Jh gemot rat, HARVEY SU'KI'ER, Editor. TUNKHANNOCK. P* Wednesday. Nov. 28, 1806 Wendell JPhlillps. We publish in an adjoining column, a recent letter of Wendell Phillips, showing the anticipations and desires of the mon grel party, of which he is the leader. It requires no comment to make it under stood. Phillips is the"whipper in" ofthe progressives, and the docility and spaniel like crouching of the "so-called" republi cans,show how easily tiiey are led in the "elevating" process of amalgamation. Court Proceedings. The November session of Court at this ] lace opened on Monday the 1 Oth inst. HON WM. EI.WELL, President Judge and lion. NATHAN WELLS and J. V. Sill: H, Associates, present, QUARTER SESSIONS- Grand Jury called and sworn. N. P. WILCOX Esq. Foreman. True Bills were found iu the following cases. Commonwealth vs. Minor' Beam—lndict ment, Larceny. Wm. Perigo, Pros. Cause tried, defendent found guilty and sentenced to the House of Refuge. Commonwealth vs. A. W. Secor, indict ment, assault and battery. Cause tried.— Deft- found guilty. Sentenced to pay S2O tine and tests of Prosecution. Commonwealth vs. Edward Lloyd—in dictment forging order. R ni. Au mick, Pros. Cause tried, verdict guilty. Deft, sentenced to the House of Refuge. Commonwealth vs. Custis Williams—in dictment. horse stealing. Philo Sherwood Pros. Cause tried, verdict guilty. J)ef-. senteuced to pay fine of*soo, and costs and to Penitentiary for 3 years and six months. "Commonwealth vs. Ira Schooley. In dictment, nan slaughter. A. W. Jaqucs, Pros. Caue tried. Atter hearing two or three witnesses to disclose the facts atten dant upon the killing. L. Hakes, counsel fi.r prisoner, admitted the commission of offense by prisoner. The jury returned a verd ct of Guilty without leaving the b n x. On motion of prisoner's Counsel, sentence if not ail the jurors, signed a petition to the Governor for a pardon. Ail the material facts of this case hav ing been before published in the Democrat, a repetition here, is deemed unnecessary. Commonwealth vs. William llinker and Horace Raiding. Indictment— l ejecting vote of qualified voter. James Croop. Pios. Cause tried Jury failed to agree af.ei being kept for nearly two days and nights weru discharged bv the cOort. Commonwealth vs. M tik Keeucy and E. S. Thompson. Indictment rejecting vote fif qualified voter. Stephen Taylor, Pros. Cause tried. Deft, found guilty and scn tcnc< d to pay a fine of SSO, and costs. Tin se last mentioned ca>es excited mncli interest, being the lir.-t cases tried in this county since the passage of the so called d -serter Luw.whieh the.Dcfendents, being members ot t lection boards in the township of Eaton and Windham, seemed to have entirely misunderstood and inisiu tetpreted. These cases involved the question of the right of an election hoard to reject the vote of a citizen, otherwise qualified, on the ground that lie had been drafted into the service >f the United States, and had failed io report. His Honor, Judge EI well, in bis charge cited the several acts of congress w ldch has been parsed from the year 1800 to the passage of the act of JSGo, upon the sub ject ol desertion—and showed that under all of them a trial and conviction must pre cede punishment for that, offence. The act of March 3d, 18(1.5, was part of a sys tem of law upon the .subject, and imposed an additional penalty, which followed as a consequence upon the conviction of an of fend' i.. ./I hat ac:. he instructcdjthe jury, doeu not deprive a person of IDS right of citizenship until he has been tried by a court martial aud found guilty ol ihe of fence ol desertion—nor then, until his sen tence has been approved bv the proper officer. Tic Supreme Court sitting at Wilkes- I bar re last June, in tbc ease of Iluber vs. lieiiy decided, tbat "the law as it stood i when the act of lßbo was passed, had pro-! tided u tribunal in which alont the cl ime no race before.'aw. Then, when a million of black men aid in shaping onr national policy, their race will feel the effect the world over. They will never leave their brethren in Cuba, under the yoke, They ; will throw a shield over the struggling na-! tionality of Hayti and lift Brazil into bar- J mony with the nineteenth century Then wii'l the touching and sublime picture Ma ria Lowell ire7 of Africa cease to be true. Jler Rrat dark face no light • j Erom the sunset glow cauld take; Dark as the primal night rfire over the earth rtod spako: It seemed for her a dawn could never break. j #•*#; So pit I dreary desolate, Till the plow rawing hand of Fate Shall lift me from my sunken et ate. The dawn has broken, and will soon rip on into perfect day, Even this timt ratified it. The vote that Brown low ciaimod as a ratification was not legal, and will not be counted. A law exists in Germany to prevent drinking on the Sabbath during Divino service. It runs thus: "Any person drinking in at. ale house during service on I Sunday, or other holiday, may legally de | part without paying." Local and Personal* Explanation.—The data oa the oolored a&- dre-i label oo this paper indicate; the time up t which, as appears on our books, the subscriber bee paid for his paper. Any error, in this label, will b. promptly corrected, when brought to our notice. Those of our Subscribers, who wish to know how they stand with us, will consult the label on tbeir papers. Don't let it get too far buck into the by gone days-—Something might happen. Farmers—wishing to purchase a good farm will notice advertisement of Farm for sale by Walter Bro's. of Mehoopany. An Auction sale of cattle, grain and othor per sonal effects of fonrad Kintner, late ol Tunkhannock Township, dee'd, will bo made bj the Adninistra tors, on Saturday Dec, Bth., at the house of widow Kintner. Advice, Gratis.—See what dealers advertise in the Democrat, and go and buy your goods of them. You may be sure of good bargains with inen who are anxious to let pa"p!o know that they are in trade The way to do this is as before hinted. The First Sti >w of the season at this place, foil on Tuesday ot last week. It was only a slight "Harry" ot an inch or less in depth* but with the frosty air we have had, since, was enough to give us a f jretaste ol wh: t may be expected in the future, Stoves, stove pipe, anthracite, overcoats, undershirts Ac. are in good demand. Donation.—The friends ef the Rev. C. R. Lane' witt make him a donation visit at bis residence, cm ihe day appointed for our National Thanksgiving Thursday, No. 29th. All are invited to attend. By order ed the Cocwmitlee- The Attention readers ir called to the ad vertisement ot Shufer A New Clothing Store at Wilkes Barrc, in to-day's paper. Mr. A. G. Stark, who has charge ol the business at that point, is o well known to our people it u hardly necessary ftf us to say to those visiting the valley UP J wishing good, neat, cheap and elegant clothing that "Al" is the man to call upon, ! Click, Click, Click, go the busy hammers and 0 .isels of Messrs. Stonier A Carey—masons and I stone-cutters—upon the walk in front of our office, jas we write this paragraph. With such men to da the work and with such flagging as they have. splendid walk along the entire main front of Mr Henry Stark's blo-k will be the result. This, when finished, will be one of the finest and most desirable improvements, in the way of ''mending our ways.'' in town. Mr. S. though resi ling abroad, and appar ently but little interested in these matters,is,throngh his agent here, promptly and cheerfully complying with the Borough ordinance in regard to them. A Break In the Canal occurred at this.place ocj Sunday evening last. About 100 d in- iwgttij of the bank was washed away, to a. depth, in some places, of Bor 10 ft below the bed of the canal. Of course boating for the present is suspended, The company have placed a. large fovea ef men and t ate? at work repairing the injury, aaul:nxpect to be able to let hi the water at tdfi cfcee of tfee present week. The flood made by the sudden hreaking out < f the entire water of t&e canal, was so gaeat as to undermine the Borough bridge at the lower end of town, and as a re-uit it now lies in a mass of ruins. I at the bottom of the deep ravine ever which it span-. ' ned. Arrangements have been made by the E0.0,. authorities for its speedy reconstruction. It is Folly to think d young man, in this age of progress and improvement, can ke successful in auy business or profession with ihe limited business qualifications possessed by some of /he primitive su tlers in this country In every profession or occupation, now a-days, n. good practical business education is in/ispensable.— llow to keep books of accounts, neatly and correct ly, how to calculate interest and discount, how to. draw notes, checks, orders, lesses and other papers required in she every day busiuess transactions of life, must now be known by all to ensure success and guard ag.iins t imposition, The Busiuess College of Gardner and Wheeler at Scranton, Pa., affords op portunities for the acquisition of all these plishments, by the young men in th's vicinity, bifan expense far less than any other similar institution in the country. i. Married. BAXATYNE—BURR—At Keiserville Pa., Novem ber 7th. 1866, by Rev. E. F. Roberts, Mr P. M. Burr, of Mehoopany, to Jdiss Anna Banatyne, of same place. DI'NLAP—SHANNON—By the same, Nov 10th, Mr. Benjamin B. Dunlap, of Meshoppen, Pa., to Miss Lariuda Shannon, of Auburn. , Sill PP—STEMI'LES—In Tunkhannock. the 22d inst., by the Rev C. R. Lane. Joseph Shupp, and Rebecca, daughter of Mr Benjamin Stem pies, both of Tunkhannock Township. Administrator's Notice* Whereas, letters of Administration to the estate of Abraham Ace, late of Tuakhannock township, Wyoming Co , Dee' I, have been granted to the sub scriber ; All persons indebted te„said estate are re quested to make immediate paymanU; and those having claims against the same, will present tkeui, duly authenticrted for settlement to JOSEPH ACE Adm r. Eaton, Wv. Co , Pa. j Nov 28,1866. T"6-nol7-6iv. j Farm for Sale, Situated one and a half miles south ef MEHOOPANY VILLAGE;, on the main road Farm contains oce HUNDRED and SEVEN!* FIVE ACRES, ninety acres thereof improved, foou buildings, good fruit, well fenced and well Address or call on, T. G. AB. M. WALTER- Mehoopany, Wyoming Co. Pa Nov. 27, 1366- vfinlTtf.