Local and Personal* Weed's Improved lock-stitch Sewing Mach o© is now for sale at manufacturer's prices, at P. C. Burn's A Go's. The Loss by the breaking sway of Cyrus and Phi lander Shaw's mill dam at the outlet of Oibow pond on the Bth inst.,to public roads and private property, is estimated at • 13,800. The alove pond is in Lem on twp, in this country. Loyal.— T ° eee a l a,s<)fer P a 7 tl? for a barrel of flour which formerly cost but 35 ; his children rag ged or naked for want of clothing which this extra sl2 would buy before he was made equal to the •unbleached American,' and then to see this same la borer go te the polls and rote for aj "little more of the same sort," Relators Sharpeners,—A truly novel and val uable invention has been exhibited to us by Mr. N. Matey, who has the agency for their sale in this County. This little invention will save a world of scolding by the Ladies on Che subject of dull shears. Mr. Marcy has the sharpeners as well as the County and State rights for sale. A Change has been made by Ross, Mills A Co. in their Store. Most of their Stock of Lry Goods and Groceries having been disposed of. they are filling up with an extensive stock of Hardware and Crock ery of erery description. An establishment of this kind has long been a necessity in our town, and we are glad te see that it is now being supplied by this enterprising firm. Never sinee Noah's flood, within the memory of the eldest inhabitant, has there been such a cold, rainy May. as the present. The old chap is entitled to belief this time. Farmers begin to think that the seedtime and har vest, which is promised to all, will be given, to those only, who have dry sandy soils. We have conclud ed as on a former occasion, to "let it rain." The Columbia House, at Cape May, N. J has been purchased and recently greatly improved, ..by Mr George J. Bolton, of tbe Bolton House, Har risburg. Will be opened, the present season, about tbe 20th June next. This place is destined to be come—if it is not already so—one of tbe most pop ular and attractive sea-side resorts in the country, and tbe Columbia House, with its present proprie tor, one of the most desirable stopping places. A Clergjmau writing to a friend. Bays, "My veyage to Europe is definitely postponed. I have discovered the "fountain of health" on this side of the Atlantic. Three Lotties of the Peruvian syrup have rescued me from the fangs of the fiend Dys pepsia." Dyspeptics should drink from this foun tain. A Merchart that can buy cheap, and therefoie be able to sell cheap, is a benefit to community.— People calling at Sittser's will find that idea of a true merchant, realized in the superior quality of their goods, and their remarkable cheapness. They keep a fine stock of hats—latest styles, boots and shoes to fit every foot, groceries of all descriptions, and a finely selected assortment of calicos will be found there very cheap and substantial. Tbe Republican Standing Committee for the .County of Wyoming, met May 13th inst agree able to Botice, for the purpose of electing a dele - gate to the State Convention to be held at Wil liamsport, in the County of Lycoming on the 26th day of June, 1867. John L. Swetland was elected said delegate on the part of Wyoming County, to represent this Representative district, with power to • substitute. P. M Osterhout and R. P. Ross were appointed Representative Conferees. John Rhodes and H. H. Mitchell, as Senatorial Conferees. R. P. ROSS, H. H, MITCHELL, Sec'y. Bridge Meeting.—At a meeting of Citizens of Wyoming County, beld at the office of Wm. M. Piatt, in the Borough of Tunkeannock. on Friday the 17th inst On motion of Win M Piatt, P B. Baldwin was called to the chair. J. B- Rhoads and Ilarvev Sick.'er were chosen Setretaries. On motion of G. E. Palen, it was Rejoiced. That a public meeting of thd citizens of the County be called, to Convene at the "ourt House, in this Borough, on SATL'RDA Y, 25th inat at 2 o'clock P, M , to take into consideration, meas ures for the reconstruction of the River Bridge at this place, at which all citizens of the County favora bly disposed to toe some, are most cordially invited. Resulted, That notice of the for-going meeting and Resolution oe given by printed hand-hills ; and that the s.iuie be printed in the N. B Democrat. J B. RHODES, P. B. BALDWIN, HARVEY SICKLER, Secty's. President Tvnk,, May 20, '67. .Found Dead.—On Saturbay last,a man, named Patrick Lynch was found dead a short dis tance above the Falls, on tho imide of the towing path. He, with two others, laborers on thwßail Ro;.d, at the Roberts' nrriowg' had been down to the Falls, and imbi bed too much "tangle foot." In going home he fell off the outside of the towing path and roiled down to the river. His friends, as th y say, drag red him up tho slope-wall and left him at the place where he was day found ; supposing him but slightly injured, and that he would revive when bis drunken stupr passed off—no doubt being themselves heavily loaded with the "critter"—they gave themselves no further thought concerning him, until when called betoro an inquest w..ich was call ed upon the body next day. The jury rendered their verdict; died from to a free use of intoxicating liquors, bruises, and expos ures, in accordance with the facts before stated. The Concert given at the M. E. Church on Mon day evening, last, for the benefit of the"*' Ladies Aid Society" was well attended and was therefore all that could have been anticipated, flnaneially. The entertainment, for oue purely musical, was far superior to most of the travelling concerns pat ronized by the public. The music, under the charge of R. P. Ross Esq., was all that ihe most cultivated and eritical ear could demand. Miss Lillie C, Phillips, tor one of her age, certainly exhilited rare musical powers ; and with her alone, the en tertainment would have been a gcod one and well worthy of the public patronage. The other Ladies Miss Pike, Miss Psge, Miss DeWitt ar.d Miss Avery, who took part in the singing and playing, acquitted themselves creditably, and showed'that Tunkhan •ock is not behini h-r sister towns in finely cultiva ted musical talent. Messrs Caskey and Tay lor spiced up the exercises with a few "comicalities" which were well received by the audience. The Biass and String Bands made the entertainment complete as to variety. We understand the Ladies connected with the Presbyterian Church, and ethers, at this place, pro pose get ting up a festival, or dinaer, on ihe 4th of July next, the proceeds of which, are to be applied to tt.e furnishing of their new church, now being built. We shall probably be able to make a more definite announcement as to the arrangements in cur next issue. Died- WuirfocE—l° Northmoreland, in this County, en Friday, the 17th iirst., Lewis Whitlock. in the 84th year of his age. TIONB E h D AND D ® LI °ATE CONSTITU xIONB, of bo.h Helmbold'a Extract, Bu- JJiL *5 ".if" "i 'Special Notices EXECUTOHS NOTICE. The undersigned has been appointed Eiecutor of the last will and Testament of Lewis Whitlock, late of Northmoreland Tp. dec'd. All persons having demands against said estate will present the same to the subscriber at his residence in said township, duly authenticated for settlement ; and all persona in debted to said estate, are requested to make prompt payment. A. 0. LUTES, Ex r. of LEWIS WHITLOCK, dec'd. Northmoreland, May 20th 1867. —v6n4l-6w. Auditor's Notice. In real estate of Jacob Flummerfclt , dec'd. The undersigned having been appointed by the Judges of the Orphan's Court of the Couaty of W y oining, an Auditor to distribute the proceeds of the 1 sale of the Real Estate of Jacob Flummerfelt dec'd., together with any balances in hands of Administra tor of said decedent; will attend to the duties of his appointment at his office in Tunkhannock Wy oming Co. Pa., on Thursday the tiUi day of June, 1867 at which time and place all petsons interested are required to prevent their claims or be debarred from coming in for a share of said assets. May 14th, 1867 HARVEY SICKLER, Auditor. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Letters of Administration have been granted tb® undersigned on the estate of Jacob Dyuiond of Mon roe Township, dec'd. All persons having claims against said decedent, are notified to present them duly authenticated settlement, ana all persons indebted to the same will make payment, without ielay to HELAN DAVENPORT. Lake, Luz. Co. Pa, Apr. 17, 1867. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Wherea9 letters ef Administration haviDg been granted to tbe undersigned on the estate of George W. Grow, late of the Township of Mchoopany deo'd, All persons having claims against said decedent are notified to present them duly authenticated for set tlement, and all persons indebted to the same will tuako payment \\ ithout delay. A LLEN J AYNE, Adm'r. Mehoopany Apr, 10 1867. —V6n36-6w. ADMINISTRATOR S NOTICE. Letters of Administration has been granted tbe undersigned on tbe estate of Charles Johnson, late of Monroe Township, Wyoming Co. dee'd. All persons having claims against said dee'd. aie notifi ed to present them duly authenticated for settle ment, nnd all persons indebted to the same will make payment without delay to CHARLES S HARDING, Mcnroe, Apr. 10, 1867 —v6u36-6w. Adm'r ADMINISTRATORS' NOTICE. LETTERS of Administration, on tbe estate of William C. Holmes, late of Falls Township, Wyoming Ccuntv, dee'd, having been granted the undersigned—notice is hereby given to all persons indebted to said estate, to make immediate payment; and all persons having claims against said decedent, to present thorn duly authenticated, for settlement, without delay, to HORACE COLLUM, ) Win. 0. HOLMES, ) Adm'ra. WISTAR'B BALSAM OF WILD CHER- This remedy has long been cherished by the com munity for its remarkable efficacy in relieving, heal ing and curing the most obstinate, painful and long standing cases of Cough, Cold, In.Jlutn.2a, Sore Throat, Bronchitis, Whooping Congh, Croup, Asthma, Injlainmat ion ot the Lungs-, while even Consumption itself has yielded to its magic influ ence when pl\ other means have failed- Its whole history ) roves.that the past hus produced no remedy of equal valu3, as a cure for the numerous and dan gerous pulmonary affections which prevail all over tbe land. UNSOLICITED TESAIMONY. From ANDREW AUJTIKR, Bsq., of Fairfield, Me, "About eight years since my son, llenry A. Ar cher, now Postmaster at Fairfield, Somerset Co , Me , was attacked with spitting of blood, cough, weakness of Lungs and general debility, so much so thai our family physician declared him to have a ' 'SBATMD CONSUMPTION." Ho was under medical treatment for a number of months but received no benefit from it. At length, freia the solicitation of himself and others I was induced to purchase one bottle of WlB - BALSAM OF WILD C'fIERKV. which ben efitted him so much lobtained annotber bottle, which in a short time restored him to his usual state of health. I thiuk I can safely rccoinuieni this reme dy to others in like condition, tor it is, 1 think, all it purports to be— TAN GREAT LITNO REM EDIT FOB THE I'LMES! The above statement, gentlemen, is my voluntary offering to you in favor of your BaL.im and is at your disposal." Prepared by SEfil W. FOWLE A SON, 13 Tro mont St., Bjston. end for sale by Drugggists gener ally. GKACE'S; CELEBRATED SALVIA, Akesbcrt, Mass , Oct. 13th 1367, Mr. Grace- Dear Sir ; —Having been afflicted grievously for several weeks with a severe abscess upon my si !e. I used several reined.es for its eradi cation wt'hont receiving any relief, until I applied your salve, whicn affected a speedy and permanent care I therefore feel happy to certify my coufi dauce ia its virtues Yours with respect, JAMES BEAN I certify to the truthfulness of the above statement. 11. S- Dkbsburn, M. D. . SETII W. FOWLE A SON, Boston, Proprietors Sold by all Druggists, at2s cts. a box. By mail 35ets v6u4l-lmo. ALLtOIK S POROUS PIASTERS. LAME BACK. New York, Nov. 23. 1859 T. Allcock A Co.—Gentlemen i I lately suffered severely from a weakness in my back. Having heard your plasters much recommended for cases o this kind, I procured one, and the result was all I could desire, A single plaster cuged me in a week Yours respectlully, J. G; BRIGGS, Proprietor of tho Brandreth House, CURE OF CRICK IN THE BACK, AND LUMBA GO. Lyons, N. Y., July 4, 1862. Messrs. Allcock A Co.: Please send me a dollar's worth of yur plasters. They have cured me of a crick in my back, which has doubled me for some t'me, and now my father is going to try them for difficulty about his heart. • L.H. SHERWOOD. Dr Green, No. 863 Broadway, New York, informs us he sold, on Monday, June 22J. 1862, two plasters to a young woman suffering very severely from lum bago. On Thursday she called to get two more for a triend, and then stated how tho two sho had pur chased on Monday had relieved her immediately af ter puttin? them on. and cured her in two days of a most distressing pain in her back and loins. Sold by all Druggists. v6n3B-lmo. TO CONSUMPTIVES. The advertiser, having been restored to health in a few weeks by a very simple remedy, after having sufft red for several years with a severe lung affec tum, and that dread disease ConsumjAion- is anx ious to make knowu to his fellow-sufferers the means of cure. To all who desire it, he will send a copy of the prescription used (free of charge,) with the direc tions for preparing and using the same which they will find a core for Consumption, Asthma, Bronchitis Coughs, Colds, and all Throat and Lung Affections. The only object of the advertiser in sending the Prescription is to benefit the afflicted, and spread information which ha conceives to be invaluable, and he hones every sufferer will try his remedy, as it will cost them nothing, and may prove a blessing. Parties wishing the prescription, free, by return mail, will please address REV. EDWARD A. WILSON, Williamsburg, Rings Co., New York. IvfKJ TUNKHANNOCK Drug Store NEW FIRM, LYMAN & WELLS. Dr. Lynao respectfully announces that he has taken Dr. £■ H. Wells as a partner in the DRUG BUSINESS, and that they will continue to keep A COM PL ETE ASORTMENT, In their line, at the old atand of J. W. Lyman A Co,, on Tioga St. We cannot enumerate articles, but it is our inten tion to present a WELL SELECTED AND RELIABLE STOCK adapted to this market, and meriting the atten tion of all who desire MEDICINES, PERFUMERY, % PAINTS, DYE STUFFS, Ac. Ac. Ac., At rates as low as can possibly be afforded. N. B.—All professional calls promptly attended. Prescriptions carefully prepared, at all times, by one of the Doctors. J. W. LYMAN, M, D. E, H. WELLS, M. D. v60396m. Mercantile Appraisement for 1867. The undersigned having been appointed mercan tile appraiser for the County of Wyoming, for the year 1867, hereby certifies the following to be a cor rect list of assessment of retailers in foreign Mer chandise, with their names. class, and rale in the several Townships, in the said County, to wit: " CLASS. NAMES. BATE, BRAINTRIII. 13 B. Edwards A Son, fIO.UO 13 Stephens A Taylor, 10,00 13 B. Wakeman A Co- 10,00 13 E. Waltman A Co. 10,00 14 Sam'l Neal. 7 00 14 A. Piatt 7,00 CLINTON. 12 Frear Dean A Co, 12.10 12 TV. Gardner a. Son, 12,50 13 W. Briggs A Son. 10,00 13 Ingham A Broadbent, 10,00 13 W. A. Dean, lU.OG 14 U. S. Mow, 7,00 EATON. 14 E. Wheelock A Co. 7,00 14 J. V. Carpenter. 7,00 FALLS. 14 C. Sherwood, 7,00 13 S.G. Miller, 10,00 14 H- Evans, 7,00 14 A. W. M ihon, 7.00 14 Montanye A C, 7,00 FORKSTON -14 A. P. Burgess, 7,00 14 G. 11. Burgess, 7,00 14 Hitchcock A Robinson, 7,00 LEMON. 13 Henry Harris, 10,00 MEHOODANY. 11 J- T. Jennings A Co. 15.00 14 H, Ijove. 700 13 W. 11. Barnes, 10.00 13 SturJerant A Goff 10,00 14 Win. Jennings, 7,00 14 Jacob Hallow, 7,00 MEbHCPPEN. 10 Sterling A Loomts, 26,00 12 D. liankinsoD, 12,50 12 E. Meritt, 12,00 14 S. 11. Jenkins 7,00 14 J. M. Robinson, 700 MONROE. 14 E. Montross, 7,00 14 A D C. Clark, 7,00 14 -A. S, Carey A Bros: 7,C0 14 Reuben Parks, 7.00 15 Wm. O. Gardner A Co. 10,00 NICHOLSON. 12 Wilcox A Driggs, 12,50 12 C. C. Birge. 12,50 12 Taylor A Walser, 12,50 12 O. L. llalstead, * 12,50 13 Risley A Kellog. 10,00 14 J. D." Hewitt, . 7,00 14 Squire A Billings, 7,00 NORTHMORELANI). 13 Levi Winters 10,00 13 ll.Keeler, * 10,00 13 Carey A Bros, 10,00 NORTH BRANCH. 14 E. S, Bowen, 7,00 14 E. W. Spring. 7,00 TUNK. BORO. 11 F. C. Bunnell A Bannatyne, 15,00 12 D. Wright, 12.50 13 Ross Mills A Co. 10,00 12 A. B. Mutt, 12,50 12 Sherman A Lathrop, 12,50 14 C. P. Miller, 7,00 14 Frank Sittser A Co, 7,00 14 George Leighton, 7,00 14 F. G Osferhout, 7,00 14 CniDe A Lull, 7,00 14 John Stemples, 7,00 14 Draper Billings, 7,00 WASHINGTON. 13 Geo W. Furrnan A Co, 10,00 13 F. W. Zimmerman 10,00 WINDHAM. 14 H. S. Graves. 1,00 An appeal will be held at the Court House, in the Borough of Tunkhanoock on Saturday. June 29, 18" 67, for all those who may feel aggrieved by said ap praisement. Wm. F. TERRY, Appraiser of Mercantile Taxes. Tunk. Pa. Apr. 7, 1867.—v6u39. HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU gives health and vigor to the frame and bloom to the palid cheek. Debility is accompanied by many alarming symptoms, and if no treatment is submitted to, cod sumption insautity, or epileptio fits ensue. ~ FOR NON-RETENTION OR INCONTINENCE of Urine, irritation, inflamation, or ulceration of the bladder, of kidneys, diseases of the prostrate glands, stone in the bladder, calculus, gravel or brick dust deposits, and all diseases of the bladder, kidneys, end dropsical swelllings. Vn Himmm'i Fmd hum Bwi. mm i Bin™ ma A LARGE STOCK. OF SPRING # GOODS, JUST RECEIVED AND For Sale CHEtIP. % o % ALLKINDS OF Produce TAKEN IN EXCHANGE FOR GOODS, AT BUNNELL A BANNATYNE'S Tunkhannoch, Pa. ▼su4l. WANTED. TWO GOOD BOYS to leam the Carriage busi ness. One, to learn the Ironing ; and one to learn the palntirg business. None but boys of steady habits need apply.. J. CAMPBELL Tank, Pa. May iltb lt45T -T-6nN si 'OtfJ'eogo lliouuj xoq aad eqato S2 ®3ug •j9[uep puu_sqsi22tu(i {| f taste can afford to do without the Model Monthly. .Single copies, 30 cents ; back numbers, as specimens, 10 cents ; either mailed free. Yearly S3, with a valuable premum ; two copies $5,50 ; three copies, 57,50 ; five copies, sl2, and splendid premiums for clubs at S3 each, with tho first premi ums to each subscriber. Address, W. JENNINGS DEMOREST, No. 473 Broadway New York. Demoret's Monthly aad Young America, togeth er $4; with the premiums for each. v(in4o. • HELMBOLD'S CONCENTBATED EXTRACT BU CHU, Is the Great Diuretic. HELMBOLD'S CONCENTRATED EXTRACT SARSAPARILLA Is the Great Blood Purifier. Both are prepared according to rules of Chemistry and Bharmaoy, and are the most active that can be made. HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU and improved Rose Wash cures secret and delicate disorders in all their stages, at little expense, little or no changein diet, no inconvenience and no exposure. It is pleae , ant in taste and odor, immediate in tm wttan, ml free4hmn aO UQwrfnnrwtP't^—■