the Hatfh §rmtch Hem mm I. H in vßT SlOKLßTl.Tropriettr NOV SERIES, A weekly Democratic 1^ Caper, >teoted to Foil ,' kapr-. f Gf V~ vies New*, the Arts ty *nd Sciences Ac. Pub- " * ishe i every We Jnes- j day, at Tankhannock flFrW Wyoming County,Pa Srj-—L BY HARV Y SICKLER Terms —1 copy 1 year, (in advance) S hit paid within six months, #2.50 will be charged NO paper will be D4SCONTINCFD, until all ar sar.igas are paid; unless at the option of publisher. ADVERTL JSI3\TGR . W lines or , ■ > f ess, make three fovr tiro J,lr f e > *\ x '< orit one square weeks ueeks ma' th ,uo lll \ mu l J~ ai 1 1 flt)! i o ok' 2,b7 ,0 '( 5,0(1 Ifaquare 1,00 1.-o 2 4 6 2 do. 2,0u 2,50; SJS 7m , ytU * ,io - f' 2 Gt 1 i ,J 'bu 15,00 i Column. 4,UU too ...a, > - ' i A fi im fi 50 10 00 1 "00 T"OP ZO,VV i do. 6,00 oou Id.UU 25,1-0 jS,GO t & EXECUTORS, ADMINISTRATORS and AUDI TOR'S NOTICES, of the usual length, s2,ao 031 ri* ARTE exceeding ten tin s, each; RELI OIOi'S tnl LITERARY NOTICES, not ofgcie.a i -terest, one half tne regular rates. Business Cards of with paper, 85. JOB x^yonK •of all kind, neatly executed, and at prices to suit he times. All TRANSIENT ADVERTISEMENTS and JOB WORK " ust be paid fcr, when ordered. fSusintss r notirfS. rj S.COOPER. PHYSICIAN A SURGEON LL. Newton Centre, Luierne County Pa. D R- * W E I-ITTLE, ATTORNEYS AT Li. LAW Ofieeon Tioga street, runkhannek. a 117 M. M. PIATT, ATTORNEY AT LAW. O \\ fice iu Stark's Brick Block lioga St., Tunk hmn-jck, l'a 0 1,, FARHISII, ATTORNEY AT LAW. • Oft eat the Court House, in 1 unkhanuuck Wyoming Co. Pa £lif gullet |)ou3f, JiAlflf IS I IT'RGf PE XX A. The undersigned having lately purchased the • BCEIILEIt HOUSE" property, has already rom men e 1 su h alterations and improvements as will rend sr this old and p"P"' :,T House equal, if not supe rior, to aav Hotel in the City of llarrisburg. A continuance of the public patronage ts rcfpect fmlly soli.-Hcd. GEQ j BOLTON WALL'S HOTEL, LATE AMERICAN HOUSE, TUNKU AN NOCK, IV 1 OMI N G CO., 1* rUIS establishment has recently been refitted an furnished in tne latest style Everv attention will be given to the comfort and convenience ot those WAS patronise the House. T. B WALL, Owner and Proprietor ; Tuukhannock, September 11, IS6I. WORTH DRAJiCH HOTEL, MESUOPPLN, WYOMING COUNTY, PA Hm. H. COKTRIGIIT, Prop'r HAVING resumed the proprietorship of the si o-.-e Hotel, the un-lersigne-J will spare no eftorts ; render the house an agreeable pi a eot sojourn to .11 „h<, m.y f-or i. .Ith Jane, 3rd, 1963 Ulfiins lolfl, TOWANDA, PA- P. B. BART IT . (Late of i. Ilorsr., ECMIRA, N.Y. PROPRIETOR. The MEANS HOTEL, i one of tne LARGEST aad BE-IT ARRANGED Houses in the country—lt it fitted up in the most modern and improved style, and eo pains are spared to make it a pleasant and agreeable stopping-place for all, v 3, n2l, 'y. TAILORING SHOP The Sfihscriber havine ha I a sixteen yenrs p'ne tieal experience in catting and m iking clothing .w offer* his services in t! is line to the citizens o j NICHOLS"* snd vicinity. Those wishing to get Fits will find his shop the ace to get them. JOEL, R. SMITH S5-I Ef -fur r S Remedial Institute FOR SPECIAL, CASES. J\'o. TJcrnd Streef, A'eH' York. XT Full information, with the hichrst testimo nial* : also, a Book on Special Diseases, in seal eit entelone. sent f> e J lie sure and eendf>r them, and you tril' not regret it ; for, as toiver tiei'.g physicians are g-tne ally i m}*ostorg, without r'er/ic-s no stranger si oubl be trusted Enclose a stamp for postage,and direct to DR. LAWRENCE No. 14 Bond Street, New York. v6n!slyr., ffT Our Letter A Family Sewing Ma chine. with all the new improvements, is the best, and cheapest ami most beautiful Sewing Machine in the world. No jther Sewing Machine has so much enpe ; ty for a -reat range of work, including the delicate and ingenious processes of Hemming Braining, Binding Embroidering, Felling, Tuexing Cording, Gathering, Ac., Ac, Tho Branch Offices are well supplied with S - . Twist. Thread, Needles, Oil, Ac,, of the very post quality, Send for a Pamphlet THE 3INGRR MANUTAOTURING COMPANY. 459 Brnsdwav, Xew York, Philadelphia Office, SIO CHESTNUT STREET HARVB7 SICKLER. Agent, HiN * luffs Sflriift. YOUNG GRIMES. Old Grimes is dead—thst good old man, We ne'er shall see him mora; B it he has left a son who bears The name that old Grimes bore. He vrenrs a coat of latest cut, His bat ie new and gay ; He c-innot be; rto view distress, So from it turns away His .pants are gaiters—fitting snug, O'er patent-leather shoes ; Ilis hair is by a barber curled— He smoke" cigars aoJ chews. A chain of massive gold is bore Above his flashy vest ; His clothes are better every day Than were old Grimes' beet , In Fashion's court he constant walks, Where he delight doth shed ; His hands are wh-te and very soft, But softer is his ha ad. He's six feet ta'l—no post more straight— His teeth are peaily white ; In habits he is sometimes 1 jose, And sometimes very tight His manner are of sweetest grace, Ilis voice of softest tone : Ilis diamond ptn is the very one That Old Grimes used to own. Ilis inoustachio adorns his face, His n-ck a sarf of blue ; He sometimes goes to churcn for change, Aud sleeps iu Grimes' pew. He sports the fastest "cab" in town, Is always quick to bet; He never knows whose President, But thinks ' Old Abe's" iu yet. lis has drank wines of every kind, And liquor cold and hot ; Y'oung Giline" in short, is just that sort Of man Old Grimes was not- OPERA I!OL>E DUTCHMAN AND HIS TICKET. In Chicago dwells a teutonic vender of lager beer and bretzels, Brockmeyer by name, genial in disposition, immense of stomach, careful of money by nature, un suspecting at heait, but yet liable to severe excitement at times. When the Opera .ouse drawing came off he remained firin at his post fit danger and gracefully hand ed out glasses of his amber colored bever age, two glasses for ten cints Persons came and went. Passers by troubled with thirst -aw in his bt-t-r much to admire and rushed in where angels feared to tread, diew their wallets, left their stamps tlaked their thirst and hurried on, while Brock meyer's till grew rich in postal. A man passe 1 thai way who was poor. He was a newspaper man. we reckor.. lie was dry, but had not the k ynote to lager iu his poeket. Hthirsted for beverage— he rushed in like one from Bull linn battle fields and gasped— "You drew it ; you drew it ; the Opera House is yours ! You are the lucky Dutch man. The crowd at the Opera tfouse is cheering for you !" "Ml in gotl in Ilimmrl ; das is so ; take some lairt r peer," and the excited teuton drew a pitcher fit I, shoved it to the face of the novelist, shouted "Mein Gott ; mcin Got'. ; I've drawed der Opera Ouse ; drink* all ter lager peer in dis blare for 1 moves der right away jnmpid over a chair, kno ked a coal stove endwise and minus hat or coat rushed t > the (ipera House. The man quenched his thirst from the pitcher ; the crowd outside Seeing the. teu ton running like mad. thought murder most foul had been committed ; rushed in,learn ed the news, shouted to others, the Seller of Dutchman stood behind the bar and wjtb liberal baud dispensed beer, bretzels, bolo gnas, cigars, etc., and dispensed with the stamps therefore, till the crowd became so large he was tired out; when he left, and others helped the new comers at the ex pense of tiie man who had drawn the Opera House. But soon Li nder. saw another sight—his lager rolling rapidly ! Willi a howl, a yell, a hound and a club there burst ir, upon the crowd, poor Btockra.-yer. And this was his cause of complaint "Mein Gott ! Gott tain ! Glear out you ttmbugs ! Out, Nixcum arouse out of iat ! 1 pr< ak mine bead over de stick of dat tarn Yankee vot make* me dat lie und loose my lager peer ! Rouse mit im ! I no draw Opei a Ouse. Ino draw notink. Oh you taut ia>cali! who preaks mine head mit Ins stick—who make told me dat tarn inti pug —rouse mit all of you 1 no draw Op era Ouse—l no draw notink—1 # no have lucky ticket—by tain I have no ticket tor notink, und py tarn I pr>-ak my head mit de sto-mack ot dat Yankee umbog vot dells nte das tam lie ! Rouse nut you !" And with his clab he soon cleared the premises, tn find nary a cigar, nor bolog na, nor a brctzel, nor a drop of lagei beer, nor a lucky ticket. Then lie lock-d the doors, and Went talking to himself, fixing up things, shaking up empt) kegs and bot tles, looking into drawer* and boxes to find but vanity and emptiness! Those who saw him say that lie looked sipk. disconso late, as he had occasion to damn those who had been tbeic since be had been gone. — Late in the day he was sitting outside his saloon, the door locked, looking for the man who made dot umbug, and tehingthqae who stopped to condole with bim —"Yea, by tam, di* Cheargo is ter tyfil. Deydraw me no Opera Ouse, butdey draw my lager peer as cost me more as two hundred tol lara! Dey eats up .uine cigara, dey scltmok mine pretsils,und dat tain rascall vot makes me dat story goomes dis vav, J tints I be so kick rait mad Ido notiuk, by tam !" La CroBe Democrat, i'TO SPEAK HIS THOUGHTS IS RYRIY FREEMAN'S RIGHT. "-Thamti Jaffariau. TUNKHANNOCK, PA., WEDNESDAY, FEB. 27, 1867 sflert ftory. Oil HUMDRUM. A NEW YEAR'S STORY. "I wonder what old Humdrum will eiveusfor New Year'a present?" said Nellie Hastings, as she twisted her cutis before the sitting room mirror, and ad mited her pretty face, as therein displayed. "Don't Nellie." said her sister Agnes, looking up froin her sewing, "nicknames are intens* ly vulgar, and it pains me to hear our kind friend so spoken of " "Kind friend, inde-d," said the beauty, saucily ; "what has he given us but a few prosy sermons ?' "On, Nellie, what should we have done without his, care ? Think how cheap the rent of this little cottage is made for us •and how many scholars lie has procured for yon, anct how well he pays me for the sewing He is a kind fnend," and tears stood in the eyes of Agnes Hastings, as she spoke "Well then; don't cry about it, sis," and N. Ilic gave ht-r sister a hasty kiss.— "And I won't call Ititn nicknames any more it it displeases you, anrt I shall soon be independent of his kindness," with a scornful emphisis upon the last words.— "Tlit-re is one of my tiresome brats at the gate now," and sue sauntered into the par lor to ras-t the rnu-ie scholar coming up the garden walk to take ids lesson. You w.mid scarcely have supposed the sisters twin-, had you seen theni on a dull Dec-inb r day that opens my story. Ncl lie tall, graceful, brilliant and beautiful, i.. the full glow of her youthful beauty ; Agnes, pale and thin, with a somewhat -alow skin, hair brushed smoothly back from her face and gathered in a heavy coil at the buck of her head, looked at least five years older than her gay sister. Both wore mourning dresses but while that of Agnes was a heavy unbroken black, her sifter's was modified by white ruflh's, and trimmed profusely with glittering bugles. Another difference more pitiful than all— Agnes was deformed. Five years liefore this dull December night Helen and Agne.s Hastings, then just seventeen years old, made their debut into fashionable society as belless and heiresses. Beautilul, accomplished end graceful, daughte sofa reputed raidionai'-e, they became at once the center of the gay circle in which they moved They were moth erless from infancy but then father's sister had fi'led their mother's place during their whole i, and still directed all household : fi'airs. Two years alter their debut, the grave Agttess was betrothed to a vounw lawyer, poor, but talented, with a heart full of de di-votion to itis beautiful betrothed, and a head that promised in time to win him distinction in his chosen profession. The engagement was satisfactory to relative, on loth sides, and preparations for the wedding were commenced, when Agnes met with an accident that cripphd her foi life. She was driving out with her lover, when the horse became frightened, and making a sudden p uuge forward, threw Ie- froin her seat into the road. Her in juries at first appeared to be slight, but as time went on, the physicians found t: at the injury to the spine, was twisting the fig ure to one side and making a limping gait and a curved back unavoidable. In the agony and horror of discovering this, Agnes dismissed her lover, spite of his prayers and protestation*, and then months of bitter repining provided even that bet- Christian spirit could sink under her heavy hutd' n. It was a still greater af fliction that roused instead of crushing her, and restored in full her faith, patience end hope. Her father c-'mtnitt' d suicide after perilling his own ami Ins sister's fortune, and the brother she idolized in one short month, followed him to the grave. Friends came (o- ward to offer counsel and assistance, and from the wreck of the once noble fortune, a small sum was se cured— barely sufficient to clothe the or phans in an humble stylo, grca ly at vari ance with their once splendid wardrobe Bv the advice of their father's lawyer, the girls left the city and wmt to a small cun trv town, where by their needle work they earned their snpp rt. Tltey had been but a little time in their new home, when a stranger, a g'nth-man past middle age, catnc to res de. at G . It was not long before he became acquaint ed with the young seamstresses, and in a short tim- so won their confidence that lie became a fast friend. His means appear ed large, as he bought a cottage for himself, and two others which he rented to the sis ters, and a large handsome stono mansion, in process of erection, was soon to b>* his future home. Having letters that mad him at once influential in G . he used that influence to procure music schol ars for H- lcn, who bore the drudgery of sewing but badly, and hixself kept Agnes busy on the most exquisite of shirts, col la** and cuffs, at large priced but of the most elaborate finish. The music lesson over, Helen came again to her sister's side. "Still at that handkerchief," she said, louohing the dainty embroidery growing under her sisters's busy fingers. "What a dandy old—Mr. Lawrence is," • Ml think, Nell, dear, it is more the desire to aid me, by giving employment, that he has such wonderful shirts and so many handkerchiefs with his initials embroidered in the comers." "Aegie." A long panse—thm again— <k of defiance. "JJe—he—you know, Nell, they say is not verv constant." "Fudge ! a parcel of old maids who want to win Ititn and cannot, tattle for revenge. I tell you, Agues, I am sick of this life,"and >he sprang from her seat, paced the floor with quick step*, to and fro, like some beautiful wtlil beast, caged but untamed.— "I m sil kof drn.lging over stupids who won't learn ; sick of hearing glorious mel ody tortured into hideous sounds ; sick of being chained to houts ; sick of poverty, obscurity aud toil! iiatold Grat.vil'e is rich , lie loves me ;he will take away from this wretched village to a circle such as I once reigned " "Do you love htm, Helen." "Well enough to get along. lie adores me, and that is much more to the point." "But, Nellie—his -his—intellect." "Olt, he's a fool, I know. So much the better—l will rule htm You tnay tell old Humdrum to night, Agnes, and he can send my bridal present at New Years." And she left the room, singing as she went a gay air from Traviatia. Agnes s;nk into a deep reverie. Her sis tern's questions had touched upon bitter memories and a painful present. Back, over intervening years, her thoughts trav eled t-/recall the lover of her gir hood.— >he picture 1 again the frank, handsome face heard the tender, loving voice, felt the t- nder caress of long ago, and then came die agony of parting. Sue heaid the plead ing words to which she would give no ray of hope Loving him utterly, site had ro *o!ve'i never to burthen his brilliant career by giving him an ailing ciq ph tl wif-. nev er to hear a rcpioach fir loving lie s If bet ter than hint. He had left her, left the ciU, and she knew nothing more. Was 6fce to ftHve another trial now ? Probing her heart with firm, unshrink ing touch, she found there a respectable af fection for her kind Irteud ; a sense of de pendence upon Ins advice and friendship that it would cost her much pain to wound him, he a sore trial to see bun no more,yet >he did not love liim. Yet, if Helen was right ! If lie loved her and was seeking to win her love, what had she done ? In her gratitude for his kindness her real ft ankly expressed plea*ute, in his society, had she not encouraged bim to think he might win a dearer place still ? Hot tears were coursing down her pallid cheeks, when her hands were taken in a firm clasp, at d a giave, gt title voice spoke Iter name, "Agues, are you in trouble." She knew the voice, and the hot biood rushed for a moment to her face ; then she said hesitatingly— "l was—thinking—of the past." "You must not think too sadly," said tier friend,seating himself beside her; "'per— Laps the future may have bright days too. I—you know to-morrow is New Years,and I have an offering to lay at your feet, my little friend, that you may not altogether despise. I have long— "Good afternoon ?" Nellie's gay voice interupted tbem. She was followed soon by her lover, and the tel. -a tetr was not tesutned. It w*a late before all the visitors had departed and Nellie threw herself at her sister's feet. " Well, old Humdrum must how llar<>ld and 1 staml, and if he don't send tne something nice to-morrow, be's too moan to live. - ' "Olt, Nellie, don't talk so " "W as he proposing, Agirie, as T came iu ? 1 did not see him till it wa* too late to get away, or I should have kept Hatold in the parlor a while longer.' "l'h-ase, Nell— ' "Well, I won't tease you. Y"ou are the dearest of all sisters after al, and may be sure ot ttie best room in my future home and all the love your madcap sister can giv, to you.' "Thanks, dear ; but I never can consent to be dependent upon Mr. Granville," " Stuff and nonsense! You may sew yonr dear fingers off if that will ease your conscience. I m sure it will be as wi 11 for me and Harold as for old Mr. Lawrence." But-' "There, don't say a word. To-morrow I will convince you by all the rules of log ic that it would be barbarous cruelty to de sert me, but now I'm too sleepy. Good night. But by the way, won't the maid's t"Qgues run ? Harold and I will be served up all over the village with pepper aause— Good night. Pleasant dreams to yon." And of what was Mr. Lawrence think ing in these same long hours, when lie IOSS ed upon a sleepless couch ? He was re i calling hours spent with his owa world hardened heart, now grow stiff and tender in the of Agnes' smile and the music of her voice. He was thinking ofher pure Christian patience, her resignation to suf fering, lit-r quiet industry, her unwavering cheerfulness. Then he thought of his new home, whose large rooms ware furrished ready for occupants, and be fancied her presence making the house a home, her taste adorning the rooms, and her smile, welcoming the master when he entered; and less selfishly be looked forward to the life of ease and r°st he meant to offer her restoring the light to her eyes and the bloom to her cheeks. New Years day dawned bright and eUar. The sisters were seated in their little sit ting room after breakfast WIItwork of clay, sticks, nutshells and other rubhish at the mouth of his maga zine, an inch or two high, and then filled i. up with hi* provisions, till it would hold t.o more. He then added another course of mason wotk and another deposit ot nuts, aud so on till at the time of the vandals raid on the little fellow's commissary, the wall was about a foot high. The p cula tion was considered justifiable oil the ground that man was crem'ed lord overali the beasts ofthefi Id, an 1 that it wa* no w..rse to make a squirrel work for him than to make a horse or an ox do it. be sides, our frfi-nd kindly gave the four-leg ged slave his time for the rust, of the sea son, and in a week or two he had laid in a new supply for himself and family." -- Soon after the surrender of Lee and Johnson, a North Carolina stditier, who I had been living at the expanse of the Fed eral Government in one of its prisons, has reached, on his weary tramp homeward, the borders of his State, wearing the rag* ot his Confederate grey- He met an old acquaintance, and this conversation en sued : "Hello, old fellow, whar ar you from !" "Johnson's land." " Gettin home agin ?" "Tryin' to." "Better not go over thar with them clothes on. They don't let anybody wear gray any more. They'll take you up turt' " Jerusalem /—haven't they got over heir scare yet f* VOL. 6 NO. 2 9. A Slight Difference. "In France, a man who spoke disrespect ful of the Emperor in a stsge-coach, was fined SIOO." — Exchange. It's well that chap didn't lire in this country during the reign of the "saint*' from Sangamon—the "lamented Lincoln," or his indiscretion in speaking disrespect ful of the "government" would have cost him Ins life or months upon months of imprisonment jn a lousy, fil'hy bastile, in place of the paltry sum oi SIOO. It cost us four times that much and a week's im prisonment in one of the filthiest dungeons of the country, for speaking disrespect!d of one ot his pups —a po>>r, mean, drunken, scrubbv spy. And because we didn't be lieve or would not say that Abraham Lin coln was the best, the wisest, the prettiest, mo9t dignified, patriotic, honest, attractive, brilliant creature that the Good Gird ever put breath into, we were plated under ar rest no less than five times and threatened with annihilation by his toadies about ev ery other day. Such is the difference be tween the monarchy of France, and the Republic of America. — BeUefnnte, (/'•.) Watchman, J. Or