way into ev ery house in the county. For, as washing ia the old laborious way, was not among the primal penal ties imposed upon woman, we hope they may all avoid as much of ita wear and tear as possible. Improvements.--One of the best evidences of the increasing prosperity and growing enterprise of our town, is the necessity for, and the substitution of, machinery, in performing that which has here tofore been done by the drudgery of manual labor. But a year ago. such a thing as a planing machine was unknown, and ulmost unheard of by most of our citisens. We now have three planets, with all the accompanying labor saving machinery, in full opera tion, among us. Mr. D. L Peckham A Co. on Court House Square who were the pioneers in this class of improvements) cava a good shop, where. Planing, Moulding, Mor ticing and job work in wood of all kinds is neatly, accurately and expediously done by improved machi nery and steam. Mr. James Young, north of the Conrt House square has just set up and has now in full operation, a new first-class engine, with planers, sash, blind and door machinery. In short, he has just such an establish ment as has long been needed here ; and one which. While t is a great convenience to the publie ; must prove remueratire to its energetic proprietor.' Miller A Avery, at their Foundry and Macuine- Bhop in the upper end of town, have added one of eargest and best planers now in uie. This firm besides planing, matching, circular and scroll work in wood; continue to manufacture ali k{alg 0 J farming,mplements tools and machines. Being ex penencfd and practical machinists and tool mL" S-Tf . ~m engine do.n " o boot-jnek, for wrfectn.n ,„ d tollb ~ nn uMd *py fbop 10 tb# country Married PARRISH—COUDRY—In Tuakhannock, the 4th iast by the Rev. C. R. Lane, Oliver L. Parrish Esq., Register and Recorder ot Wyoming County , Pa. and Miss Mattie 0 Coodry, Died- in Washington twpT. of hesnorage of the Innga, on Sunday, the 2d inst. Wilber Ruseell Esq., in the 59th year of his age GKANI) CELEBRATION OF THE NINETY-THIRD ANNIVERSARY OF AMERICAN INDEPENDENCE AT TUNKHANNOCK, PA. Thursday, July 4th, 1867 AT II O'CLOCK, A. M., o The 4th of Jsly next, will be celebrated at Tunk bannock, by LAYING THE CORNER STONE OF THE NEW PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, WITH MASONIC CEREMONIES. 0 The DECLARATION OF INDEPENDFNCE will be read, and_an appropriate oration delivered by a DISTINGUISHED SPEAKER, FROM ABROAD. At the close of the ceremonies, a A DINNfciR, ICE CREAM, and other refreshments will be served by the La dies ; the proceeds of which are to be appropriated to the furnishing of the new Church. The TUNKHANNOCK BRASS BAND will lead the procession and furnish music for the occasion. Adjoining Lodges, and individnal members of the Fraternity are oordlally invited tj participate in the ceiemonies in full Masonic Regalia. A pleasant aud interesting day may be anticipated ALL ARE INVITED TO ATTEND.. THE HEAD OP A COMET. according to Milton, is rendered tenfold more terri ble by its "Horiid Hair," • and there are thousands of fiery human heads which might be rendered charming by simply changing their tint to a mellow brown, or a perfectly natural black with CRISTADORA'S HAIR DYE. It is ridiculous fo earry into society a grey, sandy or carrotty head, when five minutes wonld render it as attractive os Nature could have made it in her hap piest mood. Manufactured by J. CRISTADORO, 6 Astor House, New York, Sold by druggists. Ap | plied by all Hair Dressers. IMPORTANT QUALITIES, BRAN. DRETH'g PILLS SO STIMULATE al the interior powers of the system that every poison or impurity is forced frem the blood into the bowels and thus passes off. Recent cases of sickness will often be cured by the effect of 6 or 8 Brandreth's Pills, which, when the operation is full and complete leave the blood as free from poisonous and unhealthy matter as that of a new born babe, In colds, inflam matory diseases, and even in cholera, their use re stores to health sooner than all other remedies, be cause they take from the blood and bowels thoso matters upon which pains,cramps, and aches depend for continuance. Captain Isaac Smith, of Sing Sing, says, thirty of Brnndreth's Pill, taken according to directions, cur ed him of a very severe bronchial affection after other means had failed, and he wishes his numerous friends to know the fact. Brandreth's Pills, Principal Office. Brandrelh House. New York. Sold also by all Druggists. See my name on Government stamp, without which the pills are spurious* B. BRANDRETH. GET THE BEST WEBSTER'S DICTIONARY. UNABRIDGED NSW ILLUSTRATED OVER 3,000 FINE ENGRAVINGS. 20,000 Word* and Meaning* not in other Diction aries. A necessity to every intelligent family, student, teacher and professioual man. "THE NBW WEBSTER is glorious-it is perfect—it distances aod defies competition—it leaves notning to be desired."— J. H Raymond, LL. D-, Pre*, of Vassar Coll "All young persons should have a standard Dic tionary at their elbows. And while you are about it GET THE BEST; that Dictionary is NOAH WEBSTER'S the great vork unabridged If you are too poor, save the amount from off your back to put into your head." PHRENOLOGICAL JOURNAL. "Every EARNER should give hi? sons two or three square rods of ground, well prepared, with the avails of which they may buy it. Every MECHANIC should put a receiving box in some conspicuous nlace in the house to catch the stray pennies for the like purpose. Lay it upon you table by the side of the Bible ; it is a better expounder than many which claim to be expounders. It is a great labor-saver ; it has saved us time enough to in one year's use to pay for itself ; and that must be deemed good property which will clear itself ouce a year. It you have any doubt shoot the precise meaning of the word CLEAR, in the last sentence, look at Webster's nine definitions of the v. T."—MASSACHUSETTS LITE BOAT. In ono vol of 1.840 Royal Quarto Pages. Published by G. A C. MERRIAM, Springfield, Mass. Sold by all Booksellers. v6n43 tf. MANHOODS How I.oet, How Restored, S/'tTftm ust published, a new edition of Dr / off r " lvpr " r * tl ' a Celebratrd Ehsay JESCSr 00 'be radical cure( without medicine) of Sperm atorrhac. or Seminal Weakness, Involuntary Seminal Losses, Impoteacy, Mental and Physical In capacity, Impediments to Marriage, etc ; also Con sumption, Epilepsy, and Fits ; induced by self-in dulgence or sexual extravagance. Price, in sealed envelope, only 6 cents. The celebrated author, in this admirable essay, clearly demonstrates from a thitty years successful practice, that the alarming conaequences of self abuse may be radically cured without the danger ous use of internal medicine or the application of the knife—pointing out a mode of cere at once simple certain, and effectual, by means of which every sufferer, no matter what his oonciition may be. may cure himßrlf cheaply, privately, and radically. This Lecture should be in the hands of every youth and every man in the land Sent under seal, to any address, in plain sealed envelope, on the receipt of six cents, or two postage stamps. Also Dr. Culverweil's "Marriage Guide," price 25 cents. Address the publishers, CHAS. J. C. KLINE A CO, 121 Bowery, New York, Post Office Box 4,586 v6ns-l year. FOR NON-RETENTION OR INCONTINENCE of Urine, irritation, infl -mation. or ulceration of the bladder, of kidneys, diseases of the prostrate glands, stone in the bladder, calealue, gravel or brick du st deposits, and all diseases ot the bladder, kidneys, and dropsical swell lings. WM HBUTBOLD'S FLUID EXTRACT ftvonv. ENFEEBLED AND DELICATE CONSTITU TIONS, of both sexes, use Helmbold's Extract, Bu chu. It will eeriak andgive energetic Ceeliogs and eaUe poo to well Special Notices ~ EXCCUTORS NOTICE.' The undersigned has been appointed Executor of the last will and Testament of Lewis Whitlook, late of Northmoreland Tp. doc'd. All persons having demands against said estate will present the same to the subscriber at his residence in said township, duly authenticated for settlement ; and all persons in debted to said estate, are reqaested to make prompt payment. A. 0. LUTES, Ex'r. of LEWIS WHITLOCK, dec'd. Northmoreland, May 20th 1867.—v6n41-6w. Auditor's Notice. In real estate of Jacob Flu.mm.er felt, dec'd. The undersigned having been appointed by the Judges of tho Orphan's Court of the County of Wy oming, an Auditor to distribute the proceeds of tho sale of the Real Estate of Jacob Flummerfolt dec'd., together with any balances in hands of Administra tor of said decedent; will attend to the duties of his appointment at his office in Tunkhannoek Wy oming Co. Pa. ; on Thursday the tith day of June, 1867 at which time and place all persons interested are required to prevent their claims or.be debarred from oemiog in for a share ot said assets. May I4th, 1867 HARVEY SICKLER, Auditor. ADMINISTRATORS' NOTICE. LETTERS of Administration, on the estate of William C. Holmes, late of Falls Township, Wyoming Ccuntv, dec'd, having been granted the undersigned—notice is hereby given to all persons indebted to said estate, to make immediate payment; and all persons having claims against said decedent, to present them duly authenticated, for settlement, without delay, to HORACE COLLUM, \ Win. 0. HOLMES, S Adm'n. MANHOOD AND YOUTHFUL VIGOR are re gained by HKLMBOLD'S EXTRACT Leone. HELMBOLD'S FLUID EXTRACT BUCHU is pleasant in taste and odor, free lrom all injurious properties, and immediate in its action. SHATTERED CONSTITUTIONS RESTORED by Helmbola's Extract Buchu. WISTAR'S BAL.SAM OF WILD CHER RY. This remedy has long been cherished by the com munity for its remarkable efficacy in relieving, heal ing and curing the most obstinate, painful and long standing cases of Cough, Cold, Influenza, Sore Throat, Bronchitis, „ Whooping, Congh, Croup, Asthma, Inflammation of the Lungs ; while even Consumption itself has yielded to its magic influ ence when all other means have failed- Its whole historv ) the past has produced no remedy of equal value, as a cure for the numerous and dan gerous pulmonary affections which prevail all over the land. UNSOLICITED TESTIMONY. From ANDRCW ARCHER, Esq., of Fairfield, Me, "About eight years since my son, Henry A. Ar cher, now Postmaster at Fairfield, Somerset Co , Me., was attacked with spitting of blood, cough, weakness of Lungs and general debility, so much so that our family physician declared him to have a "SBATKD CONSUMPTION." He was under medical treatment for a number of months but received no benefit from it. At length, frem the solicitation of himself and others I was induced to purchase one bottle of WIS TAR'S BALSAM OF WILD CHERRY, which ben efitted him so much lobtainod annotber bottle,which in a short time restored him to his usual state of health. I thiok I can safely recommend this reme dy to others in like condition, for it is, 1 think, all it purports to be— THE GREAT LUNG REMEDY FOR THE TIMES ! The above statement, gentlemen, is my voluntary offering to you in favor of your Balsam and is at your disposal." Prepared by SETH W. FOWLE A SON, 18 Tre mont St., Boston, and for sale by Drugggists gener ally. GRACE'S; CELEBRATED SALVE. AMESBUHY , Mass , Oct. 13th 1867, JVfr. Grace— Dear Sir ; —Having been afflicted grievously for several weeks with a severe abscess upon my side. I used several reineil.es for its eradi cation without receiving any relief, until I applied your salve, whicn affected a speedy and permanent cure I therefore feel happy to certify my confi dance ia its virtues. Yours with respect, JAMES BEAN. I certify to the truthfulness of the above statement. H. S- DEBRBORN, M. D. SETH W. FOWLE A SON, Boston, Proprietors. Sold by all Druggists, ai2s cts. a box. liy mail 35cts v6n£l-lmo. HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU gives health and vigor to the frame and bloom to the palid cheek. Debility is accompanied by many al&rmiug symptoms, and if no treatment is submitted to, con sumption insantity, or epileptic fits ensue. TAKE NO MORE UNPLEASANT AND UN SAFE REMEDIES for unpleasant and dangerou iseasis. Use Uelmbeld's Extract Buctiu and Imt -m wed Rose Wssh. TO CONSUMPTIVES. The advertiser, having been restored to health in a f w weeks by a very simple remedy, after having suffered for several years with a severe lung affec tion, imd that dread disease ConFura ption—ls anx ious to make known to his fellow-sufferers the means of cure. To all who desire it, he will send a copy of the prescription used (free of charge,) with the direc tions for preparing and using the same which they will find a cure for Consumption, Asthma, Bronchitis Coughs, Colds, and all Throat aad Lung Affections. The Only object of the advertiser in 'sending the Prescription is to benefit the afflicted, and spread information which he conceives to be invaluable, and he hones every sufferer will try his remedy, as it will cost them nothing, and may prove a blessing. Parties wishing the prescription, free, by return mail, will please address REV. EDWARD A. WILSON, Williamsburg, Kings Co., New York. 6vn4o HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU and improve Rose Wash cures secret and delicate disorders in al their stages, at little expense, little or no changein diet, no inconvenience and no exposure. It is pleas ant in taito nnd odor, immediate in its action, and free from all injurious properties. HELMBOLD'S CONCENTRATED EXTRACT BU CHU, Is the Great Diuretic. HELMBOLD'S CONCENTRATED EXTRACT SARSAPARTLLA Is the Great Blood Purifier. Both are prepared according to rules of Chemistry And Bb&rmacy, and are the most active that can be nade. THE GLORY OF MAN IS STRENGTH.—There ore the nervous and debilitated should immediately nse IIELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUOHIT. HELMBOLD'S FLUID EXTRACT BUCHU Is a certain cure for diseases of the BLADDER. KIDNEYS, GRAVEL. DROPSY, OR GANIC WEEKNESS, FEMALE, COMPLAINTS. GENERAL DEBILITY, and all diseases of the URINARY ORGANS, whether existing in MALE OR FEMALE, from whatever cause originating and no matter of HOW LONG STANDING. Diseases of these organs require tho use of a diuretic If no treatment is submitted to, Consumption or Insanity may ensue. Our Flesh and Blood are sup ported from these sources, and the HEALTH AND HAPPINESS, and that of Posterity, depends upon prompt use of a re liable remedy. HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU; Established upwards of 18 years, prepared by H. T HELNBOLD, DRUGGIST, 594 Broadway, New York, and 104 Sontb 10th Street, Philadelphia,Pa v6n?9-lv. FARMERS AND MECHANICS Take Notice, SURFACE PLAkING and MATCHING, CIRCULAR and SCROLL SAWING . ALL KINDS of MACHINERY repair in good style PLOWS, HARROWS, CULTIVA TORS, HORSE-HOES, ROLLERS, aid SCRAPERS, on hand or to order. Power and hand Cornshellers; and Farming tools generally, MILLER a AVERT, vfin43-Iy. MRS. T. A MILLER Would respectfully inform her friends end the La dies generally that she has just received a well se lected stock of'SPRfN and SUMMER milineey mms) which wjll be sold at the LOWEST CASH PRICES. N. B.—Mrs. Miller is receiving goods weekly, ee that all who favor her with their potronage, will he sure to get the LATEST STYLES. ROOMS on Warren St. opposite Wright's Store. MRS. T. A. MILLIE. Tonk., Pa., May 15, '67.—v6n40-tf DR. RHOADS' AND Variety j^TORK. The largest aud most complete Drug Store in TUN KUAN NOCK, NEW GOODS FOR EVERYBODY II! PRICES REDUCED. NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY 1 Just received and for Sale a splendid Stock ef Ith) flpooiis, Including— os ces, FAINTS, YARNIS HB3, DYE STU'FFS, BRUSHES OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS, Pocket Books, Hair Tonics, HAIR DYM, STERLING'S AMBBOSIA, TOOTH DROPS, HAIR OILS, POMADES A PERFUMERIESj FANCY NOTIONS, CONFECTIONERY, STATIONERIES TOBACCO, HAVANA CIGARS, (REAL.) ABDOMINAL SUPPORTERS, SHOUL DER BRACES, TRUSSES, Ac,, Ac., All the Popular PATENT MEDICINES of the da.y And in fact every imaginable article belonging to a FIRST GLASS DRUG /STORE. PHYSICIANS' PRLSRCIPTION3 carefully compounded at all hours of the day and night, Don't forget to call at DR. RIIOADS' DRUG STORE. v6n37tf. Tunkhannoek,Pa. TIE 111 SIM CITTE E Manufactured by W M. FLICKNER, At TUJVA'EAJVATOCE, Ta. who has the exclusive right for Wyoming County, ia one of the very few Machines that will cut Ilav, Straw, Stalks. Ac., better than the old fashioned Cutting boxes, used by our grand fathers. Those who value time and labor ; aad would avoid a needless loss of both, in feeding their stock, should get one of these improved Cutters. No man ever found any thing better ; or ever went back to the old machine after a tuai of it, A SUPPLY CONSTANTLY ON HAND, and IVM. FLICKNER. ▼6nS9tf. A TEMPLE LODGE, NO. 248 The next REGULAR COMMUNICATION ' Y \ of Temple Lodge, No. 248, A/Y. M.,will be bold at their Hall, in Tunkhannoek, on Monday 10 inst,. at 6| o'clock P. M. A general Attendanee is requested. W T AMONTE . mnumn (hkymk MRS. BARDWELL is now receiving a splendid stock of SPRING A SUMMER Goods of filth* now est SHAPES of FELT sod VELVET HATS for LADIES aod CHIL* DREN. Also BONNETS, VELVET RIBBONS, FLOWERS, aid FEATHERS, end a full assortment of FANCY GOODS. at prices to defy competition. All the latest styles of paper patterns, SLEEVES, CLOAKS, JACKETS. & C., &C.J /bom MADAME DEMO EES 7. Dressosjmade, cut and basted at tho shortest notice. MRS. BARDWELL. Tnnkhannock, May. 22, 18g7.—vgn41-tf. NOW OPENED. | I " T ▲. B. MOTT. THE CORNER STORE, FORMERLY OCCUPIED BY HENRY STARK. IN TUN KHANNOCK, PA. A NEW STOCK A NEW STOCK A NEW STOCK A NEW STOCK OF SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS consisting of consisting of consisting of consisting ot DRY GOODS DRY GOODS DRY GOODS DRY GOODS DRESS GOODS DRESS GOODS DRESS GOODS DRESS GOODS GROCERIES" GROCERIES GKOCERIE3 GROCERIES PAINTS AND OILS PAINTS AND OILS PAINTS AND OILL PAINTS AND OILS HATS AND CAPS HATS AND CAPS HATS AND CAPS HATS AND CAPS CARPETING CARPETING CARPETING CARPETING Ac.'Ac.JfAo, Ac., Ac., Ac, Ac., Ac., Ac., Ac., Ac., Ac., In large quantities and at reduced prices. • A. B. MOTT. Tuok. May 1, '66—v6038 tf. T ° °mm^L H l? hSES TOBIAS' DERBY CONDITION POWDERS ARE warranted superior to any others, or no pay, for tho cure of Distemper. Worms- Bote, Coughs, Hide bound, Cold, Ac,, in Horses ; and Colds, Coughs, Loss of Milk, Black Tongue, Horn Distemper, Ac., in Cattle, These Powders were formerly put up by Simpson I Tobias, son of Dr. Tobias and, since his death, the demand has been so great for them, that Dr Tobias, has continued to manufacture them, They are perfecOy safe and innocent, no need of stopping the working of your animals. They in crease the appetite, give a fine coat, cleanse the stomach and uniary organs : also increase the milk of cows, Try them, and you will never be without them. Hiram Woodruff, the celebrated trainer of trotting horaes, has used them for yeirs, and recom mends Mem to his friends. Col. Philo. P Bush, of the Jerome Race Course, Fordham. N. Y., would not use them until he was told of what they are com- Eosed, since which he is never without them. He as over 20 running horses in his chargo . and for the last three years has used no other medicine for them. Over 1,000 other references can' be seen at the depot. Sold by Druggists and Saddlere. Price 25 cents per bo*- Depot, 56 Cortlandt Street, New York. v6n36-7wks. SCHENL'B SEAWEED TONIC. • Thii medicine, invented by Dr. J. H. SCHRSCK, of Philadelphia, is intended to disolve the food and make it into chyme, the first process of digestion.— By cleansing the stoma.b with Schenck's Mandrake Pills, the Tonio soon restores the appetite, and food that could not be eaten before using it will be easily digested. Consumption cannot be cared by Schenck's Pul monic Syrup unless the stomach and liver is made ealthy and the appetite restored , hence the Tonic and pills arn required in nearly every case of con consumjition, A half doren botties of the SEA WEED TONIC and three or four boxes of the MAN DRAKE PILLS will cure any ordinary case of dys • pepeia. | Dr. SCHBMCK makes professional visits in New I York/Boston, and at his principal Office in Philadel ' phia every •eek. See daily papers of each place,or pamphlet on consumption for his days for visiter | tion. Please observe, when purchasing, that the two likenesses of the Doctor, ene when in the last stage of Consumption, and the other as he nowjs, in per | feet health, are on the Government stamp. Sold by all Druggists and Dealers, price 1150 pe bottle, or 17 50 the half dozen. All letters for ad vice should be addressed to Dr SCHENCK'S Principal 0 ee, No, 15 North gth Street, Philadelphia. Pa. eneral Wholesale Agents : Dem&s Barnes A Co N. Y.; S. S. lfance. Baltimore, Md ; John D ! Parks, Cincinnati, Ohio ; Walksr A Taylor Chicago | 111; Colline Bros St, ] *gul4-lt ly. Drug: Store TUNKHANNOGK. NEW FIRM, LYMAN & WELLS. Dr. Lyman respectfully announces that hi kM takes Dr. E. H. Wells as m partner is the DRUG BUSINESS, and that thej will continue to keep A COMPLETE ASORTMENT, In their line, at the old stand of J. W. Lyman 4 Co,, on Tioga St. We caunot enumerate articles, bat it is oar in tea- * tion to present a WELL SELECTED AND RELIABLE STOCK adapted to this market, and merUiag the atten tion of all who desiro MEDICINES, PERFUMERY, PAINTS, j DYE STUFFS, dee. die. Ac, At rates as low as eaa possibly be afforded. N. B.—All professional calls promptly attended. Prescriptions carefully prepared, at all times, by one of the Doctors. J. W. LTMAN, M. D. E, H. WELLS, U. D. v6n396in. Mercantile Appraisement for 1867. The nndersigned having been appointed mercan tile appraiser for the County of Wyoming, for the year 1967, hereby certifies the following to bo a cor rect liet ot assessment of retailers in foreign Mer chandise, with tbeir name,, clan, and rate in tho several Townships, in the said Cennty, to wit: CLASS. SAKES. RATI, BRAINTRIM. 13 B. Edwards A Son, 010,00 13 Stephens A Taylor, 10,00 13 B. Wakeman A Co* 10,00 13 E. Waltm&n A Co. * 10,00 14 Sam'l Meal. * 700 14 A. Piatt • 7,00 CLINTON. 12 Frear, Dean A Co, 12,i0 12 W. Gardner Son, 12,50 13 W. Briggs A Son. 10,00 13 Ingham A Broadbent, 10,00 13 W. A. Dean, IW.OO 14 H. 5. How, 7,00 EATON. 14 E. Wheelock A Co. 7,00 14 J. V. Carpenter. 7,00 FALLS -14 C. Sherwood, 7,00 13 S.G.Miller, 10,00 14 H- Evans, ' 7,00 14 A. W. Mahon, 7.00 14 Montanye A Co. 7,00 FORKSTON* 14 A. P. Burgess, 7,00 14 G. H. Burgess, 7,00 14 Hitchcock A Kobinsen, 7,00 LEMON. 13 Henry Harris, 10,00 MEHOOPANY. 11 J- T. Jennings A Co. 15-00 14 H, Love. 700 13 W. H. Barnes, 10.00 13 Sturderant A Goff 10,00 14 Wm. Jennings, 7,00 MESHOPPEN. 10 Sterling A Loomis, 20,00 12 D. Ilankinr on, 12 SO 12 E. Meritt, 12J/0 14 S. U. Jenkins 7,00 14 J. M. Robinson, 700 14 Jacob Hallow, 7,00 MONROE. 14 E. Montross, 7,00 14 A. D. C. Clark, 7,00 14 A. S. Carey A Bros: 7,t0 14 Keaben Parks, 7.00 NICHOLSON. 12 Wiloox A Driggs, 12,50 12 C. C. Birge. 12,60 12 Taylor A Walker, 12,60 .12 O. L. Halstead, 12,50 13 Risley A Kellog. 10,00 14 J. D. Hewitt, 7,00 14 Squire A Billings, 7,00 15 Wm. 0. Gardner A Co. 10,00 r NORTHMORELAND. 13 Levi Winters 10,00 13 H.Keeier, 10.00 - 13 Carey A Bros, 10,00 NORTH BRANCH. 14 E. S, Bowan, 7 00 14 E. W. Sprftg. 7,00 TUNK. BORO. 11 F. C. Bunnell A Bannatyne, 15,00 12 D. Wright, 12: M 13 Rose Mills A Co. 10 00 I 12 A. B. Mott, 12,10 12 Sherman A Lathrop, 12.50 14 C. P. Miller, 7,00 14 Frank Sitteer A Co, 7,00 14 George Leighton, 7,00 14 F. G. Osterhout, 7,00 14 Crane A Lull, 7,00 14 John Stemples, 7,00 14 Draper Billings, 7,00 WASHINGTON. 13 Geo. W. Furman A Co, 10,00 13 F. W. Zimmerman 10,00 WINDHAM. 14 H. S. Gravss. 1,00 An appeal will be held at the Court House, in the Borough of Tunkhannock on Saturday. June 29, 18-- 67, for all those who may feel aggrieved by said ap praisement, Wm. F. TERRY, Appraiser of Mercantile Taxes. , Task r* kr>r 7, 1967 ~6n39