Special Notices ADMINISTRATORS' NOTICE. IETTERS of Administration, on the of u Samuel Carey, late of Northmorelan d Township Wyoming Ccuntv, dec'd, having been gran undersigned-notice is hereby given to all I™ indebted to said estate, to make inimediate payi en , and all persons having claims agaiost widOecedeßt to present th. ui duly autbentijated, for settlement, without delay, to j M CAREY . Centremoreland, M*r. 12tb, 1887. GOING I GOING 1 ! GONE!!! Having taken out a License under the United States 100 as an auctioneer , and having had sev eral rear's t-xpenewe in the busioes-; the subscri ber flatters himself that he can sell goods, chatties, and ieal estate at Public Sale or Vendue at prices that will suit the seller, if not the purchaser. He t ierefo:e offers his services to all who may need iliem in this eapacity--t7harges always moderate, U, icuer, o, ( , Ay Meshopoen, Pa March 12th 1867.—v6u31-lmo. AUDITOR'* NOTICE. In matter of the distribution of fund derived from SherijTs Sale of personal property of James G Fmith. The undersigned, having been appointdd an Au ditor by the Court of Common Pleas of Wyoming County, to distribute the fund ..rrising from the sal ot the personal projierty of James (J. Smith, by James L> Harding, late Sheriff ot said Coucty ; will attend to the duties of his appointment, at his > ffiee in Tunkhannock ISoro , on Thursday April 4'h 1367, at 10 o'clock A M ; at which time and place all persons are required to present their claims, or be debarred from corning tn for a share of said fund. HARVEY SICKLER, Auditor. Tuukbonnock. March, 12, 1867. BRIDGE LETTING-" THE building of the Bridge Abutments and su perstructure across "swail brook" run. at the # ist'fide of Tuukhannock Borough, will be let to the lowest responsible bidder, on or about the Ist of April next. Plans and specifications may be seen by calling on Secretary of Town Council. By order of Burgess and Town Council Wm. S. KUTZ, Burgess. HARVEY SICKLER, Secretary. CAUTION. Having purchased of 11. A Conger of Meshoppen, Pa the following-person tl property, t> wit : One Span Horses, One Set Harness, One Light Spring Wagon, and "ne Luin'er Wagon, and having given I osseisiun of the same to the Said 11. A. Conger during tuy will and pleasure. All persons are cau tioned against molesting or in any way interfering with the said property,*® they will do so at their peril HENRY DICKSON. v6n3l 3w. APPLIC ATION FOR PARDON, An application lor the pardon ot Ira II Schooley convicted for*map-slaughter, it November Session, ot Wyoming County has been made to the Governor, and is now pending. NOTICE. \\J hercas. my wife Miry has left my bed and \Y board, without just cause or provocation. I forbid any one Harboring or trusting her on uiy ac count. a? I shall pay no debts of her contracting af er this date. PORTER CARPLNTER. Nicholson, Wy. Co Fa, Feb lS'.li, 1867. FARM FOR SALE. Situite partly in Northmoreland and partly in Eatou Town hips; containing SIXTY-SIX ACHES, Well watered, with a fine young orchard, in bearing Farm well adapted to Grain or grazing will be soi l cheap for cash. For further particulars enquire of R. R. LITTLE Esq, Tunkkanuock, Pa , or ot F I>. CARPENTER pittston.. # . v6n29-4w. Kxecutrlx Notice. LETTERS Testamentary having been granted the undersigned on the estate of Earl 11, Carey ! late of Tunkhannock T iwnship, dec'd., all persons ! in iebted to said estate are requested to tnako imtne diate payments, and those having claims against sai l estate will present the sauie duly authenticated for settlement to ELIZABETH CAREY, Executrix. Tunkhannock, Feb- IS, 1367.—v6n28-6w. ENFEEBLED AND DELICATE CONSTITU TION?, of bo-h -exes, use llelmbold's Extract, Btt chu. It will give brisk and energetic feelings and enable you to sleep well. NOTICE. The Stockholders of the MILL CITY WOOLEN MANUFACTURING COMPANY will meet at the Mill City Ho'ol in Falls township, on Wednesday the 20, day ot March, 1b67 at 1 o'clock, P. M. for the purpoev of elec ung Directors, and organizing •aid Company. The bo >ks for tha subscription of stock in said Company will continue open for the Subscription "fstock at sail Hotel unt'l that date, unless the entire amount thereof shall be sooner subscribed. LUTIIER A HOWARD, DARWIN HOWARD, V. V SICKI.ER, C. SIIi.RWOOD. NOTICE. Persons having Book accounts with us of more than 4 mouths standing, are respecfully requested to call and settle the same wifhou,. delav. We mean this, and hope our custom.-rs will realize the necessity of "paying the merchant" in order that we may continue to supply them 'in season." with the 11E3T GOODS at the LOWEST MARKET PRICES. JENNINGS A CO Mehoopnny Feb. 12, 1867. v6u27e6 w. CAUTION, All persons are hereby cautioned purchasing or negotiating a certain note, dated August 2, 186(5,f0i $250, given by us to tYiliiatu Waterman The eon sideiation therefore having having tailed, by reason of the non-compliances on the part of the said Wa terman with the agreements made at the time said note was given , the undersigned will not pay the game uulets compelled to do so by the law I). D. SI'AULDING, C. S JACK.<ON. SAM'I,. BILLINGS, Nieholsoo, Feb 8 1867.—vtin27 4w NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that letters of administra tion upon the estate of Seiah Hunter, late ot Over field township, dec'd, have been granted to Caro line Depew, of said township, all persons having claims against said estate are notified to present the same to her, duly authenticated for settlement and ali peisous indebted will make payment with' .out delay. CAROLINE DEPEW, Administratrix. dc b nis nun, cum test: annexo, Overfield Feb. 8, 16C7. HELM HOLD'S FLUID EXTRACT 33TJOXXTJ Is a certain cure tor diseases of the KIDNEYS. GRAVEL. DROPSY, OR GANIC \\ EEKXESS. FEMALE, COMPLAINTS, GENERAL DEBILITY, and all diseases of the URINARY ORGANS, whether existing in MALE OR FEMALE, from whatever cause originating md no matter of lIOW LONG STAiVDING Diseases of these organs require the use of a diuretic If no treatment is submitted to, Consumption or Insanity may ensue. Our Flesh and Blood are sup- Ported from these sources, and the HEALTH AND HAPPINESS, and that of Posterity, depends upon prompt use of a re liable remedy. HELM BOLL'S EXTRACT BUCII L T , fttblished upwards of 18 years, prepared by H.THEUMBOUD, eos r> o DRUGGIST, HU New Ynrk . V6P29-IJ, I'Jth street,Philadelphia, Pa New MEAT MARKET. 1 m The undersigned having refitted the old market place, is now prepared to furnish customers with all kinds of meat, at the LOWEST PRICES. Having proenred the services of a MOST COM PETENT BUTCHER, he feels confident of giving entire satisfaction to all. -hop one door below Miss Hepburn's Millinery Store- OSCAR CASKET'. Tunkhannock, March, 5, 1866.- v6n3o-tf. A HU.MIHUi- HOW OFTEN WE HEAR THIS EXPRESSION from persons reading advertisements of Patent Medicines, and in nine cases out ot ten they may be righ. It is over 19 years since I introduced my medicine, the VE.VKTIIAN LIKIMENT, to the pubUe. I had no money to advertise it. so I left it for sale with a few druggists and storekeepers through a small section of the couutry. many taking it with great reluctance ; but I told them to let any one have it, and if it did not do all I stated on my patn- , phlet, no one need pay for it. In some stores two or three bottles were taken on trial by persons present. I was, bv many, th. ught crazy, and that would be the last they would sec of me. But I new my uied- j ii iae was no humbug In about two mouths 1 began to receive orders for more Liniment, some calling it mv valuable Liniment, who had refused to sign a receipt when I left it at (heir store- Now my sales are millions of bottles yearly, and all for cash. I warrant it superior to a.jy other medi cine for the cure of Croup, Diarrhoea, Dysenteiy, Colic. Vomiting Spasms, and Sea-sicknpss, as an interual remedy.— It is pcrtectly innocent to take internally, see oath accompanying each bottle, an I externally for Chron c Rheumatism. Headache, Mumps, Fios'ed Feet. Bruises, Sprains, Old Sores, Swellings, Sore Throats. Ac . A.-. .-old by all the Druggists De pot. 56 Cortlanlt Street, New Y->rk V6H3O-7W The Moon's Volcanoes are engaging the attention of astronomers, but the 1 world of Beauty ind ?ariiion is less interested in human dis ovcries than in the gie it question of I TURNING TIIG HEADS that have been whitened by age or sickness to a glnrious bla kor brown hue. Nobody now is such A. LUNATIC. as not to admit that the finest aud most harmless hair di-.rkener in existence is CttiSl ADORO'S 11 AIR DYE, which nourishes the fibres as well as changes their hue M tutif ictured by J, CiIRISTADOIiO, 6 A.--tor House N. w York. Sold by all Druggists. Applied by ul II >ir Dr- ssers. v6n3o-lino. AM.COCK'S POROUS PLASTERS. BE.-T STRENGTHENING PLASTER IN THE WORLD. AT.LCOCK"S POROUS PLASTERS resolve and assauge pain by calling forth the acrid humors from parts internal to the skin and general ciri-u- j latton—thus, in many cases,positively evaporating the disease. JAMES LULL, M D. There is nothing equrl, in the way of a plaster, to the Porous Plaster of Mr. ALf.COCK Everything ' is pleasant about them. They are the plaster of the J" day, and a fit type of our present advancement in •cier.ee and art. In Asthma, Cough, Kilney Affec- I tinns. Gout Phenm.iti-ui, and local Jeep-seated pains they afford permanent relief. J. F. JoIINSON, M. D, on "Topical Remedies." , From a personal knowledge of these plasters, we 1 can state that theyare decidedly preferable to any ! other in use. Wherever relief is to be obta : ned by j the i se of a p'aster, we should recommend them. A. INGRAM M, M. Ib, Editor New York Mentor. Agency, Brandreth House, New York. Sold by all Druggists.—v6o3o.luto. HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU and improved Rose Wash cures secret and delicate disorders in all their stages, at little expense, little or no change in diet, no inconvenience nu no e.tpo sure. Iris pleas- j ant in taste and ©dor. immediate in its action, and : free from all injurious properties. Orphans' Court Sale. TTY VIRTUE of an order issued out of the Or- JJ phaus' Court of Wyoming County, I w 11 ex x>se to sale by public vendue or outcry upon the prem- i ses in the Township of Forkston, County of Wyo ming, Pa., on Tuesday the 12th uay of March next at two o'clock in the afternoon, ali the right title j and interest of Jo-eph S Yaw. late of the Township | ot Forkston, County o' Wyoming, de-'d., in and to 1 the following described piece, parcel or tract of lan situate and being.in the Townsfiip of Forks'on, j County of Wyoming, Puna., bounded and vseribed ' as follows, to wit : on the North by land o* Mordiai ! Krewson and lards unknown on the East by laend unknown on the South by land unknown and on the West by lauds of D. 8. Yaow Containing about one hundred and fifty acres, by the same more or less, j about forty acres thereof improved, with a frame house, trauie barn, and a small apple orchard there on, with ibe appurtenances. Terms of Sale —Ten percent, of one fourth of the purchase money, to be pGd at the. striking down of th property , the one-fourth less the ten percent at the confirmation absolute, and the remaining ihre fourth? in one vear thereafter with interest Irotn the cotifirutntion of ni si. By order of Court. JOHN G. SPAULDING, Adm'r. of JOSEPH .8. VAOW, dec'd. vffnW rfFjffflL T,le Great Caase Z£2Lw OF XX XT ivr A. 3NT 2VT I9ERY, Just Published in a Sealed Envelope Price 6 els A Lecture on the Nature, Treatment, and Radical Cure of Seminal Weakness, orSpermatorrba-s. ; induced hv Self Abuse : Involuntary Eurssinns Tm pote >cy. Nervous Debility, and Impediments to Mar riage generally ; Consumption, Epilepsy, >tn l Fits ; Mental and Phvsicnl Incapacity, Ac.—By ROBERT J. CILVERWEL. M. D., Author of the "Green Book " Ac. Toe world-renowned author, in this admirable ! Lecture clearly proves from his own experience that i the awful consequences of Self Abuse mav be effect ually removed without medicine, and without dan gerous surgical operations, bougies, instruments, rings. "or ordials, pointing out a mode of cure at once certain and effectual, by which every sufferer, no matter what his condition may be, may enre h;m sclf cheaply, privately, and tadicallv THIS LEC - TURE WILL PROVE A BOON TO THOUSANDS AND THOUSANDS. Sent under seal, to any address, in a plain sealed envelope, on the receipt of six rents, or two postage stamps Also Dr. Culv-e-weil's 'Marriage Qui le," price 25 cents. Address the publishers, CHAS J C. KI INE A CO, 1 27 Bowery, New York, Post Office Box 4,536. v6ns-l year. HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU gives health and vigor to the frame and' bloom to the palid cheek Debility is accompanied by many alarming symptom*, and if no treatment is submitted to, con. sumption, inssntity, or epileptic fits ensue. MANHOOD AND YOUTHFUL VROOR are re gained by HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BCCHU. TAKE NO MORE UNPLEASANT AND UN SAFE REMEDIES for anpleagant and dangerous diseases. Uqe Hehnboid's Extract Buchu and Im- I proved Rose Wash, ' * j | SCHENCK'G SEAWEED TONIC. ! This medicine, invented by Dr. J. H. Scunttci, of Philadelphia, is intended to disolve the food and make it intQ chyme, the first process of digestion.—- By cleansing the stoma h with Schenck's Mandrake Pills, the Tonic soon restores the appetite and food that could not be eaten before using it will be easily digested. i Consumption cannot be cured by Schenck's Pul monic Syrup unless tbt stomach and liver is made healthy and the appetite restored, hence the Tonic , and pills arn required in nearly every case of con- I consumption, A half dozen botties of the SEA- j WEED TONIC and three or four boxes of the MAN DRAKE PILLS wilfcure any ordinary case of dys popsia Dr. ScHEtiCK makes professional visits in New York. Boston, acd at his principal Office in Philadel phia every <*eek See daily papers of each place,or , is pamphlet on consumption for his days for visita tion. Please observe, when purchasing, that the two j I likenesses of the Doctor, one when in the last stage of Consumption, and the other as he now is, in per fect health, are on the Government stamp. Sold by all Druggists and Dealers, priee 3150 por bottle, or 37 50 he half dozen. All letters for ad vice should be addressed to Dr. SCHENCK'S Principal- Office. No, 15 North gth Street, Philadelphia. Pa. General Wholesale Agents : Detnas Barnes A Co N. Y. ; S. 3. Hance. Baltimore, Md ; John D Parke Cincinnati, Ohio ; Walker <t Taylor Chicago 111; Collins Bros, St, Louis, M<>.| vguld-1 st mo ly, REASONS WHY THE AMERICAN WATCII MaJe at VV ALTH AM, MASS., is the best. I It is made on the best principle. Its frame is composed ol SOLID PLATES. NO jar '-an inter fere with the harmony of its working and no sud den shock can damage its machinery Eveiy piece is made and finished by machinery, (itseil famous lor its novelty, as well as for its effectivenes) and is therefore jrojierly made. The watch is what all mechanism should be—ACCURATE, SIMPLE, SI RON G AND ECONOMICAL, Except some high grades, to eostly for general use, foreign Hatches are chiefly made by women and boys Such watches are com[iosed of several hun ire pieces, screwed and rivaled together, and requre constant repairs to keep thtui in any kiad of - rder. Ail per sons who havo earned "aucres" and j "English Patent Levers," are perfectly well aware , at the truth ol this siatement. j At the beg,uning of our enterprise more than ten years ego. itwasour firstobject to make a thorough- 1 jly good low priced" watch f V the million, to tfcke f 1 h • pi i aof therefor o ig-n imiKisitions ; the refuse of foreign factories, which w< re entirely unsaleable at I home and perfectly worthless everywhere. How well we have accomplished this, may be un lersund from the fact that after many years of public trial, we now make MuRE THAN* HALF OF ALL THE WATCHES SOLD IN THE INl i TED STATES, and that no others have ever given j such universal satisfaction. While this department of ur business is continued with increased facilities for perfect work, we are at present cugaged in ttie J manufacture of watches of the very HIGHEST j GRADE KNOWN TO CHRONOMETRY, unequal- 1 ed Ly anything hitherto made by ourselves, and i 1 unsurpassed by anything made in the world. For : this purpose we have the amplest facilities. We nave ecrcted an addi .ion to our main building ex . pressly for fhis branch of our business, and have filled it with the best work men in st rvice New machines and appliances have been constructed which perform their work with consummated delica cy and exactness '1 he choicest and most approved materials only are oaed, and we challenge compari son between this grade, of our work and the finest imported chronometers. We do not pretend to sell I our watches for loss money than fereign watches. but we do assert without fear of cmtradictiou that ! for t! same money our product is incomparably superior. All our watches, ef whatever grade, are i ully wirrantel, and this warrantee is good at all times against us or our agents in all parts of the | wo Id CAUTION. —The public are cautioned to bay only iof respectable dealers. All persons selling coun terfeits will be represented. BOBBINS A APPLETON. AGENTS FOR THE AMERICAN WATCH CO., I H2 BROADWAY, N, Y v6n2l2ra I . ' THE GLORY OF MAN IS STRENGTH.—There- I fore th>- nervousxind debilitated .-hould immediately j u-e HELM Bonn's EXTRACT BCCHU. PROF, J I 111 1.11 EI IF, BARBER AND HAIR-DRESSER ' Takes pleasu ein announcing to his old customers and the public, generally, that he has now secured the services as an assistant—of -A; TAKST WORKMAN,. , <- -* iv -v- LAI F FR O M PARIS, ! Those wishing a good shate or other work in his line can now he accommodated without the vexatious deli ys experienced at "one horse" shops, ' SHAMPOOING, HAIR-CUTTING, DRESSING, DYEING, CURLING, Ac , Ac.,, done in tho best stylo and at reasonable rates. j TOMA LBS, I Eli IUMEIT and EX TEA CIS, alwayso n hand, uri for sale at the old stand on Tioga St reef. J BERLINGIIOF Tunkhannock, Pa; Feb. 12, 1867—\6n27-tf. ~C A L L AT THE GROCERY STORE -OF CIA ME if- LULL, In the brick corner AT TUftKHANNOCX, PA. FOR 2!*XaGXJXS OF ALL. KINDS FOR BUTTER, CHEESE. LARI). LAMP OILS, TEA, COFFEEf. SUGAR, SALER ATUS, SPICES, SALT, SOAP, CANDLES, CANDIES, CRACKERS 0 Stationery, AND YANKEE NOTIONS. OYSTERS and SARDINES, served up at ail hours in the best style?— and for sale in anv quantities aerired. CRANE & LULL, | Y#u3otf. | NO HUMBUG! CLOSING OUT SALE 2 l In order to make room for an EXTENSIVE SPRING STOCK, VVe offer our entire Stock of DRY GOODS AT ACTUAL COST! CITIZENS, THIS IS NO HUMBUG! CALL EARLY FOR Ba.rga.ins, IOSS, MILLS & CO. Tnnkhaiyiock. Feb. lEth 1867.—v6n28 tf. ||ILLCOXAIftIBBS noiseless FAMILY DEWING Machine -7 V is the only MACIIINE in the world that makes the twisted loop-stitch, making a stronger stitch than any other machine now in use. All are invited to call at P. C. BOEQB* BUM'S i JKWKI.RY STORK. arid examine tor themselves. Also agents for all other machines fur Wyoming Co. Pa P. C BURNS A BHO". Tunkhannock, Pa. Oct. 31 1866—v6n12-tf g|sif i "Watch, es 0W * 0k JEWELRY* REPAIRED P C. BURNS & BR O . Take pleasure in announcing to the people of Tunkhannock and ..) _> thet tbeyhae opened a iUatol) ant* Clock Sliop opposite Wall's Hotel.where they are prepared to do the most dilli ult jons in their line in an APPROVED and f'KILLH L .MANNER, ou short notice. Hav ing had long experience in the business, they feel eonlident that they eau give entire satisfaction to all favoring them with their patronage. ALL WORK WARRANTED TO GIVE SATIS FACTION OR MONEY REFUNDED AFTER A FAIR TRIAL- N. ft.— Paras' Is Vans Jj- Umbrella* repaired Also. Accord eons and other musical instruments tuned and put in order ou short uotice A NEW STOCK of WATCHES and CLOCKS just received. JEWELIiI 'ofE) 'Ell "DESC7UT II OA'. Also SHEET MUSIC & MUSIC BOOKS on hurJ or furnished to order on the shortest notice and at publisher's L 0 WE ST KATES. GUMS AND PISTOL CARTFIGES adapted to all the modern styles of fire-arms, con stantly on hand —ALSO— s aoasaßa, &c„ &c , Sic., &c. &c. also Dealers in the PARABOLA SPECTACLE. THE JtEST HELP FOR THE HUMAN VISION ETKK INVENTED P C BURNS <t BRO. Tunkhannock, Pa. Oct 31, 18gg : MRS. T, A MILLER : ; Would respectfully inform her; 1 fricaus and the Ladies generally that ; ; sho has just received a well selected ; ; stock o[ ; I MILLINERY GOODS, ; ; which will oe sold a the LOWEST ; : CASB PRICES. : ; N. B —Mrs Miller is receiving. ; goods weekly, so that all who favor ; ; her with their patrouage will be : * gure to get the • [LATEST STYLES. ; ; DRESS MAKING done on reason- ; ;ao t eruis, CUTTING and FTT. ! ; TIN warrame-i to give satisfac- ; 7 tion if properly made. ißontns ou Warren St. opposito - Wright's Store. '. ; MRS. T. A. MILI F-R. : I Tunkhannock, Pa Nov. 13, '66, ; v6nls-tl- HFLMBoLD' - FLUID EXTRACT BUCHU is pleaseut. in taste an 1 odt r, free from all injurious properties, ad immediate in iffc nciion. THIS "EEND" UP WITH CARE •H-2IU9A—■9981 -K I'O 'JOOUUNQQIINX 'Tiajianva saw ©DUOU isajjcqs oqj JR pajtwq pan jno l 9pvm soeeajfl 3 i SJULOJCJKI jucvavjc u*o.f '"o 2s •SXaHDVI'SJIVOTD 'S3A337S aadud jo sapfjs jsoibj sqj [[y • HOT dm OD Ajop saoud "SHOOS AONYJ JO JUOHliaoSiB quj B pUB 'SVIUHN ■ S a O 0 II 'STUHIIVai '? U 3 Ai 0 1 d 'SNOaaiH I'JAT'JA 'siaNNoa u *iv xaaa S"XVII J.3AI3A P u * J.33J J' S3JYHS jsojuea oqj |[ jo juamyosii pipn3|ds h SUIAOOSJ AVOU si ttGHYfI mpi i mmm j THE WORLD, So IA EA' 10 )C, A'EH' XOIA'. T E R Kg, WEEKLY WORLD. One Copy, one year, 12 00 Four Copies, one year, 7 00 Ten Copies, " 15 0U Twenty Copies, to enc address. 2P 00 Fifty Copies, 50 00 SEMI-WEEKLY WORLD. One Copy, one year, f 4 00 Four Cnpiqs, " 10 00 Ten " " 20 00 DAILY WORLD. ' One Copy, one year, 310 00 CLUB PRIZES. For Clubs of 10, One Weekly, ore year, " " 50, One Semi Weekly, one year, " " lUO, One Daily, one year, DIRECTION. Additions to Clubs may he made any time in ! the year at the above club rates I Changes in club Lists made only on request of per sons receiving dub packages, stating edition, post office and State to which it has previously bee a sent and enclosing twenty-five <-• nts to pay fcr trouble of the change to separate address Terms, cash in advance Send, if possible, Pist j Office Money Order or Bank Dralt. Bills sent by ; mail will be at the risk of sender. We have no traveling agents, Address allorders and letters to THE WORLD, 35 Park Row. New York. Tfli MTIMY EVllFrol A BEAUTIFUL PREMIUM ENGRAVING led need 'Unices to Clubs. The Saturday Evening Post gives a beautiful steel engraving (named -'One of Life's Happy Hours")— 2g inches long by 20 inches wide—to every siDgle (32 50) subscriber, and to every one sending on a i Club. | It will commence in the first number of January a nawstory, called 'The Outlaw's Baughter; A Tale of the Southwest " by Emerson Bet nett, author of "The Phantom of the Forest," "Prairie Flower," Ac This will be followed by other serial Stories from i the Best Authors. Shorte* Stories, Essays. Sketches Letters, Agricultural Articles, ate are also regularly given. The Post is Neutral in Politics—being exclusively devoted to Literature and does not discuss Political | or Sectarian questions—leaving these to the political and icligious press. Tt offers among its Premiums, Wheeler k Wilson's Sewing Machines, Silver Plated Tea Sets,Spoons,auj Pitchers, Gobi and Silver Watches. Double Barrel Guns. Aliens Rifles, Mclodcons, Cloths' Wringers. Appleton's Cycloj edias, <fcc. New Milocriber* who subscribe now for 180/ will have their name entered on the : tsl ol Trie Post AT ..NCE AND RECEIVE THE WH'IIC Y£At( 18G7 BfcSIDEs ! y Eli MS. 1 copy (and the large Premium Engrari-ig)32.30 I 4 copies •• •• •• •• •• fi.Oll 5 11 (and one gratis) 0.00 8 " (and one gratis) 12,00 20 " (and one gratis) 28,00' One copy each of Post ntid Lady's Friend, 34,00 The getter up of a Club will always receive acopy ot the PREMIUM ENGRAVING. Members ola Club wishing the Premium Engraving must remit one Dollar extra If Those desirous of getting up Clubs or Premi um Lists, should inclose Jive cents for sample paper, containing the particulars. Agents, 11. PETERSON, & CO 319 Walnut Bt., Puiladelph ~FOR NON-RETENTION on INCONTINENCE of Urine, irritation, influmation, or ulceration of the bladder, of kidneys, diseases of the prostrate glands, atone in the bladder, calculus, gravel or brick dust deposits, and all diseases ot the bladder, kidneys, and dropsical swelllings. USE HELMBOLD'S FLUID EXTRACT BUCHU. SHATTER ED CONSTITUTIONS RESTORED by Helmbota's Extract Buchu, UT>I. >l. PIATT, ATTORNEY AT I AH . Hue i(i Stark's Brick Block Imga St., lunk 1 bannock, V*. •j|oi>rrs £ook FOi 1867. THE Fashion Magazine of the World. LITERATURE, FINE ARTS, AND FASHIONS. The moat magnificent Steel engraving. DOUBLE FASHION-PLATES. Wood engravings en every subject that cen interest ladies. Crocbet knittieg, Netting, Embroidery, Articles for the Toilet, fer the Parlor, the Boudoir, and the Kitchen. Every thing, in fact, to make a compmctk Ladt'ißook THt LADIES' EAVORITE FOR 37 YEARS >W n izine been able to com >ete with it.— None attempt it. GO VET'S PBCHIP2S for every department of a household. These alene are worth the price of the Book. MODEL COTTAOES (no other Magesine give* theui), with diagrams. DRAWING LESSONS FOR THE YOUNG. An other specialty with Godey. ORIGINAL MUIC, worth S3 a year Other Magazines publish old worn-out music ; but thetafc~- scribers to Godey get it before the music stores. GARDENING FOR LADIES. Another peculiari ty with Godey. Fashions from Messrs. A. T Stewart k Ce., ef New York, the millionaire merchants, appear in Ge dey, the only Magazine that has them. Ladies' Bonnets. We give more of them in • year than any other Magazine In fact, the Lady's Book enables every lady to be her own bonnet mz ker. MARION HARLAND, Authoress of *'Alone," "Hidden 'Path," "Moss Side,""Neme sis," and "Miriam," writes for Godey each month, and for no other mag azine A new n >ve! by her will be published in 18- 67. Wo have also retained all oar old and favorite contributors. 7EEMS OF OOK FOR 1867 ( From which there con he no Deviation.) The following are the terms of the .Lady's Book for 1867!-- One copy, one year #3 00 Two copies, one year 6 50 Three copies one year 7 00 Four copies one year 10 00 Five copies, one year and an extra copy to the person getting up the club, making six copies 14 80 Eight copies, one year, and an extra copy to the person getting up the club,makinf nine copies 21 00 Eleven copies, one year, and an extra copy to rhe person getting up the club,making twelve copies 27 00 All additions to clubs At club rates. I' fT Club subscribers will be sent to any post-of fice where the subscriber may reside. Godev's Lady's Book and Arthur's Homo Magazine will be sent, each one year, on receipt of 84 50 We have no club with any other magazine or new paper rW The money must all be tent at one time for any of the Clubs. Canada subscribers must send 24 oonts addi tion 1 for each subscriber Address L. A.GODEY, N. E. Corner Sixth and Cheetnut Street*. PHI 7 A PEL PHI A. • ANTON Business PHONOGRAPHIC INSTITUTE' AND LADIES? AGADEM¥e A PRACTICAL BUSINESS EDUCATION. Single and Double Entry Book-keeping. Business anil Ornamental Penmanship, Commercial Arithmetic an i Correspondence, Wholesale and Retail Business, Jobhing, Railroading. Shipping, Forwarding and Commission, Negotiating Loans. Bills of Exchange, Bauhing, Phonography and Commercial Law Life Scholarship tor the Commercial Course, with privilege of reviewing any time free of charge, 830. LADIES' ACADEMICAL DEPA P TMENT. Miss M. A. FOSTER, Principal, Rending, Spelling, Writing, Grammar, Geography, Philosophy, Ch'-wisiry, Astronomy, History, (inclu ding Bible History,) Arithmetic, Algebra, Geometry, Trigonometry, French and Latin. Higher English branches and the Languages per qu.it ter, 810,00. Teim commences Monday, Feb. 25th. No College affords greater advantages to Ladies and 3entleuieo for obtaining a Commercial Educa tion, or for the study of the Uigher English and the Language.. For further information seud for a Cir- - cular, or pddress. J. N GARDNER, Principal. v6n3o-ly. Scrantoa, Pa. LAi EST FASHIONS DEMAND J. W. Bradley's Celebrated Patent DUPLEX ELLIPTIC (OR DOUBLE SPRING SKIRT, The Wonaerfu! Flexibility and great comfort and pleasure to any Lady wearing the Duplex Eliptic Skirt will be experienced particularly in all crowd ed Assemblies. Operas, Carriages. Railroad Cars. Church Pews, Aim Chairs, for Promenade and Houss Dress, as the skirt can be folded when ia, use to occupy a small place as ea-ily and conven iently as a Silk or Muslin Dress, an invaluable quality in crinoline, not found in any Single Spring Skirt. A Lady having enjoyed the pleasure,comfort, and great convenience of wearing the Duplex Eltptie Steel Spring Skirt for a sing e day, rill ncvei after wards willingly dispense with their use. For Children. Misses and Young Ladies they are superi or to all others. They will not bend or break like the Sinple Spring, but will preserve their perfect and graceful shape when three orfoui ot dinar* skirts will ha**- been thrown aside as useless The h"Op are coh ered with double and twisted thread, and the bot tom rods are not only double springs, but twice (er double) covered; preventing them from wearing ou when dragging dewn stoops, stairs, Ac, The Duplex Elliptic is a great favorite with all' ladii'S and is universally recommended by the Fashion Magazines as the STANDARD SKIRT OF THE FASHIONABLE WORLD. To enjoy the following inestimable advantage in- Crinoline, viz : supreme quality, perfect manufac ture stylish shape aud finish, Flexibility, durability, comfort and ecoLomv, enquire for J. W. Bradley's Duplex Eliptic or Double Spring Skirt, and be sure and get the genuine article. CAI'TION,—To guard against IMPOSITION be particular to NOTICE that skirts offered as "DU PLEX" have the red ink stamp, viz, '-J. W. Brad ley's Duplex Elliptic Steel Springs," upon the wa'stbaud—none others are geuuine. Also notice that every Hoop will admit a pin being passed through "the centre, thus revealing the two (or double; springs braided together therein, which in the secret of their Flexibility and strength, and a combination rot to be found in any other Skirt. For Sale in all Stores where First Class skirts ara sold throughout the States and elsewhere Manufactured by the Sole Owntrs of the Patent, WESTS BRADLEY A CAREY, 97 Chambers and 79A 81 Reade Sts., N Y. v6n22-3mos HELMBOLD'S COXCENTCATED EXTRACT BU CIIU, Is the Grea: Diuretic. HELMBOLD'S RONCKNTR ATED vvwq SAPS A " Alt! f ' \ Is the c . ■ t;.,. ;> P ib .re pre. r. iud nuuiuiwoy, auu are tu most active tnat en oq | made.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers