Special Notices REGISTER'S NOTICE £ Notice is hereby given, to all parson* that the following claims have been filedlini the Re gisters office at Tunkhannock, and will be' to the Orphan's Court, * be held at Tunkhannock in and for the County of Wyom.ng on Monday the 19th day of November next for confirmation and al '° widow's claim in the estate of William Fits Charles, late of Nortbmoreland Township deceased Filed. September 18th, 18(56. Claims of minor children in the estate of T. D. Spring, late of Braintrim Township deceased. Filed Oct. 20th 1866- - • , O L PARRISH, Register's Office,.Oct, 23, 18g6. Register. Administrator's Notice. Notice k hereby givan that Letters of AdminLtra iiun on the estate of Conrad Kintner, late of Tunk. 'p. dee'd.. have been granted to the subscribers,and all persons having claims against the said estate are reques:ed to present the same to them duly authen ticated for payment, and all persons owing said es tate, are requested to settle immediately. MARGARET A. KINTNER, .. , , THOMAS KINTNER, Aam ' Tunkhannock, Tp, Nov. 17, 1866 —vgnl6 tf. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that letters of administra tion on the estate of T. D Spring, late of Braintrim Township, dee'd , have been grant*! to Edwin. W. Spring and Antiooette L. Spring All persons hav ing claims against said estate are hereby notified to present them duly authenticated for settlement, aad all persons indebted to said estate, to make pay ment to the said administrator's without delay. Braintrim, Oct. 13, 1866. E.W SPRING. ) A.L. SPAING. \ Adrs - TO CONSUMPTIVES- The advertiser, having been restored to health in a few weeks by a very simple remedy, after having suffered for several years with a severe lung affec tion, and that dread disease, Consumption-is anx ious to make known to bis fellow-sufferers the means of cure. To all who desire it, he will send a copy of the prescription used (free of charge) with the dircction for preparing and using the same, which they will find a SURE CUKE tor CONSUMPTION, ASTHMA. BRON CHITIS, COUC.HS. Cotns. and all Throat and Lung A fections The only object of the advertiser in scndl wg the Prescription is to benefit the afflicted, and spread information which he conceives to be invalu able, and he hopes every sufferer will try hisrAued, as it will cost them nothing, and may prove a bless ing Parlies wi-hing the prescription, FREE, by return mail, will please address. REV. EDWARD A. WILSON, Wiiliaunsburgh, Kings Co., NewYerk. vsn2l-!year. ERRORS OF YOUTH. A gentleman who suffered for years from Nervous Debility, Premature Dei-ay. and all the effects of youthful indiscretion, will for the sake of suffering humanity, send free to ail who need it, the recipe and directions for making the simple remedy by which he was cured Sufferers wishing to profit by the advertiser's experience, can do so bv addressing ffOII.V B OGDEN, No. 13 Chambers St., New York *sn2l-lyenr—S M. P. & Co. STRANGE, BUT TRUE Ere-? young lady and gentleman in the United States eau lit T something very much to their ndvan i .ge by return m''l (free of charge), by addressing the U.i ler-igned. 1 i,'>se having feats of being bum- Lugged wijl oblige by Do l nc'icing this card. Al cithers will oleabe adiire-, r.' eir obedient servant, THOS F. CHAPMAN, 831 Bro adwa J New Yor vsn2l-lyear—S. M. P. A Co. 'THEMASON A HAMLIN'CABINET 0." OAS# F OR, .J different styles, adapted to sacred and seula."*' nausic fer 90 dollars to 600 each Fifto-one gold or *''er c MASON Brothers, New York vsnsly. i DBMOREST9 YOTN AMEBIC.—A new, very Entertaining, Instructive, Artistic and splendidly Illustrated Monthly Magixine for Bovs and Girls ; to iaclade pleasing illustrations of Philosojihy, the Ars and Sciences, Moral and Interesting Stories, i Musie. Poems, and other entertaining Literature, j presenting a Museum of the good, the useful, and the beautiful, for very Young America, without frivolities or exaggerations. Single Copies, 15 cents: Yearly, 51.50 ; Additional Copies. £I.OO, or five for f 5 00. A large and beautiful colored engraving presented free with first No 5 also to each single Subscriber at 81 50. a good Microscope, or a package of Magic Photographs Single eopias mailed free on-receipt of price. Send for a specimao No. Ad dress W Jennings Demorest, 473 Broadway. N. Y IVlllshl KSI WHISKERS!! . Dr L. O MOSTKZ' Corrolia, the greatest stimula tor in the world, will force Whiskers or Mustaches to grow on the smoothest face or chin ; never known i t> fail ; sample for rrtel sent free to any ore desir- ( ous of testing its merits. Ad tress, SCEVCS ii Co. i Nassau at., K. Y WORKS OF NATURE,-Inastate of health \ the intestinal canal may be compared to a rirer * whose waters flow over the adjoining land, through J the channels nature or art has made, and improve their qualities ; so long as it runs on smoothly the channels are kepi pure and healthy ; if the oouree of the river is stopped, then the water in tbo canals is.no longer pure, but soon becomes stagnant. There is but one law of circulation in nature. When there is a superabundance of humorial fluid in the intestinal tubes, and eostiveness takes place, it flows ba< k into the blood vessels, and infiltrates itself into the circulation. To establish the free course of the .river, we must remove the obstructions whijb stop its free course, and those of its tributury streams.— With the body, follow the same natural principle-- , remove the obstructions from the bowels with BRANDRETH'S PILLS, which never injur*, but are always effectual for the perfect cleansing of the system frrim from foulness or disease. Remember nrver suffer & drop of blood to be taken from you.— Evacuate the humors as often and as lung as they are deranged,or as long as ysu are sick. See that B. BRANDRETH is in white letters in the Government stamp Sold by all Druggists. y6nl4-lmo OR SCIIENCK'S MANDRAKE PILLS A SUBSTITUTE FOR CALOMEL. These Pill's are composed of various roots having the power to relax the secretions of the liver ax promptly and effectually as blue pill or mercury, and without producing any of those disagreeable or dan gerous effects which offteu follow the use of the lat tcr. In all bilious disorders these Pills may be used with confidence, as they promote the discharge of vitiated bile, and remove those obstructions from the liver and biliary ducts, which are the cause of bil ious affections in general SCIENCE S MANDRAKE PILLS cure Si-k Headache, and all disorders of the Liver, indicated by sallow skin, coated tongue, eostiveness, drowsi ness, and a general fueling or weariness and lassi tude, showing that the liver is in a torpid or ob structed condition In short, these Pills may be used with advantage in all cases pfion a purgative or alterative medicine is required. Please ask for "Dr. Schenck's Mandrake Pills," anj observe that the two likenesses of the Doctor are n the Government stamp—one when in the last stage of Consumption, and the other in his present health. Sold by all Druggists and dealers. Price 25 cents per hex. Principal Office, No. if North 6th Street, Philadelphia, Pa. (teneral Wholesale Agents : Demas Barnes! Co. 21 Park Row' New York t S. S. Hance, 108 Balti more St., Baltimore, Md ; John D. Park.N. E. cor of Fourth and Walnut St, Cincinnati, Ohio; Mel ker A Taylor, 134 ana 13 6 Wabash Avenue, Chicago s ~" ,d j T 6-nl2-4tt, t _ t _ Cholery, Diarrhea, and Dyentery 1 A CURB is WARRANTED by DR TOBIAS' CELE- J BFATED VENETIAN t LIiVIMENT. it used when first taken by persons of temperate habits. This 1 medicine has been known in the United States orer . er failed te cure aDy complaint for which it was recommended, and all those who first tried it, are j now never without it. In the Cholera of 1848, Dr. Tobias attended 40 cases and lost 4, being called in . too late to do any good. 1 DIRECTIONS.—Take a teaspoonful ia a wine glass of water every half hour for two hours, and rub the abdomen and extremities well with th Lin meat, to allay the thirst, take a lump of ice in the mouth, about the size of a marble every ten iminntes. It is warranted perfectly innocent to take internally. Sold by all druggists, price 40 and 80 | cents. Depot. 56 Courthmdt St,, New York. , vgnl4-lmo DEAD HEADS, er, in other words, heads whore once glorious locks have Withered and Whitened, can in a few moments be re-clothed with all their YOUTHFUL ATTRACTIONS. by ai-ingle applicat ion of that wonderful talismr.n CRISTADORO'S HAIR DTE, Grizzled whi-kers and moustaches, ladies' curls into which the snow of age ha 3 prematurely drifted, and red, sandy, or whitey-brown hair, receive, as if by magic, the rarest shades of black or brown from bi harmless botanical hair darkener. Manufac tured by J. CRISTADORO, 6 Astor House, New ork. Sold by Druggists. Applied by all Hapir Dressers.---vgnl4-l mo. A MONTH I—AGENTS wan ed for six entirely new article* u..t out. Address 0 T GARRY, City Building Biddeford, Maine. vse2l-lye*r. !mutual Institute FOIL SPECIAL C \SES. A"o. /£ 'Uo7id Street, JVch> York. I "ff Full information, with the highest teitimo rials : also, a Book on Special Disease J, in a seal ed envelope, 6ent free. Be sure and sendfor them, and you will not regret it ; for, and adver tising physicians are generally impostors , without references no stranger should be trusted Enclose a stamp for postage,and direct to DR LAWRENCE No 14 Bon Streot, New York. -dv6n!slvr. NOTICE. Whereas my wife Mary has lelt my bed and board wilhout just eau.-e or provocation. All persons are therelore cautioner against harboring or trusting her on my account, as I shall pay no debts of her cen. tract ing. Tunkhannock, Nov g, 18gg WM. A. TEEL SHAFER& SCOTT, OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK. Well known and long celebrated as the best Manu facturers in the City, have determined to open a Branch House. [On the East side of COURT HOUSE SQUARE, NEXT DOOR TO EXCHANGE HOTEL.] IN WILKES BARRE, PENN., j,'or the purpose of Conducting, on a large scale,the MI-MADE CLOTHING, MERCh'ANT TAILORING, AND Furnishing . Goods Btfß2H£B& • i • t As we manufacture our own goode, we stall Le * enabled to retail tnenx as low as most dealers have to pay tor the same. Each and every garment sold , will be warranted in make and material, and all j goods made to measure will be warranted to fit and please in every particular. Our stock will cr prise all qualities of Goods, from the finest foreign Good, of our own importation,] to a low priced Do- 1 me stic Manufacture We shall keep constantly on < band a large and complete stock of Men's, Youths & Boys' XEAT Y MADE CZOTEIJVG. And also a full assortment of Shirts GLOVES. HOSIFRY, SUSPENDERS, UNDER WEAR. &C. Our Merchant Tailoring Department will be under the supervision of one of the most talented, tasty ar.d experienced Cutters in the City of New York, and no pains will be spared to please the most fastidious. The prices of each article will be marked in plain figures, and n> deviation will be made in any in s mace. Business Conducted by A. G. Stark, formerly of Tunkhannock, vgml7-(jwks. — . * Aa K N T S WAN T K 1> EO 'X TEE MO S T TO TUZ A X And best selling Subscriptioa Books pul lis-hed ! We are the most extensive publishers in the Uni ted States, (having six houses,) and therefore can afford to s-ll books cheaper and pay agents a more liberal commission than any other company. Our books do not pass through the hands of Gener al Agents, (as nearly all other subscription works do.) therefore we are enable to give onr canvassers the extra per cent, which is usually allowed to Gen eral Agents. Experienced canvassers will see the advantages of dealing directly with the publishers. Our series embraces the most popular works on all subjects of importance, and is selling rapidly both North and South. Old agents, and all others who want the best pay ing agencies, will please send for circulars and see our terms, and compare them and the character of our wotks with those of other publishers Address, NATIONAL. PUBLISHING CO. Philadelphia, Pa., Boston, Mass , Cincinnati, Ohio., Chicago, Ills , St., Louis Mo. or Rich mond, Va. v6nl7-4. Teacher's Institute and Examination. A Teacher's Institute will be held at Tunkhannock Nov. 22d. 23d and 24th All in.endiog to teach are requested to be present- XXA MI NATIONS. Tuesdav, Nov. 27th at Forkstoe. Wednesday, " 28th • Tank bannock Thursday " 29th '• Pierce ville Friday " 3Cth ' Brick Chapel Saturday Dee Ist " Northmorelan Monday " 9th •' Tunkhannock Exercises to commence at 10 o'clock a. m- Com* . provided with peucil and paper, i No prirftH ©ttttiflauons. 1 W ItUQVJSy 1 : : > MRS. T, A MILLER r : : ; Would respectfully inform ker : I friend? and the Ladies generally that: 1 : ahe ha? juat received a well (elected ; > ; atock of ; ! MILLINERY GOODS, : ; which will be sold at the LOWIST 1 : ci a i rmcia. ; I N. B.—Mrs. Miller is receiving' ! ! ; goods weekly, so that all who favor ; ; her with their patronage will be .* * sure to get the .; , \ LATEST STYLES. ; DRESS MAKING done on reason* * : aDle terms, CUTTING and FIT. TING warrai to gie satiifac- '. tion if properly made. I :Ro om s on Warren St. opposite ; I Wright's Store. ; MRS T. A. MiLt.cn. : : Tunkhannock, Pa Nor. 13, '66, : ; v6nls-tf- ; BUSINESS COLLEGE AND tiiiidiriiEiiSTimi I? now open day and evening for the reception of student?. Business hour? from 9 A. M. to 12. and from 1-30 to 4-30 P. M. Evening from 7 to 9. There is now connected with the theory actual Business Department where the student may receive all the advantages of business transitions derived from any College in the country. Single and Double entry book keep ing Business and ornamental Pen manship, business correspondence, wholesale and retail Business, rail roading, shipping, forwarding com mission, negotiating loans,bills of ex change, jobbing banking,and phonog raphy, taught by thorough and experienced teachers. No effort will be spared to give those who attend this College a thorough knowledge of actual Busi ness. Rea-onable deduction to Ladies forth* Commer cial course, The terms of this College re at least 620 less than other Colleges charge for the atme course. For further information address GARDNER opposite Wall's Hotel,where they are prepared to do the most diffi ult jobs in theirlineinan APPROVED and SKILLFUL MANNER, on short notice. Hav ing had long experience in the business, they feel confident that they can give entire satisfaction to all favoring them with their patronage. ALL WORK WARRANTED TO GIVE SATIS FACTION OR MONEY REFUNDED AFTER A FAIR TRIAL- N. 8.~- Parasols, Fans Umbrellas repaired Also. Aceordeon? and other musical instruments tuned and put in order on short notice. A NEW STOCK of WATCHES nd CLOCKS just received. SB WBZBY ofß YBBTDBSCBIT xiojsr. Also SHEET MUSIC A MUSIC BOOKS on hand or furnished to order on the shorten notice and at publisher's L 0 WES T RA TE S. GUNS AND PISTOL CARTRIGES adapted to all the modern styles of fire-arms, con stantly on hand. —ALSO— WJES2SS mVS&SiS, d(Cf) d(Ce. dkCa also Dealers in the PARABOLA SPECTACLE. THE BEST HELP FOR THE HUMAN VISJOH KTER INVENTED. P. C. BURNS * BRO. TukblWftk, Of! 11, 18ft- 3—19—1866 R. SI. The place to buy Good Goods and buy them cheaper than anywhere else in this or surrounding Counties, is at the OLD STAND AND NEW FIRM OF ROS Ml LS. & CO, Corner of Tioga and Warren St, where can be found a new and well selected Stock of DRY GOODS, FANCY GOODS, GROCERIES, HARDWARE, CROCKERY, HATS, CAPS, BOOTS, & SHOES, PAINTS, PAINT BRUSHES, OIL, BUILDERS HARDWARE, GLASS, SASH, PUTTY, NAILS AND IRON OF ALL SIZES, Ac. Ac. We call especial attention to our Stock of Sugars, Teas, Coffees, Spices &c. &c„ Which were bought at the very lowest Gold Standard, andfwill be sold at a very small advance for PRODUCE OR CASH. ALSO a well selected Stock of Ready-Made Cloth.ing, GNTS FURNISHING GOODS, TRUNKS, VALISES, Ac. Ac., Also MACKE if EL BY THE L REL OR lb. COD FISH DUTCHESS Co PORK, all of which we will sell at a very small advance on Oity Cost ruling at date of Sale ! ! Don't forget to look through and price our S'ock! ROS MILLS is Co. Tunkhannock, April 30, 1866. RALLY! RALLY!! ONE MORE EFFORT AND CiiE COUNTRY IS SAFE. True the war is ended, and the smoke of battle has cleared away, but there is great excitement at MBSOOFA-DTY. in consequence of the NEW and LARGE stock of FALL and WINTER GOODS juat received at the old stand of J-EJVJYIJVGS A CO, * We have DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, CROCKERY, GLASS. HARDWARE. WOODWARE, BOOTS k SHOES HATS k CAPS, NAILS, IRON, SALT, LEATHER, PAfNTS OILS, &c and in fact everything to be found in a country store, including READY MADE CLOTHING all of which we will sell at the lowest price for CASH or PRODUCE, In connection with the mercantile business wo have opened a TAILORING SHOP, and are pre pared to fill all orders in that line with neatness and dispatch • ~ Particular attention paid to CUTTING, Mid all work warranted to give satisfaction. Thankful t* our customers for past favor?, we hop J to merit a liberal share of patronage in the future. JENNINGS k CO. vgn9-3mos. AGENTS WANTED EVEHYWHEBE TO SaLL The Great Southern History, Complete in One Large Volume. THE CHEAPEST HISTORY PUBLISHED, S 0 UTHERN HI ST OR Y of the WAR, BT EDWARD A. POLLARD, La te Editor of the Richmond Examiner With Splendid Steel Portraits of Gen. Lee, Gen. Beauregard, Gen. Ilardee, " Johnston, " Bragg, " Morgan, " Jackson, " Ewell, " Cooper, '• Stuart, " Smith, Jefferson Davis, " Longstreet, " Price, Alex. H. Stephens • Hui, • Hampton, Idw'd A. Pollard Hood, " Polk, Mr. Pollard's facilities for the preparation of this most interesting and valuable history, and the fact that it was written while every occurrence was fresh and vivid in the author's mind, make it a STANDARD SOUTHERN HISTORY. It has received the most hearty commendation of the entire Southern Press, and of the prominent of ficers of the Confederate armies. We want an agent in every county. Send for cir culars giving full particulars, terms, Ac., Ac., to RICHARDSON k CO., Publishers 540 Broadway, New York. v6n012-lme. We Want an Agent in Every County TO SILL WAR POETRY OF TOE SOUTH, BrWM. GILMORE SIMMS, L. L. Dr, In One Beautiful Volume. Every Southern family will want a copy of this splendid work—every reader will take a patriotic pride in it. Mr. SIMMS' eminent position made him the most competent man in the South for its prepara tion and he has p.oduced a volnme which will ever be an honor to the genius and culture of the South ern people. The Southern Press have everywhere received the announcement of this work with the greatest inter est, and6U sale is de stined to be a very great one. KYimr CITIXII WILL Till A PERSONAL AID PATRI OTIC PBIDI II THIS POETICAL RECORD OR THE WAR. RICHARDSON k CO., Publishers 640 Broadway, New York. r6nl2-lmo. AGENTS WANTED FOR FRANK MOORE'S NEW YQRK, "WOMEN OF THE WAR." AGENTS will find this a book of real merit and intrinsic vaIue— SUBJECT HEW - intensely nteresting and excising'—No WORK ever attracted and engaged the publie mind like this. Everybody wants it, and thousands will purchase it as soon as an opportunity is afforded them. Read what Agents say of it. Oae experienced Agent writes : It is the *a?iest and pleasantest Book to sell he ever canvassed for;— and says people are delighted with it, the Ladies especially. Another says : " Womeu of th* War" is the baok of the season. Another, 137 OIDERI IH FOUR DATS One reports 17 orders the first day of canvassing. Intelligence, active males or females will find the ■ale of this work a pleasant and luerativs employ ment. This Book has no competitor —It comes fresh and new to the people. The territory is clean and clear. Agent understand the avantages in this par ticular. For foil particulars send for Circulars. Address 8. 8. SCRANTON A CO., \n Asylui Si! fifiUfofJ, Ootl ( TM-HI ' THE RURAL AMERICAN FREE THREE MONTHS! CHOICE VINES, PLANTS, &c. FREE TO SUBSCRIBERS I The RURAL AMERICA, published at Utica, N. Y.. ou the Ist and 15th of each nonth, will com mence a new volumn (XII Japuary Ist. 1867. No other rural paper in this country equals it in practical value to Farmers, Gardeners, Fruit Grow ers Stock Breeders, Bee Keepers. Ac. It is Nation al in its character, being as valuable in Maine,lowa Maryland, Ac., as in the Stite of New York. It is a splendid sixteen page q uarto publication, beauti fully illustrated, larger than any other paper of its class, and offered at only ONE DOLLAR AND FIFTY CENTS A \EAR, and every subscriber receives free and post paid what is actually woi th from ONE to Two DOLLARS in some of the choicest GRAPE VINES, STRAWBERRV AND RASPBERRY PLANTS, EARLY GOODRICH POTATOES (the best ever grown) AND SPLENDID STEEL PLATE JJNGRAVINOS ! CLUB AGENTS WANTED ! The Premsums 6ent to Club Agents.are truly mag nificent, ahd worth THREE TIMES as much as any other publishet offers. Besides all the above articles they receive free splendid Gold Pens and all thehigh priced Magazines, and the New York Weekly News Papers a year, to commence at any time! Club Agents are wanted in every town, in every State in the Lnion, All you have to do, is to send for sam ple copies, Show Bills and Blank Subscription Lists, which are sent free, and you can prooeed to get up your clubs THE PAPER FREE THREE MONTHS! Every subceriber for 1867, who remits 81,50 sing ly, or in a club, before December 15th, 1866, will receive the paper Free from the time his money is received, to the end of the present year! If rece.v ed by October Ist the paper will go free three months, and in proportion for a later remittance ! Over 8100,000 worth of Gratuities have been sent to my subscrtbers, within the la . four years, an I now have on band $25,( 10 worth, which I aiu ready to send (at the proper time) to all who sub scribe for the Rural American, which is admitted universally to bq, not only the best, but also the cheapest paper of the kind in this country, Address, T. B. MINER, CLINTON ONEIDA Co., N. Y-, my editorial offico being there, near Utica v6nl3-lmo. For Sale 1 The Subscriber offers for sale his HOUSE AND LOT. Situate on Warren Stieet, in TUNKHANNOCK BOROUGH. House is large, pleasantly situated, and in thor ough repair. The lot is large with a good barn and out houses thereon, with a good cistetn of twenty five hogsheads capacity. Will be sold.on reasonable terms to any one wish ing to purchase The subscriber also offers for sale A GOOD COW as can be found in the cruntry. Also for sal* cheap. A WORKING HORSE, ten years old, For further particulars call on or address WM. S. KL'TZ, Tunkhannock, P. v6-nl4-tf. THIS "EEND" UP WITH CARE -9981 'K 'l°o 'Jfoonusquanx •TiHMaHva saw OOTJOU lasjioqs eqi )t pettraq pus mo 'sprat ssssajfl LS&XOJU&O, BMrvavJir i e 02$ c 'o2s 'S3A337S 'suispvd jadud jo isojbi oqj py Jraoo Ajap oj saaud !)t? ■saoo9 A3NV3 JO JUOKU|JOSSB [[LLJ PU i f 'svimn •sa oo h 'snmivai 's h3m oi 3 'SNOSaiH I3AT3A 'sxaNNoa °*iv Nana -iiHJ P" saiavi SIYH J.3A33A P° 1133 jo S3JVIIS tssjten sqi n .1 jo inatnjjosv pipuajds JUIAISDM MOO SI naMCIHVa SHW 'lB9 A31V15 AHlinilH 111 OUR STARCH GL O S g Is the only Article used by First Class Hotels, Laundries, and Thousands of Families. It gives a beautiful polish, makihg the iron pass smoothly over the cloth,saving MUCH TIME and labor. ! Goods done up with it keep clean much longer COR j sequently will not wear out so soon. It makes Old Linen look like New __ • OUR IMPKHI A'L, BLUE' Is the Best io the World. It is soluble in hard as well as soft water. It is put up in the safest, neatest, and most convenient orm of any offered to the public. TIS WARRANTED NOT TO STREAK THE GLOTRFS Agents wanted everywhere, to whom w* offer ex traordinary Inducements, I HEW YORK STARCH GLOSS CO. i No. 218 Fulton St.,N. Y. iMat. FOr 1867* THE Fashion Magazine of the World. LITERATURE, FINE ARTS, AND FASHIONS. The most magnificent Steel engravings. DOUBLE FASHION-PLATES. Wood engravings on every subject that can interest ladies. Crochet knitting, Netting, Embroidery, Articles for the Toilet, for the Parlor, the Boudoir, and the Kitchen. Every thing, in fact, to make a COHPKCTK LADY'SBOOK THE LADIES' EAVORITE FOR 37 YEARS No Magazine has been able to compete with it; — None attempt it. GODET'S HECEEP7S for every department of a household. These alone are worth the price of the Book. MODEL COTTAGES (no other Magazine gives them), with diagrams. DRAWING LESSONS FOR THE YOUNG. An other specialty with Godey. ORIGINAL MU>IC, worth 43 a year. Other Magazines publish old worn-out raasic ; but the sub scribers to Godey get it before the music stores. GARDENING FOR LADIES. Another peculiari ty with Godey. Fashions from Messrs. A. T Stewart A Co, of New York, the millionaire merchants, appear in Go dey, the only Magazine that has them. Ladies' Bonnets. We give more of thero in a year than any other Magazine In fact, the Lady's Book enables every lady to be her own bonnet ma ker. MARION HAHLAND, Authoress of "Alone," "Hidden Hath," "Moss Side," "Neme sis," and "Miriam," writes for Godey each month, and for no other mag azine. A new novel by her will be published in 18- 67. We have also retained all our old and l'avorite contributors. 7E'fiM* OE ODEY'S OOK FOH 1867 [From which there con be no Deviation,) The following are the terms of the Lady's Book for 1867 One copy, one year 43 00 Two copies, one year 5 50 Three copies, one year 7 00 Four copies, one year 10 00 Five copies, one year and an extra copy to the person getting up the club, makiDg six copies 14 00 Eight copies, one year, and an extra copy to the person getting up the club,making nine copies 21 00 Eleven copies, one year, and an extra copy to the person getting up the club,making twelve copies 27 00 All additions to clubs at club rates. IST Club subscribers will be sent to any post-of fice where the subscriber may reside. ffjf Godey's Lady's Book and Arthur's Home Magazine will be sent, each one year, on receipt of 44 50 We have no club with any other magazine or news paper The money must all be sent at one iimt for any of the Clubs. fcjf" Canada subscribers must send 24 cents addi tional for each subscriber, Address L. A. GODEY, N. E. Corner Sixth and Chestnut Streets, THI7 A DEL J VZ/A. REDUCTION IN PRICE OF THE AMERICAN WATCHES Made at Jt'AZTHAM, MASS. In consequence of the recent great improvement* in our facilities for manufacturing wo have reduoed our prices to as low a point as they can be plaoad WITH GOLD AT PAR, so that no ene need hesitate to buy a watch now from the expectation that it will be cheaper at eome future time. The test of ten years and the ia*aufa ture and sale of More than 200,000 Watches, have given our productions the very highest rack among time keepers. Commencing with the deter mination to make only thoroughly excellent watches, our business has steadily increased as the public be came acquainted with their value, until for month* together, we have been unable to supply the demand We have repeatedly enlarged our factory building! until they DOW cover over three acres of ground, and give accomodation to more than eight hundred work men. We are fully justified in saving that we now make MORE THAN ONE-HALF OF ALL THE WATCH ES SOLD IN THE UNITED STATES The differ ent granes are distinguished by the billowing trade marks on the plate : 1. "Ameiican Watch Co." Waltham, Mate. 2. "Appleton, Tracy A Co," Waltham, Mass. 3. "P. S. Bartlett." Waltham, Mass, 4 "War Ellerv." 5. OUR LADIES' WATCH of first auality ic named "Appleton, Tracy A Co," Waltham, • Mass. 5. Our next quality of Ladies' Watch is natned "P. S. Bartlett," Waltham Mass. Theee watches are furnished in a great variety of sizes and styles of cases. The American Watch Co. of Waltham, Mass, au thorize us to state without distinction of trade-marks or price. ALL THE PRODUCTS OF TIIEIR FACTORY ARM FULLY WARRANTED, to be the best time-keepers of their class ever mad* In this or any other country Buyers should remem ber that unlike the guarantee of a foreign maker who can never be reached, this guarantee is good at all times against the Company or their agent! and that if after the most thorough trial, any watch should prove defective in any particular, it may be always exchanged for another. As the Ameri can Watches made at Waltham are for sale by dealers generally throughout the country, we do not solicisorders for single watches. CAUTION.—The public are cautioned to buy on ly of respectable dealers. All persons selling coun terfeits will be prosecuted. BOBBINS & APPLETON, AGKNTB FOR TIIK AMERICAN WATCH CO,. 18 BROADWAY, N Y. v6nl4-2moi. NEW FANCY AND TRMMING STORE. Tioga Street, Tunkb.annock, Pa. MRS. K. LEASE. HAVIN 9 lately opened a new Fancy Store,, of fers for sale an entirely new assortment of THIMMOJO, Dress Trimmings, White Goods. Embroideries Ladies Zepher, in all colors. Kid Gloves, Cufls nd Collars, Lace, Veils, Corsetts, Ladies Nekties, best quality of Combs, Needles and Thteud of the best quality, and Fancy Notions of every variety, a large stock of TOYS, Including China, Bronze, Papier Mache Tin, RM wood, Glass, Pewter, Wooden, Parian and Cxndy Toys. For Ladies* Cosmatics Ac., Such as Pomades, Oilft BanJolina bloom of youth and Paints, Rouge, Lilly White ko MRS. E. LEASE. Tunkhannock, May 1, 1866 Yl-837-tf,