FOi 1867. IT •"Zf w LS,f„THB Fashion Magazine of the World. LITERATURE, FINE ARTS, AND FASHIONS. The u ost magnificent Steel engravings. DOUBLE FASLIO <-PLATES. Wood engraving# on every subject iliHt can interest ladies. Crochet knitting, Netting. Emoroi lery, Articles for the Toilet, for the Parlor, the Boudoir, end the Kitchen. Every thing, in fact, to make a COMPMETK LADT'SBOOX TH t LA DIES' E AVORITE FOR 3 7 YEARS No M i ?sine fau been nble tocemj.ete with it.— None attempt it. GO'DEVS TECEIT7S for every oepartmentof a household. These alone ere wi.rth the price of the Bn*k. MODEL COTTAGES fno other Maganine givee them), wiik diagrams. DRAW IN'} LESSONS FOR TIIB YOUNG. An ether specialty w th tfr.dey. ORIGINAL MT rC,"Worth $3 a year. oth * r Magazines publ'sh old worn-out music ; but tbut>- ■eribers to G"dey yet it before the musi# stores. GARDENING FOR LADIBi Another peceltnri tv with Oodey. ' . , ' Fortune from Messrs. A. T Stewart A Co., or New York, the millionaire merchants, appear in Go dey, the ottlv Magazine that has them. Indies' Bonnet*. We give more of them ia a ytar th io •iij other Book enables every lady to be her own bonnet ma ker. MARION IT ART. AND. Authoress of J'A lone," "Hidden Tath, " "Moss Side," "Aer/ie sis," and "Miriam," writes for Go,ley e< h month, and for no other mag azine A new novel by her will be published in 18- 67. We have also retained all our old and favorite contributor*. 7EftMS or ;J? TOR 1567 (From vhi eh'there cm he no Deviation.) The following are the terms of the jLaiy'a Book for 1867: One copy, one rear 9s 00 Two copies, one year & 50 Three copies, one year 1 Of) Four copies one year 10 00 Five copies, one year nod an extra copy to the person getting up the club, making six c pies R 00 Fight copies, one year, and an extra copy to the person getting up the club,inaking nine copies * 21 00 ENven guides, one year, and an extra gppy todhe person gtttiog up the club, making twelve copies 27 00 jr*t" All additions to clubs at clnb rates. Hob subscribers will be sent to any post-of fice where ihc subscriber m>y reside. C\f Gohcr's Lady's Book and Arthur's Home Mairmiue will be sent, each one year, on receipt of *15!) We have no club with any other magazine er news paper I Tie money must all be tent at one time for any of the Clubs. Canada subscribers mut send 24 cents addi tion 1 for e i h rtbscril^r, L AfOOEYy TV. E.Corner Si.v'h and Chestnut Streets. ¥lll7 A DEL Till A. ACRANTON Business PHONOGRAPHIC INSTITUTE AND B23JIES! AS23JEH3R A PRACTICAL BUSINESS EDUCATION. Single r.nd Double Entry Book-keeping. Business ant Orn.tinei 'al l'enm-inrre-[Oii of the Patent, IFEiiTS BRADLEY A CAREY, p.c 97Chutoers and 7'JA 81 Read* gt*. N, Y, v 6 n22 3mof "TAKE. NO MOHB UNPLEASANT AND T V. BAFE REMEDIES for uupiea*ant and diseat'z. Use He.lupoid'* Extract Buchu and Im proved Roo Wash, SELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU and improved Boae Wah cures secret and delicate UL-'-rdera in all their stages, at little expense, little or no change in diet, n i inconvenience and no exposure. IHs pleas ant in tarte and odor, Immediate it iM e#Un% E W STOR E Just opened ie Samuel Stark's Brick Block, twe doors bole* the WIOMfN# NATIONAL BANK on Tioga Street, Teakhaanock, Pa., where may be found a general assortment ef NEW GOODS eenvisttag ef DRY GOODS of every deeeription, from plaiu to faocj, NOTIONS, FURS, HATS A CAPS, BOOTS k SHOES, HARDWARE, GROCERIES, CROCKERY, QCEENSWARI, Ac , Ac., pnrcbased at the lowss tmarket rates fer eask, all of which will be aold exclnsively for READY PAY, Consequently, NO TEN PER CENT ADDED FOR BAD DEBTS. ,T . e£j TO IMEPEOPLE OF C/W7 Y. CrJTOG'till.g > .' Id other words, the MAN, WOMAN, OR CHILD ' who moans to pay for what they eet will not tws obli ged to pay the M -n hant a Bonus in order to save ' hiiu what he loses by those who irill not or you van not make pay. It is unnecessary for us to go into a more lengthy detail of the articles we keep, but it suffices to say that . IT WILL BE OUR CONSTANT AIM rtot eat people well, and keep on hand, ALL ARTICLES Z* , !• the demand of the County require! * ! ••• /'i • • ' ■ With the ahoy# truths and faets before you. Gen tlemen and Friends, we invite yon respectfully to , call and see us FRANK C. BUNNELL, ROBERT W.BANATVNE. VajAhflMtitaWoo JJEL. LACK. A WESTERN R. R. Winter Arrangement—Dec, 3d, PASSENGEfe TRAINS LEAVE* WESTWARD | IASTWABD. Morning ! Evcn'g | STATIOHB I Morn'g | Evening Train I Tram I I Train ( Train. A. M | P.M. | |A. M. |P. M. 9.00 New York* 5,20 JT 2 11,30 New Hampton-• •• • 2,30 *"|J £ 12,18 Miinuoka Chank---- 1,35 p © 12,15 Delaware-••• Diue •• 130 C 4,20-10,10 Peranum 9,45 6,20 O 5,6 11.43 Nicholson 8,30 4,30^ y* 5.59 12,08 Hopbottoea 8.18 4.05 ja 7,00 135 Great Bern! 715 240 W ©A. M- P. V. 'Foot of I.iberty St. A. M. P. M- 3 * CON SECTIONS--West ward. The MORNING TRAIN from New York con nects at M4NUNKA CHUS K with jhe train leav ing Phil- (Kensington Depot) at 7 30 a. ui and at GREAT BEND with the through Mail Train on the Erie Railway, with s'eepiog car attached, stopping at all the principal stations on that road, aDd arriving at Buffalo at 6 18 a, m. The Passenger train from Scranton connects at Great Ben.l wi;h through trains west and east ou Erie Railway, arrivtri- at Buffalo at I.P 8 a. m„ aid at Salamanca at 12 in. , Eastward. • The MORNING TRAIN from Groat Eend con nects th re with the Cincinnati Express on the Erie Railway from the West; at Manuuka Cha k with a train for Philadelphia and intermediate stations, arriving in Philadelphia at ri.3o p. in.' and at New Hampton with a train for East n. Bethlbem, Al leotown, Reading and Ilurriaiuig, arriving at Har risbuvg at fi-30 p. m. At SCRANTON, connections are made with trains nil the Lackawann a nnl Uloi/tnsburg Rail roan to aui ,r ui Pittston, Kingston, Wilkesbarre. Berwick, Blootnsburg, Dniville, Nortbuuiberliind Harrisiiurg and intermediate stations, ami with* rains on the Delaware and Hudson Railroad to and from Carbocdale and intermediate stations J KRIS BIX. Preiident. R. A Hs.vnv. General Ticket Agent". jc29tf NL W 1< AM C Y AND TRMMING STORE. Tioga ctreet, Turk bannock, Pa. AllffS. K LEASE. HAVIN 5 lately opened a new Fancy Store , of fers for sale an entirely new ii.-sortment of | T O Dresi Tritnniiegs, White Goods. Embroideries Ladies Z j Rr. in ail <• tor- Kid Gloves, Cuffs and Collars, Veils, Corsotts, Ladies Xc kt:es, best qua by of ('mill Needles nn l Thieud of the best quality, and Fancy Notions of every variety, u large stock of TOY'S, In -In ling China, Brouze. Papier Maehe Tin, Rnse woo 1, Glass, I'eatcr, Mo.iicu, Parian and Cauiy Toys, For . Ladies. C' -mctics Ac .3u has Pomades, Oils. Bandolina bloom of youth an.;. wijii-e ** * wYrse mJAm OA 7 1: HALI. OTM ER S, THE ELESRATED WORLD S FAIR Where were exhilifrd instrument? from the best ma kcrs of London. Paris. G .naany, Ptiila 'elphia Bal timore, Boston and N w York ; and also at the American Institute for five successive years, the gold and silver medals from both ot winch can be seen at our ware room. By the introduction of improvements we makes still more perlto Piano forte and by manufacturing largely, whli strn fly cash system, are enabled to off jr ihcse : nstruments at a price which will preclude com petition. Terms s— Net. Cash, in Current Funds f -*f~ 1) -s u-'piive circulars sent free. "X. A u " 43 v5-n45 ' ye' A A 0. NOTICE. ( P* \y - - - U ' r1 vf ' i. • J fc •• - ' . •- -• i*. . jj U-. " Ife? 'Xi Having purchased the entire interest' in tba Pho tographic G illery in this place, I t-ike pleasure in informing my Hi nds and the public In general that lam 1 t,> produce pictures of every dr*crip tiou, in. In Ui g ~ lOTOGrIIAPI'S , CARTES T?E ViSITE, VU;M:T"IKS. ambr<>TYPES MKIAISOTYPES. tXIIRUTYi ES, IVOKYTYPE,&t, &c. Being jiossessed of every f.> -ility, I FEEL CON- F T DFNT oi giving entire satisfaction. All are re quos.l to call ai',l xmiiin*. and "Rt ize the shadow, ere the tubstanee fade." All kio.-s ot colored work done at the shortest no tice and 'in tbe best stylo of the art. Also all kirds oi copying done from old pictures, from eard to size. Satisfaction guaranteed. - L. W. HERMANS. "Turk. Apr 11th,1£66. HATS & CAPS! mass's s ivrnmn GROCLRI^S. •' '*' r * For Sale at i L. si ins, 1 On- Rjidge street nearly op pos i t e Wheelock's old stand IpHE ||RXEN, A BEAUTIFUL PREMIUM INGRAVING Reduced Prices to Clubs. THE LADY'S FRIEND nnnonneesfor 1867, the following 'iov lets :—A NEW STORY by Mrs. Hen ry Wood, authorof ' East Lynne," "The Cfcanniogs," Ac.; "HOW A WOMAN HAD llElt WAY."by Elizabeth Preseott authorof 'Told by the Sun "NO LONGER YOUNG," by Amanda M. Douglas, authorof 'ln Trust," Ac ; and "DORA CASTBL," by Frank L*> Benedict- It wilt give a 3PLENDTD DOUBLE PAGE FINELY COLORED FASIIICN PLATE—engraved on Steel—in every number. It will give n beautifully executed FANCY TEEL EiVGRAVING in every number It will give a large assortment of WOOD CUTS, illustrating the Fashions, Fancy Work, Ac., in every number. It will give a popular piece of MUSIC, worth the cost of the Magnz'ne in itself—in every number. It will give a copy of the beautiful Premium STKPL Engraving—"ONE OF LIFE'S .HAPPY ROl T R>"—2(j Inches long by 20 inches wide --to every single (S2.SO) subscriber, and to every per son sending on a Club. It offers as Premiums, Wheeler & Wilson's Sewing Machines , ilver Plated Tea Seta, Spoons, Pitchers, Gold and Silver Watcher, Guns, Hi des, Melodeons, Clothes' Wringers, Appleton's Cyclopedias, &c. 1 copy (and the large Premium Engr'ng) 82 50 4 copiei •• •• .. •• 00 5 " (.and one irratis) B.' 0 8 " (and • -ne gratis) 12.00 20 '• (andone gratis) 25.00 One copy each of LADY's FRIEND and POST, 81.00. The setter up of a Club will always receive a copy ot the PREMIUM ENGRAVING. Members of a Club wishing the Premium Engraving must re mit One Dollar extra. r ,-r Those desirous of go'tin? up Clubs or Premi um Lists, should enclose fifttn cents t\>r sample .Mag azine, coutiiiliiog the J' ■ rri ulrrs I DEACOV & PGTEROV, 319 Walnut St., Philadelphia. H. BAF.H AM & CO lia\c opoued a (v'EFXHANT TAILG3-S1I&P, CLO THiNG" STORE, In S. Stark's block, one door below the Rank whero Uoats, Vests, Pants, etc. etc. OF THE Made by Mr. B.rluim lnms. lf, or under h;s per sonal suiervision, by competent workmen, of the 1J v.. 'l' MATE 111 A • C LOTUS, CASSLM LI IS, V LISTINGS TRIM MINGS, and a general assortment of GENTS URN ISIIIN GOODS, constantly on hanl and for sale, H, BARNAMA Co Tut.k. Pa. Ma 1, ISqg, ISG7. exTvrrov* lßo7< CLUBS I "THE AGE." A Democratic Morning Journal I GREAT IMPROVEMENTS 4ND GREAT IN DCCEMENTS ! Union, Restoration, and Constitutiona Liberty! The Daily Age contains the lateEt r:ews from all part* of tlie world, with editorial articles on Govern uienf, Politics, Trade, Fin nee and Gmeral Subject, Local News, Maiket Reports, feto.-k Quotations, Re ligiuus, Legal feummary, Foreign and Domestic l/>rrespoudeice*Commercial /utclligeuce Reports of Public Meetings, The trieal Criticism Reviews of Literature. Prices current, Literary No tion, AgrieuUui d lniorin.ition. Art, Music, etc., etc* Besides special Tclegiams, it has all the dispatches oi the Asssoeiatod i'uiss from every part of tbo Uui ted States, and also The Uisiiatches rrecivod by 'he Allaiiliu Cable ; and tiie uovvs troin all parts of Eu rope luougiit by lue steamers, is instantly lelegraph ea l'roui whatever point the stoauicrs hist touch. The Weekly Age will be n complete compendium of tbe news of the week, and besii'es the leading ed itorials from the Daily, will contain a large amount of interesting matter, prepared expressly for the weekly issue. It will be tn all .espeet? a first-clasa j Family Journal, piirtieolarly adapted to thu Politi cian, the Farmer, the Merchant, the Mechanic, the family Circle and the General Reader, having every characteristic of a live Newspaper / Each number will contain tin intensely interesting serial, by one ot tbo umst p ipubir and tas.-in itiog authors, arid it is also the intention to publish, from week 10 wflt. in the course of thu year, three or four of the best au-d latest novels. TERMS: Always in Advance. THE DAILY-One copy one year, 89,00 : six mo-übs, 81,50 ; three months. 2,L0 ; for any less period, at the rate of ONE DOLLAR per m -nth.— Postage, thirty cents per quarter, to be prepaid at the office ot delivery. THE WEEKLY—One copy, one year, 82 ; five copres, one year, 89 ; ten copies, one year. $17,5" ; twenty copies, one year, $33, To clubs, where tbe papers are sent to one ad tress, the following re iuc tiori will be made : Fire copies, one year, $3,50 ; ten copies, cue year, sig,so ; twenty copies, one year, S3O. A cop.v will ho furnished gratis for each clnb of ten. ir mere, to one address, for oae year. Postage, five cents per quarter, to be prepard at the office of delivery. The above terms will le rigidly adhered to. Spec imen copies of the Daily and Weekly sent gratis, on application at this Offico. Advertisements inserted at moderate rates- Address, WELSH A ROBB, 430 Chestnut Street, P* R. J. HALLOCK MESHOPPEN PA. Respectfully announces to Jtiis cus tomers and the public that he has onhand and is prepared to manufacture to order, on short notice, all kinds of Carriages & Wagons. Being himself a practical workmen, and having in his employment com petent woknfcrn in all branches of the business ; and using material selected from the best Eastern manufactories ; he feels confident that he canj (STATIST ACTION to ALL who may favor them with their patronage. BLACKSMITHING, PAINTING, VARNISHING, TRIMMING, ANI) REPAIRING DONE ON SHORT NOTICE and in a workmanlike style CHARGES ALWAYS MODES ATE. He also keeps ON FL4ND A U FOB Sad LE all kinds of Carriage in t terial suck as MORTICED Z/ÜBBS,TURNED SPOKI , BENT KIM BOWS, THILLS, I'OLE OIL-COLT S TRIMMINGS, PAINT, V 1 ARNHE'I TURPENTINE, CARRIAGE BOLTS. SCREWS, MALEADLE. IRON &C* K. J. HALLOCK/ Mrshoppeu Pa. Jan. 30, ISgQ vsu2sU' HARDWARE & IRON ' 'J l , . ' * wp*s '%s U/ ; , .... , c ; W. ,i> -'-an, -q HUHT RO'S & DLASR SOW OFFKB FO It SALE IRON, STEEL, NAILS AND SPIKES. MINE RAIL, RAILROAD SPIKES, ANVILS, BELLOWS. PLAIN & CONVEX ID ill- K-SIIGES. HAM MERED HOKSE- N AILS. WROUGHT IRON, minis' SHE USE. C'ARPEN TERS' TOOLS, (ALL WARRANTED.) TTT'P.S, SPOKES. 1 ..LLOES, SEAT SPfNDLF.S, CARRIAGE SPRINGS, AXLES. PIPE -BONE*, SPRING STEEL, BOTTS, NUTS. WASH ERS BELTING, PACKING GRSND STONES; PLASTER PARIS, CEMENT, HAIR, SHOVELS, WHITE LEAD FRENCH WINDOW G LASS, Ac., Ac., ALSO SASH, DOOR 1 * AND BI.INDS ON HAND IN ASSORTMENT AND MANUFACTURED 1 O ORDER LEATUEEIt AND FINDINGS FALRBAK'S SALES. wr&ntr.n. March 26. 1863. vln33- CARRIAGES & BUGGIES. The Subscriber, n practical workman of long ex perience, is now finishing off a large lot of new Car riages and Buggies, at his Carriage shop IN TUNIvIIANNOCK. Equal, if not superior, in Workmanship. Quality rf M ttorial. and fiuish, to those turned out at other shop in the country. Those wisning to buy should Call anb Cl)tm. PAINING* VARNISHING: TRIMMING AND REPAIRING, Done on short notice and in a workmanlike style. Charges moderate. J. CAMPBELL. Tnakhannock, Aug. 24, '65. v5n32 MUSIC STORE '. l '. -i Ij " B I'OWKi.LTj^, f-J Scranto'u, Pa, \.'4•) general AGENTS. -•\ tir Also agent for CUICKERING'S DECKER BRuc.. and HArNES BROS. PIANOS. ,*nd. TREAT, LINSLEY A GO'S MELODEONS. Also keeps general atock of the smaller Muaica Instruments, Sheet Ac. Church end Sunday School Singing Books.— Instruction Books of all kinds, any of wbhh will b# ■ant by mail upon receipt of the nartot price. • - Order* from DEALERS andTEACERSH special- I ly solicited. Address 1 nwiiaii mm THE WORLD, 35 VARA ROW, JVBW YOftJT, T E R N O . WEEKLY WORLD. One Copy, one year, • S 00 Four Copies, one year, 7 00 Ten Copies, " 1100 Twenty Copies, to ene addreae. U 00 Fifty Copies, gg gg SEMI-WEEKLY WORLD. One Copy, one year, a 4 00 Four Copies, " 10 $9 Ten " " SO 0i DAILY WORLD. One Copy, one year, *l* H CLUB PRIZES. For Clubs of 10, One Weekly, ore year, " " 60, One Semi-Weekly, one year, " 100, One Daily, one year, DIRECT/ON. Additions to Clubs may be made any time 1 the year at tbe above club rates. Changes in club Lists made only on request of per sons re* eiving club packages, stating edition, poet office an.l State to which it has previously been tent and enclosing twenty-live c> nts to pay for trouble ef tbe change to separate address Terms. ca,sh in advance Send, if possible, Pat Office Money Order or Bank Dralt. Billa sent by mail will be at the ri,k of sender. We have no traveling agents, Addreae allordar* and letters to THE WORI.D, 35 Park Row. New York. K W STORE! Nicholson Pa., Wm. O.GARDNER St CO . : f ha ve just received a large and splendid tM. e goods corsisting of Jfnntn dtoobs CLOTUINO, BOOTS 1 SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, * UMBRELLAS, TRAVELLING BAGS and TRUNIN, Cloths, Cassimeres V T csting's, Trimmings, YANKEE NOTIONS 4*c, All good" s Id by us warranted as recommends* Our ami "To keep good •Goods," Our inotto, "Not to be undersold." Tn connection with the store is n TAILOR-SHOP. GAIOIES PS CUT AND MADE IN TBI LITEST STVLG. prcsuce tiiii is nam. W. O. GARDNER A CO. Nieholsen, Pa. OUR STARCH GLOSS Is the only Article used by First Glass Hotels, Laundries, amd Thousands of Families. It gives a beautiful polish, makibg the iron past smoothly over the cL'th.saving a tea TIKI and labor. Goods ibu'e up with it keep ek-an much longer con sequently will not wear out so soon. It makes Old Linen 100 like New O U Id IM1 K IUALBLU £ Is the Best inr the World, It is soluble in hard as well as soft water. It I put up i i the safest neatest, and mest eoayeaieat oriu of any offered to the public. T IS WARRANTED NOT TO STRFAK THE W IFS Agents A'chted every here, to whom we ex traordinarv Inducements, NEW YORK STARCH CLC'SS Cf No. 21S Fulton JSt.,N T n7-e:ii m SISM JIBK NTT A BEAUTIFUL PREMIUM; ENGRAVING- Reduced Ju ices to Clubs. The Saturday Erenin - P >st gives a beautiful stetl rngrHving (muied "One of Life's Happy Hours")--- 2(3 inches lung by 20 inches wide—to every eiogle (•>2 50) subscriber, and to every one sending on n Club. It will commence in the first number of January a now story, called 'The Outlaw's Baaghter; A Tile of the ."-outhwest " by Emerson Berne tt, author of "The Phantom of tho Forest," "Prairie Flower," Ac This ttill be followed by other serial Stories from the Best Authors. Ib-horte* Stories, Essays. Sketches Letters, Agricultural Articles, <*c are also regularly given. The Post is Neutral in Politics—being exclusively devoted to Literature and does not discuss Political or Sectarian quesiions—leaving these to the political and religious piess. Tt iffers among its Premiums, Wheeler A Wilson's Sewiug Machines, Silver Plated Tea het*,Spoons,and Pitchers, Gold and Silver Watches, Doulle Barrel Guns Aliens Rifles, Mclodeons, Clothe' Wringers Appletou's Cycloj edias, Ac. Now suborn bers who subscribe now for 1607 will Lave their name entered on the iat ofTnePst AT .NCE~AND RECEI /E THE WHOLE TEAR 18G7 BtSIDES ! 2 BR MS. 1 copy (and the large Premium Eagrawig)t?,Sy 4 copies 5 •' (and one gratis) o.VU 8 " (and one gratis) 12,00 20 " (and one graiis) 28,U0 One copy each of Post mdJ Lady • Friend, 14, The getter op of a CluL will always receive aoopy ot the PREMIUM ENGRAVING. Membera oi a Club wishing the ITeiaium Engraving must remit one Dollar extra . a rw- Those desirous of getting up Clubs .or Prion nm Lists, should inclose/re .cents for e ample PP* r "" PEvrasos, * c. * ' 319 Walaut Su, Philadslfh . ENFEEBLED AND DELfCATE S®TITL TIONB, of boih sexes, nse Helmbold'a Extract chu. It wiH give brisk and energetic aw ! | eaable you to aleep well.