*,-*• ®OOK lOi 1867. THE - V Ji*Mhu.n Magazine of the World. EKVITK* j ;.\e arts, and fashions !!>••• i"• <.t.fr-ept >tf.H engravings. DOUBLE FA-!IHI.\ ILVIE* \V,A! engravings on every iu'.ject'hat r, 'he B.udoir, and the Kit< hen. Every thing, in tact, to make a a JUMITK LAPY'*B>K THr'' LADIES' EAVORITE FOR 3 7 VEARS No Hag tin# ha* baai able tocom at* with it.— None a tempt it. OCTET'S TECE/T7S for every ; epnftißfcOt of a household. fees# al>* are w -r'h the pri e of the Book MODEL COTTAGES (ao other Miigasio# fire* theiu) with ting rains. DRAWING LESIONS FOR THE YOUNG An other *ur< ial'y th dey. ORIGINAL MU.IC, worth 3 a year. Other Mi'gaetßer publish old worn-out music ; but threue • ribers to Oodev get it before the music stores GARDENING FOR LADIES. Another peceliari t\ with Godey. Fashi >ue from Messrs. A. T Stewart A Co., of New York, the millionaire merchants, appear in G dey. the only Mtgnxine that has them Ladies' Bonnets We give more of them in a year th in any oth r M.ig nine In fact, the Ldy Book eaabtes eary lady to be bar own bonne>. me ker. MA H ION HAHIiAND, Authoress of "A tone," "Hidden 7*ath, " ".\foss .Side, ""A'tv/ie sis," and "Miriam," writos fn Godey •i b month, HII-I tot no other mog atine A new n • vol hy her i!l be published in 13 67. We hare also retained all our old and favorite contributors. 7BUMS or : |?ADY'S f 00K FOR 1867 ( Fmu, uhch th>r" c /' hr tin Denatior.,) The following are the terms of the Laly's Book for . 967 : - One copy, one year 0O Two copies, one year ® 50 Three copie one year 7 Four copies me ye ir 10 00 Fire spies. "in* year an I an extra ceje to the per-cn getting up the club, making •ixc pies 14 00 Eight copies on. yr, and an extra copy to the person getting up the eluh.uiauing nina copie- • 2100 E'.'-m i>pis. K-KEEPING BU*IN"SR AN IT '• KI ">'• ■! M-HIPCOMMERCIAL ARITHMCTI. AO CORRECT '• I>-. .WH-UANA RETAIL BU-INES.- J-H'.*R.G. I • '• "FT-R SHIPPING, FORWARDING AN! UOUJWI-M >IT. W- : <-G LOANS. OF EXCHANGE E' l -N/ ■ HV AN I<* -MTNERRIAL LA* L->. S, FC- L RSHIP -R £At ICA L UETAKTMLWr. MIS* M A FOSTER. PRINCIPAL, HEAD NG, WRITING, GRAMMAR. GET GR:I| HJ PHILOSOPHY OHEIUI*,RY, ASTRONOMY, LLISTOR,. (ITE-LI. DING BIBLE ARITHMETIC, ALGEBRA, GE-U,ETII TRIGOAON ETRV, F-EW-H AND LATIU. 'JLIFCHER EN HSB BRANCHES AND THE LE.NGUARES P' ' QUA ITER, 910,00. TEIUI COMMENCE* MONDAY, FEB 26th. NO COLLEGE AFF RIS GREATER ADVANTAGES TO I.ADIE AND JENTLEMEN FOR OBTAINING A COTNINEN IAL ELMA TION, OR TOR THE STUDY OF THE HIGHER ENGLISH AND TH LANGUAGE FOR FURTHSR INFORMATION SEOD FOR A CIR CULAR, OR PLDREW. . J.N GARDNER, PRINCIPAL. V6N3O-LY. SCRANTOO,-PA. LA . EST FASHIONS DEMAND J. W. Bradley's Celebrated Patent DUPLEX ELLIPTIC (OR DOUBLE SERLNU SiESIHT, THE WON.L.OFI. FIEKI' ILITY -NLGREIT COMFORT UN PIE ,SURE TO UY LIIY WEARING I HO DUPLEX ELIPN .SKIRT WILL HE EXPERIENCED PARTICUL • RL.V IN ALL CROW I E J A-SEIUHLIE*. O;JE'IS. C IRRI.'GES, RIILMAD CARS CHU B PEWS, AITO CHIIRS, FOR PROMENADE AND 11-US- DRESS, AS THE SKIRT CAN BE FOLDED WHEN IH USE T > OCCUPR A SMALL PI ME AS E* ILY AND C*OVEO IEUT YAS ASI K OR MISLIN DR SS. AN INVALUABLE QUA IIV IN OR ONLINE, NOT TOUUD IN ANY SINGLE SPRING .•SKIRT. , A L TDV HAVING NJ .YED THE PIE ,SURE, COMFORT, AND GREAT CONVENIENT E OF WEARING 'HI .DUPLEX ELIPTL' STEEL SP,UG SKIRT TOR SBNG E DAY. ILL NEVEI WIRDS W.LLING'T IDPETISE WI.H THEIR USE. F-.R CHILDREN. MISSUS AND YOUNG LADIES THEY ARE SUPERI OR TO ALL OTHERS. TH*Y WILL OT BEND "R BREAK EKE THE SINPLE SPRING BUT WILL PRES-RVE THEIR PERFECT AN 1 GRACEFUL SHAPE WHEN THREE OR FOUT O- NIWARV SKIRT* WILL HAVE been THRO U ASIDE I> USELESS THE H OPS ARE COV ERED WTO JOT.HLE *RD TWSTERT THREAD, AN/ THE HOT TORN re I* ARE OOTNLY DOUB •• SPRINGS, HOT TWI E (OR DOUBLE) COVERED : ■ RERENRING TBEIN FROM WEARING UE WHEN DRAGGING DEWN SLOOPS, ST LIRA. Ac THE DUPLEX ELLIPTIC IS A GREAT FAVCRITE WITH ALL" LA LI S A-,D IS UNIVERSALLY RECOUUNEN >D HV THE FAHBN! M. RIRIOES ,HE STANDARD SFKIKT OF THE FASHIONABLE WORLD. TO ENI-T THE FOLLOWING INESTIMABLE ADVANTAGE IN CRINO'III-.VU : SUPREME QUALITY, PERFECT INANUFAE TUR • STYLISH SHAPE AN I FINISH. FLEXIBILITY, DURABILITY, EOINTORI IMI ECOI, MV ENQUIRE FO R J W. BRADLEY t DUPLEX EIIPTIC OR DOUBLE -SPRING SKIRT, AND BE SURE AND GET IHE GENUINE ARTICLE. CAUTION.-TO GUARD AGNIN-T IMPOSITION BE PARTICULAR TO NOTICE THAI SKIRTS OFFERET AS *DL PI.KX" HAVE THE RED IUK ET IMP. VIE, '-J. W. BRA.L LEY'S DUPLEX KLLITTIC ST-EL SPNNGS." IPON THE *, STBIIUD—NONE OTHERS ARE GEUUIUE. ALSO NOTICE TH IT EVERY LL„<>P WILL ADMIT £. PIN BEING PASSED TBR U B HE CE> TRE, THU REVEALING THE TWO (OR DOT! |C SPRINGS H'-II LED TOGETHER THEREIN, WHICH IS TH S OF IH-T FLEXIBILITY AND STRENGTH, AND A CO R I A N U TO T>E FOUN IIN ANY OIH-R SKIRT. }•' . IN A'L -.'ORES WHERE FIRST CLASS SKIRTS ARE ■MIL TTH'■ U RHOI * TILE ST-,TEA HD I ELSEWHERE M NOT. MITE I : V TH" "HIV OWNI RE OF THE PATENT, WEFIF BRADLEY A CAREY. (W-'H IIUOERS AND 7'JA FIL KOADE GT. N, T, V6U22 IMOA HEI MBOLD'O' ONCEVTC ATED EXTRACT BU CHU. I* 'HE 'I-EAT DIURETIC. HELM . LLV.S OST'ESTR KTEI) EXTRACT S*B-APAHTLT.A IS TH" G EAT BLOOD PURIFIER N. TH .R- PIEO RED A -NRDIUG TO RULES OF CHEMISTRY MIL BHARUIACY. AU" ARC THE MOST ETIE THAT CAN BE J*A4. fc. s 3 1 Uu L Just o|aed in Samuel Stark's Biick Block, twa doors below the WYOMING NATIONAL BANK on Tioga Street, Tunkh.mnock, Pa., where may be found a general assortment of NEW GOODS OMSistlUg Of DRY GOODS of tvery description, from plain to fancy, NOTIONS. FURS, HATS A L'AI'S, BOOTS A SHOES, HARDWARE, GROCERIES, CROCKERY, QCEENSWARE. At , At', purchased at the (owes imarket rates for eaeh, all of which will be eoid ex lueively fur READY x'AY, Consequently, NO TEN PER CENT ADDED FOR BAD DEBTS. BTXKTCNnESIjI. to BANATTTUB, TO THE PEOPLE OF WXOJUDTE COIMIX. # Greeting In other words, the MAN, WOMAN, OR CHILD who means to pay for what they sret will not he obli jr*'J to pay the M'-roh inr Bonus in order to save him what he loses by those who icill not or you can not makt pay. " rt is unnecessary for us to go into a more lengthy detail of the articles we keep, but it suffices to say that IT WTLL BE OUR CONSTANT AIM rtot eat people well, and keep on hand, ALL ARTICLES the demand of the County requiret Wih the •!*>▼# truths and facta hefore yon Gen tlemen and Frienus, we invite you repe< tfuMy to call and see ua FRANK C. RTNNEIL, ROBERT W.BANATVNE. Infill |J!.L LACK 4 V, L.-TLRN R K. Winter Arrangement-- Der. 3d, PASSENGER TRAINS LEAVE WESTWARD | EASTWARD. Morning Evctt'g | STATIONS | Morn'g | Evening Train | Tra'n | (Train ; Tmin A. M | P.M. | IA. M. |P. M. 9.00 New York* 5,20 P! I 11,30 New Hampton 2,30 'sj j 12 18 AJanunki C'b-nk-•• • 1.35 <3 12, <5 lleUft're->"Diu" 130 PC O 4,30 10,10 S rantoti 9,45 ti.2o < i © 0.06 1.43 Nn bo's .n 8.35 4,30 S s ft 5.58 12,08 Hopbiittom 818 405 ?" 5S 7,00 135 it ß.' at 1!> BJ 7 15 240 -D ©A M- P. M. Foot of Liberty St. A.> 1.1". M" 5 CON N KCTIONS--Westward, The MOUMN'O TRAIN fnnn New York con te t •! MANI NKA Clll T . K with the train leav ing Philadelphia (Ken-ing'on loc pot) at 7 30 a m anil at <1 HEAT REND with the through Mail Train on the Erie Hallway, with seeping car attached, etopi ii.g .it all the principal stations on th:it road, iipil uri ing at Buff h> at 6 18 a, in The p, •.■.>*•!.g< > tr.,in Iroiu Surai.ton rornwll at G r *at Rent vi h 'hr< ngh trains g.icti west and east 'D fcii* R ifWy, arrivio at J fin at 118 a. Uu. aHi at Salani.in- ii at 12 tn Past ward. The MORNING TRAIN from Great B e nd oon tie- ts th re with th. Cincinnati Kxtrtss ..n the Erie Kuilwiv from the West; at Manunk ■ t'hu k with a tram to' Phil idel| hia an I intermediate tafions, | arriving in Philadelphia at ij 30 p. in.' nd at New II ifpton with a tram for E.wtnn. li—thl -hem, Al lentiovn. Re oling and llurriiiurg, arriving at Uar • rishurg at 8-30 p. in. At SCRAcTuX. connection* are made with trains on the I, n-kanan a nnl PiliH.uishurg Rail roan to anu fr an Pitfston, King-ton, AA'ilk-sb iire. Herwii k, I'lloomsl urg, Dmville. Northumberland 11 urisi.iirg and liiterincdite stations, • and with i rain# on the Delaware sol Unison Railroad to an a from C'urbondale and itderiiovli Me stations .1 HK 'SRI X Pretident R A 'Jestr. General Ticket Ageut jv29tf A' E W tAiN C Y AND TRMMING STORE. j Tug* ."street, Tui.khaniutt k, Pn. M IS I: I, ASK. HAVIN i lately epene . a new Fancv -tore , of ters for sale an entirely new assortment of TIT ITVnMXTJ a Dres- Tr-iiiini'g-. White •'•.> Is. Kuibroi leries ! L.■mien, Parian aid Can .y j Toys. For Lad ics. fosin iti, -A> So has I'oui .Ot--. Gils., iinuiolina l.;. M.in ot y -uih m i Pain's, U.oige, Lilly \t h t< A .MRS. E. LEASE Tunkh >nnnek, May 1.J966 v 5 t37 -' l , 01 I MAMJF • GLTJKERS 439 : Eroadwa-y I NEW-YORK I uttoiiii. n >f tlie public .ml the trad - is invi- J. led to our n vs ale 7 octave rosewood pin an I lories whi.-h f.o ▼ lutne md nuriiy of lone are unri ; viilleiby any hi b- rt-- offered in this market, They i contain all th • ao lcrn i ,i(ir..veuients. French Grand ; action, harp |-dJ iron frame over s'rungbrass. Ac. | .no e o-h m-'ru ueni 'con ; n • la uu tcr 'he person .1 gi|. rvi-ioii of Mr. J. 11 Giovngteeu, who has h>d a j pra-tical experience of over 30 vear. in 'heir IU mu j facture.ie full'- wurranted tn every particular THE 'GROVES TEEN mm&im'ST received the highest reward of MERIT OVERALLOTHERS. THEFLEBRA7ED WORLD'S FAIR | Where were exhtliled u s'ruuients from the best m • kcrs tif laindon P uis. G rtn my, Ptiiia.leiphio B it ; 11more, Boston atid N w Y.rk ; and also at •he i Americ ti li.stitu'e for five successive years the goid and stiver iiiedair from both ol which can lie i seen at our w .r<- room. I Bv the in'to Itiction of improvements we make a i gtillni re per fee P> Mi" forte .ltd by tn inufu tuiing I largely, with a sfn tlycash svs'etn. are enal led r. 1 oflVr these nstrutnents it .< price which iii preclude j competition. j Terms Net Cash, in Current Funis, r l).-s -iprive circular.-sent free. -A. lu -- pictures of every descrip tion ••• u I g TIOTO . CARTES BE VISSTE, iVI (J V|- 'I ! v , VIM i '! Vi' l-.S MELAI\()I YVES. EEftROTY ES IVOK YTYPK.&c. Being is.Hsessc I ..I eveiy fi. ilin I FLELCON'- FJDENTo! giving entire s .tis{ i.-f'c n. Allure re q lies' ed til call al'M examine, and ". c eiz.r the -ha low, ere t lie substance fide." All k'"'-s ot colore" work -'one at th shortest no tiee and in th" best stvle of the art. Also all k'-.ls o. repvint: dot " fr- m of, pictures, from caul to size. S itisfacti .n guaraiitecd L. W HFRMANS. lu:k All I It!.. Ipf6 m 1 © ODD %l HATS & CAPS! (.UOFERI S. F r Sale at F L. SITSII. & CP'S. On Bridge street nearly opposite VVheelock's old stand |tRIEND, A BEAUTIFUL PREMIUM ENGRAVING deduced Prices to Clubs. THE LADY'S FRIEND announces for 1 86T.the following ov lets: A NEVA STORV by ws. Hen ry Wood, nuihomt • East l.ynne." "The Channiugs " i &. { "HOW A WOMAN 11 AD HER WAY"by; Elizabeth Preteoti author ot 'Told i) the Sun : "NO LONGER YOI'NG," hy Aunnda M Douglas, author ot 'ln Trust." Ac ; and "DORA CA.iTLL, by Frai k Le Hanedict ' It will give a SPLEN'DTD DOI'BLE PAGE FINELY COLORED FASHION PLATE—engraved on Steel—in every number. It wil give a beautifullv executed FANC\ T EEL E2VGRAVING ID every number It wi I give a large assortment of WOOD CCTS, > illust'ftling the Fashions, Fancy Work, Ac., in every number. _ _ j Ii will give ft popu'ar piece of MUSIC, worth the cost of the Magazine in itself-- in every nuui'-er. It will give a copy of the beiuhful Premium STKFL Engraving--"ONE OF LIIE'S HAPPY HOUR " —2(5 in. hes long by 20 inches wide --to 1 every single subscriber, and to every per son sending on a Ciu >. It offers as Premiums, Wheeler & Wi tarn's ISevving Machines , ilver Plate*! Yea Sets, Spoons, Pitchers, Gold and • ilver Watcher, Guns, Hi- j fles, Mehtdeons. Clothes' IFringers, Applcton's Cyclopedias, &c. 7Pit.US. 1 ropv (and the large Premium Eog 'nf) #2 50 4 copies •• •• •• " 600 5 • (nd one sro'is) R " (and -ne gratis) 12 00 20 '• (ud one gratis) 29.00' One copy each of LADY's FRIEND and POST, s4.°o. ; The getter UN of ft Club will I'WIVS RECEIVES copy ot the PF.EMU'M ENGR AVING. M'-iubers of a Club wta-ing th- Preiuioni Engraving must re mit One Dollar extra Th. se desirous of getting tin Clubs or Premi um Lists, sbou'd en ■)<>*■ Jiften cents f..r sample Mrg . azin°, containing 'he r>r?> utr.-. DEtC'IV AP irE'tftOV. 319 Walnut St, Philadelphia. ! i H. BARHAM & CO iia-.e a MERCHANT TAILOR-SHOP, CLOTH iNG~ STORE, lu S Stark's block, one door below the Bank where oats, Vests, Pants, etc. etc. OF HIE M-. le bv Mr B.rham h.niself, or under Ins per sonal supervision, by competent workmen, of he Ii I MATKHIAI.. CLOTHS, CASSIMKIIS, VESTINGB '] JHM.MINGS. •ind a general assortment of GENTS UK SI SlI 1 N GUODS, constantly on hanl and for sale, 11, BARN AMI Co TuuU Pa Mu' 1. IS(J6I 1867. E * R ™ RO ™ 1867. CLUBS/ "THE AGE." X Democratic 3lirniiig Join out: GREAT IMPROVEMENTS AND GREAT IN DL'CEMENTS ! It.ion, Hestoraiion, and Constitutiona Liberty ! The Daily Age contains the latertre vs from all p .iU ol tue world, wuh editorial articles on Govern luetn, Politics, trade, Ptu noo and G oerul Subject, i L... .H N< us. M,i' ket Repoits, Stock Quotations, Re ' Igu.u, luteiligem-e, Legiil Ml in ill a ry, Foreign and lb.mettle Coi ti.'Spoudeuee, Conuuercial intelligence Report hof Public Meetings, The trical Crl ieisiu Reviews >.rs and i' is ' also the intention to publish, from week to wc k in the course of 'he year, three or four of the best al < latest novels | I TERMS: ! Always in Advance. I TIIE DAILY' One copv one venr, $9 00: *j K inoalh*, 91,50 ; three months 2.10 i for any less peri. .1. at th" rate of ONE DOLLAR per tu'dith.— Pos agc, thi ty tents per quaGer. to be prepaid at the office ot if livery. THE WEEKLY - One copy, one year, $2; five copies, one year #9; ten copies, one year, #17.5 ; twenty copies, one voar, 833, To clubs, where the papers are sent te one ad ress, the following re tue tioc will he made : Five copies, one ye ir, $8.50 ; ten copies, rne year. 81g50; twenty copies one year, 83U. A cop.v will be furnish -d gratis for each club of r.-n, ir mere, to one address, tor one year. Postage, five cen a par quarter, to be pretmrd at the office of delivery. The above terms will he rig'dly adhered to. Spec imen copies of the Dailv and Weekly sent gratis, on appli alien at this Uffico. Adiertisemi-nts iuser ed at m .derate rateg- Address, WELSH A ROBB, 430 Cb< stnut Btret, j PhilA Ll'C all kinds of Carriage . i terial such as ! Morticed //übbs, TurnedSpoki , ' Bent Rim Bows, Thills, 1 olf Oil-Colt s Trimmings, Paint, Viarnhe ' Turpentine, Cauriace ll.iLTs. Screws, Malkable. Iron Ac K. J. 11ALLOCK.' Mrahoppen Pa. Jan. 30, lSjjg vsi>2sif* HARDWARE & IRON' HJT3T r.O'S & Butiß . NOW Ot FKIB Fl{ SALE IRON, STE 1., NAtLS AND SPIKES. MINE RAIL, RAILROAD SPIKES. ANVILS. BELIA'WS. PLAIN A CONVEX lIOR-E-SIIOhS. HAM MERED HORSE NAILS. WROUGHT IRON, NAURS' Si mm. CABPEN TERV TOOLS, (ALL WARRANTED.) HUBS, SPOKES, FI.LLOE.S, SKAT SPIN DLIvS. CARRIAGE SPRINGS, AXLES. PI PE BOXES, SPRING TEEL ROTTS, NETS, WASH ERS MELTING, PACKING I GRIND STONES; PLASTER PARIS. CEMENT, HAIR. o HOVELS, AVHITK LEAD FRENCH WINDOW GLASS. Air . Ac., ALSO SASH, DOORS AND BLINDS ON It VXD !N ASSORTMENT A\'P V ANt FACTUPVP 'I O ORDER LEATiI FEIi AND FINDINGS F \l/?BaK'S SALES. .inrrh 2fi vln33 _ ! CARRIAGES £ BUGGIES. The Su'.serU er. i practical workman of long ex ppriinjo. is o>iv fiui-htnti e in 1 in a workmanlike style. Ch ict'ad Address 1 # L. li, POWELL for**** 9+ | THE WORLD, 35 tabic HO rr, jTErr TO us:. TEH Ngi WEEKLY WORLD. One Copy, one rear, I J 00 Four Copies, one year, 7 00 Ten Copies, '• IS 00 j Twenty Copies, to ene address. 25 Q0 Fitty Copies, 10 09 SEMI-WEEKLY WORLD. One Copy , oi* jeer. f 4 00 Four Copies, " lu 00 Ten " " 10 00 DAILY WORLD. One Copy, one year, 910 09 I CLUB PRIZES. For Clubs of 10, One Weekly, ore year, " " 50. Gne Semi-Weekly, one year, " " 100, One Daily, one year, DIRECTION. Additions to Clubs may be made any time la the year at the above club rates Changes in club Lists made only on request of per sons receiving dub packages, stating edition, post office and State to which it has previously been sent and enclosing twenty-five c- nts to pay fcr trouble of ti.e change to separate address Terms, cash in advance Send, if possible, Pjst ! Offi e Monty Order or Bank Dralt. Bills sent by j mail will be at the ri.-k of sender. We have no traveling agents, Address allordsn and letters to THE WORLD, 35 Park Row. New York. E AV STORE! Jsiclto'son Pa., Wilt. O.GAItUNER &. CO have just received a latge ana splendid sleek • goods .insisting of JantD dSaobs x — A CLOTHING, BOOTS A SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, UMBRELLAS,* TRAVELLING BAGS and TRUNKS, i Cloths, Cassimeres Vestings, Trimmings, YANKEE NOTIONS AH goods s Id by us warraute I as recoraneadad- Our aim "T. keep good G"ods," Our motto, "Not to lo un !■ rs. Id " In connection with the store is a TAILOR-SHOP. CAHME.ATs CL'T AM) M.ABE IN THE LATEST STA LE. poice ran ii immi W. O. GAR IIN EE A CO. Nicholson, Pa. 0 U M S T A RCH GLOSS Is tlit- only Arii; te used tv First Class Hotels, Laundries, aid Thousands of Families. It gives a beautiful polish, makihg the iron past sini'othlv ovi r the doth.saving ¥i'CH Tiar and labor, (■••oils dore up with if kee rlcan much longer eoa .-cqucnt I v will not wear out so sain. It makes Old Linen 100 like Ntxe 01 l! IMP K li IA I. 81. U K Is tie lic.-tih ther World, It is soluble in hard as well as soft water. It is put up i i the safest neatest, and most eoavvaicat nrm "f any offered to the public TIS WARRANTED NCT TO STREAK THE f HPS A rents .vatit.l every here. Co wbuui we ex traor :tuan lin'm enoi.ts, KEW VOKK -TAKCII GL<'9B C* No. 21bFuIu>n iSt.,L Y c7 6in TEE SJljniiT TvEllib mi I A BEAUTIFUL PREMIUM ENGRAVING Heduced 'Trices fo Clubs. ' The S itur li v Evening 1' ist gives a beautiful steel I engraving Ortuie-i • One of Life's Happy Hours")— I2gin h. s .otig by 20 inches wide—to every single j 50) su s tiler, ant to every one sending ou a j Club. It will commence in the first number of January a j naw story, e died 'The Outlaw's B ilighter ; A Tile ot the h oath west " by En-ersiui Bei uetf. author of j -The Phantom of the F'-rest," "Prairie Flower " Ac This iviil be tolluwed by other serial Stories from i the Best Authors Sborte* Stories, Essays. Sketches Letters, Agiicultural Articles, &c aro also regularly given. Tiie Post i-~ Neutral in Politics—being exclusively ! devoted to Literature and does not discuss Political or .sectarian quest i uis-—leaving these to the political 1 and religious press It iffcr> among its Prentiums.AA'heeler A AVilsoti'g j dewing Ma.lt'nes, Silver PI - ted Tea Seis,Spoons.und I Pit-hers. Gold and Silver W.Uhns. Double Barrel , Gun- Aliens Rifl.s. Melodcons, Cloths' Wringers | Appleton's Cyeltqodtas, Ac. N*. w -titiM-riher* v* h" nh>Cf'be nrnr for 1807 w!' 1 avi- iheir name en'i red cm tie { <•• Tto P AT XCK AND KECKITik THE : \VH I.C YKAK 1807 Br.SIDEi ! 7 BUMS. I copv (and the ltrge Pteiniuui Engrivng)92.sv 4 copies •• •• (j'W 5 •* (an l one pratis) oOH H " (undone- gratit\ 12,1*0 20 " (and one pra.is) 28,00 One cot v each of P"St end Ladv 's Friend, 94,00 Ihe gctier up of a Clut will elways receive acopr !ot the PREMIUM ENGRAVING. Members o< a i Cltt'i wishing the Premium Engraving must remit on< Dollar extra . . CfT Those desirous of getting up Clubs or Pretm ntn Lists, should im-los- Jtce cents for .-auipla paper "T'Z' "" P " , "'"H. FETERSON, * c.. j 319 Walnut St., Phtladelph FOR NON-RETENTION OR INCONTINENCE of Urine, irritation, tnfl ma ion. or ulceration of t bladder, of kidney, disease* i f the prostrate 1(1 stone in the bladder, cabulus. gravel or brick dull dejHisits. ami all diseases ot tha bladder, kid / ■ , and dropsicpl swellltngs. ' Tm Qyi.M)Mix'9 JW 1