tJ&AOY'S hOi 1867. THE FsnM.-n Magazine of the Wornl. R.\ r NK ARTS, AND FASHIONS. Tr* osl si / !i wt tr I -n/rnnigs DUl'B. E FA- lO I.ATES Wood,vitigs „ n -very au'j mi .an interest ladies Crochet kr itt k-oC TH t LADIES' t *-V 0 HIT LF„RS7* EAR S N<> M li t-* hu *o out .ate with it.— None at emi.t •*. GOD EE'S KECEZT7S f>r every cpiiituvui of a n-in.seuol 4. feese eloit era w-r'h 'he pn. e <•' fie Bonk MODEL COTTUiES (eo other Magaeine fire# them) wh linrrarne. DRAWING LE'dONS FOR TUH YOUNtf. Aa ather specialty w ih tdndey. ORIGINAL MU IC, worth 93 a *aar Other M ta <*nofcia orei.v i* ly t" be her i-wn boon*, ma" ker. M\'!l()\ IIMM.WD. A it/ h or ess of "A/one," "Hidden 'J'ti/f>, " IT'/SS Side,'' ".Ernie sis," and ".M 1J ur uIJ *uil tavorit* contributor*. 7 EH MS OF ■jjjODEY'S f^AOY'S-HOOK rOK 1567 (Hi'"'" ■'h-ch 'A(rv r,i f>' itft Det'iaftOi-) Th* r lowin sn tb terms of ihe Lily's Book for . 867 : • One copy. one year 93 OP Tworopie*. .me vetr 6 50 Thr#c c<;hf*a one y*ar 7 1 F"iir copiM >n# ye ir 10 00 Five cojiie* lie ye ir and an ex'ra er| tto the pr-on club, m.iking six ii pies 14 00 Eiiht copies on* year, an ! an extri copy to the pees...i getting up the clu'ipu iing nine i-npie- 21 o f ' E ! en ro|iis. one ear. an lan extra ops in *he p*r.inn jetting up the clu'%iu.kiiig twelve enpies 27 0' rr All a.I liti. ns to elnha at eluh rafps. j| 'ff Club ** wi he sent to any poat-of Bee where h-* riher in it re*i h . fyf ila l'v's l.irtv's 1! e k and Arthur's Ifom- MaTJiiuv will be sent, each one tear, on receipt o! 94 50 We hare no dub wi:h any other tnagaxme ei bW paper f The money mu.'t all he tent at one lime for any of the Clubs l %n . ii ..ih* riHer* must sen 1 2% cents ad li tinn I f ..- e,. h aubw- riher Ailil'F4* Fa. CODKY. y if C'ornae Si.r'h and Chestnut Streets -P/117 A DEf. PJI/A. anton B USINESS College PHONOGRAPHIC INSTITUTE AND LADIES! ACADEMY:; A PRJLCTrc \L BrslNE-S EBUCATIDN !ingl" .til f ii'de E'rrr Reik-keepinx Busitie* an 'I ai'i sr',l pentu-n.*hip t'ooinieri'ial \ritliiii-.t an C rrision i 1 i.e*'. W'h"t.*ile an* *,r ad Bu .ill's Jh u i R.l • i shi oii'i, F .rwar lintr in it -ai. N. " ti'.g 1.'.-ios l.i "f Ex.-h.uig B i.i in/ I'mui- irr. h 1 mI •' ..n n*r til L*w Ltes. h I -snip lb. C noil-ici il C urse, wit pTiv• ol rei neii wt \ I i.n*- tf-e •! Ii ■ rly 41' LA 7> /EN ' A f A 7) EM /CA L Z>EI'A'E7ME.V7\ Mm M A F'stm. I';incipal, Kerning, *iel iu*. Wri'inv Oian r .vri hmetV, Algehn.lie n el i Tri*on a. atrv, Fei. h Latin. lli.har ho i"h bran be san I tbe L-nguara* p qua ta , 910.00. 'le ui laiuiii.eDvea 5 o .uaj, Fl 25th. No College hT re jr- iter advintages tn L*li and i.-ni|eiu-*. tor obiaii.tog a C-.tiiturn ial L lic-a lion, or tor tiie stu tv id'ih* ll.gbei kn/Heh mid ill Language . Fir forth r liilonu tloU mi id lor aCI - CUlar, or pi Irc-a J. N GARDNER. Principal. ▼6n3o-ly. Si r .niou, Pa. LA FST FASHIONS DEMAND J. W, RrmlltV* ijel-hmtel I'iitent DUI'I.KX ELLIPTIC (i.R l til BI E SpßiNtl S&SLYJFZ.m'. The Wo ioif i Fi- xi i iti •' I r'<" ' pleasure to in> L> •> weiring tie Dui.lex Elitui Skirt will iie -x|i-rieTic • I nir*u;ul-rl> n at! cr*.w I el Assemblies. Ibir- ' C triages. R lilmad Cars Church Pew*. V mCh rs, t' *n tie fibl'd wh-n in use t MUTOpv a stn l! Ala n I>* c nveo ienfy as a Si'k • ! - .1 i>* **, in mviluahl. qualitv in cr-iwliite, mi tou' i luaoy >iu/Ie Spnug Skirt. A Lady hivivg *.| y. itu nfrC and great isißvemrn. rof eea'ili/ : h .tupleX Steel Spilng .*ki>t lor r. ig e div. hi nevei aft- r w-ird.s wih'ing v di-peu.*- woh th-'r use. Pr Children, .Misses aoi Young Ladies ih -y are superi or l mII other-. _ J Thar will not hen 1 or break I'ke the Sinple Spring, but will pres- rve th-ir ocre-i in 1 graceful ihape when ihre© • r toui n ui*.iri eKirt* will bare baen thro *lt aside is u less Ihe h Sips are cov ered w th double ird ivsiste l thread. • nl the Iv.f tnm mda are n-.tonty doibV *| hut rwie(..r double) covered : . reventi..g iheill fio.u wcaMi.gou whan dragging dewn stuojis si lirs. Ac The Duplex Elliptic is II great fsivi ri'e wiih aj la-li.-s m d is universally num. ncl hv 'he Fxshioii M i giiZ'n* - i s ih.- *rA v II Vltli *Klhl Of THE FASHION VRLE WORLD. To enj V the follow t: in*aiim ihle ale nit •* in Crinoline, viz : supri nic qulify. j*rlsrt tur; Stylish sfiai.c .iu I Sitlsll. Flexibility, duraloli'y. emufort and rent.->mv ."ifplirr t -I W. Briliev s Duplex Elip'ic or Double Spring ."*kiit, and be sure and gel the genuine article. CAPTIONTo guard again-t IMPOSITION he ? articular n. NOTICE thai skir s off.;re I ia "Dl T 'LEX" have th* red ink s' imp viz, "J. IV. Bra i lav's Duplex K.lliitie Si el Sorints." i,>ii the wa atliand— others are geuuiue Also noti,-e that every Hoop will adn.ii u pin liemg pissed through the thu* revelling the two (or dou' te, springs h- i !>• I together Hi r*in, winch is the si *e- ..t ihe a'tv iu I strenrth. an I a coin' Ik "'k ot to i.c toun lin anv o'h r Skirt. For e in a I S iir*!* shore I'ir-t Cli-s skirt* are told th mughollt the Stale-. Ml I • I*-where Manufacture • by 'h" Own rs of the Puteut. WEST BRAD! EY A CAREY, 97''h iinr* an 1 79 AOl Rcole £ti. X, Y, v6i 22 imot HELM HOLD'S I XTR VOT BFt'lir giv * health and vigor to ibe Imiiu ati I.loom to jbe polil keek Debility is scco-i. nied hv o any alarn g c yil toins *ni it no rp to "• i j nibmtiieii to, c. ■B|4iee, iilmwily or pi cp i. fit* ense*. INFER LED AND DFLICATE CONSTITU TIONS, of >• h*• *e ii*i; ltelinte-1 t's Kx rwet, Bc ehu Dwigeb sk and energetic lct-ii. g* and eeabi* yu Ui s.vkp w#U. b W IUU ts Juat -ae4 ia Samuel Stark'a Biisk Block, two dunn bcti * tao WYOMING NATIONAL BANK on Tioga Street, Tuelibanno.-k, Pa.. where may be iouaii a general assortment of NEW GOODS 0( I)KY GOODS ol cvarv description, frvtii plain iu Unrjr, NOTIONS. FURS, HATS A OAFS, BOO'rS A SHOES, HARDWARE, GROCERIES, CROCKERY, QUEENSWARE Ac , Ac, purchased a' 'he h'we* tmatket rates for cuah, all of which wilt be euid ex lusively lor READY r'AY, Consequently, XO TEN PER CENT ADDED FOR BAD DEBTS. BXJTC-lNrinijll. cfc XB/VT-JAT-K-ISrEJ, TO THE PEOPLE OF irCOZTWIX. G- s- Id other words. the MAN. WOMAN, Oil CHILD wh>> me • ns to psv for whet they 1 i I' M. | A. M. | I* M. y.CIO N w York* 5.20 jH i'2 19 .".-.nut k.t ii ,ek* • • 1.35 C 12,-5 1'11....n0 - llu.". 100 2; C 4,0" 10, In S*t into" •* • 9,45 ri.2o C 5. i(i I 4 . Ni. ho 1; • •• H .>5 4, id . >x botti'B■ •• • 818 4U5 b,'2t 2, ;8 M 'lm.*- 7,55 035 £ b4l 1,1-8 New Mid. r 1 724 aJ'5 < -c 700 135 (treat 15cmi - 7 5 24U til C A M* 1* M *1.a.(.-I Liberty Rf. A. Ai P.M * 1 (> > l-ATlOATi—Welwai(i, The MORNING TRAIN from New York con- | •t' ts -t MANCNKA CHI" K with ihe train leav- ! ing Philadelphia (Kcu-W.w'on I'eg-t) at 7 30 a >u and ai (SRFAI BEN I'with'he through Mail Train on the K'ie K ibway. wuh s car attached, Stopping at all the principal stations on that ro- d and uiri tug at Buff I" ai b 18 a, in • Th" I'.ssng. - Irom -1 rar.'oa c>o n <• af G'eiit Ben Iwi h 'hr- ligb trains if -'ng west 11 east on hue R ilw >y, ari'xio • ii B-iflf lo t t P 8 a. m. a l-i at Silituian a at 12 in F.astwai (I. The MORNING TRAIN from tirea' R.-nd con- , nc- ts th ic with th Cinciu'-ai' Kxi rrss <-ri the Erie Kail wax from 'he West ; at M Illtlllk t'liu k xvi'h a tram '<•' Phil . iei> hia an I n'-'nuc-liate stations, arri. tug in Phila-telpbi- a' r> 30 p te.' an I at New Hampton with a tra-n 'or E .-b-n. B-'thl-hem. Al len'own. lie- iiinr aial Harris"urg, arriving at liar- ( risi-iirg a' B'3H p. in. Ai NCR \ xTON. <*oiinec'ions are made will, tr.ins .11 (lie L icknxvan a anl lilm.mshiirg ■ Kail man to an ■fr in I'Histon, King-ton. Wilkesh.rre. B'-rwi. k, 111 I.ins l org. D.i'viOe. XorihunToerland 11a 1 risi.urg and inteimediate sia'mns, and with | raies "0 'he Del.xvaie and llu 'Soil Railroad to an-! fro'ii C .rb-.0-lale an l iit'eru-edi >'<■ stations J BR ISB IX I're'idenr R A 'ls*i v. General Ticket Agent j. '29tf EE W I'ANC Y AND TRPx/IWING STORE. Ti-'ga eiii'ii, T ui.kha 1.1.01 k, Pa. M I . I. ASK. HAVIX • lately Op- tie 1 a new Fancv Store,, of- ! tcrs for sale •• ti entirely new a.-sortmerit of 1 •rni lYf? MiN.G fires Trinilii'-gs. Whi'e Is. Euikroi-leri. s j L l-es Z pher. 11l ill colors Kid Gloves. Cliffs to ! I Ci.ll irs A". |l>. Cor-ells, Ladles Xe kl e", lies' | 00l i'v of t"imibs. N. cites ~1. I T liea l i f 111- lies' ] qialiiv, -ni Fa y Nolans i-f every van ty, " I large s'-.k l TOY 111 Jll ling O' in 1. Itr-•lire I*-|iei Mache Tin T{ s— j W-...1 Gi tss. p. wt. r. 11 "O icii, Pi-ann aid Can-x j Toys. Car Ladies. C'sm iti' . Sll h *•> |NII •!#* •*>. | :• l2tHiu ui youth in 1 h'ouir* . Liily Wh t> A ♦ MKS. L. IK.VSE T'ink'i nn k, M ; 1. v 5 -i.7 -• f. Kl OA ]T : TITV & CO. piANO pOIITKj MA.NUF ' (J ITJRKRB JE i" jb. cl "wsi-y NEW-YORK The aitem'< n -I' n l lie 'rid is invi 'e-i looiir n sab- 7 >ct.ivc tosew.i-l pi.un fortes vrh' h f V 'Unie .o-lmiriiy of lone are miri vapc ibv a xn: . offered in this iie'ikei The. } 'contain ill ill - "■ '*•'" 1 -pr vein ms '"ren •' Gr .ri acii-.n h'"> '•-•) i'"i> fr.>m n-r s'rung brass. A ,1.-* e. -a n-irii a a' .•nrn 1? m ler it- |i-r-nn I 8 1 ivi-i" "I Vt. J. II ti • gt'-eii, >h'-h-s hda pr*. tie. I a Xl.e! e|. ccl i-vw 30.vear- •> h-it 111-ll'l f fu'l w nr- ite I it. ever particalar Ti lF *GR( Vi.fc. I FFN I*. ceived lh highest * war I ot IT r. -f;- i i i A • ■ ( Gil i i i'i i ii I \ 111 J J \ II ' 5 ' K t i I i I rh, AT THE ELznrated YVORLIaN FAIR Where were • xhili" d II s'i nuo ids from tin la s. n, • k rs ot lam lon P"is. G runny Pniiadelphi.. 8.1-tiiu.'Te, tiiu.'Te, l'-<.-In" an l N xx A -.rk ; an i u!s at :h. An.e.i- i> lisii'n-e f'-n ti c stlvecssive yar> ih. gni-l ar.-l si xci medals from both ol which can be ftfi'ii :f our w r Bv t'l" illH" I'l t'- l" of illiproxa inents we n-ake a still in rc pel tec Pi .no torfe "id bv 111 mufti tuiing largely, xxid. a sirn t v.-asli -xs '-m. are euatded to offer th-si- 'nsiruuictrs .1 .' price whi.h will preclude c in pel it imi. Terms ; - N't Cash. " Current Funis, f ff' li s iipiixe circulars si tit free "A. A ' " 49 vs*'4> v.-.r A .%C N ?i ht;. Jwl If s . - - Having pu-chusci the entiie interest in tha I'h"- tngrai hi G Her* in this place. I take pleasure in inficni'iig mv fri nds and the |iut>!i>- in g.-neral 'hat 1 am a ei.vx-1 to pro luce f i.'.ur.-s of ev. ry descrip tion in 'u I't g CARTES * VSTE, VIi.M-'I 1 I . xMRKH'I Yl'l S MKI.AI WJ7 YVFS. FIIRROTY ES I VOi: VTV I* !',&.€•• *LV, Being |-sscss.-1 .a cx.- v f 11■ t * I Fr.l'.L ("OV- ! FU'KNToi giving entire - .fisl n-n- n. All art re- j qufs-asl in call ar-d ex'iu.Hi . nn-l *'. c eize Ihe ha l-.w. er. Ibe su!>St*nee fide." All kin sot . xxori -'ore at -he shortest no . (ice an lin the be*, stvl** of the art. AD., all I- ; rdg n. e pxing -aiiic fn in ol i pictures, from card to size. S it'Sfa iinn guar.nte.-d 1 . W IIFRM VX*. Tul /|i II I IF((> IDTiT 0DD3)31 HATS & CAPS! d; GIiOCLUI S. Foi Sale at F L. UTSEB. & OB'S. Oil Bridge street nearly opposite Wheclock's old stand - OHE A BEAUTIFUL PREMIUM BN'GRAVING Tied need 'frices to Clubs. I THE LADY'S FRIEND announces for I BC7 the following ox lets :-A NEV STOKV hy >is tien r\ Woo.i, authored 1 xiiue " "Toef'haiiii.ties " A< ; HOW A WOMAN II At) HER WAY " (y Elir.aheih i're-co.i author ot ' Told < y 'he >un ; —. 'NO LO.NOEH YOUNG " t r Amnd* M DougUs. sutler ot ' 111 Trust," Ac ; auU ' liOliA EL, h i . Fiiti-U l-*"* l^nedift 1- will w'lv e SPLENDID DO! RLE PAGE FI N ELY COLORED FASHION PLATE -e-graved ! ouS'eel-in every tiutnher. It wil vive a beautifully executed FANCY i TEEL EiVGRAVING in every number It w> I give a large assortment of WOOD CUTS, ilius' aiirg the Fashions, Fancy Work. Ac., in every number. I will giee a popu'nr rice of MUSIC, worth the 1 cost ol the Magazine in itself- in every number. It wilt give a copy of the beiutiful P r ennnm Stksl Engrning-- "ONE OK LIFE'S MAPI \ HOUR " 2|j ic b, 1 I >ng bv 20 in hcs wide--to ev. rv single i 92.50) -utmciiber, an I to every per j son sending on a C u > It (dfcrsas Premiums, Wheeler & Wilson's Sewing Machines , ilver Plated i'ea Sets, Spoons, Pitchers, Gold and ilver U atcher, Guns, Li lies. Mef'deoiis. ('l'* IPritigers, A jijileton's Cycl<]•• o i>M\c \ .t p. rEtov, 31'j W.iinut st, Phil id. I phi a H. BARHAM & CO ila e ..peiie I a KEFCKAhT T.MLDS-SHOP, 4ND : CLO rlliNG STORK, InS S'.irk's "lock one .h.or below the B inb xx he re OtllSt \'ests, Pants, etc. etc. OF ' HE M • ie i.v .Mr B.rhain h.tneelf, or un ler his |.cr s.ii. il suiaTviai ui. I>y eo.ll p> t'-nt workmen, of he Ii I M N'l'l'.U 1\• >• . 'LOTUS, CASSI.MI.Us, VIJSTINGS I KIM MINGS. •od a general assortment of (iK\*rs UIINI s HN # G 00 DS, ioustiiiitly on hau i and for sale, U. BARN AM A Co Tunk Pa Ma- 1. 18g6, 1807. 1807. CLUUSI "THE AGE." I i \ Democratic Morning •J Olli ti iti • • iULAT IMPROVEMENTS xN % GREAT IN DUCEM£.NT6 1 t'liiuii, lifsturation, ami ConstituttoiiH Liberty ! Tlie Daily Age contains the latest 1e vs from all |Mi 11.* ot t:.e xvorld, xvnn editorial articles on Goveru iiiL-iif, Poll' les, trade, Fin noe and G uernt ct, L.h'.ll N. XXS. Ma'ket Kej.'.l.S, tlu'K Quota'i..US, Re I giou- luleiligeave, Leg.l suoiiuiry. Foreign and Domestic Correspx.u.ieii.e, Coioiue'clal /utcliigeiite lic|s>risot Pi9llii! Ateetiuga, The 'rival Cri leisiu Kcviexxs of Literature. P.i.a-s cuireui, Literary No tices, Agricultural Information. Art, Music, tc., et • iiesiucs specia. Telegiams, it his all (he dispatches ol lha Asssocialeu Press troiu every part of >he Uni ted Stall's, and aiso the dis. at. lies r> ceived hy the Atlantic Cable ; and t ,e uexxs trail all par's of Eu rope 1 .rought by the steamers, is instan ly ea trout whatever point the steamers hist tuueu. The Weekly Age xvill Vie a eomple'e eoinpen liuin of the n.-xvs of the xveek. and U-.-i.ans 'ho leading e.l iioti .l> f oin the Daily will . ontain a large nmount !of inlet est iiig inaMer, prepared expressly fxir the weekly issue. I' will he 11 all espeds a first class Kit nut X- Journal, pirtictCnrix a.lap'"d r<> the t'.diu ei rs all.l i' is also 'lie lot. n'i >n 10 publish ti week 10 w-.k in the course ..f ifcc xear, three or four of the best nl latest novels TERMS: , Always in Advance. THE DAILY' One eopv one year. 59.00 : ix no. on*. 8t 5U ; three months 2.-0 ; for any less period. "I th- rate of ONE DOLLAR t-r month.— ps age, tlii ty en's p.r quarter, to be prepaid at the office "t I livery. IHE WEKKi.Y" - One copy, one year 92; five copies, one year, 89 ; ten cop es. one year, §17,5 ; twenty e<.pies, ' tie vear. SB, To clubs, where the papers are sent te one a I ress, Ihe toilowing re 'uc -11- will i.e made : Five • pies, oneyetr, 88 50 ; leu ...pies, ing material selected from the best Kustern manufactories he feels confident that he can ark ant Satisfaction to ALL who may favor them with the r p itr >n ige. BLACKSMI t nixo PAINTING. VA BNISIII VG, I !;" W\u \G AN I HP PA KING PONE ON SIP>KI NOTICE and in a workmanlike style [H'JGES ALWAYS MfDEIATE. //e ais keeps ON 11A NBA I) F<11 SA LK all kinds l FKU FOli S.I I ! IKON. STE L. XAII.S O'l' SPlfxFs MINI BAIL, KAIL!!' At' -PIKKs ANVILS. liEI.I "\VS\ PLAIN A < oN VEX UOR-E-sllOl S. 1 iAM jVifchKn iso K SE NA! IS. WROUGHT IRON, • mmm mm i V I*l.N I I;k>' i s. ( \Li. .V \i K.W'Tt n.) 11! j:>. s|*o.xt> i . LLOO SEAT SPIN I LI." C.AiiKi \G I RINGS. AXLf.S PIPE BOXES, SPRING TEEL HOT 1 S, NETS. H A - 11 Kits P.EL'IINO, PACK 1 NO GR ND STONES; I'!. ASTER PARIS. CEMENT, fIAIR. >"nvCLs, WHITE LEAD FRFN' H WINDOW 0 LASS. Ac , Ac., A I so s.ASII, HOOKV A Nil P.L! N'ls ON 11-A MM V \--0"TM! - .NM A\T> V V V I'F \CTCi ! |l i ft OHOKR LEA Til J Eli AX i > El XI) I EOT F\l/?BaK'S SALES. •r:-ntt;n .iroh'2K I hf>3 Mn33 CAfTKCES f BUSGJES. rf. Tin* Su'-s'-ril er i pra *ti -al workman of long ex peri n -e. is n--xv nni-h'ti r -p IN TUNKIIANNOCK. Eq-L R nnl superior, ii, Workmanship. Qualit v nt M i(friiil. mi I linish, to t'nn" 'n■ in d "lit at wry other shop in ilia country. In >se xvisun.-g to buy should (Cell pi:?- Crririrr (Tf)rm. rr .1 t r 'SJI'V7; TlifMUlKfi AM) HE f'A IfiJXG, Ihi -h-nt ii i i c ui i in 4 *.. i kui.inlikc style. Charge* mo derate j. c.ampbfi.l Tn.ikh * mick. Aug. 24 CS. v5n32 music STORK ts : l - - - • ' " * :"* ■ j r i -b how,, i ;i . In, h|; L GENERAL .yt;ENTs. !;•:> . t.. > !•- Also RKOi.t fur CHICKERINGO H CKEU PR'S. ii I IIAINEs iSKOS lOt.VOS ,id. T-iEAT LINSLEY A < 0 s MELODEONS. Also kcp ol 'he sttaHler Musiia lostniiiiei.'s. Sheet Music, Ac. . l-r Church u i Sun.lay S.hnol SitiKini; Books - Instruction Books of all kin is, .my ot wni-b will t> u re. #i|>i of the lurket pri< Orders from HEALERS and lE.ACERSU sj>eciwl ly •o'lPiled Address L. M, POWELL. IvuH till 1.90 m THE WORLD, 35 TAKA' Jioyr, JYJZW romr. TEK M s . WEEKLY WOELD. On® Copy, one year, • 2 00 I .ur Copies, one J ear, 7 00 Ton Copies '• 15 UO i Twenty Copies, to enj address. . 2*oo Flitv Copies, §0 00 SEMI-WEEKLY WORLD. 0" Copy, <>ne year. g 4 00 Fi\ Fa It Sc CO i have jusi i< • iv •; n luige iud sj.leudiJ ltk c i goods i oi si.-'iitg of jfaitti) 0?oote -o CLOriUNO, BOOTS A SHOES, HATS ANf CAPS, UMBRELLAS, T.d VEi.LING BAGS and TRUNKS, Cloths, i ' Cassimcres Costings, Trimmings, YAXK EE NOTIONS \'i g0..,1s -i l ' us w nratite I is r.-omraeeled f Mir a tn '• 1' > kt'c|- w. .ml G oil-," Our nn tiro, ''Not r< l.e un ! rsi I.J " in eoiin -.-tioo with tho store is a TAILOR-SHOP. (.Alt >1 l.O's v II 1 AMI MAI)K IN 111 K Fin WFtei VV. O. (iARiiNEIi k7 €ui Tinmiriiijjiif A BEAUTIFUL PREMIUM ENGRAVING. Tieductd 'JViees fo Clubs. The S iturl iv Evening P >st gives a bqnutifu I steel ingr.ung in.ime i • One oi Li'e's H .ppy Hours")-- 2c ill -It. s long by 20 indies wt-lr—to every single (ii 50) mi s, an 1 to every one sending on a Ciub. I Ii trill commence in the firs' r.umber > f January a ' naw.story, eilled The On'! iw's B. ighter; A Tile |ot the .southwest " i.y lln ersoo lie- netf. author of j "The otuof the F test," "Prairie Flowei "Ac This will be tollowe'l by other si rial Stories from the Best Au'hors shorte* St. ries, b-eitl stwtrhei Letters, Ag-(cultural Articles, ate at® also regularly givm. Ttie I'ost i- Neutral in Politi-s— being exclusively | devoted to Literature ami do-s not .lis-use i'oliti al or Mrctari in que- i ui----le.n lug to lue political i aud religious piess | It • ffiTr anion? its Premiums, Wheeler A Wilson's i Sewitig M i.-hines. Nilvt-r l'l ted Tea d's Fpnone and | Pit hers, (.oi t and Solver W .t. In s D->ulle Barrel ; Gun. Aliens liiflis. M.-lo iton, Ciotbs' W ringers ! Appletoti's Cyeloj edias, Ac. Vvv -ui.M-t Im-iis w in. subscribe now f-r ! Ibo7 W II l ave il.t if name ent• red on tie its O' Till p.. si AT 'NCR-AND RCCKITC THE I "WH 1.1. Y:A K 1 HOT B r.RI CEs ! I 7HHACS. 1 enpv (snd the ltrge P etniutu Engrayng) 4 copies ti''o 5 ' (n l one* gratis) 800 P " (nd one grati* ) 121 0 20 " (and one gra is) 28.00 t'ne eoi v e.m h of post aml v'e Friend, *4,00 '1 he gr'ter up of a C'u l will alw.its re.eive m opy 'of the PREMM M ENGRAVING. Members on Club wishing the Pn titiuui Ei graving uiust remit ; om Dollar ei>ra I tf Those dt si reus of iretting up Clubs or Pirmi urn l,i'a, should im-lo- Jlrc cents for rample papr containing the purtn ul .rs. Agent. H, PETERSON, Si Co, 319 Welaat St., Pkiladelph HELMBOI.D'S EXTRACT RUCHU and improwj Ro.e Wash cures se.-ret and delicate disorders in all their etugis. at lit'le expense, little or no charge in diet, no inconvenience n.i no exposure. I'l" ant in taste and odor, immediate is it* Ml WB ••• ItM freaa ail piapeaiaea.