North Branch democrat. (Tunkhannock, Pa.) 1854-1867, March 27, 1867, Image 2

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    C|e Democrat
•f * - - —i——■ ■
Wednesday. Mar. 27, 1867.
jakey on Matrimony
In looking over the proceedings of the
Legislatute of the 18th January last, we
noticed that our Representative, Jakey
Kennedv, presented a bill with the follow
ing strange title : "An act for the bitter
protection of ministers of the Gospel, in
their official duties in administering matri
As this bill orignated from so pure (?) *
source, and was presented so early in the
session, we presume it has already been
passed and is now the law for preaches.
We confess ourselves a little curious to
know what ''protection" this man asks;
and what exclusive privileges he has se
cured for himself and his reverend breth
ren, in this business. If this law is needed
for preachers, why is it not, also, for Jus
tices of the Peace, who sometimes, though
rarely, "administer matrimony" too ?
Does this till protect preachers exclu
sively in the right to "administer matrimo
ny" whenever, wherever and on whomso
tepi the} may chose? If so, Heaven have
mercy on the matrons —for Jakey won't.
It is to be hoped that the more spirit
ually inclined of the profession, will at
once disavow any sympathy with this "man
of flesh," in his infamous scheme of pro
tecting himself, by Legislative e.iactment*,
from the just wrath of injured husbands
and fathers.
How Abaurd.
Our forefathers of the revolution were
certainly great asse9 when they incorpora
ted into the Declaration of Independence,
the following silly objections to the con
duct of the King of Great Britain :
1. Keeping in the colonies in the time
of peace standing armies.
2. Rendering the military ind-pendent
of and superior to the civil power.
3. Imposing taxes without allowing
4. The depriving the* colonists of the
benefit of trial by jury.
5. For simpending Colonel Legislation.
6. In inciting insurrection likely to re
sult in an undistinguished destruction of
all ages, sexes and conditions.
7. Abdicting government, by declaring
us out of the protection of the mother
8. Quarv-ring large bodies of armed
troojis on the colonists.
9. Sen hug into the Colonies swarms of
officers to collect taxes and oppress the
10. Refusing to pass proper laws for
large districts of people unboe they would
relinquish the right of representation.
11. Obstructing and interfering with
the judiciary, thus denying the justice.
12. Interfering with legislative bodies,
and dissolving tlu-m for opposing with
manly firmness invasions of the people.
12, Protecting military officers by mock
trials,ior offences which they have commit
ted against the colonists.
following is a list of the recent failures in
National Bank*, which we chronicle among
the other signs of the times:
First: National IJank at Meredith, N,
7., failed. Cause —speculations of the
Second : National Bank of Hudson,
closed. Canse—speculations of the cashier.
Third: First National Bank of Ncwton
ville, Mass., lost twice its capital. Cause- -
speculations <if "cashier.
Fourth : Mechanics' National Bank, Bal
timore, defalcation of $300,000 by book
keeper and paving teller.
Fifth : State National Bank, Boston, de
falcation of $500,000. Cause—specula
tions of cashier.
Sixth: Fairman's National Bank of
Medina, N Y., went under on Friday last.
Losses, speculations and general shrinkage,
about SIOO,OOO.
the Tribune at list begins to revolt at t!i
persistent slandering of the Democrats by
its own paid correspondent, and the whole
radical press. It says: "It we could stop
the stream of calumnious fabrication which
ever ets in all directions frotn Washing
ton City, and whereby our correspondents
are often imposed upon, it would subtract
much of of the bitterness of life. The
same paper declares that, "it seems quite
unreasonable and harsh that men who are
to-day hearty Unionists—who love the re
public and its flag, and are ready to fight
for the integrity of the one anu lmnor of
the other—should be denied a voice in
the government because they were rebel*
years ago." So it must seem to every
honest man.
tW Ex-Governor Philip F. Thomas
has been elected bv the Maryland Legisla
ture United States Senator for six years
from the 4th of March last. He is at pres
ent. a member of the House of Delegate*.
He succeeds that miserable renegade Cross
well, who sold his birthright and his inter
est in his country to Tbad ST Co. for le*i
than a mess of potage.
The Bankrupt Law,
The following synopsis embraces the
provision of the National Bankrupt Law
in a condensed form. By the law patseJ,
jurisdiction in Bankruptcy is given to the
several United States District Courts, with
the United States Circuit Courts acting in
a supervisatory capacity as Conrt9 of Eq
uity, and Judges of tha District Court will
be'assisted by Registers in Bankruptcy,
whose powers are limited, and provision is
made for refetence of disputed questions
to the District Court Judg> s, and for ap
peals from the District Courts to the
Circuit Courts, and from the latter, in ca
ses where the matter in dispute shall ex
ceed $2,000, to the United States Supreme
Court. •
There at?e two kinds of bankruptcy, vol j
untarv and involuntary. .In the former, ■
any person residing within the United
States jurisdiction, owing over 3000, and
finding himself .nsolvent, may apply by
petition to the Judges of the District in |
which he has resided for six months pre
ceding the date of the petition, or for the \
longes; period during such six months, and ;
shall there.upon be declared a banerupt. —
The creditors having been properly tioti- ,
fi-d bv thi- Court may appoint one. or
more assignees of the estate of the debtor, I
the choice to be made by the greater part j
in value and in number of the creditors
who have proved their debts, or in case of i
failure to agree, then by the Di-trict Judge, i
or where there are no opposing cieditors,
by the Regictcr. The wtiole affairs of
the bankrupt pass into the hands of the
assignees, who have full power granted ,
them necessary for the collection of all
debts, and the final adjustment and closing j
up of the estate; and where delay is likelv
to occur from litigation in the final distri
bution ot the assets the Court is empower
ed to direct their temporary investment. —
The bankrupt is liable at all times to be
called up for examination on oath upon
matters relating to the disposal or condi
tion of his property or business transactions,
and fur good cause his wife may, in like
mariu>-r, be compelled to attend as a wit
ness iu the case. —In the distribution of the [
bankrupt's estate, dividends are to be paid i
as agreed upon by a m jority in value of
the creditors, from time to lime at 3 months
intervals, but the following claims are first
to be paid in full:
First, the fees, cost and expenses of the
acts ; Second, debts, taxes and assessments
due to the U. S; Third, State debts, taxes
and assessments ; Fourth, wages to any
operative, clerk or house servant to an J
amount not exceeding SSO, for labor per
formed within six mouths preceding the
bankruptcy; Fifth, debts due to any per
sons who are or may bo entitled to tlie pre
ference by tne laws of the L nited States.
The voluntary bankt upt is entitled to dis
charge. provided no fraud is proved against
him, at any tune from sixty days to one
year after aqjudication of bankruptcy ; but
the proof un discovery of any fraud or con
cealment deprives him of the right to dis
charge No person who has once received
his discharge is to be entitled again to be
come a volunatty bankrupt, unless his es
tate is sufficient to pay seventy per cent, of
his debts, or three fourths of his creditors
assent iu writing, to Ins bankruptcy. Pre
ference and fraudulent conveyances are de
clared void by the act and suitable pro
visions are made lor the voluntary bank
ruptcy of partnerships and corporations.
The exemptions arc as follows; "1 he ne
cessary huu.Nehoid and kitchen furniture
and such other necessaries of such bank
rupt as the assignees shall designate and
set apart, having reference in the amount
to the family, condition and circumstances
of the bankrupt, but altogether not to ex
ceed in value, in any case,lb; sum ol §SOO,
and also the wearing apparel of each bank
rupt, and that of his wife and children, and
the uniform, arius equipments of a>.y per
son who is or has been a sol iter in militia
or iu the service of the United States;
and such other property a3 now is or here
after shall be exempted trenn attachment
or seizure or levy ou execution by the laws
of the United Mtatrs, and such otner prop
erty not included in the forgoing exceptions
as is exempted froiu levy and sale upon ex
ecution or other process or order of court,
by the laws of the State iu which the bank
rupt has his domicile at the time of the
commencements of the proceedings in bank
ruptcy to an amount not exceeding that
allowed by such State exemption laws in
force iu the year 1864.'' Acts of the in
voluntary bankruptcy are classified as foi
fuws : Departure or abaruce from the State
where debts are owed, with the intention
to defraud creditors; concealment ot prop
erty to avoid seizure on legal process, as
signments designed to delay, defraud, or
haider creditors arrest and detention lor
seven days, und-r executiou for a debt ex
ceeding one hundreu dollars,; actual im
prisonment for seven days in a civil action
founded on contract for jilUO; assignment,
gift, confession of judgment, or auy ether
act by which preference is given to any
creditor, endoiser, or suspending and not
resum>ng payment for fourteen days, ihe
petition tor adjudication of bankruptcy in
such cases may come from one or more
creditors whose debt reach $250, but the
petition must be brought within Six months
I after the act of bankrupiey has been tom-
I milted. In involuntary bankruptcy the
I proceedings are more stringeul than in
I other cases. The penalty for any fiaud
or concealment, direct or indiiect, under
the act, is imprisonment, with or without
I hard labor, for a term not exceeding three
! years.
Tr e good people of Boston have start d
a clergyman with $20,000 to be delivered
to the starving Cretans, who inhabit an In
land in the Mediterranean Sea, which lias
lately been overrun by an army, under the
command of a brute like Butler, plundering,
burning and killing, wherever be went.
This kind of charity ia all right and com
mendable, but Boston should retupmbrr
that they have the "Gret ks at their own
door, r and that "charily always begins at
THE FENIANS.— The Irish people are
again becoming enthusiastic in the Fenian
movement, and meetings are held all over
the country, i.nd active measures are being
taken by them to render assistance to their
countrymen who are struggling for freedom
ia Ireland, . _ .
A correspondent of the Bradford Re
porter, from which we clip this notice says :
JOHN HOLLKNBACK, Esq., died at his
residence in Wyalusing, March 13th, 1867,
in the ninety-second year of his age
Mr. 11 OLI.ENBACK was bore in Martina
burg, Va., Nov. 14, 1775, a subject, tho
a rebellious one, of his majesty King Geo.
111. In 1788, after the declaration of
pease. his parents joined ia the sudden
tide of emigration to the westward, and set
tled at Morgantowo, on the Monungahela
River, West Virginia; now talked of as
the future capital of that new State. Ten
years later he left that place and came to
B r ilke-Barre where he had relatives ;
which place was his home until bis final
removal to Wyalusing.
Pending the present movement to re
store the shad to our upper waters, it is
interesting to know that in the year 1797
he came up the river to Wyalusing in a
Dm ham Boat, for the purpose of estab
lishinga shad-fishery; and that he soon
after returned to Wilkes—Barre after a
successful experiment, with his boat heav
ily lade.) with the salted shad.
In the year 181 he remtved to Wya
lusing, coming up the river in a canoe,
with a smail stock of goo-is for purposes
of trade ; which was the beginning of a
trade of a considerable extent carried ou
for many years at various poiuts m the
MR HOLLENBACK was the parent of fif
teen children in all, of whom all but two or
three have survived him.
Such raeu are a legacy to us from our
dead an.l buried ancestry; li'-ks connect
ing the ever changeful and oblivious Pres
ent with the years of the sublime and hero
ic Past. Living throughout three genera
tions, he was one of the fetv, now alas, how
few ! wiiose lives extending to our time
were co-extensive with the life 'of our na
tion. Within a few days we have been
called to mourn as a nation the departure
of the last survivor of the Airay of the
Revolution. Very soon we shull bury from
our sight every soul of the men and women
who were even living as babes in that his
toric time.
It is truly lamentable that this stalwart
and long-lived generation should have been
allowed to pass away without giving to the
world mure fully their r;ch stores of memo
ry and experience. Within a twelvemonth
have died m<*n and women wno knew mure
ofoureaily local liistoiy, deeply interest
ing as it must be to their successors of the
present and future generations, than any
who have survived them. In this view
their loSs becomes a public bereavment,
felt beyond the narrow circle of their fami
ly connections, and deeply felt by ail who
remember with tender regret the early
struggles end hardships of our fathers, and
cherish a laudable pride as well in their
triumphs, a in the grand progress and de
velopment of the fabric oi society which
they lounded.
New Hampshire election,
The complete returns from NEW HAMP
SHIRE make a better show for the Demo
crats than the estimate given by us a few
day s since. Subjoined are the figures as
compared with those of last year :
Dtm. "Rep, Rep, Maj,
1866 I>U.4s I 36.i37 4,656
1067 32,833 35,755 2,936
It appears from ibis tab e that the Dem
ocnits poded 2,252 more votes this year
than tney did last year, while the Repub
licans were able lo add but die to their
vote ot lttos ; or, in other words, the Dem
ocratic gain is 7 7-10 per cent, ami the
Republican gain only 1$ per cent. All
the comfort that the Radicals can derive
from these figures they are lieaitny wel
come to. Aleanwhile we beg to remind
out CONNECTICUT friends that, if they will
do as wed, they will carry the State and
three Congressional districts ; for if each
party tucrea-es its vote by the same num
bers as did the parlies in New IIAMI'SUIRK,
J AMi.s E. ENGLISH will be elected by 1,200
majority ; and, it by tho same proportion,
the Dciuocaalic majority will be 5,000. —
Men of CoNNaCTiCYT, make it 5,000, and
redeem your inate ! World.
t&p The Radical p.rt) throughout the
■whole Country Hie becoming despondeut
since tin- late reverses at the spring elec
tions. This Radical country destroying
party is dentincd to be made powerless lor
doing injury and, that too, before, many
elections pass. Wnat Country ever wit
nesses such despotic tyranny as that prac
ticed by the dominant party in this coun
try ? This state of things will not exist
long, the American people will reverse
the action of these tyrants, till their places
with men having respect for laws, and the
good of the country at heart.
The debate in the IIoue of Repre
sentative:* on W edn.-sday last, on Suutiiern
destitution was a disgrace to American
civilization. One member, Williams, of
Indiana, openly expiessed his wish that
the white people of the South should starve
in order that the country might be popu
lated bv what he called the "loyal" people
of the country, and Butler added, if pos
sible. to his infamy, by denouncing any
scheme to relive the pressing necess ties
of the Buffeting poor in that afflicted re
gion. And such brutes are entrusted with
the law-making power in a Christian land !•
GF A woman named Weiss attired her
self in man's apparel, in Newark, New
lersev, and undertook to thrash a Mrs.
Miller, when Mr. Weiss, her husband, came
along and, discovering a man beating a wo
man, interfered and gave his wife a sound
whipping belore he discovered who she
Gov. Bullock of Massachusetts, has
Ropointed a negro named G-ngel Ruffain
a justice of the peace for the county of Suf
folk. There were two soldier applicants
for the position —one minus a leg—but it
was no go. Wounded soldier Lad to take
a back Seat.
It is stated that the Princess He
lena is next on the royal list for an at
tack of cable rheumatism.
Hu the national Debt baen Diminished I ;
Some aanguine people have allowed |
themselves to be led to believe that the
vast debt incurred during the war is likely j
to be liquidated during the life-time of
those who saw it created ; and singular to
say, certain crack-brained Badical fanat- [
ies, such as the editor of the New York J
Tribune and W. D. Kelly of Philadelphia,
have given expression to a fear that it is
being paid off too rapidly. The New i
Yotk Times takes up the matter and shows
by a short and concise statement that the j
present generation is much more likely to
see the national debt doubled than extin
guished. It says:
"This generation is much more Itkely to
double t he debt than it ii to pay it. The
countiy has been amused with the idea
that we are paying it tf at the rate of a
hundred or a hundred and fifty millions a
year; —but it forgets that we are increas
ing it quite as fast in other directions.—
The Bounty Bill of iB6O added about
eight millions. Another is under way
which will add from two to four hundred
millions more. Mr. Schenck* says this hill
will do to begin with," and Gen. Banks
pledges himself to vote for whatever sum
the soldier wants, —be does not care wheth
er it is four or eight hundred mi'lioos of
dollars. Mr. Williams of Pennsylvania,
has presented another bill of the same sort,
The soldiers constitute a powerful part of
the great body of voters. They have one
common interest, and nothing is more cer
tain than that just as long as asniring par
tisans want their votes, just so long will
millions l>e voted out of the public Treas
usy for the purpose of securing thein.—
Neither party in Congress even now dare
vote against any such proposition. No
prominent public man dare take ground
openly and boldly against the policy thus
foreshadowed, ruinous and fatal as they
know it to be Whoever does so is forth
with denounced as an enemy of the sol
diers—a rebel-svmpathizer—a traitor or a
Copperhead more or less disguised. And
an epithet or two of this sort is quite j
enough to silence any member who, in a
rash moment, might have dreamed ot con
sulting the public good.
Then, too, Mr. Blaine's proposition to
transfer to the National Treasury all the
debts incurred by States and counties
in raising soldiers and prosecuting the war,
is pretty certain sooner or later to become
a law, —and this will add not less than
five hundred millions to the aggregation
of the National Debt. And lurking be
hind all these stands another class ot claims
of which no man can estimate the amount
—we mean the claims o? loyal men, North
and South, for property taken or for prop
erty' destroyed during the progress of the
war. These claims began to come in at
the beginning of the first session of the
last Congress, and were referred to the
Committee on Claims, at the head of which
was Hon. Columbus Delano, of Ohio, one
of the ablest and most considerate men in
public life. So startled was the Commit
tee by the amount of these claims that
they reported a reso'uticn, which was
fonhwith adopted, that until otherwise or
dered no claims of this character from the
citizen of the Southern States should be
entertained But this was simply a tem
porary evasion of an inevitable dutv. If
was like shutting one,s eyes to a danger
too fearful to be faced. The Committee
did not dare to let the country understand
the extent of these claims— which are per
fectly just, and can no more be ignored
than can the 7-20s or any other part of the
public debt.
W hat the amount of those claim's will
prove in the end to-be, the country has
no means of knowing. 'Mr. Delano has
intimated two or three times, while urging
vigorous measures of taxation in Congress,
that they would be large enough to tax to
the utmost the resources and the whole
country. And we have very good reason
to believe that the amount of such of these
claims as will be paid, will approach very
nearly, if it does not equal, what is under
stood to present aggregate of the National
This may seem extravagant, as it certain !
ly in alarming; but we belive time will
show that it is not an over-statement of
the actual fact.
Military Despotism.
ORDKR NO. 10.—The machinery of
modern Republicanism as illustrated in the
Sherman military bill, is being put in
working order. The 4> flag of the free" anil
the "home cf the brave" is about number
ed among the of the past —"played
out," as loyalists say when referring to the
22d of February.
In pursuance of this act the President,
on the 13th instant, directed the following
assignments to be made :
First district, State of Virginia, to be
commanded by Brevet Major General J.
M. Scbofleld. Headquarters, Richmond,
Second district, consisting of North Car
olina and South Carolina, to he command
ed by Major General 1). E. Sickles.—
Headquarters at Montgomery, Alabama.
Fourth di-trict, consisting of the States
of Mississippi and Arkansas, to be com
manded by Brevet Major General E O C.
Ord, Headquarters at Vicksburg, Miss
Fifth districtt consisting of the States of
Louisiana and Texas, to be con manded by
Major- General P. H. Sheridan, Head
quarters at New Orleans, Louisiana,
The powers of departm-ntal eoinmand
ei> are hereby delegated to the above
named district commandets.
By command of General Grant.
E. D TOWNSKND, Ass't Adj. Gen'L.
gy The Chicago Tribune , a free trade
Radical journal, asks its eastern tariff
brethren, that if the protection of fifty-six
percent, in gold tunished now hy the
present tariff is not enough, how much
more do they want ? The editor thinks
that this tax upon Western products for
the benefit of- Eastern monopolies ought
to satisfy all honest men. In this he is no
doubt correct, but he ought to know that
the man that demands that his neighbor
be taxed for hia especial benefit is not bon
The Presidential Election.
The House of Representative on Satur
day passed the following bill:
Be it enated, See,, that in case of the re
moval, deah, resignation, or inal il iy both
of the President and Vice President ot the
United States, the President of tiie S-nate
pro tern., and in case there shall be no
Presid' nt of the Senate, then the Speaker
of the House of Representatives tor t' e
"time b ing; and in case there shall be no
Speaker of the House of Repres ntativ"*,
then the Chief Justice of the Snor me
Court of the United States; and in ease
there shall he no Chief Justic, then the
Justice of the Supreme Cotnt who shall
have been longest commissioned, shad act
as President of the United States, until
the disabil'ty be removed or a President
be elected and qualified.
SEC 2. That whenever the office of
President and Vice President shall be va
cant, the Secretary of State shall, it the
Senate and House of Representatives by
Concurrent resolution o request and direct,
forthwith cause a notification tin r of to be
made to the Executive of each S'-te, an i
shall also cause the same to be published
in at least one o< the newspapers primed
in each State, specifying that electors of
President and V ice President of the Uni
ted States shall be appointed iu several
States on the Tuesday next after the first
Monday in the month of November then
next ensuing.
Provided, That there shall be the space
of sixty days between tho date of such no
tification and the said Tuesday ,* but if
there shall not he the space of two months
b- tween the date of such notification and
the said Tuesday, and if the term for which
the President and Vice President last in
office were elected shall nut expire on the
3d dav of March next ensuing, then the
Secretary of State shall specify in the no
tification that the electors -hall b" appoint
ed on the Tuesday next after the first
Monday in the month of November next
ensuing, at which time the electors shall
accord ngly be appoint! d ; and the elect
ors shall meet and give their vote on the
next ensuing after the appointment of cleet
ois as aforesaid on the next \tfVdne*day in
December, and the proceedings and duties
of said electors and othi rs shall he in pur
suance to the direction prescribed by law.
Eating (louse Licenses
An act regulating the grant'eg of Licen
ses to Eating Hoi ses, in this Slate (Piiila
delpbia and Allegheny cities excepted)
passed the Senate, finally, on Thursday the
21st. inst., and has doubtless ere this been
approved by the Governor and become a
It provides that hereafter applications
for licenses of eating houses shall bo made
in the same manner as applications for li
censes of hotels; that nolicei to keep an
eating house shall be granted in anv incor
porated citv for a less sum than fifty d d
lar. nor elsew here for a less sum than rw.-ti
ty dolla s-; that no person shall sell do
mestic wines, or malt or brewed liquors,
without a license to keep an eating house;
penalty for the first oflT-nse from SSO to
s2oo, and for the second and subs- qnent
riff nees SIOO and imprisonment for from
30 to 90 davs. The act does not apply to
druggists or apotbecaiies, rior to eoui'ties
or localities in which there are prohibitory
It is said that such a law, for this county
has already passed the House, and i* sure
to be passed in the Senate. If this be so,
\v shall have but little to do with license
The bdl we believe places no prohibi
tions on the use of cold water. I hat can
be indulged in,atf Itbitum.
ELECTIONS. —The Pennsylvania town
elections all come in well. Norristown
makes a clean sweep; Easton elects a
Democratic Chief Burgess by a gain of
54 votes; Lewistown elects the wh<>la
Democratic ticket, tho fi'St time in twenty
years; Kutztown, Betks co„ gives 77 ma
jority for the Democratic ticket; in Vv iKes
barre the Democrats make a clean sweep ;
in Iloirisburg the Democrats gained a sig
nal victory, polling a majority in each of
the six wards. Governor Geary attempt
ed to vote but was refused, uot having been
assessed or paid a lax.
jority lor Hie Democratic ticket; in V* lOies
liarre the Democrats make a clean sweep ;
in lloirisburg the Democrats gamed a sig
nal victory, polling a majority in each of
the six wards. Governor Geary attempt
cd to vote but was refused, Dot having been
assessed or paid a lax.
ST The Boston Post says that the
prayers of Boynton, Chaplain tit the Rump
House, breathe tMa spirit: "O Lord, Thou
knowest that the majority is always right
and the minority wrong; bless the major
ity and curse the minority, and Thou shalt
have out good opinion and thanks."
A GOAI —A Methodist exhorter, at
Franklin, a few days ago, bewaili? g the
coldm ss of his flock in r.-ligious matters,
told them very curt'y that Church mem
bers of late paid more attention to the con
version of 520 s and 7-30's than they did
to sinners—mammon was absorbing reli
eion -
"FT TU BRUTE." —The Kansas ("bleed
ing Kansas") Legislature refuses to t*ke
final; C'ion upon the bill looking to the <tb
| rotation, in its fundamental law, of the pro
; vision requiring votcis in the state to be
4 white."
Massa< hnsetts, too. refuses to adopt the
Constitutional amendment. What contu
macy! Why not put si ch rebellious Slates
under the ban of SHELL A H AUGER proscrip
tion, or over-ride tbe forms of Slate control
by army domination ?
fglT There are rive thousand starving
, people in Cbeiokee county, Alabama.
Now is tbe time to icure deirable building lot* in
tbe thriving village .f Meshoppen, Wyoming Co. Pa.
before they arr sold, and before any more Kail Koad
advances in prices, of perhupe fitty to one bundrca per
cent, in one year; thereoy tnaltiug a g<>od investment
.to sell or build. Inquire ofB.MsRRiTT or £. J.
iMo war, ot MeaboppenPa. March 26th 1867
Local and Personal.
j lisp .'a nation.—The date on the colored *4-
l drew label on thie paper indicate!, the time op to
which as appears on our books, the subscriber bu
pai.l for his paper. Any error, in this label, will k<
promptly corrected, when brought to our netiee.
Those of our Subscribers, who wish to know haw
they stai.d with us, will . onsull the label aa
p|iers Don't lei it get too far back into Ike by
gone days-—Something might happen.
Naughty —Old winter, who has already acquir
ed the reputation of "'rough eld chap"— .ten
after every bony is taking about it, has so little re
gatd for puoliu opiuion,, in the language of the
poets, he
"Still lingers in the lap of Spring,"
A Change.— Sherman A Lathrop, of Springville.
having pu.chased the store o! John Weil, propose to
opeu up at thatatauu a first class Dry Goods store
Mr. Denry Sherman, who hag charge of the bush en
is one of the most wide a wake of business men and
i will not tail to see what his patrons need in his has.
We bespeak for him a liberal snare of the publie
family Groceries—Mr. Draper Bi liogs who
has purchased ana fitted up the store formerly kept
by e\ Wh clock, is now filling it with a fine stock
o! I ■■■ui'.} tir. •ciies tutd pro. .sions which he (imposes
to sell lor cash, at the most reasonable rates. Mr.
billings enters the field with considerable competi
tion in his line, but with low prices and upright
: dealing will not fail to secure, what be deserves,
. fair share of trade,
j Give him a call.
A Tew Tomato.—S. Maopay A Co , Rising
! Sun, Philadelphia, wilt furnish the seei of the Mm
; pay Sujerior Tomato, >y nitil, for US cents a pip er
This tomato is of a beautiful detp red coler, rouu I,
slightly flattened without a crease or wrinkle, of
medium size, the flesh almost at solid as a beef
steak, and in point of flavor end productiveness
without an equal Such is the dtacriptien given of
it by Maupay's A Co.'a circular.
Going,--Billy Burgess, our present Post Mister,
the late editor of a Republican paper, in this County,
'it is rumored, i.- goiDgto BelviJere, N J. Ilwhas
I found that llrpublve ins,like Republics,are "ungrate
ful." Having spent his time for some years, and a
large amount o. money here in furnishing them with
a paper, which was but poorly appreciated and more
I p .orly rewarded
Publishing a county newspaper is probably, not
his forte, but we venture the opinion that his paper
has ben as good as the pay.
The Oldest Man—iu this Coun'y, we think,
; and probably the olilist in ihisjart of the country,
i is MI. M.vrnnvv PHKSIX of M>>nroe Township, who
i has reaciied his ninety seventh year. Mr. i'benix
| still qcite vigorous and bios fair to become a cente
narian. 12s was born and lived to be quite a iad,
i unter the leign ot King George 1 IT. and doubtless
' beard bis father real the Declaration of Indepen
dence shody after it wa3 first pubiuhei.
Import ill! Discovery.—We h ire recently
very reco itlv —discovered away to rf-m>vean im
\ pcriicent puppy from your premises without iocur
j ring the ri-k of getting your eye bunged
j This important information, How to do it, and hr.w
not to doit, will be imparted under s* injunction
1 of se; resy— lo all wae enclose one dollar with stamp
! topty return postage.
(Writtew for the Democrat )
The puhli. danger is the greet excuse
For martial law to-day
An anrient >trii>g, ud long in use,
On which all tyrants pley
••There's donger, danger from the South."
1 he worthless miscreants ery,
The cowards pass from mouth to mouth
The self ecciving tic.
Four hundred thousand starving met,
Belief committees say.
Arc >n the South ITO God knows when
Re! e! can c Gin* that way.
' j '-Four hundred thousand starving men !'
. | L-' s martial law proclaim 1
To save m from these starving men,
AuJ theit's be all the blame"
j "Four hundred thousand starving men
1 , Will pay the rebel d< bt,
We'll keep them down, these starving men
Though not e crust they get."
, - Four hundred thousand nigger votes
Will quiet a!' our leHrs.
' F r hundred thousand Lincoln jokes
i Will dry up all our tears."
•Then play the tiring and cry 'we feer,
Oar party waxes strong ;
Tho' none but starving men are neer,
'1 1 ! help the cause uioi g."
With martial law in Tyrants' tones
' Th se starving men they'll p n
These starving men whose begging bonss
f Cry out front 'lieath their skin.
| Notice is hereby given that the following named
1 persons have tiled their Petitions and will apply for
*'' Tavern Licenses at the next Term ot th# Court of
> Quarter Sessions for W voming County, und will be
heard on Tuesday the loth day of April uext at two
, o'clo- k P. M _
[ John D. Laonrre Bnuntrim.
B. N. Pbinney, Mevoopany.
Samuel Clark
James Iv. Fellow, Meshoppen.
Win. H. Coitright, "
John Xiver. Nicbelson.
John P. Randall,
t John F. Zeigler, "
Win. C. G iylord, Northmoreland.
David N. Mathewson, Factoryville
T K. Wall, Tunk. Boro.
P. B Bil lwin,
Levi Towuseod. Falls.
E. J. KEENEY Clerk
' Tunkhannock, March, 2ath 1867
IN PURSUANCE of an Order of the Orphan#
Court of Wvounnr County. I will expose to
i i Public sale, on the I th lay o! April. 186-, at one
' o'clock P M. at tho premises hereinafter described,
one undivided ninth p >rt of all that certain lot or
i niece ot lan I, situate in Meshoppen township, and
> bounded on the North by lands of Daniel ade,
1 Charles Mow-y and Benj uiin Baker; on ibe E-st
I by land <>f Benjamin B -ker; on tne South by land
J of Benjamin llis and Anson Stocker, and or th*
. West ny lands of An-on Stocker. Levi Giegorv *nd
Daniel Cole; eoninimng one hundred nd si*'? -
S seven acres, more or less ; late the estate ol Geertf*
- Mowry, late f said lownsliit , d-e'd —and the sua
| undi ided niuth part being 'he share of the minor
heirs of Savannah C-.rtar, Dcc'd, in raid pieties**,
j Terms of sale On- half the purchase money 10
Ibe paid down, an . the remainder within one year.
] c Guardian of
' J. B STURDEVANT, < Wan Carter and
( G#< M Carter
i All persons are hereby cautioned purchasing J
negotiating a certain note, dated August - 1
*260 iriven vus to iViPiam Waterman The -on
sideiiiiion thyrefore having having failed, by
of the non-compliances on the part of the sam }
■ termnn with the agreements made at the tune
'• note WHU (ivpn ; the un4eniirned will not pj
i aatue unless compelled to do wbv A '^ D , N(3 ,
SAML. billi>o,
I Nicholson, Fab. 8, 1867.-V6D27 4