ELECTION PROCLAMATION. "IT THERE AS, in and by an Act of the General \t Assembly of the Commonwealth of renn svlvania, entitled "An Act regula rag the respective places appointed for holding the election in the districts 10 which, they respectively belong, before nine o r ekek on the morn ing of tbe second Tues lay in October, in each and every year, and each of said Inspectors shall appoint one clerk who shall be a q ualified voter of sue dis trict. ' In cue** tie perron who shall have received the second highest number vf votes for Inspectors sbill not attend <• the day of Election he, the person who shall fcave refesved the second fiighjst number of votes for Judge at th proceeding election shili act as Inspector in his place. And in case the person who shall have received tne highest number of vote* for Inspector sh it! not attend, the i>erson elected -Juige shall appoint an Inspector in his place ; and in caso the pers-in elected Judge shall n it attend,then the Inspector who received the highest number of votes shall appoint a Judge in bis place, and if any vacancy shall continue in tho Board fo* the *ptee of one hour ufbrthc time fixed for the opening th" elec tion of the qualified voters of the township, ward or district, for wtiieh such officer shall have been ele t— ed, present at the f lace of election, shall elect one of their number to hit "eh vacancy. "In a!! cases where tho names of a pertain claim ing to vote is not to be found on the list, furnished by the Commissioners and Assessors, or his right, to vote whether found therein or not is objected toby any quulifiei citizen it shall be the duty of the In spectors to examine such pet eons on oath as to his qualifications and if he claims to have resided in the State for one yeiror more, big oath shall be sufficient prool thereof; but lie shall make proof by at least one competent witness who shall be a qu ilified elect or that has resided within the district for more than ten days immediately preceding the election, and shall also himself swear that his bona fide resideu -e. jn pursuance of lawful calling is within the dis- , Irict and that he did not move into the district fur tho purpose of v iting therein Every person dualified as aforesaid, an 1 who shall make duo proof, if required, of his residence an I payment of taxi sas aforesaid, shall be adinitte 1 to vote in the towDship, war! or district in which he shall reside .Tf any person or persons shall make any bet or wager upon the re*ult of any election in this Com monwealth, or shall offer to make any such bet or wager either by verbal proclamation thereof, or by any written or printed advertisement challenge or invite any person or persons to make such a bet or upon conviction thereof he or they shall for feit and pay three times the amount so bet or offered to bet. "If any person not bylaw qualified shall fraulu lent ly vote at any election within this Conraon weslth, or being otherwise qualified shall vote cut of his proper; district, or if any person knowing the want of such qualification shall aid or procure su-h person or persons offending shall on conviction be fined not exceeding two hundred dollars and be im prisoned for a term not exceeding three months. "If any person shall vote at more than one elec tion district, or otherwise fraudulently more than ence on the satneday or shall fraudulently fold an! •deliver tothe Inspectors two tickets together, with the intention to illegally vote, or shall vote the same or if any person shall advise or procue other so to do he or they so offending shall on conviction, be fined in any sum not less than fifty nor more than five hundred dollars and be imprisoned for any term not Jess than three nor more than twelve months. "If any'person not qualified to vote in this Com monwealth ngreeable to law (excepting the sons of qualified citizens,) shall appear at any place of elec tion for the purpose of issuing tickets or influencing citizens qualified to vote, he shall on conviction for feit and pay any sum not exceeding: one hundred dol lars for every such offen - e, and be imprisoned for any term not f xceeding three months. "That any person except justices of the peace who shall hold any office or appointment of profit or trust under the government of the United States, or of this State, or of any city or incorporated district whether a commissioned officer or otherwise—a sue. ordinate officer or agent—who is or who shall he em ployed under the legislative. executive of judiciary department of this State or of the United States, or of any city or incorporated district and also that every member of Congress and of the State Legisla ture,and of the select or common council of any city, or commissioners of any incorporated district is by law incapable of holding or exercising, at the same time,the office of appointment of Judge.lnspcc tor or, Clerk of any election within this Commonwealth and that no Inspector, Judge or other officer of any such election, shall bo eligible to any office to be then voted for. •W* ?® rSoa - ah ' l,, .. he Permitted t vote at any election as aforesaid, other than white freeman of the tgeof2i yearß or more who phaH h;iye r<) sided in this State at least one year, and in the election district where he offers to vote, at least ten days immediately preceding such election and within two years have paid a State or county tax h'ch shall have licbn assessed at least ten days hk. Cti °. n - But a citilen of th States, s P rev, otsly been a qualified voter of this who Bhan\, nimoVe permitted to vote whose j uatue is not contained in the list of taxable inhab itants furnished by tho Commissioners as aforosaid unless first he produces a receipt for the payment i within 2ye irs of i State or County tax assessed agreeably to the Constitution and give satisfactory j evidence, either on his oath or affirmation of another j that he has paid such tax or on failure to produce a receipt shall make oath to the paymrnt thereof; or second, if he claims a right to vote, by being an elector between the age of 21 and 22 years, he shall dispose ou oath or affirmation that he has resided in the State at least one year before his application and make such proof of residence in his district as required by this Act, and that he does verily be- I lieve from the account given him that he is of the aforesaid age, and give such other evide ce as is required by this Act, whereupon the name of the person so admitted to vote shall be inserted in the alphabetical list by the Inspectors, and a note made opposite thereto by writing the word "tux," if he shall be admitted to vote by reason of having paid a tax. of the word 'age' if he shall be permitted to vote on account of his age, and neither case the reason of such vote shall tie called out to the clerks, who shall n unc it in the list of voters kept by them. "If any person shall prevent or attempt to pre- | vent any officer of an election, or use or threaten j any violence to any such officer, or shall interfere with him in the execution of his duty or shall block up or attempt to block tire window or avenue or any window where tbe same may oe hnlJen, or shall riotously disturb the peace of such election or shall use or practice any intimidation, threats, force or violence, with design to influence unduly or overawe any elector to prevent him from voting or to restrain tbe freedom of choice, such person on con/ietion shall be fined in any sum not exceeding five hun dred dollars and be imprisoned for any time not less than one nor more than twelve months; and if it shall he shown to the Court where the trial of such offense shall bo had that the person so offend ing was not a resident of tbe city, ward, district, or t iwn-hip where the offence was committed, and not entitled to a vote therein, ibtu on conviction he shall be sentenced to pay a fine of not less than one hundred dollars and be imprisoned not less than six months or more than two years. AN ACT Regulating the mode of voting at all elections, in tho several counties of this Commonwealth. SECTION I Be it enacted by tbe Senate and House ot Representatives of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania in General Assembly met, and it is hereby enacted by tbe authority of the same, That the qualified voters of the severel counties of tins Commonwealth, at all general, township, borough and special elections, are hereby, hireafter, author ized anil required fo vote, by ticket*, printed or written, or partly printed and partly written, sever ally classified *' follows: One ticket shall embrace the mines of all judges of courts voted tor, and to bo labelled, outside, •'judiciary;" one ticket ball embrace the names of all state officers voted for. and to be labelled, "stale;" one ticket shall era brace the names of all county officers voted for, in cluding office of senator, member, and members of as-emhly, if voted tor, and members of congress if voted for. and l>e labelled, "county ;' one ticket shall embrace the mimes of all township officers vo ted for, and lie labelled, "township;" one ticket shall embm e the fames of all borough officers vo ted for, and be labelled, "borough ;" and each class shall bo deposited iti separate ballot-boxes. AND* WHEREAS, By the act of the Congress of the United Stales, entitled "An act to amend the sev eral act* heretofore passed to -provide for the en rolling and calling out the National forces, and for other purposes" and approved March third, one thousand eight hundred and sixtv-five, all parsons who hare deserted the military >r naval service of the United States and who have not been dis charged, or relieved from the penalty, or disability (herein provided are teemed, ami taken, to have voluntarily relinquished, and foifeited their rights of citizenship, and their right to become citizens, and are deprived of exercising any rights of citizens thereof : AND WHEREAS, Persons, not citizen* of the United State*, are not, under y the Senate and House ot Representatives ot the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania in General Assembly met, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same, That in all election* hereafter to be he'd in this C m monwealih, it shall be unlawful for the judge or in spector* of any such election to receive ballot, or ballots, from any person or persons embraced in the provisions, and subject to the disability, im posed hv said act of Congress,approved March third, n-ie thonsMvl eight hundred and sixty-five, and it shall be unlaw ul for any such person to offer to rote any I>til "• ballots. SECTION 2, Tint if any such judge and inspectors of election, or aov one of tho in sh ill receive or con - sent to receive, any su h unlawtul ballot, or ballots, from any *ueh disqualified person, bo. or they, So offending shall lie guilty of a misdemeanor, and, upon conviction thereof, in any court of quarter sessions ofdii* Commonwealth, he shall, f>r each of fense, lie sentenced to pay a fine of not less than one hundred dollars, and to undergo au imprison ment, in the jail cf the rroper county, for not less than sixty days FKC 3. That if any person deprived of citizen ship, and disqualified as aforesaid, shall at any elec tion', hereafter to be held in this Commonwealth, vote or fender to the officers thereof, and offer to vote, a ballot, or ballots, any person, so offending, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and on conviction thereof, in any court of quarter sessions of this Commonwealth, sh Ul. fo. each ofienee, be t.nt ished In like manne ras is provided in tbe pro ceeding section of this act. in the ease of officers of election receiving such unlawfnl ballot or ballots Site. 4 That if any person shall persuade, or advise, any person, or persons, deprived of citizen ship. and disqualified as aforesaid, to offer any bal lot or ballots, to the officers of any election, here after to be he! I it 'his Commonwealth, or shall persuade, or advise, any such officer to receive any ballot, or bailors, from any person deprived of citi zenship, and disqualified as aforesaid, such person, so offending, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof, in any court of quarter ses sions of tt.is Commonwealth, shall bo punished in like manner as is provided in the se> onci section of this act, in the case of officers of such election re ceiving such unlawful ballot, orbnllots Agieennly to the provisions of the sixty-first sec- j (ion of said Act. every general and special election sh'll be orened between the hours of eight and ten in the fcerv on an i shall continue without interrup tion or adjournment until seven o'clock in the even ing. when the polls shall be closed. Pursuant to the provisions contained in the 76th section of the Act, the Judges of the aforesaid dis tricts respectively shall take charge of tie certifi cate or return of the election of their respective dis tricts, and produce them at a meeting of one Judge from etch district, at the Court House in the bo rough of Turikhnnnock, on he third day after the day of election, being the 12th (lay of Octo er next, fhen and ihere tn do and perform th • duties re quired ov law of said Judges. Also, that where a Judge bv sickness or unavoidable accident is unable to attend said meeting of Judges then the certifi cates on return aforesaid shall be tak"n charge of by one of the inspectors or Clerks of election of said district who shall do and perform the duties requir ed of said Judge unable to attend. Also, that in the 31st section of *aid Act. it is enacted, tha when two or more counties shall com pose a District for the choice of a member or mem bers of the seoate of this Commonwealth of the Houe of Ri preservatives of the United States of this Commonwealth, or President Judge, the Judges of the election in each county having met as afore sai d, the Clerks shall make out a fast statement of all the votes which shall have been given at such election, within the county for every person voted for, as such member or members, or President Judge. which shall be signed by said Judges and attested by the Clerks ; and one of the said Judges sh ail take chargeof said certificate and shall pro duce the same at a meetin ' of one Judge trom each ; county in such districts as is or may be appointed i hv law for this purpose, which meeting shall be held ! the seventh day after the election " Given under my hand at my office in the Btrough of Tunkhannock, the 12th day of Sept. A. D. 1866. (GOD SAVE THE COMMONWEALTH.) AHIRA GAP, Sheriff. Orphans' Court Sale, In pursuance of an order of the Orphans Court of Wyoming Co., I will expose to public sale on the premises hereinafter described, on Thursday the 4th day of October, 1866, at 1 o'clock, P. M, all that certain farm or lot of land with the appurtenances, situate in Meshoppen township, ia said County, and bounded on the North by land of George Felkir and Jacob Arnst—East by land of James Jennings Sooth by land of Andrew Bush and Jacob Decker and West by land of Rolrert Clayton and George Arnst ; Containing about one hundred and seven aores, more or less—late the estate of Jacob Flum merfelt, in said order named. JOHN FLUMMERFELT. Adm'r. CROSBY ART ASSOCIATION. ATTEMPT TO IMPAIR PUBLIC CONFIDENCE IN THE EN TERPRISE. [From Chicago rost, August 23d J An attempt has just been made to impair public confidence in th- - integrity of purpose of Mr. Crosby in his g*oat Ari Association enterprise. Some irie sponsible individual maliciously, and certainly with out any grounds, bad teligrnphed to several eastern newspapers that the people here lost confidence in the scheme being carried out, or the prizes ever awarded. Now the people in Chicago know that no one has ev er expressed the slightest doubt of the integrity of Mr. Crosby, or his ability to carry out to the letter the a.lverised project of tne Association. The sale of tickets has been, with the past two weeks, brisker than ever, and never has there been the slightest in dication of their depreciating iu value. In the fol lowing card Mr. Crbsby reiterates his ability and d termination to carry cut the plan of the Association. Mr. Nickerson guarantees his undertaking, ard the committee appointed to superintend the awarding of premiums endorse both. The people of Chicago re quire no such guarantees, but on the contrvry the ichole city would be ready, if required, to guarantee bo'h the committee. Mr. Nickerson and Mr. Crosby himself] who originated, and who is J successfully carrying out the Art Association scheme. To 'he Members qf the Crosby Opera House Art Association : The sale of certificates in the Association has al ready been so great as to enable me to state that the distribution of prcmi urns hertofore announced will be made to their satisfaction, or the money refunded. U. H. CROSBY, Actuary. A. A Having the utmost confidence in the ability of Mr Crosby to car/y out bis enterprise, 1 hereby guaran tee his unlertuking, as above announced SAII'L. M. NICKERSON. Chicago, Aug. 21, 1866. The undersigned, members of the Committee ap pointed to superintend the awarding of premiums to members of 'he Crosby Opera House Art Association take pleasure in stating (bat we have full confidence in the integrity ot Mr. Crosby, and in the responsi bility of Satnuel N. iVickerson, Esq.. his guaiantor, and assure the ff blic that we believe the above pro posal will be carried out in good faith. .TAME? 11. BOWEN, President Third National Bunk, J. C. FARGO. Superinten lent American Express Company. AMOS T HALL, Treasurer C, B. A Q. R R. J. C. DURE, President Board of Trade. J. A ELLIS, President Second National Bank, CLINTON BRIGGS, Ewin, Briggs ot Co. | i E. G. HALL. Hull. Kirn bark & Co. FRANCIS A. HOFFMAN, Ex-Lieut Governor, il \ t From A 7 . Y. Sunday Times It is very rarely that we feel inclined to call the attention of our readers to any of the "gift" ar r ngements with which our papers have lately been floo led ; but this scheme of w% at we may call the Crosby Art Union, is so largely and gtnerou-lv con ceived, a- well as so handsomely and unequivocally indorsed by the leading citizens of Chicago that wo i i unhesitatingly give it our cardial approval. The cost of the Opera House was $600,0f0, and the indi v d tils who are disposed to pur hase such a property at sooh a price, are rare, even when its aeoompany i g s'o e offices and studio* rent for *30.000. What in 'his case was to be done ? Mr. Crosby, or those who m- y be associated with him, are sagacious men They originated thi "art association so broadly ' and liherallv arranged it can scireelvfail ofinsiring 1 ir-elf a pn-i'i - e success* In 'he first place, they offer to every subscriber, not alone a share in the Opera House, with the chance of ultimately becoming its sole proprietor, but a pos-ibility of obtaining also j other verv valuable premiums' These consist of j Bierstadt's -rent paintintr. "T he Yo Semite Valley > Cropsoy's "American Autumn Schussele's nation- ! al work. "Irvine and his Friends as well as works j by all the leading artists ot the countrv, The first seven arc in actual value sl3 000. That this is a P"si ivclv genuine n r er no doubt can exist, as the ai list* give it (heir unhesitating and cordial approval j Un tor anv CIRCUMSTANCE this ougbs to guarantee its | purity of intention; but when sttdi n series of promi- • nent citizens of the Western Metropolis permit Mr. ; Crosby to use their names in his advertisements as a ! proof of his good frith, su'h a guarantee is Immcas- j urably strengthened. At the same time we may call i the a'tcntion of the timidlv speculative to the fact I that everv purchaser of A share receives an engriv- j ing of at lea. t double the value of the monev which j lie nas paid The whole scheme is so magnificent in j all its arrangements that wc shall indeed be surprised should Mr. Crosby not speedily realize the whole of the amount required by him. U H CROSBY Actuary. No. 625 Broadway, or No 28 Opera House Chicago For further particulars send at once tor a catal igue to New York Office. OUR STAR CH GLOSS Is the only Article used by First Glass Hotels, Laundries, and Thousands of Families. It gives a beautiful polish, rnakihg the iron pa*g smoothly over the cloth.saving MUCH TIME and lubo'. Goods done up with it kee > clean much longer eoi - sequently will not wear out so saou. It makes Old Linen 100. like Neu\ 0 Uli IMp K KIAL 13 LU K' Is the Best in the World, It is soluble in hard as well as soft water. It is put up i t the safest, neatest, and most conyenieut | form of any offered to the public. ' IT IS WARRANTED NOT TO STREAK THE GLOWS, | Agents .vanted every here, to whom we offer ex traordinary Inducements, NEW YORK STARCH GLOSS CO. No. 218 Fulton St., N. Y. v6n7-6mo. | WANTED. $27.G0 per day. AGENTS wanted, ladies and gentlemen, in every County in the United States, to sell the Ink Powders 1 of the American Ink Company. The powder sells j for fortv cen's per packagc.aud will make ink euough j I to fill fifty bottles ot the size usually retailed at ten I cents per bottle A smart agent can sell a gross of j !it a day, and clear $27 60 The ink can be made | from the powder in three minfltes in common boiling i water. It ts a perte t black ink, the best in tie j world. It flows easily, does not corrode the pen a 1 particle, never gums up, is not injured by freezing. ! and its color will last for ever. Every family in i America will buy it, as a package will last a family j foe years, and in't can be made in small quantities as wanted. With each gruss we send a thousand circulars, with testimonials from clergymen, lawyers teachers merchants, commercial colleges, editois, Ac., and the ngeni's name on the bills, Only one j person will be made agent, for a county. The first one sending S3O for a gross ol' the powder will receive it by return express, together with one thousand < - ir ■ulars ani the right to sell in the county he or she designates. If others send for the same county, the ; money will be returned to them tree of expense. To ! make sure, one had better designate several counties 1 either of which he or she will take. Send for trade list and circulars if you dare run the risk of waiting, j or send (he money for a gross. Letters addressed to the Mayor. Postmaster, cashiers of the banks, or the i express agents of this city,will show that the busines l is honorably and squarely conducted. An ink Pow der will be sent by mail to any address, free ot | charge, on receipt of forty cents, j Address, writing your name, town, county and State distincly. i * AMERICAN INK COM PANY, Manchester, N.II THOMAS W. LANE. Clerk for the Company and Special Agent. v5n46 Bloti Of TOCTH. A gentleman who suffered for years from Nervous Debility, Premature Decay, and all the effects of youthful indiscretion, will for the sake of suffering humanity, send free to ail who need it, the recipe and directions for making the simple remedy by which he was cured Sufferers wishing to profit by the advertiser's experience, can do so by addressing i JOHN B. OGDEN, No. 13 Chambers St., New York. I vsn2l-lysar.—S M. P. & Co. 3—19—1866 R. 11. The place to buy Good Goo Is and buy tbem cheaper than anywhere else in this or surrounding Counties, is at the OLD STAND AND NEW FIRM OF ROSS MILLS. & CO.. Corner of Tioga and Warren St, where can be found a new and well selected Stock of DRY GOODS, FANCY GOODS, GROCERIES, HARDWARE, CROCKERY, HATS, CAPS, BOOTS, & SHOES, PAINTS, PAINTBRUSHES, OIL, BUILDERS HARDWARE, GLASS, SASH, PUTTY, NAILS AND IRON OF ALL SIZES, Ac. &c. We call especial attention to our Stock of Sugars, Teas, Coffees, Spices &c. &c., Which were bought at the very lowest Gold Standard, and'wtll be sold at a very small advance for PRODUCE OR CASII. ALSO a well selected Stock of Ready-Made Clotlxin.gr, G NTS FURNISHING GOODS, TRUNKS, VALISES, Ac. Ac., Also MACKEREL BY THE BARREL OR lb. COD FISH DUTCHESS Co PORK, all of which we will sell at a very small advance on City Cost ruling at date of Sale ! ! Don't forget to look through and price our Stock! ROSS,MILLS & Co. Tunkhannock, April 30, 1866. DENTISTRY! DR T. BURNS; IF CARBIIIALI CITY. Would inform the citizens of Tunkhannock and vicinity tnat he is now permanently located in this village for th purpose of attending to all Profes sional calls, with which he may be favored. TEETII INSERTED ON eoiMim 1 OR RUBBER BASE. ; Particular attention paid to Filling anl Extract- i ing. j ALL WORK WARRANTED OR NO SALE! All p"!Bor.s are invited to eall before getting work \ done elsewhere NO CHARGE for examination of teeth, ROOMS at P. C. Burns Jewelry Store opposite Wall's Ho tel. H. BARHAM & CO Have opened a MERCHANT TAILOR-SHOP, CLOTHiNG" STORE,' In S. Stark's block, one door below the Bank where Coats, Vests, Pants, etc. etc. OF THE Made by Mr. B .rham himself, or under his per sonal supervision, by competent workmen, of the BK:T MATERIAL, j CLOTHS, CASSIM EliS, YESTINGS TRIMMINGS, and a general assortment of GENTS' URNISHINOODS, constantly on hanl and for sale, H, BARNAM & Co Tunk. Pa. Ma*- 1, lSgg, MANHOOD : ~liow Inft how Restored! - i /•? J? /XfaL ust published, a NEW edition of PR. I jf ' fiL/f"' '" T CELEBRATED ESSAY ON the radical cure (without medicine) of • SPERMATORRHEA, or Seminal Weakness, Involuntary Seminal Loss s, IMPOTENCY. Mental and Physical Incapacity, Impediments to Marriage, etc. ; also, CONSUMPTION, EPILEPSY, and FITS, induced by self indulgence or sexual extravagance Price, in a sealed envelope, only 6 cents. The eelcbrited author, in this admirable essay, clearly demonstrates, from a thirry years' successful practice, that the al irunng consequences of self abuse may be radically cured without the dangerous use of internal medicine or the application of the krife —pointing out a mode of cure at once simple, i certain, anil effectual, by means of which every suf- • ferer, no tna'ier whaf his condition may be. may 1 j cure himself cheaply privately and radically. j " ffF This Lcctu e should be in the hands of every ! youth and every man in lhe land, j Sent, under seal, in a plain envelope, to any ad , dross, postpaid , on receipt of six cents, or two post stamps Also Dr. Culverwell's "Marriage Guide," price '25 cents. Address the publishers. CIIAS J C. KIINEACO, I 27 Bowery, New York, Post Ofliee Box 5,586. v6us-l year. JAIL BUILDING, Sealed Proposals will be received at the office o the commissioners of Wyommiag County, in the B | rough of Tunkhannock. until Wednes lay. October 3 ! 1866, at noon, for the furnishing of mat rials, J building and completing a JAIL and SHERIFF'S dwelling, for the said county ot Wyoming. | Proposals will be received in two forms, to wit : ' One to include the old Jail and the material there in. the other without; each bid to specify whether or j not the old jail and its materials are incluued in I said bid. The commissioners of said county reserve the right to reject any or all bids if it be deemed to j | the interest of said couny to d so. Security will be required for the full and faithful perlnrtnnnce of the contract* flans and specifications can be seen at any t.me, at the office of the said commissioners. Commissioner's office, C El> 'IN STEVENS. Tunkhannock Aug. < HI/JAM BODLE, 15th 1866. ( LEWIS COO. Cbmmtssioners of Wyo Co, Attest M in. F. TERRY, Olerk. ADMINISTRATRIX NOTICE. II Notice is hereby eiven that Letters of Administra f tion have been granted the undeisigned on the estate > of William Fitzcharles, late of Noribmoreland. Wyo. I Co. dee'd. All persons indebted to sail estate are r requested to make immediate payuicuts, and those r having claims against said estate, to present thom : without delay to REBECCA R FITZCHARLES, Northmorelaud, Sept. Ist 1866. Admrix. vftnf-lwkfl, 0001 TO HOUSE KEEPERS! Frank M. Buck Has just opened, at the store house formerly oc cupied by C T, Marsh, one door below Baldwin's Hotel, in Tunkhannock, NEW GROCERY AND Provision Store, where he is prepared to sell eve.ything in the line of Family Groceries at prices far below those here tofore asked for them His stock was selected and purchased by MR. A. G. STARK n person, whose intimate acquaintance with then rade. and deacrs, enabled him to purchase at prices LOVER THAI TIE LOVEST. Mr. Stark's services as salesman, also, have been secured. In the article of Teae, both as t prices and quality, I fhfrj toiprtpifln GINGER. PEPPER. SPrCE. CfXAMON CLOVES. NUTMEG. MUSTARD, CREAMS-TARTAR, RAISINS, FIGS, POWDER, SHOT AND LEAD. IIIIUI SITS IF ALL Km., —ALSO— FLAVORING EXTRACTS FOR PUDDINGS, 1 LKS, CUSTARD AND ICE CREAM. 0 •r * SPICE SALMON & SARDINES, in boxes—a fine article for Pic-nic, fishing and pleasure parties, j-. j t Ice Cream Constantly on hand, and furnished in any quanti ty desired, on short notice* MACARONI— FOR SOUPS. SMOKED HALIBUT. 0 A l,