' IS years eatahliahed in N. Y.eity." •T v infallible re melton anowa," "Free ftsua Feiaaaa." ■Not m w> the Uonaan Family." ■'fenm ••• <>at ef their hole* to die." •CoilarY' Rat, Roach, &c., Exterm's Is a piste— u-ad for Rule, Meet, Roaches, Black and Red Anti d}-c , &c., "CostarY/ Bed-Bug Exterminator la a I qnid or waeh —used ro destroy, and also us a preveutive for Bed- Bugs, 4, "CoatarV Electric powder for Insects Is tor Moths. M -squUoes, Fleas. Bed Bugs, Insects on Plants, Fowls. Animals 4*c. ! • ! BCWARI ! ! ! of all worthless imitations, See that ' COSTA R'S" n une is on each Box, Ea tie, and Flask, before you buy Address HESRYR C(TAR 484 Broadway, N. Y. 'd in 'TCNKHANM' CK. Pa. Bv J VV. LYMAN A 0<. ♦ And all Druggists and Retailers everywhere. % "OOSfT A. n'S" CELEUKATFCB BUCKTHORN SALVE. F r Cut.. Burns, Crui* s, Woiin's, Roils, Cancers, Broken Br aas. Sore Nipples, Bleeding, Blind ana painful Piles; Scrofulous. Puuid -nd 111 con Inton ed Sons ; Cl.-ers, Ulan Hilar Swelhsgs. Eruptions Cu' .iwoiis Afß' tions. Ringworm, It< h. Corns, Bun ions, Cbiblains. Ac : Chapped Hands, Lips Ac. ; Bi esof Spi lets, .'nsec-is. Animals. A<-., A,-. r -f" B x— 25 cis . 50 o'.s , ami §1 size, r fT Sold by all Innggista everywhere. r-gr And by HENRY R. COSTAR, Depot 454 B ik lway. N Y. . J nd jJ. V, LYMAXA Co .Tunkhannock. Pa "OQSTATB'S" CMVKRSAL COPN SOLVENT ForC -rr Buniors \\ rt. AC, K x 2-5 i' -.50<- .' <1 jjl i. R >** „*D Iby '1 D. L. ry where t-. - T>R' r <• S i Alt. Depot 45 Broadway. W. Y. -X" .> J tmi> A< v 'III t1 tui ck. 1 "COSTAR'B^ FRKPABATIO.N OP irmi-imiT uuitim FOR BEAL'TLFYLNO THE COMPLEXION. Lead to S.ft-n and Boau'ify the skin, remove Frecales Pimples. Eruptions, Ac. B -ttbe agl. nr < >ld bj alt Druggists eveupwhere. |*r And r.y HENRY K. COST AK, Depot 494 Broad *v, N Y m ur And yJ. W. LYUAH A CV Tuukhnaneek, Pa tr C O JS T AJTFL ' m " PECTORAL COUGH REMEDY, ForCuUjth* Colds Hoarseness, Sore Throat, Croup. Who >ptn Ciigh, Influent*. Asthma. Conwmpii'in Bio. hlal Affections, aud all Diseases of the Thro t and Linjr. £ II tV 25 cts., 50 ct., ami SI siZts. J If Sold bv ail Druggists everywhere. E.y*An lby HENRY R. COSTAR, D pot 44 liioa.lnnv, N Y. tj/* Aud bj J. W. Lvsiss A Co, TunWh.inno.k,Po. "OOSTAIt'S" CELEBRATED BI3IOT JHfi A I'MTKHSAL DISVKR PILL For Nervow# snd Sii-k lle -,, ' - b, Cns-iveness, Tndi geation. l)w|e|i. Bili"U.sn-ss. C- B'ti|>a'i bantatyne, ' # • % TO THE PEOPLE OF inui//.v<; t oc.r/ v it he loses by those who will not or you can not make pity. • 0 It is unnecessary for us to go into a more lengthy detail of the articles we keen, but it suffices to say that IT WILL BE OCR CONSTANT AIM rtot eat people well, and keep on hand, ALL ARTICLES the demand of the County requires. I Wi'h the abort truths am! facts hefnre yon Oen- J tl*-men and Frtenns, we invite you repe-tfiilly to call and gee us HUNK C. BCNNELT ROBERT W.BANATFNL". Twt-feb mJn.IJWn I j j ifl, L.-i Liv A 1) CiSiEtdiX R. K Winter Arraiigemenf—Dec, 3d, PASSENGER TRAINS LEAVE WEsTWAftP , j EASTWARD. j Morning Evun'gl STATIOHS | Morn'g | Evening! Train | Tra>n | | Train j Train. A. M | ' >l. | |A. M. ! I*. M. 1 t'.U'O KYork* 6 20 | 11.d0 New Hampton 2,30 *aj ; 12 IS .Manunka Cbnk-1,56 p O 12,45 Delaware-••• Diue •• 130 O 4,30.-10,10 Seranton 9,45 6,20^ O 5,36 11,43 Nicholson 8,35 4,30 g J 641 1.09 New Milford 7,34 3,05 < ' -e ' 135 Great Bend 715 240 W O A. M- P. M *Foot of Liberty St. A. M. P. M ® CON N RCTlONS— Westward, The MORNING TRAIN from New York con nects at MANUNKA CIIUI K with ihe train leav ing Philadelphia (Kensington Dej.it) nt 7 30 a. in. and at GREAT BEND with the through .Mail Train on the Erie Railway, with s'ceping car attached, stopping at all the principal stations on that road, and arriving at Buff do at 6 18 a, in The Passenger train from Seranton corn'cti at Great Ben l wiib through train. g"ing we.t and east on Erie Railway, arrivin* it Buffalo at I.PB a. m., am at Salamanca at 12 m Eastward. The MORNING TRAIN from Great Bend con -1 nect. th re wiih the Cincinnati Express on the Erie I Railway from the We.t; at Manunka Clm k with [ a train for Philadelphia and intermediate stations, ! arriving in Philadelphia at 6.30 p. tn.' and at New ! Hampton with a train for Ea.ton. Bethl •hem, AI • lentown, Reading and llarrisburg, arriving at llar ! risburg at 8-30 p. in. j At SCR AN TON, connections are made wifli ! trains on the Lnckawanr.a and Bloomsburg Rail- I roali to anu fmm l'lttston, Kingti".n, Wilkesbarre. | Berwick, Bloomsbnrg, Danville, Northumberland llairisburg and intermediate .tatiuns, and with rains on the Delaware anil Hudson Railroad to i aud faiui C.irbondale and iritermedi ite .tution. J P.KISBIN Protident. R A. TJk.nlv, General Ticket Agent je29tf if E W FAN GY AND TRMMING STORE. J Tioga Street, Tuukhannock, Pa. MKS.K. Ij: ASK. nAVIX lately opened anew Fancy Store., of lcrs for s.dc an entirely new assortment of •Z'XTXIT.iTVTITNJ G T)res-> Tritiiiiiings. White Goods. Embroideries Ladies Z | her. in all C'drs. Rid Gloves. Cuffs and Cellar. 1,. , Veilv, Cnrsctts, LidiesNu ktics, bout i n-i i'i*y of Combs, Needle, and Tllicad cf the best | q-iaiiiy, and Fancy Notions of every variety, a i large stock of * TOYS" i ' In-biding China, Pronto. Pipier M ichc Tin, !' >.?- !. Glass. Pewter, oo leu, Parian and Candy j Toys. For Ladies. j C "in itics Ac , Soch a. Pom ides, Oils, Bin I F.nr | bloom f youth and Paints, Rouge, Lilly White Ac MRS. E. LEASE ; Tunkh.mnock, Mny 1, 1866 GkOVESTEFV & CO., jpiANO p;)HTE MANUF.'.CIURERS i\KVi m ) ORK r T"'hc nt -i n f the pn'dic and the trad- is invi- Jl ted t'M ' : t' w. ■ ilc 7 octave rofewoo I piano fort-. !,.• a far v dunie "1 lutrity offline are utiri rnlleiby a-iy hi crt'' offered in this market, Tbcy ci r t iill ill the noden t npr-veincuts. French Gran 1 acti n, h 'rp • edal iron frame over-strung brass, A-'. at.-! ca- i i-tru uetit being tn rle or. Icr the per- -li <1 8u rvi-inf of Mr. J. ii Grovo.teen, who his hud % flfocficwl experipD.-•* ot over SO years in 'h-ir in itiu laciure.ia iully warrante.l in ever, particular. THE 'GKOVESTEEN received the highest reward of i?. j JL"JL" 0 A HALL OTHERS, AT THE ELESRATEB WORLD'S FAIR Where were exhilitcd tnsfruuicots from the best mn kers id Lou lon. Paris. G-rmany, Philadelphia R il tirnore, Bostou and N w York ; nti# also at the 'Ameiican Institute for five sujec-sivc years, the go! i and silver medal-from botli ol which can be seen at our ware mo in. Bv the introduction of improvements we ni ke a : ttill ui' re perfect Piano forte and by tiianufn-turing largely, with a stnitfyc:?h s.vs'etn. ore enabled to offer these mstruments it a price which will preclude competition. Terms Net Cash, in Current Fund® " ; %-/* I) *h rtptive circulnrs sent free. "A. A O " 48 v5-i 45 'year A* C. NOTiCli Wf • ' - I i • i ■*■ A ■ L- • i C .. EE •&■ i ? "V, v' - - . *- " ~ """" Having purchased the entire interest in tha Ph'>- Jnrni|.hic (I • 11-r v in this place, I take pleasure it) i ihtoruung my ti i. mis u nrtH M author of l ln Trust," Ac ; and "DORA CAaTEL, hv Frank Lee Benedict. It will give a SPLENDID DOUBLE PAGE FINELY COLORED FASHICN PLATI-engrafed on Ste I—in every number. It. wili srive a beautifully executed FANCY STEEL ENGRAVING in every number It wi.l g'Ve a large assortment of WOOD CUTS, illustrating the Fashions, Fancy Work, Ac., in every 1< will give a popular piece of MUSIC, worth the cost ot 'be Magazine in itself-in every number. It will give copy of the beautiful Premium STFFL Eogr-iving---"ONE OF LIFE'S HAPPY HOUR inihcs long by 20 inches wide-to every single (8*2.50) subscriber, and to every per s n sen ting on a C iuu. 11 ofifors as Premiums, Wheeler & WiLou's Jawing Machines, Silver Plated Tea Sets, Spoons, Pitchers, Gold and ilver Watcher, Guns, Ki tles, Melodcons, Chithes' BTingers, Ajtpleton's Cyclopedias, &c. - j - 71YRMS* 1 co]>y (and the large Premium Engr'ng) 32 50 4 copies •• •• •• •• ' 6 00 5 '• (• nd one gratis) 8. U 8 " (and one gratis) 12,00 20 '' (and one gratis) 23.00 One copy each of LADY's FRIEND and POST, 84.00. The getler up of a CI uh will always receive a copy ot the PREMIUM ENGRAVING. Members of a Club wishing the Premium Engraving must re mit One Dollar extra. Those desirous of getting Hp Clubs or Premi um Lists, should rn':U)i'- JiJien cents for sample Mag ! aztn, containing the parln ulrrn. Andre?. DEACON iv permanent y 1 •eatcd in tilts i vjllago forth purpose of alien ling ti all Profes sional calls, with which he may hi- ftvorod. TEETH INbLIiTKI) ON' ISfIUkSILm. OK RUBBER BASE. p-irliualMr attention jail to Filling an 1 Extract ing. til WOLIfWARRAHTED Oil HO SALE! All p TUTS ate in vittd U i all IP tc ycttir r.rk done elsewhere N J Cll AUG for examination of teeth. J?O0 MS a I P. C. Burns Jewelry Store opposite Wall's Ho tel. H. BARHAM & CO liiiie opened a MH3SHANT TAILOR-SHOP, CLO HI i NG~ STORE, IN S. Start's block, one door telow the Bunk where < oats, Vests, Pants, etc. etc. OF TIIK M hie ty Mr Birham himself, or under his per- by competent workmen, of the lie. T MATERIAL. CLOTIIS, CASSI.MEKS, NESTINGS TRIMMINGS. and a general assortment of GENTS URN ISIIIN CS, constantly on han 1 and for sale, 11, BARNAM A Co Tank Pa. Mn- 1. I?(J(J,' Mftr-r#. A LECTURE 10 YOUNG MEXV Just Published in a Sealed Enrclope. Price G els A i.ei-luieon the Nature, Trea meut, and Radical Cure ol Sts-riiiH'Orrhtt.. or Seminal Weuk ne>s, lnxi'luntr\ Kctiii.-*i< hi, Sexual Debility, ami Itn ediinctith in Marriage git crally. Nervousness, ( on-umptii'ii. E| ib-psy, and Fits; Mental and i'hy ?i • I Inunp tcity, resulting from -clt-Abuse, .to.— By ROBERT J. t'l I.VEuWEL. M. D., Auiliur ol' the '.irecn ii'Mik " Ac. The world-renowned authsr, in this ndinirablc Lf' turc. i lfiiriy proves from his own experience that the awful coos) queue's ot Self Ahuse may be . fleef uali ry or large commissions paid. The oxt.r machines sold in the United States tor less than SlO whi h i e fullr licensed by Howe. Wheeli" A Wilson, Groyer A Baker, Singer A Co. anl Bach-dder. All oher cheap Machines are in fr ngcmerits and "h-- gellej or u-er are iiahle to ar rest fine and inpris.ininent Circulars fr e. Ad dress. or c ail upon Shaw A Clark. Bid - : ' - ;4| O £' -3: '• 1 H : H'JT'IT BO'S A BlaSB KOW OFFF.II FOII SAL E IRON, STE'T, NATT.S ANT) SPIKES. MINE RAIL, RAILROAD SPIKES, ANVILS, BELLOWS. PLAIN & CONVEX UOIL-E-SIlOl-.s. HAM MERED HORSE- . NAILS. WROUGHT IRON, IIILOUS' HA BD WARE. OARPEN TLUS' TOOLS, (ALL WARRANTED,) HUBS, SPOKES, FELLOES, SEAT SPINDLES, CARRIAGE SPRINGS, AXLES. PIPE BOXES, SPRING STEEL. BOTTS, NETS, WASH ERS BELTING, PACKING GRIND STONES; PLASTER PARIS, CEMENT, HAIR, SHOVELS, WHITE LEAD FRENCH WINDOW GLASS, Ac., Ac., ALSO SASH, DOORS AND BLINDS ON HAND IN ASSORTMENT AND MANUFACTURED TO ORDER LEATUEER AND' FINDINGS FALBBaK'S SALES. traoton. siarch 26. 1863. vln33- CARRIAGES & EDGGJES. TheSuhreriher.it pr:telie-il wrorkmnn of long ex perienie. ir now finishing off a large lot ot new Car riages and Boggier, at hi* Carriage shop IN TUNKHANNOCK. Equal, if not superior, in Workmanship. Quality of Material, and finish, to those turned out at any other shop in the country. Those wisuing to buy should (Cell orb (Crcminr (Eljcnt. PAINING* VARNISHING: TRIM MING A Nl> RE PA I RING, ltune on rhort notice and in a workmanlike style. Charger moderate J.CAMPBELL. Tnakhwnoek, Aug. 24 , 65. v 6532 "MUSIC STORE ! /w -1 1 J .I; POUTI.I, !"c rati ton, p #) Li .'s£ t GKXEK -u. AGENTS. I 3'" r , f .-•! ; • \r~i - -•% -• I ■ - • *■' *£>-T ' V-' / iv'v i.v v • Ly#,. ~ v- -• ' I'if Also agent for CHICKKRINfI'S DLCIEU BL S-. anl HAINES BKOS PIANOS ,and. TREAT I. INS LEV A GO'S MELODEOXS. Also keeps a genera! stock ot the smaller Music® Instiuuiuti's, Sheet Msi , Ac. Church >nd Sunday School Singing Books.— Instruction Books of nil kinds, any of whi-h will be sent by until up.ui receipt of the t i.irket price. Orders from I'KALEHs and lEACERSH special- ■ ly go ic.lrd Address L. B, POWELL. Senate*, Pa. y6nl-I year New SADDLERY & HARNESS MANU^^IY, On TURNPIKE STREET nearly opposite WM't Hotel, TIJN KHAN NOCK. FA. The undersigned respectfully announces to it* citizens of Wyoming County, that he has establish ed A NEW SADDLERY A HARNESS SHOP at the above named place where be keeps ei kaW and Manufactures to order, ARMY SADDLES, £IDE SADDLES, TRUAK£,VJLIECES BRIDLES, HALTERS, m GE AND DOUBLE HARNESS Warranted of the best Oak tanned Leather, and everything in the liue of the trade which he offers at the most REASONABLE PRICES, I3T* Call and examine stock and prices. N. B.—Oiling and repairing promptly and cheaply done. T. C. KENNEDY. Tunkbannock, Oct 24 1fc66.—v6n12-3tnos, ~ LA. EST FASHIONS DEMAND J. W. Bradley's Celebrated Patent DUPLEX ELLIPTIC (OR DOUBLE SfRINtl SE2.IRT, TLe Wonderful Flexibility and great comfort and pleasure to any Lady wearing the Duplex Eliptio Skirt will be experience I particularly in all crowd ed Assemblies. Operas. Carriages. Railroad Cars, Churi h I'ew, AIM Chairs, for Promenade and II u: Pits?, as ti e si>irf can be folded when in use 11 occupy a small place as ea ilv and conven iently as a S ;k or Muslin Dress, an invaluable (pialiry in crinoline, not found ir. any Single Spring Skirt." A Lady having cojove 3 the p> tsu re, corn fort, and great eonvt-ni-nee i f wearing the Duplex Eliptie Stc. l Spring Skirt f' r .* >:ng c day, -ill nevei after wards willingly cispo ise with their use. For • 'hiHren, Mists and Y ur.g Ladies they are superi or to all others. Thcv will i'.it l.onl ov brenk like the Sinple •♦prog. i'Ut i;l pre-tervo their perfect and unnfal shape when three orfout o aiuarv shirts will bare been thrown asi ie rs us-less. Tho h *,ps are cov ered wirii d-'ijb'i" -ir 1 twined threnJ, anj the bot ttn r>- '= :;ro not only u< üble spring s , but twne (er d •üble) covert i: preventing tbem from wearing omfc wacn dragging down stoop?, stairs, Ac, The Duplex Elliptic is agro.it tavcrrte with aU l:pli and ts universally recouimen ltd by the. Fashion Alagazir.. ? as the .STANDARD SKIRT 09 THE FASHIONABLE WORLD. To enjoy the fallowing inestimable advantage in Crinoline, viz : supreme quality, perfect maMsfae rurj styli.ili shaj.e aud linish. Flexibility, liurabititv, C'linf- rt tr.d r .>Laniv enqbtre F.J ff. Bradley's D : lex KLp-ie . r Double Spring Skirt, and be sure and gel the genuine article. CAMION,—To guard against IMPOSITION be parti, 111 rto NOTICE that skirts offer*.! as "DC FLEX" have the r.-d ink s'.uup. viz, ' J. W. Brad ey's Duplex Elliptic St el Springs." upon the w 1 nbai.l none o:h r.- ar genuine. Also notion that every Hoop mil admit a pin being passed through the centre, t!iu- revealing the two (or double, springs braided together th rein, which is the secret of iho'.r F x: ditv till strength, and a couibin ition tot to be feu i t in any teller Skirt. For Sale in ill S - a here First Cl tss skirts M* sold throughout tho State? and elsewhere. Manufactured Lvthw So'e Own- r of ths Patan^ WESTS BRADLEY A CAREY, 97 Chambers A Sfßeade Sts,, N, I, v6nlo-3inos S T 0 R * ! Nicholson Pa., Wm. O.GARDNER 6c, CO. have just received a large and splendid eteek tf goods -orsistingcf tfancii (Scobs n— A CLOTIIINQ, BOOTS A SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, UMBRELLAS, TRAVELLING BAGS and TRUNK#, Cloths, Cassiineres Vestings, Trimmings, YANKEE NOTIONS 4'C, SC. All good? ? id by u? warranted as recommended Our a:m "To keep good Goods," Our motto, "Not to be undersold." In connection with tho store is a TAI LOB-SHOP. GAKMCMs CUT AND MADE IN TUB LITEST STYLE. rati TUB II ffilMl W.O.GARDNER & CO. Nicholson, Pa. £ (f Our littler A Family Sewing Ma ehii e, with all the new improvements, is the best, and cheapest and most he.-iutiful Sewing Machine in the world. No Dther Sewing Machine has so much capnc'ty for a reat range of work, including thn delicate ad ingenious processes of Hemming Braining, Bindiug Embroidering, selling, Tticaing Cording, Gathering, Ac., kv. The Branch Offices are well supplied with S' . Twist. TbroaJ, Nedl® Oil, 4c,, of \h% r%tj quality, T&II?AWA N FFACTURINO COMPAKI. lUtt sio Br „^ VKT New York. Philadelphia Office, 810 tMETNUT TKBT HABVEI SICRLRR. Agent. *4n4