Special Notices Administrators Notice* „r .r- b "' '■"? IjCUH Uay J I- notified to pr Wilt - -i, r , #,,o=. indebted 'O the same wIU uli,ko ,uent Wlth " out delay to DAVII) AMY. ) A(W _ ANN CYPHERS, \ Ad ® Lemon, Mar. 28. 1567—v6n34-bwk*. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that letter Testamentary . upxn the estate ol Altiert Park lat- of North Branch Tp. Wyoming Co , dee'd bav been granted to the undersigned. all poisons iheref i having claims or demands against said deo'd ® re requested to make ( them known and those indebted to it, to make pay ments without delay. V E. S, BOWEN, Executor. v6n<36w. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. Letters Testamentary on the .state ol Sherman ! Lou.is lute ol Northuioielund township dee d , haying j bet u gianted the Uliocislgiied, all ieiso. s indebted i to said estate are lequested to make uiiuieiliate payment ; and those having claims agaius' said dee d, will pieseiit ibern ouiy auilnlitiealcu without del.v to W ILLIAM THOMSON, Exe.utor ▼6n336w. SHATTER ED CONST l TI'T IONS RESTORED by Jiciwooiu s Extraci Luchu. MOTH E. Whereas, Letters of Administration to the Estate of Albert Koseiigr-in, late ol baluu. Tp .iee'i., has been gianted lo lue Sui scriner all persons nidi bted to said estaie are requested to make immediate pay meuls. and those Having claims against deed wid present the same duly autliem-oataU without deiay. CliAl NCEY ROSENHRANT, au i HANNAH KU3ENGRANT, Eaton, Pa March 23d lßb7. Adiur's SUBPCENA IN OIXOHCE. 0. P Freeman 1 In Court of Common Pleas of vs. > Wyoming Co. No. I4li August Ann Freeman y Term, 1866, LIBEL IN DTVOT.CE FROM THE BONDS OF MATRIMONY. T Moso> W Dewitt, igh sheriff of the County ot Wyoming, her. by o uke known unto th above named Ami Freeman, that slie be and appear at tin- Court ut Cmnir.O i Pie.is, to be hld at Tuiiklianno.-k, in and lor Wy< mmg Co on Monday tbu laiii day ot April. A D, 1367, then and here to answer the said complain , mi to su.w cause, if any siie h.ib. Wby the btili Is ot mitrim'.ny between herselt and 0 f Freeman b.-r husband, shall u. t be dissolved. M. W DEWITT, Sheriff, Tunkhann-ck, March, 16, 1867. SUBPOS.XA IN UIVOHCB. Lydia J. Gould.bv her }ln Court of Common Pleas nexi friend Go Wti- - d Wyoming Co. No 53. II.IUIS, is /.imes G.ul i. y.\ov. Term. 1T66 LIBEL FOR DIVORCE FROM THE BONDS OF MATRIMONY 1. Mor.es W, Dewitt, lligii Sheriff >1 the County of YYvouiing hi-rebi utaiee kuovvn uitio the a rove naui* a.i -J .iues Goubi, mat he be an I ..p.a-.t at 'he Court ot Common pleas, to I. hel I a' Tunkh iino.-k in am for Wroui'tig Co. on Moudiy, toe 15 h div ot Aj ril A. 1> 1867, lh-li an i tti-ro >o .vnsWer I tie said •-niu- J.lainl alst lo show cause, i| am lie liaih. why Ihe bonds ol Matrimouv beluo.cn himsct aui Lydia J, Goula. bis wile shuall not l.e rtis.-nhe i, M DEWITT, Sheriff. Tunkli&nnock, M.trch 16ih 1807. AIIMIVIs TW A I'OitS' NOTICE. IETTERS of Adiuin sfriri.-n, on the estate of s Samuel Carey, hue of X'irthiu. rel in I Town-h-p Wyoming Ccunte, dee'd, having been granted ib" undersigned —notice is hereby given t-> all persons indebted to said estate, to nalse imme.ii .te p-.yiuent; snd all persons h:wng ilaiin- against -aid ece.'i ut to present *!•>. or Yen lao it pri-as That will suit the seller, if not the purchaser. He thereto e offers his ser. ices to all who may need theui sn this capacity--Charges always moderate, Address by letter, or otherwise AIIIIJA G AY. Mesbcpncn, Pa March I2'h 1367.---i6031-lui->. Al'DtTiiK'S NOTICE. In matter of the distribution of fund derived. f rom Sheriff's Sale of personal properly of James O Smith. The undersign--1, having he.*n appnintdd an Au sjitor by the Court of Common Pleas of W \otnir.g County, to distribute the fund ..rrising !rom the sal ot the personal pn<|ierty of JairosG. Smith, by James B. ilardiog. late Slier If ol said County ; will attend to the duties of his apjmiiitme-it, at his ■ ffi— in 'funkhannmk Bom .en Thurol iy April 4th 1567, at 10 o'clock A M at w.ii di ti-ie .m i place all peisons are required to present their claim 3, or be d barred from couiing ui <6r * share ot sai l 'und. HARVEY SICKLEK, Aalitor Tunkh.mr.o.k Mor.h, 12, ISO7 BRIDGE GETTING THE building of the Bridge Abutments and su jieistructure a-ro-s " sivail i r >ok" iui. t the •astsi lent I'u ikh iinio-k 15" oilgh, will In- let to the lowest respins'lde hi bier, i a the 6th day of A|ril next. P.aus an I pc, ifie itinns in-iy bes.en by railing on Serret.i ry of Tow n C'.tuiu-il. By order of Burgess -ii Town t'-.m . il U'm. S KL'TZ, Burgess. IIARVEY SICKLEF,, Secretary NOTICE. Whereas, my wife Mary his left mv bed -nd board, without just cause or provocation I forbid *ny one narlmring or trusting her on ray ac count. as I sh ill pav no debts of her contracting af r this date P)RTER CARPENTER. Nicholson, Wy. C'o Pa, Feb. 16'h, 1367. DELMBOLD'S CONCENTRATED EXTRACT BL CIIC. Is the Grea I ur nc. HELMBOLD'S CONCEN. RATED EXTRACT SARSAPABI LLA Is the Great Blond Purifier. Both are prepared according to rules of Chemistry xnd Bharmacy, and ara the most active that can be mad*. Executrix' Notice. lETTEK."" Testamentary b-vinr been granted the undersigned on ibe esiate "1 Ear! 11. Carev fat* ®f Tunktiamiock T wn-hip. -lee'd., all persons inUbted to said esiate are requested to inakr miinet diate payments, and those having rl lira- ag.uns •aid estate will present the s iuie duly auibentieated for settlement to ELIZABETH CAREY*. Executrix. Tunkhannock Feb. 13, 1367. —v6i)23-6av. ENFEEBLED AND DELICATE C 0 .lITI'- TIONB, of >o h *e.\e-, use Hcltubo.d's Exiraet, llu ehu. It will give brisk and energetic lteiii gs and •nable you to sltep well NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that letters of aiiuinixtra tion upon rheostat- ot Seiah Hunter late ol Over fleld township, dec •!. have been giauel to Caro lina Depew, of said township, all purs ins having claims against said otate are notified to present the ssme to her. duly authenticate I f..r settlement and ali pet sous indebted wi 11 make payment with out delay. CAROLINE PbPEW. Administratrix. de bonis turn, cum trst: annexo Overfltld Feb. 8. 1567. HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT Bl CHl* gives health Md vig or to ibe liame aul tdi-om to the palhl cheek Debility is tc.-omp.nie.l by many alarming yaiptoofts, aai if no treatment is subinitteU 10, eon. insanity or epileptic fits ensas. MANHOOD AND Y'OPTHFI L VIGOR are ra pb*i by Hit Exrmo* Bnn Q,oarterty Report "f if V M i • I Bank, Tiinhha' •-••fh Pa. Apt II lat 18.61. RESOURCES. Pills oisi-ounted * ,733.90 F>. Deposited at Washington, I0t 000.00 Oil .r I nitedMa es Securities on hand. 28 150 0< Premiums PW. 5 92^'22 Expenses -*ud T .xee, R. uiitan. es t.d other Cash Items, 998,60 Due fiom National B-inks. 20.817,97 Legal len-ler Notes. 25.6a 1,00 National luritnty >ncluding(Fractional), 798,93 267,436.69 LuatuTtaa. Capital Stock, 8100,000,00 Cirulatiou, * 89 877,00 Deposits, 63 9l 1.66 Surplus Fund, * 3.000 00 Due other National Banks, 3,179.35 Discount, Exchange and Interest in Stock, 2 4sß 68 267 156,69 Wyoming County S S. I. Samuel Stark Cashier, do swear that the ah ve is a correct statement fr-in ths books of said Bank. SAMCEL ITARK. Sworn n l Subscri ed bef. re ia<, this 2nd ., Amhor ;f the "'Green Book " Ac Toe wo-ld-renowned .-tiChor, in tbi ndmirihle Lecture, clearly |.rr,ves from his own experien-6 that 'he awful consequenc sot Self A'.use mnv be • ffee'- u illy remove I without medicine, and without dan gerous surgical ojicr itions. bougies, instruments, rings, or nrdials, pointing out a mo le of euro at oriee certai i and effectual, by whieli everv snff-ror, no matter what his in oliiion may be, tn >y cure h in s-lf cheaply, pr'vate]*, and odieapv THIS LEO-- TI'RE WILL PROVE A BOON TO THOUSANDS AND TIIOI'-ANDS. Sent un ler seal, to tinv address in • pt-iin sealed envelope, tin th- receipt of six •-••nt-'. or two •osi.ine stamps Als-i Dr. Tulvt- w • I's • Marriage Oui e,' pru-e 25 -ents. A I >rr<* th- pu' Ushers CI! (S J C. K! INK A CO. 127 B'uvrry, Mew A orli.Post Office Box 4 586. \6115 1 YEAR THE GLORY OF VAX IS STRENGTH There fare th- nervous in I tebilifatet -hou'il i -lUie li it li use llHEkßol.n's KxTlt \CT Bt'Cttf. FOR NON RETENTION ..R INCtNT!NE\CK of I'rine, irrit.tion 'till tuition, or ui-cration of the blad ler, of ki'lneys, iliseis<-s • f ibe pr> sirate g!:rdf ato'ie to the bla-oler, eel. u!u zr.o*l or Lrtck On st lepos'ts. an I .llJisejt.es ot the bl , ij.-r, kidneys, and -tr-fisi a swelllit g*. I'sr. M i.MB-i.d'S Fl' in EXTRJCT i't cue. OHIMtAMsC COURT At.E l'!'K>r AVE "f in Oder nf tbeOrphins' < .u-f <>f VV IIUIMI County, I will expose to Pi i-iu- sale, on the I th dav or April. 1367, ar on. a'.-n,. a • M- at th pretnis'-s herein*' ler described, • •tie undivided ninth I'.rt of sil that certain lot or uiic-e oi I itt-l, stru-t'e i*i Mcrhonpen township, and (.ounde-i on the North by Hods of Daniel Charles M .wry and Il'-nj miu Biker ; on the East i.v land <>f Benjamin Biker; on tnc ?outh by land af Benjamin fits and Arcu.it S'wkrr, .inl of fb. West oy lauds of Anson idbiaker. Levi Grng 'r? and iJaniel Colt*; eon aiding n. hundred And .*•*'>- seven acres, nmre <>r loss ; I lie the estate o' Mowry, late of a .id b.wi.s'.i ■ . dte'd—and the s.i.i un-!i i'le i niuth pxrt beii.e ifc- share of the minor hei r s of Sar ,nn h Cr er. Dec'i. in jaij piemises. Terms of sale - On- half th. pun-k.taa money to be paid .town, an the remainder within on. y.ar. ( y ..i-iktbg a iiivosti.telit t>. s-'lt or oui 11. lii.j ira fP. MattntrT or E J. Mow kt, ot M *.'h' AprilS, North or inch '• S Forkston •' ) Mebooputiy ' V April 9, Meahoppen *' ) Wushtng'on " ) Lemon " V April 10, Monroe, Exeter 3 Nicholson '• j Clinton. Overfiel.l C A aril 11, Norihinorclan.l ' ) Eaton •* 1 Falls " > April 12, TUUK Tp ' ) Tunk Baio. " April 13, By order of Coinin issiottera. Wui. F. TERRY, Sec'ty. Corami-sinners' uffici Mai h 27 1567. R-tiilf 's Moilco, Notice is hereby given lo all jr.-ons interested that the f-.ih.wing accounts nd el liuis hive been filed in the Register's office in and for Wyoming Co and will he present-d to the Orphan's Court to be held at Tunkbatinock in and for Wyoming Countv on Mondav the 15'h day of April next, for confirmation and allowance : Final acts...nt,of Lewis Ager, -a-loiintstr itor of the st ite of L-avis Avery late of Overfiel I T-.wos'iip Wyoming County, de M, Filed Fehru irv 25 h. 1867. F-n-'l ■*. cunt of William Ki-h.rls <4uirlian..f 0 livi r Cl-.rk • ne of the minor heirs of Aaron Clark, liits of Mnp>e Town-hip, Wyoming County dee'd., Filed March I lib 1307 Final ac-ount of Annuel G Smith and William Thompson Fx . of the I vst wt'f an I IVs'-mient 01 Samuel G. Smith late of Norlhtn t- 'an-l l'..wnship Wyonting C .on'y Jec'tl., Filed Feb l4tt> 13i>7 Final account of J >scph Bur-zess, Ex of the Inst will atfl Teg'-incut of Peggy Flunnerv fate of the C'-untv of Wvo .itog, dee'd Filed Jan 211 18i7 Ac-ount of Samuel G. Smith and Robert C. Phil i-o Executors of tho las* will an I Testament ot >1 .&-£ B. Philips late of tha Township of Northmo.i-I nd tn Wyo ning County de->' l. Filed Mireb I tt.1867 Inventory of prop Ttr ele-to I ami eU'.n -d by Sirnh Tutfm. w-low of George 8. Tutt n. late of the Bo ough or Tunkhannnek Comity ot Wyoming dee'd. Filed Jn 16 h 1867 Inventory of property e eeteil <• pl'trote I by a desire to furnish a cheap I aud convenient vehicle for the transmission ot light itind instruction to the masses upon H subject eon- j C* ruing which, there is both doutit an i mis ippre- j , beusion in the tnirnls • f all classes of our country- j I men. This has aiisen as titu h, perhaps, from the I ; heif'ofor • imper'eet sources of o.teiligen.-e cciicern j tug that unhappy country, as>rtu the influence ot j ! our domestic pontics u|ton tin questions growing out J ot the consideration of :ls History The Revolution 1 thr-iugh wlticn etir-iwn Country has just pissed, has , not been without its ioflu-uee, though iniire tly. up lon the fortunes af the Mexican Niitot, and wtnle we coiue inflate the wonderful rlj.ng'S wrought in ; the Ended States by five years of g rife, we are nat urally led to inquire the results achieved by ibe j t- volutintis of our Southern Ntster ones the Ripub -1 lie and ttnwihe Empire ot Mexico. Our Au'nor j has unsweie J tbi< inquiry in manner both satistar i tory a tit conclusive, in the Volume we have just is i -ned from tbo I'res-. and we commend it to the oiti ! reus ol the United States as an invaluable eot.frt | bntion to coteni|*>ratieous History Mr. Flint !ear . [ ly .irinonsrintes among other things. thai the M xi j miiini> Gocernuien in Mexico is firmly established ; that the people have unetidotied .1:1 ir z.(whose troops me said to consist now of but a few ot gm-rtl -1 is.) and joined and 'bat the popular pii-ji.dics in this Oratory against the estat-lish in* lit of an Empire in Mexico are wrong, because in asseriiog the Monroe Do -trttie we are ruon'ng coun terto the wishes of the Mexican people, and taking , from ihem their exclusive right to settle their own affairs in their own way and to heir own satisfiction. Facts an I duramen's are pr sente I to avaw th-it the Empire is maintained now without the aid of Frauce I and solely by the Alexienn people—the merchant clergy, and better sort of people generally The book gives a good insight into the policy which our [ own Government has pursued in Mexican affairs its , well as many facts and statistics of interest and val ue. If the Mexican people have chosen a cnnstimt'onul monarchy as a cure for the anarchy whic t for so many veirs convu'sed the Republic, aid if their , choice turns out wiselv. then who among us dare gii.v to thcin : Put away jvace law, prosperity and the .Empire, and take b*. k faction, war, lawlessness, ruin at>d the Republic ;• NATIONAL PUBLISHING CO SCHENCK'S SKA VEEII TOMIC. This medicine. invetitetl by Dr. .1 H Scu-NRG, of Philadelphia, ii intended to disolve the food aud in >ke it in'o chyme, th first process ot digestion.--- I'.y cleansing the stoma !> with Schenck'* Mi.ndr.ike Pills, the Tonic so-.n restores'h. appetite and food 1 th f c.ull not be eaten before utn.' it will b easily : digested. C invumptiou cannot be cured by 8 heuck's Pul '.ttionic S.vrup unless tin stom icli and liver is made healthy and the spic-tite restored hence the Tonic anu p lis arn equired in nearly every case of con cotisuini lion, A halt dz n bottles of the SE.A tt KKD TONIC and three ot four boxes of the MAN DRAKE PILLS will cure any ordinary case of dys p-pris Dr. ScHE.scit makes professional visits in New York. Boston, and at his principal Office in Philadel phia every eek See daily papers of each place.or ts pairflilet on consumption for his days forrisita tion. Please observe, when purchasing, that the two likenesses of the Doctor, one when in the last stage of Consumption, and the other as he nuw is, in per fect health, are on the Government stamp. Sold by all Druggists and Dealers, price $l5O per j bottle, or $7 50 he half dozen. All letters for ad- I vice should be addressed to Dr SCHKNCK'S Principal ! Office, No, lo North 6 f h Street, Philadelphia. Pa. General Wholesale Agents : Detnas Barnes A Co i N. Y.; S. 3. Hnnce. Baltimore, MJ ; John D } Parke Cincinnati, Ohio : Walker A I'aylur Chicago ; III; Coll ns Bros, St, Louis, Mo.|gnl4-lst mo ly, A HLMHUG HOW OFTEN WE HEAR THIS EXPRESSION trout persons readmit advertisements ot Patent Mcd'cines, and in nine cases out ut ten they may be medicine, the VENETHAN LINIMENT to the public. I had no money to advert tse it. I leti it lor sale with i lew iltuirgists and storekeepers through a small section of the couuiry. many takiug it wit) great teluctauce ; but I told them to let any one have it, and if ft did uot do all I stated on tuy pam phlet, no one need pay for it. In some stores 'wo or tlnee bottles were taken on trial by jtersoits prescut, Iwa ,In utany, thought cr.izy, an l that would be the last they woul I see ot tuo. But I new toy tncd ici .e was no humbug In about two month- I began to receive orders far more Liniraeut, some calling it tin valuable Ltnttuent, who had refused to sign a receipt wheu I lelt it at theii store" Now ray stiles arc minimis of bott.es yearly, and all for cash. I watraut i'.superior to ny other medicine for the cure of Croup, Diarrhoea, Dysenteiy, Colic. Vomiting Spiisun, and Sea-sickness, a? an internal remedy.— It is perfectly innocent to take internally, see oath flccoiopt'ny ng each bottle, and exten ally for Cbron c Rheum itisra. Headache, Mumps, Floated Feet Bruises, Sprains, Old Sorgs, Swellings, Sore Throats, Ac , Ac. aiold. by all the Druggis'* De i pot, $6 Oortlandt Street, New York. v630-7w. . A. Vi's • -SHERIFF'S SALE. BV VIRTUE -fa writ of Fieri Facias post Ven di'toni Exponas, I will ex|s to Public sale, id the I'IIIIL llou-U ID Tunkhanm ck Borough, Wy oiniiis County, on SATURDAY". THE 13th DAY OF APKIL, 18*7. at ono o'clock P. M , the following described prop erty, to wit; All the right title mid interest of Joseph S Hay den. one of the defendant* in said writ mentioned, in and to the following tescribei piece, par el, and lot of land, situs'.te in the township of Windham County et Wyouiir g, and State of Pennsylvania, bounded and deecrihe.d as follow* to wit: on the North by Un I of J. hn Fa"sett, • n the E ist by land of Dorcas Hoyden, on the South by land of John F.nweU. and on the Wast by land of John A. Allen. containing abu' fifty one acres, be the lame more or less, all unimproved with the appur- tens Hl*''. Seizea an-l tnken in execution at tbe snit of Clark Haydeii now as'.l to H K Fren.-h ts Joseph 3. Hayder. an l T. Jennings. Aud will b<- m>l . for cash >nlv bv M W D-WTTT, Sheriff Sheriff's (Office, Tank. Mar 18. 1567 SHERIFF'S SALE. BY VIRTUE of a writ of Venditioni Exponas. I will . xpose to Puolie Sale at ino 0-iuit U use, in Tunkhaunnftck, Wyoming County, Pa., on SATURDAY, THE 13th DAY OF' APRIL. 1367, atone o'clock P. M., the following described prop erty, to wit : A certain piece, parcel or tract of land sit uate in the township of Monroe, Wyonoi ig County Pa , and bounded on tbe North East by lands of Mark Newman, on the South East by lands of——— Barnes, on the South West by lands lately owned by Charles Miuer, and on the North by lands un known, containing about one hundred an-l twelve acres, about fifty acres thereof improved, wit • one two story frame dwelling house, one frame barn, one hog pn and other out buildings, one apple or chard and other fruit trees thereon, with the appur tenances Seize ! and taken in execution at the suit of Johr Wall now assigned to J.im.s Jones ts John Wall, Administrator of Noah Newm in deo'd Aud Samuel G, Ho we I. Terr® Tenuunt. And will be sold for cash onlv. by M. W DtWIT'T, Sheriff. Sheriffs Office, Tunk" M ir. IS 1867 SHERIFF'S SALE. BV VIRTUE of a certain writ of Veidi'iani Ex ponas. 1 will expose to Public oaie, a. the C'ouii tlou.se, in ruukhenuouk Borough, . Wyoming County, Pa., ou SALT KIM i, THE ij-h DAY OF APRIL 1367. ht one o'. loco P. M the following desarioed prop eny, to wa . Ail th it certain pie -e. pi reel, or tract of land, siiu.iie in the Township ot Xor-h.n<>reian I, Wyoming Coun.y, Pa., ant uouiitedoti ;h.- North r,y lands of Henry tlouser, mi ihe K a li,' but is ot Moo.fJ Wtii. Well. 0.. me Sm a ml W st by bin is ot Kit 1> iher, .out lining about m!V nteeu acres, be the Suue inoreor |. ss, ao nnpro.ei. with oue frauie dwell ng hi u-e, one Ir. me oitu. an I mm fpii_e wood house, alio other ou buildings .m lan apple orcbaro una uaer fruit trees tueruou, with lite appurteuua- .-cizc i and taken in ex-cutiou at the suit of A. J Tripp r Miry A Lip-o Aoi will be soil tar cash only, '•y M. VV. Uk.V ITT, Sh. riff Bbena"' Ofii 'funk, Mi. la, 18i>7. Sheriff's Sales. BY VIRTUE oi iu i Iry w its of Fieri Facias 1 will ciikiso to Public Sale, follow. jg lei.r.bji prop erty to wit • All the nga , titi •. mil iat res: of the d feu-lant in >i.i to the f.i > |.;s :ri ..i l piece, .m l lot ot Inn i, sou ie in io inwii- ii.. of iiruuuiiu. loUiny < I Wy inn g. tat ati e t Pea M. iv tUia, itu i | ujuii u-1 ■) 1 U .Niirib by Br.iofot.i County line, on itie lost by lan in of liimuia lirowo iiui Eoeu rlvi L icov, oil me Soutu oy i e Susq-ieb .HUU It v ei,uui West oy Mods u| Amy K-euuy, containing aoout obi; h.uidrel acres, .tmu ighly acres the cut itnpioved wi.h two iru>iie dweliiug houses, oue iramu baru, two tobacco sheds, aud one apple or charu, ana other iruit trees iureuu, with tue p --purteuancea. ALSO One other piece, panel, or tract of land, aituste io the t wuship of iin-iitnin, County ot Wyouuug, and state of iVeu' •, tK/UU-Jed on the ikorth oy Uuli of Bradley if ikria ia, East oy lails of Mrs. J. J L iO.ll re, south by Union Stieol or roal leading to low in la, and West by 8,>11114 Hi.l ro.-t.i, con tauuug about tores lounhs >f an aura, all improved with one train-* dwelling r. nise, one small frame barn, an 1 one i c house wi u ttie appurtenances. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Seth L K euey rs. Isaac N Lacy. And will be sold foi I'.tsli only M. W Dr WITT, Sheriff. cberiff'r Office, Tink. .Via.. 18, 1667. AL-0 All the right, t't'e. *n I interest of tho defmdnnt, in and to Ibe I >1 li wing deaotli ed piece, parcel, aid lot of land, situate an l being in the township of Falls, County of Wyom ng, and State of Pennsylva nia. bounded on the North by lauds of .Spencer Fitch, East by lands of Isaac Suiifb, South by the Susquehanna River, and West bvlanl it .Mithew Sherwood, containing about eighteen acres, anout eight acre? thereot improved, with one frame dwell ing hose, one fr .me she J, and a IUI til apple or chard thereon, wi'h the appuntnances. Seized and taken .u execution at the suit of Isaac Smith rs. A. W M hon and ( has. Mahon. And wilt be sold for cash only, bv M W DsWITT, Sheriff. Sheriff's Office, Tunk, Mar 18, 1867. ALSO All the defend int's right, title, and interest, in and to the following piece, parcel and lot of lad. ; situate and being in the township of F ills, Couuty lof Wv.iinuig, au I State of Peuijylvania. bounded ion tht North by lands of spencer Fitch, East by I lands of Isaac Smith, South hy the Susquehanna | river, and West by lan lof Mathew Sherwood, con taining about eighteen acres, .viour eight acres • thereof improved, with one fr nne dwelling house, 1 one frame shed end a small apple orchard thereon, with the appur'ea mees .-eized alio ick'-n in execution at the suit of J V. Lynch vs. A W. Mi boo. An.l will be sold fir cash nnlv. by M. W DeWITT, Shciiff. Sheriff"* OJSjo, Mir. 13. 1 67. I . J SHERIFL'S BALE. BY' VIRU'Eof a writ of Fieri Fa ia* I will ex pos- to POftdic S lie, at the I'oUil H-USe in lunkhanno.-k Unmuah. Wyoming Couniv. on SATURDAY. TIIE !3th DA- OF APRIL, 1367 at on o'clock 1' .M , the toll- whig described property, to wit : All the right title and titiest of the defendant* in and to the ftillowng described pieces pn-el* and tracts o l ' l ulls lying an I b-ing in ih T-wnsi.ip of Vorthinorelaml, Couotv of Wy.-mir g and State of Penn-tlvntiia. Rounded 01 ttie N -uti '-y lan I* of M S. Weill-, t D• •• Thouip iitt an I on the W>-. bv latin "f Uti Winter?, containing about thirty-thre acres moreo !••?.. alnrnt twenty acres thereof improve-! with b>- uppurten u ces ALSO One other lot piee or pan el of land situate in the Yownsbip of Norihuiorelan 1, County of Wyo ming aud State of Pe nsylvania Rounie ion the North by lan-lot Limes Smith on th< East by other land of said defendants on the South by land of L *i Winters, to ton be We.-t by land ot J-cob Bell an 1— Van Vtcker, eonta.oing about twen y acres, tuore or less, ate-ut 'wHet* e<-r.-a tberanf iwpm.ed, with one log at tide and emu* fruit trees thereon, wi bfhe |>|Hrtenar. es " Seized and taken in -*e< o-i- n at (he siii; f A.-mb Brown, r E Tuukhanaoek Mar.. 19. 1867 \ CALL AT TIIE GROCERY STORE OF Cft'AA'Ji' J• LULL, In the brici corner AT TUHKHANNOGK, PA. FoR SLOU2 FT,I- AM. KINDS FOR BUTTER, L\RD. LAMP OILS, TEA COFFEE l (iAK >ALEK A I I'h. >PICES. .SALT. SOAP, C (M)LES, C A N I) I E S, CRACKERS Sutionery, AND Y A NKE E NOTIONS. OYSTERS tnd SARDINES, ser ed np tit nil lioivh in the l>e*t styles— and for sale in any quantities desired. CRANE & LULL. y 20-f FIIU ILLLLKTLF. BARBER AND HAIR-DRESSER Takes pbiisu e in announcing to bis old custo-ners an-l the public, gencraliy, that he has now stcured the services as au assist 111 —>>t FERST Lll b I ROM PARIS, Thnae wishing a good shave or other work in hi? linn can now be accomuiod-ited without the vexatious deli js experienced at '-one horse" shops. SHAMPOOING, HAIR-CUTTING, DRESSING, DYEING, CURLING, ▲.. Ac. dine in the best style and at reasonable rates. TO MA DBS, TETL UMETY and EXTRA C TS, always on hand. *r i tor sale at the old s'and on Tioga Street. J BERLIVGIIO Tnokbannoek, Pa; Feb. 12, 1867—\6b27-U T Jurors Drawn to serve at April Term— "6T GRAND JURORS. Bra'ntrim---Jasper Koenev, Philip Thomas Clinton—Henry Math w<=.-n. Kx'on —Benj. Ils'l, Stephens Dan Falls-—S. S Brink, Alfred Fitch, Israel Oneal, Mcshoppen—.Micha-l Clinton, R. J. LUlleVk,Clark Winans Mehoopany--Benj. Kinter. Monroe—G--o. S. Howell. John Wall, Northmorelan t - R C Heffield N'ch Wi .li- a ..1 i*i tri i eit^tra—w. A/. Uai lay. New MEAT MARKET. The -nderMgned having 'efittid the oh' market place, is now prepared lo fu> i.lsti with ALL KINDS U F MEAT, at the * LOWEST PRICES. Having procure I the services of a MOST COM PETENT i?I TCHEIt, he feels ctiiifidnit of gt'iog entire satisfaction to nil. hop one door below Miss Hepburn's Millinery Store. OSCAR CASKET. Tunkhanno k, March, 5, 1566. - v6u3o-tf. LLC (MI" ft BBS noiseless IIAMILY JEWING s'heonlr MACHINE in the world that in ikes the wisted lop-stitch, making a atrunger stitch that any other machine now in use. All are invitea to call at P. MLS'S. JKWKI.RV STOKE. aad cznuitiie t.o themselves. Also agn)ts for all other machines t. r Wyoming Co. Pa P C BURNS A BKO. TunkhanDoek, Pa. Oct. 31 IS6C. 6u12-tf "VV at olx os- JEWELRY REPAIRED P. C. BUR N S .t 80. Tik pleasure in ann im rK to *b% peopl# of *1 unkh-'-nD'"" k 'O'l i *| t ,* • iv i rti § IDatdl) anb (Clccfc opposite Wall's Hotel.o!i. . . ic ni p.' to ■ i the most "lifti ult joi.s in then lutein .n .vH'ROA lilt : and SKILL!?IL MANNER, on sh-.n untiie Hv ! ing had long experience in the bustu the a toel 1 1 confident that they can give entire atisiaciioutw all I favoring them with their patronage. ; ALL WORK WARRANTED TO OTVE SA ITS EACTION OR MONEY REIT NDEO AFTER A FUR I RIAL IV. B. - Paras Is Fans iUrtibtrllog />y a•ml Also. A -cordenns and other musical inst u• nt j tuued a rot put in order ou short notice JA NEW MUCK i WATCIIK" i. . i CLO j jus' -n lived. ! 'ELltr ofI? V£X2~ VESCKI-F- Alan .SHEET MUSIC k MUSIC BOOKS on hard or furnish) d t> oxter on the short e>i notice and at publisher's LOWEST RATES. AND PISTOL CARTf IGES adapted to all the modern styles of fire-ivr .cue stonily on hand. WAHK W Ac,. Ac , Ac . &r, Ac. also De il rs in the PARABOLA SPIXTArLB TIIK REST II 1.1.P K'tK iHI" H MAN Vi-;Of LT K I * NT I l P V BURN■> A HBO Tunt b •npock. Pn O A" '''ufc t|t .V ,i> !>' '•N N A Y• ' i • , il 1U wo.tw*. *-* ' (see ben ell injtuioue properties