WORK* OF MATURE,—In a iUU of health tbt inteatioal canal may bt compared to a rirar whose water* flow orer the adjoining land, through the channels nature or ait baa made, and improve their qualities ; so long as it runs on smoothly the channels are kept pore and healthy; if the coarse of the river is stopped, then the water in the eanaU is too longer pore, but soon becomes stagnant. There is bat one law of circulation in natore. When there is a superabundance of humortal fluid in the intestinal tabes, and coetlvenem takes place, it flows b* k into the. blood vsssels, and infiltrates itssl f into the circulation. To astabliah the free coarse of the riser • mßrt nmoJ * ,bc obstructions which stop it* free course, and those of iU tributary etreams.— With the body, follow the same netural principls femvve the obstructions from the bowels with BRANDRETH'S PILLS, which never injurs, but are alwaye effectual for the perfect demoting of the system from from foulness or diss ass. Remember never suffer a drop of blood to be taken from you.— Evacuate the humors ar often and aa bug as they nre deranged,or as long as ysu are rick. See that B, BBANDRETH is in white letters in •the Government stamp Sold by all Druggists. ▼6014-1 mo For Sale The Subscriber offers for sale his HOUSE AND LOT. Situate on Warren Stieet, in TUNKHANNOCK BOROUGH. House it large, pleasantly situated, and in thor ough repair The lot is large with a good barn and out booses thereon, with a good cistern of twenty five hogsheads capacity. Will be sold on reasonable terms to any ene wish ieg to purchase The subscriber also offers for sale A GOOD COW •e can be feund hi the ct uatry. Also for sale cheap. A WOKING HORSF, ten years old, For further particulars call op or address Wm. S. KUTZ, Tunkbansock, Pa. v6-nl4-tf. i rntm rn_an mi CROSBY OPERA HOUSE ART ASSOCIATION. THE GRANDEST ART PROJECT or THC PRESENT CENTURY. ZTM MUCCESS DECIDED. SUBSCRIPTIONS POURING IN FROM EVERY QUARTER OF THE UNITED STATES AND THE CANADAS! THE END RAPIDLY APPROACHING! Subscribe at Once. te be in Time* THI DRAWING WILL POSITIVELY BE MADE. Or the M >nej Refunded to Such Subscriber, as orana>TSß. FIHST GRAND PREMIUM. TEE CHOSBr O-PBHA HOUSE. Value, $6000,00! The remaining Premiums consist of over THREE HUNDRED 9PLEY DIDOIL pA IXTINC9. Constituting a superb eolleetiou of GENUINELY AMERICAN WORKS OF ART. Shares only #ff .egch. For |5 one Share or Certificate, with one of ths following iautiful Steel Engravings . "THE LITTLE WANDERER," by THOS FAED, "GATHERING APPLES," by JEKOMg THOMP BON, on "WESTWARD HO P by BEARD. For #lO two Shares, with the auperb Steel Engra ve*. "WIISHINGTON IRVING AND HIS FRIENDS For #ls three Shares , with the flnsTTEngraving, "MERCY'S DREAM," hy D HUNTINGTON. For #29 four Shapes of Certificatee, with the eplendid Chreiao-Enyraving (an exslnsive issue), "AN AMERICAN AUTUMN," by J. F. CROPSEY While for #SO ten Shares or Certificates are issued, with A CHOICE ARTISTS PROOF -of either "Irvingand hi* Friends," "Mercy's Dream,' 1 /or the "American Autumn." TAKE SPECIAL NOTICE!!! TAKE SPECIAL NOTICE !!! That all Suorib* r receive their choice of one of the SPLENDIDSTEEL ENGRAVINGS AT THE TIME THEY M'BSCRIBB 1 AT THE TIME THEY SUBSCRIBE ! THUS RECEIVING THE VALUE OF THEIR MONEY AT ONCE !! • Details Of 7he Drawing. The Subscription Books, on being eloeed, will be £ laced in the handa of the following gentlemen who indly consent to act aa the Chicago members of the ,Committee : \WM. F COOLBAUGH Pres't Unionion Wat. Bank AMOS. T. HALL, Treasurer C. B. AQ.R. R. ' E G HALL, Hall Kimbark A Co. CLINTON BR/GGS Ewing, Briggs A Co. J. C. DORE, President of the Board of Trade JAMES H BOW EN, Preeident Third Nat. Bank. JAMES C. FARGO, Snp't Amer can Express. IRANCIS A. HOFFMAN, Ex-Lieut. Governor, I, Y. MUNN, Munn A Soott Elevator, J. A ELLIS, President Second National Bank. These gentlemen, together with such others from different parte of the country as they may select to fairly represent the Share holders, will have the SOLg MANAGEMENT OF THE AWARD IN ALL ITS oDETAILS Tba Plan of the Award adopted ie A# following Two hundred and ten thousand number, repreeen ting the Certificates issued, will be placed in one ! M three hundred and two tickets, inscribed with the names of the Premiums (to wit. the Opera 1 Hoese, three hundred Paintings, and the Bast of Lincoln), will -o placed in aSh" From these wheels s number and a premium will be drawn simultaneously - the number drewn in each instaaoe taking the premium drawn with it. SPECIAL CARD TO TKZ READERS THE CROSBY OPERA HOUSE ART ASSOCIA TION is no gift enterprise, and must not be eon. founded with Dollar Gift Concerts which have beea P l ** House, with- . an w <•>■• of the proprietors. 1 All orders fop Certifinates it Shares.aad all T+rivl eommoaicauons, phould be addreamdfo end directed te P: " CROSBY Aduary, A. A. THE ART INSTITUTE, c -w&sarSL. BUSINESS COLLEGE AND mutnmniswiTi Is now open day and evening for tbe reception of students. Business hours from 9 A. M. te 12. and from 1-30 to 4-30 P- M. Evening from 7 to 9. Ther- is now connected with tbe tfuory actus 1 Business Department where the student may receive all tba advantages of basin ss transections derived from any College in the country. Single and Double entry book keep ing Business and ornamental Pen manship, business correspondence, wholesale and retail Business, rail roading, shipping, forwarding com mission, negotiating loans,bills of ex change, jobbing banking,and phonog raphy, taught by thorough and experienced teachers. No effort will be spared to give those who attend this College a thorough knowledge of actual Busi ness Reasonable deduct nn to Ladies for the Commer cial course- Tbe terms of this College are at leat #2O lasa than other Colleges charge for the s i me course. For further information aridn GARDNER \ WHEELER. Business Coi.'ege, Scranton, Pa. ▼gnl4-ly UILLCOXAND |jiBBS noiseless j JEWING Is the only MACHINE in the world that 111 'kes tbe twisted loop-stitch, making a stronger stitch than any other machine now in use. All are invited to call at 9. JEWKLKY STORE. and examine for themselves. Also agents for all other machines for Wyoming Co. Pa P C BURNS A BRO Tnnkhannock, Pa. Oct. 31 1966 v6nl2-tf W ait oh. est JEWELRY REPAIRED P. C. BURNS A BRO. Taks pleasure in announcing to the people of Tnnkhannock and vicinity, that they have opened a IDito| ttib (Oufk Shop opposite Wall's Hotel,where they are prepared to do thv most diffi ult jobs in their line in an APPROVED , and SKILLFUL MANNER, on short notice. Hav-' ing bad long experience in tbe business, tbey feel confident that they can give entire .-atisfactionto all favoring them with their patronage. ALL WORK WARRANTED TO GIVE SATIS FACTION OR MONEY REFUNDED AFTER A FAIR TRIAL- N. B. Paras■ Is.Fans Tnnkbeaaerk tf-t M, ififi* { SEDUCTION IN PRKE or TBB AME.RICAN WATCHES Made at WALTS AM, MASS. In consequence of the recent great improvement* in our facilities for minuf-M-tnnu-r wo have reduce our pricM to as low a point as they can be placed WITH GOLD AT PAR, 10 that no ene need beeitete to buy a watch now from the ex|-ectation that it will be cheaper at totur future time. The teat of ten year* and the manufac ture and aale of More than 200,000 Watchee, have given our productions the very highest rank among time keepers. Commencing with be deter mination to make only thoroughly excellent watches, our business has steadily increased as the public be came acquainted with heir value, nntil for month togetb' r, we hare been uDable to supply the detnan We have repeatedly enlarged oar factory huilding.- uutil they now cover over three acres of ground, and givs accomodation to more than eight hundred work men. We are fully justified in saying that we now make MORE THAN ONE H 4LF OF ALL THE W/TCH- Kb sOLD IN THE UNITED STATES The -iffer ent granes are distinguished by the following trade marks on the plate : 1. "Aine icsn Watch Co." W!tham, Mass. 2. "Appleton, Tracy A Co," Walthaui, Mass. 3. "P. S. Bartlett." Walthaui, Mass, 4 ' Wm- Ellery." 5. OUK LADIES' WATCH of first quality i named • Appleton, Tracy A Co," Wallham, Mass. g. Our next quality of Ladies' Watch is name i •'P. S. Bartlett," Walthaui Mass. Thrs watches are furnished in a great variety ot sites and styles of cases. Tue American Watch Co. of Waltham, Mass. au thorise us to state without distinction of trsde-inarkr or price. ALL THE PRODUCTS OFTHErR FACTORY ARI FI'LLY WARRANTED, to he the best ,';tn --keepers of their class ever made tn this or any othe." country Buyers should remem ber that unli e the gu.? dee of a foreign maker who en i never be react**..', ,h ' B £ oarD, ee '* B°°" at all times against the Corn p..'"/ or an i that if after Ibe most thorough "j*, 80 7 watch should prove defh tive in any partii-nidT- ** always ex da el for another. As the Ameri can Watches toa-.c at Walth.iui are for sale dealers generally throughout the country, wu do no.' solic sorters for single watches. CAl'TlON.—The puolic are cautioned to boy on ly of respectable dealers. All parsons selliug conn Urfeits will be prosecuted. BOBBINS Sc APPLETON, AOKNTB FOE THE AMERICAN WATCH CO. 18* BROADWAY, N. V. vbt.; 4 2mos THIS "EEND" UP WITH CARE •jj-y,lu9A- 99gi joo 'Koouuequanx naAiaHva eopoa tsoiioqs sqj is pejveq pus ins 'epvtn SMSUQ Lss?ioj\~ar(£ arwvavjic ">*/ SXHUDVP' SHVOID 'SSAHHHS '•U4J)j*d dsdud jo 6d[.(js jsaiß[ 3t|j |i v •ooi jiiadinoo jCjap oj saoutj jtf SUOO9 A3NVJ lU )HJ}J'>e>#B Uttj pUK 'SVIAAN SaO o H NHAIUVAI 's aaM OA A SNOAAIH XAAIAA sxaNNoa -MV xaaa -HID P'-" saiavi -"'J SIVU J3AI3A P U * J/ISJ J" S3d VI1 issaau eqi i| jo lustnyoss pipaapl* e Snuiessi won si SBK ■ unit AIIUTIII 111 Us It of Jurors Drawn to ttrrre at Novem ber Tern. 18(11. GRAND JORGRS Windham Dennis Keeeey. Meshoppen —W in Black mar, N Overfisld K too. Wm. A- Daoa, Everet Harding. Nortbmoreiand. — Jus Be tider, J. N. Jenks. Mehoopany.— M S. Kintner, C. L. Vaughn, Allen Furman. Clinton. —U. V Mace. Me.-boppen --E. J. Mowry, B. F. Baker. Breintrim.— Hamlet Hill- North Branch. —Joseph Allen Tuok Boro. — E.*ck Wbeelock- Nicholson —John Hiukley, N. P. Wilcox, James Daily Tank. Twp.—Jos Sbupp, Geo Osterhoat Exeter —Dennis Wall. Monroe.—A. W Newbury- TRAVKRSK JURORS. Nortbmoreiand•• Alonto Jackson, Geo. Watres, A. 0. Lutes, Adam Sayder, Theodore Shaw. Joseph Penny Mehoopany.—J. B. PI-co, SV. Myers. Tunk. Boro—-John Phenix, Wm. Flick oer, C- D. Gearhart. , Braintiim —J, S. Lum. Jacob Knapp, Meshoppen--Jos M, Robinson, Michael Kasson, Micb iel Coyle. N ; *holson.---Wm. H. Star*''- rville Tiffany Aran -quires, H. B Worden, J, Rhodes, J. D' My res. tVm. St-phens Overfield.- S D. Latier Martin Sickler. Forkston.---Mvrnu Farr, Jack Robinson, Asher K**>n, Joseph V, Preston, Monroe. —Wm F- Carl, Dsuhsl Newman, Jasper Parrish. Lemon.—-John Cyphers, H. J. Kelly, H B. Travis. E-uon.—Porter Jnyne, Ckas. Harris. Washington. —Da niel Stephens, Aaron Walters Isaac Javne Tunk Twp John Wagner, Wm Caskey. Clinton --Milton Britton. Daniel Rid .leman. J. S. Capwell Falls.---Levi Townsend, Theron Brown, Daniel SHERIFF SALE7 By virtue of a writ of Fieri Facias to me direct ed, there will be exposed to public sale, at the Court Hou*e. in Tunkhannoek Borough, on Satur day Nov. 17th, 1866 at one o'clook P M , the fel lowing described piece, or parcel of land, situate in Lemon Township, Wyoming Co Pp., bounded ai J described as follows: On the North ny lands of Geo. W. Stark, on the West by land of the heirs of Earl H. Carey dee'd.. on the South by lands of Emery Powers, on the East by lands of John Sbifferand David Crawford, containing about ninety seres, with nhout twenty acres improved, with ot a frame dwelling house, one i trams hare and a small apple on-haid thereon, with the appu.tenances. Seiz-d and token in execution at thr suit of Wm. I Shaw, ssignei to "eo. W. Stark v* Phisaro Oarey And will be sold for cash only bv AHIRA GAY Sheriff. Sheriffls office' Tank, Pa. Oct. 27th, 18(6, ItT Our letter A Family Hewing Na. fh I nr. with all the new improvements, is the best, and chcape|t and most beautiful Sewing Machine in the world. No jther Sewing Machine has so much capac'ty for a ; AC *PS, NAILS. IRON, SALT. LEATHER. PAINTS OILS. Ac in 'in fact everything fo be found tore, iu lulling READY MADE CLOT of which we will tell at the low. at p. ice for LA it or PRODUCE, , . In connection with the mercantile buAinesa we have opened a TAILORING SHOP, ami are pre pared to fill all ordera in that line with neatness and dispat-h , Particular attention paid to CUTTING, and al work warranted to give satisfaction. Thankful U our customers for past tavots, we hop to merit a 'iberal share of patronage in the future. JENNINGS A CO vgn9-3iaos. AGENTS WANTED EVESYWHEBE TC SfcLL The Great Southern History, Complete in One Large Volume. THE CHEAPEST HISTORY PUBLISHED, 5 O UTHERN HIS TOR V of the WA R, Br EDWARD A. POLLARD, Late Editor of the Richmond Examiner With Splendid Steel Portraits of Gen. Lee, Gen Beauregard, Gen. Hardee, " Johnston, " Bragg, " Morgan, •' Jai-kson, " Ewell, " Cooper, i. Stuart, " Smith, Jefferson Davis, " Lo„gstreet, " Price, Al- x. H. Stephens • juiij '• Hampton, Edw'd A. Pollard " Hood, * " Polk, Mr Pollard's f icilities for the preparation of thia most interesting and valuable history, and the fact that it was written while every occurrence was fresh and vivid in the author s min i, m be ssason. Another, 137 ORDERS IN FOUR DAYS. One reports 17 orders the first day of canvassing. Intelligence, active males or females will 6nd the •ale of this work a pleasant and lucrative employ rnent. This Book hsa no competitor—lt comes fresh and new to the people. The territory ia clean and clear Agent understand the avantages in this par- ( ticular. For fail particulars send for Circulars. Address S S SCRAN TON A CO., ' 126 Asylum St, Hartford, Conn i rfin9-4wk , THR RURAL AMERICAN FREE THREE MONTHS: CHOICE VINE*, PI,ANTS, Air. FREE TO SUBSCRIBERS 1 The RURAL AMERICAN, published at Utiea, N. Y. on the Ist and 15th of each n onth, will com mence a new volumn (XI) January Ist. 1667 - No other ruial paper in this countrp equals it in , prac ical value U) Farmers, Gardeners, Fruit Grow ers M>ck Breeders, Bee Keepers. Ac. It is Nation al in its character, being as valuable in Main-,lowa Maryland, Ac., as in the Bfc te of New York. It is a splendid sixteen pige quarto publication, beauti fully illustrated, larger man any other paper of its cl:>Bs, and offered at only ONE DOLLAR AND FIFTT CENTS A YEAR, and every subscriber receives free and post paid what is actually wot th from ONE to Two DOLLARS in some of the choicest GRAPE VINES, STRAWBERRY AND RASPBERRY PLANTS, EARLY GOODRICH POTATOES (the best ever grown) AND SPLENDID STEEL PLATE ENGRAVINGS | CLUB AGENTS WANTED ! The Premsums sent to Club Age ots.are truly mag nificent, ahd worth THREE TIMES as much as any other publisbei offers. Besides all the above articles they receive/ree splendid Gold Pens and all thehigh priced Magazines, and the New York Weekly News Pape-s a year, to commence at any time' Club t. Agents are wanted in every town, in every State in the Union, All you have to do, is to send for sam ple copies, Show Bills and Blank Subscription Lists, which aresert free, and you can proceed to get up your cluUg THE PAPER FREE THREE MONTHS! Every suhccriber for 1367, who remits 81,50 sing ly, or in a club, before December 15th, 1866, will receive the p>i*r Free from the time his money is received, to the end of the present year ! If rece.v ed by October Ist the paper wli go free three months, and in proporti" i tor a later remittance I Over SDK),OOO worth of Gratuities have been sent to my subscribers, within the las* four years, and I now have on hand 8 5,000 worth, which I am ready to send (at the pr per time) to all who sub scribe for the Rural American, which is admitted universally to be, not only the best, but also the cheapest paper of the kind in this country, Address T. B. MINER, CLINTON ONEIDA CO., N. Y , my editorial office being there, near Utic v6nl3 Imo. "SHERIFF'S SALE BY virtue of I rert&in writ of Venditioni Expo nas to me directed, I will expose to Public sale at the Court House, in Tunkbannock, Pa ON SATURDAY NOVEMBER 17th ISgg at one o'clock P. M. the following Pieces, Parcels and tracts of unseated land, situate, lying and be ing in th- Township of Forkston, Wyoming County and State of Pennsylvania, and described as follows to wit : A part of a tract ofland in warrantee name of Robert Campbell, containing 10U acres more or less a p -r of a tract of land in the warrantee name ot Perry Stephens, containing 330 acrea more or leas, one tract of land in the warrantee name ef Benj Bond or Bar! containing 40g acres more or lesson# tract ol lan lin tha warrantee natne of Jo seph Bartlett containing 40g acres more or less, one tract of land in warrantee name of a George Paine, containing 40g acres more or less ; on. tract of land Clark Uayden, re- Josephs. Hayden and J. T. Jennings And will be sold for easo onlv, by AHIRA GAY, Sheriff. Sheriff's office, Tunk. Oct 27tb 1866. SHERIFF'S SALE. By virtue of a writ Fieri Facias to me directed, will be ex|oeed to Public Sale, at the Court House in Tunkbannock Boro. on SATURDAY THE 17th NOVEMBER 1866, at one o'clock P. M. the ft Mowing described piece or lot of land situate in the Township of Monroe, Wyoming Co* Pa.. Bounded and described as fol lows to wit; on the North East by lands of Mark Newman, on the bouth East by lands of Barnes, m ihe Soil • West by lands lately owned by Charles Miner, and on the Norfh West by lands unknown ; containing one hundred and twelve | i acres, with about fittv acres thereof improved, with i ene two story frame dwelling house one frame Lara, one hog-pen and other outbuildings, and one young ; apple or hard and other fruit-trees theteon, with the appurtenances > Seized and taken in Execution at the suit of John "all DOW assigned to J suits Jones vs. John Wall adin'rtif the estate ot Noah Newman dee'd. and i Samuel G. How 11 Terretenant. And will be aold for cash only by. AHIRA QAt. Sheriff, Sheriff's Office. Tunkhannock. Oct. 27, 1866- WHISKERS! WHISKERS!! Dr L. 0 MONTBZ' Corrolia, tha greatest stimula tor in the world, will force Whiskers or Musteohes 1 to grow on the smoothest faoe or ehin ; never known ito fall; sample for rnel sent free to a-iy one desir ous of tasting its merits. Adlram. Raivne * Co. ; nvtmmrn .v Y New BADBLEBY& HARNESS MANUFACTORY, On TURNPIKE STREET neatly opposite Wail'r Hotel, TUNKHANNOC K.PA. The undersigned respectfully announces le 111* citizen* of Wyoming County, that he hu ertabllah ed A NEW SADDLERY A HARNESS SHOP el the above named place where Ka keep* on hand and Manufacture* to order, AKMY SADDLED, £IDE SADDLES, TRUCKS, VJLIECEB BRIDLED, ATALTE/?S, SINGLE AND DOUBLE HARNESS. Warranted of the beet Oak tanned Leather, and" everything in the line of the trade which he oCers at the most REASONABLE PRICES, tar Call and examine stock end pricea. N. B.—Oiling and repairing promptly and cheaply done. T. C- KENNEDY. Tunkhannock, Oct 24 1866.—v6n12-3mos. LA . EST FASHIONS DEMAND J. W. Bradley's Celebrated Patent DUPLEX ELLIPTIC (OR DOUBLE SrRINS SKIRT, The Wonderful Flexibility great comfort and pleasure to any Lady wearing the Duplex Eliptio Skirt will be experienced particularly in all crowd ed Assemblies. Operas, Carriages, Railroad Cart. Church Pews, Arm Chairs, for Promenade and Housr Dress, as the skirt can be folded when in use to occupy a small place as ea ily and conven iently as a Silk or Muslin Dress, an invaloabl* quality in crinoline, not found in any Single Spring Skirt. A Lady having enjoyed the pleasure,comfort, and great convenience of wearing the Duplex Eliptio Steel Spring Skirt for a sing'e day, will nevei after wards willingly dispose with their nee. For Children, Misses and Young Ladies they art superi or to all others. They will not bend or break lik* the Sfnpr* Spring, but will preserve their perfect and graceful shape when three r foui 01 dinar) skirts will have been thrown aside as eseless. The hpe ere cov ered with double and twisted thread, and the bot tom rods are not only double springs, but twice (or double) covered : preventing them from wearing out when dragging dewn stoops, stairs, Ac. The Duplex Elliptic is a great favorite with all ladies and is universally recommended by the Fashion Magazines s the STANDARD SKIRT Of THE FASHIONABLE WORLD. To enjoy the following inestimable advantage is Crinoline, via : supreme quality, perfect manufac ture stylish shape and finish, Flexibility, durability, comfort and economy, enquire fo<- J. W. Bradley'# Duplex Kliptic or Double Spring Skirt, and be sure and get tbe genuine article. CAUTION.—To guard against IMPOSITION be particular to NOTICE that skirts offered as "DU PLEX" have the red ink stamp, vis, "J. W. Brad ey's Duplex Elliptic Steel Springs." upon the w&'gtbaud—none others are geuuine. Also notioe that every lioop will admit a pin beiDg passed through the centre, thus revealing the two (or double) springs braided together therein, which is the secret of their Flexibility and strength, and a combination rot to be found in any other Skirt. For Sale in all Stores where First Class skirts aro sold th rougbout tbe States and elsewhere. Manufactured by tbe Sole Owntrs of the WESTS BRADLEY A CAREY, 97 Chambers A 81 Rsade St.., N. T. r6ulo-3mos OURS ARCH GLOSg I* th on!v Article used by First Class Hotels, Laundries, and Thousands of Families. It gives a beautiful polish, makibg the iron pass smoothly over the cloth .saving ircca TIMI and labor.. Goods done up with it keep clean much longer con sequently will Dot wear out so soon. It makes Old Linen 100. like New OUR IMPK KIAL BLUE* Is the Rest io the World, It is soluble in hard as well as soft water. It is put up i't the safest neatest, and most conyeniesl orm of any offered to the public. TIS WARRANTED NOT TO STREAK THE CLOTHES Agents ranted every here, to whom we offer ex traordinary Inducements, NEW YORK STiRCH GI.OSS CO. No. 213 Fulton St.,N. Y. n7 -6mo. CAM PAIGN or TBB APMY OFTHE POTOMAC. Br William Swintqjj. THE STANDARD HISTORY OF THLSIWffO ARMY. The greatest Work on the War. Universally endorsed: by. anny of- • ficere and the press > t bi author says ; l 'l design in this volume terecord what that Ar-- my did and suffered in era campaigns and two score b ittles. I shall hare to celebrate the unswerving loyalty of this army, that oftimes when the bond of military cohesion failed, held it, unshaken of fortune, to at duty self-imposed. I shall have to follow it through a checkered ex perience, in a tale commingled of great great tollies and great gloriee ; but from first to last it will appear that, amid m :ny bullets of fortunes, through - winter and rough weather," the Army of the P-tomao never gave up hut made a good fight, and finally reached the goal THE' ARMY AND NAVY orftNAL" SAYS' •'This ie the only American critical worjt on the late war, and it is thoroughly critical and entirely aivested of aN political hue or tone," This is the only History of the "Grand Array," and no one who has borne * part in its conflicts, or is interested in its grand achievements, should be withortt it. This work sells itself. 'he people are tired ef political and part san histories, and want something trom official sources. We have Agents clearing war •200 per month Sen 1 for circulars, and see ear terms and proof of the above assertion Address, NATIONAL PUBMSHINGCO 607 Minor St., Philadelphia, Pa. vfsM CI EO S. TITTTON, ATTORNEY AT LAW J Tunkboonook, Pa. Office : a Stark's Brisk, eek, Tioga street R*- * J* ■ UTTLE, ATTORNEYS AT LAW Offioec* T>og% e*taet Ttikht^ncok r g