fu . T~ New I j ive r y ! AT PA, CORMYA & LEGG, hare opened a new Livery establishment, a few doors from Baldwin's Hotel, where Horses, Carriages, &c., can be obtained AT LIVE AXD LET LIVE PRICES, and the public and passengers can bo accommodated, who desire to go to the Depot, at all times. Give us a call, and be satsfied. F If, CORMYA {■>. J. LEGG. Tunk., Pa. Apr. 15, ISC7.-v6n3(i-tf •&:. MlUCOXfflljffcßß I ll noiseless T AMILY % SWING MACKLNX is the only MACHINE in the world that makes the twisted ioop-stiich, ni;.Kh:g a .Longer stiteh than any other machine now in : e. Alf are invited to c. 11 at IP. S.i&i:.; : ii2iD*3; JEWKI.UY Sl'Oi 15 and examine for than- Ives. At.-> agents for all other machines for Y"y ming t Pa. r. C BURNS & BRO. Tunkhannock, Pa. Ocfc 31. 1563.—v6n12-tf fiKo-cr: 3: i IV V VIV V lE/IT"z&i: c r.;:i os - C: r ' JiTH. fp;j 4Ef-ZZ mi JEWELRY "F.E?ALSE . P. C. B C RSS & BRO." Take pleasure in announcing to the people of Tunkbunnock and vk:i I;y, L it theyL e opened a IDfitol) LSANDS AND THOUSANDS. Sent under seal, to any address, in a plain ! sealed envelope, on the receipt of six cents, or two i postage stamps. Also Dr, Culverwell's "Marriage 1 Guide," price 25 cent?. Addre- the publishers, CHAS J. C. KLINE A C'o, 127 Bowery, New York, Port OfLcoßox 4,586 k vbns-l year. THE GLORY OF MAN IS STRENGTH.—There ore the nervous and debilitated should iicmediaUly H mi BOLD'I EXTBAOT BCCHC. Jt-. . . Justness PHONOGRAPHIC INSTITUTE AND A PRACTICAL BUSINESS EDUCATION. m Finglc and Double Entry Book-keeping. Businc an<; Ornamental Penmanship, Commercial Arithinet an i Correspond*;rle'e, Wholesale and Retail Business. Jobnir.g, Railroading. Shipping, .Forwarding and Commission, Negotiating Loaus, Bill 3 of Exchange, Banking, Phonography and Commercial Law Life Scholarship tor the Commercial Course, with privilege of reviewing any time free of charge, 330. Z A D IB S > A CA D A MI CAI DAPATAI.irB.YT. Miss M. A FOSTER, Principal, Reading, Spelling, Writing, Grammar. Geography. rhi!o c ophy, Chemistry, Astronomy, History, (inclu ding Bible History,) Arithmetic Algebra, Geometry, Trigonometrv, French ..ud I. - tin. Higher English branches and tho Languor per I puaiter, SIO,OO. Teiw copuienccs Moiidoj, 1 cb. j 25th. No College affords greater advantages to Ladu-s and Gentlemen for obtaining a Commercial E men tion, or for tlie study of the Higher English at.■! the L inguagei. For further information seed for a Cir c l i.. o. pldre.s. GARDNER, Principal. vCu3O-ly. Scrantun, Pa. LATEST FASHIONS DEMAND ' J. W. Bradley's Celebrated Patent DUPLEX ELLIPTIC (OR lOUBLE SeltING , f-* " ? am The Wonuerfal Flexibility -n 1 great comfort or, 1 pleasure to any Lady wearing tbo Duplex Eltptic Skirt ;ill be . xrerienccd parM-ularly in all erowd e l Assemblies. Operas, Carnage*, Railroad CMS. Church Pew*, Am Chairs, for Promceade and Howsa Dress, .•? ?: ABLE WORLD. "To enjoy the following inestimable advantage ia Crinoiine, ris supreme quality, perfect KM ufae lur? slylL-h shape and ti-.i- -. I . ..'ol'y. du.. . 'y. Mimfrrt ui ee homy nwdn 1- r ft. Bra Hey s Du ilex i. ■■■ r D :ildo s giit c --ic.t. and c .-arc and g* r ' mine article. CAI riON. -To gyrd against IMPOSITION be partical.ar > • NOTII that ski* * ifttel as "Dl - PL EX' ' t'- r.-l ipk.-: .; viz, "J. W. ir. l icv's Duplex Oliptie Steel Springs," i;-n th waistband —none othen arc gauuiu*. Also no tree that evtrj 1!. >p will admit r. pin 1 t ] thv mgh the cot tre, t!;'.i? revealing tho two (or doable) springs braided togethi t tbi r. in, whi h Is - ,*ict ->£ "h -'.r Flexibility and stren - h, and . j ct.Uibina'lon :■tto '• f 'Uri lin ' o'!u r S.-.irf. For Sale ia all Stows where First Class skirts are ■old thn a rhoot the St it* • <• d toewhere. k.ni etu 1 ' y the Jole Owners of the P.;t*nt, V, E UADLEY A CAREY, P7Cbi .errs and 73A 91 Rca-Ie cts. X, Y, v6ii22-3inos High Wafer I X T [IE SUS Q U EIIA N X A RAFTS staving up, DAMS g iu out, RIVER re ceediug, PRICES GO.NE- DOWN, £r si C* 4* L-k ( t * kW Ke • At tbe Oi l Stand f*-.merly occupied by E. Whce look will be Iviind cheap tor cash, all kmis of G'JiOCß's IBS an d P/iO ) 'JSIO. I 'S, CIIOCKEIIY, WOOD-WARE, WILLOW-WARE, IIARD-WARE. TIN and GLASS-WARE, Tea, Coffee, Sugar, M'>l*l3so9, Svr up , *S oil a, Saleratu?, Crcam-T irter. Must ird, Cheese, Mackerel. C* d-Fish, Drill-Apples and Peaches, Crackers, Nuts, Rai.-Ins, Oranges, • Lernous COCJU Nuts Nutmegs, Cloves, Pimento, Pi] per, Cinnamon, Candies of all Kinds, TOBACCO. CIGARS, CORN MEAL, CHOP FEED, ami FLOUR, SHEETING, SHOES, COT TON YARN, LAMPS, CAND E-WICK, SOAP, INK, PEPPER SAUCE, NAILS, ' Pitch-*F.>rks, Shorn',s, Spades, II oe ■ , Pali®. Tub®, & Boards, Hull Bushels, Peck-Meas urcs, Siv e s , • . Butter-Bowls. Stamper®. & Ladles, Brtl®hcs, Oil, End, Shot. Powder, &c., tc., to many t' ioffs to mention Call .and examine before pur-. chasing elsewhere. • Pr o de r i wanted in exchange ; Eyery thing wll be found here that belongs to a ! first class Grocery anl Provision Store. D BILLINGS, Tunkhannock, Pa Apr. 9 1567-v6n35-tf. I . . I FOR NON-RETENTION on INCONTINENCE of Urine, irritation, inflnmation, or ulceration of lhe j bladder, of kidneys, ui?ea?-a of the prostrate glands, i stone in the bladder, calculus, gravel or brick Uust 1 deposits, and all discuses ot tho bladder, kidneys, I and dropsical swclliings. USB HBLMUOUI'H Fbcin EXTRACT BRCAV. ASYLUM FOR INVALID SOLDIERS. • Ineorpor ifo Iby Act of Assembly of the Common wealth of Pennsylvania, March 6, 1567, 'l'he Board of Supervisory appointed by tho above corporation to eaary out the objects of the act of in corporation, re pectfuily announce to tho public that ! t c Lcgi.-i .are of I'ennsylvania has auth > rizcil the > maintenance of an Asvluui lor Inrnlid Soldiers ot the lata war, to be built on the battle-field of Get tysburg, ;in as an in.laccmefit to patriotic citizens to oontril , • ttl U benevolent object, have empow ered the Corporation t<> -li.-'ilbute amongst the sub i scribers su ii articles of value and interest, from as .• so elation with i lie 1 ite war, or any moneys, effects, c ' p v -r. ire, real or personal, whatever, in !. taia . tato i cl- ••'.here, at such time or upon such i tertnp, r.d in sub way and manner whatsoever, as i, t i theui shall fecij fit, and laws of this Cotumon wcnlth to the c tPrary notwithstanding, h The enterprise is cordially recommended by the . following named weli-known gentlemen: M -jur-Gcneral George G. Meade, > E -Governor An irew G. Curtin, Major-General Golush.o Pennypacker, M ijor-General h. M Gregory, Maji r-Gcneral John R Brooke, M jor-General Charles 11. T. Collis, Mij >r (toner;.l ll'y J. M .dill. Major-Gen- a! J as. L. Selfridge, Brig lier fb-noral James A. Beaver, Brigs tier General ilorati.i G. >ieklcs, Br :' idi. t ■ ncru! Joseph 1". Knipo, r L'li adiei ...-ml Win. J* Bolton, B;- r He; era! >un'i M. Zulu k, j; oiur General Johu K. Murphy, Brigadier .ncral John 1 lhillier, Brigadier G ncral T, F. McCoy, 3 Brigidi r G-nuru! R E. Winslow, Brigadier leneral Henry Hsmiti, Bng idier He. -ral M. Campbell, Brigadier G ncral Tbos. M- Walker. Brigadier General Win Cooper, Brig '■ ii m <> ncral 1. W. M, Gregg, Col Del F. ••*, Stuidevaut. 'I. .: { : 'i at'in (thirty acres) has al ' r.a !_• In :: } ur-ii -c 1, . ' i, hoped that the good I work may e eminence 1 efore mid utnuier. i • Sub riptiuiis will be re-eived at the ofiieo of tho A a-i ti; n, U2b C!K -'uut street. Philadelphia, on a . ■ ef .-!•> v. t! h day of May, 1867. Far e< !i tij ion : five dollars a certificate v ! 1 ; i -u< • \ \i<'i wid entitle the holier to such ~ii i of value as may bo swarded to its nutubea. 'i' fi it l, P. O , Philadelphia. : I Tho following i.-- refce lulo of the awards to ho ■ made under th fi • distribution. The items of Pia- ] ai'.:. ; ,i! i !.er (r . leas stones were purchased fi in ti:' a? t.ie '.it'i d :rit.g the war, and their ! i; ' a i to by -srs. llcnle A Bros . -■ I . iiii, riou in the eoun- j tic, an i'y J. Herman, diamml setter, New Fork, j GETTY SB! 1 G ASYI CM FOR INVALID SOL i rat •! Iy Act •f A tab!/ of the Common i' f I'; tyln ; i, M trch G. 1887. Oil ilia : - not .et Philadelphia, ! FIR-T DI POSITION. Eiglify Tii i Si:' or at Five Dollars Each, j • l.i Diamond Necklaee, 48 BrlUimta, valued at 2, 1 i . ; . er lifco- h and E;r lti.-.gs 15.000 j 1 3. 1 Awai 1 10- 0 Government Bonds-• 10,000 1 r 4, 1D I! c • set 1.1 Silver-... 7,t-C 5, 1 u (..i r Br och 5,i 0' 6, 1 Award ieianuuen: Bonis- S,OQf 7, 1 itfai&Mi i Single Sfone Ring 4,500 8, IJ/ tuoni Cluster Bracelet I.ooo] 1 Diamond "Single btone SaarfThn-- 4.0901 10, I Diat nd < luster Biooeh 4,100 11, 1 Dia t or Br let 4.(A0 ' 12, 1 Pair gingh Stone Diamond Ear 1. : - i 13, ID -G, -rßrooh 3r -u0 ; 11 ! i Govcrnw. Nt Bonds 3.OCA 11' • -.a: .in 3,0G0 : It! 1 . gi< > ■ Pin 3 i'oo ! 17 i i "-r Br d. 2.500 ! Ml,' • • • ... ~ o -Qf) I 19 1 ' I u . i 2 i 20 1 !■ • ng.e SMne Ring 2,000 | 22 I 1 ( tth : .{ ir Shawl PSOO 23 1( i id tud 1,500 24 I Sin s Stone Diamond Ring 1,009 25 to 34 10 Is rd f 10-40 Govfiiatneiit Eon is, c !i 1,000 j 35 1 11: li tmenl and Rul y, half L op Ring SCO ] 38 ! Dii mt Si igl • Slot e En; Knobs 899 37 1 Pair 1-i •n '. Cluster Studs GOO 38 1 Diss en I • i-Stsae Kiug. star set- ! 1) 1 (•: " . i'iu 'OO ! 40 1 I am in •< lu ter Bracelet 500 I 11 to 50 10 Av. aril of 10-10 Government J: >i: is, ._h 500 j 51 1 - 'y's ii ; nd-set Wateh -100 | 5g I i'iaiuoi. ! iSinp'o St'.ne King 350 | 53, 1 i t -tci Ring 250 54 IDi mm! agle St..no Ring 200 55 1 Pair Einc-r.il M-arf fins 100 5G 1 1 -i;i i,. i Single Stone -Stud 150 57 1 Diamond Clu ter Pin lUO £3 1 Cam i ind I' arl Brooch and Ear Rfn, ' ' 100 50 to 153 100 Aw ird 10 40 Goverrr.nent Bonds, each 100 159 to 258 lU' A ir'*. Gorerr.iient Legal Ten dor.", caeh - 50 3.000 A war is, Go vernment Legal Tenders, e. ; h 5 The B tril if the" above rewards will be ma do in pubii 5- 1 a ><■■■ ta.- ii s. id. :ion is full, of whiih due notice will 1 aibr ugh the papers. On and alter M y ILL • is wi.l be ou exhibition ut | the (lic of G' oi itien. The ; üblie can c u Gently rely en everything ho ing . -i in •• i , it, honorable and fair man ner. AH the ai nls will be hi nded to certificate k- ld( r iaaffg .t-ly a fit rtl i. trbuti.-n. free of all cost, at the office of tho Company, 2vo. 1126 CHiMM I .Street, Phii P M-in. CERTIFICATE. Ve 1 . y rtify tl la> hin examined the Di li m • 1 ( F, P ils, I ucr.- •s. Rubies, and other | Freeh ns St( nes, i ■ daaail ed in ihe above list, and find tiieni all v.-i.uii: -. IIENLE BRO.'S, Di. mond Importers, G , LASH, New York# J HERMAN N, Di piftond Sett r. oi l DitGOMB o'rcet, New York. AGENTS WANTED. Books can 1 e hod c ataining Twenty Certificates, ONE Hi NDRKD DOLLARS. All orders ior Cerufioatcs must l.e addressed to J. !) 1101-' i MAN, Secretary. Box 1491, Post Office, Philadelphia, von39 2mos, Oar Letter A if*tally Mewing Ma eh it . with all ib* ;ew inphiwaesti, is tho best, an I e.:pef rr. in. . < su:i 1 Sewing Machine in th world. No .... r Sewing Machine has so mneh bii eltj for a reat range of work, including tho deli-ait end ir. - nioiis pro. -----e? of Hemming Braiding, Binding E ibroidering, Felling, Toexing Cording, G lin i-ing, i :c, 'i ii i Offi - re well supplied with S . Tu i-t. Thread, N lies, Oil, Ac,, of the very best qu ilitr, Sen-1 f..r .a Pain >l.!et, Tllß SXNdiiU .M A. it FACT BR TNG COMPANY. I 459 Bro Now York,* Pliilnde'pliia Offleo, wit) Ciidd- fNUT STREET HARVEY SICRLER. Agent. v4ri43 CLOVER-SEED IN ANY QUANTITY TO SUIT PURCHASERS, ea a now be had at ' A B. MOTT'S corner storo. ENFEEBLED AND DELTCATE CONSTITU TIONS, of i-o Ii si xc . in-- Molmbohl's Extract, Bu . ch-u. It will give Iri k and energetic feolings and ' enable you to sleep well. j MANHOOD AND YOUTHFUL VIGOR ore re- I gained by Ilti.MiioHj's EXTRACT BUCK it. %. I'TTFIS, ANT TTHO TYPES MELAIAi()TYPES, IIJIWOTYTES, IVOIIYTYPK,&© &c, Bein-r possessed of every facility, I FEEL CON FIDENT oi giving entire satisfaction. All are re quest ed to call and examine, and ''Seize the shadow, ere the substance fade." All kinas of colored work done at the shortest no tioe and in the best style of the art. Also all kirds of copying don© from old pictures, from card to size. Satisfaction guaranteed L. W HERMANS. Tank. Apr 11th, 1866. B IT TDOBIF HATS 8c CAPS! GROCERIES. F or Sale at I L. SI TSEB. i IR On Bridge street nearly OPPOSITE Wheelock'sold stand R. J. HALLOCK MESHOPPEN PA. Respectfully announces to His cus tomers and the public that he has onhand and is prepared to manufacture to order, on short notice, all kinds of Carriages fc Wagons. Being himself a practical workmen, and having in his employment com petent wokmen in all branches of the business ; and using material selected from the best Eastern manufactories ; he feels confident that he can, SATISFACTION to ALL who may favor them with their patronage. I BLACKSMITHING, PAINTING, VARNISHING, TRIMMING, AND REPAIRING DONE ON SHORT NOTICE and in a workmanlike style CHARGES ALWAYS MODERATE. 7/e also keeps ON IL4ND A D FOR SYLLE all kinds of Carriage m i terial such as. MORTICED 7/ÜBBS,TURNED SPOKI , BENT RIM Bows, THILLS, I'OLE OIL-COLT S TRIMMINGS, PAINT, YIARNHEU TURPENTINE, CARRIAGFT BOLTS. SCREWS, MALEABLE. IRON &C* R. J. HALLOCK/ Stcshoppen Ta. Jan. 39, vsn2stf- HARDWARE & IRON ; >• " I HUNITIIO'S ELI IB NOW OFFER FOR SALE IRON, STEEL, NAILS AND SPIKES. MINE KAIL,' RAILROAD SPIKES, ANVILS, BELLOWS, PLATN K CONVEX HORSE-SIIOES, HAM MERED HORSE NAILS. WROUGHT IRON, mnm' n lira, CARPEN TEKS' TOOLS, (ALL WARRANTED,) nUB.?, SPOKES, FELLOES. SEAT SPINDLES, CARRIAGE SPRINGS, AXLES. PIPE BOXES, SPRING -TELL, BOTTS, NUTS. WASH ERS BELTING, PACKING GRIND STONES; PLASTER FARIS, CEMENT, II AIR. SHOVELS, AVE! i E LEAD FRENCH WINDOW GLASS, Ac., &<.•., ALSO SASH, DOORS AND BLINDS ON HAND IN ASSORTMENT AND MANUFACTURED 10 ORDER LEATUEER AND FINDINGS FAI7?BAK'S SALES. xrantoa. March 26. 1 St>3. v1r.33 MUsYIT ST(pR S 1 -T-Gb DowKi.il; 1 r * Scrautou, Pa, i GENERAL AGENTS, fee' ' ' in. . | ii i _ W^v'-v: . L . gf . y.. • CW" Also agent fur CHICKERING'S DECKER BROS, and HAINES BROS PIANOS, ,and. TREAT, LINSLEY & CO'S MELODEONS. Also keeps a general stock of the smaller Musica Instruments, Sheet Music, Ac. p;,*f Church end Sunday School Singing Looks.— Instruction Books of all kinds, any of whi h will be gent by mail upon receipt of the market price. Orders from and TEACERSH special ly solicited. Address L. B, POWELL. Scranton, Pa. v6ns-I year # CARRIAGES & BUSSIES. The Subscriber, a practical workman of long t.x perience, is off a large lot of new Car riages and Buggies, at his Carriage shop IN TUNKHANNOCK. Equal, if not superior, in Workmanship. Quality of Material, and finish, to thoso turned out at any other shop in the country. Those wisning to buy should (Call anb Cramitic €l)cm. PAINING, VARNISHING: TRIMMING AND REPAIRING, Done on short notice and in a workmanllko style. Charges moderate. J. CAMPBELL. Tnnkhanaoclt, Aug. 24, '65. v!hiS2 TAKE"NO MORE UNPLEASANT AND UIF SAFE REMEDIES for unpleasant and dongerou isenses. Use Uelmbold's Extract Buchu find Itns raved Row Wteh. M W STORI! Nicholson Pa., Win. O, GARDNER SL CO have just received a large and splendid ikA 9 goods consisting of JfatttD #oflhs CLOTHING, BOOTS A SriOBS, HATS AND CAPS, UMBRILLAS, TRAVELLING BAGS and TRCNKA Cloths, Cassimeres Vestings, Trimmings, YANKEE NOTIONS tyc. All goods s Id by us warranted as recommended Our aim "To keep guotUGoodt/' Our motto, "Not to be undersold.'* In connection with the store is a TAILOR-SHOP. GARMENTS CUT AND MADE IN TUB LATEST STYLE. PI! Tffll if IMAM W. 0. GARDNER & CO. ! Nichol-on, Pa. C- D* GEARHABfra Foundry, Machine, ASD STOVE SHOPS. ON WARREN STREET, TUJfKHAMOCK, PA. II a ring had a life-long experience as Foundry men and Machinests. and employing none but the best workmen the undesigned pledge themselves to execute all work in their line in a style sot sur. passed by any t milar esiablisbinnt in the country* MILL GEARINGS made and fitted up on short notice, from patterns on hand at all sizes, j PLOWS, CULTIVATORS, and other Farming Implements. ALSO STOVES OF ALL KINDS. Tin, Sheet-Iron, and HOLLOW-WARE. LA JITS, LEAD, TILES, Ac., Ac. always on hand or furnished to order. C. D. GEARHART, & CO. Tuokkannock, April 29th, 18C7.—rCnLtf