%7~ - 7 . * "7*" New Ij ive ry ! AT TUHKHAWMOCX, PA. ■— 00RMYA & LEGG, have opened a new Livery establishment, a few doors from Baldwin's Hotel, where UU yV ~HjP Horses, Carriages, \ &c., can be obtained AT LIVE AND LET LIVE PRICES,, and the public and passengers cau he accommodated, who desire to go to the Depot, at all times. Give ns a call, and be satslied. • • ' F. H, CORMYA 8. J. LEGG. Tunk., Pa. Apr. 15, 1867.-vGo3(i-tf |^[LUOXMDfI!6BS noiseless Jewing JJACHINE ie the only MACHINE in the world that makes the twisted loop-stitch, making a stronger stitch than .up/ other machine now iu use. > , rt . s } All are icrited.to oull at w s.&sfeis&sstrs; JEWELRY STORE, and examine for themselves. Also agents for all j other machines for Wyoming Co. Pa. .P. 6* BURNS & BRO. Tqnkhannoqk, I'a. Oct. 51. I?(j6.— v6nl2-tf ♦'y j * 7 v.- *4 y & ! ivV ; viv V -r 1 "XWett che s JEWELRY REPAIRED r / ' ' J r. C. BU KNS A BRO. Take pleasure in anr.durcing to the people of Tnnkhannock and \uii .\. ibt theyhae oj>ened a (uili (uili CiiiiK .v opposite Watf sir,teDwhc re are |ift- pared to do | \ the most diffi ult jobs iu theirlir.einan APPROVED and SKILLFUL MANNER, on short notice. Hav ing had long experience in the business, they feel ' Confident that they can give entire tatisfaction to all favoring them with their patronage. ALL WORK WARRANTED TO GIVE SATIS FACTION OR MONEY REFUNDED AFTER A FAIR TRIAL JV. B. —Parasols,Fans ETA JI rjrzwr. ; ■ * : a■ *. .. 7 ■T ft . Miss M. A. EOSTER, Principal, Reading, Spilii*, Writing, Grammar, Geography, PhilosojAty, Clwmistry, Astronomy, History, (inclu ding Bible History,) Arithmetic, Algebra, Geometry, French and Latin. Higher English branches and the Languages pr quarter, *IO,OO. Term commences Monday, Feb. 25th. - • No College affords |teatef advantages to Ladies and Sentlemen for obtaining a Commercial Educa tion, or for the study of the Higher English and the Languages. For further information send for a Cir cular, or pddress. . . J. N. GARDNER, Principal. vCn3O-ly. , Scran ton, Pa. LATEST FASHIONS DEMAND J. W. Bradley's Celebrated Patent DUPLEX ELLIPTIC (or double Si-ring tisiSLiFiT. The Wonderful Flexibility and great comfort and pleasure to any Lady wearing the Duplex Eliptic Skirt will be experienced particularly in all crowd ed Assemblies. Operas, Carriages, Railroad Cars, Church Pews, Aim Chairs, for Promenade and Ilotis2 Dress, as the Skirt can be folded when in use to occupy a small place as ea.-ily and conven iently as a Silk or Muslin Dress, nr. invaluable quality in crinoline, not found iuauy Single >pnng Skirt. A Lady having enjoyed the pleasure,comfort, and great convenience of wearing the Duplex Eliptic Steel Spring SkirWfor a sing e day, will ncvet after wards willingly dispense with their use. For Children, Misses and Young Ladies they are superi or to all others: ! They will not bend or Iv. ak like the Smple Spring, but will preserve their perfect and graceful shape when three orfoui ordinary skirts will have been thrown aside ns useless. The hoops are cov ered with double and twiste i thread, and the bot tom rods are not only double springs, but twice (or double) covered; preventing them from wearingou wheudragging dewn stoops, st NOTICE that skirts offered as "DU | PL EX have the red ink stamp, viz, '-J. W. Brad ley's Duplex Elliptic Steel springs," upon the waistband —none others #re gjuuine. Also notice ) that every Hoop will admit a pin being passed through the centre, thus revealing the two (or double) springs braided together therein, which is the secret, of the'r Flexibility and strength, and a combination r.ot to be found in any other Skirt. For Sale in all Stores where First Class skirts are sold throughout the States ami elsewhere. Manufactured by the Sole Owners <>f the Patent, WESTS BRADLEY A CAREY, OTChamocrs anl 79A 61 Kcado sts. N, T, 6n'22-3uioß High Water IN TIIE SUSQUEHANNA RAFTS staving'up, DAMS gone out, Rl\ LR re cceding, I PRICES GONE DOWN, &c., &c. I At the Oil Stand formerly occupied by E. Whee | lock will be found cheap for cash, all kinds of G7I O CL'JULJFS A >/ <1 P'l'o VIS IOA'S, CRO.CKEUY> WOOD-WARE, WILLOW-WARE, HARD-WARE. TIN and GLASS-WARE, Tea, Coffee, Sugar, Molassas, Syrup, Soda, Saleratus, , Cream-Tarter. Mustard, Cheese, Mackerel. Cod-Fish, Dried- Apples . rnd Peaches, Crackers, Nuts, Raisins, Oranges, Lemons, Cocoa Nuts Nutmegs, Cloves, Pimento, Pepper, Cinnamon, Candies of all Kinds, TOBACCO. CIGARS, CORN MEAL, CHOP FEED, and FLOUR, SHEEIING, SHOES, COT TON YARN. LAMPS, CAND E-WrCK, SOAP, INK, PEPPER SAUCE, NAILS, Pitch^Forks, Shovels, Spades, , Hoes, PaiD. Tubs, Jt Boards, Half Bushels, Peck-Meas ures, Siv e s , Butter-Bowls, Stampers, & Ladles, Brushes, Oil, Lead, Shot, Powder, &c., Ac., to many things to mention Call aud examine before pur-, cbasing elsewhere. Pro due e ' i wanted in exchange ; Every thing will be found here that belongs to a first class Grocery and Provision Store. D BILLINGS. Tankhannook, Pa. Apr. 9, 1867-v6n35-"tf. fi , . FDR NON-BETENTION OR INCONTINENCE of Urine, Irritation, infl.nvttiqu, or ulceration of the Lb 'At r, of kidneys, diseases of the prostrate rfnnds. 1 / . 1 . . , i.ies or brick dust •. i . - .i* v * oi ibe blauder, kidneys, F and dropsical swell lings. ' '"f Tsw HPI MROIXV FT. CM EXTRACT BRENTR -j y .iT " vthrvMinq ' " jy E W S TOR E Just opened in Samuel Stark's Brick Block, two doors below the WYOMING NATIONAL BANK on Tioga Street, Tunkhaanock, Pa., where may be found a general assortment of NEW GOODS , erosisting af ! DRY GOODS of every description, from 1 , plain to fancy, ) , NOTIONS, ; FURS, # HATS A CAPS, BOOTS k SHOES, ; HARDWARE, GROCERIES, CROCKERY, QUEENSWARE, &c, Ac., purchased at the lowes tmai foreaeh, all of which will be sold exclusively READY FAY, Consequently, NO TEN PER CENT ADDED FOR BAD DEBTS. cfis BANATYNE, TO IHEPEOPLE OF WYOMING €oo*7l. s- In other words, the MAN, WOMAN, OR CHILD A,j,: who means to pay for what they get will not be obli ged to pay the Merchant a Bonus in order to save him what he loses by those who uill not or yon can not make pay. ■ .■ ■ 0 It is unnecessary for us to go into a more lengthy detail of the articles we keep, but it suffices to say that IT WILL BE OUR CONSTANT AIM rtot eat people well, and keep on hand, ALL ARTICLES the demand of the County require! With the above truths and facts befdro you, Gen- I tlemen and Friends, we invite you respootfully to .' call and see us ' V ■ FRANK C. BUNNELL, - ROBERT W. BANATYNE. 1 * '4"MI '>u JJEL. £ApK AJWESTKBNR. R Winter Arrangement—Dec, 3d, PASSENGER TRAINS LEAVE WESTWARD . | EASTWARD. Morning 1 Krrn'g | stations ] Monl'g | Evening Train I Tram I I Train | Train. A. M | P.M. | |A. M. |P. M. 9.l/eT."in all colors. KidtGloves, Cuffs and Cottars, LaeE/Voih, Corsetts. LtdiesNc ktics, best quality of OBHbs, Needles and Thiend of the best quality, and Fancy Notions of every variety, a largo stock of TOYS, Including China, Brouse, I'.ipiyr Mac-he Tin. Rose wood, Glass, Pewter, Wooden, Parian and Candy Toys. For Ladies. Cosmntics a!c., Such aa Pomades, Oil*.' Bandolina bloem of youth* and PSinta, Rouge. Li)!} White Ac MRS. E. LEASE. Tunkhannock. May 1, 1366 v - n37-tf, GIIOYESTEEA k CO.. piANO pOJITE" AIANUFACTU RERS " 459 3Sioei.c3L"w:4Sty NEW-YORK. The attention of the public and the trade is invi ted to our new scale 7 octavo rosewood piano fortes which'fof volume and purity of torn- ere unr;- Vnlled by any hitherto offers lin this market, They contain all the av'lcrn i oprovements. French Grand action, harp pedal iron frame over-strung brass, Ac, and each instrument being undo un lcr the personal sunervision of Mr. .1. H G-oxtrtcen, who has h id a practical experience of over 39 years in tin ir manu facture is fully warranted m every particular. THE 'GROVESTEEN MM©-]?!®!!!' received the highest reward of MERIT OVER ALL OTHERS-, THE EL£BJMTS& W ORLD'S FAIR Where were exhibited instruments from the best ma kkers of London. Paris. Germany, Philadelphia Bal [timore, Boston and Now York; and also at the American Institute for five successive years the gold and silver medals from both of which can be seen at our ware room. By the introduction of improvements we make a slill more perfect Piano forte and by manufacturing largely, with a stricjUy cash system, are enabled to offer these : nstrumcnts at a price which will preclude competition. Terms Net Cash, in Current Ifunds, r- j/" Descriptive eircnlars sent free. "A. A C " 48 v5-n45- lyear A A C. '■ NOTICE- ' .;— r o r. Having purchased fhe entire interest in tho Pho tographic Gallery in this place, I tako pleasure in informing my friends and the public In general that 1 am prepared to produce pictures of 'every descrip tion, including ''IXOTO&niV. PITS , CARTES D£ YiSITE, VIGNETTES. AMI 3 ROTYI'ES MELAISOTYPES, FERROTYPES', IVORYTIPE,&c, &c. Being possessed of every facility, I FEEI, CON FIDENT of giving entire satisfaction. All are re quested to a'na'exainine. and "Seize the shadow, ere the substance fade. All kinds of colored work done at the shortest no tice and in the best style of the art. Al=o nil kinds of copying done from old pictures, from ear<| to size. Satisfaction guaranteed. L. W.nERfcIANS. Tunk. Aj r 11th. 1866. liiTliiir HATS & CAPS! MU9 & 83K9&*! GROCERIES. F or Sale at I L. SITSEH. & EDI On Bridge street nearly op posit e Wheclock's old stand R, J. HAIIOCK MESHOPPEN PA. Respectfully announces to ins cus tomers aud the public that he has ; onhand and is prepared to manufacture to order, on short notice, all kinds of Carriages Si Wagons. Being himself a practical workmen, and having in his employment com petent wokmen in all branches of the business ; and using material selected from the best Eastern manufactories ; he feels eonlident that heccatn t ATISFACTION to ALL who may* favor them with their patronage. BLACKSMITIITNG, PAINTING, V A UN I SUING, TRIMMING, REPAIRING DONE ON SHORT NOTICE and in a workmanlike style CHARGES ALWAYS MODERATE. 77c' also keeps ON IUND A D FOR FL4LE all kinds of Carriage r i terial such as MORTICED //ÜBBS, TURNEDSPOKI , BENT RIM BOWS, THII.LS, I'OLE OIL-COLT S TRIMMINGS, PAINT, VIARNHKH TURPENTINE, CARRIAGE BOLTS. SCREWS, MALEABLE. IRON &C* R. J. HALLOCK/ Meshoppon Pu. Jan. 30, ISflg vsp2stf* HARDWARE & IRON -v>, n • v, ■ L •••• 'd . r- j i I ; V MatfgjJfc *'<■': ' : |;| •; ;*%>/> ••• • l;., Jjr, (j- I.S*- srfr *-• i • 46* Wry j H UHT BO'S ft ELAIB j 'i XOW OFFER FOR SALE IRON, STEEL, NAILS AND SPIKES, MINE RAIL, RAILROAD SPIKES, ANVILS, BELLOWS. PLAIN A CONVEX HORSE-SIIOE.S, HAM MERED HORSE NAILS. WROUGHT IRON, BUMS' 1111 Nil. CARPEN TEES' TOOLS, (ALL WARRANTED,) HTB3, SPOKES. FELLOES SEAT SPINDLES. CARRI AGE SPRINGS, AXLES. PIPE BOXES, SPRING St-TEEL, BOTTS, NI TS, WASH ERS BELTING, PACKING GRIND STONES; PLASTER PARIS, CEMENT, HAIR, SIKTYKM, W i) (I E LEAD * FRENCH WINDOW GLASS, At-., Ac., ALSO SASH, DOORS AND BLINDS ON H AND IN ASSORTMENT AND MANrFACTERED 10 ORDER LEATI! EE It AND FINDINGS FAT 7? BAR'S SALES. canton, March 26, 1563. vln33— ■*. ■ ' ' Y XTT Vx i * v' TP ATQ P * Ai uo iun L J jujci I IS3EI3§iSI U f 61- ' t : i I■> - i 4*~ - . . h • V -I 1,.8 POWELL V A U'A Sc rant on. Pa, M (J K.\KRAL AGENTS, I, f. '.N tW Also agent for CHICKERING'S DECKER BROS, ami HAINES BROS i'! \N*OS ,aud. TREAT, LINSLEY & CO'S MELODEONR. Also keeps a general stock of the smaller Musica Instruments 1 , Sheet Music, Ac. Church and Sunday School Singing Books. — Instruction Books of nil kinds, any of whi :h will he sent by mail upon receipt of the market price. Orders from DEALERS andTEACERSU special ly solicited. Address L. B, POWELL Scranton, Pa. V6TIS-I year CARRIAGES & BUGGIES. The Subscriber, u practical workman of long ex perience, is now finishing oft' a large lot of new Car riageSapd Buggies, at his Carriage shop IN TUN KHAN NOCK. Equal, if not superior, in Workmanship. Quality of Material, and finish, to those turned out at any other shop in tho country. Those wisning to buy should *•' r> i • • ; Call anb Crnminc Cl)cw. PAINING, VARNISHING: TRIMMING AND REPAUUNG, Vnt short notice and in a workmanlike style. Charges moderate. . > \ J. CAMPBELL. • Tnnkhanaock, Aug. 24, '65. vn3* ST'OHB! • Nicholson l'a,, Will. O, GARDNER & CO hare just received a large and splendid steak a goods consisting of Jfkncg dpoote CLOTHING, BOOTS k SHOBX HATS AND CAPS, UMBRELLAS, TRAVELLING BAGS and TRUNKS, Cloths, Cassimeres Testings, Trimmings, YANKEE NOTIONS kVc. All goods a Id by us warranted as recommeadad Our aim "To kccj) good* Goods," Our motto, "Not to ,l>e undersold." In connection with the store is a TAILOR-SHOP. GARMENTS CUT AM) M JDE Iy TUB LATEST STYUE. PiBK THE® If iranei. \V. 0. GARDNER it CO. Nicholsen, Pa. OUR STARCH GLOSS 19 the only Article used by First Class Hotels, Laundries, sad Thousands of Families. It give® a beantrftr! polish, makihg the iron p ass smoothly over the cloth,saving with TiMKand labor. Goods done up with it keep clean much longer con sequently will not wear cut so soon. It makes Old Linen 100 like New 011 ii rmp i; ii i A'L JI i, u B: Is the Lest in the World, It is soluble in hard as well as soft water. It te put up ii the safc.-t neatest, and most eonyenient >,rm of any offered to the public. lIS WARRANTED NOT TO STREAK THE PIHREB Agents wanted every here, to whom we ex traordinary Indueemects, NEW YORK STARCH GI.OS'B CV No. 218 Fulton Ht.,h Y b7-6'ib H. BAR HAM & CO Have ojiened a MERCHANT TAILOH-SHGP, CLOni.NG STORE, In S. Stark's tdock, one door below the Bank where Coats, Vests, Pants, etc. etc. OF THE &&m&£ Made bi Mr. B irhatn lTmw If. or under his per sonal supeivi-ion, by eouipottut workmen, of the Bl • T MAT -isi ill AU. CLOTHS, CASSLMLRS, VESTINGS TRIM MINGS, and a general assortment of GENTS URNISIIIN GOODS, constantly oirhnnd and for s ile, n. BARNAM A Co Tunk. Pa. May 1, 19(35, "MEXICO UNDER MAXIMILIAN." ] J Y IIKNKY M. I"TiINT< KSQ., Author of "Druids' Letter®," ''Life of Scmtor Douglass,"' &c. iQmo. Green JLnoth satisfac tory and conclusive, in the Volume we have just is sued from the Press, and we commend it to the citi zens ot the United States as an invaluable contri bution to cotentporaneous History. Mr. Flint clear ly demonstrates among other things, that the Maxi milian Government in Mexico is firmly established ; that the people have abandoned Juares,(whose troops are sai I to consist now of but a few bands of guertl las.) and joined Maximilian ; and that tho popular prejudices in this Country against the establish ment of an Umpire in Mexico are wrong, because in ! asserting the Monroe Doctrine we are running couu- I terto the wisheiofthe Mexican people, and tskiug from them their exclusive right to settle their own affairs in their own way and to their own satisfaction. ' Facts anl documents are presented to show that the Umpire is maintained now without the nid of Franco and solely by tho Mexican people —the merchant clergy, and better sort of people generally The book gives a good insight into the policy which our own Government has pursued in Mexican affairs, us well as many facts and statistics of interest and val ue. 11 the Mexican peoplo hare chosen a constitutional monarchy as u cure for the anarchy whicli for so many years convu'sedlhe Republic, and' if their choice turns out wisely, then who among us dare say to fhe'ui : Put away peace, law, prosperity r.nd the Empire, and take back faction, war, lawlessness, ruin Mid the Republic; NATIONAL PUBLISHING CO. HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHC and improved Hose Wash cures secret and delicate disorders in all their stages, at little expense, little or BO change in diot, no inconvenience and no exposure. It is pleas ant in tmto and odor, immediate in its aodah %p4 free from all liyrarteus proportion