the United States; and the enfranchised slaves in all the States of the Union should receive, in common with all their inhabit ants, equal protection in every right of par son and property. [Applause,] Eight. IFhile we regard as utterly in valid and never to be assumed, or made of binding force, any obligation incurred or tin lei taken in making war against the United States, we hold the debt of the na tion to be sacred and inviolable; and we proclaim our purpose, in discharging this as in performing all other national obliga tions, to maintain unimpaired and unim peached the honor and the faith of the Republic. Xiuth. It is the duty of the national gov ernment to recognize the services of the Federal soldiers and sailors in the contest just closed, by meeting promptly and fully all their just and rightful claims for the services they have rendered the nation, and by exten fing to those of them who have survived, and to the widows and orphans of those who have fallen, the most generous and considerate care. fLoud cheer*.) Tenth. In Andrew Johnson, President of the United States, who in bis great ol fice h :tS proved steadfast to his devotion to the constitution, the laws and interests of his country, unmoved by persecution and undeserved reproach —having faith unas sailable in the people and in the principle of free government —we recognize a chief Magistrate worthy of the nation and equal to the great crisis upon which bis lot is cast ; and we tend to him, in the discharge of his high and responsible duties, our pro found respect and assurance of our cordial and sincere support. The reading of the last resolution elicit ed shouts of applause, which continued for some minutes. Men wared their hats, la dies their handkerchiefs, and the conven tion presented a scene of enthusiasm alto gether indiscribable. The chairman then put the question on the adoption of the resolutions, and the response from the convention was a most earnest and general "aye." The chairman then said : "Those opposed to the adoption of the resolutions will say "noNot a single negative response was heard; and the chairman declared the resolutions unan imously adopted. The result was greeted with a universal cheer, and the band struck up "Hail Columbia." The harmonious action of the convention caused a general hilarity of feeling; and it was some min utes before business could proceed. After the adoption of the resolutions, Colonel Thomas'C. McDonold, of Harris burg, rose and proposed three cheers for Hon. Edgar Cowan. The cheers were given with hearty good will, Mr. Cowan, in acknowledging the com pliment, said: Mr. President, and Gentlemen of the Convention : I claim to be the host of this convention (laughter,) and one of my dis tinguished guests will now address you by virtue of authority unanimously derived from the committee ou Resolutions address; I mean the Hon. Henry J. Raymond.— [Cheers.] The address to the people of the United States, prepared and read to the conven tion by the Hon. Henry J. Raymond, will be given io our paper of next week. ED. A Story on Geary. The Westchester Jeffergonian says : A gentleman w hose word may be implic itly believed, tells us the following charac teristic story on Geary, the negro candi date lor Governor of Pennsylvania. When Geary returned from his Kansas mission, he was taken ill with a fever, not far from Steubenville. A physician was called, to whom Geary said : Doctor, you knbw my life is worth more than those of all the farmers in the vicinity, and so 1 beg that you will discontinue your visits to other patients and give your whole attention ex clusively to me. "My dear sir," replied the physician, " the lives of those farmers are as precious to them as yours is to you. I will give you the attention you need, but I can not neglect the good friends who have entrusted their health to my care. I will do the best I can for all." Some years afterward, the doctor was tell ng the story, and added: '"Now it has turned out that all of those farmers, whose lives were of so little value in the estima tion of Geary, have honestly and faithfully paid me their bills, bat that of the high priced Governor remains unsettled to this day !"' No physician should vote for Geary un til he pays that bill, and no farmer should vote for him under any circumstances. Among the men who are to be im ported into this State to prop the falling fortunes of Gen. Geary, is John A. Logan, of Illinois. In a recent speech in that State Mr. Logau said : If they a>k me, "Are you in favor of mak : 'ig negroes citizens ?"' I say, "Yes I am— I am in favor of all people born here or r tuialized, being citizens, and entitled to the rights and privileges citizens are en title- to." It can thus be seen by this extract that tbe prominent supporters of tho Radical candidate for Governor in this State, are openly advocating negro suffrage. This is te be the issue for the people of Pennsyl vania to decide. Mr. Logan is for negro suffrage, and he is selected to champion General Geary. This commits the Radi cals in this State to negro suffrage and equa ity and the white men not let them shirk the issue. OT Nobody knows Vinnie Ream,(whom the Rump authorized to be paid £ 10,000 for t a statue of Abra ham Lincoln,) as a sculptor, but many know her as a lobby ist. i Democrat] HARVEY SICKLER, Editor. TUNKHANNOCR, PA Wednesdy. August 22, 1866. FOR GOVERNOR, 101. IIISTII CLYMEB. OF BERKS. ~T HE DEMOCRATIC PLATFORM. The Democracy ot Pennsylvania in Convention met, recognizing a crisis in the affairs of the Re public, and esteeming the immediate restoration of the (Joion paramount to all other issues, do re solve : 1. That the States, whereof the people were late ly in rebellion, are entegral parts of the Union, and are entitled to representation in Congress by men duly elected who bear true faith to the Constitution and Laws, and in oder to vindicate the maxim that taxation without representation is tyranny, such representatives should be forthwith admitted. 2. That the faith of the Republic is pledged to the payment of the National debt, and Congress should pass all laws necessary tor that purpose. 3. That we on e obedience to the Constitution of the United States (including the amendment prohib iting slavery,) and under its provisions will accord to those emancipated all their ritrhts of person and property. 4. That each State has the exclusive right to regulate the qualifications of its own electors. 5. That the white race alone is entitled to the con trol of the Government of the Republic, and we are uwilltng to grant to negroes the right t rote g. That the bold enunciation of the principles of the Constitution and the policy of restoration con tained in the recent annual message and freedmen's bareau veto message of President Johnson entitle him to the confidence and support of all who respect the Constitution and love their country. 7" That the nation owes to the brave men of eur armies and navy a debt of lasting gratitude for their heroic ser. ice. in defence of the Constitution and the Union ; and that while we cherish with tender affection the memories of the fallen, we pledge to their widows and orphans the nation's care and protection. 8. That we urge upon Cong-' 3 theduty of equal iziaz the bounties of our soldiers and sailors It is very co'.fidently hoped that the interesting character of the contents of our paper, both of the outside and inside, will more than compensate for any w ant of editorial attention this week. The President Las issued a procla mation declaring the r. bo Lion at an cod in Texas; restoring the writ of habeas corpus; abolishing military rule and restoring that gtatc to the government of its duly elect ed state officials. A Proclamation lias also been issued declaring the Imperial blockade of Mex can ports a nullity. General Geary, the Radical disun ion candidate for Governor, is openly com mitted in favor of negro suffrage ami negro equality. To accomplish this, the constitu tional amendment must be passed to deny our State from making ay distinction on account of color. EST The same men who turned the war for the Union into a war for the negro, arc now putting arms in the bands of the ne groes and goading tliem on to hostilities against the Government, to destroy the Un ion ! For five or six years the Radicals an nounced that it was "disloyal" to speak dis respectfully of the Pn s dent, treason to criticise him, and a c ime deserving of death to oppose the Union. During the war the Radicals pre vented the Democratic soldiers from com ing home to vote, and yet they claim to be the especial friends of soldiers. They like the soldier who is in favor of disunion and oegro equality, but aie the vile slanderers of all who love the Union and support the government! Capitalists arc already discussing the question of contracting with Chinese companies for an immense number of them to cultivate the cotton crop of the South for a number of years, at a much cheaper rate than negro-labor can he ob tained. Soon the rivalry hntween the Chi naman and the negro will commence. £W During the war the Radicals said the Southern States were not out of the Union and never should go out. Now, when the war is over, they say tin y are out, and shall not come back. For five or six years the radicals bold ly proclaimed that any opposition to the President was "disloyalty." At pres ent, they believe that everybody is "disloy al" who don't denounce him. Democrats, ttifc skies are bright!— We never entered on a campaign with bet ter prospects of success. The disunion ne gro party is being crushed beneath the weight of its own enormities, and is broken and divided. Let this encourage us to labor. Be united, be active be vig.lant. "GREAT MORAL IDEAS." —Calling the President of the United States a "dirty dog," and those who agree with him in sustaining the Constitution and the Union, as tCopoer Johnsons." None but the par ty of "great in oral ideas'' could conceive ueh elevating aud liberal epithets. CAN'T Go GKART.—A soldier who had been twice wounded during the war inform ed us on Saturday evening that after hear ing Geary declare in favor of negro suffrage at the Lochiel iron works, he made up his mind to vote for Heigter Clymer. Good.— Hundreds of boys will do the same.— Pat, k Union. What was thought of Geary ten Yeara ago* t A correspondent of the New York Tribune wrote that journal less than ten jers ago from Lawrence, Kansas, showing the estimation in which he was then held by his present friends. What have his admirers of to day to say to it! GOV. GEARY AMD HIS "PEACE." From our Special Correspondent, LAWRF.SCB, K. T., Oct. 13, 1865. J • • * * • * . J Gov. Gear)* is not a Gen. Jackson. He is not, on the other hand, a respectable ty- \ rant, not yet an imbecile. He is merely a politician, and the miserable tool of a mis erable faction which covers up its tyran nies under the cloak of Democracy. He came here not to make peace, but to make it appear that there was peace ; not to put an eid to iniquity, but to cover up iniqui-t ty, so that the smoke of its burning might not ascend to Heaven as an evidence | against the perpetrators of ail these vidians, j Gov. Gearv has indiscreetly boasted that i he had a "Presidential candidate to carry j on his shoulders." Under this impression, i he had an eye single to the precious bur- j den. Proud of this anticipated imperial j weight, the Governor has not for an in— i stant allowed his executive nerve to be ' unsteadied bv the groans of an enslaved young empire. The bleeding ruin of American liberties has been scattered at his feet, and not one manly r publican j throb has stirred his heart to the bold and i thorough action he owes Kansas. All bis j eff. ris have been to bolster and strengthen [ the Pro Slavery party ; hence they remain satisfied with his master; while at the same time he is loud in his protestations and declarations of impartiality, justice, &c. Gov. Geary is either a very dignified man or a veiy pompous one—perhaps a little of both, lie is a profound egotist, and talks about what he is and intends to b<-, in a somewhat ostentations manner.— j Gov. Gearv is a determined man without the capacity to determine on any svste- , matic course. He has an iron will with , out a purpose, his only aim being to carry the aforesaid Presidential candidate safely or. his shoulders, and that is under instruc- j tions. lie has made statements about hav- j ing ten thousand dollars of secret service mom y. He also stated to a company of j Free St ite gentlemen that "there were not two men starting over the prairie, but he , knew where ihev were going." "Yon j have not a secret meeting," lit said, "brit I know what takes place, I almost know your thoughts." If this be all irue the conduct of his omniscient Excellency is still more culpable.— New York Tribune Nov. 1-sf, |Bo 6. Questions for General Geary. The Sold ers' Convention held at Ilar risburg on the Ist of August, proposed the following questions to General Geary, the Disunion candidate for Governor. Will he answer them ? We shalPsee. Are you in favor of negro suffrage in the State of Pennsylvania? Do you endorse the action of Congress in providing for negro suffrage in the Dis trict of Columbia ? , Are you in favor of the amendments to the Constitution which have been submit ted to the States for ratification ? Ate you in favor of admitting to seats in Congress such Representatives from the South as are willing to take the prescribed oath ? III'MRUGOERKY , —The following letter i a fair specimen of "Lottery deceptions," and should be a warning to all those who patronize City institutions of this kind.— We presume the person addressed was not quite so "green" as to send after this valua ble prize. DEPOSITORY OF THE MERCHANTS' AND MANFFACTVRERS' UNITED STOCK CO. No. 556 BROADWAT, T NKAY YORK, July 28, 1866. JNO. CARMAN, TOWANDA, Pa Sir: —Some time since at vour request we sent you a pamphlet containing six tickets. You neglected to send money for same. One of the numbers has drawn a prize valued at one hundred and seventy five dollars, (II 75,00.) Please remit ain't for ticket. #5,00, and inform us by what Express the prize shall be sent Yours Rcsp. J. D. MILLER, PI est., per J. C. We clip the above from the Bradford Aryus, and inform our readers that simi lar letters have been received by persons in this place. Tt is all bogus, and those who send money to anv such concern will only lose it. Look out for patent humbugs, uu dcr various other forms, whereby some stranger promises to give you from two to ten dollars for one. The Radicals denounce Senator Scovel, of New Jersey, as an apostate, and say be cannot be trusted because he was origin ally a Democrat. In md rto make another experiment in that direction they are supporting General Geary for Govern or, who, a short time before he was nomi nated, wrote an affectionate letter to Major Samuel Maguire, in which he -aid he was a "life long Democrat," and intimated that nothing could swerve him from his position. The Radicals who vote for him are evi dently willing to "go it blind." The incense burned in the Chinese Empire in Idol worship is said to cost $450,000,000 annually. The gas wasted bv the radical Ruinpers in Congressional legislation or governing one half of the country to keep the other half from participating in the government, costs ahotit the same amount—the China man wastes no m<>re than we do in idol worship —they invest their stamps for "josh" while we go the nigger. The contest this tall is between those who believe that Union, honesty and the integrity of the white race should be maintained on the one ; and those who are for Disunion, plunder and negro equal j ity ou the other. "Choose ye." Times have Changed. A few short months ago, a large party in the North made the welkin ring with their argument that the Administration is the Government. Times hove changed' A short period ago the same party con tended thai the President was the Govern ment. Times have changed. A brief spell in the past they said that to denounce the President was as great a crime as treason. Times huve changed. A short period ago, Andrew Johnson was proclaimed by these men one of the purest patriots and greatest statesmen that ever lived. Times have changed. A brief spell in the past we were told that the Union was made to be perpetual, and that to prorerve it was worth any sac rifice that could be made. Times huve changed. A short period ago it was proclaimed that the war was waged solely for the perpetua tion of the Union, and when that was ac complished the States were to have all their rights unimpaired. Times have changed. A brief spell in the past the negro was looked upon as an inferior race, unfit for equal social and political lights with the white man. Tunes have changed. A short period ago the republican party denied that its object was to force negro suffrage upon the people. 77 mes have cho nged. A few years in the past we had no enor mous debt, the people were comparatively free from taxation, and everybody was pros perous. Times have changed. A few years ago the Constitution was re spected. our rulers were honest men and patriots, the laws were obeyed, gold and silver was the currency ot the nation, our expenses were light, North and South re garded <ne another as brethren, we did not require the service of a mighty army and navv, and all the people lived in hap piness together. Times haae changed. A few year ago the Abolition leaders were regarded as mischievous men, whose doctrines were entitled to the disapproba tion of every good citizens. Times hive changed: A tew years ago statesmen like Clay and Webster, on the Whig s'd<\ and Benton, Cass, Douglas and Wright, on the Demo cratic, were in Congress, and directed the law making power of the nation. Times have changed, In fact, look in what direction we may, the studious man cannot fail to he impress ed with the astonishing manner in which times have changed. What was once thought evil and dangerous, is now consid ered the perfection of wisdem and public virtue. Wheth- r the change has been for the advantage or disadvantage of the peo ple, we leave for the future to disclose.— Ex. WHAT IS LOYALTY ?—Hon. Edgar Cow an, of Pennsylvania, in a recent speech in the United States Senate, in a reply to a remark of Mr. Wilson, of Massachusetts, in which that catch phrase was the hadmg idea, gives, in the following brief and concise language, bis definition of the terra : "Loval! What is loyal ? What is the meaning of the word? A fellow that votes with you ! That is like the chap defining orthodox - orthodox is the way I believe ; heterodox is the way the other man believes.' Loyal means an abolition ist. Not tarred with that stick is said to W disloyal. Loyalty, Mr. President, is a very simple word. Loyalty means obedi ence 10 the laws. It means legality. Le yabse mean-' law as well as lex meant it. When a man alleges his loyalty to me, I examine his reverence for the Constitution and the laws. Show me a man who disre gards either; show me a man who does tot believe in the Constitution which brought this country to such a pitch ot prosperity for seventy-five years and made us so great a people; s' ow me a man that lays sacreiigious hands upon that instru ment, especially w hen I know that half the time he does not understand it and that he never read a commentary upon it in his life ; show me that man, and I will show yon one that is not loyal. Show nte a man who for himself or his party, would set a foot upon one of Lis country's laws, and he is not loyal." Prisoners of War. In reply to a resolution of the House of Representatives calling upon the Secretary of War forthe number <f prisoners of ei ther side held and that died during the war, he makes the following report; Number of Union prisoners South, 260,940 ; num ber of rebel prisoners North, 200,000; — number of Union prisoners died 22.576; number of rebel prisoners died, 26,643. So then, according to this report of the Secretary of War, it the sufferings and deaths of the Union prisoners in Southern prisons, were the result of special barbarism on the part of prison keepers, for which Were had to suffer, what must have been the extent of brutality on the part of Northern prison keepers, when the suffer ings and deaths of Southern prisoners were so much greater, in proportion to the number of prisoners held. CURIOUS LOVE AFFAIR.—A curious case of love and persecution has eome to light in New York, A man named Rome- i ro fell in love with his son's intended wite, i and in order to many her, sent Romero, Jr., to Cuba. The later was soon after re- ( ported to be dead, and the wedding took place. Subsequently the young man re turned home, when his father caused him to be arrested and put into the lunatic asy lum. The wife has discovered the facts in the case, and secured the release of her! first and perhaps only love, and an inter esting and spicy lawsuit is now said to be very probable, growing out of this exceed ingly romantic aflair, ' Good Hita. The New York Herald, as the Rump Congress WHS about to adjourn took a large number of pictures to perpetuate its re membrance with the people. We re-pro duce a few of them that some of the mem bers of the Radical persuasion in this quar ter mav preserve the likenesses of their friends in minature. Look and read. A PERSONAL JOB.— Congress demands retrenchment in the departments, and rais es the compensation of members to five thousand dollars per session. A CONTEMPTIBLE JOB.— Congress cuts off the bounty to poor soldiers, raises the salary of members to five thousand dollars per annum, and squanders over two hun dred and fifty millions uselessly. A SLY JOB—Congress proposes to fund the National debt and sell surplus gold, al lowing a percentage for the business to out siders, and raises the pay of members to five thousand dollars. A DOWN EAST PKDAGOGI E JOB.—Con gress proposes to establish a bureau ot Ed ucation at a cost of five millions per annum, and increase the pay of members to five thousand dollars per session. CONGRESS. —M anly cuts off the salary of Minister HARVEY, because he w rote a private letter in defense of the President, but increases its own salary, earned on v by abusing the President. CONGRESS is going fo pay itself a high salary for keeping the Union dissolved. CONGRESS votes to pay it>elf more mon ey for remaining in session to legislate, against the people and in favor of Radical office-holdiers. A RHACKING Jolt.—Congress raises the salary of its members t<> five thousand dol lars per session, and compels the (Govern ment to pay the National hanks thirty mil lions per annum in the shape of interest on Government bonds, for the privilege of having Treasury-notes and legal-tenders superseded as currency CONGRESSMEN have evidently made up their minds that they will not he re-eh ctcd, and are stealing all t lie money they car.. A VERV SERIOUS JOB. —With a revenue of over two hundred millions above what is demanded, Congn s- piles on taxation by increasing the tariff and internal revenue tax thirty-eight millions, ami raises tt.e compensation of members to $.3,000 per session. CONGRESS, having robbed the public treasury in every other way, now makes a direct grab at the green-backs by an in crease of salaries. A CHARITY JOB —Congress raises the salary of its members to five thousand dol lars per session and gives sev u mil' i in one lump for another great charity hum bug called the Freedmen's Bureau. A BAB JOB. —Congress raises the com pensation of members to five thousand dol lars per session, and proposes to lend Mex ico thirty millions of dollars, the revenue of that country being collected by French officers to satisfy French claimants. CONGRESS votes to increase its own sal aty, but defeats the Bankrupt Bill, design ed to relieve poor debtors. £*T A short time ago '"General" Geary went to York and was serenaded by a tew of his partisans. Of course, he made a speech and said that all soldiers who would not vote for lom were "Hessians and cow ards." On Thursday last he paid another visit to York County, and male another* speech in which he used the following lan guage: When I look around this assemblage and feel that around me are fellow soldiers who have borne arms with me from the first bat tle of Bull Run, not one or two from a regi ment, as was the case at Harrisburg, a few davs ago, shyster and cowur is, skulkers and hospital bummers—l know swh is the fact, for I have driven them from the army my self. The "Goneral" as a speech-maker is about as efficient as he was a "soldier." lie is continually "putting his foot ioto it." lie had better confine himself to letter writing, iu which branch of polite litera ture lie has earned so much enduring fame. Keep it before the people that in a Committee of Conference, the Rump Con gress, on the day of adjournment, increased their pay about 10U per cent. Five thous and dollars to a Representative and seven thousand dollars to a Senator was not enough for this session. Let the people remember this outrage when they come to vote for legislators. Oh! for a set of men who will legislate tor the good of the COIIN try instead of their own pockets. I bile they very materially cut down the soldiers bounty from the original bill, they nearly doubled their own pay. SHAME! SHAME!! It is a huge swindle, and an enormous crime perpetrated bv the Rump Congress, a set of jobbers and stealers. — Columbia Demo crht. <3"T he Harrisburg Telcgrnph , edited by Hessian, styles the soldiers of Pennsyl vania, "bounty jumpers," "deserters," "ske daadlers,' <fcc. This unwashed, unanoint ed descendant of the "skedadlers" at Tren ton, this bloated beast of a mule-contractor, this vile blood sucker fattening up>>n the "life ot the nation" drawn from the veins of those who perished that theru might remain a Government to pay bim bis salary as Postmaster, dares thus to slander the brav est of the brave! Soldiers! Defenders of the flag! Remember that this infamous editor of this abominable sheet,is the mouth piece of John W. Geary. Jinks says, members of Congress who voted themselves SSOOO a year ought not to be forgiven because the wbiskev, un derthe iuflueuce of which the bill was put tho\ was of the rankest description. . Delegate Election. The Democratic electors of the several Townships in Wyoming County and Tunk hannock Borough, are requested to meet at the several election Districts on Saturday, the 25th inst., b.'tween the hours of two and five o'clock, P. M,, and elect delegates to represent them in County Convention , to he held at Tunkhannock. on Monday, the 27th day of August, 18G5. VIGILANCE COMMITTEES. The following named persons arc chosen as Vigilance committees : Braintrim—A G. Overficld, J. Fox, T. D.Sprißg Clinton,- Lewis Armstrong, A. 0 Utley, M 0 Wall, Eaton.— W. Lee. J AS. B lle, T >hn H irsnan . Exeter.—T. P. Headley, Win. Cor.lbuugh, Ben i Sickler. Fulls— Asher Fit;h, A. B. Fitch, Fuller Sickler Forkston. —Jos 11. Rogers, D. L Vaow J. / Evans. Lemon. —Nathan Ivein, Miles Avery, Lawrence Clouse. Mehoopany—W. Stemples, F. M Vaughn, Wm Milam. Meshoj pen.—E J. Mowry, Michael Coyle. Ju M Kelly. Mwii. oe —Chaun v .Yewbury, E. Lyon, M. Kee ney. North Branch.—Patrick Kinsley, Martin Sann>e, Piniel Collins. Northmorelan d.—Gordon Pike, Levi Hunter, Cal vin ilalleek Nicholson.—Pan .Decker. N, P. Wilcox, W. Os terhout Ovcrtield. -S. B. Buck, M E. Trauger. Meritt Carey. Tunkhannock Boro.—L. C. Conklin, M. W, Dewltt G. S. Tutton, Tunk. Town.hip.--R >bt. Myers, Nathan Billings P. H. Wilsey Washingt an,---J Cook, Jhn Mdhuish, Jas. Dun lap Windham,-—J. G Fasset, C. A, Champin, W Kinsley. ! ItI'LES FOR THE GOVERNMENT OF !>EStOCRATIC CON VENTIONS, &C 1. The Democratic ele-tors of each election dis trict in this county, shall annually, on the last Sat urday in August, meet at the place of holding their General and Township elections, and elect three suit able persons to serve a- a Committee of Vigilance for the ensuing year, whose duty it shall be to su perintend all other meetings of the Democrat elec tors of their district. At the same time and place, shall also he elected two delegates *o the C-uuty Convention, who shall on the following Mon lay. meet at the Court House, i i the Korouj/h of T iiuk it innm k. and after organizing lv el vting ma of tlleir number for a President.and two Secretaries shall proceed to uoiuiuate such Dis trict an I County Officer- as are to be voted for at th- en-uing General Election-—elect Conferen -e for such District officers as hey shall nominate—appoint Delegates to the next State Convention and a Stan ding Committee for the Ceu it v. 3 All County Conventions shall be held with open doors. 4. All camli lates for nomination shall be voted for rira rare ; ard the one receiving a majority of all the votes {wiled, for any office shall lie declared duly nominate !. 5 The Convcntio i shall ket pa journal of all its pre-eeding- which shall he duly published in the Democratic paper or papers of the County ; and any nomination not tna lo a conformity with tho fore o rules shall be declared void, an 1 the vacancy or va cancies so occurring, sh ill be supplied in the tnamier hereinafter provided. g The Stan ling Committee-hall consist of nine Democratic eifzensof the county, who shall hold h i. "i'-e for of .-ar fr in and after the date of '.:o.irele; tion ; an.i u shall be thf ir duty, during that time, to call all County Conventions, Mass and other ii j■ e ings of the party —to fill all vacancies in the Ticket, occasioned either by the declination of nominees, bv aw tnt of conformity to the foregoing rules, or whore the Convention shall have fai ed to make a nomination, and also in case of special el- e tions,where the necessity for doing so occurs after the regular time for holding County Conventions— and to fill vacancies in the Committee of Vigilance, . ccasioned by removal, death, or failure on tho pait of the citizens, to elect them. 7 The Stn>ting Committee shall annually hereaf ter, in inning the c i I for the election of Delegate.® to the Coontv C invention, c iuse a copy of the fore going rules to • e published in connection therewith. 8. These rules may be amended, or new ones add ed thereto by a general meeting of (lIG Democratic c'tizens of the county called for that purpose by the Standing Committee or if the same shall pass two successive County Conventions without amendments and not otherwise. JOIIN JACKSON. Chairman Standing Committee. —-<•*- gjT The following is the first part of the Disunion Kiimp amendment to the Consti tution, advocated by a'l the negro Geary or gans. "A'tide—,Sec. I, All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and sub ject to th* jurisdiction thereof, are citizens Of the United States, and of the State in which they re-ide. No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of the United States. This is a d ad attempt to enforce negro suffraire, denying any State from abridging the atnunities or PRIVILEGES among which is voting for anv person white or black 1— What do you think of it? INSANE NEGROES AT HIE SOUTH.—The sndden transition from slavery to freedom, together with the immense t,amount of suf fering incident thereto, has filled to over flowing the lunatic asylums of the South. A despatch to the Freedmen's Bureau from Gov. Humphrey, of Mississippi, in answer to an inquiry whether lit; could ac commodate any more insane colored peo ple. says all the asylums were full, but that the State would take immediate steps to increase the facilities for providing for as many as possible <>f that unfortunate class. Local anil Personal. Court is now in session— Proceedings will be gi ven next week. Mass Meeting—The Hon. HKISTER CLYMKR, the Hon MONTGOMKHY BLAIR, and other distinguish ed speakers, will address a Mass Meeting to be held at this place, on the 13*h day tf Sept- mber— upon the issue jf the day, full particulars next week. The Lady's Friend for September.—A charming Steel Engraving of a Mother bending over her sleeping Child, adorns the September num ber of this favoiile monthly- The largo sised eolor ed Fashion Plate is as choice and refined as ever.— The other euibelishojents art a 'Summer in Calcu - ta." and engravings of Bonnets, Veils, Promenade Suit, Ball Dress, Collars, Cuffs Gored Dress wi'h Peplum Basque, <lo. The niusio of this number is the '-Valley Furiu Schottiseh." Among the liteiary matter we may mention • llow the Mary Jane Came H m-'." bj Louis® Chandler MouDon ; with Xotioes of Books, Receipts Descriptions of Fashion®* Ac Ac, Price #2,50 a year ; 2 copies Sl-00 ; 9 eopies(and one GRATIS) #l6. Specimen numbers will be sent for 15 cents. Address Deacon A Peterson, 319 TV alnut iireet, Philadelphia,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers