f lit iptiiiotrat. HARVEY TICKLER, Editor. TUN KHAN NOCK j PA. Wednesday. May 1* 1867. The Democratic Standing Committee— for the County of Wyoming arc requested to meet at the Court House in thj Borough of Tunkhannock on Saturday the 11th day of May next, at 10 o'clock P. M., for the tr ansaction of important business. The following named persons-are members of the Committee ; Perry Wilsey, Henry Brown, Miller Patterson Wellington Lee, C. L. Vaughn, E. J. Mowrv, Lewis Ager Harrison Comstoek. C. L. CONKLIN, Chairman. DEMOCRATIC STATE CONVENTION. The Democratic Stato Committee, at its meeting, on January 29th at llarrsburg, adopted the follow ing resolutions t Ist, That the regular Convention of the party, for nomiuating a csndidato for thn surreme Bench, be held al llarrisburg, on the SECOND TUESDAY of June, 1567, at 12 o clock M ; and that said Conven tion be composed ol the usual number of delegates. 2d. In addition thereto, it is rei-om mended to the Democracy of Pennsylvania to FORTHWITH elect, In the usual maimer, two delegates, of recognized position and influence in the party, for each Repre sentative district,who shall meet in Mass Coavention at llarrisburg, on a day to be fixed by the Chair man of the Stato Central Committee. By Order ol the Democratic State Committee. WM. A WALLACE, Chairman. B, L. FOSTER, Secretary. tST The U. S. Senate adjourned leaving a great many offices vacant According to Radical interpretation of the Tenure ot office Bill the President cannot fill them. If this be so, many important Post Offices, and the collection of Revenue in some places, must all be suspended.— We rather think the Radicals rather over shot the mark in thus attempting to tie the President's hands. "Pittsburg contains five hundred large manufacturing establishments. It lias fifty glass factories and sixteen potter ies, forty-six iron foundries, thirty-one roll ing mills, thirty-three machinery-establish ments and fifty-eight oil refineries ; besides miscellaneous work of almost every variety, the whole turning out an annual product worth one hundred millions dollars." MUCH ABOUT LITTLB.—A Southern pa per hopes Thad. Stevens will live long enough to undo some of the mischief he lias done. Whoever says that is evidently a stranger in Pennsylvania. Thad has got his hand in now, and it is as natural for him to do mischief as it is for a duck to swim. Even when a boy he would jump out of windows. THE PAST AND FUTURE DECADE.— The N, Y. Times Republican says : If corrup tion for the next ten years gathers strength and impunity as it has for the last ten, we we might.just as well put up everything with which law-rraking has anything to do at public sale. A Legislature con ducted on the basis of an auction room would be quite as honest and more useful than one where everything is controlled by secret bribery and corruption, £3T Tbe counsel of Capt. Wirz, who was executed for alleged cruelties at An dersonville, has just published a statement to prove the innocence of his client, and says that tbe night before the execution a messenger from a high Cabinet officer came to him with the oft'er that if Wirz would implicate Mr. Davis in the crimes charged against him his sentence would be commu ted. lie adds that the offer was made to Wirz and declined by him. WASHINGTON, April 25. CONOVER SANTENCED TO TEN YEARS' IM PRISONMENT. Justice has at last been done to Sanford Conover alias Charles Dunham. He was to-day sentenced by Judge Fisher, of the Ciiminal Court of this District, to ten years' imprisonment in the penitentiary at Albany for perjury. It will be recollect ed that he testified before a military com mission which tried Harold, Mudd, and Mrs. Suiatt, that Jefferson Davis, Clement C. Clay, Jacob Thompson, and others were conccerned in the plot to assassinate President Lincoln. Conover went into great minuteness of detail, and had so ar langed his bogus testimony as fo mislead many. His confreres, however, not re ceiving any portion of the reward which Conover expected to get, exploded the scheme, and this resulted in his arrest, trial and conviction, and his sentence to day for perjury. tZW To excite a revolution requires no great ability, but to check it when once set in motion, overtasks the powers even of tbe most? splendid genius. Throw a blazing brand into a heap ot combustibles, and a speedy conflagration will ensue.— Stir up the passions of the populace, and pillage and slaughter will soon rage with ungovernable fury. Lafayette found it an easy matter to break down the ramparts of royalty, and lead to the foot of a trembling throne, the excited rabble of Paris ; but, when alarmed at the excesses into which his disciples were plunging, he wished to put a curb upon their license, he experi enced the bitter truth that his voice had lost its power to charm and persuade.— Yes! Revolution goes right onward and pauses but to crush those who would bri dle its extravagances. So perished the Lafayettes of the French Revolution ; and and so, undoubtedly, would have perished that illustrious man himself, had he not taken timely warning and escaped from the bloodstained hands of his friends and admirers of yesterday. j Arlemus Ward--Was he Fast f There come painful rumors, already, though the earth yet lies loose over him aa lies in Kensal Green ; of Artemus Ward's dissipation while in Merrie Old England that he lived a kind of jolly, carousiDg life, which made the consumption he carried from this country get no better very fast, —' It tnay be that it was necessary to Browne's success that he a should be bail fellow well met with all the liteiuti of London, and that he should accept the warm welcome j from every club door, which opened wide on its hinges to let the genial fellow in.— But, after all, it is questionable whether it was worth while to peril life—and meet death, as, alas! he did—for the sake of being considered a good fellow, and mak ing this show famous. However, we think this from the Springfield Republican is too severe. "The accounts of 'Artemus Ward' which those who knew him intimately give now that he is dead, are not caiculated to inspire much respect for his character. He seems to have been a shiftless; aimless, dis sipated sort of a fellow, with a rare genius for coarse humor, but feeling no responsi bility for his powers and exercising them for no higher purposes, not eVen making wise or worthy use of the good fortune that they bronght him. lie did not study; he did not read ; he wrote hard, and painfully; he had but little intellectual ambition or force. His so-called lectures, or illustrated disjointed but richly humorous comments on We,'where what he did best and enjoy ed most. Ilis was the stuff" that clowns thrive on in the circus, or that makes a suc cessful itinerant soap-peddler or showman ; and his plaee was first in that field, and by no means among our intellectual philosoph ical humorists and wits, like Holmes and Lowell. Drinking and carousing by day and night early induced consumption, and he carried to England a worij out system which was 110 match for the hard heads and sturdy digestion of the jolly good fellows that took to him there."' This sounds too cold and bitter—as if some prejudiced hand had written it. We would much rather turn to this picture—a tribute to the dead humorist by a living one. It was written for the Northern Bud get by Josh Billings, (who contributes to that paper.) Perhaps it is well that Josh ua should fhould write thus. It is a broth er's privilege to write the record of a broth er, if not indeed to say the prayer that is necessary over the coffin that is so strange. We don't believe Josh Billings ever wrote anything prettier or more touching than the following. We don't believe'the phi losophy was ever better united to the ten derness of grief. It is poetry in dishabille; it is the heart of an hanest man in yellow plush : JOut stood staring at each other for about a quarter of an hour. Dur ing that time a crowd of some three or four hundred people assembled, the street was blocked up, and traffic came to a stand still. The females were young and well dressed, and looked as if they ought to have better ideas of propriety than they exhibit ed. The crowd hooted and jeered, and ap peared to enjoy the scene amazingly. At length a policeman came along and com pelled one of them to take the right "as the law directs." The look of concentra ted hate given by the party who had to step off the walk is sa:d to have been inde scribable. BREAKFAST AT THE DEPOT —With a bang and a batter, a clang and a clatter, the dishes ami spoons, in the dining saloons, are heard to resound, from the roof to the ground. The knife and the fork arc busy at work on the fish and the eel, the beef and the veal, ou potatoes and beans, on to matoes and greens, while each one is bawl ing for waiters, and calling, amid clamor and chat, for this and for that. Then all •eat for awhile, with never a smile, till some meddlesome chap gives the door a loud rap, and cries "All aboard," when the dam age is scored, and the crowd parts forever as hungry as ever. HgT In Kentucky lives a man, the head of a very respectable and intelligent fami ly, who, during one week in each month, about the first quarter of the moon, im agines himself a woman, dons the. hoops and balmoral. and sits in his parlor waiting for his beau ! This strange conduct was first noticed in him when he was about seventeen years of age. He is now fifty one. KINO WORDS. —Kind . words are the the brightest flowers of earth's existence; tlu-y make a paradise of the humblest home the world can show. Use them, es pecially around the fireside, and you will find them more precious to heal the wound ed heart, and make the weighed down spirit glad, than all other blessing* the earth can give. THE HEART. —The heart can never for get the object of its affection. The biow may wear's gloomy frown, and the eye may coldly turn on the loved object, but, could the vision pierce through the case ments of the heart, it would behold a dif ferent scene, instead of frowns, it woulJ be all sunshine. A young minister, dining with a farmer after service, apologized two or three times for eating so substantially at dinner, saying, "I am always very hungry after preaching." The sarcastic reply was, "its no surprise, considerirfg the trash that comes off* your stomach in the morn ing." gg" A countryman was charged with ten gallons of molasses, which a grocer put in an eight gallon keg. He said he did not mind the money over-charged as much as he did the strain on the keg ! The citizens of Raleigh, N. (7., have raised a subscription for the purpose of erecting a monument over the grave of President Johnson's father, which is loca ted in a cemetery adjoining that city. The President has been invited *o be present at the ceremonial of laying the corner stone, which will occur about the 10th prox ~ and has accepted conditionally. The Commissioners of Luzerae Co. have awarded the building of their new jail to Lewis Haven, for $lB9, 575—he be ing the lowest bidder. Proceedings of Wyoming Conference. The Wyoming Conference of the M. E. Church, embracing Luzerne, Wyoming, Susquehanna and Wayue counties of thi3 State, and Broom, Tioga, and a part of Chenango countios iu New York, conven ed at Hyde Park on Wednesday, April 17, 1807. A full attendance of the ministers of the conference were present at the call ing of the roll, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 17. The brethren were called to order, and a despatch read from Bishop Simpson, stat ing he had been unavoidably detained, and could not be present with the confer ence until evening. Dr. Clark was elected temporary Chair man. Dr. Peck was elected President to fill the vacancy until the arrival of Bishop Simpson. D. A Shepard conducted the opening re ligious services. Dr. Nelson elected Secretary ; F. L. lliller, G. R. and S. S. Kennedy were appoiuted Assistant Secretaries. SECOND DAY, The conference convened at the usual hour. Bishop Simpson in the Chair. The religious exercises were opened and con ducted by Dr. Nelson. The session'was taken up principally in the examination of the character of those upon trial ; those in full membership,and receiving applica tions for Deacon and Elder orders. Com mittees reported on the amount of moneys received tor Missionary purposes and for the support of worn-out Preachers belong ing to the conference. Appointments. WYOMING DISTRICT. GEOROE P. PORTER, P. E. Wilkesbarru, J. C. Eckuian H Brownscotnb ; Planesvile, to be supplied; Wyoming, A. J. Van deft; Kingston, Ira T.Walker, Geo. Porsrth ; Norfhrnoreland, Geo. Greenfield; Plymouth, Ira N. Pardee; Carverton, John Laßar ; Lehman, J. C. Lacock, one to be supplied ; Pittston, J. C. Smith : Hyde Park, Lather W. Peck ; Lackawanna, R- S. Rose; Abingtou, F. L. Hiller ; Newton J. Austin one to be supplied; Stoddartsville, J. D. Woodruff; Newport, Richard Hiorfls ; Newton, A. D. Alexan der; Clark.s Green, Mbe supplied. R. NELSON, Principal Wyoming Seminary W. 3. SMYTHEE, Assistant. SS. KENNEDY, Agent Penna. Bible Society. LACKAWANNA DISTRICT. GEORGE M. PECK, P. E. Scrantm, E. D. Sturdevant; Providence, George Peck ; Blakely, S. F. Wright: Curhnsidale, J. C. Woodruff; Clifford, to bo supplied ; Way 11 art, Geo. C. Hart; South Canaan, G. Westfali; Paupaok, R E. Hall; Sterling. G. A. Soveison; Moscow, G. AI. Chamberlain ; Dunmore, J T. Crewcll ; Gibson, G. R. Hair. nONESDALE DISTRICT. JOHNATIIAN PECK, P. E. Ilonesdalo, W. J. Judd ; JJawley, W. W. Welch ; Susquehanna, J. V. Newell; Bethany, to be sup plied; Alt. Pleasant, C. V.Arnold; Beach Pond, N-S DeWtit. Xoarowsburg and Lackawaxen, C W, Todd, otte to be supplied ; Sandford, R. Varcoe, one to be supplied ; Damascus, N. S. Reynolds; Tsll mansvi lie, H H. Dresser • Thompson, to be sup plied ; Lanesboro', J. W. Ilewett, Cherry Ridge ; David Williams; Oregon, S T. Cramp. BINGHAAIPTON DISTRICT. Z. PADDOCK, P. E. Binghampton, D. W. Bristol; Broome, G. W. Leach ; Castle Creek, W. B. Thomas ; Lyle and Whitney's Point G. Comfort; Page Brook, P. S. Worden ; Chenango, S. Elwell; Haipersville, Silas Barner ; Windsor, W. Rounl, C. A. Ward ; Gt Bend and New Afilford, A. I-'. Harding; llawleyoon and Bsackersville, B. D. Lindsley, one to be supplied ; Vestal, T. Burgess ; Union, D. A. Shepard ; Maine, E Sibley ; Osborn Hollow, to bo supplied ; Kirk wood, Levi Pitts, one to be supplied ; Little Alea dow. C E Taylor ; J W BRECKENRIDGE. Sup, member of Binghampton Quarterly Conference. OWEGO DISTRICT. HORATIO R. CLARK, PI E, Owego, W. B. Westlake ; .Candor, L C Floyd; Spencer, I' Krohn ; Flemingville. G. Pritchett; — North Danbev, King Elwell, one to be supplied ; Caroline, P. Holbrook , Nichols, Asa Brooks ; Wa verly, 11. Wheeler; Athens and Litchfield. W. M. Hi'ler; Shepard's Creek, te be .uj plied; Van E?- torvilie, to be supplied ; Barton, W. Keatley ; Danbey, W 11. Garitt ; Newark, L. Cole; Tioga, Minor Swallow ; Berkshire, J, Malison ; Shashe quin, J. AI. Grimes. WYALUSING DISTRICT. D. C. OLMSTEAD, P. E. Luther Peck ; Fairdale and Rush, J P Towner. W Shelp, Brooklyn, S F Brown ; Le Rays ville, A Hingham , Auburn, J W. Weston ; Spriug ville, J F Wilbui; Tunkbunnock, J. L Legg; Skin ner's Eddy, to be supplied ; Mehoopany, J S L wis, Nicholson, E. H. Hynson; Wyalusing, A J Arnold ; Rome, A C Sperry ; Orwell, A W Loouiis ; Wind ham, S E Walworth ; Storlingville, E F Roberts, (jp In the days of Patriarch's a woman's conduct was the ir.dex of her liea' t w hen, for example, the father of Rebekah asked her if she would go with the servant of Isaac she replied at once, " I will go!" Had she been a daughter of the nineteenth cen tury, she would have answered, " Oh, pshaw! go with him? Why, Mr. Isaac must be sick ?Go with him ? Of course I won't" And then—she would have gone with him. An EXPENSIVE LUXURY. —Governor Geary is an expensive luxury. The legis lature has appropriated $">00 for an artist to paint his house, to enable his Excellency to spread himself at his reception. He wanted So,ooo for a private contingent fund, which the legislature had the good sense to refuse. In addition a ''State Agent" which costs the States $16,000 a year, : s to be kept at Washington to write letters put ting up the Governor. He is a sort of ele phant in this matter of expense. There is a place in New Hampshire, they say, where they never have any old maids. When a girl reaches the age of twentv and is still unmarried, the young fellows club together and draw lots for her. Those who lose the chance pay a bonus to the one who gets her. # ti Hr Mrs. SophJjpßoisclarc i to be hung at Montreal on the 20th or November next, for poisoning her husband. She contends that he poisoned himself. gg" Mrs. Shepherd, a Milliner of La Crosse, lately shot a Mr. Linderman, for slander. His wound is not dangerous. OJ" A German boy named Schaff, kill ed his father at Madison, Wis., and burnt the body in a log heap. C- D- GEARHART & CO. • {pma r Foundry, Machine, AND STOVE SHOPS, ON WARREN STREET, TUMHAMOCK, PA. Having had a life-long experience as Foondry men and M.iehinests, and employing none buk the best workmen the undersigned pledge themselves to execute all work in their line in a style not -sur. passed by any similar establishment in the country 0 MILL GEARINGS mado and fitted up on short notice, from pat terns on hand of all sizes, PLOWS, CULTIVATORS, and other Farming Implements. ALSO STOVES OF ALL KINDS.? Tin, Sheet-Iron, and : % HOLLOW-WARE. LAMTS, LEA 9, TIIPES, dcdr., always on hand or furnished to order. C. D. GEARIIART, A CO. Tunkhannock, April 29th, 1867 —v6n33tf. U 9. INTERN ALRRVENUB. NOTICE TO TAX PAYERS. Notice is hereby given that tho undersigned, As sessor of the 15th District of Pennsylvania, will hold Courts of Appeal for tho correction of errone ous assessments, as follows: IN WYOMING COUNTY on Tuesday the 14th day of May, 1967, at Wali's Ilotel, in iunkhanuock. IN BRADFORD COUNTY, on Thursday and Friday, the 16th and 17th days of •May, 1867, a; the Means' House in Towanda. IN SULLIVAN COUNTY on Monday the 20th day ot May, 1867, at the La ports Hotel, in Laporte IN MONTOUR COUNTY, on Thursday, the 22d day of May, 1567, at the Mon tour House iu Danville. IS COLUMBIA COUNTY, on Friday the 24th day of May, 1567, at the Asses sor's Office in Bloomsburg. All appeals must be in writing and must specify the particular caue, matter or thing, respecting which a decision is requested, and shall state the ground or principle of error complained of Appeals may be made at the office of the Asses sor at any time previous to the days above fixed for hearing appeals If any person liable to income tax, or own ing carriage . watches and other articles liable un der the schedule A of the Excise law, have not yet reported, they are hereby notified to do so at once orj become liable to the penalty. It Is the duty of every one amenable to the law to seek the Assessor of his District, an d make his return. ROBERT F. CLALK, Assessor 13th District, Penn'a. ASSESSOR' 9 OFFICII, _ ) Bloomshurg, Pa., April 26, 1567, J INVASION ! Do you wish to have your hair cauterized from.the icalpl No, Theu beware of the new brood of Vitriolic and Caustic Dyes got up by nostrum-mong ers, who bear the same relation to the responsible Chemist that PIRATES AND PRIVATEERS bear to honest merchantmen, Remember that the expeieience of years, and the very highest scientif ic endorsements, guarantee the superiority of * CRISTADORO'S HAIR DYE. over every other in use. It is purely vegetable infaMible and instantaneous. Manufactured by J. CRISTADORA, 6 Astor House, New York. Sold by Drucgiats, Applied by all Hair Dressers. ?6n384w IIELMBOLD'S FLUID EXTRACT BUCHU is pleasant in taste and odor, free trom all injurious properties . and Immediate i it aetioa.