Special Notices APPLICATION FOR PARDON. An application for the pardon of Ira H Sehno'ey convicted for man-slaughter, at November Session, •t Wyoming County, has been made to the Governor, and is now pending. NOTICE. Whereas, my wife Mary ha. left my bed and board, without jt tause or provocation. I forbid any one harboring or trusting her on my ac . o. r .kill nav no debts of her contracting af- U Sis date PORTER C4RPKNTKR. Nicholson, Wy. Co Pa, Feb. 16th, 1967. FARM FOR SALE. Situ He partly in Northraoreland and partly in Baton Town, hips ; eontaiiug SIXTY-SIX ACRES, Well watered, with a fine young orchard, in bearing Farm well adapted to Grain or grazing will be sold cheap for cash. For further particulars enquire of R. K. LITTLE Esq, Tunkkanuock, Pa., or ot F. D. CARPENTER Pittstoo.. v6n23 4w. Executrix Notice. JETTERS Testamentary haying been granted the J undersigned on the estate of Earl H, Carev lato of Tunkhaunock T wnship, dee'd., all persons inlebted to said estate are requested to maks imuie diate payments, and those having claim" against said estate will present the sauie duly au'henticated for settlement to ELIZABETH CAREY, Executrix. Tunkhaunock, Fob. 18, 1867. —v6n/B-6w. NOTICE. The firm of Fitch A Buck having been dissolved by mutual consent. The books ol acc unts have been placed in the hands of F C. Ross E-q., for col lection. Those having unsettled accounts with than will save co-ts by calling and arranging the same without further notice so to io. FITCH A BUCK Tunkhannock, Fa. Feb. 6th 19g7 ENEfiBBLED AND DELICATE CONSTITU TIONS, of oo h sexe-, use Helmbold's Extract Bu chu. It will give brisk and energetic feelings, and enable you to sleep well. TAKE NO MORE UNPLEASANT AND UN SAFE REMEDIES for unple. sunt and dangerous diseases. Use Helmbold's Extract Buchu and Im proved Rose Wash. NOTICE. The Stockholder* of the MILL CITY WOOLEN MANUFACTURING COMPANY will meet at the Mill City Ilo'el in Falls township, on Wednesday the 20, day ot March, 1867 at 1 o'clock, P. M. for the purpoev of electing Ditectors, and orgaiizing said Company. The bo >ks for the subscription of stock in said Company will continue open for the subscription of stuck at sui • Hotel untd tbat date, unless the entire amount thereof shall be sooner subscribed. LUTHER A HOWARD, DARWIN HOWARD. F. V. SICKLER, C.-SHi KWOOD. NOTICE. Persons having Book accounts with us of more than 4 months sta tiding, are res|>ecfully requested to call and settle the same wtthou. delav. We mean this, and hope our customers will realize the necessity of "paying the merchant" in order that we may continue to supply theui-in seison." with the BEST GOuDS at the LOWEST MARKET PRICES. JENNINGS A CO Mehoopany Feb. 12, 1867. v6u27-6w. CAUTION. All persons are hereby cautioned purchasing or negotiating a certain note, dated August 2, 1866,f0t 9250, given by us to A'lliiaut Waterman The "on sideration therefore having having tailed, hv reason of the non-compliances on the part of the said Wa terman with the agreements made at the time said note was given ; the undersigned will not pay the same unless compelled to do so by the law I). D SPAULDING, C. S JACK<UX BAM'L. BILLINGS, Nicholson, Feb. 8, 1567.—v6n27 4w NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that letters of administra tion upon the estate ot Seiah Hunter, late of Over field township, dee'd, have been granted to Caro line Depew, of said township, all persons having claims against said estate are notified to present the same to her, duly authenticated for settlement ■nd ali pet sous indebted wi II make payment with, out delay. CAROLINE DEPEW, Administratrix. dt non, cum lest: annexo, Overfield Feb. 8, 1867. HELMBOLD'S CONCENTCATED EXTRACT Bl'- CHU. Is the Great Diuretic. IIELMBOLD'S CONCENTRATED EXTRACT FARSAPARILLA Is the Great Blood Purifier Both are prepared according to rule* of Chemistry and Bbarmacy, and ara the most active that can be uade. ALL€UK6 POROUS PLASTERS. WHOOPING COUGH Cl'litED. Cayuga, Hind* County. Miss T ALLCOCK A Co. ••Gentletn> n Please send me another six dozen of your Porous Plasters Tbey are in g ait demand here for Whooping-cough They act like a charm could have sold two dozen this week if I had them. Send as soon as possible and oblige. Yours respectfully. JOHN I WILLIAMS, P. M. ASTHMA CURED. Mr. Wm. May, of 245 Spring Street. New York, writes, Jan 1, 1856 ; I have been affl t-ted with asthma (or upwards of ten years, receiving no bene fit from medical men. I was advised by a friend to trv one of Allcovk's Porous Plasters. I said, I had tried serem] kinds of plasters without any (benefit and *u)posed they were all alike. My friend give me one of Allcock'n, and urged me to use it. I did so. aod have now worn them steadily forniDe months and find myself better than 1 have been for many years. Agency. Brandretb II- use, House, New York, Sold by Druggists v6u26 lmo. HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BLCHU and improved Rose Waob cures secret and delicate disorders in all their stages, at little expense, litt'e or no change in diet, no inconvenience nd no exposure. It is pleas ant in tarte and odor, immediate in its aciion, aud free from all injurious properties. &£>&£& Ad A a few years since, was many a splendid head that is now gray or grissled. Why not restore to the yet unwiinkled brow its ra'en honors 7 Five minutes effects the splendid transformation. In less time than a rifleman would take to Load and Fire three times, the greyest head may be made darker than the , HAVEN" ? W I V <~k • No matter of what underirable tint the hair or wbiskers or beard may be, the change to a superb and perfectly natural black or brown is accomplish ed by one >pplication of. CRIS TADOKO'S HAIR DYE. without staining the *kin or injurii g the filaments. Manufactured by J, CHRISTADORO, 6 A tor House New York. Sold by all Drugguu Applied by al Hsir Drrssers. v6026-ltno. HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU gWe. health I* fc' g " r ,0 t ' )e " D ' J bloom to the pa|i<l chek. Debility is accompanied by raeny alarming symptom*, and if no treatment is submitted to, con. sumption, insaatity, or epileptic fits ensue. FOR NON-RETENTION OR INCONTINENci ?: V?"*' V r " t j t,OD ' mflaiD ation, or ulceraii n of the r' C * lfUU '' brick dust deposits, and all diseases ot the biedder kidners end dropsical swelllingt. ' E,aM 7i Cm flwdfiem-B FLUID EXTRACT B rcr. | Dr BCHF.NCKS MANDRAKE PIL'-S A FOR CAIAtMEL These Pill s are romposed of various roots having the (siwer to relax the se i-retions of the liver as promptly and effectually as blue pill or mercury, and without producing any of those disagreeable or dan gerous effects which offteo follow tho use of the lat ter. In all bilious disorders ti.ese Pills may be used with confidence as they promote the discharg' of vitiated bile, and remove those obstructions from the liver and biliary ducts, which are the cause of bil ious affections in grnernl SCHENCK S MANDRAKE PILLS cure SDk Headache, and all of the Liver,- indicated by sallow sVin, coated tongue, costiveness, drowsi ness, and a general fueling or weariness and lassi tude. she wing that the liver is in a torpid or ob structed condition In short, these Pills may be used with advantage in al' cases whon a purgative or alterative medicine is required. Please ask for "Dr Schenck's Mandrake Pills', an! observe that the two likenesses of the Doctoi are u the Government stamp —one when in the last stage of Consumption, and the other in his present health Sold by all Druggists and dealers. Price 25 cents per box. Principal Office, No. 15 North 6th Street, Philadelphia, Pa. General Wholesale Agents : Dcrnas BurnesA Co. 21 Park Row' New York ; S. S. II >nce, 108 Balti more St., Ba iimore, Md ; John D. Park.N. E. cor of Fourth an I Walnut St, Cincinnati, Ohio; Wal ker A Taylor, 134 ami 13g Wabash Avenue, Chicago 11. ; Collin- Brothers, S ut hwest corner of Second nd Vine Streets , Sc. Louis, Mo. 4ihA sth w. ea mo. I yr. REASONS WHY IIIE AMERICAN WATCH Made at V\ AL I II AM, MASS., is the best. It is made on the best principle. Its frame is composed ot SOLID PLATES. NO jar •an inter iere with the h.iruiony of its working anl no snd dt-n shock can d-tuioge its mac hinery Evety piece is made and finished by machinery, (itseif lauious lor its novelty, as well as for its effcctiveues) and is therefore J rojcfily urn-ie The watch is what all mecuanism rhobid be— ACCURATE, SIM CLE, STRONG AND ECONOMICAL, Ex ept some high grades to costly for general use, foreign watches are chiefly made by women and lays cuch watches are com;>osed of several bun re pieces, screwed and rivited together, aid require constant repairs to keep tktui in any kind ot order. All per sons who have carried "ancre*"- "lepines" and "English Patent Levers," are perfectly well aware of the truth of this a atemeut. 'At the beg,uning of our enterprise more than ten years ago, t was our first obj et to make a thorough ly g'J low priced watch for the million, to take u pU >o of th.s-dfore \gn impositions ; the refuse of foreign factories, which were entirely unsaleable at home unu peitectly worthless everywhere. How well we hive accomplished this, may be un ierstuicl frotu the f>ct that after many years of puolic trial, we ouw make MoRE THAN HALF OF ALL THE WATCHES SOLD IN THE L'Ni- IED STATES, and thai no others hare ever given such universal satisfaction. \> hle this ißpertinent of ur business t- eontitiued with increased facilities for perfect work, we are at present eng iged in ttie wanuf.i lure of watches of the very HIGHEST GRADE KNOWN TO CURONOMETRY, unequ.l ed by anything hitherto made by ouiselves, and unsurpassed by anything made in the world. Fur this purpose we buie the amplest facilities. We nave ecrcted an uddi.ion to our main building ex pressly for /his branch of our business, and have filled it wuh the best work men in • rviee. New machines and appliances have been cnnstrnctc-d which perform their work wi'b consummate*! delica cy and exactness The ibmecst nno most approved maleriuls only arc used, and we chillengo coiiipari son between this gr ide of our work and Ihe finest imported chronouietors We do not pretenJ to sell our w -tches for lass money than fereign watches, but we do assert without fear of e n'radictiou that for the same money our product is incomparably superior. All our watches, ef whatever grade, are ully warranted, anl this wirr intents g>ol at all times against us or our agent; in all parts of the wo Id CAUTION. —The public are cauiioned to buy only of respectable dealers. All persons selling coun terfeits will be represented. ROBIUNS & APPLETON. AGENTS FOK THE AMERICAN WATCH CO., 181 BROADWAY, N. Y vfiriZt 2m THE GLORY OF VAN TS STRENGTH.—There f-ire the nervous an t debilitated -hould i nmedint' ly USE HELMBOLK'S EXTRACT BICHE. FBBF, J. BERLIIS&9OF. BARBER AND HAIR-DRESSER Take* plesu ein announcing to his old custo-uers and (he public, generally, that he has now secured the services as an assistant —of % fIiRST vfxAss WORKMAN, LATE FROM PARIS, Those wishing a pood shave or other work in his line can now be arv in mod tied without the vexatious deli ys experienced at "one horse'' shops. SHAMPOOING, HAIR-CUTTING, DRESSING, DYEING, C If RL I N O , Ac Ac., done in the best style and at rcaa-in-thle rates. POMADES, TEE PEMEE T and EX TEA C TS, alwayson hand, ar 1 tor sale at the old t'and on Tioga Street. J BERLIVGHOF Tunkbnnno-k, Pa; Feb. 12. 1867—\6n27-tf. MANHOOD AND YOUTHFUL VIGOR arcT7- gaineu by UF.LMBOLD'S EXTRACT BCCHU. SHATTERED CONSTITUTIONS RESTORED by Ilelmbola's Extract Duchu. IIELMBOLD'S FLUID EXTRACT BITHU is pleasant in tist an l odor, free Iroiu all iujurious properties, and immediate in its action. MRS. T, A MILLER 1 Would respectfully inform her • 1 frieads and the Ladies generally that 1 1 she has just received a well selected : 1 stock of I MILLINERY GOODS, • ; which will ..e sold ut the LOWEST ; : CASH PRICKS. 1 N. B—Mrs Miller i* receiving' . ; go oils weekly, so that all who favor ; ! her with their patronage will be I * sure to gel the ; * LATEST STYLES. j 1 DRESS MAKING done on reason- ; Iso t erins. CUTTING and FIT. TIN warranted to gie s*ti*fac- ; ! tion if properly made. I • IRo o m s on Warren St. opposite 1 I Wright's Store. I * MRS T. A. MILI.KR. ; 1 Tunkhsenock, P Nor. 13, '66, I : vCuIS-tf- ; OF RECEIPTS AND EXPENDITURES OF WYOMING C 0.—1860. County Duplicates. Yrar Chl'trs Namsi Townships A'mt Dctl'ts Exoas. Com. Paid ; 1865 Lvtnan Swartt Falls" $75 67 < j #7567 ' " Miles Avery Lemon, 92 08. $ 4 83! S2O 6lj 66 64 " Jus T.Jennings Mehopnv 632 74 11 ir; 40.00: 591,57 J iS|>er Parrish Monroe 167 57 ' j 167 57 '• Fl-teher Di-kson Tunkbxnnock Twp 357 62j 2 88! 37.57 296 17 •' Myron Sturdevant Windham 317.05> 7 12 ! 33 27; 276 69 1866 Wm. F Ru_'g Brainuitn \ 483,19 3 Ift! 24 00 45 01 S. H Bnggs Clinton 818 59: 326? 40,76 774 57 " Win Benedict Eaton 1129 30; 16 26 .55 65 1057 39 4 D nnii Wall £ XHter 19 0 2 6; I GO; ' 9,46 179 80 E D-rshettner Falls 1 928,36 15 29! 45 65 %7 45 11. Ilitch<-o<-k, Forkstun 371 22 7,25 IB 19 345,78 D W Stevens Letnon 51114; 3 33! 25 39 492 42 " John Gay Mcshoppen 90',37! 13 65- 44 38 943.34 4Vm Llthn Mehooiiany 961,66; 9.951 47 53 904 18 44 Daniel M-.rgai M.nr.e 423 65 9 09> 20 69 398 87 j " Moody Whit we l l, North Branch i 843,37' 13.22} 4150 798 65 • N. D Ricker Ni. h.dson ' 12250|| 16.71j 60 41 1147 99 Joseph Burgess North Btan h 2-5 98! 4.3! 1 09 210 76 " Wui. Irwin Overfi Id ! 308,74: 1071! 14 90 2?3 13 " Joeph Shupp . Tunkhannoek Twp 935 69; 36.19; 44 97 834,53 " Wtu. F. Terry Tnnk. Boro. 566 10: 30.09; 26 8' 509 22 " J W. Crsword Washington j 837 95! 13 67 41 21 783 07 " Edutund Faisett Windhuut 648 OOj 535 32 13 610 52 TOTAL. (j $13955 37j $259.30! $736.18 812959.89 Expenditures, Auditors- „ rT . - n nn 11 Public Buildings Ac. FTcnrv Ycwcomb $lO 00 s Martin Siekler 10 00 V. .11 . W,n Benediet 600 J 111 ?,l n Fr u" • 10,00 136 00 f)n Contract, building Jail 2000 00 FC. Bote, audit rto examine Draft lor Jail Ac. * 90,00 $3162 *2 *c<vtn of Roister. Recorder ' fJ4U4,,< Pro honotsrv Ac. 12 0(i Penn'a State Lnnatic A ylura 442.05 Commissioner* Hoarding Jurors by order of Court 52 0' Theron Vaughn 14 50 Eastern Peuetenliary 19142 L-wisCook 160.00 Interest 03,00 Hi-ant Bodle 150.00 , Road Damages 25 00 E twin S'ephens 100 00 9 Fu,fl Ac. J5J,96 G. w. Sherwood 10.00 434 50 , „ our, Cr,er 51,00 Win F. Terrv Com'ers Clerk 400 Oh u''a™*' F. C Ross. Counsel ComtnVrr 40 00 r"' * rW? ' 9 ! Harver Siekler. Dis'rict At orney 145 00 A' 4, S 59 53 Ziha Loft, Pr th-nniary 376 99 ," e ' U ? . or . ,r * 35 06 Ahira G 'T. Sheriff 1112 00 V r,nM,l l 9'> 50 Tracer* Jurors 1505 II tested Land sales g ComluonweaUh Cost. 387 59 J Koll m'T'""' Jo °r° KWtionr Towwhip nod Genernl 538 iHJ T,nkhann/t i, n ? 5T i 1 I> * s ITv t • r* t -r. * 'n t 44(01* Cu. I A Oil Road, Bridges and Tnwnshm \ tew. 228 00 Miscellaneous in 4 Bridges. Building 555 00 i o-j Repairing 605,71 1160.71 $7116 92 •7,118.92 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 113.992.75 We do certify fl at the above an ' foregoing is a Hue and corn el statement of the xp tidiiurce ol Wyoming County, for the y.-ar . ndi g Jaimaiy 6th ]o7 LEW IS COOK, I 11. LODLK, v Commissirinert. G. W SIiLKW'OOD Attest WM F. TERHT. Clerk, Coutm'fs, Offier, Tunk Jan. 11th. 1867. Treasurer's .A.OOO ant DK. j CK. To nmounl of County Tax outstanding ) I Rv ex'on to oil's on C.nnty Tax >-,0 >n fur 1865 .n I previous years i $1640 76 Rv C : Cull so . Cuuniy Tax £ To ainutit County Ms'l for 1866 12.114 61 fi .la. ee due ir-m t.ail ol J. jj Mulli- ) To amount ree'd lor unseated land tax 668 58 on, late t reasurer C 2243 65 To aiuuunt due from J. Mullison { ißy Tre.is. Com on *l3 994 0? am't ) late Treas ret, a-'per last statetn'ii 4021 90 paid out at 2 per c.-nt ' ' ( 279 T ° rm i l Z'? fr '" D 9 "u°J 0,1 ' UUll " >r I ,o .J By re ' ,s " C,,18 - ° ' * l6 am't at the Mehoopaay Bridge i 72 .0 received at 2 |e-r cent { q Q , c'. on ace' I State Tax 30.6 29 Bv County ttrd. rs Redeemed n m m To Fines, Jurv fees, A , received 127 00 Bv un urrent funds on h .pi 5 rf. lo balance due last settlement 1423 79 j Balance due County 2656 49 Sheep Fund. To Tax assessed ) By exon's allowed to Colls, on Dug Tax 166 RI) on Dugs for year 1866 \ 67300 By Com. allowed to Cull so u Tux lU | ) le< ' ,e<l 25 28 By damages paid on ace'tof sheep be- ) ing killed by unknown dogs, f 7B t n By Treas com on *78.50 am't paid; I out at 2 |>er cent. t 1r? By Treas. com. on *431 22 am't ree'd J at 2 pe. cent. { Q fio Balance in Treas handi 39, 53 Prothonotary's Account. DB - CR. 1": SJ3S Bj Bi " " n "" d •' 1866 *265,89 *265.89 Sheriff's Account. To Fines. Jury fee Ac received $127 00 n„ d;ii „. . , a.,..,., au. 7b.„ YisS : B " b , B "Lu^ r * d f " r 1866 j K9 „ *669 63 ! undersigned, Auditors of Wyoming County, being mot at the Commission er $ office ip an d county, do certify that up..tit *aminHtin of the accounts of ill- Trcasuier, ('otnmissi. tiers, Protbonotary and Sheriff, we find ih. m correct as set lorih in lhe foregoing statement, a d that the expenditures ..fsaid I'ountv aro fully and corr ct!y set forth m said statement as rendered to us by the Commissioners o'f said County. Witness our hands this 11th day of January A. D. 1867 MARTIN SICKLER, ) Wm. BEN KDICT. f A uditor<. JAMES R. RUBINSOaN, ) NO HUMBUG! CLOSmG OUT SATiE I In order to make room for an EXTENSIVE SPRING STOCK, We offer our entire Stock of DRY GOODS AT ACTUAL COST! CITIZENS, THIS IS NO HUMBUG I CALL EARLY FOR IBS a.rg aims, BOSS, MILLS A CO. Tuukbnnno, k. Feb. 15th iBG7 v6u29 tf. ||ILLCOXAiniBBS noiseless ||AMILY JEWING Machine is 'he only M \f'll NE in the w,.r ,1 that in kes the twisted loop-ti'eh. making a strung, r stitch than any .nb r ina< hineu u use. All are iovitea to ca at P. ®.©©3iH3&Sa3*!i. .n:\VI- l.lfY STORK. and rzauitne tor themselves. Also agents for all other machines for Wyoming Co. Pa P C BURNS A BRO Tunkhannoek, Pa Oct 31 1866 Gnl2-tf W a toll © s I i JEWELS? REPASSED j P C. I I R N S vV UR 0 . I Tak* pleasure in am oun -'pg to the people of 1 unkb <nn<>< k and > i i|.< t iti iUi i>ptneil a Watol) anb Cloth £tiop ; opposite W ill'* il.el,where tti- v ire prepared to do the tiiost iirti ult j. .1 in their liu. in an APPROVED an 1 KILI.I' I L JIAXMiK, on short notice, 11,iv ir.g had long experience in the buin they feel confident that thi-v can give entire at island ion to all favoring ibe in with lb ir patronage. ALL WOIIK WARRANTED TO OTVE SATIS -1 ACTION OK MONEY KEFI N I)ED AFTLK A F UK I RIAL- A. B. - Pa rui Is hana Umbrellas r>'jiair?d i A'so. AeporAeons and other musical inst rumen 8 tuned an'l put in order on short notice A NEW SIOCK i WATCHES and CLOCKS jus' received. LBB 'XL X2'of IS 7 'IX 2' VXSCXIT- Also SHEET MUSIC A MUSIC BOOKS on hard or furnished to oid ron the aborted notice and at publisher's L 0 WES T RATES. GUNS AND PISTOL CARTHGES adapted to all the modern styles ot fire-ar.i.s, con stantly on baud —ALSO- Ac,, Sic , dtc., &r. &c. also Dealers in the PARABOLA SPECTACLE. THE liEST 11EI.P Ft til TUR HUMAN VIMOH 1 KTEtt INVt- NTKD P C BURNS A BRO. Tnnkbannock, Pa Oet 31, lSgg- '<£, SSSHXXXXKS BU-INESS I'OLLtGE PHIIBBBAPHIUISTITITE. Is now open lav an I evening t,>r the re e|iiimi of Students Business hours Iri no 9A, M. to 12 and from 1-30 to 4 30 P M Evening trou 7 to 9 Ther is now connected with the theory actual Business Ilepirtnienf where the student may receive , all the advantages ot husin ,s transactions derived j Iroot any College in the eonniry i Single and Double entry book keep ; ing Business and ornamental Pen manship, business correspondence, wholesale and retail Businos, rail -1 reading, shipping, forwarding emu miss on, negotiating loans,bills ot ex change, jobbing banking,and phonog raphy, taught by thorough ai d experien- d teachers. No effort will be sp.red to give those who it fend this College a thorough kn, wledge of actual busi ness Rea-onable deduct! >u to La cier fm k Commer. cial course. The terms ol this College are at !e .st S'.'O le-s th in Other Colleges charge lor he s me cnurr*. Fur further inforuui'ion ,oi ir- -■ GARDNER <$- WHEELER. _ Business College, Scranten, Pa THIS 'EEND" UP WITH CAH* 9931 >2 - IS>O •TI3M<IHVH £HW —WW tsejjoqs aqi ie pt 4 *q pa* ins oprm sestaiQ Jtl lszxojv&O, 3jr va w ''O# '-o^> ■sxsnovr's-xvoio 'ssaszh 'siu.ijivd jddwd jo jsojwj <rqj j[y •aonjjadniOD Xjap o; saaud jw 'SIXQO9 AONV.I JO jujwjioss* unj puw 'svwaN saOOH I SH3HJ.V3i 'gHIMOU sNOaaiH 13AT3A 'si3x\ T oa "iv Nana •HIW P u S3lO VI JOJ SIVII J 3A3!A po . JI3J 1" KXdtHS tinuea #qj n jo item*am pipaipli * Suuieoej M<>fa ii 713M0HVff gHW 'an INN I IIUMN HI THE WO3LD, 35 TAR A' ROW, .YRW rOXJT, TERNg, WEEKLY WORLD. On# Copy, one year, 9 2 00 Four Copies, one year, 7 00 T. n Copies, " i( 00 Tw.-n>y Copies, to ens address. V 00 FiMjr Copies, 10 00 SEMI-WEEKLY WORLD ~ One Copv, one Tear, f 4 00 Fur Copies, " I >OO Ten " 30 00 DAILY WORLD. | One Copy, on# ye r, 910 90 CLUB PRIXIS. F<>r Clubs of 10, One Weeslv. or# year, " •' si. <ne Semi-W-tkly, on# ymr,. " " 100, One Daily, one yeer, DIRECT/ON. Additions to Clubs may be .made any time in | the year at tle b"Vcclub rates Changes in c'ub Lists made only on requeet of" per sons re hiving dull packages, stating edition, post office an 1 St..te to which it has previously beeo sent Mti'i enclosing twcntv five c nt# to pay fir trouble of toe ch 'nge to separate address Teuns cash in advance Send, if possible, Put* Office Money Oroer or Bank Dratt. Bills sent by mail will be at tbe risk of sender. We have no traveling agents, Address allorders and letters to THE WORLD, 35 Park Row. New York. CALL AT TH E GROCERY STORE or CRAJYJS <t L ULL, Iu tlie briiA corner AT TLWKHANNOCK, PA. FOR JTiGUH OF ALL KINDS. FOR | BUTTER, CHEESE LARD. LAMP OILS* TEA.COFFEE SUGAR SALER ATUs; SPICES. SALT, SOAP, CANDLES, 0 A S DIES, CRACKERS Stationery, AND YANKEE .NOTIONS. OYSTERS and SARDINES, sen ed up at all boms in the heit atylea and for sale in any quantities desired. CRANE A LULL, v 6 20'f ' Orphans' Court Sale, BY VIRTUE of an orOer issued out of the Or ptiHDs C -urt <f Wyoming Comfy, I w 1! tx mm to sale by public ventue or outcty upon the pretn- SCS in Ihe Township of Forkston. County of ITV<w wing, Pa., on Tuesday the 12<h day of March nest at two • |,.k in the afternoon, all the right title snd inter- st of Jo eph S Va*w late of the Township ut F'irkston, County o Wyoming, de 'd., in and to the tollowiug described piece, parcel or tract of lan iituatean't I eiug in th-Township of Forkefoo, County t \\ jon, nr. H una., houodeu bd .s# ibod HS follows, .O w„ ;„ n , h e North by land o. Mo,dial Krewson and la-Ms unknown on the East by lacnd unknown on the South b\ land unknown and . the West by lands of I). j. Vaow Containing about one bun .red and fifty acres, by the si nie more or |e<w at'out forty acres thereof improved, wifh a frame house, frame barn, and a small apple orchard there of. with 'he apt'D-reu.nces. Terms of Sale— Ten per cent of one fourth of the purcutMK money, to be p id at the striking down of th property , 'he one fourth lea# the ten I. , ~1 ti ii absolute, ml the rew.nio® . - fourti- in ..lie C I f'i r ,f\, , . , . . .. ■•%*! wun -vi.eratt irciu ,t.e counna item T n t toy ut irr I ,JT< JOUA U. Bt'ALLDiNU. Aoia r. of 1 stuff 'W9.T4W,IWII,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers