North Branch democrat. (Tunkhannock, Pa.) 1854-1867, September 05, 1866, Image 3
Local and Personal* f I (4 *f■f - ■*- -—— -•* ■ Wfekl Saturday will be a good time to call on the printer, jabacribe for tho Democrat, or pay up arrearages, We hope our friends who may be in town wUI improve, the opportunity. Don't Forget to come and see the Great Me nagerie and Circus at this place on Saturday next.— The opportunity to see so fine a collection of unimals may not occtr again in years. Bring along the good 'omen and the little 'una, and give them one d y of pleasure and sight seeing. Hon, Helster Clymer, the Hon, Montgom ery Bl*ir---and other distinguished speakers will be present at the Democratic Mass Meeting to be heldat 'A unkhannock. on Taesday the 18th inst Let the Democratic, conservative, union loving citi xens of tho county, turn ont en masse. Circulate the Democrat,- --Will not our read era take the pains to ask some one of their neigh bora to subscribe for this paper 1 If each of our readers will send us just one name, there will be more Democratic pipers to read, more to lend, and more good, resulting. We kindly %k our readers to aid ia the circulation of tho Democrat , to get every man to subscribe, who is able to pay for it, and if you meet men who are too poor to pay for me, lend it to him, ask him to ae nd it to his family, to his brother taxpayers, or send us the names < f such per sons and we will supply them. Let us all work to gether in the good cause cf dealing blows to the abo lition disunion enemies of the country. Dr Frank!in--in his autobiography, gives a graphic account of his purchase, when a boy, of a musical instrument in the shape of a whistle—how bo emptiei his pockets to secure the covered pries— how he went home making all sorts of discordant sounds—how he eventually learned "that he had paij to o dear for his whistle.'* In reading this story we. should bear in mind that the writer lived in the city of Boston, and made his purchase more than a hundred years ago. Had be lived in these times and in this vicinity, he conld have purchased anything in the shape of a musical instrument, from a Grand Piano, down to a tin whistle, without incurring the risk of paying too dear for it. But then the world would have lost the benefit of that great practical lesson which Franklin drew from his boyhood experi ence. People, now-adays. who read the story and profit by the lesson,purchase all their musical Instru ments, sheet music and everything in that line, at the New Music storo of L. B. Powell, in the city of Seranton. Luzerne Democratic Convention.— The Democracy of Luzerne met at Wilkes-Barre, on Tuesday of last week and placed in nomination the fellowiug ticket. For Congress —Hon, Chas. Dennison. Associate Judges —Thomas Collins, of Dunmore, and Hon. George P. Steele, of Wilkes barre. Assembly.— D. S. Koon, of Pittston, Capt. Wm. Brennan, of Carbondale, and James McUenry, New Columbia. Recorder,— Charles Erath. 'Register. ---John Lynrh, -Commissioner.— W. W. Smith, Auditor, —B. D. Koons. The Republican Convention which came off art this place on donday last, was a decidedly rich affair, both as to what it did and what it did'nt.— Want of space prevents us from noticing its doing this week further than giving a simple list of its nominations which were as follows : For Congress, Ulyses Mercur. '• Representative, Jacob Kennedy, '• (Sheriff, R. W Bauatyne. '• Prothonotary, I, S Little. " Register A Recorder,!. B. Edwards. M Treasurer, Chas. Harding. " Commissioner, Chas, Frear, " Coroner, C A Dan " Auditor, T A. Miller. The Circus—so called—traveling under the name, style and title of "The Great International," cn Saturday last, came, saw and "skedaddled." — They came looking, about as we had anticipated and advertised thai they would ; they saw the smallest crowd ever seen in this place at a circus and left, •very "animal" of them, with drooping caudal ap pendage. It began to dawn upon their obtuse minds, for the first time, that there were such things as Newspapers in these hack woods. The idea didn't stiike them forcibly enough however to indu-e a vis it to the editor. Their clown declared us to be a meaner man than himself ; which, if within forty rods of the truth, establishes the fact that we are mean enough for everything laid down in the "Pi rale's Own Book," or, anything under heaven, ex cept perhaps traveling with such a caravan of sneak thieves and mountebanks. Of couse we didn't at tend Our devil—being an imp of darkness—did, in the evening, and more than confirmed our < pinion of the affair. Although a moral sort of a devil, and "thmgh accompanied by a little female angel of light and beauty, be came home "danging" and "darn ing" as only a deluded (printer's) devil would dang ■and darn at being fooled out of the last dollar in •■the printer's exchequer. MUSIC STORET > ■* ' • Rvi Mjppnprap-__ 13T Also agent for CHICKERING'S DECKER BROS, and HAINES BROS PIANOS ,and TREAT, LINSLEY k CO'S MELODEONS. " Also keeps a general stock of the smaller Musical Instruments, Sheet Music, Ac. XST Church ind Sunday School Singing Books - Instruction Books of all kinds, any of which will be sent by mail open receipt of the market price. Orders from DEALERS and TEACHERS especial ly solicited- Address L. B. POWELL, Seranton, Pa. v6ns-l year YITANTED—AGENTS—I7S to *2OO PER V V MONTH for Gentlemen, and $35 to $75 for Ladies, everywhere, to introduce the Common Sense Family Sewing-Machine, improved and perfected.— It will hem, fell, stitch, quilt, bind braid, and em broider beautifully—price only s2o making the .elastic lock stitch, and fully warrant ed for three }* e pay the above wages, or a commission, from which twice that amount can be made Ad*" drew or call on C. BOWERS A CO., Office No. 255 .Hxith Fifth Street, Philadelphia Pa. All letters answered promptly, with circulars and terms. ?6-n5-l-month. <>. fTT- " * Dedication. The new Union Church of Monroe, Wyoming Co. Pa. will be dedicated on Wednesday the 26th of Sept. met. at 10 o'clock A. M. and the public are solicited to attend the servece thereat, quested UDM ** *&d foil attendance re- G D. CLARK, ) 8. C. COOK, | I'&W, F DANIEL MORGAN, J Monro* Sept 4, 1866. FIFTH ANNUAL FAIR. 5 f & OF THE GLENWOOD AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY, BUSQUEHANNAH COUNTY, PA. WILL BE HELD ON Wednesriy. Thursday At Friday, Sept, I 2th, 13th and 14th, 1866. FTAHE Exhibition for this year, will be conducted X upon the same general principles as hereto fore, and we shall strive to have arrangements for the comfert and pleasuie of our visitors, more per fect than ever before. . , A competent committee is now corresponding with distinguished m n for the purpose of procuring an eminent speaker to deliver the annual address, whose name will be announced, as soon as arrangements are made, that can be depeuded upon. Reference may be made to Premium List, Rules at d Regulations for further information. A. C. SISSON. President. Abington.Pa. 11. L. HARDING, Secretary. Nicholson, Pa. Premium List.— Gent's Department. CLASS 1,-STALLIONS BROOD MARES,MATCH ED AND SINGLE HORSES. Best Stallion four years old or upwards, $lO 2nd best 5 Best Brood maro with foal at her foot, 5 2nd best, 2 Best pair matched carriage horses or mares, 5 2nd best 3 Best pair horses or mares for al! work, 5 2nd best, 3 Best single driving horse or mare, 3 CLASS II -SADDLE HORSES A YOUNG STAL LIONS. Best saddle horse or mare. $3 " stallion three years old, " stallion two years old, " stallion om> year old, 1 CLASS 111.- COLTS AND MULES. Best gelding or mare three years old, $3 2nd best, 2 Best gelding or mare two years old, 2 2nd best, £ Best pair mules, 2nd best 3 CLASS IV -GRADE DURHAM CATTLE. Best bull two years old and upwards, $5 2nd best, 3 Bert bull one year old. 2nd best, 2 Best under ten months old, 2 2nd best, 1 Best cow three years old and upwards 2nd best, 3 Best he fer two years old, 2nd best 2 Best heifer one year old, 2nd best, 2 Best heifer under ten months, ~ 2nd best, 1 CLASS V.—GRADE DEVON CATTLE. Best ball two years old and upwards, $5 2nd best, 3 Best bull one year old, 3 2nd best, 2 Beat under ten months old, 2 2nd best, 1 Best cow three years old and upwards, 5 2nd best, 3 Best heifer two years, 4 2nd best, 2 Best hiefer one year old, 2nd best, 2 Best hiefer under ten months 2 2nd best, 1 CLASS VI.-NATIVE CATTLE. Best bull two years old anl upwards, $4 2nd best, 2 Best bull one year old, 2 2nd best, 1 Best bull under ten months old. I Best cow three years old and upwards, 4 2nd best, 2 Best heifer two years old. 2 2nd best, 1 Best heifer under ten months old, 1 CLASS VII—WORKING OXEN AND STEERS. Best pair working oxen four years old or over $5 2nd Lest, 3 Best pair steers three years oil, 3 2nd best, 2 Best pir steers three years old. 2 2nd best, 1 CLASS VIII.—SHEEP AND LAMBS. Best fine wool buck, $4 2nd best, 2 Bert three fine wool ewii, 4 2nd'best, 2 Be t three fine wool lambs, 3 2nd best, 2 Best coarse wool buck, 4 2nd best, 2 Best three coarse wool ewes. 4 2i d best, 2 Best three coarse wool lambs, 3 CLASS IX.—SWINE, Best boar, $3 2nd best, 3 Best sow, 2 2nd best, 2 Best five spring pigs. 3 2nd best, 2 CLASS X.-POULTRY. Ac. Best coop Shanghais, $1 " •• B rah in as. 1 " " common fowls, 1 '• " Bantams, 1 •• " Javas, 1 " cage of canaries, " pair turkies, 1 " " geese. 1 " " ducks, 1 '• lot ol spring chickens, 1 CLASS XL-FIRST DIVISION MECHANICAL DEPARTMENT. Best lumber wagon, $4 do spring market wagon 4 do do carriage, 5 do open buggy, 5 •do road sulkey. 1 do trotting sulkey, 2 da do buggy. 3 CLASSXII.-SECOND DIVISION MECHANICAL DEPARTMENT. Best plow for general use, $2 do cultivator, do 2 do horse rake do 2 do hand-rake do ft do ox-yoke do 4 do corn-basket do ft do grain cradle do 4 do harrow do 1 do butter firkin do 4 do do pail do 4 do wooden churn do 4 do wheelbarrow do 4 CLASS XIIR-TLURD DIVISION MECHANICAL DEPARTMENT. Best set of carriage harness, double, $4 do do do do single, 2 do do team do doable, 2 do pair stoga boots, • 1 do do fine do 2 do thtee sides sole leather, hemlock tanned, 2 do do do do oak do 2 do do upper do do do 2 do do eall skins, do do 2 do saddle, bridle, and martingales; 2 CLASS XIV.—FOURTH DIVISION MECHANI CAL DEPARTMENT, Bet specimen of tin ware, $2 do do of car.-iage or sign painting, 2 do * do of cabinet work, 5 do do of horse shoeing and shoes, 2 do do straw outter, 2 do do mowing machine, 5 do do corn shelter, 1 CLASS XV.—VEGETABLES- Best three heads os cauliflowers $1 do do do cabbage, 1 do twelve tound turnspa, 4 do do French turnips, 4 do do rutabaga turnips, 4 do do do do carats, •' 4 do parsnipe, .. ft d.o do onions; 4 do do peppers, , , 4 do do tomatoes, • ft do three squashes. 1 do do pumpkins, * 1 do twelve ears of sweet oorn ft do three water melons, i do do musk melons,. . § do one buefiet of pMatoee. % GLASS XVI.-BUTER; CHEESE, HONEY, Ac- Best pail or firkin of buttes, t $5 2nd best, 3 3d best, 2 Best twenty pounds or more of cheese, 2 2nd best, 1 Beet maple sugar. .-•■■ -T 1 do box of honey, 1 do maple syrup, i do cider via. giy, . _ i ao home mids soap, i CLASS XVII.-GRAIN AND FLOI'R. Best bushel of corn in the ear, - • -42 do do ot oats. 1 do do of buckwheat. 1 do half bushel ot white spring wheat, 2 do do of red winter wheat, 2 do do of white do 2 do do rye, 1 do peek of clover seed, 1 do do timothy seed. I do do flax seed, 1 do sack of wheat flour, . 1 do do buckwheat, | do do corn meal, } CLASS XVIII— FRUIT. Best variety of winter apples, five of a kind, 45 do do of fall do de 3 do specimen et peaches, 2 do do pears, 2 do do quinces, 1 do variety of grapes, , 3 CLASS XIX.—PHOTOGRAPHS AND PENMANSHIP. • , I Best specimen of $3 do do porcelain pictures, 3 do do pettuiansliip, 2 CLASS XX —TROTTING COLTS. Fastest lour year old colt, - S3O do three , do' i 20 Beet two iu three in harness. CLASS XXI—TROTTING HORSES. Fastest horse that utver trotted under 3 miuutes. SSO do pair ot horses owned by oue man, 150 do horse without exception, 3(X> Single horses best three in live, in harness. Double team, best two iu three, to wagou. Judges of Classes 1, 2 A 3—J S, Tarbeli, Mont rose, huiOla Wright, Nicholson, Marshall liuydeu. New Miltord. For Classes 4, 5. 6, 7, 8, <k 9. Capt John C Mor ris, Frteuusviile, J. M, Lee, Laikrop, Andrew Rog ers, Brooklyn, For Classes 15. 17, 18 A 19. James Hartley, Benton, Jaujcs E, Howe Ist, Nicholson,Oleplicu iieil, Lenox. For Classes 10, 11, 12, 13 A 14 Chuuncy Scott, Laihrop, Arah Squires, Jr. Nicholson, A. B. Baker, Benton, For Classes, lg.—J. 0, Bullard, Brooklyn. M.J, Harrington, iiiiagi water, S. S. DeKay, Clinton. For Claises 'iU Ail . lia Tripp, Scram on, Selah Niver Binghauiton. Clay Clap, hcrauion. Premium List. —Ladies' Departmant CLASS XXII.—HOUSEHOLD ARTICLES. Best loaf of wheat bread, $1 do do brown bread. I do pound cake, 1 do sponge cake, 1 do !<>t of preserves, 1 do specimen of pickles, £ CLASS XXIII.—DOMESTIC MANUFAC TURKS. Bust ten yerds of flannel. $2 i do five yards of fulled cloth, 2;j do fiiteeii yards woolen carpet, 2 I do fifteen yards rag cajpet, 1 i do six pair woolen s >ck, 1 do iwo pair woolen tens, d<> ten yards iniyo cloth, 2 . dj sptcunen of linen thread, CLASS XXIV.-FioWERS. Best collection of flowers, §2 do do of dahlies, I do do of ro*ew, 1 do do ol verbenas, 1 i do bequet, 2 ! CLASS XXV- ORNAMENTAL PAINTING | Best oil paintirg, $2 do oriental punting, 1 do crayon painting, 2 ; CLASSXXVI.- FANCY EMBROIDERY | Best piece of worsted uibro idery, $2; do piece of silk embroidery, 2| do piece of cotton embroidery, 1 CLASS XXVII.-ORNAMENTAL NEEDLEWORK Best patchwork quilt, §3 do quilt of any other kind, 2 do bed spread, 2 do ladies sacque, 2 do ladies b> unot, 1 Judges for Classes 22, 23 A 27—Mrs. Nathan Young. Benton, Mr*. J. 0. Bullard. Brooklyn, Mrs. J. E, i owe, Ist Niei.olson. For Classes 24, 25 A 26, —Mrs W II Osterhout Glenwood, Miss P A Hallstead, Nicholson, Mrs. Arah Squiers Jr Nicholson. Class 28.—Mi ecllaneous Meritorious articles on animals not mentioned in t the foregoing schedule, it is hoped will be on exhi bition. All such will be entitled to a discretionary j premium if in the opinion of the Committee of Ar rangements, they are worthy. 0. L IIALLSTEAD, } Committee JAMES STERLING, V of 1 S. LITTLE, ) Arrangements. Rules and Regulations. Tickets for each admission, twenty-five cents.-- Children under twelve years of age, ten cents,, Car riages will he allowed to enter the enclosure on pay ment of fifty cents far each admission for a pair of horses, and twenty five cents Cur a single horse. Colts j two, years and under, ten cents. Stock, and all other j articles entered fo.* exhibition, free of charge : hors- i es, mules and colts only excepted No per ons will be allowed to gamble or sell any intixieating liquors 1 on the Fair Grounds, upon penalty of fine and being i forcibly ejected from the Grounds. The Books of entry will be with H, L Harding, Nicholson, Pa. ' UDtil the day of the Fair ; at which time they will he found at the office formerly occupied by Shultz, Eaton A Co near the Fail Gronnds. All articles and animals intended for exhibition should be entered as soon possible- Animals ami ar ticles entered fir exhibition will hare cards attach- i ed with number and class as entered on entry hook ; , and it is rer uired that exhibitors in all classes shall obtain their cards of number and class previous to placing their articles on the grounds. The books of entry will be closed at nine o'clock, a. m, the second day of the Fair, except for horses trotting the third day. They will have the privilege I of entering until half an hour previous to the tiuie of i their respective trot Afie r which time theie will pos.tively .be no entries received. All aniimls and article# for exhibition inu*t be on the Fair Ground as soon n nine o'clock. Thursday morniDg, the second any of the Fair, at which time the Judges will take the entjy Books and proceed to decide the merits of the articles and animals entered for premiums, Ail articlesandnnimals entered for premiums must remain on the Fair 3rounds uqtil the close of the fair. Feed will be furnished for stock competing for pre- I mi urns, on or near the Fair Grounds, free of charge, j Visitors driving their carriages inside the gates I may depend upon finding hay and oats, at reasona ble charge ! Horseuiahship and trot ting will be conducted as; follows • Tl e three ind four years old colts will trot i the first day of the Fair, commencing at two o'clock, j p. in. Sweepstakes preminm of 410 lor all horses that never trotted in puolic within three minutea,ar two o'clock p- in, second day. The double team trot for $l5O premium,and the single 4300 premium will be trotted for on the third day, commencing with the doubleteam trot, at lOo'd >ck a. in* The annnal address will be delivered from the Judges' stand at 12 o'clock M, on the third day* After the address,the reports of Judges will be an nounced. The trot for tho 300 purse will eoino off at | 2 o'clock p. in the third day Premiums will be paid at the office of the Treasu er, W il. C stterhoudt, Esq.. at Glenwood, on and after the firsteot October, except for classes 20 and 21 which will be paid on the last day of the Fair, alter decision of the Judges, Persons cempeiing lor classes 20 and 21, will be reduir-d to .pay 10 perct. on amount of I premiums for which they enter. All premium# not called for within six months aftet ward, will be considered as donated to ths Society, 3—19—1860---R. JI. r; The place to "buy Good Goods and buy them cheaper than anywhere else in this or surrounding Counties, is at the " ,'V. ; OLD STAID AID IEW FIRM OF ROSS MILLS, K CO, Curner of Tioga and Warren St, where can be found a new and-well selected Stotk of DRY GOODS, FA CY GOODS, GROCERIES, HARDWARE, CROCKERY, HATS, CAPS.- BOOTS, & SDQKS, PAINTS, PAINTBRUSHES, OIL, BUILDERS HAItDVVARE,* GLASS, SASiJ, PUTTY, NAILS AND IRON OF ALL SIZES, Ac. &c. We call especial attention to our Stock of Sugars, cas Coffees, Spices &c- Which were bought at the very lowest Gold Standard, and will be sold at a very small for PRODUCE OR CASII. ALSO a well selected jStock of •, GENTS FURNISHING', GOODS, TRUNKS, VALISES, Ac. Ac., Also MACKEREL BY THE BARREL OR lb. COD FISH DUTCHESS: Co PORK, all of which we will sell at a very small advance on City Oost ruling at date of Sale ! ! Don't forget to look through and price our Stock ! ,I - • . ROSS,MILLS Co. Tun.khannock, April 30, 186G: DENTISTRY! Dn T. BTTRJNTSt ILFTIIINTIT TIN. Would inform the citircns of Tunkhannoek and vicinity tlinf he is flow permanently located in this village for th-* purpose ot attending to all Profes sional calls, with which he may be favored, TEETH INSERTED ON OK RUBBER BASE. Particular attention paid to Filling and Extract ing. ALL WORK WARRANTED OR NO SALE? All persons are invited to call bet jre getting work dune elsewhere NO CHAKG-. for examination of teeth* RO MS at P. C. Burns Jewelry Store opposite Wall's Ho tel. H. BARHAM & CO * J Raver opened a f * MERCHANT TAILOR-SHOP, —AND— CLOTHING STORE, In S. Stark's block, one door below the Bank where Coats, Vests, Pants, etc. etc. V,.- i OF THE Made by Mr. ltjrbam himself, or -under his per sonal supervision, by both potent workmen, of the BtSPT MATKKIAK. CLOTHS, CASSIMER3, VESTINGS * TRIMMINGS, and a general assortment of GENTS' FURNISIIINOODS, constantly on han.l and for sale, , 11, BARNAM A Co Tunk. Pa. Mav 1, 18g6> MANHOOD: how Ijost. how Restored. published , n new edition of PR. CALIBRATED ESSAT on v.JL the radical cure (without inedioine) of Si'EHH ATORRR<£A, or Seminal Weakness, Involuntary Seminal Losses, IMPOTENCY. Mental and Physical Incapacity, Impediments to Marriage, etc. ; also, Consumption, EPILKPSV, and FITS, indßced by self indulgence or sexual extravagance £ 'ff" Price, in a sealed envelope, only 6 cents. The celcbrited author, in this admirable essay, clearly demonstrates, from a thirrv years' successful practice, that the alirming consequences of self abuse may be radically curea without the dangerous use of internal medicine or the application of the ki'ifc —|>oin<ingout a mode of cure at once- simple, certain, and effectual, by means of which every suf ferer, DO ma'tsr wbal his condition- may be. may cure himself cheaply privately and radically. ""jff This Lectu-e should be in the hands of every youth and every man in lho land. Sent, under seal, in a plain envelope, to any ad dress, postpaid , on receipt of six cents, or two post stamps. Also Dr. Culverwell's ''Marriage Gfuide," price 25 cents. Address the publishers. CIIAS J. C. KI INK A CO, 1 '27 Bowery, New York, Post Office Box 5,586. JAIL BUILDING, Sealed Proposals will be received at the office o the commissioners of Wyommiug County, in the Bo rough of Tuukbannock. until Wednes lay. October 3 1866, life noon, for the furnishing of mat rials, building an I completing a JAIL and SHERIFF'S dwelling, for the said county of Wyoming. Proposals will be received in two forms, to wit: —! One to include the old J&il and the material there in. the other without; each bid to specify whether or not the uhi jail and its materials are included in said bid. The commissioners of said county reserve the right to reject any or all bids 'f it bo deemed to the interest of said couny to d so. Security will be required for the futl and faithful performance of tbo contract* flans and specifications can be seen at auy, at the office ot the said commrssioners. Commissioner's office, C EI) "IN STEVENS. Tunkhannock Aug. ? 11123 AM BODLE, 15th 1666. ( LEWIS COO. Commissioners of Wyo Co, Attest W m. F. TERRY, Olerk. ADMINISTRATRIX NOTICE. Notice is hereby eiven that Letters of Administra tion have been granted the undeisigned on the estate of William Fiticharles, lat) of Northmoreland. W3O. I Co. All persons indebted to said estate are 1 requested to make immediate payments, and tho,o hat ing claims against said estate, to present them jWithpqt.cjelay tb., . JHT2CHARLB6, Northmoreland, Sept. let 1866, Adiur'x. v(jns-Bwks, ©®©®.l®W,G HOUSE KEEPERS! Frank M. Buck Has just opened, at the store ' ouse formerly oc cupied ty C T, Marsh, one door below Baldwin's Hotel, in Tunkhannoek, NEW GROCERY Provision Store, I where be is preparedto sell eve.ything in the line of Family Groceries CjMdees far below those here tofore asked for th^P* ! y: Ills stock was selectedwid purchased by ]VIR* A,jG. STARK ~* * * > n parson, whose intfoaate acquaintance with then rade. and dealers, epabled him to purcu 1- at prices LIVED TILL 111 MIST. 1 L 4 I*f Mr. Stark's services as salesman, also, have been secured. £."* J® j h r , i h 3 Ti j* % h ! k.V . In the article of mm, both as t prices and .quality, I . ± r• ' k; S J GINGER, PEPH&, SPICE. CLNAMON 4CLOVES, WTMEG. MUSTARD, CREVI Mr TARTAR, l- H^fSINS, V TIGS, | POWDER, ilpT AND L||. .J, Qjf N 11 IIR IF IN tit I f;'v i * ! v ■ r^ FI.AVORING EXTRACTS FOR PUDDINGS, 1 IIP,: CUSTARD AfchD ICE CREAM. SPICE SALMON St SARDINES, ; iin boxes—a fine article for Pic-nic, fishing and I pleasure parties, j Ice bream 0& Constantly on furnished in any quantx ty desired, on short notffei • macaboni— FOR SOUPS. SMOKED II Alii BUT. 0 A lrge and varied assortment of LAMPS, LAMP CHIMNEY'S GLOBES AND WICKS, ALSO • Kerosene Oil. ;*£lw i"T! ! :>■' ni.. ; • .••.*.* ■ci*t ; • ;• *• . *' a - rf • -o* aihl 0 •">- ' *"■ '■ N. B.— WOOL, HIDES, FURS, AND SHEEP PELTS, purchased for cash or trad?, for which iho highest cask prices will be paid. , ?-,l : ! r * "> u*3 s. rv m , 5 * ,m ,■(•# .il* !-, :> .; ©all anil fiamjiie. I , I "> • > • X.'l. '■ f I ( : u- HMitl Vt F. BUCK.' , Taukha nneek, J ueS ▼Saiflf *. • iUI * WAIT FOB THE M*N %M MI - *"*■ • <1 111 M GREATD SHOW! " . r W/LyL TU N KHANNOtJK, : On Saturday Sept. M INIH I MAMMOTH MENAGERIE, —AND — ~ . EGYPTIAN CARAVAN. COMBINED WITH AMERICAN CIRCtTS, The Largest Traveling Institution In A m erica. Damikl GARDNER Makaobb HALL'S TRAINED ANIMALS. African Lies, .Aaiatic Lionea*, Fmxiliian tiger. Sat nil * ' Dopart, ikMean Lianin aid kpaltei Xi|*. r BABY ELEPHANT, JENNY LIND. the amalleat #▼* exhibited, S. A. TAPIR or HIPPOPOTAMUS ofth# New World, the only one in America, DOUBLE HUMPED BACTHIAN CAMEL, the firat everexhibited in America,' vary rare, AFRICAN LION, BRAZILIAN TIGER, PAIR OF YOUNG LIONS, from the Cape of Goad Has*. SENEGAL LEOPARDS, ROYAL BENGAL TIGER", only onea in America, and the largest ever exhibited, WHITE HIMMALEH MOUNTAIN BEAR, vary tea. Tibbatt Baar, Isabella Bear, Sacred Cattle from India, Spotted Axia Deer, from the Bank* of the Kirar Oi*|W,' the firat erer exhibited in America, African Hyena, Afri can Pelicans, African Porcupine*, Grey asd Had rat#*. Ant Eaten, American Fallow Deer, Egyptian tchnaumen, ('ratted Cockatoo*, Golden Pkeaaanta, South Amaritan Powee, Silver Pheasant*, Spanish Macaw*, African Par rots, Monkey*, Apaa, Rabboons, fie., Rocky Mountain Badger, Guinea Pig*, PURE WHITE PEACOCKS, th* moat beautiful Birds erer exhibited, and th* only one# ever seen in any country, Prairie Wolrea. Australian Cockatills, Rosa Cockatoo. Lori Paroouetta, Australian Rosellas, Java Hares, King and Quean Parrots, Bed and Yaliow Created Cockatoo*, and a Host of Minor Animal*. COLONEL HALL, Will introduce the Performing Elephant, JENNY LIN 14 JShierUiMnent, and will also *n tar the . Den of Performing Animals, And give a Daring and Graceful Exhibition 1 Of the power of Man ortr the WQJ) DENIZENS OF THE FOSEBT. 1 v —-r-ri —c s : : —rr —r ._ 'W Tha Larga and Popular Equestrian Or ganization of GARDNER, HEMMtNGSISW. Is not the least part of this Colossal Cembination. ' Observe the Names of the Performers. MISS ELIZA GARDNER, The Best Female Rider in the World, 1 MADAME CAMILLA, „ The Parisian Equestrienne. * MHe. THEPTHORP. Mile. BANEIR, RICHARD HEMMINGB, - ' The Nonpariel Equestrian, and only rival af tha GREAT BLONDIN. FRANK CARPENTER, The Wizard Horseman. DAN GARDNER, The People's Clown i CHARLES MONROE. Tho Vocal Grimaldi. GEORGE BROWNE, '.<£ Champion Tumbler of Ato erica. CHARLES KINb, The Accomplished Maitre du Cirque. , JOSEPH CANDFORD, The Daring Gymnast. SfaSter EDWIN dARDNER, The Infantile Wonder. . The BAZZELL BROTHERS,. The Skillful and Graceful Gymnast* 1 - '• f ' ALSO jJTU ■ . ,-i ivIe.7ST3 COOPER,TAYLOR, BANEIR BOLINO, BTETSEL, etc-, etc Stud of Horses tnd Pontes Is 'he Largest and L*t Trtiacd Collection in Amegic^ PARTICULAR ATTENTION Is directed to the. - Magnificently Grand Probation I Which will enter Town on the Day of Exhibition, haadad by tha GRAteD GOLDEN CHARIOT, And followed by th* entire Stud of Homes and Ponies, tha elqgant|y decorated Cages, Tana, Carnages, he,, forming a oO|tC}|]Q'y S PARADE I | Far eclipsing any that has yet been given by any trailing , f . establishment in America. | f jtlfr Entarti linments wgll be giyaa undar m ■" MAMMOTH- PAVILLION Capable of accommodating 0000 apectatora Than wiU bw 2 EXHIBITIONS EACH DAT, AFTERNOON AND EVENING. 11 order to accommodate those persons who wish to witness the Manager!* and not the Circus, th* doon will open at 1 and 61-S.P M„ And the CIRCUS PERFORMANCE n*t tommaae* until 2 and 7 1-2, P. M„ Affording such parti a* ample time io witness tha Manager!* A and retire before th* A circus Performance fVtmmeirfo- ONE PRICE OF ADMISSION TO ■ - * BOTH SBOWSt ADULTS .f> eta CIIILiIJKCM UNDER IO YEARS %& eta