North Branch democrat. (Tunkhannock, Pa.) 1854-1867, August 22, 1866, Image 4
HELMBOLD'S, FLU ID EXTRACT iMRBoI .. ; a [si B U € H U tlr - J ft - FOR RON-RETENTION OR INCONTINENCE OF URINE, IRRITATION, INFLAMATION OR LCBRATION OF THE BLADDER OR KID NWS, DISEASES OF THE PROSTATE GLAND, STONE IN THE BLADDER, CAL CULUS, GRAVEL OR BRICK D'oT DEPOS IT, AND ALL DISEASES OF TIIE BLAD DER, KIDNEYS, AND DROPSICAL SWEL LINGS ■ . HELMBOLD'S FLUID EXTRACT BUCHU, FOR WEAKNESSES ARISING FROM EXCESSES OR INDISCRETION. The constitution, once affected by Organic Weak ness requires the aid of medicine to strengthen and invigorate the system, which Uelinbold's Extract Bnchu invariably does. If no treatment be submit ®*d to, Consumption or Insanity may ensue. HELMBOLD'S Fluid Extract Bnchu In affctiens peculiar to females, is unequaled by any other preparation, as in Chlorosis or Retention, Irregularities, I'ainfulness or Suppression of Custom ary Evacuations, Ulceration or Scirrhus State of th'.* Uterus, Leucorrhoea, and all complaints incident to the sex, whether arising from habits ot dissipation, rudencie*, or in the Decline or Change of Life. HELMBOLD'S Fluid Extiact B 11 c li u • AND Improved ROSE WASH Will'radically exterminate from the system Diseases t th Urinary Organs arising from habits of Uissipa lon, at little expense, little or no change in diet,and Exposure, completely superseding those unpleas ant-, and dangerons remedies. Copaiba and Mercury, • ming'those upleasant ahd dangerous diseases, USE HELMBOLDS Fluid Extract Buc hu. u >' '• Viraiy'Organs, *hf-beristi ta male or female from whatever tease originating, and no matter of how loDg standirj. It is pleasant t 4 ate in its action, and more strengthening than any ot.i'ue preparations of Lark or Iron Theee suffering from Broken-down or Delicate Constitutions, procure the remedy at once. The reader must be aware that, however slight may be the attack of the above disease, it is sure to affeat his bodily health, mental powers, happiness, and that of his"posterity. Our flesh k and blood are •upported srom these sources. pHTSICIANS, FLEASE NOTICE ! We make no secret of the ingredients. HELM BOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU is composedof Buehu, Cubebs. and.Juniper Berries, selected with great tare, and prepared in vacuo by H. T, 11ELMBOLD, Druggists and Chemist of sixteen years' experience in the city of Philadelphia, and which is now pre ribed by the most eminent physicians,has been ad mittad to use on the United States array, and is also •rary general; use in State hospitals and public Sanitary Institutions throughout the land. HELMBOLD'S DRUG AND CHEMICAL WAREIIOV 69i. Broadway, J\"ew York, OR, Helmbold's MEDICAL DEPOT, lot South Tenth Street, (BELOW CHESTNUT), PHILADELPHIA. Sold by Brvggists everywhere. BEWARB OF COUNTERFEITS, Ask foi Helmbold's. ileal 1j (V" E W S L Oil E Ju*t . | ei'l in S tinuel Stark's Brick BL <k, two doors beb.w the J WYOMING NATIONAL BANK i on Tioga Street, "'"unkhmn"- k, I' • ivber.- IU ) <• j fouud a general assortment ot NEW GOODS consisting of DRY GOODS of everv description, from plain to fancy , NOTIONS. FURS, IIATS & t'Al'S. BOOTS & SHOES, HARDWARE, GROCERIES, CROCKERY, QUEENSWARE, See , Sec , purchased at the lowest market rates for cash, all of which will be sotd exclusively tor BEADY i'AY, Consequently, NO TEN PER CENT ADDED FOR BAD DEBTS. BTJTNTISrEtXjXj e& BA.lXr^V"r-yi>irE!, TO THE PEOPLE OE WYOJUI.TG (Ot'.f/ V, CrreetiiiLg s s In other word*, the MAN, WOMAN, OR CHILD d who means to pay for what thy ?et will not be obli ged to p t y the Merchant h Bonus in order to save him what he loses by those who uill not or you can not make pay. . It's unnecessary for us'o gu ititn a more lenK'by ' detail of the articles we keep, but it suffice* to say i that IT WILL BE OUR CONSTANT AIM rtot eat people well, and keep on hand, ILL ARTICLFS the demand of the County requires. t . With the above truths and fat ts before yon fJen tlemen and Frien.js, we invite you re-pol fully to call and see us FRANK U RUNNEIL. 1 ROBERT W.BANATVNE. Tunkh aanJau.l, lVgf LACK AWESIERN R R Spring Art angt mr i't~lß66, ' PASSENGER TRAINS LEAVE* W -TWaitU | EASTWARD. Morning Ey n'g | STATIONS l Morn'g | Evening drain | T< ;'n j ! Train , Train A. .11 j I' 11, j IA. >l. | I*. M. 900 4 0(3 New York 520 10.35 11.30 7.1j5 New Hampton •••• 2.30 810 11 47 7.22 Washington 2,08 750 11 50 7.34 Ox'ord 156 740 > £l2 10 7.54 Hri.igeville ~.•••• 145 7.30 j 750 Matmnka Chunk• • 1-39 7,25 ! _l2 45 820 Din ware 1-30 i kl2 55 8.29 Mount Bethel ICO 6*55^ > 1.16 8.45 W iter Gap 12 44 641 1 "1 30 &53 -trou lsbnrg 12*30 6.29 ad % 141 -9 10 S| rague* il!e- '2 19 6 - : *|^ i 151 920 Henry ville 12.09 KlO^ i 2.09 935 Oakland 11.53 5.56^ i 3; 2,26 052 Fotks 11.35 '>2 46 10.11 Xpbvhansa Ul6 5 53< ' -30010 2t Goutrtsboro 11.02 5 11H ! - 0 ; 1 in Mns.-ow 037 4 49-* e *' .; 33 10 58 Dunnipa 10.27 L4IL ! 348 It 11 G rcenville • 10 15 4,32,2 ! 3v3 11 3 Br've I've 955 4,15 A M. .• Scranton > 4 .-(, 10 25 I've > ) a'vo 9.45 4.10 4.42 10 17 Cli'r.,' Sutnmit• •• - 923 3.48 450 1055 Alongton 915 340 s.uij 1111 Facloryvilte £59 3.25 52611 31 Nicholson 9,35 3.02 5.48 11 53 Hopbottom '• 818 2.47 6.10 1215 Montrose 7.55 226 63112 26 New Mi Herd 7.34 .07 65012 3 Great Bend 7,15 1,50 P, M. A M A. M. PM, CONNECTIONS—Westward, The MORNING TRAIN from New York con j recta ,t M\ N INK A CIIU: K with the train leav ' ing Phila 'idphia (Km.-ington Depot) at 7 30 a. 111 | anil at GREAT DEN D with the through Mail Train j 011 the Erie Railway, with s'eeping car attached, ! stopping at nil the principal stations on that road, i and arriving at Boffin at 6 10 a, rn I Til' EVENING TR UN'B from New York con nects at MANUNKA CHUNK with the train leav i ing Philadelphia (Kensington Lepot,*) at 330 p. m at rives at Strintun at 11:30 where it reiniins till 10 25 next morning, when it leave", arriving at Great liend at 12,53 p. m, connecting with the D ty Express West on the Erie Rai ray Eal ward. The MORNING TRAIN from Great Bend con nects th re with the Cincinnati Exrress on the Erie Railwav from the West; at Mannnka Chu k with 1 a train for l'liiladel| hia and intermediate stations, arriving in I'hiladelphia at 6 30 p. m.' and at New Hampton with ft tram tor L isten. BethDhern, Al lentown. Reading and llarrisburg, arriving at Har rislmrg at B*3o p. ui. The EVENING TRAIN from Great Bend eon | nects t|cni with the New York Expresson the Ex press on the Erie Railway from 'he West; at Ma i mink; Chunk with a train which runs to Belvi lere where it lies over until 6o'clock 'he next morning. | and at New I'anpton with an Express Train fr Aaston Bethl hesn. Alten'own, Reading und Har j risi urg A' ACR V A TON. co ions are made witl. j trains on the I, irlin in a an I Blie tnshtirg Itnl roan ti> ami fro 111 Pittslon. King-ts:n. I\ ilkesb irre. I Bet wn k, 111unislmrg. D mville. Northumberland Ilai rishiirg and intei tin di'le s'iit'ons, ami with raitis >in the Delaware and Hudson Railroad to an I from C crbondale an' intermedt-te stations WATTS (OOKE, Supt. I' A lli.x v, G.-nenl Ticke Agent je29tf Mexico ! Mexico ! | $30,000,000 LOAN OF Til* UEPUBLIC OF MEXICO. Ticevfy-vear <'o,/),r.n /lands in sums oj'.s.'tO. 8/00, 8500, and B'/.000. INii-.KE-T .-EVEN I'EK CKXT t* VABLE IN 1 tlhit'l'l \ <;E NEW VGRK Brincii'iil u;tl liitef st Payable in COL!) I 8/0,000.000 /<> be Sold at SI.X 'IT CL\Y/'S on /be DOLT. Alt, tn U S I*• 1 r 1 v. the- Milling an interest of TU LI VE I'Lit ("KN I IX GGI.D,or SEVENTEEN I'LuI'LNT IN UKRENCI el 'he piescut rate of premium 011 go! I. THE Eiltsr YEAR'S INTEREST ALREADY PROVIDED i TI,C M st Dlisl lA UI.E INVESTMENT • v. t- (>FFER R I). IMMENSE TRA'l'B OF Mix 1 ING AND AGRI ( I LTt R' L LANDS ; SIXTY PER CENT, of PORT I I L", !M1 0-18, and TAXES, tn the States l of TAMAULIPAN and SA.V UTS I'OTOSI ; and the BLIGHTED rAIITIot the said States anl the GLiVtiit AL GOVERNMENT ire ALL PLEDGED Inr the redemption of these Bonds and payment 01 ■ intere-t THE SECURITY IS AMPLE, S3O in U. S. Currency will by 11 7 per ct. Gold Bond of .0 : 560 in ' . S. " " •' " I s.oo S3OO in US. " " " u 5500 : scoo in i s " " " " 9 1.000 Lit fvi.uv r rrn <f BeptßLtCAx IXSTITDTIONS BUT ! AT LEAST ON E BOND. j Cir ulars forwarde t and "übserintions received by JOHN W CORLIES A Co , and J. N. TIFFT, Financial Agent of the Republic ot Mexico, 57 Broadway, N. Y. Subserip:ions also received by Banks and Bankers generally thro ughout the United States. vsn!s 6mo. GROVESTEEN & COT | pi A NO PORTE ! MANUFACTURER'S Eroadway NEW-YORK The attention of the public and the trade is invi ted to our new scale 7 octave rosewood piano 1 fortes which for v dume and rarity of tone are unri j vailed by any bitlicrt-i offered in this market, They ! contain all the itodern 1 oproveinfents. French Grand : action, h-irp yit-dal ir< n fr.itue over-strung brass, Ac, ' ■ml e i'-h in-'rmnent bcin rini le under the person il an* rvßion of .Mr. J. H Grovesfcen, who has had a 'iy.d 'iy.d experieti e of nvc 30 years in their in inu f'Oture is luii'- wairauUjd. in every particular THE 'GKOVESTEEN received the highest reward ot OVLK ALL GTUKPiS, at ' T H ELESBATEB WORLDS PAIR i Where were exhilited instruments from the best ma kers of London Paris. Germany, Philadelphia Bal timore, Boston and N w Y"tk ; and also at the 1 Ameitesn Institute fer fire successive years, the gold and sUver nfPWals from both of which can be j seen at 'mr wan* room. ' By th" intiodueti'.i'of improvements WP m >ke a stiii tn re pcifee Pi IIHI lurte iiel liv in iiiofa turinu piieelx. ei h■> .-•*ri. t*\ -asb st stein, -ire enaHed o offer these 'list 1 unit ins it .1 price whii b will preclude ( ci uijietitinn. | T 1 nis Net Cash. inCurreut Fund^ I ff~ IP s nptive ciiculiirs stnt free, "A. X c. '• 43 w<*n4s- lyenr A A G, To Til© TAVELJNG RUBLE OS ASB AFTER MAY S. A llEff DAILY LINE OF STAGES, WIIjIJ UN FHOM ' MESHOPPEKTOTUNKHANNOCK 0 — DEPARTING, will leave the North Branch Hotel at Mesboppen at 10 o'clock A, M., and make a con nection at Tunkhannock, with stages j tor PITTTON and WILKE SA BA RRE, and with stage to connect with the Night Express Tiain on the D. L& W. R. R, Passengers by this line will arrive at New York, Philadel phia, Harrisburg and Baltimore the same Evening. RETURNING, will leave Tuukhannock'on the arrival of stages cornecting with the Passenger Mail Tram, in the evening, making a connection at Me shoppen with stages for Towanda and other points Northward, Arrnng-ments have been made for the carrying of all EXPRESS PACKAGES, which will be promptly and carefully delivered. Horses and Carriages on hand at all times to for ward Passen ers to any point betwei n Meshopp and Lacey ville. P. S.- Having leased the above line of stagts and horses of D. ILnkinson with the mail Line from Tunkhannock to AVyalosiog in connection with M. A. Ellis, we are now prepared* to forward pas sengers through :• t reduced rates. Being thankful to customers for past fav- rs they respectfully solicit aconti luance of 'be some, Meshoppen July 19th 1865. I W. II CORTRIQLT M, A ELLIS. OPES AGAIN. 0 The Grocery and Provision Store, on Stark' Brick comer, lately owned by T B Wall, has been purchased by the undersigned, and will be kept as a (linn tn misin sm His stock comprises TEAS SUGARS.COFFEE.SALERATUS, GINGER, NUTMEG, SPICES. RAISINS, FiOS, PRUNES, DRIED BEEF. SMOKED HALIBUT, CRACKERS, CHEESE COD Fl H, MACKEREL, HERRING, and all other articles usually found in an eiablitihment of ■he kitid, which will be sold at Ll\ 13. AND 1.13 T LIVE PRICES. KANSLER ROSS. Tunkhannock, June 2b, 1365. DIL PILL& (A .V Ti- DYSPEPTIC,) UfinpoMo! 1.1 iigi l\ Ci'iiceiiualt'd Extr e'e It* 'in ()() PS v l > HERBS, (if the greatest medicinal value, prepared from the ntigmal prescriptions of the celebrated Dr TALBOTT, ami used by bim w th remarkable success for twenty rears. An infallible remedy in all DISEASES OF THE LIVER, OR AST IIKRASGEME.VT or THB Digestive Organ, THEY CL'RE Diarrhoea Dyspepsia, Scrofula, Jaundice, Biliousness, I.lvor Complaint. The well-known Dr. MOTT says of these Pills :—"I have used the formula from which your Pills are made, in my practice for over 12 years , they bav the finest effect upon the Liver and Digestive Or gans of any medicine in the world, and are the most perfect Purgative which has ever yet been made by auybody. They are safe and pleasant to take, but powerful to cure. Their penetrating properties stimulate the vital activiti<s of the body, remove tbe obstructions of its organs, purifying the blood, and expel disease. They purge out the foul humor which breed and grew distemper stimulate sluggish or disordered organs into their natural action, and inpart a healthy tone with strength to the whole system. Not only do they cure the every day com plaints of everybody, but also formidable and dan gerous diseases, and being purely vegetable are free from any risk or harm. No person who has once used these Pills will ever be without thein." They create pure blood and rem -ve all impurities frotr the system, hence are a pcaitive cure for FEVERS, HEADACHE, IMI.ESL, MER CURIAI. DISEASE* A N D HEREDI TARY HUMOR*. DOSE —For adults, one Pill iu the morning; for children 8 years, half a Pill | y Price One Dollar per Box. supplied, or sent by Mail, post paid, toanypart of the United States or Canadas on receipt of price. No Gen uine without the facsimile signature of V. Mott Talbott. M D V. MOTT TAI.BOTT Si Co., No. 62 Fultou St., New York. v4-n4l ly. ! Watches AND JEWELBY REPAIRED P. C. B I' R N S, Tkps pleasure in announcing to the people of I Tunkhannock and vicinity, that he has opened a tDfltrf) dab Clock Skojj opposite Wall's Hotel, where he is prepared to do' the most liffi ult Jons iu his liae in an APPROVEt)' and SKILLFUL MANNER, on short notice. Hav ing had long experience in the business, he feels i onfi*J*nt thaT he can give entire atisfaction to all : I favoring him with their patronage. vt nn ALL WORK WARRANTED TO GIVE SATIS FACTION OR MONEY REFTNDED AFTER A FAIR TRIAL* A'. B. Paras lit.Fans Umbrellas repaired Also. Aconp'eon* and other musical instruments tuned and put in order on short notice. e, A large assortment of Watches and Clocks on hand r ran be irder4 at any tnua. * Also the cel ebrated J'ARABOLA SPECTACLE. I \ ' * * * THB BEST HELP FOB THE HCYAFT/FLSJON IVBR INVERTED R. J. HAL.OCK ft CO. MESHOPPE N PA. ; Respectfully announces to tlieir cus tomers anil the public that they have onhand and is prepared to manufacture J to order, on short notice, all kinds of Carriages & Wagons• Being themselves practical workmen, and having in their employment com petent wokmen in all branches of the | business ; and using material selected from the best Eastern manufactories ; they feel confident that they can SATISFACTION to ALL who may favor them with the rpatronage. BLACKSMITHING, PAINTING, VARNISHING, TRIMMING. AND REP A RING | DONE ON SHORT NOTICE and in a workmanlike style CHARGES ALWAYS MODERATE. They also keep ON AA T D FOR all kinds of Carriage ma terial such as MORTICED Z/ÜBBS,TURNED SPOKES, BENT RIMS, BOWS, THILLS, POLES, OIL-6 T LUTHS, TRIMMINGS, PAINT , VARNI IIES, TURPENTINE, CARRIAGE BOLTS. SCREWS, MALEABLE. IRON &C. R. J. HAL LOCK.' U. M. JAQI'ES. Meshoppcn Pa. Jan. 30, lSgg vsu2stf* HARDWARE & IRON | THIRST RO'SftBuMR NOW OFFER FOR T L E IRON, STEEL, NAILS AND SPIKES. MINE RAIL, RAILROAD SPIKES, ANVILS. BELLOWS. PLAIN & CONVEX IIOR.-E-SHOKS. HAM MERED HORSE NAILS. WROUGHT IRON, mum i ib nc . CARPEN TERS' TOOLS, (ALL WARRANTED,) HUBS, SPOKES, FELLOES, SEAT SPINDLES. CARRIAGE SPRINGS, AXLES. PIPE BOXES, SPRING STEEL BOTTS, NUTS, WASH ERS BELTING, PACKING GRINDSTONES; PLASTER PARIS, CEMENT, HAIR, SHOVELS, WHITE LEAD FRENCH WINDOW GLASS, Ac., Ac., ALSO SASH, DOORS AND BLINDS ON HAND IN ASSORTMENT AND MANUFACTURED 10 ORDER LEATEEER AND FINDINGS FALRBAK'B SALES. - xrantoa March 26. IB*3 vln33 FINKLE & LYON SEWING MACH NE CO. Office 58/ If roadway, .Yew 1 "orA:. j Guarantee.— A'te a fair trial if any purchaser ! does not regard thv. Finkle A Lyon S swing Ma chine a superior to any machine in market, he can teturn it and have his money. It has taken many J of the highest prizes—is less complicated than any j other first class machine, —does a wider range of work without changing,—requires no taking apart | to clean or oil. and no •'lessons'' to set needle, reg- j ulate tension, or operate machine. N. B, Any Clergyman sending as two orders for j Machines, shall receive one for himself as a pres ent. The same proposition is extended to Profess ors and Teaobers Wo have nowcompleted our New Manufactory at a cost of some $200,000, including New Patents and important Improvements; and the objeci of the above proposition is tosecuie the immediate in troduction of our improved machine into every town in the iTnited States, without incurring the great ; expense of a traveling agei t. This cannot avail in towns occupied ! by our agents. Please send for descriptive Catalogue, with sum- j pies of sewin;, LUCIUS LYON, Sec'y v5n26. CARRIAGES & BUGGIES. | The Suheyrilor, a practical workman of long ex perieo-ie. fini-hing off a large lot ot new Car riages and Buggies, at his Carriage shop IN TUNKHANNOCK. Equal, If not superior, in Workmanship. Quality of Material, and finish, to those turned out at any qthtr sbtp in the ooautry. Those wisning to buy jbauld I y „ (£iU anb Cramine Cl)nn. xaiktni, vAnvrsHrvo; TRIMMING AND REPAIRING, Done on short notice and in a workmanlike style. Charges moderate J. CAMPBELL. TWkbwareek, in, M* 'Si. | Ayer's Sarsaparilla : A compound remedy, designed to be tke mo..t effectual Alterative that can be made. It is a concentrated extract of Para Sarsaparilla, so combined with other substances of still greater alterative power as to afford an effec tive antidote for tbe diseases Sarsaparilla is reputed to cure. It is believed that such a remedy is wanted by those who suffer from ; Strumous complaints, and that one which will ! accomplish their cure must prove of immense j service to this large class of our afflicted ft llow citizens. Hqw completely this compound will do it has been proven bv experimc tit on many of the worst cases to be found of the following complaints: SCROFULA AND SCROFUI.OFS CoMI'I.ALNTS, ERUETIONS AND EUl'RTivu DISEASES, ULCERS, PIMRI.ES, BLOTCHES, TUMORS, SALT BUI CM, J SCALD HEAD, SYPHILIS AND SYPHILITIC AF- I FEcrioxs, MERCURIAL DISEASE. DROPSY, XEE RALOIA OU TIC DOULOUREUX, DEBILITY, DYS PEPSIA AND IN'DIOESTION*, I'IRYSIPEI.AS, ROSE OR ST. ANTHONY'S FIRE, and ind d the whole class of complaints arising from IMPURITY OF THE BLOOD. This compound will bo found a great ->ro moter of health, when tak n in t!i" spring, to expel the foul humors whi h f •!. r in thj blood at that season of the year. Bytlietim - ly expulsion of tnem many rankling disorders are nipped in the bud. Multitudes can, Ly the uid of this remedy, spare thenis lv s from the endurance of foul eruptions and ulcerous sores, through which tiny system will strive to rid itself of corruptions, if not a—t Hod to do this through the natural chann Is of the body by an alterative medicine. CI anse out the i vitiated blood whenever you Hud itsimpuriti -s bursting through the -kin in pimples, eruptions, or sores; cleanse it when you find it is ob structed and sluggish in the veins; cl. an- eit whenever it is foul, and your f clings will tell you when. Even where no particular disord r is felt, people enjoy better health, and live longer, for clean-in g the blood. K• p the blood healthy, and all is well; but with this pabulum of life d: >. lr-d, fla re can be no lasting health, fro.) 1 r or lat r something must go wrong, and the great machinery of life is disordered or ov rthrown. Sarsaparilla ha-, and deserves much, tbe reputation of accomplishing these ends. But the world has been egiegiously deceived by preparations of it, partly became the drug alone has not all the virtue that is claimed for it, but more because many preparation-, pretending to be concentrated extracts of it, contain but little of the virtue of frSrsapai ilia, or any thing else. During late years the public have b • n mis led by large bottles, pre tiding to g.fc. a quart of Extract of Sar-aparilla for one dollar. Most of these have been frauds upon the sick, for they not only contain ii :i . if any, fiai- ipu riila, but often 110 ctua.'iv ■ prop i i - wha v er. JL 11 e, hitler and painful di-appointment lias followed the use of the various cxti act; of Sarsaparilla which Hood the market, un'.d the lialile itself is jll-tlv d spi d, and ' ;:s beeotlie synonymous with impo-i ion and cheat. 5..; l we call this compound Sar- iparilla, and intend to supply such a remedy a; shall re- ue the ; name from the load of obloquy which rests upon it. And we think we have ground for believing it has virtues which are iire-i.-tide by tlie ordinary run of the di-eases it i - intend ed to cure. In order to secure tin r coop,, te eradication from the system, the 11. should be judiciously taken according to directions or the bottle. PREPARED BY D It. J• C • A\ IE .* CO. LOWELL, MASS. Price, §5 jjeritiHtle; Sir Hollies for §l. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral has won for itself MI H a r own for the cure af 1 every variety of Throat and Lam < cup; int. taat it is entirely uinieee-s ,ry i >r us to recount the i evidence of its virtue , wiicrcver it has L en cm ; ployed. As it has long iiee i in constant u-e throughout this section, we need m • > more to n i assine lb- ; ople it quality i k-pt up t • lea best it ever h<- been, >i 1 tl# it it may be n i• lon 1 | do for tlieir relief all it has ever been found to uo. A irpr' j '1 f |aetlP ! - •' ~ roil THE CTJT.E OE j CWinsm, Jamidice, Dyspepsia, Indigent km, • Dysentery, Foul Slam -//, F. yip, Il'' a ' Piles, Rheumatism, Fruo'l,.til S . .i Dtrsatf , ' Liver Complaint, Dropsy, i 'e'trr, Tumors a. id Salt Rheum, I Forms, Co,,', ,\<'i "n'/o, as a Dinner Pitt, and for Purifying the food. They are sugar-coated, so that tlie most seni --1 tive can take them plea-lotly, and t'"v are the \ best aperient in the world lor all the purj J-LS of a | family physic. Priio 25 ceat3 por Box; Tiro boxe* for CI Oh Great numbers of CI rg .vn, Flivsiei ms, States men, and eminent pers:m _es, have hut their I names to certify the un: r .lb-led usefulness of these i remedies, but. our space here will not permit the | insertion of them. The Agents beloiv named fur ■ nish gratis our AMEUH AN AI.M \N\uin which they \ are given; with also full descriptions of the ah >ve | complaints, and the treatment that should be f"l --| lowed for their cure. Do not be put off by unprincipled dealers with | other preparations they make more profit on. ' Demand AYER'S, and take no others. Ihe -i. I ' want the best aid there is for them, and they should have it. All our remedies are for sale by FC. Bunnell t Co., an I J H" Lyman A Co. Tunkhannook, Sterling A Sun. SiVrlirgviilc. also l.v all druggists and dealers in inedi.-ines every whrr;e G ieai Improvement in Sewing Mai bine .; M P I R E Patented Fclirunry 1-ltb. IS(il). SALESROOM olid HBO Alf WAV, X. Y. 200 WASHINGTON STREET, BOSTON. TIIIS MACHINE, is constructed on entirely new princ pies of mechanism, possessing many rare axd valuable improvements. Laving been examine 1 by the most profound ox ; erts. and pronounced to be SIMPLICITY and PEI. LECTION COMBINED. It has a straight needle, perpendicular action, makes the "Loci, or Shuttle Stitch." which will "Neither i'ip nor Ravel," and it is alike on both sides ; perforins perfect sewing on every deseripti n of in iterial, from Leather to tbe finest Naisoek Mu-lin, with cotton, linen or silk thread, ftviu the coarsest to the fit.e-t number Having neither "Cam nor Cog- Wheel," and th 1< ast possible friction, it runs as -smooth as glaso and is EMPHATICALLY A NOISELESS MACHINE ! It requires fifty per cent lc.-s power to drive ii than any otheruiaehine in the market. A girt twelve years of age can work it steadily, witboul fatigue or injury to health. Its strength and "Wonderful Simplicity" of con struction renders it almost impossible to get out io order ail'' is guaranteed by the company to give entire satisfaction. We respectively invite ail those who may desire o supply themselves with a ..uperior article, to otne i n<l examine this "Unrivalled Machine." One half hour's instruction is sufficient to en,hie any person to work this Machine to their entire satisfaction Religious and Charitalle Institutions will be liber ally i! all with. Agents wanted for all Towns in the United J-taie where Agents are not already established, Alsofo Cnba. Mexico, Cen'ral and South America, to whom a liberal discount will be given. T.J. McARTHUR & CO. A. & Co. PRINCIPI.E AGENTS ESTAHMHEI> Syracuse, N Y„ John II Fewler, Phila .Sarmiento McGtafh & Co.. Pittsburg. Earqest Axtholm. v4n46ly AAC BTRAIfOB, BFT TRUE. Every young lady and gentleman in the Unitel States can hear something very much to their advan tage by return mi il (free of charge), by addressing the undersigned. Those having fern? of being hum bugged will oblige by not noticing tliis card. All others will please address their obedient s< rvant, THOS. F. CHAPMAN. BGI Broadway, New York v5r,21-Irear S. M. P. A 0.