I Vj ISf? !; ' 13 year* established ie N. Y,eity." • O I • infallible remedies anown," ''Fr • '"Vom Poisons" •Mot I tngee.ee 1.1 the Hum in FsmMy." •'Rats cotne oat of their hotel to die." "CostarV R|eh, &c., Exterm's Ie a pipt-o destroy. and also as .i preventive fur Bed-Bue*. A*> "CostarV' Electric powder for Insects Ib-ot Moths M sqaitdes, Pleas. B dßugs. Insects on P.ants. Foic.s. Animals 4* c - Y%r ! ! ! Bewxnil ! ! of all worthless imitation*, [gf Suet that "CA*lt" tune is on each Box, Bottle, anJTI t*k before vou huv faff* Address HRSVR COATAR 484 Brosdwav, N. Y. S> 4 m Tcskhann ck Pa. B< J vv . Lr>u* A C ... An) til Oragtrists and Retailer* everywhere. J k's fy • ■ >.cv 'JxHV-. trty.t "• c . si // . ; "COAT AIT'S" * 3 CRt.V.BHATRD BUCKTHORN SALVE. F-vCoti J*.iirV, Lyman A Co .Tuukhannoek, Pa Ilk irji!; V J r L', t ,0 J - l;W :: .Tk;\v:*\ 't . ;> . ~ If T Qu i*. & I "O 3 1* ATI C VIVCRSAto COPN SOLVENT. ~ _ For C-rr.e, Bun'oi e\l rre, Ao, B x - 25 i 50 c - . •.! §1 sue- Soli by all Druggists everywhere T-p- A „i , HENRY R. C''STAR, Depot 481 t.oalway. N. Y. ry And by J V. LYMAX ACo Tut.khtn.notk, P. .*•*" ♦' a. 11l *-• * yj t * 'j , "OOSTIAH'S" PRKPABAT'OS OP IftTifi-iffEET & OEEfiKE BLSEESVE row bractiky.NO ritK complkxios. Uaed to Stften ami Beaa'ifv the skin, retuuve Fr*calc# Pnhple'. E uptions, Ac. B .ttKs #1 • VW Noll by all Druggists everywhere. 13T And by HENRY R. COSTAR, Depo 484 Broadway. N. Y, . j*" And y J W. Lymax A Cc Tunkhannock, Pa. • ■ *#4 to I*l4 i *: • "COSTAR'S" PKCfoHAf, COUGH REMEDY, ForCoUsbs C'lds Hoarseness, Sure Tin oat, roup, Wboopint Ctrh. Influatiaa. Asthma, t unsutup'ion Bron hial Affections, uud all Disc ise of the lbro t andLmiP'. jQ B • i'e 25 eta . 5 * eta., unit SI Mr Sold by all Drurvists everywhere, And by HENRY R. COSTAR, Depot 484 lJioadway, N Y. |y And by J. W. Lymax A Co, Tunkhannock,Pa . )lt>< t > '> 3 > 9m i: • f I . % *• •i . - ** 1:4 **• % r -f - 4 " C3Q9 l" A. ft 'S " CV.I.KBM YTKD BISSO? Bins. A UNIVKR*aL DI :• iR PiLi. For Nervous an 1 9i-k Hea la ■< , €• s Pen rt> Tndi jteetion, Dve|>e.*i;t. Bil"ueT" , s C n-tii.i iuu, Diar rhctA, Colics, Chill*. Fever and do.auge- Mot of the Digestive Organs. fhf* B IPS en ~ %r Isi -iX'-a 5ar..-i .v all D'O/g'*:* Mr-wh "re ,rAn v iIK.VHY R. COST R, Dep.t 84 • llfbadwN. Y. • ur And by J W. L *" MAX A Co., Tankhannoo l*x E W sTOHE U y Just ojtatd in Samuel Stark's Brick Block, two dour* beluw too WYOIINQ NATIONAL BANK on Tioga 3 reet, Tunkhannock, Pa,. wbere ■y be fouo-i a general assortment of NEW goods oeaeietiag of DRY GOODS of every description, from plain to fancy, NOTIONS. FURS, HATS A CAPS, \ . BOOTS A SHOES, HARDWARE, GROCERIES, CROCKERY, QI'EENS WARE. Ac , Ac , purchased at the lowe* tmarket rates for cash. all <>f which will be aotd ex lu.*ively lor READY i\\Y, Consequently, NO TEN PER CENT ADDED FOR BAD DEBTS. Sj BAWArPYJWE!, TO HIE PEOPLE OF WTOMIJFG COf.m . Greeting s- Id other worde. the MAN, WOMAN, OK CHILD who ineane to pa v for what they tret will not be ohli— g-I to ply 'he M r. hmt a Bonn* in order to save him wli it he loses by those who i till not or you can not make pay. " It : * unoe a*'y for us to go into a -no' leng .y detail >f the articles we keep, but • -ufiuco ,-ay that IT W4LL BEOrR CONSTANT AIM rtot e it people well, and keep on band, ALL ARTICLK* the dem tnd of the C> unty n qiiires Wi'h the aviTe trnths and facts before yon Oen tlcme and Frienus, we invite von repo-tfully to "wlt d see us PR *NK c prVNFT.T,. ROBERT W BANATYNE. Inset nnnJaJta ÜB^. LACK A WESTERN R R Winter Arrangement—-Per. 3d, PASSENGER TRAINS LEAVE WESTWARD I EASTWABD. Morning Evcn'g | STATIONS | Mora'g 1 Evening Train | I'ru>n | | Train Train. A. M | P.M. | IA. M. |P- M, 9.00 NcwTork*- --• •• 5,20 H 5 11.TO New Hampton 2,30 * XS 12,->5 Delaware-••• D ue-- 130 as 4,-t' io,lt)Scranton- 9,15 6.20 < 5 5.06 14dNi< bo >ti 835 4,30 5 a.58 12,06 llo|d,oitoBj•• •• •• 8.18 4.05 p * 6,'2 2,38 M 7,55 335 ■yt 7.00 135 Gnat Beml 7 >5 240 a tr A M- P. M •f-ot .d I.ihcrty St. A. to. i'. Al— C li\ * Kt'Tlß*"—Wedws tt, The MORNING TRAIN fr-.m New York con re * >r MAN'CNKA CHU K won .he 't tie leav ing Philadelphia (K-.u-in-ron I ep- t) at 7 20 a. HI nii.i at GREAT DEN'Dwiih the through Mai! rrain on the Erie Railway with seeping ear attached, -topping -t all the principal stations on that road, and arriving at Buff lo at 6 18 a, m The P-ss-ig- r-in c "crii.to'i t*ni n •••? at G'-est Bn I vvi h ihr- nifh lia.iis g- -tig west n-l cast on Erie R ilw y, arriviu it Bofii at I.J'B a. in., a in at SaiaiiiiiD. il at 12 m East ward. The MORNING TKtIN from Great B v ume m l purity of tone arc unri valle tby any tiiili. it" offered in this market, They contain all th-- no'ieiu i .ipr-ivements. French Grand action, harp je-dal iron frame over strung brass, Ac. • n-l i-h instrument beinf im !■> unler the personal Btp rvi-int- ot Mr. J. II Grnvogti en, who has had-a practical experien-e of over 30 years in -h-tr manu facture is full- warranted in, every particular. THE 'GKOVESTEEN IfSMO-fOSfl' received the highest reward of MT3RIT CT) J'AJ U G'l'il IIHS, THE ELECRATED WORLI FAIH Wher- were .-xhiiited n.si i uim m s Iron, th- t cs- in a k rs of Lou ton Puis. G-ruiini, Roil oleipt.i. IJ 11. tini-.re, Boston and N w Y.rk ; in I also at Hit A luetic-n Institute for toe successive years the -ro!-l and silver medals from Ixitli of which call Be seen at our w r-- loom. Bv the introduction f improvement* we make a villi m re pertec Piano forte a n-l In tu itiufa turing largely, wi'li a stn. tly cash svs'cio. are coal led io offer th-se nslrumvnis at a price which will preclude i competition. Tenns Net Cash, in Current Funda, tvr H-'s nptive circulars si nt free. A. A f " 4S V5-I-45- ' year A AC. Having pu- h.iM-t ilieemiie interest in tha Ph-- tograi hi G 11-'fy in rhi place, I take ple isuieili info-unrig m fri- n-ls ai -i the pu'-li •in genet -I 'h at lam ,i e|• • 1 ii-ol i , j,i tu,-.-* -,f every Ic-crip tioti in 'u li- e T, ETOToornAri r s, CARTES DE VJSi'fE, V I irs. Hen ry W(Mid, authorot • East Lxnne.!' "The Channings " Ac; -HOW A WOMAN HAD liER WAY."by Elisabeth Presco-i. author ol 'Told '•> the Sun "NO LONGER YOUNG," hy Ain*nds M Douglas, author ol •iu T:u*t," Ac; and "DORA CASTEL," by Frai k L->' Heaedict It wilt nv e SPLENDID DOUBLE PAGE FINELY COLOF.ED F i.SUICN PLATE—engraved on Sled —in every number. |r wil give a l-eaurifullv exe-uted FANCY SI EEL EN'GKAVING in every number It wi I give a large ***•-rimelit of WOOD CUTS, il'osr uiiiig the Fashions, Fancy \fork, Ac., in every number. , vwil give a popular j-iecs of MUSIC, worth the cost ot iin Migaz ne in itself- in every number. D will give a copy of the beautiful Premium STKI L Engraving— "ONE OF LltE'S lIAPPV HOUR "—2(; ir- he* 1.-ng bv 20 inches wide—to evcrv single (S*2 •*!)) -ui-sctiber, an I io every per son sending mi a C'-u >. It offers as Premiums, Wheeler & Wi Imm's JBcwing Machines, Silver Plate'' .ea Sets, Spoons, Pitchers, Gold and ilver Watcher, Guns, Ri fles, Meludeons. Clothes' IFringers, Ajipleton's Cyelpedias, &c. " " 7BUMS. I ropv (and the large Premium 4 copies •• •• /• •• 6 I 5 '• (nd one sratU) 8, 0 | 8 " (and -nc griitis) 12 BO j 20 '• (.ludoue gratis) 23.00 One copy each of LADY's FRIEND and POST, i 84.°0. ! The gclter up of a Club will always receive a I copy ot the PREMIUM ENGRAVING. .Members iota Clu 1 - wip ing the Premium Engraving must re i uiit One Dollar extra. . | nxC l ho.-c desirous of getting up Club* or Prerni- J um Lists, sbo'ii-i en- los. fiflehr.eirs for sample Mag ' azin •, cot ritii;'t.if t|4* |•11 i!rts Atdres* HI:A((I\ 6i PETERMUi. 31 'J W.iinui 61, Philadelphia. I) i:\TISTRY ! X3TT Xj T. BUHNSI IITLLLLLLLLL (ITT. Would iiifurui the citizens of Tui'than io k and j vicinity tbat be is now permancn' yl -ated in this ! village* for th purjs-se ol attending t • all Profes sional cull*. with which he may b- fwored. TEETH INSERTED ON ! tan.swm. OH RUBBER BASE. Particular attcnti.-n i ai l to Filling an 1 Extract ing. ULWORKWARRATfED OR NO SALE! AI! P-is-IF *' > x •" " M tt ' r Tk ,1-ne elsewhere X > CHARG for examination of tteth. ROOMS at P. C. Burns Jewelry Store opposite Wall's Ho tel. H. BATHAM &CO ILive opene I a MM3HA4T TAILOR-SHOP, AND CIO fII NG STOREt [u n J?iai'k s l uk. oil'* door bolo* thw Ijuok where . oats, Vests, Pants, etc. etc. OF HIE M - ic by Mr B.rham himself, or under his per sonal supervision, by coiu|ietent vvorkme", of 'he It 1 MATERIA!- CLOTHS, CASSIMLKS, VESTINGS '1 KIM MINGS, and n general assortment of t EN I'S URN I fell IN GOODS, constantly on han I ati-1 for sale, U. BARN AM I Co Tunk Pa Ma* 1. lSjjfi, *ar:Twi A LECTURE ' J O YOUNG MEN Si c i - - Just Eublinhed in a Sealed Enrelope price 6 els A l.rrtute oil tile N.i ure, Trt a ment, and R-i-lii-alCure ot 8l"-riiia'orrl.a-s. or Seminal Weak i-e-*, Invi-lui-tarv Remi**i- ns, Sexual Deoility. and Impo-lnneut* -o JHarriage generally. N-rvi-usnes*, Couruii.p'i.-n E; fle|*v. ainl Fits; Mental and Phy sic I In- upo-ity, resulting from 'elt-Abuse, &c. — ; By ROBERT J. CI LVEuWEL. M. D., Au'bor of 1 the " * wen B-.ok " A-.; Tbe world-renowned author, in this admirahlo Lecture, clearly proves from his own experience th-it | the awtul consequences ot Self Aouse may he i ffect ually remove 1 without in-dicine, and without dan gerous surgical o|>er.itio"B, bougies, instruments, rings, or ordials. j>--iritiug --ut a mo-ie of cure at ove certain an-l effectual, by which every sufferer, n-i ina'ter what his condition may be, may cure h m self cheaply, privately, an I adi.-ally THIS LEC TUKK WILL PROVE A BOON TO THOUSANDS AND 1 lltJl-ANDS. Sent un ier seal, to anv any address, in * plain sealed envrlnpe, on the re-nipt ot six cents, or two jHisiage stamps Also Dr. Uulve weil's 'Vlarringe j Gui e,' price 25 cents. A-i-lress the publisherl, UHAS J C. KI INF. A CO, 12T Bowery, New York, Post Office Box 4,586. v6ns-l year. NOTICE. ' All persons indebted to, or having accounts against the firm of f. L.Koss A 00, are requestod to call and make iinniedi.ite settlements. T. L. ROSS, A CO. ' Tuukhauuook J*o. 7, 1567.-*f .1 RTJ.HAI.OCK MESHOPPEN PA. Respectfully announces to his cus tomers ami the public that he has onhand and is prepared to manufacture to order, on short notice, all kinds of Carriages Wagons. Being himself a practical workmen, and having in his employment com petent wokiuen in all branches of the busit.eSs ; and ming material selected from the bt t Eastern manufactories ; he feels conlideut that he can SATISFACTION to ALL who may favor them with the r patronage. BLACKSMI'I lIINCi, PAINTING, V AR\'ISIIT V G, TRIMMING. AN It HEP A RING PONE ON SHORT NOTICE and in a workmanlike style CHAISES ALWAYS MODES ATE. He also keeps ON HA ND A D FOR SJ LK all kinds of Carriage i i terial such as MORTICED //ÜBBS, TURNED SPOKT . BENT RIM BOWS, THILLS, I OLF OIL-CLOTIIS TRIMMINGS, PAINT, VARNI IES RURPENTTNE, CARRIAGE BOLTS. SCREWS, MALEABLE. IRON AC K. J. HALLOCK/ Moshop{>en P:i. Jan. 30, 19(jg vsn2si f* HARDWARE K IRON HUNT RO'S & BIAIR NOW OFFER FOR SALE IRON, STEEL, NAILS AND SPIKES. MINE KAIL. RAILROAD ®PIKES. ANVILS, BELLOWS. PLAIN A CONVEX lIOR>E-SHOES. HAM MERED IIOKSE NAILS. WROUGHT IRON, BIILBERS' lAIIVAU. CAKPEN TEKS' TOOLS, (ALL WALRANTED.) HUBS, SPOKES, Ft LLOES, SEAT SPINDLES,CARRIAGE SPRINGS, AXLES. PIPE BOXES, SPRING STEEL. BOTTS, NUTS. WASH ERS BELTING, PACKING GRIND STONES; PLASTER PARIS. CEMENT, HAIR, SHOVELS, WHITE LEAD FRENCH WINDOW G LASS. Ac., Ac., ALSO SASH, POOR.* AND BLIND® ON HAND IN ASSORTMENT AND MANUFACTURED ORDER LEATHEEIi AND FINDINGS FAI-SBAK'R SALES. •rs.ntr.Ti ,rf*roh 26. IBb3. vln33 CARRIAGES & SUSGJES. The Subscriber. a practical workman of Ion? ox pcri-Dce. is nn finUhing off a large lor of new Car rial's ami Buggies, at his Carriage hop IN TUN KH A KNOCK. Equal, if nor superior, in Workmanship Quality of Mit'irial. an I fini-=h. to those turned nut at any other shop in the country. Those wisuiug to buy should (Cull onb Crnninc (Tl)cm. PAINING, rr A 1 VTSH TNG: TR [MM INO A ND liE RA TRIN G, Done ON short n--ti- e and in A Workmanlike style. Charges moderate J. CAMPBELL Tnnkharnoek, Aug. 24.'65. v5n32 "MTJSTCSTORE ! *•1 p a , re jig, GENERAL AGENTS, :• . - 9 EST* Also agent for CIIICKERING'S DECKER BRUS. and HAINES BKOS PLANUS ,and. TKEAT. LINSLEY A CO'S .MELOPEONS. Also ke p a general stock ot the smaller Muaira Instruments, Sheet Music, Ac. Church -LID Sunday S- hool Singing Book*.— ' Instruction BOOK* of all kinds, any of wui h will be seut by mail upon receipt of the Market prbo. Orders from DEALERS and TRACERS 11 special ly solicited. Address W B, POWELL* Pa New SADDLERY & HARNE-S8 MANUFACTORY, On TURNPIKE STREET Dourly opposite ffH'i Hotel, , 1 * IJ N T K H ANNOCK.PA. The undersigned respectfully announces to the citizen* of Wyoming County, that he has eatabliah ed A NEW SADDLERY k HARNESS SHOP at the above named place where he keeps ea haad and Manufactures to order, AKMY SADDLED, /SIDE SADDLES, TKUA'KiS, BRIDLE/S, ff ALTERS'- S-IK3LE AND DOUBLE HARNESS Warranted of the best Oak tanned Leather, and everything IU tire liue of the trade which he offers at the most REASONABLE PRICES, Call and examine stock and prices. N. B.—Oiliog and repairing promptly and cheaply done. T.C.KENNEDY. Tunkhaanock, Oct 24 lb6G —\6nl2 3mos. STORE! *""* Nicholson Pa., Um. O.GARDNER & CO. have just revived a large and splendid stoak of goods cor sis-ting of Jhlicg (luio'os CLOTHING, BOOTS i SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, UMBRELLAS, TRAVELLING BAGS and TRUNKS, Cloths, Cassimeres Vestings, Trimmings, YANKEE NOTIONS <§* c, 4'U. All goods s Id by us warrantee as recommend** Our aim "To keep g.>ol twisted thread, arW the bot r-tin rods are not only double springs, but twice (or double) covered: preventing them from wearing OK when dragging down stoops, stairs, Ac The Duplex Elliptic is a great favcrite with all ladies and is universally re-common ted by the Fashion Magazines as tb- STANDARD SKIRT OF THE FASHIONABLE WORLD. To enjoy the following inestimable advantage in I Crinoline, viz : supreme quality, perfect ntnnufaa rur? stylish shape nut finish. Flexibility, durability, comfort and finit'-mv enquire for J VV. Bradley's Duplex Kllptlo or Double Spring Skirt, and be sura and get the genuine article. CAUTION,— To guard against IMPOSITION ba particular*o NOTICE that skiirs offered as "DU PLEX" have the red ink stamp, vie, ' J. W. Brad 'ev's Duplex E'iiptic St- el Springs." ipon the wa stband—none others are geuuine. Also notice that every lloop will admit a pin being passed through the centre, thus revealing the two (or double, springs braided together Acrcfn. which la the secret of the'.r Flexibility and strength, aula combination i ot to be found In any other Skirt. For Sale in all Stores where First Class skirts are sold throughout the States anil elsewhere. Manufacture,! hy the Soto Own/ rs of the Patent. \Y KSU DKADLEI A CAREY, 97 Chambers and 79& 81 Reads Ste., N, Y. v(in22 3wos OUR PTARCH GLOSS Is the only Article uaed by First (Tlass Hotels, Laundries, and Thousands of Families. It gives a beautiful polish, raakibg the iron pass smoothly over the cloth,saving MUCH TIMS AND labor. Goods done up with it koev elean much longer con-, sequently will not wear out ao soon. It makes Old Linen 100 like New OUR IMP E l'l A L BLUE . Js the Best in the World, , It is soluble in hard as wall as soft water. It ii put up i i the safest, neatest, and moat aonveniaut orm of any offered to the public TIS WARRANTED NOT TO STREAK THE W"RF* Agents ntd every here, to whom we ex traordinary Induce IT- nts, mw YOl K T*RCH ( L •< c No. 'ilSFulton fiitJS 1 dWKs