C|t phnotraf, HARVEY SICKI.ER, Editor. TUN KHAN NOCK, PA Wednesday. Feb 20, 1867 The Executive Mansion in Wash ington has been thoroughly renovated, at a cost of forty thousand dollars. The new c/irpets and curtains were specially import ed from England. A Compliment. —The Erie Despatch, the loyal organ of that county, in closing a pathetic appeal in r. ference to the i-I< ction of Senator, and ••aming the loyal members of the Senate and llou-e against voting for Cameron, said : "Give us a fool, Ike Geary, but for God's sake do not give us a knave. How the man is going to get the knave off his hands, is not for us to advise ; but we shall see. We would not be sur prised if he would do like Forney—take the knavt to his bosom. (ST The Judiciary Committee of the Rump have already asked for ten thousand dollars ($lO,bOl)) to pay expenses in the prelim nary examinat on of witnesses in the imp. aclimont case. It' it has cost ten thous and dollars merely for the preliminaries, what will it cost when the committee get rightly to work? But. of course the kind ot testimony brought before the committee is costly, Joe Holt found it, at least, in the Conover affair. About the best thing the President could do would be to disperse the whole plundering, sqiiandeiing crew, who are flllmu their own and their friends' pockets in this manner out of the Federal Treasury. Texas is the largest, a, ( | Rhode Is'-'nd the smallest of the States of the Union.tin former containing 274,356 square miles of lerritoiy, and the latter only 1,306. The population of Texas is rapidiv increasing, almost as rap.dlv as any of ihe Western States, and was, in 1860, 604,215; Rhode Island, 174,620. Texas is nearly as larg • as Pennsylvania, New York, Ohio Michi gan, Indianna and Illinois, combined, about six times as large as Pennsylvan a, but it has no representation in Congress, because of the arbitrary refusal of the Radicals and Revolutionists, to allow the Southern Slates to be represented, t.nd the Union restored. How to Get Rid of the National Debt "Tlieieare twenty millions of people in the North If each one of these would de stroy a five cent currency note daily, it would amount to a million of dollars in a day toward the removal of the National debt. If this were done every day for a year, it would diminish the debt by three hundred and sixty five millions of dollars yearly, which is more than the whole in ternal revenue produces."— S. Y. Eveniny Pout, (Pad.) Thweupon the Rochester (N. Y.,) Crn ion (Drm„) di courses: "There are twenty millions of hairs on one or more yellow nogs. If each of these hairs could be mvle to yield a dollar a day, every day tor a year, there would be enough realized by this time twelvemonth to pay off the entire debt and leave several thousand millions in the treasury. We presume it will require no very elaborate argument to prove that this plan of getting rid of the National debt beats.that of the Post all to pieces. Any one ran see at a glance that it yields and pays off more rap idly, Bnd, what is best ot alj, leaves ah ind ome surplus for somebody to steal," GEN W. W.H Davis, has recently published a history of the 104 th Pennsyl vania Regiment, which, as a record of the operations of bis reg meet and others con nected with it must prove very interesting As this book gives an account of the siege and capture of Charleston in which the 52d participat-d yitb the 104 th, and other Pennsylvania Regiments, it w ill doubtless be sought tor by some of the boys of the s'2d in this region. We have not seen the work but clip the following notice of it from ihe Patriot and Uuiou: "As it purports to be the book is a com plete history of the 104 th Regiment the time ot its organization, in August, 1861, till its most, i out in September, 18H4 It coi tans six illustration—one being a like ness of Gen. Neaglee, to whom the book is dedicated. At the end is a complete roster of the regiment—containing every item relative to promotions, transfers, cas ualties. Ac. The text amounts to 335 pages, so clearly and evi-n graphically writ ten as to aff>rd not only full information butjmueb interest to even persons who had no personal connection with the regiment or it* members. Tli® description of the etege ol Charleston, especially,will befbunii highly interesting to the menders and fri ndof the 52d, 74th, 76 h, 85th, and 07th Re giments, which regiments, s well as the 104 th. participated with credit and effecqin that siege. It is well known that Gen. Davis was the • Colonel of the 104 th, and, through it and bis own gallant conduct,' won bis title to bis stars. No one is better fitted, tochron lcletbe deeds of daring, the sufferings, and the triumphs of that bind ot brave men. IJe has well accomplished the task and we hope his efforts in the field of history may he rewarded in a more substantial and de serving manner than were his services on the field of war. The History is hand somely printed and bound, and is for sale by John Campbell, Bookse ler, 740 Ransom Street, Philadelphia, Price $2.25. EDUCATION All. A crr< >ps, and collect State and County taxes, and the same shall be paid to the County Treasurer, who shall pay it to the State Treasurer as fast as collected. Ail balances remaining un paid on the Second Tuesday of January shall be charged against the delinquent Continues and draw seven per cent, inter est until paid ; and such counties shall n t be paid the usual appropriations frotti the State until said balances are ful v settled. If the Commissioners of any e.itv or county refuse to comply with the roq .irements of this a-t. the State Treasurer shall require the eourts to enforce obedience thereto.-- In addition to the amount raised by this tax. $300,000 shall be appropriated each year out of the funds in the State Treasu ry. for educational purposes. A census of all the children between six and twenty one years of age, in the various townships, shall be taken by the assessors at the tiiue the assessments arc taken; on or before the second Tuesday ofJa-.uary of each year. One halt of the m< -ftey received from this tax into the State Treasury, and the S3UO - appropriated by the State, annually, shall be apportioned and distributed to the several school districts of the State accord ing to the number of schools therein, and • heotherhaifsh .il be distributed to the several distiicts accord.ng to the whole number ut children therein; The board of directors or controllers ot townships, bor oughs, and cities, may once in each year, levy and collect a tax not exceeding the amount of State and l ounty tax author ized by law to be assessed, to be applied solelv to purchasing oi p>yi'-g for ground and the erection of school buddings thereon The dilectors or controllers shad annual ly determine the amount of school tax to be levied for school puipo-es for the ensu ing year, which, with the amount received from the State, shall be sufficient to kcej> the schools open not less than six nor more than ten months in the year. The other bill referred to provides that one mill on the dollar ot taxable prop rty shall be collect ed and paid into the Mate lreasury annu ally- The money so paid in shall be set apart for the benefit of the common schools one half to be distributed equally among the schools of the State, and the other halt as the annual State appropriation for school is now distributed. lhere shall be paid semi-annually to the tru.-tees of each acad emy that complies with tfic provisions of the act, two hundred dollars, providing there are not more than to such institu tions in a county; where there are more than two, eigtit huudred dollars shall be divided t.ctween them. Where t: ere is no academy in a county, the appropriation to academics shall be made to common schools. If there is one academy and one or more graded schools in a county the ap propnation shall be equally between them. Each common school, before being entitled to any part of tile State, appropriation shall be kept open six months, instead of four, as heretofore required. The appropriation made by * his act to be in addition to the annual appropriations heretofore made. As the educational interests of the State are of the greatest importance, 1 have de voted considerable spa e to a synopsis ot the act referred to. Every reader of this paper is interested to some extent in the public schools, and all should know what are the provisions of the bilis that are now under consideration by the Legislature. 1 do not pretend to sa) that either will with mt amendments, but no doubt one of them will be adopted with a few modiffea tions. THE MORAL MARKET. —The following report of matters in the moral market has been made. Wo hope it is not entirely ttue. Honor. — Scarce. Old stock exhausted and the new will be a complete tadure Virtue —Old growth neatly consumed Young growth —prospects very unprom ising. Honesty—None in market. Patrioli-m -first quaiity scarce; none to be disposed of. Second quality casdy bought on speculation at lOU per cent dis count. Prudence—All in the bar.ds of old stock holders. Modesty—Stock badly damaged. None for sale. Vict—Market overstocked. Pride—Market glutted. • Politeness—Cheap, Holder unwilling to dispose of stock at present rates. Scandal—None genuine on band. Stock generally adulterated. Very few invest ments. Love—None offered—except for green backs. Talent—Scarce article. Sold exclusive ly for cash. Consistency—Out of fashion. SOOT.— Twelve quarts of soot in abogs head of water, will make a powerful liquid mar.ure, winch will improve the growth of flowers, garden vegetables, or root crops. In eit*erH liquid or solid state it makes an excellent top-dressing for grass on cereal crops —Practical Farmer. EULOGY 07 SENATOR BUCKALEW, ON TIIE DEATH OF HON. PHILIP JOHNSON. Mr BUCK A LEW. Mr. President, I have certain resolutions to present to the Senate for adoption consequent upon the information just received from the House of Representative#. Befpre submitting those resolutions, however, I mut 9ay a few words which I think appropriate to the occasion. PHILIP JOHNSON, a Representative in the other House from the eleventh congression al district of Pennsylvania, is no more. — The House of which he was A member has adopted appropriate resolutions to do honor to his m.-mory, and to express, so far as any expression by them can go, their sincere condolence with his wife and friends over the great her. avement which they have suffered. I embrace the op portunity to express some words, suited to the occasion, and they will be words, not ot warm or extravagant eulogy, but of sin cere regard and of genuine respect for the character and memory of the deceased. Mr. Johnson was born in Warren coun ty, in the State of New Jerey, on the I7th of January, 1818, When quite young lie removed with his father to Northampton county, Pennsylvania, where he has ever since resided. He was a student of and received his education at La Fayette col lege, located at Fasten, in that county. — Subsequently, like many, perhaps a ma jority of the members doing service in the Seriate and House, he was a teacher of youth, and served tor two years in that capacity. Afterward he was a student at iaw, and was I think in 1848, admitted to practice in the several couits of Northamp ton COUL tv. In 1803 lie was elected to tlie House <>f Representatives of the Legislature ot my State, and was reelected in the year fol lowing, having thus two years of Service in that bcJy. In 1860, just before the cummenc ment of our unexampled dilli -ul ties ami sufferings in this country, he was elected from his Congressional district to the national House of Representatives.— lie was again elected in 1802, and still again elected in 18G4, thouga more than two elections to that branch of Congress is unusual in the yractice Of my State, 1 think that hahit which the people of that tate, and many other States have fallen into is an exceedingly objectionable one. However, this is not the occasion to dis euss it. Mr. Johnson was returned tor a third time, the people of his distriot thus deviating in his favor from the ordinary political rule among the people of Penn ivivania in tie election of members to the other House. Almost at the end of his third term he has been struck down. ,e will tio longer move autong us to give his counsel or to utter those words of encouragement which are as necessary in public as in private life to the honest and faithful discharge of duty. Mr. Johnson was my fiiend, and he ex hibited that friendship on more occasions than one. It is therefore a duty in which regret and pleasure are mingled to stand forward arnica t upon Ins bier an off. ring ol s< me few, po>f one which has bt-en passefi under pub ie observation, is will caku.atud to arrest the attention and to subdue t!ie passions of th human breast. We know that we are ad destined, sooner or later, to pas through the dark valley and experience new condi tions ot existence in a future state ; and naturallv we feel concern and interest in the character and fate of the traveler who precedes us. Human sympathy is roused in contemplating '-.is depauure from anions us to that bourne f-otn w hence none have returned to revea!to us the dread secrets of the future. Such occasions as this al lay passions, because they render the con tests of the time insignificant in our eyes They are made to appear to us as the ac cidents of an imperfect life, utterly unwor thy of comparison with those transcendaut possibilities which lie hidden beyo. d the portals of death What we can effect in this lite we wiil be apt to think must appt ar of little moment in the eye of the| D. itv, under whose power are the gates of life andofd d, That the members of the Sen ate, as a mark of respect lor the memory of the deceased, will go into mourning by wearing crape on the left arm for the resi due of the session. Resolved, That the members of the Sen ate will attend the funeral of Hon. Philip Johnson to-morrow, at the hour designated by the House of Representatives. Resolve I, That, as a fuither mark of re spect for the memory of the deceased, the Senate do now adjourn. The resolutions were adopted nemine contra dictate ; and the Senate adjourned. PARDONS. —The mode of obtaining par doi.s from the Governor of our State; even ;n the cases where lenity may have scem be to be just and desirable, has heretofore heen conducted too loosely and given just occasion for complaint. Governor Gea ry, with that prudence and foresight which exhibits the chmeuts of a true statcsfnan, has iss. Ed a statement of Regulations to nform the public upon what system par dons in the tuture, during his Administra tion can alone be granted.—Hurgess Re publican. Yes, William; and in the very first cast that came before bix, that of Bieber, fur refusing the vote of a qualified elector, he violated every one of the regulations he had made. Instead of waiting tor the rec ommendations of judge, jury, etc., the man was pardoued before sentenced. We may congratulate ouiselve*, however, that in the civil suit for damages, the Governor cannot paidon.— Columbian. THE LAST OF FORTY THOUSAND.— Mr J of the Toronto City Chamberlain's office, a few t'ays ago re ceived a bank note, on the back of which \vi3 written:—'"'l his note is the last of tour thousand pounds sterling, a'l gone in fun within four years. Iluirah ! I'm a man again. Now for hard work. Hell s not far from here. Roll up your sleeves, Tofn. Breakers ahead ! All friends have disapp* Wed like ruts from an old ship.— Never say dii—buckle to—grin and bear it Thank God lor health and strength good spir.ts—spirits of the righi sort. No more old rye for this boy. Keep up (mart, old fellow, and go to work. Who wants a hired man, ready for anything that's hon est ?—T. 11. K. 0." NEGRO PRIVILEGE* IN CARS, DI. Worihington has procured the p .ssage ot a law fining railioid companies SSOO . that refuse to let the negro choose his own s< at without respect to the convenience of others. '1 here are negroes in this town who com plain that the abolition Doctors refuse to attend on their families when sick. Would it not he well for Dr. Worihington to get up a bill imposing a simular p nalty on Doctors for making such odious distinc tions in their practice ?— Ex. The Hartford Times advises ppo ple to get up before seven o'clock in*the morning and "see Venus, the beautiful morning star." A newly married man re qmstedtosay that he can 'see Venus without the trouble ot rising at that un seemly hour." IMMENSE PRODUCT, —Pittsburg contains 500 large manufacturing establishments. — It has 50 t:lass factories and 15 poiteries, 46 r n foundrries, 31 rolling mills, 33 machinery establiwhmsnts, and 63 oil r< fi neries ; besides miscellaneous woiks of al most every variety, the whole turning out an annual product worth $100.0u0,000. Prentice SHJS "Massachusetts has more dead lions and inure live jackasses than any other member of the Union, and every one ol the latter is dinging bis heels at sumo one of the former." Negroes l u Railroad Cars—The Act as it Passed. The following is the act making it a crime for any distinction to be shown be tween whites and negroes in railroad cars as it passed the Senate. It will be seen that every Republican except one voted for it SEC. 1. Beit enacted, Ac., That on and after the passage if this act. anv railroad or railway corporation within this Com monwealth that shall exeld<' or allow to be exeludi-d by their agents, conductors of employers from any of th- ir passenger ears anv p rson or persons on account of color or race, or that shall refuse to carry in any of their cars thus set* apart, any person or persons on account of oo'or or race, or that sha'l for snch reasons compel or attempt to compel anv person or persons to ocenpv any particular part of any of their care set apart for the accommodation of p -ople as pasengers shall be de<-med guilty of a mis demeanor and upon conviet'on thereof, shall be liable in an action of debt to the person.aggrieved, in the sum oftoOO, the same to be recovered as actions of debt are now by law recoverable. SEC. 2, Hint any agent, conductor, or employer, of any railroad or railway cor poration within thi< Commonwealth, who shall exclude, or allow to be exelud'-d, or assist in the • xclusion, from art v of their cars set apart for the accommodation of passengers, any person or persons on ac count of color or race, or who shall refuse to carry such person or persons on account of color or race, or who shall throw any car or cars from the tra- k thereby prevent ing persons from riding, shall be depmed gniltv of a misdemeanor, and. upon convic tioo thereof, shsf! pay a fine not exceeding live hundred dollars i£nOO) nor less than one hundred dollars ($100) or be impti— oned for a term not exc eding three months nor less than thirty days, or both, at the discretion of the court. Those voting in favor of the bill, as above, were Messrs. Bigham, Billingfclt. Browne, Brown, Coleman, Connell, Cowles Graham, Landon. Lowrv. McConaughv, Itidgway, Shoemaker, Stutzinan, Ta\lor, Werihington and Hall—all Republican, Those voting "n->" were Messrs. !>• nnett, Davis, Donovan, Glatz. Haines, Jarks n. James. M'Candless, Randall. Schall, S-a right, Wallace ami Walls—all Di mo rats, except Mr. Haines. Local and Personal* Sell! ng Out at Cost.—Ross, Mills eatu loves a shining mark." Church Music Bo olfl.— Among the most pop ular woik; for sale at the Music .stuiitiehuiect of 1., B. Powell of Scrmtou, are the "JuOiiate" ai d "Harpot Juitah," t.y Emerson ; the '.Psalm Iviug' by Perkios, and the "Key Ante,'' by Bradoury —- These and olher.Music Boohs can be hut ol Mr Powell by lb* quantity at the wholesale price. Ihe Revivals—are continued ia both the Methodist aud Presbyterian churches, aiid by Elder Grow, Baptist, in the school house Thirty-eight, h ve already reetiveu the oiuinance ot baptism by immersion, through the ministry of the last named Minister. From twotrcy to thirty have united them selves to the Methodts t church with a prospect of large future accessions. Quite a large number, 100, have been added to the Presbyterian church, where the meetings are kept p, nightly The whole town seetns to have been brought uu lor the influences now at work, so that crowded houses are now found at ull these three places of worship. The Caual Bridge on the main street, leading to the river, in this place, weui down with s r.i-tj, on Friday last. A youug boy, son of 1 humus Os terboul, was passing over on horseback, when rider, horse, timbers and plank fell to the bed of the canal in one promiscuous heap. Ihe boy and horse, al most as if by miracle, escaped, with but slight in juries. The bridge was about eighteen leet high, w.th sides. The stringers, at their hearing upon the abutments were almost wholly rotted away. But a short time previously, a heavy coach with four horses bad been driven over it with no apparent signs of danger. Heavily laden teams, have fre quently passed over the bridge uuring the winter. Every thing considered, it was a very fortunate break down. The Firm ol Clark Kteney & Co,, dealers in Hats, Caps, Furs, and Straw Goods, bag been dis solved by the withdrawal thercfrutn of Mr. Seth L. Keeney Mr B F. CI ark the successor, continues ibe busincs at No 359, Broadway—five doors above the old stand. Mer. bants and dealers from'this and a joining .-utilities will still SuJ this one of the best of places to purchase goods in their line. Mr Clark has associated with hi in as principal salesman, Mr. Jauies McKune, a Wyoming County man, late of ihe Custom house, and brother to Win. M Kune who is so welt and favorably known in this region. Jim, with whom we have caught trout out of the same holes, we can vouch for, as an "A No. 1," man bu only as a sscond rate trout fisher. Our frtends visiting the eity, should not tail to call on him.— Tbey can be certain of fair and courteous treatment "Make a mcks for the subscription of stock in said Company will continue open for the subscription of stock at sai i Hotel unt-l that date, unless the entire amount thereof shall be sooner subscribed. LUTHER A HOWARD. DARWIN HOWARD, F. V SICKLER, C. SHi.KWOOD. N OTIC E. Persons having Po If accounts with us of more than 4 months standing, are resjiecluliy requested to call an i settle the same withou. dclav. '.Ve mean this, and hope our customers will reali-e the necessity of "paying the merchant" in order that we may continue to supply them -in season." with tne BE.-I GOODS at the LOWEST MARKET PRICES. JENNINGS A CO. Mohoopany Feb. 12, ISC7. t6:i27-tiw. CAUTION. All persons are hereby cau'ioned purchasing or negotiating a certain note, dated August 2, 1866,f0r ■8250, given by us to William Waterman The lon si ieiation therefore having having tailed, by reason of the non-conip i ini-os on the part of the said Wa terman with the agreements umde at (he time sail note was given , the undersigned will not pay the same unless compelled to do so by the law I>. B. S PAULDING, c.s. JACKSON, SAMML.. BILLINGS, Nicholson, Feb. 8, 1867.—vbn27 4vv NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that letters of administra tion i jioi. the estate ot Sciuh Hunter, late of Ore, - field township, dee'd, have been granted to Caro line Depew, of said township, all persons having claims against said e.-tate are notified to present ihe same to her, duly authenticated for settlement and ali teisons indebted will make payment with, out delay. CAROLINE DEI'EW, Administratrix. de bonis non, cum test: annexo, OvciSold Feb. S, 1867. I)H. TOBIAS' VFN K UIA X I.TXIM KXT. \ N INSTANTANEOUS REMEDY FOR CIIRON l\ ic rheumatism. he;i laeh •. toothache, croup, ed it;, quinsy, sole throat, an i pain# ;n any part of tho holy. Remember, this arihle is a success---pot an experiment • for It) years it has been tested. No medicine ever had such a rejutati n as this*; silent it it has worked its way before the public, and ill are loud in its prats . "Chronic rheuaiatis'd-*" T housa.bJs who laid tor weeks on abed of agony , and never walked without, tho aid of crut hes, with this coinp! lint.ean testify to the magical effects of this liniment They are cured m l proclaim Its virtues throughout the land. Remember, relief is certain, and ap stive cure is cure to follow. Head ache of all kinds we warrant to cure. Putrid sore throat, quinsy, and dipthcri i are robbed of. their terrors by a timely use of the Venetian Linim nt.— It has saved bun ireJs the past three months Price, 40 and 90 cents a bottle OfSoe, 56 dortiandt treet, New York So dby all druggists v6n26-ru REASONS WHI THE A3IEKICAN WATCH Made at WALTIIAM, MASS., is the best. It is made on the host principle. Its frame is oomjioeed of SOLID PLATES. NO jir au imer iere with the harmony of its working and no sud den shock can damage its machinery. Eveiv piece is made and finished by machinery, (itseif tauious for its novelty, as well as for its effectivenes) and is therefore poterh made. The watch is what all ■iiicuaV'sm should be —ACCURATE,- SIMPLE, STRONG ANl> ECONOMICAL, Except some high grades, to costly for general use, foreign watches are chiefly made by women and beys Such watches are composed of several hundreo pieces, screwed and rivited together, and require constant repairs to keep tbsui in any kind of order. All per sons who have carried "ancres" '-lepines" and "English Patent Levers," are perfectly woll aware ol the truth of this s ateuient. At the beg.nning of our enterprise more than ten years ago. it was our first object to make a thorough ly good low priced watch for the million, to take ha pi ire of theseiore ign impositions ; the refuse of foreign factories, which were entirely unsaleable at borne and perlectly worthless everywhere. How well we have accomplished this, ranj bo unJerstand from the fict that after many years of public trial, we now make MORE THAN HALF ! OF ALL THE WATCHES SOLD IN THE UN I j TED STATES, and that no others have ever given | such universal satisfaction. While this department | of rur business is continued with increased facilities j for perfect work, we are at pfesent engngeopin ttie j manufacture of watches of the very HIGHEST GRADE KNOWN TO CHRONOMETRV, unequal ed by anything hitherto made by ourselves, and unsurpassed by anything made in the world. For this purpose we have the amplest facilities. We 1 nave eereted an addi.ionto our main building ex pressly for this branch of our business, and have filled it with the best work men in s nice. New machines and appliances have been copstrocted : which perforin their work wi'h consummated delica !ey and exactness The choicest and most approved materials only aroused, and we challenge compari son between this gr ide ol our work and the finest imported chronometors. We do not pretend- to sell I our witches for los money than foreign fwatohifs, but we do assert without fear of crntradietiou that for the same money our product is incomparably superior. All our watches, ef whatever grade, are ally w irranted, and this w irrantee is g>o I at all times against us or our agent* in all parts of the wo Id CAUTION.—The public are cautioned to buy only of respectable dealers. AH persons selling ooun terleits will be represented. KOBWNS & AITLETON, AGENTS FOR THE AMERICAN WATCH CO., j 183 BROADWAY,BUY -1 ThSISa